Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 1981, p. 8

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$ Tisacactus.ChrnU., Wsd., Mas. 10,1 Cops asked pay back $600 Tise Halto Poisce commiinhon taoin al- lowed ta meve an overaeotMaotstit y=s bthlia ta nolishe ed oMise probleinspr ticslarly if poice hve anyinig tao-y about Il. Hatotn cops received an etra pay cheque ta lm Cuseofa oclericat errer Ou tise Part OM Holtan region. and the federl gvernm stas ils oh if isat cheqe jeaossped aiead tatai4. 181 tatyonr. Fos-lier investigation revealed isat, hecoone o arosig peyrol plicy, police liadtheen under- peu sixce tise formation MfItalton Itegiots On Jan. I1,094, op util tie test ea yearB, atan isey mese overpaid, accocding ta Hatao Poice Commission chairmon ondl Oahville mayer Oas-sy Brrett. Ais adjotmenl ilI have ta taemode itaise 181 satanies for police, Barrettsitd Fict closa constables buse heen ndepid isy ab-ut $M0 in the first yenss oM r~egiztion and isen overpaid hy oser $M0. Accordsngly, the adjnstment iietata sutract ahout WI)00 Ocm salon.ies tsyos, Mr. iarrett said. Tise plice association box mode nonpublic statomens yet, but psivately, police rsasying there sobeen nooaverpoyesent. Sea Mcers are eensaoying wtan inflation asd terot satms are taises ttaaccount onsdel-L ias ey ere nderpid in the orly yes, 4e poice commission oes isem money. Manor probîemnSF A meeting Miste Hesiti and Socal service t commitee tas been set foc April 7 ta discons a Msostry of Consnsnity and Socta Services te- pas-I on "deficienceo" ai tattan Cenlenniot Manor. Mot of the 142 Ideficiences' lited are OM a minor naure och s theuse oM oodes rampe imed as c oscee arampe for eheelcisair pat- ienta.o Snce the repastvms received, the Mo-tas s ahen strides ta remedy may Mf tie prolem b areax foond iy 4e minittsy. s Sludge testing :: contisntion osdge testing and develop- f ment ai Haltan liegion aill ietauagmenled hy a 0,0Ocamfrot4te 161 liotn Federation oM Agri- c culure and Minists-y of Agricultuire and Food8 granta. i Bois groupe baid asked for a combisied $12065 J grant frc ans otn tao ndestaise Mtistry pc- graine sucis s the fres safety cotisil andl fed- es-tion activities suris as the soi and crop ins- provement assocation oisdfthe Plougismeso association. ConoceillorOsad clement, a memises-of the panming Comittee ateciswuan scuincatg4e grant, suggesi , ofled0.0 4e MOdbitalPortiomaSI an $,000 oM 4e federtias portionnlta used ita sludge studion. This soggestion as included itaise comite recommandation isat tisa region fond the two groupe tea totalrof$12,065l. Grant of $3100 Tisa Otaton Agricltral Adsmory Commiltee will ge lo,1 tcoser budgets-y expenditures during 181, an amount miicis regional coon- ciltors say in a basgain. Tisa HAAC appeas-ed lest Tsesday hefore the1 Panning Committea ta speais on tise fonding se-1 quesled frons Haltan Region comsisting Mfa dele- 1 gatson headed biy Hacld Middleissoois, Bois Merry, and Ed Segesmos-is. HAAC memboca said iiey pan fise cotrolleif lesta Mf slsdga application of as-m fieds ta sS. tom taueficial tie msta ta as5a ntrient. Atthe end of adiscusssionofthea181 ltans O the HAAC, Conoillur Dose LComte a sd the 0,1000i fer tos s an it mould cml ta ring ta "profosiosal" consuting eams 10 study ludge aliton. Cooncillos- andf farmeca agreed 4e cioiceoM the ocd "profesin" as juI as applicable 10 a Oasmer as a consultant, t ms nord tae regson is getiog a wesitisof expertise for onflyS02.16 Counicillorsy budget hiked Tise Oegionsi Adminsîtration and Finnce Commttee ilI recommend adopton of the 1981 buodget.s of tie carman'n office an the coso- clloca hbudget. The 1181 csmlta cao Chairmon Jacktissof-n fice as set ai $6290Wiy tisa committea lest weh and isat wmut also rontinnà50225 Pr monis cas-alloace. Tise Coons-ilos'budgetvmes pegged ai 0215,350 forl1001. pfsom0281,3fOso 100. Aishoogi 4e amount for councilloca o up, il maes pinleif ot tise budget is actonlly 16 pr cent tomas-soan fîct prolected. Tisere's a building e tpe n ns-e fore Hains four hoapitals. Reglonal Healili and, Social Services Cons-r milIce members ap-$ proved capital budgets for fise hospitals test0 week. Dakville-Trafalgarr Memorial Hospital wilI spl end$06.60 x10 o Th od a desigo workfor the proiert le $22 million. According lu the (Ove year forecont provided by the hospilal, con- stroction on tihe project shosld start in 1%2, mises onotiser $7.4 million milI ta sooght rom tihe region. Milton District Hospital proposed tise mo miios plan of the regionol facilitiez, s-eceîving approvol for architectural pions and sketches tinisyesr ta ta followed hy construction of an emuergency mord with pisysiotlserapy, phormacy and lohorato-y fadiities in 1092 and o 40 hed in patient unit in 1%05. Total cost of tise projects ix $4.1 million, mils tise region pottinil op $1.3 million. Orlon Brodey, Hwnpital Administrator, said tise TWO BODY FACIALS FOR *50-00 IREGULAR *35.OO EACH) <OFFEA EXPIRES MAACH 31us$ A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE FOR THE WOMAN WHO EXPECTS ONLY THE VERY BESTI *Faclals Manioaras ~~ 'PmdbuaeasWmhmokeahup for d.ySraumt estiais of $2 milon'fr prelimlnos-y.' Georgetomn and District Hospital recaived opprosot for a $11.6 million project luo dd 50schrometac -raheds oin o-site fas-ilify. lb ii. tattry of Heaith s-ecanlly opprosai tise addfition of tise ieds ta, Hallon andf the huspitl is currsently hldding for a taeilty aises t i oeusd Bsian Polacks, Dis-ados- of Finance foc fise ispilal sauf the advontage of hovtag the ispital uposate the s-ironic cas-e acility could ta foond in sareif expenses soci sanfos- ounds-y and if sishen sesvices. Hattans siara of the total pris-e tag ciiy pto,W6e VsetboasnsdlU 1 E% * fes~Mso mI5 tetets bu b ism osaua = &= P JuliesMWRndd 6eti a Xiee Eýj , blia> I l u is 165asrmlssetr.t4pte o n i osc i Me hmo m m esis ertusle ms We sblun M 9m er AJ40sd sudbo il= Piorida tiing. fsrm sertis if Cs mustia esOte.. rc.e re , q tise Prima Geotnga mers atmo Thse coupie wiso piemed ville, and Wallmsonofm nWM s al Muss- Board Miotter of Canada, tise sui t hie leader of the tise fields logether on John and Mary King o Axilary. Meals on lHon. Pierre Trusdeso os opposition, tise o. Joe thes- Nassagaweva as-rn sacît (simpbellville, Weelsanad the Mlton os-Il as rom te oer- ('lasrk is e 5930s celerated Ttey lat Ieso-shleuIiS lstssct Hospiytal nsas- Gesses-ai Ed Ms-s Knas sbs-sia tias 5Shi wedding an- their respective famiiles Axiliry. Schreyer. Ille memnber of St. olversary Saturdy acqured farma in tise Mr. King, on aider ils Plqns wee pre- Davidsa WMS andaloun an (Mrds 14). Nasuagaeysaa and S.aed' iuc s .te oess d"heOaf the actve memher in thseWA "Fyou efle as couples mre nms-ed ten1801. Csmpbellvlle aie 1947, oee fc MOntarte hy ai Campiselleille. b eff echesold -ei ws Ttsey bhies imespeadsmmsy bottadur- llugWei, wtisuas, hdugtera. Va-us RDa inlsesm rme s mas sever oas sitsot land Joas CeUting, nin e t otslamn bomllgcstrt ù tis oisr" l md Ms-s grsndcltds-es and fMr mitisMe wa5Je - Kn.gs-at-grasdchtltbmn. Tis ecole ales oy o» N Bois mre hors juWfa Altiostise couple i- travelling iliroug ew miles apart te the tus-qd in 1974 frons hirs Canada and the Uited _Mites dstrtctMss. mlxsd fsri stintess States sud are celeheat L Parents Ioaned $5,000 Fift years wed. Marjorie and Walace King celebrated their 50th w ddingaîmiverxary Marcis 14. Tlsey are ahown with rings con- taining thse birtstonen of their children and grandchildrefl. Miton ounia ill Insu M aresofMJ.M. Denytu b"lic Scebol studente $5,ooo no$io,oein aeded rcrarotion ea,àpmadt toeeon erliBl property. btss. Shbela Mcfrtde hd leddt gsent mie. metingabn ta the pases'soumia- tins Miste scisol. Mss. MoBride nted tise p as-sesd ciildrsn1 had rarisd hall f 1 40e $10.100Ibrotgi seO- tivities noci s onfond faims and bot dog day.. Bt ai the generol cons- mittee meeing Mc. McBrde mstld 40e had ioiled downt the mse f the stop signa sud redoceif ipeed lItaits. Ms. Main said a sta- tas- of addifional cisool srssing and slom deta ignbave recestly ieen erectei and ha odd lite lu pt io mors. He sid bo did not thinis isre-may signssmre odvtaoile, ai- Ibongis iemwoulilpatthinc up if so directed by coons-il. Seserol residens spahe durtag lise generai commitime meeting, stat- isg tisey did not espeef mora police enorcement due ta, the carcity f pol- ice aI the present finie For the most part Uey, rejected M. Mafl opea ion excapi for the sug- gestion fbt pas-ing ho elimînaleif on main ast- aries andtaf uh nisssd In a dehole miicb tois more 4000 tan housa sonciltorn Onsally acteif un o motion by Cooncillor Rici Doy ftaI the staff re-tndy traffic-speeding monsures eoclsdtaî thrsee-moy stop signa. F1JRNITIRE SALE BEDROOM SET DublDsernvd Minci, frelo * 1 915 Chut, Double Bid 5 Pae$ 9 KITCHEN SETS 9 -U DINING ROOM SETS $7499u5 Bflet, Hich, Tbe, 4Chais î"m 2 Place Mid Sectional CHESERFIELD SETS $4 0Up BED CHESTERFIELDS $269! PINE BEDROOM SET T.Desser, Hutch MiriorDo Choit 54-60 Canmnvisll Bd' 2 Nsohi Tb.bi $100000~ PINE DINING ROOM Baffet. HaI-h Tabe. 3î4oidchasn 1 A-cChi, compnae itO$12900 G 20" CONSOLE *65900 COLOR TV 3Y.Wm FAMILY M1E 2 DOOR REFRIGERATOR $4390 gaenold $ ta grantoulaiulmtynearta Oa Ocm40 a is aeeacimen Paris Tennis alub. 1961 budgietotrante. Ms-n.McBrde sald uta Il mon bemever nsg- m eudcnauit sis 0e gesled hy Cosaiitor 1B00paranseand ouhestl Jobo m 0.t eenla itlemed the tam. the mlgbst cner alg u-et ould abo the sd pa mtbc is offered. funl sest Zd f- i e mssey oano activtties. il fitcon fOnd suy grant Boka srneent, money mil oubbmsct ls McJhm alhd amout from the lIn been usad toe 0eeit amulint LEASING LQQK 1981 LINCOLN TOWNE COUPE 3 mentis net beule juat Ll07ted 039815 FRAN senior Ciizens mltedFREE .11 pmecUi to o@ifmlly peots. Enjoy our LOW PRICES EVERY DAY! 2% *qu ss MILK *quarts 3 ingle quarts 207 SOS cms. 200 gVARET ogai 1a . BAUMESM7p.m.I THEl @NLY REAL CHOICI FOR HALTON.BURLINOTON on MARCK lth THIS TIME YOU DESERVE A STRONG VOICE INSIDE GOMERMENT AND ONLY FRAN BAIMES - AS YOUR P.C. MEMBER WILL BE ABLE TO SPEAK INSIDE OVEMENT FOR HALTON -B U RLIN GTO N ON MRC! 9tIm FOR ASSISTANCE UN NLT@.BUUJNT@NONVOT1NG DAY VOTE FOR LL8-13 e t t Three-way stop signs studied A s-omprehensise stody inclode Wilson Ave., spaading. Mr. Pliuhisa o ts-affic volume and Wondmward Ave., Cane soid theasolution moald ta speeding prohioms ii Blsd., Hotly' Aves., and greatar police radar ta pnaered Oy Milton Parmstond Cl enforcainent. staf Oeoraln asf of the A Haltan Regionol Pol- Tise residqnta mare iota. Tis tady sa sol ta s-y nîudy 10.1 yeas- sug- ssippos-tive of 40e police eoclude the uce of 40s-ee- a tad tire.-may stop suggestion, aod ahen may stop signa. sigo sdes-to breaui tiP tey appearei fhoBre A groop of residenta the trfs-offi- om sud s-a- cncil agoan, isey mers fcam tisa Ciilde Dr. area dure îpeedisg in the nom again aBsiig for tisree- aperiaforesacouns-home o-es ec tse-e mystop signa. c nlc f0 a ck sas'or os-e many cisilds-en. s tap Ig tah red ta Former Puiei Wors Clos BRoy Moio 40e Chad. Dr-La1rer Director Jo. Pitoiso s-e- preseoted o lengthy s-e- 'Ave sector uf Milta. jected lisis repas-t, saying pos-Ionishe issue. He sid (lIber rodeio question stop signa do oI stop the input on a solution Hospital gets full grant 1

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