~ru1~~O Kindergarten Te. tlling etter han een snt A h educutoîtoficiais and a aunber uf "iatun bard trutee ad Rtiete. l vncal candidaes. Thee bter han tild c ite h.Che. . n tcpe.h MMIw of SI hi ata endut lmt4m 5y-otdnoicelu oiegeaosa I f 1 r u t heao n R e h a n s e l a s tonOM Demeeree*Rosat du Oeesseher it"detvodd /oesid ia o fo r s cSptmber Mt If du lean.- vly adeen ewe. tdu yn u h no~ haae i 1 relly de eet rare cat nt nofdat taad,&tW fotranm1.0ema1havossa in Mgliniand h.d chidren, ILAhmabn Poli. 28. 1ihave a son whevan orn on bMardi ihacoteru1have aivays limac . end rait tanesciion nti ho wan ic.. As tdu dat ahm oon Pol. X "lI now, 1 have omned o te fJates yonre Rat my anger eet- tendlng Eh An ,Sptombr n Nacoocy Shoin Sept. 1NO An t noetan eu oneihp: hec home enti Sept, oaro-nrliler for ecelier por n Nacery Oh At i keophWr home t ilibave valee her tlmesidmine anvweàl anmyfeney fte yoeatewu nNuserOiy Usna. t amnct eeylng dugt Nrsery Ichel vua avate o et or tacwAuanmollA besetimolhovever, Ionrafld ler n NacnoJy Seh"el hiprepac ler ftac Kheiogarton U i r.-oe ler n Naceery Odioni 1 vifl have agonicdoenUMOdufor an peace et Nmrery Sd aucmter vhlrh sie viiihave te attend Kinrgarton. Facrailer prenlin AniRie suliione, I sympathis. Our ddMm ilonvi hohoue stii 9tqRie eme play due rosettese .Neosavion oderation, 1 amn ild h- gic nsu tlgrade one. De our chudron retiy have i ho An 'echol" licm yoa rthe. Rilii ta lur? WUII isnochililin WRlehadt AlunAn isai srne"t llailoout? Funancd gamls or ta durnvan nt otaatly vht i had n minet tac my daoter. 1 amr.. iR HelenHard-Lori, Bacîhifien Tictas, vhon h.liaies RhaA-0R*te systoetreruds wcAR question ireat cunitempt.' Penbepa the smition ta tins pohece nlioeld beh o mcee age imit A gentiom reond, vho hmaoun A th eocatonn opem foe r 25 O r s *emlt o ive t A sto ét ehoas- odingIo bdulratsler And uir *jo.v masy &dol -b.en v Isa A'l- dop si h appae tati lisbero Dosenhorsi/ i,andsomeido oftun ont mersOUOnaveu ster oeopsr et Nursery go",on, ttsnd Kindo- A td "Rla ia perenslinnt ediaMy = aned rmyait-vetdoi ho. is ont untlAFlrser, ae in, Mtremoeegam stedoy du Adr 1lhave monte ies b*h li ne tand hy eRiotglir R- As qsoted in tdu Chamiopn, 010E Stovoonon "ol wt va ir - RibIty ta emn aco aiprevlioco et d legeitilon aru pt onelontip MW UYame "9"y mlpecousstdu province" rut Edeentio At rlng Deseser 31 ot Off). if e fmho tmninonegly, anet it et ae on slder avig in a oeoyer 1Ivoumdlu Wulite hse.vWhopapa dur due Jr. Kintderlen protons t Rat a etiereet t choas Bnlrn-P ton analon? if Ri" An payed tac by PoalRégien fonds, Ilimnhy hmvs"ratoPspcor f"nd."? Wn't onteal breaucrate taie in- suifo hduroemriaed stand u~n 1 aem NO sàScenret,%a asan trson yursxlo:imooand conidr or osiuation. 1, asna ruponiblo, inn peplng rllleen, am apposntetapa, vho hm ave lior hope ta o) éeteet byrop-sIl -, tan palng gâtise, er e simple one pose .xteo teeFo.Utcdefdte, on 1Ideo nt Wto duthiduleA ming tns mch - yt.venasn1vclte du 1have tdu um¶!?fl BUAIEAUCRACY?- m Attoasti 1 have valcesd myoplinoand se' ndu ecrdedelgon. Thmklog yen u ryon efotithé u s e, I r- Main,; Mu. Giny OBien 23 Bron" Street moltn, Ontarin PC presiderit comments Donc Sin:s- 1i rondt ases ontoie 0 em iolg t van Mari Tvain, 1I hotov, vho duherganisatien outil tie letion An celd l'linconl: remrs reacerelng my avec ie stee sciing. desth am re otl nagrae".WII Nor comiet i ver plture loning Rhiofatrcose r=pt bde vmald ran viRtbotmy support(dm*honganme A" nuw avhat i remetiAntdu pancd 1 ondersianet ves radio paper" t neettalèet a rtianpt Rihisierpreistion on cap rond nsesveral pera t liou ed umot dynemir ladpttcieei "reslgee" an Prosidoent o edu Italien.duOntario plition cenemdsring tRie Sacingone P.C. Ansocdation. Te my gonosadur. kcevsied hRcmd elioenlp one oas.-Par roca holng n diarcay, Our igostio n d tRt posromns an r sla tInn boutsnmure cmbatsr hie ove uinoe. W rviitot tiiets) Ras ever Ai the hsle*t oduthermnt con- hoduo asedprnhaly mure tdue cey tr"eonyeuedeedeiduAm tier in the Coonty, (or sheslet 1 ey lete.atduinvhonr pttialmx rmplge olker. lmginehl, ced an envlies inicted, v ndave clariom e nyb T ma id y sons reorteschai 1 in- 1 hope yen deont ted Rie latete, o teeded ited.mfier U lotien. pltiaRy MhansetuAnprinA tsi, liai i 1 =oidee t n epreoaly onmevhat have sever vrillonsa tetier n tduedir trast sedmaetperodty, ts pen n my Idfit esnd fit tek at tdu cempleiln nf my irm an prealdent et misintorprettilon pt on My eve Reotuei etlng in tdu prng, ipersenalfrtnration van ton important doenletaret reliie toe lt my crie ntuhicorrect. de duvnIv ng o amtAtlcould Jx- Selglien, enley tfo ehingeen rAnhn-a Presldeot, position 1 hoghi vwu pertenty vlid. Hihi-Buctn"toP.C. Annclatien. Poter Cotet. LISe DiNatai. and Anne Penie of Holy B gerate Scbnol took second place honore t Glen Eden's Soety Peter Cootet The. contet waa an effort to meke si evon saer sport. Students win ski poster AlliugliRydet mmi d"ma .snO*lve.1Av Uesa DiNatain aed Amntic i, Grade la ehi- dentshi etMilinne Hly voeuveeenptet ttilciet verohn cd Mrflen- nid'. tend vouchers tac Onklirl.e cend tee- rhler TOU t Hnn irl pos te cdr aged mue shuniUmeer cea- irai, ptsced second e.neng 2 Vsente.. Flrst pene nei hi Marlon. ere'nsGrade 8 mma ai Si. Gabicele Soscte Slhi lJa S.caienGrade . «et Assume roads maton viiitakinner nesi ronde An due Timber- ieo ldvielcfortastva- is rod AnPhono Tv, prsl mtvnndtrs, have bissaicempleled hi lie. aphli aed ftense sasfaetrry hy U i»nesesglineeing renoulalni. i FRDtioE-00 060 VAN .LP. 07f00 art contest Sceivtiepesti R u rvewnyn wan i- An aite ini lsrdplcetended hi inreenethe hoceo. studeehi acarenone et 1h etet,sgrned sni, eeiety and Whinm- by duGin d u dce R.he nv Suec Aro, MrDnnaid's and itepoahiiy Cedi.. Long Way Devis. TIhe importance or pro- per ue oa chair lifita emphasized in the third place prize winner from Jack Becians Grade 7 can eat Brcokvlle Public School in Campbellville. Thea Caegdln Champion, Wod., Mu. 11,lgI Conisultanttof0popare %Mln study on sala,', Are flWonsopAndeut 5II5yriý ipn 11a- lnanycuonm1 iini buceacrats bohsg Jn.. on vu t dise ,U u eo hn .pnae baing pold' oalacy ronges e hr oor pl nvy"h Reginnal council vill eglense," ho added addod be spedni 115,00 Mr.Pertîn aded that s o he ad nthe salarîe thi o Mr Pet"oroaid the s Memberso h d department headi the ot a prvte consultant I A minltratlon andfinance chiot adminisitrative --n elgnng otdle comatittee tant vei aP- fmerand tht. onestop cal.tiae wu~ c prvdacati for pro- hein opaimnthssd v"W n îmt ba OT pol romco crn- neddAneinmiest. euiltat" poaon conltleg "Foc yoon newvhedu vlieMayer Harry A si tu hdy dbaadpaiot onAnlie Barrcott" aldaesiler B I ocm e te' o proglen have o O oesinhlinve r- manager. Ibo wan pan- tar.aidIn aafaaedvnti MWdutdtrehiot :e dhya i2-vnte at case'- onnl mancer wftil WvanheLng al td a cli odeedey. gard htheUir SalaIe," .d i tactlot sito ta rpac h cannlMr. Perlnn Ald h. cern- "and va ain ig pnl Aci.i hit nttemeseheon two e duhneodpn Adminertv rrweeieai. si Doni Perln sadit ap- RItv enlhmachhbt-_____________ pascormny et the te, ho sald, istafftmuid A a =alrln-hen pald hy innv exaclly whaceUir Aflfua Italinare ai the A n d elaytsehiard of the gai"acrmunicipal C fnillac"adZ&nd ofticiai. (Oaielille) hld cern- "Mat. satary reoearcl imltletse R oncaald wns dace cllh respect tn env. the cent dfihe stady anc eLtini; alery hvn triclamhacs ni range .. the ioo salery .de il. featuring: raneracDepariniont "Oie ay we de dulngs Hdeand h .CAO. ltue thie An olmply lbnp were jîtcet In eepin gln g or nh wllli th.onry rangesoet=atier,' h. eai aluieccpalAlonho M. Reade "idd dut craie in e reprt. sice emndAappae "IAcanidlcateiyou higlier slr as a Rhat 1 amn tariltar vith d eina" iancra h. salais atfAeganaA ilatmeigRt Solcitors in thie proince actian van helng usud an and Rat my elary n tedue oera uhgu lmuon e ance tdhe w- saaieie opl t et, i t thUe Aost, andsaff. MR. TRUCKER: "Breozin" with Joe Calura SATURDAY, APRIL 4th 9 p.m. ta 1 a.m. Optimist Centre " Lots ot Door Prizes - lnchedlng a Color.TV.1 " Mldslght Buffet TIOKETS - $12.WG par couple and aeneileietniHlson Commanity Credit Union Offices: SpeSemel y. Mlmone Comnly Coiii Unione aIMasgie.17 Wmon Dr. PHTININ ~0t1&UIle 7% Provhd SIT. Ruil 70/oo .700 _,CpetltdtyMtceksi e.aIe wNor r - -, Dominion Windows GORG N iEOWNsl VioACOur Showroo 33GUELPH ST.E. Ron**aofAd<eMosa Seo#.MusfN aeaort.pmneot... SEt u irWod Neoteen.PAntn Wld.. pwrmosenre. ce.Dean mA - sStoes tOirg. &Cc.eem Ngm do eMfmaswaeR t Winnd Woew (Wod orilopi C" notA nes tarnt Loch Sotned Whmuw mmmw~nsu.om M UM uM - Mar M wývL@ peehlnis Feus o' &'t.O WTMU1CREN AND MARDARE Hardware licetoded 37CampaosIn 5u~ saUiNUM STOPRUMIRE SELF STORING 1 %" DOORS HPehingln Fîei O fIU .W w*O8P AT"An EO Wt,' qp CUTfWVM EFULCOSTSI IER UP 70 Ford Crjedit Flnanclng Lited TreOnI for dtII. Milton Drug Mont Milton Mal I~ ~ ~ . _Lts"f rudeèst 878M92 878-Ml1 White Oak Drug Mart White Oak Plaza, Bronte St. 878-9828 878-7071 1 1 ý. ý-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'-.-t--' . -ýl .«l A vailable At: EUsUoy Guardian Drugs 212 Main St. Laurier Dnig Mant 497 Laurier Ave. <meduoasmdo.î Il -- -- -- EASY TRUCKINJ, É. . 1 wim