Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 4

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4 TiCestnOwpeVd.MWt. i1, lm1 ~~&e < Pneîî Otrnp ~~TomtoLUne Ul-3837 ROYVOOWNS HR OWE MIKE HALL EdtPublisher Ademig na RDWI» eed or Ha/toný-.91 Davis for Onitarl The Tirty-Second Ontario Election, while easily not the strongest to bie conteted in yeara and lacking wbat are conaîdered gut issues, doea by the sasme token corne at a time when a aerlous vot- er deciion about the future of Ontario le being caled for by al three major partisa. Premier Bifl Davis bas termed tbe Marcb 19 vote a "watershed election" and that it is-for both hlm and hia party, and for the fate of thse eight million people living in Ontario. The Canadien Champion la making ils deciion tnown on our choice for candidate and party to- day. We feet the electorate ahould know where tis newspaper standa s. a ho, and shnîllss BILD la partty attributebte te Iheir not bavlng come up witb tbe idea firt. If William Davis and is aides are amart enough te tiink of the BILD program, tbey are sart enougb te thlnk of otber Prm grama, and ln fact, tbey have hemn doing Iis ail along. Wbat la offered te Ontario by the Ministr>' of Community and Social Services atone indicatea the depth te wicb the Progressive Conservative Party baa gone te erve al thc peope of Ontario. In ahort, the bet party la the Progresaive Conservativea, tic bet leader la Bil Davis. Liberal PartY offer more time for reftection by Dr. Stuart Smith bas rightty the voter than woutd be avalabte been castigatcd thia election for if Iis newapaper had corne out in ticking te tbe economy, and onty favor of a candidate and party Uic economy. A one-isaue plat- next Wdnesdsy, jut a few bours form doa not a leader make. Il before thc election. showa a teck of flexibillt>' at a time when great flexibilit>' la New DemocraticParty needcd. Perbapa it wll lie asid Dr. Frenkly, Michael Cassmdy is Smmit was wromgly edviscd by 0f Uic rovic f arloqe U"ti wos àOW âis ôta bm té Any potentiel provincial leader pick good advsers and that trans- who decries Uic sateeof 0H11> and ltes itot a teck of eblilty te pick Ibm sates hie would sllow doctors good cabinet mnisters. Uic rigt 10 strike certelnly la 0f Dr. Smith, il bas beco said ha psndcring for votes and playing to la good et flndlng Uic problemas Uic wblms of eny groupa wicb but flot offerng Uic solutions. may ha confronling hlm et Uic This, regrettably for Dr. Smith, lime. aceme truc, and marks hlm as a The only positive message ice man not yet sage enougb te hae have beard here in Halton- Premier. Rurlinglan is Uic four-prongcd Nt>P pltorm on property tax re- Chris Cuter, NDP form, and even Iis is fut of very M.Cte e2 er I n large botes. r ulri 2 er l n A reduction in property tex bas- impressive. He knows is psrty cd on Uic use of Uic tend, not Uic pltform and hie bas made a zoning and asaocieted market remarkeble transition from an value, mekes sense. A fermer outsider four weeka ago, te a working is tend should ha paying candidate who knows lie riding leas than e speculator on the next and Uic local issues as well. concession holding an equat Mr. Cutter, despite is publicly- emount of tend for eventual expresscd conidence, knows lie conversion toae housing sut- will nt win Iis election. He la 001 division. yet well enough known la Halten- But Uic NDP sys il wll reduce Burlington and bie la aaddled wiUi the eduction tex b>' 15 per cent an ineffective leader and hum- and make the difference out Of drum policies. "gencral revenues". Wbàl But e long-standing, NDP- general revenues? Thal ceanty riened regionel councWlor bas meen the provincial tax. Taking il steted Chris Cuter vil "heae f rom anc hend ta give ta Uic force ta ha reckoned wiUhinl five ther! or six yers. " Mark ou words, hie Conservatives William Devis is clearly the on- ly leader af Premier quality con- testing Iis election. He la blemned fora s agging ecanomy, blemed for OHIP, blemed for regional goverfment, blamed for igb tax- ation, blamcd for siding mith Pierre Trudesu on lie con- aitutionel issue. Yet ha la never laudcd, excepl b>' lie PC faitbful, for Uic gresl job ha bas donc for Ontario. One ont>' bas te travel te any aIber pro- vince, r an>' other country for that malter, te flnd ouI jut how lucky me are te Ilve where we do. Thc BILD progrem bas came under beavy fire as bing bll cons&tld f programsansd ftnd already commltcd sud thc other balf te corne fram allier sarcas snobase lb. municlplilles aMfadcralgovernmeut. Watt, if limaPCs kncw f lb. ftn& sud program alneady comn- n*toltli, bmssi modbave the t» U=im Ie exec yet. But la Iis eloction, Uic cand- idate te support is nt Chrie Cul- Ier-st least, not yet. FRan 8nes, PC A hliever in William Davis, a hliever la PC policies, a hliever in Halten-Burlingten, Fran Rei- nes, if electcd, would brng s Tory sun te shine on an ares of the pro- vince so fer ahunned b>' Queen's Park. Mrs. Bines, wbo se reminde Iis newspaper f ons 0f aur favorites, Flore McDonald, could as e gaverament member, do much for Milton sncbase brnglng e specdy resolullon te severel questions auch as Uic indoor swimmmng pool. W rgrt lie Ranes-Paman noi iss ue, wb lmaseul Mrs. Raûinlathe ho ogbl f ng prepsred lih contaitt he diction aven sud abeve what may or me>' nt hbe bt e ishweaof Ibai caWedteêsuelalnnalg WWlle wwondb. ple&Wsol beaConmeaic '-.qrah us at quaalN&aPak vae '"amble One year here -vitb .ANE MULLEit Many if Ihose 1 mutcin le Uclice if Altle 6yesrsileeducalonel instttos reotn otme, before Ive liad s chance lncladisg lhree years et tie type oft mtit- tsylite mirelia I'm fromem fi ali whlch requires e1n cees ime and J's m mi- f Cil leu nte Uclise of vIie caie et onvééliet c inerat or conversation or eeuld Il be thal Roy Demms mWUafimn thlie Ontario 1 toolikea kid lliey may have liai paicd 'Wsehy Newmppers Asocationi can- le off tehre sw. vnilisla 'ornanmd metled te Bob Wlaicver Uic reaso for muai 1 like ta'rotter, heSd of lcrnatiamn ai Cusilegm caithUicmonlpsiiular question ever le bc Colage lin Ktcener Uial ha lid s job »W of fUils aby-faced reprter isof lle open.b slguflrance sow s annom 1 have a Thot faleful cnnion wu p m me uaiby slgnificSfll cesier. quil.s mlar tlte oefe undcd ur sarly Tuesday, March 181M umy sterlng mc mtre stff agaltyer l e wmttme day. Elcmenlary mathin le at Uanlere- Uic presenlatice of tmoin f Uic elahl qired le figre Ive reaelied Uic ose yer amarda colcd thore. mark witi 'Fli Champion. Whca, I cotacied Mfr. Doicieltaifamg Il may noilnmcmile a loeg hstory ana ilement he aed a littte ds csccely ccmpared wlit Ediler Bey tard al my kmmledoeif Mâtos Doa>25 years bore b>1uicheccain le spread only am e fr an Ue icFfUi Whle nil oie if hsloricat 10ut parsonasig- 'rucki Stop. ificasce. 1 reaiember h. and eobus teileag me le ime 1 would elsblishcontacta, gel my omnstalrtes andUiejt pesone msiddcati me te support FranBReMines t Iis 1 mald documietthUemeiiber Of catis I r- election. ceived le My first mocUis bit I dlecaded my nlet havlsg mWsaken iliter as ordlaary bliank i.mccof coffmc staiccd paper. Julan Ree , ibeal He aS smîd 1 wouldmsoie hcomefes Julia Ree , Lierai ir with arent names and certain lie- We ar e cm-ori.cc l.,la is ee. ationma ich1 tbave but1 oitle Uieec«leit not just because hoe will no doubt wln Iis riding, but hacause lie, like William Devis, la Uic clear leader in Iis race. We have always felt Mr. Reed wes Uic rlgbt man wiUi Uic wrong psrty, and Iis we continue te believe. Mr. Reed bas done wbat hie could asean opposition memhar, te brng Uic issues of Halten- Burlingte'h laote eLegisture. He bas not eucceeded wl, but Uhal la not for teck of trying. Be gives us a feeling of con- fidence. He cames acroas as Uic type of persan vo would went representing us et Quenas Park, no malter wbat Uic coter of is political stripe or Ibat of the goveramnent la power. In short, we are edvialng Uic voters te relura Julim e ed. Champion summary I no doubt seemi incengruaus te support ons part>' fer the over- al election sud Uicppeatlon par- ty forthe locaza, bt Uic Pro- gressive Consivah ave by far lie beat pilcihiasd thc besl tatereste of OUMqatlicart- Julien Raid pr11 midM no te ha the conn5li peican lbe la, sud pebapa d&M la the secret of hWIsutecu in 4UIof bavlng Stu- ant Smithsa tands.. ElhIDavis forer icpt*lac Conservatior is educatiori hire iteetun Cammliy mtiones ]>vtion et UshefEh"n BglonatCon- ioevatlieAuborty ta le bmep ate- ahed resldet amare mdcgtntcif loca emvimmcntal as= edus banditsa related le a aershmd Conieration p7EducatileaPrograis are providad for local achSotaileansef- fort le fusler eonamrvattan misded y=ugpcpe dc ny atomunoem le Use mrda i et t aie Dr. F. Kart- rigle, a plamnent cad" con- servationlel, the iapraimcon, ie mervatiln oducation i taafod: "Coservatinaliantd ha taughtina cir achoota riaiUth oeai grade Teachm smdbe dtauutlicoauv*gma aned hw o e Il. tt ti miraOan ll mental tlemtang eporleeeta MWe 1,05 amiecltdren. lims. raghi 1 anecarriedoumaittheMmiabrg Wild-c Ide Cnte, teld faiurinie mt 0et Capiviihare on a t»"co day1 Us matie lyaiuditldres ibuig1 ithcit maennt cea ha board t uie g ogitbU eteplvae steli met- tivIlliés caeut'taedmdro ata le r ichere 1tilit ever divorcetecap f Miltn slaabcdlen my car for Uiome frequent emer- arrtveal UicoffleeiclatertUim15 micaies aBter sveryose aise. Ovor Uic year 1 have toit osly a l1111e eatuiamnmadsumesd mImaireamici wliha leucli mars cynim. i survlved my firsi summer itlUiul a vacation 1but have mmored sot t10 put my- mdot Uiebt&ake ta sycar. My office, deepîte Unmiacli of aciter, mUa halda manch of110liital appcat mcd han acqaired a eSsifrtalie lulier. Il le iccid- enitily onetird Uienaie of my cdiler'n of- fice which han a door bultichen afler close csideralles cee reeliies Uic hiedachon asd heurs haschcd over a typiewriter ichicli go ce le thal comparattvcly promt- igm office, mise moctsaustiMy expeet- limer. le a second question wlh s el- cety fotiows Uic firml mast popidar qacal- les. Ater Uthelegth if my cmploy le re- vemled lai aahcd do 1 lHtemy job. Wfth my firses aigmi4pficasl mnicer of as tha.Ue followicg reply .hmdld secm more occ. Why would 1I hlere if 1 t idait? Puppet shisi beimecnte Ucpappet characlers ced Uic cldren le pruvide an lsatforai if c3sammicaion. "Fidy" Uice'Farey valttre blijn midi prograi by llroducicg Uic chltdren in Uic ares cnd tapie for Uic diy. Masy cececel characleri wnc taha over Uial famffiartce Uic ymmng Participants wiUi tme if tUiconi- servaionmemmgmc. As Uice pippet peeaation pro grescthUicchtdreniniciract ith U cli sthor cm Uey relate Uichecharaers le Uic mory. Thile ctarat resctiie pro- vIda-, a oimy and meaicimes ameourmu saionlicpor Uiche t- doo art olf te ield trip. 'alicg Itroc, mildflomcrm mcd ashemat charades riveat Uiair pm llml, ftmarais amndsinmnler i- fMetu 10piit ait imcr valse ced sudd fer Consecrvation. As Uicheppet pr" mutations corne 10 a cloe me iioif metermani leorca s flUicctdkW le owr a«Wwn o f* One year ago Froteai aroie12llmsuea RCMP offices admit Uic oversight mlrage if 32 pecedm if Colias mari- luto . *.blnoes a slityuletete er dmergd VsA b5ffdimmw Amieleton ta Toronto on the mnedt. lm 5baller emgpoisM -4ilnamd aidbile ile-hamesivAn. Agiteames peleio, qmpuuoid b>'the 0515dm Mi- taetof at Rseces, sndlma(immp- to n e lat MeOctablm 315utee liIte Woman's Placetol yet nonUIer Oite 10becolasrulltymies mma- ationsbar inus ur-dac4M e enmu .. oam Mambors 1*501tha Cvil.alub cif OsvliepoMtiivot 20rpurysersago Prom .'lthM onar chl, l ferbise aiy ee re cd w ctmae t M sc'e arsle t mle oStrcth me 20 lied 0aomoaUc a Fetreitles fMar tos IM lmemad Jusc 2day if ala gfi Sa ebs =ccai A sesmcdbtlcg a. oshtIn frwue prodacers, Parisn UlmEtr- arlees gol off teacterrine itart ile Hsttie c slmnrc blie mcld' Ilaitien are quota le a U4,0mcad Seoretar>' Adu Servcecreplorts aliamd11mquota. i evu=%c vssaiJohnseon bua crssdy nadIm. i te Ucisdgmatrll udcos lie ainmmcod tle Mte Cm"ecti maemid fiil neHwyy 25 muth o, norith msn Miltos Dtirt Ilaeptal directns bctd Udier ansul eet ingletmt mehamd reviemed ac uciidyear of oprattion Duriag ltusthe Wbaiia daittted 1,Mi ptenta lectadisg M n acm chiâdran ccd bd erved 2,M pattante le Mee bbidand hWpOmi iÎtàm by . GT Syer- Comahm te rected tMe publie sbo bacrdm roqimmt for i0Mti for tisa ricns mdngerlperpameroosiet W. t1.tic PuliW cbdCamameltors ay tMe nsud ta mt proce yit. Bettrsd tiUt, resîdet of Miltn for Clmtr at tdliafthrEF. Kart lied hame Pire Oif bifoe.hlm, feus t1e 50 years ago FrOcanU.Miz , messe leMbe hay tormamet forerM tt Cap, ta jlüayn ta10m deaeted Trinct> daif Srsatlby 3te,2, and ste mon by 51a'etvill'atownme mi 2i te . Mte mcnd dtictt man vsitsd b> s H- bourcblitzzard an Satirdy aigt and sac. day bei aamiaSimm Mbe moit per- bnmilsiraualYe.'lucmss le Worth dm»"en01ifdaim tl10 Me rms, anRC mOt beoclit tMe cripuamd iml int- crsamliMe mWey of miter, mbleh le Mi body éeddoe mime of Mehferma. Atet. Patrlek'adance andpresantattas le Milo'& Juntar 01 A. Imsai, mtaao f mhh ilI taie pâm in Ushe o 'eTienfir 3Ihafor $1.0ai Dominion Stores. G. Homard Gray, bariter, of Tronto, us of lHenry Gray, of Teronto, e ariner prIncIpal of MtoteJubIleachaeihbaun eclid a diretor o uCn»e i and Cancei>' Imtance cCmspsny. 75 years ago Prom Uc Mardi an, aselm A targe ettenci Uic pid Imm soep- C ltWX Scellas ressdece,oser te Ge.Fsatiin, mwubuct onl'isdy.Il csqbi frint dry gratembti hanm hes ad on ire ithur etmntlenallyor ibemegli nome carclen mee.r dreppicu a match Murray Caipbell banreewgmd litae i ite naitner ta the SBukif tamiten accopled osi le UMeUlritanBank; whlere ha u u lwmrl ta-day. Gmtleway and Bons, bitchmrn, have huit troubled by rata for ame laie, amidlis- comisgtirsdaof il, Us>' mot No fo i trters acd o ferreitaiut wick .ai mt el oi-i and mada a big kig 49fiUigmoms mCdI l Ym-g radanto. mnn. m n-e, Wter Si. mmetimc unferta cchatdietaimba m Turs- day lut. Su alppmdonsemetlallier yrdand ti, kruldat àsall lie tri er lof mm jnt aovei6mrtmt. Dr. op-oe amâe t»Im ireu d a ta es- sng asncm mi nemcha mapmted Joh bu um t ofe bed =Mt. i59U» inFit1 và> liaIG lm

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