-v ~ ~ - -' -' W 1he~a~ ~anopfe~ ~, Mer. il, lUi A new face at The Champion office this week is that of .0e Anti Smith. a Sherdan College journalism student who is spen- dir¶two weeka wolh the newspaper on a r xeinetraining sesion. Jo Ami arrived Mndy morning, and was put to work right awfay. She waa the onyperson left itheofiet take the front page color photo of the rail of the staff. A resident of Miasiasauga for the paat 10 years1 Jo Amnista26 and single and lives at honie wîth bier parents. SOie graduated froni Ermndale Colleqe witbanbonors BA in Englishi 1978, then a year later grad- uatsd from Uni- veraity of Toronto with an MA in Engliali. She worked last year with AtmeEng o JO ANN SMITHI 5au. , ithe public affairedepartmnent. Laat feU she enrolled i the second year of Sheridans journaliani program, as a direct entry student, hi improve on bier writig skilas. On graduation thia summer, ahe hopes hi work for a weekly newspaper or do magazine writing. She will lbe doing general news, features and photo asigomnenta during lier two weeks at The Champion. Had a nice letter thia week froni Nancy Morley of Ladner, BC who stili enjoya reading The Champion and ceU lleitOer 'old Ontario friand". The mail service bant ean good lately - eherte her Dec. 17 edition did't arrive until FeOi. 27. "Where Ois il been travelling ail Iis lime?,'" ihe wondeci. So do we. Anothar Morley, Ibis ima Nira. George Morley of Milton, is Oeieng Oonored Satur- dyMarch 28 with an open bouse on ber 91hbirtbday. Theaopen houeifroni2 to4 et Grace Anglican Churcli. lis. Morley is well known i Milton and ta living et Pettit House, Halton Cantennial Mener. Ail ber friande are inviled. Sheridan College'o annuel awsrda presentalions in the scbool of appliad science and lecbnology ware made recent- ly in Brampton, and Bruce Barbear of Milton received an eward fro i IBM Canada for euttsnding performance i engineering technology. Theta Tau group meets Big Sister On FWai t h tOe homa trel intda et atitieWa et Fie taltord, Theta Tau floweacitu- ~acaOfe Srorily - eplaead te tabric amd ointe' p- stectali Sarbithol, plias.fil van an inter- iebs te co-ordntng dic- sttg and mnlwulva acter for Oie Big Sistera evaing torsei. Organization in Oakvfiee. TilatTabas be Barb ted a diocsie tet ay, ilOiFebriacy as the lepeeof"Bi Sie- bote aaclFond maoit. tee"andenplaimcml- lany mambera baveaval- aria fer bacotng a "Big mlarad Oiir imeanmd Sisterl' or a "Litli Sis-asrytcnvaam lataer" oilialto caIdonamo tIis caquicad. Cita aoplaimed worihy cause. sma preblami mIandteAine remise op as mnay rewards ievoived AprUl 3 ami 4 te Daffodil le helping a yousg girl weaeked. Taaeta Tau val- lirsigis difficuil imas, mIseers,.on ebaaoftet i ite Fai. le meetig Caadian cancer Sac- mes hld ai Oe home o ialy. mili eildaffodila te Mlacy Fitgerald alithMUltn. Proceeda go te sororly mamsileasc- Oie Society for cncer ci- isg tOuacri af mcking dit- searcci. YSLTUW John Ordar Deoghtiars of the Empire IODE, for the year endiog Dec. 31, 198. iMr. a. Y. agm thuiums fer ber OMM. We ara st getel for Iis and are h se aae i.teoinua ln ibis office fr anslber erm, mhic i eSbe o5w 758h yer wrksg inte counmutlY. Nisa maelins tana averageattedancoft17 mbehr and lies esadveme ieg t le péset.hava hlsu .wae lcemead itestae Order. Il in wilh sorrw emta record Oie passtea et one et eur HnSecaryRegaenla. Miss Asti siaine, tabe wus a beved amd daaiy rupectad member efthOe 6hpe e 4 yeacs. Talebudget te- cluded contributoneta Oie local provincial and nateonal lavail toalltttg $M3. In addiion mec ars. asGuiea s e rasuruest wibas fe foend t sllis Mir. D. Barnard carriad tae standacd et U Rememireece Day service and lt.he reah was piaced se the cetlapi the uaRagen ans d duirvs Wpo e sord etf = .h Kiddietn on A$,ath "gtS.Pauls UnitdCuc audywstetdt hlde'sfashon howfarhg anyogchdenrmto are m digattire frm lcldwhw mrhna a KINSMEN Fertilizor TRUE GREENe fertilizer by CYANAMID 0F CANADA -1044 Wood b Fog 1.0140 lb. iMag.3 bouestor *26 1901 nceaatng dmand 7.60140 oi. ag - 3 bopa for 620 198 tings i esngdradfor service woeis andl tendein Mlon. To support iheseaeclivilisa. ata ore once again offaring me delivor 10 your hoes e iop-ualy teetilizar at s compolitive priva. Pissa fill n lb. allacisedrespiy andl drop i in lise mail. Sandl choque esth oede,or Kinseso miiicoUaect wesn ha dolivaro on Uha westand ef Apef 4th liesatier parmilingi. W. mili dliicar iin ieses ioanderias: De"y - Sreesi - Seesies - Thompeon Rd. .......12-" Foize7.0 paBg- 3tor $20.00 ....0.. -4I Farlilbzer Weed O& Feed $950 - 3 for $2.00 E Enciosed wthl ordsr #..... Monav Orde/Cisaque Signea............................ Addrm . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . PissaisNo ............. RETURN TO: Brion Gildua mULaueierAV*. Millon, ont AU Fume 0TOOE U5EIiN SEIIavcî 980551 mTHE TOWNOf OPMN BINE FOR HATN-BRIG /i ylý Campbellville, Ontario top 190 Milton IODE.s 6th annuael, lsroUn*y c. ID. E. te Cuand dabrSmd. hava eser =tsop an d gardie nJunfr ebt hacis aed ber assstant, lire G Scossaliand ibaic osfr naleoeueannoal pet loch Mafaa The maitien Mrs. J. Sproal have as Mn.T Huielooson. durimg tihe yeer Ail sopper Tise higaiiiht of pricipated o inte car suai dspayed a iey Fasser sassenero. have members have partici- tihe eseosot Oas thse sngacomponedn otareot isansiranofai th iiuoiy rememhared pated intes arcangiog sof Preoaoation0Oite 5M te orgaot by Mes Maie th vert, eranegisa mties mh e ersi, lpeofame for tae geneal si ear pis te Mms. G. F.lad limeE. W.Fosterc rapias prsse mdabalt, or herevmL meetings Md thear a- býe. T. viols. Seveals readisi astributiad IODE lisa s cra dpu, Cba boaumoal ax, chiasepaid Irbte tia l ets caiedacuteacoosass= .ise, Cuam". flr. ilisspasa fer ber nmm lad se E B ibre"ysand mncia 5 en aela Ina. en irlmeabad suertMORNY ofrsetdevstadbtalchyegi OMM.o Mci. G. Goûasian damm m e it et sing ite W ba un m-.euh & mGa5ca TisaGradeaS itudanssof lin. J. blicseaires Oithernaom es . E. W"ilsudaed sr =aisnlmtllottl Bcau WI Dlck icitasi aime ha mmm etd fer D"vb m ejeodacsiea. lier cne-CiriasenasCarol$. rcalvaed IODE pises torte!letuiffrte tednicus naiSprpard atetaOrder amd Mimitsnceas-- n1 wSe as feeeowi Oie aas. Elhbd aiamiab ia.Aethe ltamatyisftces M mitab s lc. M. Mags, Mci.C Fer Laaderaiip, Vichy semnarticles vaiemd ai DreandMun. Ev=ynho"dtia Caperhava F. Tisetiltsid Mci. Gasld and Mika Waters ever $M meeamui tei OeteL s. lme bhebasusitit'aite se A. Iolhias For Gonsel Pssoll« d~elr ralmeit w fu s t oicughu telltya.organisaddmliaschsdaik trfcacTara telr frdnrtis.md aaj-s l Mines Sabaralau a d ocade fa md ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N MaMookr isGmladarnid Nli ieaCgaanm fvored 5us aiiÎ:: s E es=Ze ?md vent Fer Peess rcyndnpa tkdlda-terastittg rasdln. Gaalilc nso, ae- bridgeanLd sua W'akly m Mia Sale- ines tetaMilles, wa are larbtate la cottpanied by Mcs.ILK gamline. Tais ham bout bury. Greabsiemes Flemer amd haveane maey insraslittg Maes. lie. Derrick, a miainsoiurtcaetfv lla eeaaonl GI iap,7 tefantlUri-iand tleted psoaplae incalocter et antiquesdait@, t b nd at o alOi~ ~ ~ ~ h baiintla lt bapdl t le eon th ur area,Iasey te our =g avaabriaf hisisry eof linn dw Royal Hiesa T.l.we tIaIODE se hntr aldaaIne back te Ma dted indte Iiena lOin Wh K ing e." Mci. L lieoAral, WMci Jeleo s s CShae bmtghlt ihber ltae csmmuslly forthl Te inataeers et ina Eclisas Sacrelary, Whain ins roswu- moistngan aaastnmt oet partic in te h ODE swarda prseloed aler tae distribin ofinet te e n Un. lesT boalkitul dadres&mint resl.W a isi ei tae CmmencemntnlEchoas for maies uciissa cav an lihe period et Ihair sigle. aspiclaly iiankil moercisas attha MOitnThin Magasina te ines"naccoaisof thie Ite oler ai ths home Ena Chittbehi tamhi DsrictHilgit5ahool meus ebisa i anlryud lite e 5rnsteof lites D.E. Merlin va rscrdsd scores for i ms felimos: l tofacia ste tMebsnald ciEarmeMff, wara forueate te havaeas Lna raz ict wOiMecommuncatio itlOin Oie second wlfe et Sir ose enssI a an lc. par centlrecatvad Oie Oie Order amd melOi theJoha A. Mfeesld. PmtiuiHo, meha eliber John Milles Cita puleicIan meal AItOihe etfMm. biaband Dr. Ho, rec.illy IODE lcephy ami aw e rd Ms. J. Johnns on. uta syer te May, lie. reluredfesm a yearns fr higtsteanding ite teanescreçseldaE. B. Cismntln, ose mrice te Tawan te Gcade il. balance a Oas f il f etnwsl mner, gava amsicalmissnn. Wi Ll.ulaEbneac mes i 312 te1intaera= mont infrm a:iv ae lldeand cemmelary wne efthOe Tary De s cemi,$5791 tltaaonI eoftwoliesycnam Anti daocrlbod Oier LauriecilisVb uW edocaltinaccoovtlamd te Ghsan a acomae- py Ir m anl ieJ $1i a02.70 te Oie coureoy cellamd arIt ntucirsan m cal assienitfIbis IODEclolecaip awacd. accautl. iet t aa e aSngstali i îdwihle 17 Publie Relaatons md Due Ibani te MUn. J. lva,. e. = C=s temillion paspia. P'rou ecreary Misa C. Johnsn for pesvldisg phooaphy alitas The oottt Rabortson Pffrad yearlny prela tetaiSam aslstie im e beaaty et Chitmsadaceretetnai excaellepa r tbe i afrsemmber heicontry, aaomdinthe Oehome of Mca L See the &mtious &Wagonp At KMUNE FAM&LIVESTOC< EQUIPMENT CLAY SYSTEMS DEALER Dalry - Seef - Homses - Swine - Poultry Forage à Grain Tsi. 416-M-42452 WHERE FARMIERS SI4OP FOR THEIR FARM & LIVESTOCK NEEDS DAIRY Milking Parlours, Gate Stalls, Stanchons, Loose Housing Stalle, CaIf Stalle, Feed Carte, Cow Water Rowls & Foun- tains, Cow Trainers, Straw Choppers, Barn Cleaners, Barn Cleener Chain etc... BEEF SWINE HORSES Cattie Penning, Blocking Chutes, CaIf Creeps, Daco Minerais Feeders, Cattie Qulers, Daco Back Rubber Oil, Hay Feeders, Grain Feeders, BeIt Feeders, Head Gates, Hoof Trimmers, Water Fountains, Weogh Scales etc. Gestation Stalls, Farrowing Crates, Hog Penning, Water BoWla, Water Fountaine, Feeders, Nipples, Weaner Docks, Weigh Scales, Siats etc... Horse Stalls, Stail Grills, Hay Feeders, Water Bowls & Fountains, Foal Feeders, Tread Milis etc... GRAINIFORAGE Grain Cleaners, Elevators, Conveyors, Silo Unloaders etc... FARM Farm Wagons, Hay Et Grain Elevators, Air Compressors, Electric Fencers, Farm Gates, Zero Grazers, etc. New & Used Farm Machinery Q..4 M'es9tuf - igaod fLmat, C0m e Waitatty 1 1 -IL Joinion apiby le- uilly t ola dteltun es mdcOepal ad frOe W lim bele eav rOI Sti"auto Graham Hallitn, y ,,,hiw,,eout to on at theend oai tisoeaooothers saherever tisare is lge we-hn prizes foc Oie yaar necal, w aastreogise Oni weaepraaonladmas easn iehen U taltaiB hold ali.ter Prisa. tiI teliai es dati e au psefsmtirv InteOuand erebbaesand ucre ete os ab hW Of u af=l nis ime m lOUa *«IODE. lte 28ACRES - G. Who nae beorgatomen. Exellent flnanc- l.149.w. el5 10ACRUSAXDUF a ndstraland outaide storage rail- 1ur sida. Oood accean 10401. au par acra 0*IOAO M f BILL KELLY thie BROKE mi" 878-68S Oie -NU mrs. . L.MY mt.