Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 25

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mu ~TW~E..TTY0toi98o~ - '~. r- ~ - -~ -tt<0T~o FLOWER ARRANOING COURSE TABLE TEN~NIS FOR JUNIORS INTERESTED IN CYCLING? ThtProom x6.ath attclatt ot.t. tha lbaatl î a.gtt.tRt, t.as14 Ia RIos i Tabl Tennis laa gatottttoooa oo lay. Eert th oogttt.con0balcotttt ptoooh tttht tportt Th t ho .oitttaîîo otitd lothtthe entsatio ovls at stof ttht coobnationof fot Iantd = = "W»01= = taootttfht.tt.dstttpltlt.Th châtato M .itttttootütd ontht buktl" oltof ply nd t have ito.amploo otntatt ustot. roîîog tetratn.. Tht coist %VIb. appotimlnta$5 .00 prtclaa.ot dt.fraih oott. Ato ttoh cassaPaticipltt 5.0r w sidil nre ttolal t..Tht Parka, bR.ot.atioo Stpartmotototryotg ta detetttoot ifttrtis te nl ttîttt inth ttes ta Mil tabhottluhtRtaoangemtents, ifl heu odetat. LOCATION: 0101PhtFil,2odRfoor, 275SMain St, Eat. finoroa Mlton CyoiRg Asociation. One thould hoavaightottooht bikrtîh gototnhavetottheode- DATES: Fht.y, AprlI3taoMay 29, 1981IotOtlltd AptlI17)Isireta oootditanesof 20ta 30tmils atatod.tateofatpai. PLUAIS NTE. Aptttiml .0tt0Sprtchisfo ft.hot.ttîlIMES: 5.30-7.15 p.Rt. Anootiottestd iooiobog thosgtoup sthonORtct tht Par. & Rooettion Sop.tmttotat 078- FEE 1.00Ipaîton 7211 tot. 49, of colt ic otodet Halohait878-1378. CATNIONG:Lha«ooheAMI 2 ' loota ApSroo. a Phoat30,t1t981ttOtdtRghptgtiSERVICES FOR THE DISABLED COMENCIN .Tftota 1.0t0pit196 opOS 91BADMINTON We'd Uke You To Join I fil 017.00fotEfivluttThspopulet proil ttalows the ploittt. itpoottholrabtîhl, sttattgotnd ootoal lty. Tht tport Th Parkta tnd R.oî.tioo S.pttotciftionswdtotooity of rot.ttion ptogt.o0 ots w 4 tVa r (Apoimltta$5*.0pr clam forafthRvret)laho.tychtfalig thtentooyable in additiont otabig agttvieiof meeS.0tigvrfiand. woto.If Vau, o aoyoo, inyourtfamoîy Ilaphyt:otîoorimental diability, and ouodîlie, LOCATION: Mton Dstrict Hl hSohool t.rR tmars about tooîtaton atc..tovrsalahît on tht cooooo olt1 ot:, Word at 8787211 W M N FT ESDATES W.do.tao Apoil 1tat May 20. 1961 Ot. 48. WOM N' FTNSSTIMES 73-9.0p.m. FIl Bal..L.ooktS 8.10111AnR totRItiOs Rt.tpogttt.-lt tottttdtalgntd t. hl thtlttdfolat FEE: *t2.00pat.oo ~obtàddRSt fle WM.ThutOSf &ttadIng th ptogt.t..0l bt avalottftelittg Offil N.. Gyto altotrivatt hoxoto eta&Il firesturlg thepoitant. PRayaimt sutpi MARCH BREAK PUBLIC SKATING rAtad il balS. vl mtt.oos. DATES: ModtyMtch 23 18taFriday, Mtch27, 1981 LOCATION:I ..M, osaRVatPubli Sc"o OAINS itoMrtolîAoto COMMENCING:I% TftutAlaipt 2,.1981taMay 21, 1981 MENtS FITNESS & EXERCISELCTIN: MiltoSMenlAinten TOME: .00tt.35p . Thspogra.t..MN proolli.il* patcipntwth aol pofi Rtttntolerics etot Otstttl TIMES: 2.15to3.30p.io. doily FU: 18.00 tStrutatmo tth li. hbloittg feetaohm11.the irttootor tMI guidethmthrtough FEE 25 pa persan. PLEAIS NOTE. Qa lil ta 32toparticiptt.ala lu sof waRt-op uttholen. Thtt.mahtdnrof thetcause 01 5.lasamntalof t.Ut.aoal Runolg *toat mutthttvlait Inth gymttttlt811t* grmesin.alo ttompottt.ttiv bophee. R GH O IGLOCATION: MitoDstict Hh Scol fil 110) SPRING AQUATICS-Ernest C. Drury Indoor Pool DATES. Tesxtty. Mach 31 to May 19, 1981t INSTUCTION-Pupil Taining L606)s Thsh he ions«tt critofhtokig tt.ptOo lth moteluilta htMngofbttai TOMES: . S-1.00p.t.. &00_6.3t0 pi3oJol Slraylnlg.Ao4tJol StI. ot tiacoro t otlttg o ftotoo. Tht corse Mil tUh ota Rtlbalo kooxdgt R of 1 ota 3 FE 14.00peron totins pi aJue1 audy onns-Ari aJue1 d.ralaauford ar edlaImm, andcoosplanning. Elptoteritol statletattheolttaa NB FhaxVolarapptopratoîlothitg ino&diRgg5ytothoe. 8.00 0p..- ParettErTot, Pît-Bagitoot 900-9.3 a.t. -Ptt Stootoot, Stginner S.GR-RLLYB LL_.45 p.2t- Ittttottittt900- 9.45t.ot. Pt. JtîSutooaî, Ittriatt Bafg Volot ooks edOMwOtlatot0omt. LDEt OLVBL.307.00 p.tt. - pet otTotSegioot 930.000.o. --Pattl Tot, 8.gitott LOCATION Roary fotA Cattitrooy Ctott COMMENCINO III:ThrolitytApd2,1981ta May 21,1981 Thspol rrtiosil 00haRohht t neclet viytaogett.so tl Utt.ata. ThepIaers RI 6.45-730p.o. -Junio, Senior 9.45 1.0a..-PleJîSuriolJunior TIME 7.3toll30ilbttfaufhtthetbol.lsof playend partliipaisointooyale garnie..The pogaitoofnfor at il 0 7.007.35p.t.-Fte-Btginnet. Bgoo. 10.00 1.3 .o,- Paret & iTot. Pe-Sognner FLEASE NOTE. Clhos eltimltato6tpaticipantLOCATION: W.>1. iok Shot- Hght sooi13Oe.1aDriveo, oto DATES: Mndal Matoh 30taoJu 1,981(camail Apr. 2D iMayRt8) 11 .00- 11.3Ua t. -PaetotTot,.Prt, Stginr LADIESt JAZZNASTICS TMES 7.30-9.30 p.o il .15-2notoo Fia Jîhoui:tl.îhtereitî Ths Ptgtam Ih daagld taIo lotyorft f11..thoogh etotoohamooaRttts, end RutaOo FE 12.00IPtttrs 1.02ril-POBgneei.o dat.otlot.htoeohfailShyhtoayttotahtohaOtotxohtt.hSW NB Plttetta ielym shoeduting thepograR. FEES: PeJi, lAI0h dtonmant of etuoclhtgis gratifr titotRdom en fiohtSROtmuscle..TABLE TENNIS FOR ADULTS Prabo t er$200e. Jutmedi s$16.00ea. Jatt«Caultu. Itconsist o gntelibh. aareWg drta outtoinas.Ths port.nottePol Thhs populesot ior ootagain beat ffamai by th at Etoî.o apttrateTtl tgoooioî col oahbto»a a wax6tipsessio foth morsadvencd articipent. tvehpogaiiott trooeartticipatttth anat andmou ofthetclfasevirl bht ot.ala Tht rumninqatg hor ot6b. pent dolrita. toto omous eaoaoofog tandoMil ahoin inci tadaRot OlaviR. * ADULT INSTRUCTIONE SENIOR CITIZENS SWIM C.rt. omeothdRIlta ilgats obtin poo yor al al.-3 lave*- Novice(full I, LtRtl 1. Lve 2. Thsprota..t J mta fi yo "in end maitaina d tnm levelth. LOCATION: 014 Ftl 2ndRafil 275 Main St. Ett.oStîa,1040ooatotpliooa1 LOCATIN: RaoaitBadwitnPubflc SohotiDATES: Thld ,Apil2 ta My 2, 1961 -a6 tur01g .00 .6.t.so pi 4t ue1 COmM8N 8.G45altItdyaIph.tUttMY0,9t OE: S1.3p.o. * BRONZE MEDALLION/SENIOR RESUSCITATION NS *$16.00 - ., .7.,NB. Prnt a otkttottaVet gym tliOtdotthegam.tt- pt.to-ett. -Senor tRed Cotailed agt 14Oby tstdate PLAE O egissicaartiot a k~8dho 3 ticipial to.tga.MEN'S RECREATIONAL mASKETBALL tahStoda -0.00 . p oosein trngAil4aJu 1 Thh in Rmainglpolaîpotottto.avithploaitsttoaRl thtsportinta recitiotl aime-t $25.00 paon (lustoanuel INTRODUCE VOUR PRE4CHOOLER TO phre..'Thtutoroit pt th paticipat thogh totie vott.drille etat 1htg:toing o PUBLIC SWIMMING BROOKVILI PME-SCHOOL CAMPSELLVILLE PRE-SCHOOL uoit olaaeadtthoni malttu« Mil buformettl solVira proUr t0playiRg .00.0 ertSess o toO 4.tooate PLYNPPLAYSHOP LOCATION: MiltotrittHgh Shoffiigy 124126) Fhtlay. Match13.191-800p.to.-9.00p.m. PISIPDATES ThodayAprl 2toMy 21,1981Saturday. Mlîoh14.1961 CANCOLLES LOCATION: BokoaleCeotrtthCntret LOCATION: Catrtpbn9on CloubIS HaI> TMEE: . 0-1.00p.to.SprIttgBoton. ^QES kbSfB a tt.SR96t AES:Grs & Soy 3ta 5Vete *68 14.00îpatsooordyArl3t ue12 91-80-.0 .m 11ME: .0 &.m.t 1.30 a. M..TIME:.00a.t.oll.35.R..- NB atcpnsa se avoe aporaecohn nldn y h and Satudatt. Apt:i4 to JunR13,1961 -20p.o-3.00p. m. cOMMUNCNO: COMMENCINO: *6ES: 5M fo ohilden 12 Vinb&oodet Tel aTfN.tadoys Mod" & Wtdr4uMy HORSEMANSHIP-YouIth 75C fo thote oR 12lis.of aga. Totlt, Mft3l, 161 Mol aMtch 30, t981 to ha HotoattteipPtogttoi oRn, at. o tof ttios lettoha.: 5teoRg, Rate f a hott.sttable $2.50 Fatly Rat. oma.. taoThuaday. Justeal4. 191 Mooday. JootS, 1961 managemtt. qo:ptoet, luoing taoride a hoît. o futhtî itopeoioa yoî blo id IlîtNB. Ail Aqutt:o Pogato.MIl 5. ancelled OfiotrWeketd. *6E: $W.00to 20 dtffrs E: $W.00 o20 dey LOCATION: Amear StablsY UH[RO.NCNR DATES: Sttodty, May 2taoMay 30,.1961 IfVoU r 3taH18VoR of-IN EanTREiftsnetigitrsin ado paet o FLEA88ENOTE: Asistrc.of ortathlpalt,toooRpttealbfthe timstpu sesion mud be TOMES: 1.3-3,30 p.to. tott afl othrtttae.thontdrap atondtIothe CotreTheOîfopltot:Ibe held aithe Optima; fltraiet Wecht.d In rdr tafinal "progain oprtingR. FEE: $2.00 foth5leonootCnteonCotmmercial Stet. CHILDRENtS DANCE LES8ONS N. Ptlo patttti otdttoateaimlxprncnthe gtrahtinfonto-tTh Stop-In Cnte foattotsan Rt tototal dtop-iofotmat. lloiltaiplottf oppotunt ta R Sp«a close gropgeta otottd fort.Ot.htoIInbelhettRd jazz mtxal. Instuctio toUx. HORSEMANSHIP-Aduît imachies,.music. tale garmeo. tROt, gttspeakrs, andtrips. th goldallttaof th Royal Adottytf Dancing end tht tt.hlR ttaff at. aclOttiveibatof the Thre Millhttoo otstuturts, loaR:g i up t0«t . ort e p Ot:tRRlîiteet:tatuyosangol Co.cuDI.tao TtahmrA»o.otlo. foouoldliktoltotohootoiOtthottt, ofhndetopourritd:gkl-thhispoSaioRi thttoihelp m on ogiR. LOCATION: Mai80Stret Public Sohool fot V0u. Hveei o ho latdw ihyu red n ontigate -rlx DATES: Wdeaadty, Apit t ta MVy2D, t981 LOCATION: AmrSalsSOAIN ptiooitContea-Commercial Steot TOMES: 63 t 730p.o. lttt.ttangetfioot'A iht to t hit. iFeigtl DATES: ThoitdayMay 7 t Jun4, f961 Phoeoio Root NaB. Parntsomarnot afo..ad inte Vindutlog thetpoil o.TOMES: 7.004900p.ti. DTS odytr fd Ffaaaintidal vhch dace yo Mallk foriytorhil.FE: $32.0 for 5 lsuoRtDTSMatîoF: ThfIltcla Mbe an iOtootory wRo.op for evtotoatRotS.30 p.. NB. Paticpataaini ntooviohrtshtthtaheelfoi theclasses. TIMES: 7.00tIo 10.00p. m. PIB *0.001cftild Pel :dcate tattitl tolaRiecRonthtreistratiRon o. F00: No Charge REGISTRATION INFORMATION Attyott. wi.hio to participea Rn eR of the progtRatt ofttt.tt by the Farlua end Recrution by elspooot Patcipants MteV drP Off the COMPLETES REGISTRATIONS in the TWO mail drop foc D.R.tiernet, ahoolli comtpets tht tt0ffatration ta..i end Ror4mtd tl by MAIL 1tRe Mittt Registatos i b. acceptd by the fO RotRO ttftdt: tn t the hRec o Offite - 251 Mait Steet Easi Patktr & Retiott Spr.tirrieRt. 251 Maint Street Eut, P.O. Bot 1006, MILTON, Ontatio 1)8 Mai RtgotioR fottos tcR Pared Rertion OR SpathtRR 191r486 bl Mai Srop -The artmfo rai h.. tote aail box ottxde th. Retoeto oOffic in the tbasstnant of the Tomin Hall, Paticipats have the choto, of MAILING trier registration O Should vor main to tgbsttt for Rmor thon one progtattt for toore thdn otte ptt.ott plit.a otto the Office, ttt dtoppig off the COMPLOTES REGISTRATION Rn the mail drop po- O ONSIDIER uethe ptRited regittion tot asta guite ettd duplicate the ttthttttt inortonon ie11Rgsrtions ftt th SpigRcatrnPodtdae.cpe o is om.fntsr plinRttserof ptptt. Ci Atttt OffieouRRttCOMPLETE ttR'ttatottRybe dopRd off inthe ml Oot oc-lRgttoooIopo t,,:o ,gotRoRtdt RIRR td tth Tomttall intthe ot o rttt. otd battt. At gttations are apttd ona finaltconnufittt.thtd tli1 2) W regrttttlertPat titChaque$tOtll nothtacted. 2) IROORROicin registratowll neRt.tttt the catoROlaIton of any rction program. 31 Pltat.etolo ttgittoR t.. by chaque or tttone otdt tnd moite tl payable to Participantttotîl b doted ofthth y teIophonor ltt. SEFUNDS: RefuRds il onfy be tmtde taaable 0 a Ptogttot la oaooalled, ot tf wrttto TOWNOFMILTON. t)ht tahaque an /or moploatrde sicOety-itn h eitainwl ertf notification laet tt tottkis ptiaot to the coomtttnoetmttt of the ptograto. Ail refundt 4) Paticipants are slly ori00hIorhthf il tdal nd hotltaoveratge are ubt tottanRadministtraton harge of3.00. WHERE TO: Mail Cormolted Regittion to: REGISTRATION Milton Prka &Fereon thROStttt,SEA TO HOWTC) REGISTER: P.O. Boo 1005, MILTON. Ontario, Fo fthertotioaho:.o.dinganSpringPror PIEASE ALL 878-7211 Eot. 480OR Tht Patka tnd Roîirttton S.pattttt rogrett that retations otfll NOT BE ACCEPTES 191'480 48. IMilton Parka & Rcroation DapartMttor PROGRAM Milton Park.i &.Roctmalon Dailartmaint IP.O. Box 1005,.251 Main Straet East P.O. Box 1005, 251 Main Straet EaatLVE IMILTON, Ontario 191T486 87-7211 LEVEL MILTON. Ontario L91458 878-7211 EE PLEASE USE THE FORM FOR 0NE PERSON ONLY. IF ADOtTIONAL FORMS ARE ROQUIRES. PLEASE USE THEO PLEASE USE THE FORM FOR ONE PERSON 091V. IF ASSITIONAI. FORMS ARE REQUIRES, PLOASE USE THE STARTING DATE IPOINTIES FORMS AS A GUISE ANS SUPLICATrE THE NOCESSARY INFORMATION ON A PLAIN SOIEET OF STARTINO SATE IPOINTrES PORMS AS A GUISE ANS SUPLICATE THE NECOSSARty INFORMATION ON A PLAIN SHEOT 0F PAPER. PAPOR. 1 EMUTACCOMPANY THIS FORM. 1 . FEE MUST ACCOMPANY TRIS FORM. LOCATION 2,AFE AYBL MUS TWIO ILO LOCATION I2. AIL FEES PAYABLE TO: TOWN OF MILTON. I3. NO POST SATES CROQUES ACCEPTES. 3. NO POST RATES CHEQUES ACCEPTES. I IE ýMO IPARTICIPANTS AGE IF TIOiPARTICIPANT'S AGE IF ______R1 FROFIEUE NY NAE NDR1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FOROFFCE SE NL AODRESS: TELEPHONE TELEPHONE tRood * UE R(HO E ) DaSte________ StReRtthtd NUMBER: (HOME) (BUS.) - aeReýd *RELATEO PROGRAM INFORMATION FS___________ REAEDRGRMIFOMTINF oootd I _____________________________________F.. Ovcooth Cas (_______)______Chaque_______________ Cash Il) Chaque Iln OrtS leCr. I l I IPLEASE PRINTI I PLEASE PRINTI IPROORAM REGISTRATION FORM OFFICE COPV Ptroottatd B____ PROORAM REGISTRATION FOItM OFFICE COPV Pt.o.attd Bo.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A 1 to ,.St do "Il ,ith -4

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