S-- ~.- ShoppingwdMa11m y ja a i b esatasarsau a service.b Tise. lesl y it PnUa, Worbo I thoansl oe dllasb= saes flda or tisa V inga"tt"se avay by tihe Titan etM6Iian Publie rhumzes ot Miton evry Works Department saisi.a Vror hundreds eserv'o ai-toin the cees rua i " ,,k lilg.îhongùctOniai't Ths vosey cao be wislcause loo<tîngd ifhe', toued le remte arean ot are nt remeve<t. 'A yeara tie Milles Matipakig aga ltn;baegtiae vasf tn pasrlktei tinge ttedisg aitispot be- in tir- are. et tie mail, rasa.tisacaria vara Tiara la apprnssmaiety ie= =aitse iabridgeà sessittin inthe draiin- lali Main fil."1 agit dtes ang tisa front Te TasenoetMilonats a ttie Miliep Mai an Ont- Wrks Deçartnset ban ari S.ritnse. take itaponnitseatttare-1 Dnt expet ta mid moeatise nageted dotar bils ftatieg le tie caris ram saab ptaces. sater. beeaua e utli lbe Tie Public Works disappeleted. Dprmn eienn Ail ye'tl tisd a esMp- apetiaey2 ai ping carte rmLisae ns atr Shopping caris allen righttnse.1 carry mre lises let pr- 'We cal p Zeleri aed 1 chanta Tley carry Loisaws n we ha ave a preblems nencatesi wittihenth et carte heM, M nelix.ilamage te cars. Penses saisi"bt va are1 lacis et parking spaces gina le ave te start andi expenne te, stores. charging lham tee Iheir Loblawî. nsiZeiters. temenal since we aede- Supertan tisier îngi; l an Li, towais1 Presiece are tie taxr ime.' main stres viich etter Wayne Deerboan, Par- shopping carte te lieir sonneel ansi Oprailen ca ts:customer cnv.imenc Ca meWiSfthokaanda 10$t Mtanager etfEnmara, a"s. "t am seaaare of tihe probleona manaelataiseh the caria WUbai lisn oul ofthestore, bal rigisi mit itdoesn't seem tnheohlbi itellers has appronini alely ios hopping carte teerlisair centomara' uaa. Mr. Doeorbon estimaina lise store vouisilmn approttitsataly tva et tise caris par moisis. tise mata roncrn," saisi Me. Doeekses. "This la bacaua tise caria citiabout i$w aci." Me.Donerboon saisi is recaivas about onesalaa wea ei tanpeople viso tinsi caria arounsi or le Iront o et irepaiperty. "lWe viii bave s noe tram tise store picissp tise carl visen va lied eut visera il is," Me. Doaris' sen saisi. Hle aises, "iftappr- islamsievetopa, isen 1lviii bave te iska action. ta tisaDmase antis auria couil t eutounali c 0 the "ae, luit ea" nel lik ta bave lade bis." c Brocis Pr, store Manager tee Lohavo,i 'vliitC', they oinn apcoinialcly 300 cert vortb ti25 apieca ed cpproxlmaatly Metoitansa are tust or saseagasdusai "Wa are trsnate bare becetpaople driva la tisa store ratietiais sentfis rnsany sarrassas- "But tie only intance ta visicis a car ceulsi b. damagasi iy a shopping cari vudeweiss b ixtisera are togh it set." Salis managiers agre tieshospping caria do taise ap parking oacse. "IWe wvcs atioaI Lt catamees veuls i t-g theacaris bac ithtie frot ot tise stase tasteasi et tesvag Uibtntafresi et teir cars, sistce theacarte caetsi calean anobtalet for anyonavlislng tapsWl inle tiai particisiar parkr- ing apaca," M. Doeekan saisi. a usqlaui Of the. stars.. finis stores peM de tisa catemer vus bp le carry th mroci ries ta the Jee Oppandslanil,Stiare Manager etaiSiaer Pro- timsssaali, "va do net mnit caria oui t 9tisa store fer iree resans: '«Iiaa axpasue oflsior damagecicartn e ld endi tise calamar manay ta ,Thre couldba dam aUssi la ca r tra hie caria, - lsay alt a iaisae- sabla parking apaces; "nitie emploa«ea viii carry baga te car or vii pat te is eal carry-eut cart.ia. Io aa servica pravisiasila asi cialamean isy tiestaore." atli" Il lavMy Mye aue i tai ait caria ever lueaie stor." Mr. Meiean expiles that ince there ar ti 1rm ai the hock of the siore ansi a leping parking lai, il w vn invise lats cariate et tisahealors. "ISuparfiave viiicarry yur gaterias nulta yoor carfbr yai, or ynu can gel yor graret dalvarai," saii M. lSopping caria cas ie isad aiatafr andecitisa Mati parking ltiansi an br avay anslnmpaon Rd. Tieshiopping cari yen tltaintisaparking lti codsivery vallisathseonen tisai yen am antetiscis, alongnsie tiesa an nest sei. Storing caria. The Town of Mions Public Works Deparmeni bas laken il upon itself 10 ctsi h p (gltwtr hycnb clleci and keep caria a'ach as these in te iown yard. blown around or damaged in higit winds. Problens cartes. These shoppngcaria are only two othe potentil hasrs ttare presentinthedaingedeitrthualosgOntario t.Fodg aa dalsa probability when tisese caria remain In the dltcb dur- ing the spring thaw. Elizabeth Fry annuel Tise Eizabetht Fry flac- Toronto ElizabethsFry iety, Pa-'llalton Branci.SSceiY. deinuat Meeting viii k.Topir: "The filai blstnlgbai 73otaithe Unitedi )aiona Cengran Comera Gao Buisinagan Prevantiln et Crime 2» - Qumesfit. E., ansi Trealmani et Brampton. Ottansiars belsi ai Car Geast peaker iiik.cran, Vnezuela Ans. Giein ein:an IM. Exerative Diretar et Tise pubie là selcem BA: IN FO Th, Unversity o Waterloo wtil pres- ent threa couses in HatonHilînthis pnngand yue nitd oatend he classes. You can attend the lec tutres tree of charge smply fer per- sonal interesi, or you nsay raglter andi take them for unlveasty credit. Tise Lteratsre of Ontario wll loois t suds weltars as Stephan ecacis, Robertson Devins and IeMrgaret At- wood. EduostiolosaPsycboogy sali! ex- amine the clasaroom factors that in- lcence thte lieciveasess of learning. Family llserapy wil tocias on the un- derstanding and triatment of family prttblems.Lectuares sali be given et the ActonPublic Llbeary, 17 River Street. For more information, ral the public librarlas in Acton (15330)or Georgetown (416-877-2681), or conte ta tise iret meeting ot thte sbjaci that intecesta Tisa Utra$are of Ontauio (Engllsh 215 Z) Mon., 7 - 10 p.m, Api 6 - lune 22 Prot. StanMcMuin ipaanty TleaaY <Socia Work 321R RZ2) Tuas., 7 -10 p.m., April 7 -June 23 Me. AtMon fleosa Elducaiossal PMWceotg (Paychology 212 Z) Thur&., 7 -10 p. m., April 9- lune 25 Mer. Ted De Young Uniiwesity of terI00 Bible studentE n% ist ecit Pattera os shpsevceas gvnn y Tise reglar Satursiy Ms.C. Fan iertane ansi ighl ecabreataIHniy tie lsae c".tvaviens et Centre on Ma. 17van vetLita" viici laelter b allendes i vtb 14 tables an geodorsi ne his.be eosimn play Wnners ils high clan et lite ix shesen iy the 'caremre Etiset Wb, persanese to issijoy ie Ea ( 'tara rire. Mrs Il eerylhisîsetay de. ansi Uu Liîîling. J.C Cn- are alsecys happy la k. ti nnghase. Bell Ituber- chie le co-opaeein de' lar check,. rena Gositellein. îng geesivisalie hnm lspis Fealiesrtasa. nagatine persan is ana g Spcial pines nara nhois hardltuvarknwitises won y Mac Aexander aixcys lseiing forlise t ansi Mril Elliat varsl. ansi ix neer sais- Ai Bihle stosesi George ied ils himnel ar any- te MIcPhee ai Evmmanuel ana ase Th t'illage. Trnto van the A liannisyau ltter vas yr guat speaker a Brisai receivesi rain Ms Brias Unitedi Ciurris an Marrh (reenoos ai Cchrane k foe wîrshp service 1or the casile ral gilI aI Ha deliveresi a ise Chismas ram tise UCW vannage an "lemp- le her sen James. lain*.Ren J. Gitin ansi Tisa Marris meeting et lavily sent a lianis pao BathliUCW van hls in or teiarChrisvas gîftl the chrris atl ns Tie ladies secisies la Wednsissay evenîsevwith inisi a îueisey.seppar t 2 ladies prenant. MsA. k.t0p in lise cisrcis Bll oas peesiianlteeorlise hall an Aprit 10 tickets rnanlisandireasia poaln nl k.avalaiste anly niere is love' Tie vr ran banquet cemistlle HALTON COMMUNITY CRIEDIT UNION Short-term Deposits explains temptation Drumqwin Mes. Baverley Dittea, c misar damostratei àeart et daroratisg aster egge lise kecintas vcy. tshe rassesi htisach aspt- ýenhan a a masog ar message. A large ge vg as decorateas Is svernialther aggs vile the vembers taking part. Ail eeîoyesi liseie- teesting damaostratien. lia meeting clones i vil rayer ansi besediclien aed tenchiWs sseevesi by Ms. t. McMilan. teverat ram Balisai ares attansdasithse veals Day et Prayor ai Hileeant se Marris . Mes. J. Plisaitt vanbCey lady tor tisa peagrant ansi vemisees ram atttaise cisrries-SI. ftepisans, Hieesi. Betislan cd Omegh ltok part. Me. La Verne lerLaughitis as orgaxiot ansi 0ev. J. Gritin sang Inn sins arcompasyina himssît an lthe gitar. Tise guasi speaker itou vle.1 Iis Young lady le bandirappasi hy M5 asdi mait me a visl critale Mrs. ison spoeona-br iinaso ced base she capes nis bar saiy routina e ber home aed carng tor bar seven year aidsons. Site abois a receptios- nis te an atire,.tshe empisnasidtint peope n eea cbars Maire te ive assnottel as pssible ansi k. acceptesi tee tisemeeîves. lier mess- age wscslie trelyt iasi- tel for pog einsait, tane 1oi arcepi oar lot ielies, acrepi help gacioaly visesn nediqlansifilomi n.agdW tau res grarioanly. Mrs. Dixn -'vas tbanisasifteelier isa taIs. Tisa prayer terira bcd ibeau villes isy 1he saliva Indiesomes et Amerira. Tise servic e nt yaar viii ie hals i etSt. Stepiestaansi tiehep lady viii k. ram Omagis. Atermo es tancd ceniies seea ervesi iy ladies af Hirest. À ;mw-." Ljfqb Freedom 0of cholce ln education should be addressed by the candidates ln thls eleclori. Elght provinces ln Canada provide funding for independent and alternative schools. Ontario doses fot. Parents ofthe 75,000 chiidoenattending independent schools ln 1h18 province wonder when the govmment wili give them their share of the tati dollar How your candidates vlew this Issue le a gond barometer of their Intent 10 serve the people of Ontaro with talmess and senstlvty. The following provinces support lndependefit and alternative Schools:. BrWtsh Coumba, Aberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Qusboc, Nowfoundland, RE.I. and Nova Scotia. How about it Ontario? CDNSTUTUENCY MEETING SPONSORED BV TH4E GEORGETOWN DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MARCH 12, 1981 AT 8 P.M. Auaddm of "du g.etown DIsbIt SvIsmS»"O rufigarIlod <moroseflunmsmloklu Is) ATTENTION CITIZENS of IIALTON Have you ever wisbed that YOU coud do &Osnetblug ta beli our deeighttul Seior Citizen& experlemce a better lifeatyle? THtIS COULD BE YOUK ClIANCEI The residents of Maton M5anor ln Milton very badly require brght, suniny new quartera lot an arts andi crafts workshop. Our governi ment(s) provide the best of care for these citîzens in terms of health. foodi andi services, however budget constraints do flot allova appropriate accommodation for artistic endeavours. The Women's Auxiliary to the lialton J5anor has made many generous contribu- tions to this operation through the years and once again they have declded to mecd a neeci. THE HALIOIl MAIOR WOMEIt4flAIXILIAIiY AN'D TUE MILTONI KIWAI'IS jCLUIS preatis A MAJOR AIJCTIOIl of nae rrchandlsr. services. coectables. vorkse ot art. aa icrcas ... I'RIDAY. APRBIL Srd. IIALTON MPAIIOR j ~AUCTIOIIZZEI MR. ClIRIS SCHOIJ1ZNI Wr lInite 011W HELP n ihis worihsehlle cause. In Addition to Saleabie Items, CASHI DON~ATION~S Wiii Be Weicomedl Send to P.O. Box 262, Milton, L9T 4N19. * Ail Items Wili Be Picked Up0 TO MAKE A DONlATION,. Please Cail The KIWANI'ES HOT LINES: Days -9a.m. to 5p.mn. Evgs.-6 p.m. to 9p.mn. 878-8474 878-9771 or 878-6397 We wilL be happy to hear frorn youl Thank oul aton Manor Womcn'e Auxilimry lUwamis Club ofiMilton 30 Days 15¼4% Rates Subjecita Change Mmn- Hiis.NUB- 44 Mai StE. 273seanfiS effl1a Aon 17 MsO»n De. 80 Main St. N. -1