Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 12

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q3 0s.c'v.io c.u moi. il, lot Telephone service given$ an upgradingÏ liJaasouio a atutono altio til, t a iec nnÈtoeadndlnafinl Conoil menthern lut WÎeinaidy agreed la =Phoepoleittheeglnocombine them. 'l'h.poblern wuttith0e rogion el tnn y se, ccordiag la everl rpot,= a Iitoe long lime requfred for clleI a hom reml what was feait ecessive tusy oignale.a Bell Cnada ntaff were aned Inlavtigat he problemu d uhnttd jtrt ala $5,00 lade qpnn a ilunh ud h. renlad frmm te Vont cmmuncatioonp- ly) and te addition of a net. nYtem allol drec diallag to pat-icular departments. 01e recommendation included movotg te currentlcosole from lbe lobby of lb. rogional hedqatenIn a tecltolddnpotw ite opralor wol rnlhune to fonction an receptiont ai well. Committee memberu pproved te addtion of four runk MtIn thie current tlePhono Yecom on well asnu second console and operator, tioth In b located in the lobby. Some prssure 011 .ltiof th ie operalorn bylol ngnlg= Zariouand a drela pot-t igariudtrltentd officea. Bi-monthly pay for Halton staff Rogional employea« hauhtng in te Ioifht of an etra pay cheque evet'y 11 ye-rcan forget I. Haltons Adminitration and Finance Con- nutIOn. rorommended and rounil approved a change tonte regonal payroll methnd thal 0111 prevenlnsurb prohiemin nthe!utore. Concern ovr tepayroll ny8et-n ep0oed by th. region rocbed a crnin Ue iluorevaled 00.1 lOallan'n 2e4 policemen lied recelved on ex' tri pay choueihs0year. leavi' te rgon w a ,000 Odefict. Accrdnalate nt.ytem, salared employen il h pid twice a mont, on te tenh adtwonty-fifth days. la a rrt In the commttee Actn Chiet Admiistrative Offcer Dni Perlin aid lb. ucyrll tynlte lit abd been emPloyed b.d a 11mw taI moutintan10etra pay evry Il years. Hexpiano lta hen employeosare pad 20 timnaes r, oddyn are accumulated anti f- tril1 year hey amountlate, netra pay. Courior Gord Reade wasled tOn tnote by te currenl systec wosn ot being adJuted la prevenl tino particular problein "raltoer thon rorlag t.e boat 0100 a dratir change iko "il would ho ery difficult for th.treg"ooIn mabe a mitahe 0100 a neu syOM0LhIM&M .1r Penln expained. Ho added tai a report con h.enpected mom detailing o final solution la the etra pay given policemen. 'Wo are otil oping for an amiable solution la that prelem," honsaid Mayor says story was incorrect Burtinglan Mayor Roly Bird han dm101 ho lamhated" other councilor for ipending ton morti t. xpenooMOney. Mayor Bird prodncod a transcript of te Adminstration and Finance Committee tere the $M,61910 in OWcouncil oxpennen was diocitea- ed. He taid ho did fot "limbast' the oher mon- bers of Regional Council on was nlated in the Haomilon Spectaor. lite meeting wu o ild tha1 every cent of ex- pauesnhod emu nouched for and non money had been calmed tha1 wai not oed in the courue of officiaIluines. Sewer show live A remoto OlevuSio yOn t. 0111 hotravering Hallon Regionnouwers Inafind out whero probletno are and how they con ho fiaed. ovr the pat tuo yearn 0ere has eu con- cern about o largo numehofnibreahagon and othr probleens related to clogging. The tlevîtion tystee, thich con eove aloog the sewr flor 0111 piopoint tere ony probleen lies n asuil cao ho een, uorkern tiliho able n kow what 10 do in correct any probleots found. IransoVidoo Inspecton Ltd., of narligl, ba heen given a $315 pr onit Pr otohl-hooSr day cntract. 0 li Wh ti th, slocieai servk*o Aftc ahoeit i Oa îooenhouashemu set i ont8 gwidelînensoietby oh Healtand Social Donoitine- A labof0111différent goncishad ippaired betore the commitIai ,ehlng holp for a athora or projecla rm rt4 addictiolaociale panning groupa Prit-o the aioon beiag hel&. membrsuo te committe had amount uofftiiding i11 t 12 pet- cent more tItan that given ont 1010M. lie final figure lut- beneflttng ogonchos tfoloulng the discussions ons $M04M for $0,445 ai 00.n the maximum Iz per cent would have alouit. Tetatlang 10 new.and pecinl prolecsail*4,0 and the gpont On hooning aisitance set et $132 te latal budget comlag from the cammitie. lft- approval on Mat-ch 18 aI coneule*4$M,4"0.lila belou the gtddeflne igure 01f800,377. linuevor. the coin- NI wui in 00001à recommande& 0 Millan Cnmnillor rid (lernnto ad ho Sud theN conidered firt were traiteti, pochops, moret lnnly thon 9M" à b.lng wnsitdwud at n ond of1the day. Acting COdef Admilnstrative Offleor1 Donmin Perin nid bh. wuoddoline le a chaf t1 yaiterday'a dctssion,i and ev oter on or lui llanos, adaill ro0 n the commttieêreSmm- inondation la councliby Mat-cil18. Absen this year fonm the tin1of101UMM rop and agenclesseeing fi sca isoltancewun Slvollon Ariny. Lut yea th 0e "oVallon Armyteontded ilfonding oron tough il b.d oobed for asisnince 20 pot- cent leun thon was given 10 10f. ite Salvation Artiy evon appeaaed lutl Yeur direc tlaIalen Itoglotta Coonil but uere 00010 denit uhben ild cmm- mlttee detltinsuere ceaittirit final. No officiai reasort uso given for the Salvatian or."a I.egonao de i..=ndlglliyeat- whîrti rocevod fooding lot year. ibe follouang lUt govon the e uc ufth0e 100, ubit wu coo- monduti by 0Un con- miatw asti bit 'ohe receved 010000.e12 pff effect. Alcol amd Dtug Addiction Pro-oam *3,84, $5,443. Auaiotn far Mon- tdyi Retard.d-Burllttg- AsMniatien for Mon- tally Retartist - Oak- ville: $21,0, 00,1il, $18,180, C0,M. Aicition for Metn- tally Belrded-Nw*-0 Hwon: $D',,$232, $12M,*1072. Canadian Notional gtaitll ut- or.the BI $1,100; *,00, $1,100, $Il=8. 1 CRadion montai i Hea100 Asociatio- "Let managers mariai is Regional budget th vife: No reqmSet lait yoar, $5,000 $2,10, B guidelîno dofln ol pply Canadien Mental Heal00 Aaiiiatioo- t Ontarl: n roquutwui mate lent ymluonMWo for, roquat oml guWdilnaidoiDg Canaias Rit Act u -tt Servicea udr.: $14,015, oahuila Ct-lais (Cenre: Telocore nrmt $700*$10, *$MI Pa oabilla Coonmoniy Vondallm Cmmàtwo: *,0, *$11,0,*1,0 Ctmter-Ait COteA- lUte.. No roquait tait year, *0(,,11,, gudeinai do ot ap Humas RelaiE. inaliig: 14M,000O,0 *15,700, $18,0 Family Srvicaio 01 ge' .tlohtl,, more bos- Aflr sacenlg 0ef ta-8 pamrnoto t ericsho eld, uould fil of ngtiatetiai§=e )o.aifornrrlweuPlanning mdnt@ o-tttadOnt'8 Halionocouncillot-t are admnistration budget homlylaym a mnaouersdtd geting 0er chances lao u refor put-haud iProm us taueonlg00 aredwse the roqueats la eu ronto the reginal fietilse viceo sd otyangdd rglWe00. budget. saliai. ofc ln gi h Inlaaddition tlathe lOombers of the Plan- Mr.t-Mohtmito- 5e medeeex'al pscerllnrvics poctia, ning and Public Wrlu plaioed thal the la', qttt-~. othaet&colatah0e budget Committeea tub 00helrcreaiiag uorb load of the M. Mhammtedit ere matie lto.con- torn rerantty. removing dparment requred inidgetWe $121,0W for famrencead convention MO»0,0 rom, combidtitres more staff panolle onch aela nintance. alouascai, staff train- budlgets o $7 million. beyond t00.12 thal ae an ylng mnh ofiIlteuIng, due ait member- In a speecht ltIho 0111crronliy employit. If made neceaioy hy of gNshi aond &Pec"a ibely have n repet la theistaff L netisrasitficisi plan referala r. projecs hnda. ai reglonat commiftm, budiges for overttme asdtih0eagt0Ot lttty Publice woha Drector Acing Chie!Admin- pat tumesalaries unulti and t Fe t = lattBob Mooretachit rom- itratve Officer Demnie have la h. hike,). ctid h.smaler il8seule- mittale membre dgu Petlin sat!te goal ofth0e Toos. dm e.utenmonein er. tgotialti. *15s,0 frmieHbudget IOdgettiIEg p- .bas 0Win cau regionool lt.- l"Hitever, thin 10 uebat rqeof o6*.1 .0100 heen la budget for idmIt- payer aon extra *1,0 10k 110111 cot l tu - eavng atotal of 5. mil- lfied need, sot la go ou net yeat- Thie totltu-potly distend the lon. and croate neis" etted nary bll for the honid Amongotbsr changeet, "I rot ait heP. mil depariment l10 *8000 Coutttttlte membrs Mr.Moore onughJthe0 e preparfetoielaudeteit Peorb eipabaitbd the generai appronch Elizabeth Brouin 1 btlisraifhant i fn- loao Ontopreparag the pt-ent a plane recilal onmoammttte. budget vu la 'lit the Wedoady, Mat-ch 10 aI 'hl. hoUainlglaecel managestmange" 7.30 p.m..in0he Ernest C. burne rthe ara g T'hat min, ho wld, brut-y Sc"ool atoll-budt- fertiUnpuhor that roiller thon requit-- tnt-u..Sh it e 8 .oit 100,0 taeas paloestte ing each departmtenl la hy Ania licAItor of 000 w a tMSfonb. stickltoa a pecifir amototî Compheliie, on pthe leanO f rl inoench ino of the budget, truiopet. mngrs uould be ai- MineBt-n w 11 grad- A ftod for s« loteit mmte latitude ote fronm Que,Utni- projeta ubdhch or within gerai area», but nraty on May 30 ait d.flnodoapcal atdios tenuld not behowhinuitatei recelve br Bachelot-for 11111'.1 te- eceidth0e budgett o u icDWeen lapin. di5citfro. *35,0 la amoonl of pecflc fane. petrmance. Sho 1in0w - 03,0. ions. da ULof r ulr. W. L. Coeacillor Tort-yMan- "Uthasdamo loppy Brau od 00e lais e v. ueil Oabvilie)snid h. bugeti nd l' go W. l'on roun ut .EpoOtOeli ebugimof ig" ' commonieti Minae licAlister io tingSlcy fond ilat0 buti- BallaOtan Coutonclior tudylag performance t gaI "buti 0010n00ope la Vrn Conseil. University of TorffSola ELIAEIO BROa ab,." Hs teeings tere achit ep by Mlon Councilior Btad Cie- aa moelowho at-ued that THIS TUMIE, LET'S GIVE changes tlathe budget ao e lit e ppoe buJ IALTON-BURLUNGTON ge eet orclpl- icy. A SUKUNG VOUCE Ploning Direclar Rash Mohammd as ISDE G V RIIN the firt of the depart- ment htuda la defend hae budget uhich Committee MRAN SAINES... membera celtfrot IV uenobi o boes n *04, lao*84,0 nshm soinvaveinthuinessan MRAN SAINES... . t Ieati out sno rs , o rme ra FRAN AINES... laboes, aoo-asdieaton sodhoua vital patothf ue pla inuof Ontaro. MRAN SAINES... . . ii rcaie a 8soM ok noth un end noolonof as votea inthe Rideta. FRAN SANES... . a.. lami b fféinta hv ofinog f o nomon the IMIIIIaiI othe,.iighittr ON MARCIl 19 VO TEFOR 8-IMES GET INVOLVED IN FRAN'S CAMPAIGNI FOR FURTMER INFORMATION OR A LAWN SIGN, CALL 87&-1131 loon 000*0 BueuI 1,00l 1,W liq Br 10 fi B. Pl l 1,00 $120 ion Helpiol Hands:3Î Iaton Conuner $M,234, $47.478, $41,543, ait 01*3,300 WN ' =-VPiècea L #4:Oa w, lac.00,41m' 00,61«»1 . P ace Ui - eeci $3,0, 17,10, $*1800 1760, *31,MI0,$2,700, c«III400, $14,800, ,n. 87»0, $,100. St John Ambulance- 0Mg rothmi 18.010 orllngton: $2,70.,and Ditict: *3,, $,, $,7, 3034. 4,00, 4,00,*006 St. John Ambulance- thvlafi r0s dl"o; $MI00, 800 00, Th.d iraI ime requait l4. for*4,Oowaoeqtldat St. John Ambulance- $S,80. )avfle: $5w.00,*000*0.0 Oullgtno Youth M. ediemo 104 jWoain Social PluntinO 31,1,5,30,$18,414. bmucil*Ibufiittino C.nl y Yult wud $e 7,8 ui M616 $,W Socle oNelmYouihCentre lanng Counil: $6,M0, $7t3, $7 ,130, 11lA, $2 ,764, $11,W04, $73M80. 112,W4. Youth Seevicu Net- Nrth lWonln Socia work: *0,700, $U18e, Pl oningCouncil: ibis $10,, *10,W0. Mané1sela No riak of aunburn or wrtnkhffg Flrst Visit FREE aMake '.p for dey or avealag *od S.Facial 878-9711 - mttothy teesut-e Auanory: ea48,4; aervices of Haltu- Ibis *46,. 40. *,0 licol lime requeut for Wondvleew Clildceo's $10,0 uao accepleat ICentre; $1,000,02,74, $»0. *1,0, *1,120. Bllon Lm âSShsrdm yu00 Asioian: Thait Aadtài:No TUet Uz or *1 IM 000 w. $4M.l" M nldme to announce thfe opmning of her *practic lnM Famity Medicine 89MAIN UT. E. SUITE No. 1 MILTON, ONTARIO t.Mu.iOst. q.wU Rra ui. po.n. oa..n. _d -t.t.di nu ine ,aa.a.i n u" entO t ,,vpan Werb end mîaat t taee t...eet.. mita moma-Vaum teeord. M0 mt $3- 878-3000I4itea.touetaos Help keep the promise of Ontario. Elect a Davis government. Ontario is t-ch in ptomise. We have the people the resout-Ces the intiative and the vîîalîly 10 make Ontario the envy of the world Btfptomises donol lulillI hem- selves To buid the future oe need nI rengîh and leadership. Premier Bili Davis has demoinstaed Ihatlieadership He has htiowfl Ihal he nos the undet- standing and the vision la ident ify the prorities in Ontario s future and f0 lake the vgorous action noodd o1 capîtlilze on lhemn The Davis Governmonts flot B I1L-D plaonis a coIIpthonsive oconomic program dooîgnnd f0 stimulato the economy. create lobs and bo realîze Onlaros fuure polential The B 1 L D programn provîdos lort he fOcnssat-y planning Oand assistance la Cr0010 growtîSin al the folowng t-08î 0f actinîly. ennrgy indopendence. dnveîop- ment of rosources. încîoding farmîng and foreslry industry human rosources. wîlh noon onphasis on training lot- lkilIOd and professional empîoymenl ltransportation and communications Ioutiîm eoery aspect of Onarions economîc Ie And Ihe SIt LD. program s backod by the solid performance of IheDavîs goverfimenl in economic aclindties which hase creaîed neno Ontario lobs ai the average raIe of 100.000 pet- year lort he lasI ion years Ontario needs the slrenglh and enperî- eficeo f Premier Bill Davis as ils leader. On Mat-Ch 19th yoo wîll have y0ut- chance 10 nupport the B 1 L D pnogram, 10 keep the ptomise of Ontat-io Ihrough yout- support of your Davis candidate On March l9th, elect your Davis candidate. Vote Progressive Conservative. /I C FRA N BA INES Your P.C. candidate ln HaitonDeBIrIfingtof 'I 1 I-mf 1- ln the sowial waeuionRi i7l

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