a1 Chamber presidfent becomesinvolved Coatlnsslg lheu momentue. Recently elected Milton Chamber of Commerce preaident BUt Mercer hope. bo carry on the momentean generated by hia aucceasor John Ritchie. As chamber president Mr. Mercer plana la become more involved ine the community und evoke some changea in the operations of the chamber. Five fres Iu hi. monly reportlthi Miltou Coneil, Fiee Chief Jiot Coulsue said! his me esupuded ifine freue durleg Jauuuy. byJane Nagie El)! Mers, te .w Pruaidet out Mltuu Chumbe ufCo.mmeree, leels he Sunsamelleing tee The 35-year-eld fermcer vicepesident wue eue claimed au presideul ut lieu Chambrs Fubruary meeting. Hueunid hie new posiilaloe eway 1 eau cuntribulu IR gruwlle iu the eummuully hy ulug oexriunceuand back- "I wiuled hi lecume iuvolvud iu lieu cum- muully, and I Ihinie 1 haveusomethiug ioffe."1 Au accesutaul, hiu backgeouud iucludua le yeare membeeehip hi lieu CelllSud Geneseal Aceeuluule Asoeiatiun uf Outariu. He bau beeu a bard mumber of tIbl uegaulualiuu iele IWO aud Ihis eyaur wmie md Vice-Prualdeul. Mr. Meers objetive us Clambeur preuiduutlsh 10 coutiuue hu mom- enuuot elaeud hy Puel Preideul eohu Rilcie uud ley lunheiu bu- iueseee lgelhur for i eul muluaul heil. The luher eof Imu est- ulished hie Maie Si. office iu 1975 and hecamu a chueuher member ai chut ime. 'Milton louleed liCe Il Sud a lut of puluullal,e eaid Mr. Mercur, a Cape David Estrin Environmental& Municipal Planning Law Bretn unative, ralaed aud edeuatsd lu Toronto. Thelew umpresideudlah lull of ideae lu e le chamber, Sut utel he cen desc ' lheIt eler meeebers, no. oleps a Se laben le. fui itihie aspirations. "I hope lu carry ouI a drive lihi yearhi i- creeue meineheep," bu saud. "if wue auicreaea mer uncume miteul sigulficanuliy hricr lg memherehip tees lieee euh bu fuds for ad- dlllonal projeuh." Mr. Mrcer w mlti meiehip lu cuusldur two nmullu a moulle iu- stead eofo», a bawnu ofa'e the year awaed whlcb could bu dvided lto tue or theee categories. and ote chumber ey-as lei Appointment VT Milieu&ud Milieu Rugieuui 12oaucior Bead Clemeulu bas heuu"?- E MalIen Ageulteral Advlauey Cammliee. AC00)DA on Your Net Cr from e- j *eS Take advantage oftour other'Off Season' savinges and install a Carrier Add-on Heat Pump or Central Air Conditioning. Add-uu Huai Pump Cul yaur heuteegost bycapturng heaîtum She air uutduurs and' pumpeng it etduueu wtha Carrier Heat Pump In sumeR.tSe eut pump reveses tckeep Vaut home cool aRd COmturlable. tri additeon tlu Se Curriert FuetoV ReSale, the Federul Goverement ml saheedeze 5% out ur instullation coule foir Vour Seat pamp ap tuu mmummufEli- pruuedng the Seul pump suces 50-1 oft Voua Rurmal cîl cuvuampteun il s ail part ufthSe nutionaul effort lu, conserve or ci esoaees Central Aie Condieeoneng LoVg range weaeueetcass sugesan exeesSeeelV hot somereeforlu1951 Tuke uduaveage of Carries Sprevg ReSales on ie consdeeeeeeeeg ueeisflueuand speeedveeV sume inCe CO V o ll ofi *Oiecet FaclorV RVSate se thc Total Carrier Commet t eOlel eech nlades Heal upemVreCenltralAir CuneSieieeig. Gas Fureaee Eieitaeei Aie Cleceveand Humeiiier Offer available until March 13th. 1981. To qualify for Carrier rebate, equepment must be ieetalluil and paid for by Junee15, 981 -11dYLOR- HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ITO. 845-2202 Sipeclai h97,9 layito ltor GordKranIt gve ecfllgl o ntI at a récent mneetn 0f Mlo oni a1-ear-old KrlstiLve nopgilte e Hlton ir o. e eetlon Conitteposte co niad l-year-old Mar'kGriffin who received honorable mention. The winnera, botte reuiients lf Milton, wre given crtificatea of acknowledgement f romn the towee iINFORMION SOLO E2CUJ$Vmvaat5A.YmL SALES OFPIC I r Vou cant late a shower 1n the money you save heatiof vour Type ofHe GslrHae lcrcaeHeatr water with gas But with natural gan, you can have an almost continuous & Amount of 54.4 Gallons 54.A Gallons supply of hol mater for showers, the dishwasher. the washing Water Heated machine and the kitchen and balhroom and laundry sints. And you can ent" or boy yoor gas water healer from Union Gas. Tîmefor ise empIf Union Gas heats your home, we ought lo be healing your water. of9O'F 1 hr. 48 mnins. 5 hrs. 34 mins. *Aveeeeeee yeecUnineeeeeesnee'eee Cal vour local Union Gas office. Whaicm«m m d bimdly gu do f«eeyoatoday? Based on independent lests. k~ fI f R -0 "ým eýýým STAU ma-mt-m"