Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 8

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ThCeZ n4 9MW&,Mr.4 I EBE AAN AN FRAN A F R Am VOTFFAN RRAN BAINES Halton starts budget talks ise 181itet del eqaesta fer Haltes Raglenal esetacilers, te ctarmans attftee, te eltef adinterative nfitrer, andthie clark wll hae dis' ousseti MardhilI. Actng Chatf Administrative Ifficer Dennis Prin bau airaady tedicateti cusclltrs il prniahty net hae getting a rase te 1981, bal thal ca haie hangeti mite ieAdtinistrates and Finance Cammillea meeta MardhIl1. Au tee lia Actng Cleef Aimistratinve(fficer (ACAQi, te sslary fr iis jetb probaitly van sel vian tae cemmitea an Watinsdayeflcistiy patseet a $ilt pr yack aisry iserease retrace- ina ta lest Septeilir ta crrent ACAO hennin Fr al intents and prpeses, Mr. Pris han tacs CAO snsectheatart of teinaw year bt lhais st especet a en asueth ie psiion unal ane ime tim mac, subjecit tisai enei confirmation. Mr. Pris biadlias s ameditsmntetapast tiaring te fiat mach ut Mareh in s ratent meeting wbeca tae appintent van trangitt mt dissenion iy semaeneneniltrs mli thengiti applicantsabsituti bave bacs itarniamat fr tae Renovations at the Manor Hltas Cntannial Manr Atiniistratar tacki Ciartan ban becs tld ta ge aheatiandi maha ma- jor revatiens, ta tae itcetaaras, titan andine metta et aiting. Set tjaclearification of finanete, te $189,65es cat ite resevatien ad upradise tend service oeraliona viii ieM0perecent fundati ity taeOtarioeGoernetnt. M. Ciartan said tae mrk ouId iegis as son as Mareit 31 if Haltan tan prevîda te camaining 50 percenofltecctuofrenvatisu. HAAC names 1981 executive Harold Middlabeeak ban bacs ra-elacleti Chair- mansouthlit Hattan Agricalural Adinry Cein- mîllac IHAAC) forî1981 Nerm i ggrvaa erletd vice-eitaicmnas. Oter mantiers fr 1961 are: Ed Sgsmeelt, Bi Trasmit, SaitMary, SilAlilen, Art Smîvman, Daris MeNaiti, (George ird, Jits Reid, Peter Scascit, and Hency Stanley. Miltonanad Regienal Ceslileor Scad Claments as thaltes Cenci rapreetaive ta the HAAC mtit Rgiesal Planning Iiepartent staff memiter BS aiÎtecta ing as a liaisnsta tae Kilbride water said sufficient A tudy et aaitaitta mal ater indicates ftrc ter rsidentiai dvepiast may lie pssiblein tae Kiliride ares. Hydrlsgy Cnsultanta Lusiteti mre hteat iy Hattan eies ta de a iydregcaiegieel study et thebeitet ieesuse Sarlingtan s ecenidring ap- plications forbilingiaomes in tearea. Whlie te stady shws ia Kilbrid tic lf t ie msy li a "daleriralies utfte ceaical queti- ly .. if actuel ater reneumptian appraciti te calculteti rqiraicat" iis is nt ap- picaitte toarseau ntaîde lia beendarias etfte hamlt. If limas mre lt eay ram Kibrida. tae ceport cenladen reidantiat davepinenisi seliheiy te baveana impact un tae qulitly and quentily ut grouadmatera viliaite ta aiting The reprt is sev ta li circuilaed ta intrastati parties steintants cen li rtursed mtin 45 Public meeting A puitlie meeting iSl li ield te, csidansaof tae Timlirtea Sconte Meeius aratapresasl eey grianancen or pcuittamn 10 Mittan Cunscit. Miltas Planner Bob The Miltar Zadauyi said te public meeting mmtid li elti Ln the merchanîso CasntlCiaiars Marci tot their Mante'C 9 ai .30 pm.Vaur suppc liMa public itareg wmlii praceda te noserna general caînitilee meeting. A winalng team. Milton Fail Fair Queen Elame Whte ta ictureli beide a dlsplay that captured second prize at the Ontario Association of Agrlctural Societimeonvention re- cently. The Milton Fair Board la maklng preparationa now for Septembers fair that wifl include a thrîli show. Sludge report recommends Iandfilling, storage tanks A reprt an mialta odu aboutlscaeasistige ta Hallen s s uggestlig neme ou t il l"de- atrati" asti matie ito cakesmwiititcas li put te garage dumpa. The creatian et senti- sliti "stetige cakes" le use ufthlita recomn- mandtionietn e Sünme Engineering raport aiwte le mntrs etfte Ragiesal Public Wrle Csmmitla tnt mk. Tite $24,000 audy as temmissieneti Aug. 15, la7a anti at cempletati fr Halles jueltaera Cirintas. Tita repart noes tlaI tae Surlingles Skyway aavagc plant, sacetflita largesi et Hauns sin sctit acilitîes, tassaI rea lunstga affetielay engitforrilita lie etiau fertiliser as farmastnint tae regise. lTe reprt iggested nmage. centrifuges ha asadtta Ilacer dram valt e ofniatige in 2775cet Sarliaglenso se iaktaes alrage can s i aep ta ite coreet Mst sitable landtillin ra site. Hallenc lTae reprt ntes tat a Tite rep redittitea etfe8parcest shnld mouedianetie U tote itiyes gel tae amecit etfte end oet beatty metal-cadai- lTe1 ent-aut oe thlie te cu Surlingten ladge if l mnldt atot metl provncisl aid rqp gidatinas fr acceptable ing ta standards. alter beatty mmtd mtais iscluda tPepr Mille, anti zint. teerget If te cakes mre mateient ActaI in Srintgl. te reprt lTse stleteitetr fine sem- stadyal age plants inHRaltan,vit talaka neceenary allersttnse of liquic and impeevamant ceaid aulage prstiece siudge miicit prchai aCCeptable fr frlliler Decision today (Cotinueetfinmg. 1) anti reprt bakt lacour atmnle lodey. Terry OCnnor etfIOak- vile, Mc. Saines' retre- sestativeanasfotaner Halles MS, tlad lie tert tera as ne cnsepirats le prevnsi efitimaeepar- ly memiars tcom neinf t te suminatoncovn tien. Thaconvntinîs ati le bc moe aseati afler e quiet leties cati by Premier Bill Devin. Ha pitati sut Mes. Setees bas aiceatiy spani $18,000 us licr cempaiga anti bac cemnilti irsecif ta a furlitar $7,000. Il vili t he cBalles PC emeraline 12tisys ta lise up e secosndnin- ation conetion, if MIs Curian raquent for an ijanctise te upitlt, Mc. OConnor atitiat. Mean- mhitle, bie saiti. M. Pan- mes appears cotentnt ita tae resat astils support- in&4-igrs. ainas anti mrklag ita ber. Mr. Ceda lamyer Atany Kaithta llttae courttae Halles PC eeuine bat se anr- cineti tait play mitas il cama e liaherigitta ut tac eligibia nters. litnta mit percitasati mamiacitipa iti Imwo maesufthli Fcb. convention mre net alioeet te. Thetcotecase sts a preretiant te Casadias plilies, miara a memiar et e pliica parts ha tilatiaavril againsela titi- ig canidtate oetht party, fr unait ng proeetires durlsg a nomination convention. Osa af the 400 'diseanraertaiu" PC mambinte eHattn- Sarlingtan ridteg, Nifrs. Cerriabati percitaset ber mamliccitip tvo ayin l atinancaeofthelita a-att data. t Lions Club wîsh ta express their thanks ta, of Milton and district who donated prizs Caria Night an February 71h. port and generosity is certainly appreciated. anjuile, il states ti nter sstidga etabaksmade of e shititi ha blt loegic locations is 1 clse to antlaati. spart naggesle tva esr mita 13 by ltae lishe castary. repart esttntates ut fer aacit tank bc about $1i5,O Maira aid apgrati- »sevaga plants ceaI tsSi, 00 fer $1i7,Wo int etame, anti $147,0 Stnttac alutiga las calle asHalles ýcemplete castrai aidn luigatcake eto tahie extesl et sing npeeisl nehities wotid li pros- nure ludge tanks au sladge cnld hbe meti set avenly miti tatnkat trucle eqalpped club floalaties typatiras viticit mmld i tnt pal ruts in tae field. liseraise alan lise ander- standisa Halles meld previda maslleqctni ladlele nlerms oftae contenl t fcotamninants aid pllcilg ta kaep =lage frai aite doiticlns frai vled- ing ap as Halles fields vlisanltlal eg testeti fr teir aboutcaIs and heavy imatais. Public Wrin Cent- millea baus gread iaa slaff recommandtiin te repart ha studieti ai lie tafef lavai aid e- lurseti it cmmenta ram te staff and ater Examplas f spatial agendas mitis asdays on Bines ... Bal er mmeaip "At irt I aniai nty van rle i nali by te $3 mnS.hbp manay riteng's erautina, mli baci. Balttes 1 igaroti tai tmwan nel taraetiiny auklng forlte mey, moes engitby Peemnai I ant roofly alvlng tampagrer ite prblai -, DR.ARIA T HEALEMD. *announceherM FAMILY MEDICNPRffCnEM MOPEI Phono 876-11151 HALTON COMMUNMT CREDIT UNION Short-term Deposts 30ODays 15¼ Rates Subject to Change MSI.n - NdbsnHlà- 44 Main St. E. 273 Qusen S. 8754155Actnn 17 WlaaîDr. 8*Main lt N. 8784M 8774 oakvUe- 338 Kerr St 844OM Mmsihoe0tuls, -rasti Dapeals hasflaanomd s 5U I VVRL mru sm fa M-9w im w TH1E CHILIR'S AID SOCIE1YOF 111 IEIOIALMUCIPAU!Y 0 HRLIN cordially invite you and your friands to attend Ihe ANNUAL MEETING lo be heid on WEINESDAY, MMRCM il, lui ut 8 Pi. n the AUIITSIIU1M - MILTON SENTEIIIAL MAIS. 185 OsseselsSwoos, (Hnay. 25) huit"s, onsue Q UEST SPEAKER C Me. Michael Oaeuitvich Esecutive Director, Management information & Evatuation Branch, Ministry of Community & Social Services, Province of Ontario Tapie: Planning far Chien s EVERTONE WELGSME Mr. Mllke Whyte, Mni. Marilyn Mligan, Preaidant. Seeretary. Re&ele>ct LEADERSHIP ANTite queation of Leadiershtip bas arien. inadaquectes of Regional Governient? la JU L IA N ogetiterr 10 figitî iajor tiecisions b Governienl? 1tait Leatiershtip to refuse la ite n sses pablicaily? la teLeader- si opana an Environmenîai Assena. metAtanti titan tata all epa 10 avoit Leadrshi mus notbe cnfeder' sitip invoven atmitling penn mistaten anti corecting tair: Leaderaship menus te application of croalive thintinti. Leader- sitip mas senoling goals for tae retera- lion of Cntari's economy in titis decatie anti aciivingtlitns. Leadieritip means recogaizinti Onarios place in Canada anti anterslantingtlitI e itave a reaponsi- biity 10 te rut ofte country an mou ac 10 oursaivas. Tite Onario Liboral Party na proparedt 10provite tie tint of leader- siip. INFORMATION OR VOTER ASSSTANCE, CALL... .-aum ;z ACTON - M34M30 SIJUNOTON - 33515 OE0OWN OVM- M74170 M5.TO#d - 070.11 BROOKVILLE VETERINARY CLINIC Announcos thte future opening of our second chinic in Georgetown on May lSth, 1981 Locateti 178 Guelph 8"ree (acrm sfrom McDOeea'#J w:, Fou ilow dis tRom wim an ew«d'. $UNS Umm M Pair took tmm a" Md wu lu a dWiay ý= for varjou ::mhWednwt Ontario g e Association of Ami, p - - - ... ... -113 .999 Milton Mall 8786770 1 - ï ý --- . .. 1111 - - - ..- 1 ý - -- -- ý - ---. - - - - -.- du il wlns atI n i0 gI Peardaewl Cuturat SOrC ties Cvn- uidet ay torthie annuel ventîo ast ueek in 'or- taitlair Sept. 25 to 27 asd enta. inctudeti in the plans wttl lse tiuapaY. featarl e h irili site. catislatursaoetVarians wisBaes. ni len- fair avents, wussntis e-dn alrî~s s uant macoar Mle ofn ta = reckifer letrge sdsy and wo endtiprise l flI asnprl e Ils categary. Holtprsdnniie Its mIn ms dutisfnt tl eri tinte tise Isc taboard Mfr.lteath said a batiecevot s i~Z ers demeltllnndnrby hansien dlstsy.tty.lis lird boas boakedâasis titis centitteti gahat u pefer te ttwda etier aitfur atria. evenlng, but a hersa Elaise White, Milon hmbas iascanceltod fImm FaIl Fair Quea, mwu an tlis chedaule oetmeokend band it rseent te aats. Parking ratio set A sew standard fer bal fine spacea. visiter parking eI fuuras1fr. 7Zastanyl caiti by itatalsg deveispiattin catlisj5bock onssennteni mili ha sal t aI .25 Spacealtenticaplsg and par i,à eftllcalaet lier anties, il han ccttdntiss.tt. tiesennsible toasdd an Miton Planne Bab addltesai 1t visiter 7.adail Iai th ie Parking 5Pece5. preblea came ta light litI catteat a stldy ta mietalere mu a cent- be tiseon te nomntfr p=snt fraim ttattan parking inte lev. fr. mneintiumantNe. a5 Zastisyl sali tise lAr.talstrg itentesaid Mlnisfry of Itettins rateo il waarepeeledldseealy of 2.5sposispar unit mua visiter parking lot bati probably tee Iigit. 1

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