4 1puaumchssopaê..aldcc4, 1*1 it itilabîanO ëamiion Phono 792341 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTMER MIKE HALL Edicor Publsher Adeig aae NA E OEEEE AD E. -L. eO 11- P--4j6E . .E E ClO-To AN.GER..E EE EEEEEa O,. o "E o FF, E CE oh-O -1 MIN&F, R.I B- E- g S-e E E EEE EOE EE EEE Pu ý «flýI- .ý ULh W S-E ,M . h1,LTI7T. - ý S ý EE - 2 . « $ Q . - Em 0ý E- N OME E , a c --------ow Light in the tunnel Mnny editoriain in The Can lte devlopers vewed an holding adian Champion over the past out, wth one exception, have neven yeara started with the hope corne to termn with the an end was in sight 10 creating an homeowners. 1,100 ocra indutrial park here, In fnct, April 13 han bean set asO only to have those hopen danhed the date Milton Council intends 10 within a week or two. hold a public meeting and bring But Iis ime il eems there in Amandment 7 mbt law. Neediena the very real pooibility Milton to nay a tremendous amount of could corne t command one of the presnure in going 10 be applied bo largust, new indutrial parka in te at, reluctant developer, but Ontario and have il located on ai- we feel the other developers in- mont ideal trade routs, clone t10 volved will corne 1t teir com- centres of commerce. raden rucue so no more delayo Officiala Plan Amendment No. will ha encoointared. 7, as the 1,100 acres north of High- In facl, if this doe. not happen, way 401 from about Fourtit Line in Council folly inlenda 10, rezone the aat 1 Firnl Lina in the wul in part of the park bock 10 an agri- known, han been through a laby- cuturai uaage and slart the pro- rinth of claimn, counlerclai.mn, cens all over again, thon kiling and convoluted law nuits and any hopea the developera mighl ltreatn of law nuils. hava of bringing the park 10 fruit- The croix of the creation of Ihin ion. indoitrial park han been a de- Everyone'n hope. are up, aihail mand the developers in lte area reluclantly, Ihal the Millon-High- must boiy out homeownern living way 401 Indoitrial Park in going in the area hafore the developers 10 hean realily. Il means a huge in- are allowed 10 Cke conîrol of the flux of industrial ansensment dol- acreaga. lar and jobs in a lown where jobs The progrenn of the buyoutslsa are needed. bean checkerad and fraugitl wilh This ime, we cant have ail our conlrovaray. But now il appearn hopen danhed. Recreationa) While tee wooldn'l wanl 10 seS eyeryooe hopping on the baud- wagon, Milon naemn 10have foond a method of helping smail groupa provide recreational up- grading Ibal neemn 10 work. Lant year the Kinsmen Park Tannin Club tendared for and aS allowed 10 have the courts resur- faced with the town providing the fundn. The money lent tean paid hack in four intallments, much 10 tha satisfaction of everyone in- volved. This year the tennis club wante 10 repeal the lonn-tandering arrangement 10 buld a perm- anent nhelter for the court mon- itor. The club would have the shel- ter but and pay back the lown in installments. The J.M. Denyen Com- moiniciation Association needn $5000 10 supply f ull playground aqoipment aI the chool. The ansociation has already raised $5,000 lhrough raffls, foin faims and hot dog days. When the association appronch- ad town officiaIs for the extra $500010o make up tae$100000 nead- cd, lhey were bold frankly soich fonds do nol axisl or are they ex- funding pecled 10 exint in the 1981 capital budget. But Councillor Bill Johnson lion nugge.tad a nimilar program 10 that arranged with the tennis club. The association wouldb vanced a num and il woulà,%ý incoimhant on the asnociation 10 pay il back under the inntsllmenl plan. Naturally the tban doenn't have wadn of money 10 hand ouIt10 StIy group which needn asaistance, but Ihere may ha a fond for nuch act- ivilies which may have been over- looked. Apparently the lown lent Halton Region $1 million recently at 07.5 par cent inlerult. Finance Dir- ector Don Lougheed called thin "a good deal" and wa agrea. Bott e wonder tehal arili happen with the interult accrued. Could il ha uned for need money in noipplying recreation equipment for other groupa such as the tennin club and the sehool association? Perhapa Ibis inlerest money will hae going for other budget pur- poses, but if il is not, we would hope il could joint ha used 10 fond the idea suggested. Preposterous costs The prepoterotia conte of rying 10 run local governmenl neyer dawn on the ratepayer unlil he gets hin notice of levy increase; bota racent incident shows why il is sometimus impossible for a small municipality like Milton 10 keep withth1e high cont of running government. Sound decision Halton Itegion is 10 ha ap- plauded for Iaking nwifl action 10 inatal amoke deteclors and upgrada the f ire prevention ayatem aI Halton Cenennial Manor. With the grievous Extendicare fire in Micinauga stilI frush in our minds, coopled vth a soerie. of deadly bolel f ires, the facl the Manor by law doenIt have 10 have smoke detectors îo nol reoson enooigh not 10 havaetem le.lcfled. M» , eut to do te Manor wlJl h about $0,000 and il aDI b. money w-Mt Counciliora .im Watson and Rick Dny noted Ihal ahen a molorist is on Ontario St., the Iraf- fie ligitt St Darry Rd. lurns green juat an the traffic lighl aI Laurier Ave turna red, and vice versa. Thay both wondered ahat il wo .Jd cul 10o have bo15 lurn red or green simullaneously SO a north or southbound driver couid go nmoothly on his way. In fact, il wan nuggeted, why nol gel al the traffic signais from Derry Rd. to Steelen 10 work sequantially? Much 10 the surprise of every- one, Clerk Roy Main reported bock Ihat 10 synchronize the Derry-Laurier lights would cult 81,400. To do aIl of Ontario St. would culta whopping $44000 and ony change would require fu ap- proval of the Ontorio Minstry of Communication and Trans- portation. Needless 10 aay, the council members dropped te ides like a bol potato, but it doe. demon- strate abat appears 10 ha simple worke, con coo. At thte opposite end ai lue mie-bigb hopu iof eparatinfi oor neanpapern ced etonsso a Hlton con transforna te s wate inte dolars, tea ludge. Seseage ludge te 15e broan guop left oner seben walg rla takn off in the soaeo deeabneW splanl.V0115 only tlu borderipa - une 000a fertiliser, ludge te realiy one sb- soocce few waat and evun fewer are 8111 ina te serouly cousidor. Bot tcts are farto, ced oeof tlu facta o4d10in0a SbnooeEngineering Lld. on vtnbtlitalion hlu te do adut -ludgUeiln lui t ee 810 bave more thce we co poibly ever spread on farmlaed by tbe und af ti enury. Sludge la mustly mammal weate but 10 alsa coniainn the efflunt fron tedutriel procuom s.Huvy motel& l115ecopper and zinc arc almult impossible 10 extract. If il s in ttudge placed an a field il la abeorbed in1o the plant r animal ced I in, qalle lerally, duadly. Znc, for instance con mabe focmtand ounuable for ap ta 200 Analbcr nabring tlanguta te 5e irng- ton Skyway Seteage Plant, probably Hal- tons targuIt. Itten sodeficienit ce an18 per ceut redaction La lue amumt oaitlu l'eovy motel cadmium, waudd nomehow bave la bo accompllabed before lue sladge could ha oaed on frta fertiiser. Itlai doubtful anyone ailSdisagree 8115 the Simcae lodge nlady wabu it natu liurlingtons tbinld b. ellnolnaled front prodarbtg fertiliner ludge immediately. With a majar influx of cas, Dire $10 $2.5 millian,the other five sewage piante la Halton costd bo opgraded 10 brlag tlu quality of atodge dean te acceptable standardn an settout by the Onario Govermnent. Even with tatthere wilbe oomur ttadge bing prodared, du 10mw rgroaing population Ibal bage, concrete seteage sladge storage tanks 8111 havelt a bbalt 10 te tume of $115,000 escb. l'ha report tatu anc aill need a minimum 13ofai 1ese tanks by the end f the century. Getting bock 10 Sorliagtoe fac a moment, thee ladge there, lue repart status, nbould ha "dewatered" in a erlus of centrifuges la farta a emi-slid cake wbirbeoan b. baaled la a dump ced buried. Simcoc ouggenta Site F.-15e proposed garbage dump ai Tromaine ced Srlteenla Rda., aould ha nuitable. Cake or uot, any- tbiog wi15 15a1 morb cadmitum sboldd nver bo pinced in a dump bocause ilin go- ig te get into the gcundaater eventualiy, no malter abat Hallu 8111telSyu about bat e deiugned Site F la golng teba.. Frankly te anly way te ge rld of some- thing an toxic an cadmium in te put ilIonsa racket and soot il boite the son la bo in- cinerated. Phiosobits Oy Editb Sbare Patience ateu bilty i0n tond sonne- tblng au long an fitbappena la the oer persan. A tcîend is one aho it already Ibere doing it, abon everyone cite is naylnf. "la tbere anytbing 1 con do?" Titece are no guacantee n bIlife, no guacanlees tatour ivet aill pragrett an they tltald or tat people yu care for ilît rare for yna. or even truat pou clght. Wc just bave la trisl 1e, ab.15er tagoad ai bud for us, truntlng 1501 nomeabere inside well nd the trength in cape tith waaever life bande an. Even bacS bore on earlb, lnclneratlon of told thia for tbe puot year. ladge ta cosdered bot onoc,00 W- Wben tbey flod out the "sale" ludge ioualy, as the cout would be about M20 to tbey bave beau gettlng includen nome frota $M0 per ton. Tbe lipplng fé eet 008100eBurlington Iaced witb cadmium, tbe dumpo la $13.50 pertoln, obotualncbWould bo more titan jutaifled ln cloaing tbe h IaR gote du noomt ime the suds940M & Borltge. lrlbtaltootTbere bu a 10 adeq- As repEigoOet a tbougbt aaitl, sesdlogute protecto ite farmer. Thoru tat nbdgs cakes 10 dunps may b. lbe asswer. be sabroge of ludge la buge tanks. Tbere We orybhopethe cakusewindup in tbo atoo diposl ftoteicaidpatuh Burfieglon Ste 'A, bocae 1illW une dump. Tbere boa 10 bo a atrict, ced very bautiog the staff op te Milton. custly, monitoring and polclog progcam. The Hlton Agricullaral AdvlOory Titere ban bobob a btter way, bot ucelia Committee la teery of ludge-andfor gaod poens. fledsa o ewume and 51gb demand reaeon. Farmers have been bold the nladge for oewage ladge, Italton and yu and 1 tbey are getloglasale and tbeybhave been are golog la bave to poy the price. Our readers write Not a pressure sweepi Dear Sic: On February 4, 1981 te pour "Per- spective" sectio, tbere wa an article by Harold Pennan coocrrang eomneone phanlng peuple la Mito and prie- sorlng thern ta have their ctensneys clesued. Me. Pemson wa correct la ntain t 1500 ohand gan ciimneys sud not b. cleaned an aflea au fireplaces and aaodatoves. Mc. Pensons romerba are uot abat concern me. Thte fact that your article failed te, mention tlut te s asnol c billIon company maklng the plione colla, is abat dom cancarn me homes by readingte 5article one ctadd asume it ta Se my rampcey. One of mp valued catemers called me yulterday la let me baca luat 1510 te called "'naup" In o tl araang puople, only noaa bote sot only omploy- ing scre tacticnawithpeoplelin gît Iheir business, b. te landerlng my company by statiag my teork hmbeu tetolly unacceptable tlanayun e boabutalked ta. 1 auldl1Rie in letIthe people of Milon, Georgetown and Actonow ua t: At Anyone aha wold use score tac- tirsan ceasnader ta promiatbaintesa con Sardly Se called a profesaions]. Bt I only uon profomlanal means by teStaitot adverttee my service (eg. Olyom, luoothai fait fair-, aeaspcpecs, recommeadalioms froon my cult- C 1 bavent eer, aill aever ced do flot Itend te munIc Sbuineuaavec the lelepisone. D 1 bavent eer, ail neyer ced do not inlead te use score tectira Lu, Suid up my buineu. E) I orge people lta des] ahI ce eslabllsbed professîonal lTSere cretboa la the toan of Milto). F1 3N fully sattetled cusa1ors npakn for itecif. Youm trtly, Doag Sbapkins bister Chiaoey Saeep. A pqsular robot. A walkin.g, talking robot entertclned yoongterc and adulte alike during open hou. t Premier Milton salorday aflernoon, Thse event drew h u"d"d, for an aftertoon of free car- toone., popcornand pop. Onie vear ago From the Match5. tIeoIssue Vandahonmain MiIIlto 0 o reater a pro- btern thon any other lommunity oE tsta ize, Milton Cbambor of Commerce lucrned Tuesday aflernoon. Complainte from local baatnesn indvduels prompled the Ctamber te invitegSit speakrs er. gentils Nom a an &W dWaye Jsop af lte 0e itegloe= Police te addreena Chember lunceona. Membrs wou ged ta bond tegetber and aorb ailb 15e cnmmanlly tue mIablU acraime preven- tiou program te combat vanm. A Georgeown %romtan tà clive t"dy, Ibankt te efforts of boa mou aba dcag- Se br Isafety wabar cor hbuti nte Blit add Ni05 Benth of Eoubnm Blvd, »ufe bave both beeu recom - meoded by Hallon Iteglonoci Police for Citisen awacds for their part la sovlng Helen Flaly, 40, of Elgbtb Line. GlenEdeeSki Ar tay break aveu 1510 year, 15cnks tte 5 alter watcbof a Februa"r. Haiten Reglon Conservation Auhortyofficiels earier pcedlcled oà $10W mfoliowteg mlld, raony wdcltber in l)ecember aed Jaauary. Bul c recet raId mcp ced clegr skies bave remtled la many skiera talting t10theitle. 20 years ago PromIthe Mcrch 2,1001 Itse Scouttog l t .011 nroeg ileMMlton. Tbere are 545 eilîdren involved la 24 Rover, Ranger, Scout, Guide, Cuan ad lroanie organisatos aoder the 1010105e of 77 adut volumteers. Lacry Couluan of Milton wau umed rookleaif1the yuar binte babby diviaion tock car racus ai CE raceway. Coaoty Coancil lus a "lut potate'basu goieg right nOaa. A committee ban boe set ap te invectigate the ineqalill la inte voting aytem, wtecb tees the rurall urth outvotleg the arban sautliby il votesole012. Tbe nouthero tewaa complote lbey bave mottof thepopulation and aaaessmeot, but don'tbaold thepower aithe camtcil level. Two-way radia booltapsona a caunty- wide bais are planed by the fire depart. mente of Hitoalu, a10 et of s Thaeii Ontario Pire Marsbalos Office bon re- qoented the brigads 10 aoc radios for mawual aid firefigbting, natorol or tear tinte dlsaters. Police, firemen ced rusidenin formed a putse Saturdoy la the noalb end ai tewn a01er bIcs. D. Ptelemy reported aeeing wbat tooked 1111e a lynx. lbey acoured the filt, buhytland inoa drlaaling raie but failed Couceli aaa oabed Moday 10 pravide o 41.50 per caplta grottInfinance theaMilton Publie Llbrcry'n oporaîon for 1001, for a totlexpeoditure of $8,2W. The Lbrary Board aso warned cild ley migbt 5e aableg for debenturet for a nese ibrory building in a fe eaurs. Glu Wllilams oas badiy flmoded thio wecek Ice blocksajammed the Credit River, Halto spopuatiton il 111,867, assessai- Ford IRogers teld caotyeaancil. 50 years ago Frnm the March , 101 issue Ereclion of a gaaoline station and refreobmntend aI ite e u nd of Main Street oser Milou-Palermo highway la Se- lag contemplated by H.L. Ritch e, abo lus purcbaued the property from Wm. Sbep- pard. Aller bolng closed for about a year, the plant of the DominioWliem cend Wor- teds, Lited, bere, la te reopen on Mon- day marnlng oeul. A mlld epidemnie of coldo bave camne uo thetownspeople during 15e lant aeeb, edcapparnliy of a pa litiebharder to throw off Iban te ordbtiary. fThere ailbo a hockey tearnament Fr1- day MarcS80M, in Milton Aseuai 7 o'clock, for the Ell, Hockey Tropbey. Thie teams are Harnby, Lakeviete, Toronto R.C.l., Trlnlty Club and Streetevile-Vale- United. Cheaste on for 26 cents a paced ai Car- 75 vears ago From the MarcS I.,îOOE Isu On Satarday cfboreoon a qurtette of flve-year-ald lodasteere playlog an Car- pon Pond, abon oe of thelr nambor, Wluten»Grace, son of E.W. Grace, but- cer, el lato one af 15e open opacsteere the icemen had been harveslitig. Taa ai the lads were frlglttened and ran away, but Melvin Wllllcas, uon of e-reeve Wilams glckfly sinyed by Ste 1111e compnonand by tying fiat on the ice naceedd e pdng him ou1 of hS place of pri. 10I llbkely that the rifles laoaed te the Milon Rifle Association aIS borecaliedby the Militia Dearment. Thte proportion of the 40 membe abwo larned out for practice last nuaan seos smail. The trouble a115 15'îr.a wbo faied 10 do 10 wan lthat tey objected tewalklng tan miles ouI In the ranges and bacS aisin. An enteriainmnut wi eul o ut th1e toan bail on Tuenday eventag ual onder the aupices of the Mens Clob. Tbere ai be a gund programme ai vocal muic, drills, etc., and refreoimente ailS Se served. The ladies of Knox Cborcb .111 51ve an Iriasutertalamenl la lue scboolrotm an lidcy oveoteg, Mac 16. A«gr doper cen10085 progrcmed a oaeifa octili In thla luafernon ancd eving.