Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 30

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CuCS ieaden CNuMWim Wod.,Mas- 4, 1*1 a?,r1caut Unitedd b7M,1 Launch Manor auction sa/e Halton Manor Auxlary plans an nustion of donated articles on AprIil r and tise Kiwanis Club o Mlton mode th isetrst donation ast week when this il îeitng by Milton artist Frank Rivier was turned over ta Awnliary Pronident V=erna iln by Yiwefsl Prs-t dent Jim Hall centre). On thse rgit te Chrs Schouten, who wtI conduct tise auction ta raise funds for s craft room at the Manor. Cuts of beef shown to group Mautain Union Womans ntituta Fab- ruas-y meeting mcc sld etO the maai Ms. Mu- Sas-t ison, Victoria St. lu Mtuu. Ms. Gosdn Forlom cbaiced Oe meeting ic Oe ahsence of Oe ps- ident. Tiera era 12 membebacand So gueata Tise rolcali man ans- mreit by namiog a "on nama produrt tday iad os ndd dair reaction to, daeir f indlng many favor- able replias raotad. isa mamiers shomad Oeir apprecattion ta Me. Dram mis appiausa foriser sala of cniesfr Oe Institate. Mrs. Bert Jones movad a isearty iote of tisanks ta ail theamambes wmio teck part in tie cramai dlnplay on Summary Day. tara. Laura Oison ints-oduced the gust speaker, tacs. Caroline tacDonneil ofMiltoni, mis in tie National Ca-Os-dia- Basket champs! By Jaset Res-anlis for anyone ro tendie. Nadiass te say, In an action-pocked gane lasi Don lot il by a pin. Ha planai f»fi Wednasday aganst Bote, Milton sen- orsail but oly Oe top tmo go te Oie los emergait as tie dnnes-s taking Oe OFSAA meet tiOceof Haten Pael Champs. Tisa Muai- Cons-b Steen is prand of hin teatu ongu by a tigit score of 57-t. Mhin yar. talton Dstrict planai Pas-sy MIartin i(No. 3) came up itis seoenth ot of 12 cisoolu in HaIten, 2tpoints in Oia gamne. Jeff DeFritas mhisci is super considriag Ouin luny andJaf Lamba (No. 441 eacis liadt 10 anc ict yar ang a taam. Mre pointe. Tnm Galiomay and Kevn prticipants ara espcctad nat ycr. Htudcrnft ai si pointsaopiace. + + + Both tennis piayed o saper gane. AGONY OF DEFEAT tiltanus offense as orking mil On tise turne nigisi s Oie baketbai aganal Oic Hombarviam Hukias. Tie gane' Oe junior gil' roleybal tran- it ie on Oe oOir iand toois adnant- eiait ta Nelson Hiais Scisool for Oic age ai ur antutima slom dfenae and semi-finala. fi mas ta b te ieMt Ms-e got anmte gmnd beaaaay basets. ganes ot of fine. FSee ier, tte taiton Mutangs tra- Miltos ent Oie ditance but lout Oie rai tu a Ore-day tourrnasln lu Tim- finai deciding came by a maore ai 17-15. mien foc Oe AI-Ontarlo bakatteil This marks thea end oh a fantlc ma- champlootpo lu lie doubla -AA tso toc lie girls. taany thanko goau te division. lisera mite 14 teanis lu ibda Mae cons-bs Sands-O Taselli and Danie taurnaiant, mhii-i toisa place on Koigit. Mercis 19. 20, 21. Gond lacis goys! + + +NC + + + GIAC WRESTLING This isa ntice ta ail gada ciaven. Dan Bonîn as Multons only Yonc counailiors mOi te inlutnchs wlit rapresantalîne in Mhe Haitan-Peel you scon for creer pamning sessintu. mrstaOng meet last Tiursday. Ha on Tba gcnsp disuintu mOite teid by lit finit matcS by a pin Ha l tua Me. CbdandtMr. Vlla. Tieiaposin sencond mats-b by pointa. ta aid you in maiing Mhe rlgit deiiotu Int tu i mats-b. e ted sos-tours-to, toarda your crear lother than binS in. Hin opponent as slady on tuas- an educated hum). w 9 VIMANSELL OUT 980 TOCV SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO MACRAME B@NANZAU "Mnl our voluame buaylnng a ulsgou w, 10w palcu e §m csa0o i fllsg. SALI STIETINI MRIU &28, lui DISCOUNTS UP TO PARE ÂNYWE &Uda RID v ne u *ufYÉTM ation Castre wOritg aut of Toronto, Tiiereareafiva cents-es acrucs Canada asd Tocante oic isahed office. Tila a ses-vine ta cocoomers amd you may write os- cal for in- fos-mationl te NO Keala st., TocanteoSMeN 3E3,or phsonae14411) 706-27. Tba dOlaeut cuta ai beef mare sbamn on slides. Mambers mare aise tel Me cisapast maut par pound may not always bcathe nst cn- omis-el buy. Stom resc askcd ta uneOihe standerd set of uama for different cota ai bacf. Mrm. Bert Jans Oionked Mca. MeDausel, Oic iuns-h comnslttae anc ail mba tank part. siety Counici lild Oie annual meeting on i'uesday. Feli 24 ai oliih go 'resbyieciaik Cbarch. Lyle Sakes preeldeot mlcomad tOaacpsent and pre- Tico youuig ladies, Oics-plta f rom Oe Woskme's Composa a" o aurd ToSeto pcoecctcd a fiae demon- sration and tlus telc- ng cacaaiOur teck ba ny oaand it mast lut a lifetime. Wc slcotd tend aur isea misaslift- ing. Ise banan teck cmn ba lnjus-cd by bapropec lifting os- twisting. A deicicua dinner man ses-yod sy ladiesofaitOe cisurcis. ta Oe aftcnaonn Mgrmrpre1senotatives Federalio ofai Agri- clutuae gava a resuma andblutes-y of Oie assun- liton. JibaReed vine prsa. of Oic Halten Fad- ratien cmpbaained Oie maay aya Oie Fcd- ea-aion cao iselp farmers iMh local probleamu. Tbls-ly memisers et- tenddad mdmlcomcd sanral mamieis from Oic Pael Sol ety ConcO. Halton Cutnci luans turing a St. John Abu= ancaenurse for thosa intarantad lu salapati icea on tisa farm Oio f bnme, or othes-accidents. Lorna Devin cle ê bratad ber sacond--bicOi ,tday an Feb. 27 and bai ,t motter Ms. Date Devlin *entcrtalnad ut a Pary. Yaag frlmndsenDada Hiloanmd Seraiseniai and tOier moties ema guasta for a peaaan aftarnoas. Latr Lornas grandpas-asta Mr. an -MIn. L. Love af iltel d attesdad a dinuar lu e bame. Denur ilrp Cii Garil: ose Your soifs or your daughter's French conversation could improve this JuIy. A month at one of Bishops Collage Scisools sommer courses could help tem witfr: s Frencis ae àsecondi lange Concentrating attention on the indivelsal naeds of eacri siadent, aoprencdFranopone teachers wiii provide thieopportanhtyfor exten- sive pracrice on spolier andl crittanrr rnch. Recrealional andsculltural actlrrlies, 501h on and off our campas. encourage barler undar- standing amongst 5f udents and ieacherf 0frt Engish and Franch language groups. who lva together ai tha schooi for the monts. Our courses are dasigne< issi thr e needs 0f1 i ndgris, aged 11lto 15 Datailod reports areprpaee ollowing the close of sarrmer scirool chicS cr11l rus front June 28h - July 251h. For additnonalîiformation plae %wole ro Dîrecior of Admissions, Sommer Courses. Oisiops Collage School, Lennooville, Oaa Ji1M 1Z8 or telaphone (819)0562-7683 Bishop's Colpge School Lennoxville, P O -r10 c S .CFZ n. 3661,a ri20 01 r g tealie unMs -s at. BO b5II qoaBoS Maman an Pais. ttcanisy 19 Sraisnastar on ie m cabi l-ocaard 1 year old on Feb 21 by Mhe ladies thf M , le rî d Mis.Clarence r hilbutoignlemenil Patteson of troford are invtei tot attend also a, meranlasiters wiOi frende Tise Hornby SoutOi 4-H e te Ohil arcWdnaday. club bld thets- forhOil Ibe monho iaMrcis ssetlfl8on S@alyn lieaconeticoMdlbut llkc wlihia Ob i thedOil a tamis. Wiat'e a leIader fMca C. Petoeeo gum swili i finish lM.cau-tadlng Preeldat0 stumy lao? CdisluOPBteWM WU isa Wuslda Day ai ciarpfr 4 Oep The i :rr msern lcamS ab a thr " -- aTi di ietUnted meanheui declded ta la- Ciocs uFldy var ite Oiur motisers amd0 trmm al isp mlii taofet ic chus-c batocb too o ia CTilupai th e pas-tai tee. thucsailg eS Oe 4H8 proecet for Oic re OmLagis Pres--pIng club Hornby ouchre By hies.Ccil Pattescc Si"d, W WOklc Tisa muai Saturdy fisc mosid DaY ai Nta cmetire ad nisie Prayer mIS te ised et tablas in play a a-ismy Niesct MUr. B at1. CentraePois. 2. arn. Mrs. J. Plkbatand Wnalm cs-e MytleMca MriLltaof Setis- Cusnlaba, M=dcd I bva rraigeOps-o- M4m, Lodi"e e t, Speakcr mdI ba Aexender, J CCanning- Obtu on oe kvOtle betu, Oos-cOy FceOier- and ber messae w emli stuc aiid W s-cons an lise isesdcapped. Ail Flashs Taxi a&M"el ntarscted es-e nvtad te p-ia m ent te SyblloisIbfellow§Msp. Mit adm niof gcomme I.it. Ym te THIE CANDIDATES at E.C. DRURY SCHOOL S.enSAudd~m <Clock Towr Entmmn) bey of M« 'ran imprt oreM adW ramodsos tti Lna. Thsadogn of r o it vi Co hese more secved miih aller a irvakbe lier gn an onea ontarv- taa binlita. Tisa mem- and are timasfciknal kn n o i vrad.ý i0g. Tse daly rs-iem- bers banc boase el- TheSt. John i saudattus for irsh1 te pas-Sak 5*108 fh mm bIs- - CRI y= adlauo a- muS wu.0 seotO d06 pomorrd ly Oie cla nd fo bya2M ja t e imtuh. 1aafcoy Cauwcilhi iilO c as inbae ccc cf an d g &iM Swwg n ? uaved lan-Sman5rat- uisir omOas en alA scndlmeeting pot iOntarlo, USAbadiatMdY cactlamayo-nd .li mdfi-iaanfr awayan at 12.30 aitOse Manitoba aattand.d tsatheformaiOtim m xebase ,s rat>- limbal- bd Oic ossday. Pcb. 9 MOton _MACETTE WINNWS FIGHT HEAT LO$$'ý ELIMINATES R INFIL SM ON4 REDUCES F L0ST BT 40%'IMNT DC1\EIAT$S oSUPRESSES s 1EN0JÉRDCS I ÈHhLSSPO ROSTESFA14G 0F FABRICZIg. DRAPERIES& FURNITURE oREDUCES SU>MER ip4N IONING COST <DEVEL0PEDB< THE h4ÀStACH SETTS INSTITUTION 0F TECHN0L0eY CAIN ISA VI COIMR Wlý iMOaLd S GIFT CERTIFUCATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUA CRAYONS AND FELT MARKC ERS GOIMO. TO WIN MeDONALOS GIPTl CERTIFICATES. ENTRIES WILL BE JUOGED ON ORIGINALITV. SEND VOUA ENTRY TO: Id CANADIAN CHAMPMON loi MAIN STRUT I.MILTOfN. ENTER AS OPTEN AS YOU LIRE. Namo: Addsa: Telaphone: Age: M S TbWEfl KVMERS Laon Richard matth.w Bell Danielle Weiee Stephan PInot HoienhasifiLearmofit A în serd plu»tupiea o - ýp o4Oiio" T. C.oad,.' Chaapioii o08e. F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE CLEMENTS & NOBLE 216 Main St., Milton. Ont INSURA AECY LTD. VOUR INDEPENDENT AGENT M71 SINCE 1934 20Mi tetE M tn LP N i 878-2326 -WESELL ALL CLASSES OFINSURANCE" 2 M fce 0 IT5 29 , à-Ž. ETRlOmOI URANC KNIGHT INSURANCE 1 M.D>LD AGENCY LIMITED Fc cu 1is o ie -S Do Kigt,7. ICci FUTUR UEVOMMOto p7rS? ot @ OhSM 4Ul 75tI07 Martc inoret -Muitas Otal S s *5--r.5'-.r- o a it .s kd m br 3 W&C" lqmw «% ir 1

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