The Canadisn Champion, Wmd., Mar. 4, 1981 Ordered to seek drug help A% mmh.lvdin = 7tornb drlg da = r ha caomlta:amubaraioron ba oa umntneed to two yar rbt to did nt ta msdsmmda*ratmttr= adictim. Richard Mb"ll, 21, n= ii i= a"itan hadbeau living wllbhi.autt inatby en daa of lI and Ibm prini of lut eh..tha affairas jI. Nov. 5,109 Uei m aMdx.i= et ta on a $0.85 pay chaquea mmd lalmed ta ha mm Pias S. whunsto alo n mUmampicy n-a surams eCmmisaion rhaque ram a malbox on Pina St.i iton1c. Lalr the aunt fouaid dia cha- quforinntha a,, mnd items larnaqi. OnmMay 3, îua, Sielwth tdamasyaulba and a Juvandae, bruie lto a cttaga om15 Sidrad a about 5.30 p.m. andastockaed lbe rafrgeratorwelhb ber. Enirancae as mada lbraugb man ilarafront dot. Tii. amtrana wao, bawavr, mtlcad mmd Haltam Rglacal Polira set op a survaianra af thearottaga. At about 10.30 p.m. dia poliraenlavad la and fauod a group bavlag a party. Polira olad dha amailiof imarjuaninlatheair. Crown Atormay Tony Vase aad polire antoan- ad tligh i wetia baave a litllapacty." SMdiawa todglty oai thhtA-uder rhargesailolvlag dia cbequas md iea foumd guLdty eftrapaW gaqgad te, hercttage. Tihecur asladShi"alabad ramanla ia Mllln t&afromtai amilto me do fatall- ly poblaula and drug additio problana. lHa had wariad iIbthetiltam aresablaithdiasot final- ly had tahave dieytdirturi borna due ta whal ad happanrd durlag bismstaylinlaeai Shields aid! ha voluntacdly la trylag ta, ha traatad fr drug addrtionan ad dia court orde'ed tam to contimue. Bubble Bath correction Aotory lest wein is lm ini dcatad liub- hie Biath LaboralorisasLa., 611 Miain St. E. had beau mlad for direasncara gardig sales tas volatonas.Tii. tota] af inesaawas îcorrrdy ce- portad andmbould have beaiS$0. It bas beauaaiicad di principla aif0$W4.36 had beaaaiment ta die Rarlvar Gnral wo iota- tha prior Lta dia data ai dia court appearanre and die fiesof $M, $10ad $10 earefor paymeaits re- celvad ltseby Hamilton Office. ii. tact dia money had beaauaeat,l in h eroi atma cbequa, dldontrcoina audurlmg proraadlagm la Miton Proviniawl t lhref ra aldiaugb dia iriai bd actad j wam hot made levted by JudgeWS Formr7 4d have atums An imamfployed higbha" dropeut bas beasa flood $7 for dicowiaig a pncici a former se"oo rhum. Jlack Egmr Evan, 1, noceliving eli tamfi graodmodier i Guelpb wa idi a frleaid Oct. 10 wbeai ha potad a former grade anboal noum, Jim Tiompatu,,comingoutl ai die Olympia Restaurant inoActan. Accrdlig ta lamimoaiy In Mtan Proiacial Court, Evan dmanded o rida tram Mr. Tiiomp- s four blorks furber douai die rond la die A- ton lcafficligbt. Vhan Mr. Iliompstwilie rafused, Evans ad he "ruibed bisai(Mr. Tbompaaai'mf ars" md tallioing a punbiaig math, pmcbad lMr. Tiiomp- soaquare inothenbesl. The tory wam aiiglydiffereail comng tram M. Tbompaa, but bb agraad Mr. Tiompsac bad baen panbad. Tia tstimtaiy imludad a wloass ortacEvamns, Jobhn Nsset. thatKEvan "rubbad tdia as ofutTiompaca di-coafifrmlag the firmî contactlumo inilalad by Evans. Tratn chop $130,,XX0 from proposed board A wl4m.000 aisaOfor dia "apalMada àdoapamdt ai dmhi dia ldgtby Umma Boasrd f Edurados truteai. Ontario Scondary Schmf Tearîteco l'edeaaion (OSSTFt imrlt 9 Bac Naissa mmd ha wua "maot dlamp pinisd"dutt Muteas vat.ddi tuet uI cd f tha eh] ha dmra" bha"sli Board aOrtion dhcer Emm lAv;ds sam m &u rThiwsdy's voa dut ha dimqgh tanIsas e , - rmilads dmvlaw et dia flumSra rmmlttam. lmvmder sggstad dth diahe boards executive comînttee ltsf prîi tes for finance rommitta. memiers. Tihe cbalcmaai ut fanra commttae, tutas Roui Ceoop, md la dbtaelithrumtaas t a mmittas "lcmaot suppot tduaddtloasl aspandtora" Trugat ppovadtdu prr»b of bnprovidr mambers, haovar, dia di sot vola due aids fr due l08i budget. ie boarda budgaeta hab prasesled Tiiruday, in anperted to approcisa 15 per centtttcreane Tfat atnouts to $116,xWLtM5 Luit yescus budget was about $101,900,t0. Thilctasa rautaas votad agalmatthdu minay for akidi dvalpsaninîla rarordad hallal lIlavr Jetai Bradley, Off COAS12 co-operates in new youth centre hOitou's met yohbf du om etofteLidot ltastaormnt lbuildng ti lai Main S., Wi nover1 lu a hang-out fr1 imaagerm uldi asding ita do.C DiaseFniofmât on, ermiary C duhedmato Conmmtlma fr Youdi which is ranislng mdt Odlirma Aid 8r0"7 am Miiai RItsdiUnitt wl e bceqffletig as centre eh.. Il O=uuà bnpduuly by Mar unr. Fm*d, ebo laisa a CAS board tambr, naid tdu CAS mi hae safflng dia contra wi trmnd youdi coumalrs f teo full ti one prt tienaf ta hlp guida youudinlatdu 12 ta 16 ga icaciat. A progcmmmli lu ruai for diem ram 3.3o lau9 p.m. uedays. Stadenin ili] lu retarrcad ta dia centra by courtsanmd guidance dopartmonta uft duir nrliool, and dmdly atteai- donce ml bc mandaory. Compmmiomap, germes and rounmmlliig eh] lu afféem. Tuera la aima, a inai inde uildding, no dia yougtrs cen ail diere la. CAS well alarmane du for teanagers. Tue conr, as yt ucaamad, wcul beaa Sacaic ventra bfre il lu tlinbm, bol il co't cntttdut muni duisha l doutilon md volunleer tabac. ltmndy Fratai lu cantrarlar un reailog due former torcitura warehomioe trage ares ltoa a oudi cetra, and dub buli of duheri bam bmon doua by dia Imperlal Order ut Tor- du-, a Wgrofutyoung Modln peupla baadmd up by Importai Turta Michael Winnay. To da due Turtias have donatai o,Ma ta 4,000 eerdi f freea labor, naid centre commttaarhatrmmnOua Goutoinab Saveral odir graupa have doue ri diar, CHEESE A T -WHNELESS" PR/CES! GERMAN BUTTER CHEESE - MILD GOUDA mg. 0lb DARI-FRESH - CREAM CHEESE mn oies 99 PICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MARCN 11Sf, ONLYI CHEDDARS CHEESE HOUSE Milon Mail 8858 LZ OakviIIe 827-8871 g bl p fin Il !in b d tS at md adieruhava sent cruiteeaLo onrarnad Modoad dllarstuailtabout vndalism. anid raug. Tua comanidlealops tdu rentra mli do comping a long listaif ioma provonion eori ta, welparo md plana ta imep teenagers ont f MMlthedu lIs, la op- trouble, asu eUas rlcallan, once thd u rmmai]lgdiaebo ara mntra upasu I trouble. Sbe bupas il "Webhavtidtingu wlluubo elpltumsou rt clameanmddhcueoot duo bauta capes lit unm bave blpad us do famlly situaions, ut," SUr. Fini nild. diru quaillfmld TIn rmarahan bave cocmmliaig. ut9 tarrlf l." OSh saail baerong a Tisrareaabout 2cmon "multl'u acillty"mand ufdn uiilafor cm ba roidd ondue oud, ,eprasntlgduhe cotra uill opbnaupa &il separas md crra- tdu yongpaople on lindpartmo t dln esain fCAS, police, St, Reenovtin aa511 ~0 bab rbois md unudreay bt tdu cuire Mc. Puni nid tdu shape. "Bocauma I1 affar lita, boat, homa and car inmuranca, 1 pet to know my I- policyholdars L mnd thair O needai." Ia IU AIO M C LM. TRAFALGAR i Lausan, Baty Fishar, NUA= Jtnica Bâ Primar, Lm AiigarNom] Copar, jacla Cutumae, Florence Me&rs anmd Helen Howacd-Lockb Fluite icho, Cam Jackso,n. itty Walker sud Gaccy Morton were in tavor ut includiaig die stafftdavelopmmmnt item la the budget. Georgetown trome lielty Fluber estabbobaed tdite pragram wblcb wauld ha ued fer "davalopmnen md bi- permmitalin ofai systemnatir upervision, avalmallon mnd dvlpmnl tproramafor ail staff" bas oltbea 'We've appruvad il in prinaip~la, perar we diarai an evalutlon repor " smld Ficher. bulah1s Maviale Bruce "naianodier tari. Sh lndlralad cancara abuthdu ammit cidmu easers muet seD otalda ufthdiradmisbnl. Coming on tha brets ofta peeiottnprogeottft'-t--' satd it seni or,:cc are put tg an added burdeai on diam smu mon.' Borard uprlinimailn ofi ntrurtion Eme Slaona rapllad diat the lima "woa'b moreathon fina dmyn utothe ia cbmol The acarae toc mkiotu davelopmen s thdiaoaly part ufthdu boarda Long Trai Plan ta, have ran lta a blci. Moments hfore dia silla dvelupmneat monmy was rasad frum due budgattruteen vtad in favor ut balmnciag board staff T h e C a r r ie r A D O HEAT PUMP s A Proýticol Answor To Sooring FuolC 0010In The Enorgy-Tight Vooars Ahood ORDER NOW AND GET Up TO $ 00* REAs Y-1 HOW IT V/ORES: ouidoeti. tiîic lumito meate ,t Th. Hot P.p cpiaîmsthothmPilierad hopste,il ttdpsi lot un ~out oftyuchomie nd il mno.edddfoiyo.,t e oretosdmtair het.tt9oystem 'Basaiton tite ,,ctt edet goceettotat dunthe "OFF OIL peotuto, Plu- c Ca merrebmtc Calus radar! ,ni kýd.ýdMilton Appliance £ Hoatîng M 5Mli K E818-1908 arrMa div ragicai. Tint item amoaut t M MO. lmprovng dia staff la dora volunarfly, ravueld Iraütric uperliteadmait Stanmi. "'The cmlt would ha exorbtant if manadmiry" Starasa l ateimmtad dif theduprogram ea made maodatery for laacr mrndipoleaililly ail ai diam would caceive part ot it if the board motedit dcadf:teteo ta 1u4920805 Pro4euon Sale For a lmw bri dms JF's w Welour Shirt uagmaisd tes citîin fWa0 ta yMm S m tc h P n t % t s g o M 6 Ou, oexclus 2-oynU t, rtculti ,puynturtamitn atase.FuN wacuettietn te amit ncolor,. Suam 304e %%stied Suit Futuin ongtorfmmtfioitn a quuty tdWad uuiOtnmi 00 du.Sz 3 onu tm4tit6u. tamoul mOudr. tara 30104 DiresShirt EuttSIuR fhpniaxadtop ilnCuitmO SuIsPlmn Irs mmas am-tytd miaou 501410 Blueam. eteura. SportcSBî cmam mn lmmtai csm30 theuO f Sport Shirt Uit-,Ou$tf5aiut SIm fad ci mngi ablt pui cir, tOnsen expoiuonxl1pm-dpsd 50.00. beau- iulatyiPiitmtoluxmd. xtumSSlxXL. fflu SUluo024 T-Shirts Un- aacPamid ulShortanm vemlaxmd kil nuit01 stylesndmotoloxim llt 1 ntriitxll Pion Cardin Raincoot Uit-huaMlite.A O ilttpondlyggtrtlttniOt stylesiml.Nam onSM. TauptB".Si Omi 36 t46. vtsa 0101MaOaCoet 1988 1788 $189 1488 1488 1288 $79 JACK FRASER Miiltonmii iton eHopedal ma& ,OakviDe e BurlingtS an i, Brnt liai. IOr ~ io um à OM a aOM»i Linn TISE PLACETo BVE, Vif Ou, Shavsa a m Md th - 1. 91-9- fhý "gh