Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 28

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- ~v~-~-' -.----'- - -- -~ - ~ lOO.s .-..~ai- i-i 04TaCaudnhapo.ad e4,1B- An experiment with local option law, K. tii-i 1oio etenned 10o the Scot At, was pastvd in Utc eariy ttotait at attempi o curbi te beavy dnikitg oN alcohol intone ays rItgave manicipoities tha Pooer No proibt tha sale oN alcohalic hverogs in their adminitrative Haton Coanty otu anc oN tha first ta adopitbe provisinoN this at. In a vcry ew ears it as ond to ha an otaccetable tsouto toha pmahîc. Afer o oî-yar trial it oas repeiled in Uis country. Ovin te yiami oas repcalcd in att te otencosties oicbhod givet i a trial. A very important problean wan the difîcuty of inforememut.Wbri Ibm soie oN iquor became ittegal in one rna. ibemloai driners merety broogt i i roan anothen aria where i oas ha ing soid legatiy. Neventelesnsrotg forces aroand ibm province cotiiued o figt tce mjc ,)f tîquoonBy NoOfi betame apporent thai ibene wovtd ha more referetda as povided by tbe Caada Temperaitte Ac, William Pattot. editor oi Mitons ('avodian Champion, woosped o iis. atd is opnon ore apprcntly in agreemnent wit toseidfoter lNa- dens No this iooo. ote oN the pointa bie sineooed oontat vrcal hoteis woood nt bhaobe io provîde igb quaity acommodatios and meato for inovellens if tîy ocre de- pived oN ibeir revenue froan te sale of iquor Hi ad o faib oi the abiity oN anbonîtis io onimot the sale of liquoo etfetvily. Drnkntg wotd ontinue unahoied. avd otlservice wovatd haoN pion qoaiiy i wouid ha hater, be rgueil, io tan prove etfoncemetof oNtib Liqoor Lim- l'o':f r:re-oiiîîiar::: Uo lie t s g:ao:.î i'i c ,-agaîssýtthv iaw om iceseil vendons oN iqoor te seNt aicoboir hverageS to onyone on tha ndan tast. Aone Namnd gittY Of drantcsnessanad disorderly coadot might have ia name idded tatiaOt by a magitra in a poice court. Native Indianaoe net listid. TIsre oas a Canidian govermet tatte which midili iltogal ta $seIN iqur ta tham. Those ited were tha anes Wo becime traublesomte obin drantn. Maglatntes tried ta enante Utis sy- stemn bt dranka ouamlly wocre qota evasive ahoutt hir onnrce OfapptY. Int te municipl etection aNitce begimnofit1oN0, eyeraI refercada wre conducted in Hattn on thaqut- ion oN ,Lacal opton. Nehson Townhip and Acton voted dry, but tha refer- endum aled ty reanan oN tha smait manritiin in EsqueSing, Oabviltc, and aartitgton. In Georgetown a aajorty votd aginst i, Milton did nt hold a andbii,5toonOitFivrsivt,,NOgiiivO Mn, looson amnountid to $520 0He apporenuly ttardd tce midifight trait for Chyennc, Wyming. Lehanonwu fntsd $IM euh to twoncas an d hi Aftehtrita shnirofpeetgat- tened h aoteh tha Isspetara, oho rat- lad tha kega f iIqianeOut istatha street ta is front oidtha TonM..Mre thay smnanhi int haidiand iltoed a river idfheerta flo don ha strict ta thadrytowoiActon.' Bock Nlut Mac" ,abat thatime t tank sc, arios HiNI oncd me tha pictri potard ohictihoha ein ri- issues of The Claipîoî, ocd te pctre mot hv betlatin then. butcouldmtnotesre about it. JImnDMNIsr«mpnnthcdUtrd i-ed- atas mn oe pradacid for sale at A.T. Bron, long limedmslggestina Actan. Af- ter vuewofidtce amati cenhmd bein ts- nd a is historical rivieo pobishadi year ago byTh ActaiFre Prim ByNjus the t1rit option ty-Niw wou ropeatid in Atanad an Oakvili man ou planninag ta tace ov e U pration oN te Desmmnon Bonne. A hiaring oan ta h be lfor twon pptcanta forbtaIlN- quor Ncenin. River of hein, A crod gathared ta ohlch hgd bh o mfict.d aNte Achan ta May t91t tatth govirnnt Dominion Massai Phota casrtiiy oN iSapectors reak open kigi id beer Marlon Hillt Diseases, pests illustrated by B.McNeilI dri A.. no wà da $1 j th, - M f vi, f ce r ha B Hi ,f aN W, w a pot idftracs. lemeing eedia a ln ch pr par d by à Saaond NeItie The by-law went into efect on May 1, Marrie Powys, Priat- ilac horer, and peach- can bc preventcd by oot species, or trou adtlhftl rpatMr nd The Champion reportaid mach dent of the Miton and ti aiae a planing te two asanciated wlth hitoricit pot poarri of penny and orth. irunkenocon in that town lote in Aprit. District ttorticulthral serinan pinta, tot controt necnsry hsto tagether bidnso rcpitn oipttcommtbti .J Lehman o the Dominion Hose an- Society, didt nd ta minnarin in thene canin in tthesaime viclnity, thon cerimonins arc attsavrait minta, tivindir, witti onnced tht the charge to hoardirs say mach ta introdue arecultural or biotogicat, interrapting thte lNe cyce satabti for prosiervatlsa. etras pool, ilmond oIt, Te aNohinrndto$5 per Wett. The the spiakrait the Fiti N rattiir thon chemicit. oftce dineain. Anyoni wtshNng ta ctuanin, clovia, and ith a asityb reateoed adl ite in o.am1tui.VerticNiim wittino0f spiclatinterit ai nomnale a tre hoatd gingir. tn th askt arahin i a day. H atso continaid ta attampt Burken McNeil, sancre- mîptin and Nreblh in thtaUt meeting wan i contact Bitty -Barhydt, wiro d vn vtaheats m bin aientf Nqor froan time ta time. By tory and long-standing membirs of the rose dipayof magaziin that sateommittie chatran, sai îvt aht May t91itlhi had a record of ton con-mmbrof tce Socity tamNty, sach as witma Mancis iaitha 20 Nort Shore and an arrma. icionsn nder te by-taw, and in a r.- ad Nrsiry and Land- crihappte, monntaiii asti rnaght in for maimtien Bouevard, Apartmont Cha»tnii i a cnt raid te gvernmeitt umPectrs scapi Spiclialt te and pear, have n to borraw. 20, Brlngton, a20-tilO. Two: Margaro ad seize and tncted ap ina te Town otarlo, Minttry of Agri- pnîcticit chimicat Drlng thecbusines f heWrlggiswrti ceatid a Hllt o quantty and variety oN iquor catre and Fond, gave a contrat as oell, bt meeting. Barbe McNeNN Thetimi f tcsoal deign ta a toacap woting O trial. sidi presintation an rinpnnd ta sncb cutant mad a ltter tram te mnnthty flawer show wa of ptnk geanlama, titue tt was said tcetimni detence cammoit dsaai and care as prunlng out Haton ttegionn Vîtentinens Day. labelte, and aaparagus woutd b ha toNi had rented tan bar o Nmetant of girden disiancd *tbranchin, Ecotogicat and Cian oanc. Hiart ta hrn. Wiiam Lawson. In cori the imspact- oraentoa. ertliziag, and hinvy Environoscatat Adviary Hcart: te witiiig CtaanfNur, My Sanny Eacti inaet or dieasme watering. Committe onkisg for arrangement hy VaentNne: Margaret ____________________wss itatratid by a Natrat renNtance of suggestions Of Margaret Wrggtinwnrth Wrgtswrth'swtng aeines ofi aides showlng the pant to the diease or ooteworthy trou Nin thne Natred raid ad plikarisgemnt a dip te ymptama, damage, insect is Otan hetpfati, and Mitan ria that dinerve f itron aois it te, snoiru don, ad Uc ut r. cNcttrecoin- o lha anred and bod-eaf, and red and Lchnl.cotia dNy ropmiie 1r eNitmedd setecting preare.:ue re aoi fhg. t tchL iatr maiei hi Nr.eite.)n e.yMr eitasl tiey bhin im iadN dd.farNot idrenno. tn inate. Bahr r gsiatnt cultivarnos on. tioi oearng oe o thinn o.ft tanr NrForcm pclam dgaNa ha tirn ae nt r oo secti onca fv fthai.amaCe donaid Nie . .aogiftntramamy an Utc foavestoNamapte, srsciiiaNhusetasNeOt spot A EMTAnAViolet: M. sîtain-e d ananu br o Pensti, ous , andacifatxmlesascant c anesintivaa *,rge Msns' o.pClasix, mle hs doeihr.)ncmryoar i e ot anidf tatian. efCatiatsant att gacd d NfoottcomatrNman.l'nanpodiNme. dtficttdtstrantcNutcting of CaLynx *OE1t0 Pic-up onerin n thenu. aaeprnteof taForat h y prig.are totre til eas * O oaitta 2*0 nwoh mesage wA paid te . pif ropec ntiv e mlay t faNt ebwi, suscepmtciti beavesptn ius WnoiVn weaeriat hda ad aitrhvehum n mmnd s Oak n hSlc reindattersati titito taR N -AC R & -psa Letprsc. r rnb NUc re dno "ittedamge by catefoia their *iii niasClsbiWagon kiri ck.beore fsn e aggig our- mat dfartitngtehmtchfen cyc tin dir-aN*i riantE3514Ve aroond0= tebis atck. hI o oi acite i n car tt trat ia the metingNtsN-0016 uncetainterm, te sobrepr tc gs ain. areoir int red ea N bae a wayoN nawig bw anny n i hte, aernat.cs hoits tohs pereteha e bibetravegad n actdà thft prticlr ranbecttoftheArdd-inl spideraI con o lets anaiged fen Dopa ctrcosyRtsaSPCA EKNoATSat goervis Afentd ing io thlritsfor &tim sii tthe apoucyce.Neae le r os. prhaeioasfy okocawinr o t any h gi~NIcNUarmt011, Wiepaetstar mat !I L btIîINl u afy eà ors witb impanity, its naler tn Nive Ns niccsaii. ine atoaepns 1111 ibean atone. Tre hanta, sacb s and carrant ahat NoN ibat iNn niwnoorthy, bt tiin are te bramze birchbohrir, haUt cases, the dNnamc tarrtw again.Lani ime N buiglt anc tey nieend o ha aaot N0 inches ode-bt that woaasanme yeasnaga. Gong tact a ew more, tranu recatt a kind yoo ticd yorsetf. At prsentte onty maes 1 N tinNoCanada, womsti prartîce thîs ski, are Gordon Sincair and Pierre Berton, Witb their mnncy " n0 Wat, if anytig, can yon tall abiut a I man by tetond of tic ha wearn? N wonn dr. appears on the bob-taha, N ntnd ta at tax filing tim e. crutinize te diahanorable meanhera' necti attire and matie notes. Stiald Mny findings prove significant lINN report ibean ere. Bo on oN oa reU. Find out how you qualify: tonian____ __ res. f ianY Norriogton oiNt show a f youre an Ontario restdent under Atenton Senior CNifzenst tos oden core aniection oN is photo 65, you may quatify foroeor The Ontario Tait Granto intro- ore propirty grapbs oN anme early motre oN three Ontario Tait Credita,-dudNut8rpaeOnao vie towo old omes and bainnans ine even if ou have no taxabe Oducs Poetyind0 Sae ntaCritoi nentirety ncw Mlo.His colorfui coin-Proesi den Sls we red years antd Trtero engteail Nsitsari To ctaim he credittayîvu must or oder as oN December 31,1t980. sopptemeoted iteino Mittan after tce comptete themamuve Ontariot Tait uAI f yoîî are fiing a federat income prisentattot trt oN Uis etry. Credit form and mai Nltogethen aGruindeUshud n presiot Fotttwitg the meeting, with your ederaN income copta ete nt sc odnaroat Cei :.d an aritats cofeand a lunch be di hatheOntreNom.Crd 1 f terprovided hy Mr A d iNeN uan m form untess you are ctiming tc rso ti.rr gonad Mr Aremne:Fili n n alPofttcal Contribution Tait CreditL t2 tat photo- Jessie Hiamiton. Snd- i - Ontario Tait Credits are ftor you. streetacape. wiches oiNt ha mode oN -% O ________Home__________ the ettre brend tram the" Hanint Property RsdnoN usn oe res wiNt ha Bafery,- btter froan Tx Credito ndsiitinusitionsa es tte"DawaontCnianmecy' n iia ntiuin r ter entertalt mad bam froan "Stan Tbe Property Tait Credit usuatNy eNgbe tNodaim te Pro- t totrtn oaBnb' atcerShp. reduces thse burdets oN municipal PottlCnrbtliTxCda perty Tait Credit or thse Property and sohool taes. t s based This credil may be claimed Tait Grant. on your prutperty tait or relit aind by Onîtariov residentso hî con- Fui more information or taxtable tncome. tributed o a registered Onîtariot copies oN the Ontario Tait Credit l iSales poNittcal parNy, consittlcn.y Guide, caNlthtie Ministry oN Te Cedtassociations or candidate in an Revenues toN-free Information Tan Cedit Ontario provincial elecion. Centre: This credit reNomns a portioni This claim appies if your pro- olIn Metro Toronto -dial 965-8470 S-oN money poNd in provincial vitîcial tait payable is more thaî troit Area Code 807 - ask the uaieNeds retait sales tax.It N s bard on per- your Prisperty and SaesTax OperaNor for Zenith 8-2000 urfl8sonaN exemptions and taable Credita. otIn att other areos - incomeThe maximutm amîîunN Thr maximum Poliical diaNl-800-268-7121 thoN moy be caimed for Property Contribuions Tait Credit that înay Thse Ontario Govomnment- and Saesait Credita is $500. be caimed s $500. -orldasg o help people- epe urani lts - Ministry of Revenue 4e ili . Ontario Lome Maeck, Miflister William Davis, Premier I'm al 0v Dos nyern tlus ai leat ire yearn otace N bave t wona ecktîe. Doing tis time. N ave 'orkned bine ai home, for tbe mot prt. Cýoseuuetty, ihere was no resson to1 itnivo ap for the oîtd. oie foNt i tory ! avd eathered) it wN hoan oe share air1 'tioti. persotol. conservation ame. Wheo N did vevtur ot nto te com- mecai woond. N oint sponing a1 *Scafe -a spinal tind oN cravat, de-i igted hy son Ricard and seon by daugbien DonaJate. many moona aggi Oorntg is eyday. tbe Samat atd ina movy cities in Canada. wth o gentie vudge ram ges-oho, as hi tivlid, on bsntess. crono or vat tand. Ses- irvire-prenleota. corporate imoyers, taies managers and advertiing coi- cuiles were tomhared among tose ,o soccumhad to te olortid necti- pinces. Loing hck. iNn entirety possibe ha1 oe bad a gond thing goNg. i ravit remeanhr whp we did't carry on i(Canada today. tomnoro, te wrnd.i but i was'i ta ha. Perbapo, hae- casse ictit attention wos arrested hy then tiîe-connomiiig. ooînspinîng pro- rets oN geting oounîversiy eduatiov. Win sotme. ose sotie. N suppose Ins any eveni. as N've atnuidy said, N hase carriid on obai bas hicome a iamiy tradition. Lst JaNy, I pody simod ap wîlb my dagttr ohat ste oas momied, oînring a then vo- octing Scote i Tey are about as uvcomfortabtn as nîcktiui on bot days. i Slow. sweaiy strangulation. Wai goi me off ot this train oN tihought, wbîch i hope s stiti on te 'rocks, was my recent 50Nhbirtbday. Planershisi oN the ivot renloreil, il take on a lok. Lyonsa aît oiNt ha by o stidi showîtg buildings t conception proposed ANno ao1i graphie sbowing doonloot displayed Par fNon ment, torsl Annual confererice on pre- schoolers in 7=12havI iesI the Assoiatiot for Eariy Chldhnnd Edocations Utrd anuai confereince 1aady Mnt 4 aN = 1ela =ttg, Oak- vinle campus may ha id laterest. TIse fcitared spakr SyvNi MPePte ltda IUt te sabjent, id ebldrens craativlty and Utc l c Wtdtaremcbhsg NaI potentiel. Hem long tbat id ex- p«ino ato dction lediadestiseiyers an speeli conaltant ta te pelmsry taak force for te Hilton Board id Edacatian, an ifant achoat intranive in wites, visita ta achosîs in Maxico, Grcat Britaîn, New Zeand, RBasaand te United Sts. n M i n M cP be e now aIses an as Education t Offjcer, Teachar y Education Branch, e Ontio Minîstry oN Edacation. Miltoni Hisiorimot Soiey itîi bcholdinglits 1 irvi geerai meeting oi ibemi5e1 seavot on Marcb 12 ai 7 30pm aN Milton Pubie Lbrry. Guevi speakers for iis meeting willîtiii'Barry Lyons aid Peter Toner. panver and architeri. pesenty coviracird hy thm Town oN Milton, it civjonmion wib ibme Busness Improvemneni Asociation. The eveniof'siopic oit ctser theworh wimh tyovs ,,,d Tonner have hendoîvg w.ord. pats iv rcioveoote Mitons ..I-- trio

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