Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 26

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9 le a Small bewlbhatnl eith11e dressing ingred- lents. Seat with rotary beater untit blended, about l, minute. lele, a vecy large huaI put aell wasbed spieacb, stemu remuved, drled, und Suce-up cceelY. Add bacun wblcb bau beau tried until just criep und draineli ueHoun Eaper tuseel and cruin- bled. Add aued. dried, sllced, smaUl munb- reams. Peur blended draeleng uver and mis very welt tu be sure spin- acb is cuated aitb dres- snSrle lcashews un garele net umilthtIe j top tiisesnes *--- maheurs. sac top. ANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HIGHWAY GOSPEL 0F CANADA HALL CHURCH GRACECHURCH 306OcnaioeSt. N 317 Muic St., MileePiS 8 7-2M2 Pnteost Asenl Chrii5n Gth5i5d us Cnada Sunay Mtc 881 l The NamOfThe CessoflWakefield tedu, ahaOs LeSd Jes uChrist and OntarioSts Lent1 Sunday, Marrh /Si Psso: e, . MC5,,sesem 8:00 ns. . Hey Cmmu- ses. n BrslSeasd 878-204 nio 1:4 MI . tSuidySchini 9ulla..- HSly Ecainton 700tp.s. - Gsele,ie Sundny, March /Si 1e;30 i. Cle Cussesu Wednendoy il s 8le pe. - Paye and Bibis 9:45n a.- Sueday Scheel 9:30 .s. Snior Chuch Reading 1:00 a.- Mneeu Wue Schuoli Ai ar ssWselom slsp 10:30n a Junior Chuset Te thsn tenicas Aio: Chids's Chsseh Seheul Bliese lte 1usd Jmi 60tSp.es Fuseiy Pnyns Chit, andihou shaliibe s, :0 ip. e in tesWship Thusudny e. Ae 16:31. se00 s.. - le Cessuu Os Wednesdays mnTHE 9.00 nsî. Ldin Pave, PRESBYTESSIAN Meting S.nda, Match 8/81 CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX, MILTON Fiday ST. JOHN'S 17 l7ManSi.t L. M-4 73 p. FaiyNiuht Ss. TseesrJ. Lsesvs, Csaes forln Young Pepl Nssffuneiy (Guieph Lise. Msnis 7.-1 ysn N. of 41) Ogncst-ClsesDisetes 9301sm. -Heiy Cesssu . M. Binu ascii ST. PAULS niun Wsd. March 4 0F THE UNITED Chsshtcheol 730p.a. -Per Meeting CHURCH OF CANADA SSunday Mach S/Si Mis St. ni Jussees S. ST. GEORGES i Lant I The ec. t T Jac essenis i 9:4 .a. Sen Chesn5s Omet Sdi(Guelpn a.eAandls eshie Susday, Mrch 8/Si Nurery a.d MeauPsnv Scoilso .m unod Itr Re.ChreaMiles udis Schs 11:0 itinn Lese Psnîens. Seso Ctuds Mon IO-Senn 'Muliplyssu Get's 8784S384 n5p 1:0mse Csuch nSuui 700 p s,, Caausniant Ail Wiineas AdultSupersaeiiNusery Nsesnis annual meeting1 At their annuat meeting, Hallen Parm Satety Ceuscil members acre laldthal elgblt ut te pasple wilbave bacb preblems ut seme lîme in Ibeir lUfe. The meeting wa beld Feb. 24 in Omnagb Churcb. Tue repreacittutivaS Of 1the Wrbmas's Comn- pesatien Board ut Ont- arioeleda asuin nbacb problems. Aller lllunlratieg thse structure and tunctien ut the bacb, lbey disuuued Gel etrproper edwegtadp1ysical itne are beys le avoid- ieg back p=blm. Ung cemmon nse eevery- day activîties uch ae lifting seasimprant as Wit thehelp et several vlunteere bet -posiion for sittln, nlaedhtg and sleeping were illutratedl as well un execclee unetul se avidieg bacb prebleme. Crossing signais going up A 5e per cent Miistry t tGeorge Stt tr en aier ut Transpration andi cities and un Onario cummunicationsi ubsidy S. ut E.C. Drury ichuri adIl be accepted le fr studentu. cntruct lau pestrian Cet ut the creneualk cresualbe. intallation ueuld be A ylau is sua bing il tSI uhicb was ltse tua prepared le place the id submitted by Stucey creneuatba oneOntario St. Etectrir C. Ltd. SAPTIST CHURCH BOSTON and OMAGH 4272 AlieLscUne EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN 555. W.t.Puce . SAPTIST CHUACH CHURCHES 246 Co eca St.s 55 Se .L"eA. Wsnh Susday, Mnsch /Si Psses S. J.. Asesesse 87su88 Asesae Punsis Sunay. Masch /Si 9:4l5Ca.m ies Sibol fosus D,.tes Canl BOSTON alas . 78-e« 11:wa..-Musesse 50,- 1 Susday. Mrch /Si81 si Cie sl sBse tsusn, aun is a ý a. Ssn Shelli 9: . a -Chuset Sissueu 70 p.a . -Cmmesunin Ie a.Aninbie .h setîDvine Wusip tSgveis. mies e M. 15kwusî Wslos GmiSpnkuJeans Psrse OMAGH sil, us iluli. e shsi. I ausesuRd.West Tunnday ?:00 p..aQtunsus-inSul- 1100 .a -Chuseh Sn5seei 7~lp.. sstpnuvh seeshPnsalldansd Dvie sWrshi Grstis Cub neCHURCH OF CHRIST Tusady 1412 BsssnssnSd.Wes Wednsesday 946dui. -CeSes HOWs net MnssO e n sodu sun m pnPyse nisen BinblS tiedy87-5W6 & ni ele d. eS avOi Wndnnsday Buneofew caBunMh. 700 p. . -Paip Ng Susday, Masuh /Si quWoeeke. v e AiseiisuIoAil Nluse uesrOidd et11 Susnu- Ca ntcShl EPIPI4ANY dy ServiusndetTusidpdinsne, n5 Aie LUTHERAN ueis.,i .:a -Mesessu Wes CHURCM MILTON ship ende uLd Suppsc Re. TIsraPesncher SAPTIST CHURCH th @W 8784»Thursday Snnai.yissl.lns- Suflday, Mnch /Si 730 p.u. -Bible Sindu gknshSissnS Mhon 0 r0 Mmig TesCuilurho selsuls pL cm.Ta.sdgy .j:10:W &..i55- Sasdmv WorshI yun. ceaies 1n:se Olsieslne nd aORs amJunioreClneCb Ma.sss-COC,IIU 7mipm.-UmIstnd -11111u11114^ mfflni-Co te4e for nffi .Mw 95flUni fl -Mia held Flloaing thie, 1the Omagh PresbyteCin Cburchwacun se seved lunch. Lance Pecack tbanbed the women on hehaifoth Ie greup. len1the afteriaae, 1the Onario Federation o Arcluearea field- seanun Ji.e Reid ofth11e Hallun Federatîee ef Agluire, gave a n- enlatlse un 1the sa clr and philasClly oeth11e edtioe both pre- vleclany und lca1 y Tce ana some dis- cunon o.about 1the ted- ealîsea nereactiun w1111 the Raion ot Halten. Memberu uerne reminded oeth11e up- coilg Si. John Ambul- ance course un Marcb 2 aed 9, und the Onacie Saty Asocatien ae- nual meeting ai1the Caca las, Airpet Rd., Miesin- saug, March 9. CeciliPattecuOne au acclaiieed presideet for 191. IIERE'S WHAT DALE CARNEGIE TRAINING CAN DO FOR YOU " Incese puse an cnfim i s-hi*tuMdlpélifsylSt "cummuicle e @eSSit-,. Casuel ltenusoad seety 0Speak sfetieW0nBlia biStesr oMsetiotihui Sii yousli and ypuis'duts ù prduci a5 vicop youu S îles abilun Se ai ous esi it ailli55( our a Suceup msaaei SUtIS "CaeSil ernanse Startina Soon ln this area- For Further Information Phone: 876-10430 or 519-744-1861 iese ne 50..Con and AssiiClte. 409 PtndeenncnRd., W15 ero Annual ,gpîttg ~ac featuring CBREEZIN' with Joe Callura SATURDAY, APRIL 4th 9 p.m. toi1 &.m. Optlmist Contr *Lots of Door Prizes - including a Color T.V.! TICKETS - $12.00 per couple and available at Halton Community Credit Union Offices: 44*mobsSL 1lWbmk.on -- SponSred by: HuRton communhiy Credi Union LEARING TO TACE ON ANYHINC 13 WNAT TAIINON COMBAT ARFIS 18 ALL ABOUT. Bneeenv isp eel ins...esoeith. -Isd. But eonc.yeu'e.tub-îeJobeinCuehelAm. sclh th.C .dn sFui-, s. ib. psspe.dIttabso. let .bout esythinu Yol eeS . lkus oneàesy o e Iethts ful. ul of action trave, adu.is, nd-lng utrs Ccnbst Sens la fo puepna hi hies, thst kbenlu sctivesaned h-lithy à..,aues hal th. beli. .1liie Chack osi . se-s,- esin Comhet Aise For morse Informaionuii h.nadauraPi is mentCnte,31Min 3t- MiltInt e st Tueda oecicsesti 9,.0-400 P.m. or eur tecoupon. Â Nu 5LIFE ...Tu OSImC LIRE yI6 A I55 ALL ABOUT YOU! You're fashion consclous, f You love your home and prc Imo. Youre informed and y( your shopping dollars. Faci you are' We've done our ho fer you enactly what you're smashing designer dînner r executive suiting fromn our sional sporting goods ..to; the latest fashions for your basics 10 something specia takes to make shopping a i experience for youl And jur growing.. Taking aur place and gro% Simpsons oakvile Place Opening March il Plant aseed wih;urGICs., undlGrepTrtIitis ikePlt- fi nnour yourre leetlelalu ae te do is uatch il prou. And yaehapld is Oue GICn cobo p=c odtterm o caom ho tadGreyni mda. An Ifull buts tpor tosnoccw. AM IGM~~ inic 84 MILTON: Milieu Mail 878-4173 Toc. Une 82-2181 farn/y minded, on the go' obably exceil in a sport or iou demand real value for t s Oakville, me know who omework 50 that we cSfl of- Safier. Whether if's a iress from 'Tie Room' NEST END Shop.. profes- )p quality children's wear home, From everyday ais ..S impsona has wfiaft convenient, enjoyable st lke you, we keep on ming with you.. fly Jsne Mlec Thise ating babitu et Canadinunhave beau cbanglsg rcetly aith a1 mave leard mare raw 1 vegetablas ile lIse d 1 dr.asd altIsdlps and draneg. Spinanb Itha aenI nawn nresglb give, tates even better rau tbun cuabed, bsing nunseeoftie valuable nutrians tle bet r saler. lesdarb greal lava sbmwddbu lre inle bile- sized pieces, nI rut. Cul- ting aillI bruine asd dar- bas edgs Far a sica flavar add a enlced bard builld egg one Io un. pkg. spinach (sus beosa t slcas side bacon sec below) 1 C amnlamsbrenni mieanreli aller sllcing 1/ 3 c aboie salted cejbeas DRIESSING 2, tC cellge cbeme 1, 3 Credwine or wine vinegar V4 tap dry muntard 1/4 tup. seit V4 tnp. saled barbu le tsp saleneg U nup blackbpepper it lie! s, 7-:77 -7-7707 m -..M m6ý in) Hafton daity iworkshô)p a499ts'2 Sp DeousB. MISer Hn 1100&alg.tud Over 2seSan dC=r- lngtlIdmbaidn i S , in c h s la d Z:t tIse Ageku :unage:t pogranm itriehe ostsiu-ld demenstraed 5the IJsItl Harold Clapp, OMIAF beitrprogam.Hjig Dalry Specilist ram and aiIsIreecLn the emulla trumt Ie Hla prenatly in une. trui thcehursase TIse Brighton, gavei a pn- indicafteu he ro. ton hare ts aing Put i Dr. Don Davs OthtIe dineanelebigudfa enn on bottr S oarteg thase tac- thicpoean erh G MAF VMteIearySec- tinde msrinpr maa Wms regnistors, waabasses le the tarmer l teressd mare ___ et Gelp hpssb teg on erasgsnne - Itgcestb pattera are oh- berds are prenty bMisg cuWims wi5. t ce 11hias. l bt bhat seglncted ras ot viouS. Qulle atlha donen e eargies îHar- sadcabînre et lf eer- Davis sngosleDr.b uany dairY [arin hat prolem le baaed iletha old concluded is pren- sdrb u r nt ier. ryavs seted tle n sgreal Potentiel tneding pcgrnie enatise atha ae et fetThe diase unodiienielIis lascesin preftibity, be eid. Harold than eviewed belter housng designseff mette aslbar rai Mat.spn U. l mhlk production. frena l abrd, Animale haet are as- A lab tastIoaItheamie- SaiO y losedon ha dW isesa aIais in tha berd la avili- - - hnegbt my nI tdie animal. 1- 1 l' m i

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