Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 17

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Inweekendmeet Sharon and Jackse Keyworth placed hisrd and fsfthrespecclsely inithel1112years 'C'. H Olhr caegiyuainst 1ioergirls.Derscame fr londerBay, Otawa, Windsor, Hamilon The. pair train wth th Buringlen Gatquatic Dobso. wubird ith $1.6apointa aclsteved baera Oak Rldgea reversed theitrendwthteh wluh t1w.. divesi a bock layosata hack sour- haina-trovlocy. The sln Ik. 2"1s w aai= taa heMsotayotlfh iturt ganin..in OokvM dits1h. b r. or fthplace do- gaine la rday white thefMlg- &"yn. taaback laylalt, mt14 os.a otand an in- wk.rdte * Rp.ase taItheneis Maton.Tennis Club :ac- Pela Sclnnid constnt. ti. officatheclubias wttminreamaens Pete Sen" an ie he ffie lt wek n, n rgiserig ase m cub iedhoped bayond aaonico h. ta .tartlng a reglar Joggtng rua teefreseitoe wl mmt ot aecee IsnIt ai e ospfM Pag. ia i Miltan Mail osa1th. w..h.nd faclnu"sisy 0g1oavaryiagopOd. reslted tin 60par cent i th. f0Undlng ciao. at- Evry ai 111 am., m on he aMû- aiod and 52 par cool ofh. initiation for ro- tasRoad C1no I VOliuIl neetote . rack etM iainl.clama.r.ech.d. Maton Dsrict 111h Schoi aod!devin, riaes for Be.ause of th aucesn, 1lut year'i ne-bars lls.day. are acked t exarcts. lh.tr roneisal options lie- Anynentemt,d tin gloa= mn t akdte fore March 15. aiScindt t 80-57I& tveWodai 91784M lb. club utiH guaronta. nsanlievobPtp t h. or luoterck firni 5w0applimans wh. forisard 25 per cent of rm om na b tunt lefoumdtng focor thecomnplotelinitiatilesf.. e eu te tf or h. chamip- Th.rwleullh re.mnioregristratioose loIr i th. Central Ont. Jr. BUlile. dts week. Wttiplay coiapl.tedtbrougli th. thard gaineMofO. lbwrody, te. club iltl beli a regstrato 1h wa.ma-fnols, Burlington Cougrcnand Ok and inforniation ightaet the.Milton llrory. Tb. Rldgeo Dyne. adi Ilad thirrespective lin.t-M- Unime. ac.7.30 t., .15 pi. .and 8.30pi..t. .15 sov.çrtotwogone.too.n.p.. Sargoltm NaodBramnptan Warrloro 8-3 In addition, th. club wullI h.Id lu. nia. Masdy 'igli. l. tan. se.tt. raniton regstrations " . uek.nd ot Mitn Mail. lber. lbucdoyaadbck a Bullntan rldy. Sfa, iilibeaà boothhFrlday Iroins64 -iand anoth.r nh isre.h.belo. .1.lin ei tc Satioday fren9.30oa.i. te, 6p.ce. liausieligoni. Sani. people ai lest w.ekond'i registration la th. oth.r onse, 0* Rtdgon i Nnk.d O.k- ouggoted h. club "ob nt..a flmunid nier- vs0i2 n O.k Itidgon Wnday fer thie On-gnse du 1 0011, squash aid indOor nwlnsulnThlb bond. 'lb.elalsting t.oin won 1h. Onrt tiso gamnenclubuwllI lookot.thensattero. Tankard, Governor General's team events prove interesting By dts stage oM 1h. gaina, mn aie m 1.ajor O.n- ___ tari Qirllng Association playfo bhave airady heo dispo dRgar -mgane. an h.coasing imoreLf~U~ imopn sw. tadnt. 1h. final sr.. t, d.ter lie are, h.ues.r, 1w. Imiportant OCA.osent. wtach are stilli otng on, aid tnterestingly enoagliit tesiebath duleit. affaire: lb. Gosernor LARYwîih GO Gengi's and theeilver Tanard.LIA rIEO lbeclub represenintivo n ie h.Govenor Generol's cuy odlcgnimn were deterned Sun y o mn ith die ngacua. Goduc, gntenen act ci Ron and StIck Pauiley consbinbsg t. doent the Mbillon'. Siver Tankard capreaentatlvSo wer taotIens Mf Ken Hannon and Bob Gnsld. lnalsaevot, determsned a aitde lIan draasaticaly. Wlion tisO as i th. Tnard tiso gans.are play.d alasultan- posba.rnketabarni.iacoptti, eouay, and thei.taliscore oM bath garnsndeteriainon 1hs = =1. ordtends t. gel au-vans. lbat nist thew w eut t-heh.cmstibs Unie since h. utaa.r uasadeclored llp aoly/Rowtay vs an. Gould inatch-up tuta rock baingthioitii p 'te be Vry itretiiU. a m 1Boui~m"lt & u te nmsaron, Steve Briscrlu- a.. = I gooptuo oa Goml aldro rn BranSnilth, ha1toseely inetoofs 't change yorm ni SuI Mustn Tonly Amnaot aftet h. regulation aout enterng anevent, ntliingWin. tantode Oh Mye.,1h w. powrhouse tensw. referred te: How.ver, on th. neM t RlkSIk Rowley aid lita joie McCch. e sa klpplag a rtnk Mf vice Bob Aria- gronpoM Pliil hton, vision Martin ad BihAes- trongSecondI Elinu-Drage, and lad Dong endier uere daw. tuoponteate Hannon, wu as uoco- Wingcoe;theeother bal Mof1h1isdynair duonla uklp- ing vith Parry -Ton T1' Itodes, Steve Klodree and ped by AI Zainan, ult Jack Fraoer, Laisy McPbail DasRoutay. and Fred Bell. Since thepoint diférent1icreat.d aUti,,on etra end wo. aeeded. In tee lite, Sick Bowley, ot bavîng Spookiag of Larry McPhail, w. wuld aile ta con- tee adsantage oftlut rock. gave op a dom n Han- gratilate linaaso well as Craig Kerr, bth of wban non; bat brolliar Ron playng ulte tee houier, uer. Des. addtitns electad te tee board of directaro inanoged t. pck op Iaires, teevmby alloutag thse Î _ow- the. cli.b. elad these. w. taiwart citinens Were, lae to uin. soted i pros.on telng about sac curling clabos Bonand Sick cetake the.r mntise riaba t. the eletia--1h.Y'-a-nt Paplarlty cosnstai Divsaonal playoffa tels cnsng eekend ai __________________________ A tarteer resinder junior curling intruction ta avble every Smodynornngaeto9a.in If youavae a yoaagster you a" knayln tu-ested in tegane, [~iBJ®r~sartedTke adantg f t-t's a reebee! While w're on tee auject7 oI yongntero. cas- grllto. .Mr opkins, wba celeb.-.ted lbar la Col fiàer.eus- ile Ss- 2Itti rtliday osa the e*eend.-VOtCling Ma. (Costinned from Page B4) «nm.dO Hopkns prde anand inlioroc -llknickeroands icooc4hye itO la0 105 w.t T-atart renindedu aloM air carefre. dayî Mf = = romseaesai -sii . îc une n youte. I bape icecaon h.srouad cext ynr when htsrg e b1" insni w Kisnaueoi aoe 5- celelrateoliirlhday numbler26. xmS 000005 ' OlicOalse nuù- Seus sc o stlHooluoib eespm a-w ssi nias ic Tu.uumm UtMi .»t oe - 1u-fru Tir PEEWEE a"elW s.ceae i i a a 'aWsuleses. lforaolM h Ws L T i il P u. OssWaSosAth hm am lmo aa .oi.seooa-r c rhwr inya sn2 a e Isn li 5005 o at iIPP iii 01557 15 11011 c SliM.iOO1 t ici, 7 0i1 elai 1 Mml loselis5eidW- osrshlsoa .,7O . le .eDrW i Oo i ean m Neias dreoole Snsnso 4 Gal s-rt1lic 00 wusPol In1.] , lOeKi... »Ers k Liece 551,K- D r. a FRAN FAN VOTE FRAN BAINES above are Danmede Guzml McAlter, Eddie Wiliams, T-Birds iConUinuedfbonPg BI) so. frutroted ot tbe. fiIci- ating, h. lacurred a miajor nih.ondoct penal- ty 10 telatntateelth. gaine aid wuaterow. out. Thie ganse ended on a sour note ulte several ininr penaltis and the. cooclin ejertionin thee lait lew mnutesof M ic ganse. T-Brds scored two powu--plsy goals in h. final 75 seconds of Use content niaking th. sic- tory appea Dot as clane as tee gase was. BoteMeains payed phy- sically for theefinal tus perisds. Owen Souad foaglit back luire Irons disadsastsgei. Ater T-Bicds hast taken 20 asnd 3-2 leade, GOwen SoundI took adsaitage of loooe play in T-Brds'end lo tie th score.. Howesu-, Gises Sound wasa ao.aaed thre. ininor penaltis on one play and T-Birdn n cored tiso lpos.eoptapgsatassee. 'end of h.milddle rIe le take o 5-3 lead and up onea .. T-Birds uene on their Davideos and hMa blister- WaY. ing iliot htigoali. Kelly lb, trnaing point Mondel belone tricbllssg gane camse on tMat power ovavld1e. hasthre-. play and h.tduisOf Shaws gsals for thenight.Il.S aid Dasideon neturned niorked Ma Bohrd thee- fovoro ta one aoteer tu go.l gaine of tee serin.. prodaraithetiso goals. Biawisacored thure iite o. tee fini pOs.u--play Brce anseron antI Chis gonl s.hicb put Milton Turner adding singles. abesd 4-3 , Dasidso Milton sat-oliot Dises worked the park ran Sound 32-10. Milton had h.hind the.net outto Shawswos.tee fini us gans isba rifled it boas.. Tus of the serins by 6-0 and 6-3 msinuit.lt.c.BShais led scores. -mm tT ,,1...MessF ts3 i Chaspon, Wad., Mer. 4, 1081 5 Sorority chapter formed The nessiy formel I i.ariatapir of ela Sgima Phi Xi Zet Bris was h.ld Feli i5. Guest speaker Jba s DillaofM iilton Hitorcai Soc irety gave an inter- nstlngslde show tor oM liltorical Milton. Meoibers Mf Eta Phi Cliapter arrlsed anes- petdy dartag Une social liour and mssr!ed tee a lie r ulte a ce, .deortdtnik tee occasion. Due te inconiplete records, sonne aeinhers ai large, iactive and transferred nienbeva were not notifiait oftels rhe skniters nsevtlog. Aay eligible ien, Kerrie rinebr ulstang t. ýr, Shsnnonberoine active in 1h. sonorty ta aaked tb ral -VE R O IN S OU FOR BSIES TAEi GODLOK PLUS r0E IONYUM , PICK-UP M.SL.PRICEOOt621 ,,,,,,,,,~ ----------------~ *,~,5 r... ns - - ~5,e,5ic00,,t-om.~. .- c "r ANCIIOR AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 " Custom Painting " IFrame Straightening *Collision Repair FREE Estimates 151 NIpissIig Rd. Miltont L-I!, UnIts 4 & MANY MOREINCREDIBLE BARGAINSI LLINGER MOTORS is a drïve in the right direction Ltd. 655 Main St., Milton 878-2883 SAIIE 1 isrown, ana ý i 1

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