Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 1981, p. 16

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11b11 4.hopes rebuffdlng yeer VW71 give hy 'leol Boyle Al one nceeds tu 10 dscover rhat kissa of a eaon Miton Flyedsardsrs tislel tea-tcmpelge. 10 tutn leous pointe gatisuei freas 44 gasas dunt emactty qsae F yers te c«Ilb ses npredasftlvo Il oa a frustsrollng and fo sasaon. Flyurs'onu Vrn Goudlng wosot stend for anohli ng yar akin 10 but yesr. Neterloicoacis Doug olaselon or, more smportently, lyrn' fathisitfons oiso endared lie campalge 10 dwindling nmbers. In a nutseiot.tithe o-at edition ci theo Ftyers didn't iave enoasgi gond playera. Coacis Joison, a peoven mahlalor oltis Oebvitlo Tdadas and Windor Spitifru. did! hin jobisocis altoseedae ajnrlty 0flise ges 10 have cloue screa. Bt Woels cruncis camePlyro tet biseuse fao ptyua. pplain and simple. ourn'tI gond eosgi. Wlseeosactly did Plyus geo rneg Hase ei tiey change tthe oeup10 ote a iettu onestr For tarters, Ptpussuann tlg cemp tsis nyen ois just sin valeransof a porisorkey clubis oh s in" loel u Is e 597-00season Ossly tve Zlian, Blair PiitIs, Bret Pttuasn, o. Dstsgby, ?sfrty Vasor and Mise Sebr reterned 10 Piper. Noue cmukidho co- sidereal outtendin4id Vennur, Flyu' holdover capteto, dido't dlplay msah nis lie way of leadersip and was frnloal te Oakvlio lgit gemes loto ties ciedide. "lHose coutd 0O uld a isckey caisbolish jot sc player," xplainis ohnton. "tl wosis tie cace biefore me wosld bave stertnd bulding a eans. "Noot yenr, oeil have as meny as 17 playrs comtog hock. If I ces get 12 rettsnng players. totises aIsot ru cai a nuctnaon obicis nu cen buld. "Ecci yenxts goasato havo four or five playrs camee eut go. Rager Noiltoc (former coachs of Peterborouigh Petes atweys saed, 's10 10 end six ot'." Mot gond playora oho flnisedfaoe soean are eble tu retsson. Lading crer Gord ornoil, naed the lagues reoisie f lie year, is explorog Major A pneasiltles olis Peterbsorougis and fao new e nry of hlm better team Belevile.Sofa cenres are cloue tu, Cooelia Lnday bhanse la additon, IndRiclOhard (riffihs te looklng loin, Ansrtan uiveraty acsooldps. ad amlgole Siephual attends shcison a00senestu bute anal 441mis haif tlb yenr Bollbe ret of tlb payua simply arent gond onougis or olal ennugis 10more 10 a iglis calibre f hockey r qaalify for hockey choerois. On tlebrte- iadeoJohoatosuhbu been apmnciseal by omo players anal parenl aohisuplayora csrrentyy Ofa ofaer Jr. B temas10nfaoearesa. Hie attihude and cowctongexporienco oUIldrase sma gond ployer. tu fao tesns oho mlgit ot ofairoe hi1cined t10 ploy wOfa lys. Its a tromp crd Jnbute on areest 10, play altisoogish o nut diocise any Crtainly fao defenive-oapo, th0fa team needa a vot overisoul te, ho com- petitivo. te goal, Flyern have a good oto in5- yer -aid PaoteZasan. Ho tii a& uaoyenr 0et f misr ihockey. Allsulgis Zullna goaaginst aoleg pncised elgit par gome. bo as nanseal faotop gpâlis f the suis-wst divsionf tlb Cnral Dt. trogue. lie han a rigit fture in junior hockey cnd is considoreal hy mony rcots 10 havoan otod cacot acare 10n tise profesatonsi racks. Af lu &lia4 lBa ameoiat Im. isepierd oil play jui iatf&a sesan. Plyu' frdgspâilis roesglsast et thel yen, 1110k anry, esuestebavseal pUloSI buqut obm haoabnnuai ha lsr-~o. Jonalon dast u'l qtLý bù tdb ofw disÉoaefelsrt of patles neat year, moy ack Laodry ta reisans Joisoulon «Ml an imprt gosiela1 ose f hictpites. ise déenasna sa, et but, terrible. "What nu blate syen o de wan't adequte." addsh tiauon. "W. noeed mese ip on auine. "My concept f a defneasan is a 1111e différent tfan mmut oches. I1sant two rsgged types f dieceonen. iey oued le olfareiv wthgoud akill. t vant dfeie-mndddeescemen. "ýW. tout e 101 f gamnes issoe nu dido't conra t oua corners. Yu cant have that on your teana and a0hi n. W. hava 10 matrul lbhecnru. Hmetlb forsearala could bave belpeal. iey coad have isoon botter isokoseker." Fyernf10iseite yer with yosesg Jon Tome, 1, Jou O'frad, Pallorses, Pillp, Dae Pilote anal Tm Grangur on defence. Te bettnglan fortTraIe ad purhape Pisilpanal Pilais 10 maha lbe toom nsot yenr lise team te& lacia leadersip on lbe hoe. Excolfr OCamail onplayor semoa ob.te 10asert hismalf on tlb ici, lTheyen f oxprlonco may give tlb player, nre confidec oet yer bumony wfil have 10 improve groaly. Onte plan aide, evarRl plyef r aa olishin fao miut hockey ayatem riS ho eliliie 10 ploy anal mmse 011 ielp. joiston sal bho aa impreeseal olfatlb plof major mialgela Deug Powern, Derri ckNeelans an d Jim PoulIn, miner- miaget cru Bo aisLesry, majnr ihantera Mrk Hakett and minon banteasTlm Potion oho aespite hi10 yong atwi, no dout, attend training ramp if aoee't singeolfanntir tesm Tis tppariho0 Pollens lutye 0of mierpockyin laliton. lise combnatloa 0f & actorts hbu Jobaaton stting hie nsigitsat oth le for next yenr. Acon Sabrs poe ltis yen juta fou adjustsnente ar es»"ar sometims tomoiea da tic cdmb in fao evr-cisengl Juotr B teagna. Aeros' backs to the waIIl. h- Coeni.sad faon Pge in , effiveFrday lt ohhodid'tfiue ln ton to play wtls tiree regular lin. Until tison, iteciton hal beas golog ahnost os- cuivoly oth twon Unes il oau a diffurent tory in Rockton Tiursday. Arou PiOyO jCbrnsasy Unir but gameof thie aortes but Oneisn Rochlon coaed two ahort-isaodedgfottibCladhlg ise ainner 15 seconde oto aralgisi tinie over- time for theosagin of vclry. Th iwnoht goea ais eartisaeaker iy Mtns dad.Polsdon lise Power play 10 aart overimo. Aunao coasdt gel an- tracked from theopennglace-off. Tise pck waso ait ind Auns'a'l. Dumesni flsea l t n d, ateosptingt10aiea in front, oatrhed il ioasce off tel.ise of Aunas' defencemean Marty Seeds Loonlthe goal put a arprloed Mark Fisaher String Fshr woas asrprie a 1oaoy bevua wooexpecleal 10 au lie hro of lies econd game, Pal Devilo, ietwoon lise pipes. Bt Aun' coaci Johsn Hall1 ba be aternating gouttes ait tessoan, oison pu- auto. oand saw non need t10 change ai11110 lime. Fiiser foced 41 aois 10tie gemne and won effuctive, epaliy lie final fbans.. Raiders Iead If onyonno Ilougit opeoing gre. Georgetown Cirsyler steppod on lise10 Raiders onld cakooctis est tht's wiat il past Oritin in 1the ltrbe in the opning opening roud othtie poloal of tie suieu Ontrio Major Inter- ou. atmply medite 'A' Hockey tiroogis lie s Leago semi-insat tisy fooing tiey cnnld wee misteken. date tieopposition Oria han provod 10 o. Ie secondC toogis ttely anal tise isseeon tise tseo oponing two gamen of the. iel Sturdoy ni bust of even nrias wou. Oris o u d , no ecetion, aottiongis toted i otistise i tisey tot iscores of 7-3 isevlng 10 net tio ond 4-3 meokr ate intise ie Raiders isd tie to earn tisir seco HAVE THE TIME1 YOUR LII Wko: *One day Ottoa River ratip ns dto llrogttOctoier. Dpature lUme is 10 a.m. Caet $45 weeskends, $35 weisday. Incles goldes, aqulpesen. lunch olli yoconi *Twni days 0 Wilewaler Rfting runn evory Wednenay andl Tbneiday. Frldoy and Strday, SooOoy andMlneday. Cut $110. Tant rentat$5. Inclndos 2 Motsscamping andal al mns.-- Grnnp raes are evalable fou mitlson@50day ad tlo day Wpis dorsu denbsa l lbmou4ba peooL Maten 1tuaitvm a"otet Iftcisonnk obie Rton nbTattuly manageanon abist oh Fisher excep for tlb goal. "-lse hoyn bue faey woua 100ahockey ganse1lgis," aodElllott, oathing swaot rafI off atthMa ployers.. Matou ployesi oofl. maybo lbebat wnve MeMn fem PleY." O? ie hl .score, lbeganse oesn't plydbte h lMu lne. otte B ath m ad veal gaed chsacus Itorblon sterteal one lb rigit font obun Brry idartlnelll aciausi a pose-play goal mldwoy farouagistlb apealng romeAt fao ialfway pont f lbhescondl perloa, Tom Butt oeoodlbahe core an a gW oalesteal by Mike Ponseardon anal Doug Hesip Wlfa jui over fou mintes ieft i10tlb penid, Ados haut a big opeorluit go cheal bu e e sechance andalait! Rockton acoreal 10latskeae2-t lead lteckton' soumesnsi oas saagese" a doublee oshor and afclngfbut mintehsf pssserpley, Arou caulalhaveaseas opoa Mg oln. Hasever. des cansilont Tmuet mu=i on offeinse anal imleod Evans scoe aa shortisandedal oifront jut 10front f tlb goal toin 10allttRockbu 0ltend AMOND THE HOU Of lbe .aor et imbuoke g round Wbh e m. Tiey motions cuel te t )clubs 1 s sa s o el(tcon- Md@nfsoe y tlt crotlPaal.s Raide onshm !. oS 0rf " rs. . C rs Ta vIMa gcf sUosoo as E1 u0 1 ol«.IM sP.gamr s. dja Ma et ead" ltsdemmh. 0oa.1 - andt M nr10utrdot 4w bc: Pm M" dm shm sftanin UNI m w uaa.,In nBd1 t n At «"V. swdnaa 0 on l.a -- es I reeshafflot Fr** eService I flou"t Mddoy tfaaugh lbe thir peal d, rs' Steve rnsizesk oaekea peufrom tlbcor- nr infrontof tlb set ond 9alipldAthomo te force ovrima. In extra lime. Aespressal brd bu canlda't fintehoff thoir paye roentlb goal. Miltn f10iteied Of43 ehoin on goal. lhe fffaposmeolilhoployeal Tisrady 10 Rockton wotfatlb infa matcis hock hosreta Memorll Aama Frldoy, if oeaor Arroses: In ohat mus e honcadreda surtantee.flsetisplmceDoniieM Modeste inockedoff secnd-plaPeris 0infour consectvegposes Mdcts onlhebourtis geme 08-510n overtinse Suoday afteraoon 10 Donnvülte Ofa No gout satroallinoan ompty ne. Drmavitte homhod 10nte latterhloif 0fhl acisodlle,sanve fr o wln in0lbelat garao 0f lbe aeaaon t10 ade~ Ptal tckloasrouler. Mudact cahtiselcPorler, a ormer Pacte coach,. opparonliy haou hou te buat is former tbuna alfamosParte wau alppng haiy etltheendlof fae yen anal oaacoa- sldoreal ripe for aey boum. ise cisomplouisp sertes si elihgin o teck 10morrese lTlusadayl ot heb enhut. ITis site ilti depeasa on lbe oulcoase f tlb Rockton-As misres. NOVICE j.a Maon t Ion-aa.m rron.a-ta"dotam 0110 d osated-o - i a h kmaonSa4 dadomoaat. 5dm« soosi dom l l MWalin0doe I.« Kysta ofpa ha , due01it- t- OseaUti1. lyed -il011. Wb" écoooO rrlaedo byaoIoha0u.Jdmn.leIy. ns U Lncs05tirspt e-s eopeodedtbedatent 0.00.. aoar a-D~90th o1410.losa WMuaala o-. s.adehaLiRa~ap o J. D.CaréeP3 àilf. 4*e O1Odaaaa 00llaà UIWebd 0a On"ai-.tai an ci, - l tft Ph-nd amoist ie wu..10. hy1.n »W M 00mu". ysMu coq *010 ored oe wt. da. . ba adutJus rMods A TOM limatams OosaaoltddanthLi' v bwsq vra amai dosd X-mo.yra.l 10g.ld Mlt" RWo.M"Wta You need fast forins. Ask Ange. She fiIs out the UIRecor'dqfipom pemfryquzmnK anoe4psompny siteldu t ga ght heRasnadcfBotiyassu o m o d. ita antyoohasn nooontoemana1=1 Hho-es im heCo. ssoossefsnsaa0nheood" C a Ep o ng t a h on o n s s b n st s ' :kvo Weood.Argt fd * nt ha m.eoa poil ~ 8ue rboEo" r lea: a 10. ssriyr sso.pyat ngs Bossa Anglfitt cotsa OEaasnotvasptynos ou'ton rehofhng. iAdntsdO . %WaS S mt sdanotiasSl25»Offl .And moogointo do it,rnotsor. «A =eu - o C-" .M %îjuc dsacOtO OeaO01 b 10111*..50. 101d 0a0e5 b.M dSOl= aasmt Ois.doosed lContlnoed on Pagel a" b.aà U UbWiUm ,w wSmP Gb OLFERS 1 __ Bomsin end iGorg.town T-s sat . ado" . u . ' PM o t 50h00 Golf Coums. BARy'S SflÇ L 0FTmH m hue a le, nmmhlhpOaule 1 9 7 L M f «0 91 9 810$ M W . h a l e u l a h st h as l o g u Cugalleoei.9lsed ias $180.00SI w ba For more Infornmaton oel GARY~~fl5~ ~857-2050 nIA m ~gejPMEtS -a Dm $or LE VW hwu42 LUS TootAu- Mfe tmS o$ tm owu fmo mck AM42 MMyu"o.(lt:qw-fm cfonertyb N LOsOTAa'aiynnlao-at 1nl Isosiepn ors o wgae re ,e on 5.4T$ ldsnedntO LONOTAOsuoOansIOII05010000Tlseswen otor rp oaOrlr i d mI s es Faneu oseseseUal M WýbFnsaltyaa mlde-ltdoo74Ta .0 ecWDOhoayne ni soin, tetInnieai17700 0h 00IL0ar Ft Faa toTsot 1 SaansIniSl n05eooo, 5 altnaoOa50Io A i

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