SThCenCanles.Wno ., MW. 4 1M Second reégistration comiyng in two weeks mîny peope serin 10 have mitoed thet MîSî. <.u ui.uau.r 1Itîlu regtitnmi itlilkCtld lî<lielu regitered a lital ai 40i players Frlday evsning ad iaturday ai Milton mail. Thisls]aIwaanmadeaupnof1 sintlor ladies, o ea group ithi year, 77 girls and 313 iboys..In addtontere are se iw 4players alredy regiteredao utorif Othe inter iodoor prograin. Il is unfirtunate inany people do nul Oit chiait the nommer sports anti hockey oatiiohs. Tiis createn iooideraitle proilenuifr Oie umier sports' adinstrahin hin scheduling ami ettln-ap teacno_ ?itYSC wail te hldig osecond regitrationute veekend o Marcit 13-14, et Mlon Mol]. Fridy eveil ite registratin aili tie ramt - pin. and Solurday framnliain. Allr tthile registratios aill i charged se dditiittai $10 fer for et hplayer regioered Il is iteresin intase itesenior ladies tise lready olgaed 10 players 11Mey lîl lhopluying in a nhmilîr iop taoe ginls. IlIooscm lilougit thiy may have hi cter fer a second tease if there are any mors players îoerested in tatlsg part. MYlC annianced the appoitient if trer nea directaosf v eet. Jin Wanlesa a i t akitlgover as girls' convener,ii MeKenzie itecomon dirochr if selihg an Enlie Croar aW iehoacing as perare coasener. Les aeekend, tas Ontaro Soccer Associain Anul Geral Meeting 100h place et te SIyline Hotel in Torota.aSome Wvotig delgateo frain acrcss Ontrio gaterod ta revira te associtons 150 aperatiîaa. her plans for the future ad eoIt a axective for 1961. Ilwais aathir yesr ni spectacolar adsaocr in scccer i tis provincer as regisrations increasmad slgoflcanliy aid renultao Oe field prosmi tee arr th iesdiag seccr aresi Caaada. ieveral Ontaro pllyers oienossistcd te Canadian ntisnal tram lta adace laOe secondroucnd if tar Wrld Cap ad il, un- doatedly lh iathtahtacteain in Hoanduras in yivrmitor wvittay ailI te atemptiaf 10 mise Canada itrtfinal 24 iesc ta ille part hi te fiaal iornamein aSpain i1M. Ther are the nouaI molli of poopoed consltutional chtages ta n QiIll JOHN S MORGAN te conidered bt itaohig of eat hieefe y rot he ls ey inoa redation i senior raea tass e rgitratiateées for 1ta. The les structre adoptod ai Oe general merting iecomas effectisreoe yar later. I te electiona ir Oe eecaive tarre as ni chanlgea. AIl lie reiring memeten acre re-elected, fBil Hoyle as presiden, Bt Oves- Tturer ao treasurer ami Toin Wilknon, Lewis Edwards and Jos Pgnea as drecloc-at-hirge. Thei e inesi p oviooly taoug.hitte exectilse ted done as excllent jo i Mand gave thsema resoundlng vote of confidence. flore were otiter conddaes tor a tac offices, eocept ihai of Ieaser, ahich is a very heallioy aigu. Aivell asltekGMlisere were Nwo seinars itou Soday, mne for coaches ami tite otter for ad- sinisralens. Seeral MYSC of- ficiaIs aiIsnded titeae seliasandm repored lhey ftmmd ihens h- teresiing amdinformatise, fie OSA is planning seoher administrative seminar itis area Salrday, Marcit 21. fis i cover regsta- tian motera in detal ami meny otae hoile. Applicotions are asaluitle fr lise Blizard Sommer Soccer Sclsool. A couple of playera rom Mhilon taok part la tis prograse laolyer and fosd i most enjoyatlo ami edusca- tuoai. This ps'ogram i ran iy Dicit Hward, a foriner prefemelonal and antersatimeal player ahoishinoteome if tac hst souiliecactas i Canada. Delailinif Oe Blizard Socer Scitool cntbe olilaid frein Cheryl Wakely at the MYSC regitration or t 070l-749. Medica jump ahead',- jeff Maher fired threc The secoad la ttr fois ta paie Milta Dms senis goes Wdnsday in & Dnis minra uhmi hica Streesilîrvwita tae tird 4-2 ain oser Streicsvic - gaine slted for Sairday l tte opener of Meminol Armna trol the tes-iflive Tri-Cia- Sasrday aI 4 pm n17 playotis Miltnajamsed îhrud 3- Van Wart's 4 points spark Steeler win Halle Vot a OVt lsiored ivo gais oand dded Nwo assista ta pair Mitan Fristel Steel toa us-t iitory oser Oaitili Royal Trusti n junior girls romd-rain playoff actin unday. fie victry gare Stelers a spii la inh ever's playoff gomes. The squad vas itumled 9-i hy sari- ingos Camta Wedeseday. Joanne Wunlcno opmned Oe scoring agaoot Oaville ite iraI pri. 0er lapht ram tac point osad Oe crner of te goal pat a sceerard goali. Steelera domiaated the second perioli ita a trer- goal otiurt ostalling tme scad ii a iiaor- meutaitir imd. Van Warlt ireli lai goals aitile Kim Hamilonaadded a single la tac Olnrd priod, Haumiloa îomplcicd a trer- goal gaiene sttisg te final tea Miltoa talles aie Jennifer Dmeiciad Van Wrl asoticd os Oic goals. Briigtoa Cimeti cîmpirtely domiaated iteelera Wdarsday vta îaly Van Wat abletîrh find tac target. Jeaay Broosiaad Hmitos drea assista. H.1t.M GhR le BE A FRAN FAN ME FRAN 3AINES 1 si DATES: Wodnos Thursday r Fsrotharmeoion:, Cu: Patl Sta 874w i afler one perimi. A strertaville rally in lie final rame iloaed Oe gap tai sigle tlly untIl Muter pottheOiremooui of reoch it alOiistiud goal of te cotesi fise minoies frose tacead o the gaine. Just 40 seconds ishi Oe gaine, Kyle Hasulfldt piîked ap u peso frise SteanHelry and ratc in oerte hIe lise irig a shit ut Oie gool. Muter scsoped in te rebossnd for a qici 10 lesd. firer mintIs lIter, Scoll MiLodi hilasi from tac poti ent inta the set. Loe n te perlulI. Mahrr pickrd ap bis second goal othlie gamr takisg o patu frata Hesloy and oriig te paît hom. Iante tairdneod Strersillo sied tah in a tas-minute span btut Muter arapped sp thr via jui 30 seconds aler te secoad taly. Moier drkrd te defeore aitit a gond mosc and ieat Oe goalie le's Ô» iv 77h>Ins, Fer a Ulia l b*ai BUN Dule iOa i ealm teaseof Mtans terc M*1hSé 57-0ain over Humberside offi ktiti Wedietiday ai MilSc vilcty qualiid Mîi l litte îal itempiosipe iter tam tn Tuumins. SiaffhwulOi asaal Marte last yar'a provincial fisalis Moaularaitosndai botra au Ord qarter. MmtasM algit-point haI-Ule wim singla point at4".4 - evrM ai- rapta changd tir àdeave strate hi a mnone pmea hst orte ively i he ifiet half. Theaqm led OeBolton spadrI5 tIa selmi tes.t Perry Marin ledthte Mtaio wi 21 pointa whitei court ges Lainte <taio pinyad an outi gaine iotavays)a miJeft I netted 10 pointa. Tom Gallie n as. p l l meM P a % a= s a t m, J- d tamsm"m b<a me,T"ahado. si(ar malien ta1-1w W Go-ia Rueos 5 ta, saW. MC fiafftwc ietUjà1« M, aaii SU E" uAoaditetl St rs.b*m YB Lia-'Ir0o5iA. Bnissm;, n L."' m*utTote ciiA. lia2 , S ...as55fr InilOPinth-le tosus; ai. a*10r Opis P 1 B.OM 2Woom. A iobotia 51.atou*Itat5 Olans Mmfer 84 fr1-50 fer lM. Oaoseima miel . iB> Cii SaISIs, 4 tté77, Pa m sIicim olacT.esOe Lyla7s-vOsme. Ruila&Mai BiCilaatt aX. GaI MTis taOmit anlgsO71&m»WTOP tns9d Loond.on oirta Use s i au.01«TopItrot L'aotitDM*. MnUWsnbai t e t a O so ta. l i 5 53 fe 4. LB-mOfer 75. IePt sem O.tmi Semr if«50 0%.Soebaiuil.Ol.cme M .oi0. à- ua etr«g. Oicave i tait. Mm.015.ita .- Soia Ia 672. tmta Sprlngers GymnudtlcClub tional Registration KINDERGYM Et BOYS RECREATION )MEN'S FITNESS OMS AND TOTS eda, Msrch 111th, 1981, 6-8 p.m. i, Msrch 12th, 1981, 1-3 p.m. nd 6-8 p. m. M PERSON ONLY AT: Iliton Springers Gym 275 Main Street 101d Ffrehal VictIoghessn 8711-30 leglote if monta an ms frein à, MOles mdl. te a qsdand a frt- g offe wal Jeff bùdng Defreilaa may and rw loi-t lm frldgse a 4-2 vin arler-rfi ise sers lemoclal A mday t2 toeyCreei Bansli cm le finl r 'dginan wo ear durlng Rme up ai aey crm md inObelbe Stoney Cri Rin maalisaB d min hi w ixd pa ela. e1awaka*ah Marct 141. yr, lmeu aestm led ity Paul Van OoroMtOie inwerlng centre ahi conrlîrd the play whenevet Ut wu'isinUicelor. Altiioghi tis youi o edtomaof te ym, l' fc aI teona..ocem, MOto sdaimdte aplay emmle Schr oulteum tago a ao an auangst MOnonte re eet outaMal- hMut ea offdlimerIfgai-0 M"er sainesaias t l poinla but moallonn &S Day ucoupld m oa" gaine i-oinptd Goralm ihi Smldaw train ploffame.yffgam W®triQIIi~willfl~ ALM WUNOf JI SlWy Miy i N- RI.eA lm.,Ca CcL..Alu - 5be ar lsa mi unlba us NdiAm i Nm -M iài, Ranttamnla Md la lm as tlammin la 100 e s,'0fr imt - sa Wbe in. litai semisa-MOn mmas iîi, ttin aanlabin. M ealOia tala "eain Md aaBdy mme i sasf lae a ssosr nMmi U aM- sini, C"Gait 51 talae Ont so1ilsfteVO aint.aim lireMI Pie 010e - lde": a-iml ro late goals ,vn Banvil 4-2 lin tse fInalNo minutes itedlite fine goalkeeping of aen to prapel Stoney Crash o ver MUtes Banvil ame i e opaner of Oteir OPHA almerles Monday nlght i es resames iot lWed- h as 0.30 p.m. game et rea. fIe ihird game goos i p.m. alno ai Memnoral lte fourtit game, if nes. played Monday atl8p.m. ai strolied mach cf tie play Ohe gsme ami dnmlsated me. Bat Oie fine teorit ni who itad itlsnitd Miliou 2-0 ' ry i imeing noflte lt meve oflor nase hi gise k lte aisnamio me-fume talt-of-five series. ek corried o i-O lesd imu te ltird perid courtesy spo= r play goal h ielatterotaeolsfin period Less dOtan o minutasloithOe final trame, Mike Mangollch scoret from Tlm Pollen hi de lte score ai ose aplece. Four minates inter Stoney Creek re- slored lie one-gool lesd itefore Pollen lied OUe score wiOi five minutes hi play in tsegame. Trevor Riehol and Mongo- ticitona.sled onPollen's goal. WîihOte scoce lied ait No, fassil ncored o goal trom o a cramitle btlte goal teas dlnallowed witeslte referas deleronlned te ted itloson Oie play desd iteforelte pck enteredtesnet. Stosey Creit sewed aji Oie siclocy wiOiNto goals nhe final o minates of teitockey gome. lhe final goal, seernd wiOi ose minute ta go, was ocored aitile Miltoni wao iteinga onsesedi 0a delayeditenalty. 1ta, odsol,idz 5aoR .tioutoacai M-uiali a M, n ie a( . iSiSe 5t oie ta.eJ= f«S% Gaie . S tE a. ait e a. a"i2 foa0, asa3 f a. aby 0 f 3,ao 0Mfr e sontsosM JUtleCmnba $ne Tanty&hos a-ioeam-d am" aa-a flafrs, o taf minuaTant ntpomsemetmminja lcm SM cUit oiimla 5Wii a, BmiOleOm 1.a a- il.sab. g nka o Ste - hý m I10 ..d na N -aUla ai.- Osai- tasociliiM, Dm artin 192 ai mgrM ial reaailtllMd 100000 50m m ca- ffl lkSrona. î ais P* er maiem' lO neae.t i ilsfrtawAfrsmm i K-. 24 , nM, tord nM. 2OU aM214 andsol Cin wats 0f aau Koia Umm M.mmiaoM eD"enm I awaeia tea Dml. ane ainsà 5lI'aMa- batti We're oelebrating Get into the Spiit Days', and Amrina Motors has given us thei dollars to do it. So cmon dotes and well tear up the pira tag on a ne Spirit for you. fflbu1th Fway2to àbr*21M1 CLM N S M T R oe' loiLd 4i RSELF WITH 64 ~ N'E WEEK ONLY, AION 4t te MUOINi 11h - TRUS! IEMS AME "TAU FIEE" ~4 SNOWERLUX CORNER STAU. ENCLOSURIE SMERLXSNWI ENCLOSURE c n Thttto< istwlo iolo t i sorner sho ittl ksti attitit ,50, tiahip i i etit .itiiiotic i. Il 1 f ,28500 Wi,Ii, vS26un95 Suit 00.27811 ,285,0 As, S1 % Si- icSI 1 37 8 A Onclosures avilabatmin Gold frames, stokeli glass aid dtferenl styls and sizos ai evetydîy tac pîttes 1 L SHOWERLUX TUB ENCLOSURE # 2 1 0 0 a s 7 9at t o i s i %adci iid, o no aiio l a î o oia m il SHOWR MATE TUS KIT m. ticlsIl"toutsslc-tts iolOl o t o ttalic ily S-Itil01,1, m.m768?8 93288~a. ot O lbJIu Olrsavdarl l CePU U<PM SHfOWER MATE SCENIC SURROUND Cotifottvotsttitouliai fttp,tl siui'to OitUiisttî< Ast atliiwit S no,lci ndlot,, ,otj O 111H iU1I!III 10NNECTING LI~ ~ ~~TL AND lu 1h'4~uPR/CE... oe OURU: 4071SPïMsRDi OAKVILLI 842-4217 1 F