Springer Paule Genioie just misses top spot MebsePais Gailmeod t.to p Tb. fsnsta e tUmre asAtlia ase ooupticgl.sineemcstagcrywus ua asb 6-rumdstiseodsbsst ___ o atb ueholdhblut aelllfor tbem« aieslbm&svucm Karen Hrress. sud foor sud a slothbon th bars l"lva enluh.Tyro 3S lvint hC = inMy. t. tics jamir B g= 9Z a Ofr gmso Jessolter Dcbmls:so fltb-g~eflll Oiel M. eaopglstacope vr,4 ysolddt Jlie was hirdon ou tis, vo i u & m Gnver tis, liof a a ~ars and aflonu e, b- Olse l.vth br s esudn tesVmW lu oses lft arsood th arsgassa.Mal puthe ts top spot ='elscseol bvea Tesumaàte Suu JanmsWho was second Geclle sett a sevectts overait. Ct.dy Riley in the Argo B dvisio, Kesry Hom wu dstctdher accomplubhment in th isttt the iat ueet, ttished sixth oserall int anoserait, Suzanne Wood 111h overail hecstos th sauIt, Gai Eastwood wa tousetit uatyg rseWlas moth at Drry James wa.hurth on he fh <ril dxth on, In te Ag()C tgy Frfirt y..s '1,111)-j,,ad (ad ïr ,,mhmhach Sho.the vault. -mpetitas, nweyzavud Arssnole Pu~t a asy srgperformance. tg" â!5 -Fome *amsms.s5ca55555J5s..s.meaanie Mtotion ltso t s han homswusroaoad t thse Optimslt Cub F da nlgh. bMre thon 50 people, tise arget group ever, paid opiace to humectotl eupe.. Largest roast ever frzzesDon Cherry Dy mk"cBoetOyle Ita sarmd frayone tlu linle Dcn Sut it appenei, mucrt teleeamse- omtof tihe tipoopiesehu attesded tot Peiys "Don Cherr Biout" ah the l0ris lubeatd cssr ssb wtho is Ntioal Bc"L«gs.eau't looblog lu, ba rakait user the. colos aoemely asb.e wuby teasx.routecs.ttalems C3s errpép te ierest t., ha more abite lusstrslgt dboutoi&. Whes the roster got cesight up 'ellu tie oouid huusor w'iebbtsnocrelatiolathse ithM, Cherry 'eu caugt cif-Uised andi retl-tsedonnsretbauoneocasion It wse C sarpofina raot, Jsdgtng rous bis rmposa, It seâlli loly ehis portm0ssie1,foc th forSnmr csts, [ ntglsBad" wu d ti esuibtoi tis a M tDaveltodp igod Optimstt eleaesworbonhatelusSer lb rostusi sere Denain Hull, Rusa Traalgar Prd T-Bird majoaeeee baattogFl Cieln uth.odrtv Stnoit Sn o a àO 0e-péealad i hï w 4" OUMA artaa tiod n se iteserita goaa t MemorlaAr« osa ught iWdaaaay) t 7 p.m. andlT-Sllr to l ot refoa h thrd gae Bua teao FotCtEanansarly lsd Suday wseu Snrcislolt po'eth oahot fese tise centre r.d linosafier aly 28 secSnds = ge hi blcke tathepscb seblot et htpuise sdthe s desppod lto tise goal behlud hm. TBrde.vased the score oa =r 'le at 6.23 shu S&ave Scannati o soeagond sorkb ty SeSoDavldomandam Osrea Show. Wlh 12.77 goe inth ie period tie Miton defeoce sutfied their oly sris.latoa.oftthe gause whes they atiswed tise Fort Ere "btg gun", Drolit.,lu aoe lu loue on Heagle sud give hbl ou chance.- Frous tist pont, T-Bleds alosly toob contolnofuttisegprus. Tmnactusus ctectst.g and dterusloed stattog esobleit theus lu neitraie tie t'eo Fort Erie der ues, Dril sud Cire Cnole.ia. seu ctseved desptt gettt.g catiesi for six ustoor penalties t. o rose dtring tie scond pelod en tiey played ith flluof11m- plimant cetabtera for hst six eoutes sud tisrae ecoolla and tseo mnshr for t'eu milu"eoasd ttree secondsu. Shase put T-Oints on equl terme 'eth a abort-handad goal et 4.34 of tise second perld wemhu ptcbed up tise ports ai hie oses bItafin.e and beastwlo mes on is seoy ltoutie Fort Ere eit. H. deebed tise goalte sud lippeit the ahot loto h. corser ufthtei set. T-Brdla got a poser pay chance esly lu tie thfrd pri andi thay lot ful ad- vot t t lte the lesd i t1 .37. Mîke De ra e rcelvei cresit for the goal potsng the ports hume rous a goal muoth scrousble. A 4.0T-Blrilas eet trther atsod ou Todit Hrse got in bhbtuthtie Fort Ere goal sud ted o preclsooupesu t asidsou, inbMA favorie pstion lu tise aoitrous selere ha uait.nus esttaa t.lnpttlng tise pocts inl tb. top of tie set. Show robhadin t tie T-Brs' soperlorty with lis secood shot-haudad goal tseo metesgatoer at Ses9, baisres Rih Bradie piW p a loose portsas ha cameoftthe Dmasdated lu toput thiclgon tise cab ettis an s aotadgoal at 13. T-Brds capttllud on aevral poserpt.y OPPrtsas tie at ent Owe SOUDsit73 TlOsrady at MausoWrtlMeus fr a tesw.- Brewtt, Gary Dorahuefer, Bau Hesat andt Grry Patteesou (Chrrys agent). At ou. point drt.g Hesatsà speech, Patterson rsuad a white tandkercloet lu su effort tlu proteet hb liecnt rous harbe. Bob McGoseu haadt.d the mas- ter-f-cermcuesroiseil. lu tact, Cherry seu lerbioer tissu lus cositrprt rous tot year, ltodge. O- ly M wa1seauable lu appoercousortahie lu the speakers rmie. Hlliireciveit a studg ovtiofrom the gatisorlog for kmItpal an . ise ssit msudedHul nay J"bafrou tise cheot.bdtieroper delivery lu ha effective Mauy sere ltaply ld jOkes wbtch sere accousuoited ilusait Cbeys carer Bddo, whu a teétiserbIDvoit or haed, oartal osuld have stlrreit sp the. 'Ad byisu leuest kl Lahati Braseataathaclub'.r eaisi profit in tise thousa& f bsi'lch wtti go lusears in lauclug projecto for yocsgsters over the ext yesr. Heagle, penalty-killers give T-Birds 6-2 opener Again, tise pair of Dacren Sha'e ami Sean Dav ledsluthtis um lun'ehatruSilit usy ha caflea ooeîy oflat.d gause. Owen Soundtcoach BtiHJasleoocuame (Contiassei on Page B5) 5ort s PmFRIM l THSE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4,1981 SECOND SECTION A eros fia t at. home Rockton jumps ahead 3-1 Dy Michael Bye Wall, on u er for a ciose sertes. Rorbton litaiMcCoyu blae thoir seci- fiuai sectes wttbMitou Aarcs avide open ltatwtselhhtseo isetuululdt.g an My 7- 3 vlctory t. Milton lu close wtht. oaset. of tah tisetheemis. Iu a gamo Aeros ueaded depertely lu wnte luaves the sertes eai luissp'la pee, Rocktoo loochcharge oftheii.content fla 10 mnutes lt.ntise roulest setis su agrea- sive dtpt.y ci wor. loickoc bad tabou tise third game oftheb match-up hy a 3- uargta t. overtioce Tisrosiylainocbrtoc t.nslatsewu, perbape, the. most exctiag cotent of the sertes. McCoys tendi the bet-u-seves sertes three gamesouaone Aeros were expected lu mome ot at hume Frtday roarng for a vlctcry lu evec the. artes bout by alcoocla, Aeroa ere flat roustihe mdway pototh e upeslag par- les. Rorton toots the lecd seth jsst seses mnutes lt t. the tlrst peond udom- trolleit the aefortise vtctury. ".We ftukaflyleocr type ci game," std icba cao oach tsBarrie Ellott eha wu beboidtise bench for bth pesose tut wees. "Itseu a mors plysical puse sud MSiton saeued ltecb uitafier o sebie."1 Asroa jumpad ahass six moti. toto the game wsefl ogHellp cred hica fIetc 1.0 for tie isgt outise poserpta. Hus- auM tdluo asb taesy toitea tp pad by goalie Rtcts KatchaucabI. The goalle cameup wtt a f egoods ues eth the score id t-i whin s Semed toluaspr hie teammates ousard. itoctoa dfenceuas Mrts Dumsni pt McCuyà ab.ad y use sud just 30 secondla lttr «-Aero Ray Evans, wtsu leads playofo scrers setb ulue pointa, arreit for a 3-t RSoculid. Aerca scurei une goal t. tacts pertud luit coulintt et properly utrarbeit. Thir deteocîve style, wluchth ie sqsait bu impie- mesteit, dosat aeem lu heabale lu change ehes tise teaon la ehinit. loctoc oddad tseo goulu lu oth ie fluailutw rames. Lus Nltco, liotitos coach,susited opter bth games tut weesb. He dida't silotguios hmieit Thrsitay but appe&ae amrs (Castinued us Pige B4) 'ZL Timmins bound Kevin Houldroft()gsupfrootgont Bolts Wednsday at Milon Dltrtc igi o itnbot U.homooiso 57-50 teoad- voc. te tise provincial chaompsin two weeka. For more dtoia, oe page B2. a05 ~ Vove~ - -se Tise puck stayed out: Sonsewhore, Aero goalle Matrk Sclsoenfold (8) and Steve Bronizosaki (5) holp out. Fiuser bas e puclu in control us Rcten ployero Reg Rockteus won 3-2 Thursday sehen Waynso Smithlsacored Lelsoy (14) and Resu Buaseil tbrow themaelves into a abortlsanded goal 15 seconds bute overtime. tise goal in ffort te score-but taileit. Aeroa Deug Four- Town tourne y Peewees win third atoms conso champs lb. new-look Four-T'en select haockey tasrnausut haito austmilur ring t l It eu Miluose Steamers p..... seleruseau tise ouly Mitona tsl e in lue grand champ- iosmhlpSaturday in Orangesille. htlto'eepeeseees andi Oroogesile played lu a 2-2 avertime lic, Milon sas a'earded the chauspluushlp lurooghth le tie-hreatslng ele selch allossfue lue iet shot ongoct us the gauseltudeteruslne theseinner. lTse usly suher Mitaun toausin a grand chauspluuslop gouse, miiget Stesamers, as playesi lua 2-2 svertime e tie'eluGeorgetawn but lcstlursugth ie irt-sot role. n consoslatian play, Geoegeluown beat Mt- lusene novices 3-1, Milusene atomsbhast Orangovifle 5-i andt Streesilte ssepniaed Mütolwne hantomns 'eth a3-t1sin The totiasing lu a bheetsynapsisnofthle Miton resuluain lue toseney. Wabely, Chudieigh. Rayae puce peeseee slrtory 'lie courbing staff of Larry Scatt ansi Terry Brandt decidei telumas. detecceman Chris Wakety anlu a tarseard Uine silu Eric Chuilgis sud Thu liyner and lue ressilu palid vidends. WWoy ccoatod lue bth goals and juit au important,tloc h le iet sntao n goal in tis ge usnlua aietegy ussve shietsee- luatiy gave Mtiton the titie. Oraugevitie. seticts hasi hoton Milton 61 tout weets at Milon Spurtn Catre.,'essai preparotitor Wakley ou luetorseard ine and cierars goalie Pal Bible. Essosn tor hin gcnd bord shul, Watelycs aht removeit Bibles glose on lus sc- couiones. Orangovile coutred Woteiy us ttiiOud sud cvertime periodo hy ctangtng goles every tiuse Waeiy wso n lue tee. Wabeiy scorei thle apeing goal 'euh tsar uinaies reeualig in the middle rous. Chadigh sre tise assit. Ibo shutt lot att Bible'@ glovead ont htsgiose ami ports eat inltiihegoal. Orangevitte saitesi almoat one causplete pertosi helore tysog tisa scoreitis 3.5t lit in thepusme. Wakeiy crored again 30 secouds into extra time ami jut oneuminuie lttr Oragovilie dreweselu eams eses in tise five-esinsie overtitue rame. TIse decldt.g fatr soutise fiet abt us gol in tise pee shch tise teaus hasi hesn practistog ail seeb. Waboly roreises tise pukorttrmtise spest.g dras amidsbaied lu tasard tise bloc fise betore lettisg goseth a Miltlun goaie Tous Hil playesi, perlupo, ue of hin betSinems ofthtie yesr. The golise stopped a tiree-man treaa'eay esriy insthe second perd sud came op silu 1.0 excel- lent sses tram tace-otfs in the dyiaf sec- ondsof thle umiddlie trame. Thse sictory seos Miton peewees' lird in a row aithle aual Foar-Townt uaroey. Mil- ton employesi seses uinar peewees wiluin ls raks wtsite Orangevitie seesI wilu atful caeaof mjor peessees. Fbeit-oot roi. sioba mldgelu Miluon lot a 2-0 led by lue miit'ay pint ofthle tiet perissibelte 'atchicg George towns cloa 0se ilts a n. e ilu 36seconds tet la the periait. Gecrgetawn ti eeaore ilu a uinute lu ga in the seconit perit uitd'eus amaritei lue sitiry atter regsiotian time andi oser- time taitei tolubreakthle2-2 deadloct lraugh the irot-shai ruei AU tpamc were aware lue trst-chai esie wociit ha ued ta ietermine 'esanero in lue cas. of ties ami Mitas practiseit andi pre- porei tolutakethe cht Hoseeser, ater 40 moeofu actian h.- tseeen lue bise les. Georgetown its ka harusimo cht t folie Brion Koter mhich h. hunitiesi matibt it pravei to lu hle is- Milton apenei thle saring t'es minutes ia- luth. gause. ScottiRoulabas ted hame a goal assiteit hy Scott Germean. Les lan luree minutes ister, Kovin Faiey pt Milon atsesit y t'es. Assiste sent lu Muke Rieter ansi Rouesu. teoregetownn ceared it elu36 seonds leftins chu tlrot perloit ansi again in h. inal iuste ofthle midsle trous.. Miltont courts Fronks Pender pileit Kocler in th. inal uinute ot avertioce amidsent 'ellu sic ttactsero tbut lu Atome effective play .aresconsolatiotitie In coatslation action, Milumane aluusc ptoyed tluele saustaong game luiteteat Orangesile -1. Orangevtie bus wou just t'ere tisn ear suit 'ese blooted 7-0 tsy Ml- lus the presiosss eebosdit Mtltton Sport. Cuntre. Miltons gond paootssg pt.ya ands srouger skating prsvmi lu e haetsdominant factor. Mito'eae goalle John Cuerlo put in a tosdy performncein tend No toam.. MSiton strucb for 1.0 goalls a57-ameus spen 'ettistise.. minoies lotinlutise op.itau pensitd. Dauny Wood osened thuertong trous Ken Bradley. Doug Caries put Milt ahaad ty t'es gouls u tcting in a retssoud troa oht tsy ietnceusao Cry Wiyuao tram tii. point. Greg Hareis ahu assisted ou ite play. la lue secondi portit, Cartes duo tise ports oct trouslue crner undt sispped a poaa lu Haoria ia trust 'etsaredrected iit tathle toc) tr a M-0Mittnan di. Mdweay tirssgh tise msititte rame, Orangevitie irew ta 'eitisome. Kevin EkIt- lus reslured the tts'ee-goct margia 'ee lus 'erist abat ram joct the face-att circte caugtthle top carner aftiheanet. Wllu tws minates mlu lue finai pestitd, Braitiey pst a perfect debe an lue goclie for a goca nctose ast lue scarng. Jutin Fitz- geraldt and Wood assted ou the goal. Butama flot agaluat Streeclsîilte Miton luit espectei to luin thle granit chuuspioclup. But when tle ague cherbeit lue standings, Millua waa posed dama t. tlird pace and played ta lue cosoation trs- phy. Trhe t1am lacbed drive 'etscts sas tseluer hurt hy Streesitte gocîse linon Wite sehu ptayeit a very strong gause htwesn lue pipes. Streesitte boit') onamas sfos.ai yesr util lisaone. Streetsviite apened lue scarnag 30 secondts ista lue ftînt perisd. Haeser, Miton raared right boots ta ie it sp. DaogBerry tirei thte goal wîlu assists lu Fraser Haro andi Gra- bous Koharlu. Atler luat, White 'esc lue stury ofthle game sluppiag ise Miton hreatsavoys tsy Sieves Hatpts, Steveomes, Johnt Feibkoand Ted oulton. Streeluvitie s'ropped up lue 'elnseit singte goulu in escts af the inal t'es peroda ta take lue viclury. Milton incarred twlu minar penalties nar tisenuitothtie cotest which prevesied lue acisai trom us stiog a lat-usînste sege. Tseo laie goals drapsovlues bopes Georgetowen ucore t t'esloto goas tintise tinaIlus usminutes of tise games lu tabo tieS-1 seloovecSiton. Geogetwn umpd aead1-0 'elth tise tus arero thP e putgpestoi. Mibe Msrphy tiedthe sor or tonilssesrly lu tise second pertod. Daouy Iierussu esrad au silut. .Geergeto soeaitwlire lu tise flua t» miestitostslsdtg tisetut goal ltosuensOr- tyau. I. , 1 1 Il