qmvpý MoistrepasPrisding snd Pslhiing Lt. hsac- qsfcflie sMares of lnland Pobllainng Ca. Lutlted, effective Feli. 27.iTe tale of olares, ai $f3.i millon, pas -Inlands 13 neekly v vspa vt.,inludivg The Casadian Championi, under theMetropan banner. land icilIconfisse fa lic operaicil on flic presnt lisis, asmsaisld f eterospan, said JohniBax- bar, Pnsslist et Mofropan. Ho utid dis caony la =fdyagmadda f of f r serve flie isie soutien Omtrnma"taisoisaovered iy fie tisa noispsper '"mlicambinod reooees of tlis tvgroupeavllsu- sers flaf aur novspspero continue fa provido tliely, informative ediftoiaf and advertisiag neisa for ose readers,'" be said Meleospan, owaed liy Toste Coep., ovacil mac iseekly necopapers ad fine consumer lalia ina tce liavil poplafod Matra Toronfa suliorban aresila im we 3wsellles and tisaofetdisseaise pallal wosisnd edtos. Jiaf avec tisa yeus agsa, fland liad pursead die duS oardi liaItiot es formerly ovnod li llIs Prlallng and Pulàiing Ca. Lfd.-ITne CRadian Cliampon, Milfan; Thse Actan Free Proms; and The Independent, Cergetown The ChIampions n iv celebrate its 1201h asot esaty, bad ben o lied by te DilIs faatily since 1943. OflerlIn"snpaposacqalrodliy Meicospan Frlday mutds Il. Peuf, Burllsgton; Oakille Beaver; Tic Missi-up N-;sBramptan Ousedâms Ajax- Wdtli-PwJicrg lNsomsAdvrtar, Etotacoke Gazeftte, Mscbliam Eonoan d Son, Nevesarbof- dAues Ers, OsliawaisaU Week, and Te Stasffvllle Triliose T'ise Olawaand Brligtaa papiersliane wcckcndmlditionsoaasclli ChmpionePubihee Heeb (etenthet- said hb ea asueaia pubbisbct's meetngMonay mornrng, tat Tlie Cliampion and alte frmser fnlaod papers vauld reisin doe"niataequo" under Metrospans owneolap. ieire are se plans fa close any oftce papes. "No staff or policy changes are planned," lic said. "Escli newesaper lias lien givra complets local Mr. C. thrsat! MeaSps plans faofatdy mtod of oecromng lsain som ofthle ncws- tdes, andu't mayvra,,vvttîrang t te, publicatons but nont eîgt a y" Thc Champion, licaddcdi aset anc ofthUtcpapers shoning aiyla1-m. tnland amd Mefrospan liavoelicescompefing lioad- ut in diree cammunies--Okvlllo, Igialaauga amd Efaicoke-and teir coveroge aroas overlapped in a few more comnmtis. ~ke nitbSntkIn po SAn Inland Community e ppr- rvnth Community for19 er VOLUME 120- NUMBER 42 MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 198t 32 PAGES - 25 éCENTS 5~egelC dPartfflth. ..Is a tep pme-i Two-year wa"it over, hospital to expand ByJane Mulser After a two-year strugglcta convinco the Mlnistryof Resu MUà - work bY the board of directors, " Mr. Allen Said. ton had outgrown ias hoapitals ability to treat our population, Itheapprval covers phase one of propoed expaniona which in- expansion and renovation plana have been approved by the mn- cludes emergency, laboratory, pharrnscy, phyiotherapy and istry. radiology facilities. "I1t's beau a long struggle," said SA. Allen, Chairman af the Tie second phase conaiting of a third floor addition with 40 in- Hospital Board. patient beds la ont deait with i the approval and bas bean set "The approval is tihe culmination of aver toyas fauy and side for future conaideration. If la predlcted diat consatrocionvil commnei tIM,fait liefor a single fuaidatton cant in put fa place Minitry reproscofaflves mndliopital ntaff vIll .-..........sork widi planneca fa designfliheexpansion. Milon Dintet lHospital Adbaiisrator Bria rsdyl l thedf de xpanson, "We'l ho Ilook- "Int.e paat ou liave consideeed expasdmng amer- asaUtedmty. 011iset esseeey patients lrosted fadosble over thépaatiOyeurs. lCdAUs a i e gesey isard mes cramped t vi~ithondy tisa treasnsnt rooM amd on vmldxg rse or padoent-doclar consultatnfacllldes me*edi rarridomsetarli houads e egesry dopartasentuon one side. Widi doe Minitry of Hosldi'n concept ten aomote fewer loialal admistua sot-patient tecilldoes mont licenp ne kostepviilcaednner stlanatpatenfflellfle.t nrae u Tlie expansion, vlilcl i include additloanl out- patient faciities, lias sot lieut gLven a fisaipsIre tasg bot according fa Me. Brady, If vill prohalily bhoinatdo trageeof$2 millon. Of tdiofinal prier, tdoliaspilal idireglanal govorn- ment asistance wiS front an-dhird cittdo cott ale die province vil caver doe remnainder wIit a one- dird grnt and a one-tirdlInu. la Navomlier tIM, tdoMitanDistict Hospital P'assdation vas asousced amd If uS lprovide smmc -fandlag for tdocxpansio. e Faundation cliairmas John Otiee said major liond raising evenfa vil sot llksy starf sul do iefan,, fa avoid interference ii dieoregudar acdvities planned liydoheMiltonDistrict Hospital Aunilary. Faaidstiut memliorofapa sel for$1, liut Mr. Onle alreses tin ladoe minimum les and furdier don- - allion are greatly aetd. Mr. Ostler oid doe fasalation lioard eocfaoplans tfadiscutestdo pan- siblity of life insuranco plana namning dh ouadation aslieneflclary ifdte oacyinlider deaiees. ite useat tep ilatdo expansion plan agala lira vidi doe Mlninfey of Healdi. Shlirley Brett, tce mialaflys -' projeet officer, moetnois esiahliali a tiaciable for dohlaningsiaes and according fa Me. Allen, tdis vIS the dnextmvr Rhythm on ice The theme io "We've Got Rhythm" and Uic costumes and acta arc bright and colorful as Milton Figure Skating Club preparea to prenant ta annual figure skating carîtival Bt Laurier Arena thia weckend. Among Uhc stars are Shannon Brown, Michelle Fraser, Danielle Guzr an and Eddie Willlama. The show rima Friday and Saturday nighfs and thercas alan a Saturday matinca. HETA wants gains on wage disparity Theatre proves popular MUltons ne=til-sreen -mavie theatr.,Preier Miton,'pndia or hawcck and wsa nmtn auccs. Crowda floccd an.pnigprt- husa, ls-n*gt shw rdy nd ana hue Surday - mong te, isitrs were Joanne and Maýrg- ret wcns K~Murpy ad Corrina 0'Nciwh munclsed teir popeorn around tihe zebra on thc front lawn. Scphato-story, Pg. Ct. Natts Elomcnfary Tracliero iAsnociation (HETA) la playing ifa firot cord la doe game of catcli sp salaries. Halfonascanteact idi ifa elcmestary teacliers traill, l aina et oofnslary, ail fat ose oaItdo seiglilor- ing boardse, acces-ding fa, figures relesord liy HETA PresstdettterryDunn. HETA moinliocoare vdll dotesdo fst--career teacliero rank lithdoproince-tou agl atoa lu ose afitdoicliesi places landtheunfry, accarding fa Dosa. Inacempiling doesiafa, Duanatsi information fromt doeprovincial EMutationftelatioas Cammmsion. About 12 pe rosint o ElA's 1,M 1momlicroarc vliat Dans referas fa as caerf tescliors: Umoe ilatdo tagliest vagc and eparicnco category. Tliecareer tesoher troap. aseanaa ample, ladicates liais te reofaIHETA traila la alary iidi eigbbor- lag lioard& Caeer tIcren ail NiagaraSonut h y $s10, tdoliant difference and Wentwort by$1,772. Wellngton la doe atdy nieglboring board wtacb o-adnlf an utnisagos anidt a by about $1t0, ac- cordinafoman. "wliaf voS itry fa prove ilaUtf alfan ilaa reananally voaiy area. Barlingfaa and Oalivillc bavedtheagliost per capifa income in Canada. Wc U" liteachoro lan aftonnliould br an s eloff ase odor vcaldiy areas," said doe HETA prosideni . in tersa af badifa, iErA mmnro"*are certain- fy sot btter off" doan other areaa, Dan s nid. Ne vest on fa ladicate diere la nal mach dissaflafaction idi doelienofifa. 'Que farst do year la calolilag uapad keeping ap' said Dunn. "aton Boardaof Edacation, NETA and District a et doe Ontario Serodary Se"utlTasclers Federatirs tOSSIF) and tristees bave liees pîoriag alteroate isayn af comingfaiswagea&greeientà. lise board l is alfing for a report feoin tdo Impron- mi NegotintiasisConinlttosTiat grt a tanling off liisarli. Saine etlisa roomasndatisi may find diele vay infa ialfa btisou thdoboard ami teaclier liforedhereport la iresentofd oh ful board. Nallon Baare. ai Edacation amdtfascies baetao an adysesstiOd Of nsgtlsng.OE5TFMdd o hourd alnsost faSsdd hmIinlvsm idi a strile lts year. The committee has searched for a nomber of allier ways of negotiatiag. Ose such melliod is single team liargaining. Of thie boards compared bly Dosa wufli Hallon, flhc higlicot paid-Wentwortli and Siecor-ase single tram liargaining. Decision today Baines appeal By 1Linda lrliy Progressive Cooservatîve candidate Fran aiObs' riglit tfarepresoat flic PC& lanflic Mardi 19 provincial efecfiaa liattle wos'flie decided ustil srosmd suai fa- day (Wednesdsy). Supreme Court Jadge R. E. Holland reserved a decisian followlag a fiso-liaur liearlng at Osgasde Hall in Toronto late Tuesday affersw, as Camapbell- ville luinaomcaaOrlesa Crnies arif agansat Haltut-Burlagf an PCS. Sliorlarged flihe eruary somisation cosventiout sa afalr tg lierself asd sisny pald-sp party members wlis iere set allowed fayvote. lTe derisies psrfly rosI s utniclitier or sot Daine' açputLBrisa Pesmas of Miltos, sMWfianta te sfasd as lie PC canddate ilatUec Marci 19 uleeflo, sald dis judge. Me aaked lawyes reitresuti ng MUs. BatnsaasdiUs rs esdiseus t wliMr. Pesian (onsfisseil ut Pg. 8) I. SECTION ONE Sperial supplemenfa: IDA Droga, K-Mari, HRCA loling ai a amaller liudgetl...... 2 Woonîco, Home Hardware. Ealieoria ou u ....... 3...... F.., of the. police Milon oarll Briefs ............7 ln Vtnam, paîire are te spectre of terror. Hproncia eitut 'ai....c....ra .....f Fur Vleamaeseimmigrants, te sigliloeta Cana- PoinilEction 8 oeae.......1 dian Plc officer cautes férar, lita new HatonaSBtION BS Baglion Police program lalioplsg fa qsdll fliase SprtsNew adg es.........BI inBl canevas. Story and pcture Pg 5. Camesfiesels, Oai Ea...........Biffa BtS New Chamber drive Pe ae¶SETN TRCi BIi Mercer, newly elected president of flie ItReipe, FarciNews ............C MUtaos Cliamber of Commerce, feels licelim Enferfaisnkmt ..............C m- bù possI iti~ve fa offer Clamb e nenlero iltn TandlfKm, Wâows .. ..... 4 Block Parensawanta help in re-organ- faay mpitrerPg9. MSe Omo*sg, Drmquin ........Ca izlng. SePg. 2. Champifon, Inland bought by Metrospan - - - - - - - - - - - -1 i