Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 8

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- ~ Cesmeflor Rose Hrio eot ln are ledyudewyfr the 181 el of Conres lned for Saturday, Sept. 19. Somne new and exciting additions and dislays sre plnned in this, thse third an- uafestivýal, she aaid. Halls are at a premnium, but n anereted idividuala or gruaaeivtdto beoeapato teFtia.For more informato con- tact Marg MeNeil at 78-484. Milton Camera Club members enjoyed an interesting talk and steie show on land- caigaspart of their. regular meeting Wdeayat thse library. Member Hill Scbreiber abowed pictures of interesting projects csrrled out by bis Lakeshore IAdcping firm. The club meets the second Wednesday of everIL montis. except thse Marcis meeting wlbeone week esrlier, March 4. More nesocomers we are happy to welcome to Milton: Mr. snd Hi-s. G. Dawson came bore from Manchester, England, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson fromn Acton, Mr. and Mns. S. Stankaltis from Montreal, Mr. and Mns. Rieo from Winnipeg, Mr. and Mns. R. Cheesensan fromt Norve.l, Mns. P. Tyler frons Chathsam, Mns. Pearl Conmoily from Florida, Mr. and Mns. T. Gurunatha from Toronto, Mr. snd Mrs. T. Leather frons Hudson PQ, and Mr. sud Mrs. Randaîl frons Toronto.4 Two ares Holstein mon were honored this week when thse annual AIi-Canadian awards were announced b y the Holstein- Friesian Journal. An AII-Canadian is tise tops in its clasa in the breed. Nursoland Pro Vicky, bred by Fred Nune of Ashgrove, onas wmnner of these junior yearling beifer clasa. Spring Fsrmn Astronomer owned by Bei-tram Stewart of Hornby, Sgpring Farina of Brampton and Nippomia Holteins of Puslincs, was top yearling bull. .Halton had nine nominations for AUl- Canadians itis year. Board dollar boss shy onle certificate Thse second isigisi officer's certificate." adminstrative jo i There were iliser Halions Board of qualifications. Education isas aise ti a Seven qualified candid- wossan Who doem not hold ates appiel for lise pool- ail lise advertised ce- lion, according li a isoard qiremeoli-yet. memi. Barbara Moire, 39, A committee osf was appiinted truotees and senior staff 5iiperintendent Of nterviewed foir cas- Bsainesa aid Fi nonce didates. dicing thse isoard's MnMrehstad Tirsnsday meeting ai ý.Moebstad Burlingtos. iiy rion in tise contsaio Tlhe appoistmest is the Ilalton board until ssbject ta Mis. Moire's beciming assisant 10 succesoful completion of Bruce Lisdley. He is c- requirements lic thurine ibis year as Ollrior (ficers uperntendent if Certlficate.Se isasiseen busis and finance. given more tisas 13 mon- The sipecintesdent if lia ta cimplete lise isusiness aid finance pie. reqoirements. pares and odminiters Advertisementi for tise tise cuiront and capital $52,123 a year jobste b110iudges Lker ad- "Candidates shoild minstralors repsort ta lise isave: A sipecvisory siperintendent. GET AWAY Headlng op Scouts. The now executive for Boy Scoute of, Canada, Mlton District waa elected at lest week's annual meeting. Siownmnfront from left are at preaident Aurele- Lanois, presîdent Jim Strain, and vice-presdent MaIClo n der Second row, Ex-j ecuvitve Commîttee member John GouldCn, treasuror Don Gordn, secretary Helen Lisi and District Comnuasioner Bob Edwarda I Council disguste An indiaat Milos Cooçülimlii regiler uts 'dlsigus sti thesmelisod isy wiicis a gravel pitisu ieen alliwed in eme ino being. Tise pit la loeated nar Reid Side Rod and Second Lino. owsed isy Longtar Holdings. Councilors temsgit they lisad thee eyside pit iotied up wies teey tliel cosh-et if a ose-fiel easement arosssd thee ouaide edge if thee Longtar laids. Bit thee Minitry if Natirsi Resoisrses tas approvoti tee pit witis logslar cunting acrs sieteer quarry ores asd eossing oit on Reid Slderosd. ComicLfir Don MMidlan iiggesed Red Sideroad be claased a DILR. RSTROUA 143 Main St. E- Milton 878-588 Resldonce 87"186 1 .4.0. Tisa. 94 PoIda 2-9 EIGHT WATCHERS ILL DONATE TO t HEART FUND DURING FEBRUAAY 1981 Give your sweetheart and The Heart Fund a Break Toke advontage of the NEW Weight Witchers Personotized Pro- groom andi be ligibto for as att expenses paidtip for teso. Durisg Fobruary 1981, Weight Wtchors will donote 25d per week f0 the Heart Funti for ovory i-scient mombor in our closoes. Draw to taI-e place in Mon-h 1981 at the prosentation coromony to the Hoari Fanti. Ail cront February membors ligible iu participoiing aras. .Iois Weight Wat-hers today - Leons 10 001 the ight woy and Gîve Voir Heart A Broak' The Aullsorly Trip courlesy o: la WEIGHWWTCI*RS " ~eusMeadoe"sSavelu FOU RRIHE»R MOMA11ONCALL 826-9284 B" italie rend isy SIlos. Suciso cai - cation prsilisoisvy lrsak traffie. Hswever, os il tas io Se aplsonodl isy tee Ontario Govers- mentI, cooscileori ver- issu- sald they dosisled the govermnsei woudd ipisold tee wiseiil the taw over tee gravai pli isdustry. Cemosilr Blancise Hntai 05554 onail in rememiser thee igisl a scoop if residet freen Halos His$come io Mion Coiecti wrsing teem teey woudd gelthee Rd by Ministry sme treatoiesi, on bas asised a ltter go fo mlslr«tenot, as se- tiseMinstory ai Halo-ai coi-dol los Halls Henres',reglasterisg Couieli. sur dingial ait tis acs- CesasealsiH WJoison tien." Den. r i.rp Cii 1 55Man tret M!tn .1 TCkfsAvaMablAt 1. Opieist C nsee - 878«411 1 Sam thesflansd Mon - WihtiOak Pl.at i. E.c. OmovHighis OSl -Joiet Hobby 4. M.D.H.5. - Tny Antasosmua i& ino llaf Corner of Main end Merlin 878-005 Type o HeatVou cinîttake a sisowec instise money you nove heatng your Te Het GsIaer Heater EecricWaterHe-tcor water wflh gas Butonuish natural gas, you conisave an slmost conltiuous &rmount of 54A Gallons 54A GalonsQi supply of hot witer for sisowers, lthe diswsier, lise washinig Waer Heated machine and tise kicisen and balhroom and laundry inlis. And yoti ian rgnt* or bsiy vosr gis wster heater fcomn Union Ga Timefor ise emp.If Union Gos heots your ihomeone oughici lbe bealing your onater oimforrseFmp 1ihi-48 mnst. 5 isrs. 34 niins. Aabi i Unio Gu customme, Cail vour local Union Gas office. WhsioeswsesMsdade Aeyosisday? Bsdon independent tests.Iôf O lOR f. WEI WIL ýR TWO, THIE BGHT Y 25J EAi -11 -1 EVER UWR R WIN A TRIP FOR IN THE- WEI.

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