-1 - ~ - Conneil telle commit-e le J"" Eth~S0 msRb0m.s Police Ceat0ba Harry DeckmanEd~No.5 et » mnimra fv0dMl auccuanbed vice. On eb S aIM, He~ o oieConstabe Danel Beckman re Sgy aua",thed olaslstanon « al Force, was mwae bytef ot bf Poie Ws Bauge N. 5.iIeâ aMation tas ' a - w Wfi Pl 1e . IJaumsHarding (1 )etPolice H.Q inOkil.Ho bad i metoy served as a Police Cadet h Georgeto",tu,1<1, Oakville sud at Ieadqusrters. Rome, heritage trees shoufd ho Indoxednow l~a ve ld00w-1 councitior said Iflton is tryig to deny families stayisg together over a tochslcaity. Etrâblos t mMCa wlia Vus Conflit ti otbe anianb of UNheogloi1 PwmbnlaocmalNu UNi ta OlpiMe U sigMofa MIRtirf"& oiram- miii. a lot foi laWdeauli- td wu a a"romidIon popabad eaiga. R=do= aiLIay o bai bien given a uovoeanoby the Liaid DivisIonCganatIsi ta Post r.warc A ilagal ?&MMlie bomna.iar hapistai à "fres. f fo oontloo bast soulihlp hho gaI bock U8m sortlbetM aer jomm andui mre .0k rnouuy aide. heu la berna iooig iiyigb hm e. b16., llanos, mllay hili et.bok' lottheicbou. *vie 1» .& m tladid la dUt posa oluNth laiàareduirM lot for rlt te lemvladitoue Mo. Tor en a nanclildeet agolcultaurat lat for hla "Keep tUN churen on daughttor.Mr. Tor a aa the far. tn tt.htter thav reftirig farmer. akng hem go offtt o Wiiie Planning city where ail the Doptert t maf dii not probleast are. asolabotit Mr. Tar tMr. Cosaili eh. maie 3 z h o y b j e c t a i W l d m a n y 1 i t a ir je c tio n s botagt eoi aowe a ab wo lctao siM à.Un * JMkDiu& rSccved bta aPPWthe ifig Ofdis AXt Of th- Honoaro Bacheoar of LAM iviion m- oumilor ove tehà cence dein ~Marine ..Elr* W Iv, te Sniit« h reom-catonait UNeUnlvcoly of rlghtO 100.1010 awiohP menM teiUN&»W lbY tUN Gulcpb. Ho n he unof Mf pouro-a ted," 1fr. PlaaotagDeirtannmom er. and lira. JIi DlMi, Coonol"aI. sihdrawn. Mltona. The of . MplannIng rd for coins aid renovid uNe gaver collectoa oaut ta r Planning a Vacation $w0 sortI et Colas boa or1 B chàdllrea. ana .or Business Trip? la oobtabfour ecalai e imbffediho a&W. Co l thUNerlf»Doit flItIM Thohbox Bdibas Ortei au 4M tOoles laAve. hOo tiloacll volae., ho aieau. 0f.0[.0 Poo Pasa.) ai AmpoeW" simmora- ti etIe anu sis- mm. ______________ $1,000.000.00 3rd Party LiaOlty iincluding accident benofis) $ 250.00 Déductible Collision $ 25.00 Déductible Comprahonaive 361.00 TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM dot nooioaodelaaluenad leiaslth o a O divelsbtowok(oe wàp Ohm un aou oi. ano obUgoUoni ~~ METROPOLE INSIJRANCE AGIENCIES (MILTON) LTD. 17 Wleon Drive, oLTrON, ONT. Itoocuol Pla MMg be abh d Coanstila a du-ranm.thUN ou Uanly reco4gien 0 nuais km w , W Mr. Ifoay a chPluai lia lloct UN-ie0Id causse- brfflap ollal EcAd am aid Ib-Qkw~ Comsnidue emabioaho o bai put nerly o000 pDir h«I Dno10y on" e bu-ltaeirouadUjob iid . Ja..n, . TIc objwticit ta- m. ¶ aUl rili a :y 0 thala Roba Ronlai aid bcp T.o 0: 0eniau « the cmii have soaci f00en flOicai, btili UNhe 1010 Ilatily &@W naid b nom miffl 510k ai CW bn MUi t Bro Cimbd, ta10g U Reglan ot. povala proput1sf ymiud op a p M uocitlag <laua couli CtIon alomimore b..o 1. .acb e '4 eh argud,' UNheladow âoai ta af It la cthy o Mitao aSM UN ndit Sara' IM 09 de-co Your ia. MO inOObu li. Judy 511 o onra Uo cvMet iUOtilalaiis ho w100 taanPlay - otr udaibta il M IS tolae loi, a haro bot& rilp bieo- vo-d Prentice BI licihe..fner fUN UNe lat i Ie Yoam. Faâncral mrvice wu bu Jan. 20 fronthUN ilanor caelandi nter- mseniwu onEarun C.Metiy.Patbore sure Cocu Frnihuone, Emerson FeaUooiane, ilia Fiolhemonec, Siiao ral"ph, John Rlchardao and fRis nner To at meior 1go tckuts ha»o bou acdi.Dulo for laya lkt la laocrstbursdayi ai nom0 and tickets are availab etai Thb offna i ce and tUN Park ANY SuZE! FOUNDATIONS lbke advntar of our otherOffsson' svinge endi natadl aCarrie Adi-on Het Pump or CentralAir Condltioning. Ad-on Huai Paap Culpot Conard Air Coaillnlag Long hoslg catiby cspltighait rom rangs sith.rforecaata osugt an the rltiosat pa imnlt ecasivety hot summe oro li indoocsith a Cariet Het Pmp. Tahe olvantage o Carriers In summa.. the hua pmmp Sprtng Riboetes anvait ootditioning raverses I o = pour home cool uatilano.. andI onievaty In adiiton tome Cair Factory Robate, tb. FdoouGoveniment %iii iuberchze 50% o yola installation coat or pout heat 'Direct Factoy Rebate on lie Tal psmp-up to a maimumt of $al- Crrer Comior Syîtein whicl, proviling te hat psmp sas W 5% inctdes Huai Pump o Ceattl Air 0t pour normal cil consuvpio t ta Cosdihioning, Gai umage, ail part othle nsatial~tota Eloctroc r Cleanut andi conserve ont ti rsostoos. Homidmifli Off. availlable suntlMugi 13h, lai1. Ta qualffy lorCarrier rabatse, oqulpmeN uet l otailaltie ed pld for by Jaiaol15 91. On-the-spot-pl.ek-up, dellvery extra wlthln 48 hours. North Service Rosi Rulingtôn Q.E.W. b Guelph uine inlorchange OPIN DALY9AM TOSPM flOUAS hPAt TOIPM ý/ Million C. Fl. Furniture Appîhînce Warehouso and Showrooms 31h Miln c. ft. Fumlitur - Appance Warehose and So8 om »-'w. 'à"q 7T --77: - -- 1 ýý -1 1-1-- 1-1.-, - .. - , ýýý Il ýý . . à "g ýë ..U g ý j '*àà ýg'.j '-à 'j'j'j ýr ý?'j ýj *-g Ji ý2 ýf 'j ' ý ý-, ' t