4 TipaCaudanChus$6bn.W.d., Pull. 19 lu iht ganabion ë(Ia iponl Phono 878-2341 ic:Tomeo ta.821 fl303 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKF HALL LEss oý Decision ont When te Trematne-Brttannia Cîlîzeus' Gratip gthers tîs Sol t urday in St. Paul'n Churcit, mcm- hrs and guests wli ho celebral- b ing mretante DOtbirthday tof s Mies Bessie Smit. û imed aimat with Miss Smit's t birthday in mnd, Ontarians out-I- ging Envirarument Mininler Dr. b Harry Parroîl ias decided taI any future itearing mb t sins te land wiicit crowds Miss Smit's t farm on tree sides, and turning il ino a garbege duinp, will ho iteard under tce regutians of te Enviramental Assesoment Act (EAA).r Toay Hallan regionol coun- r cillors will ho meeting la itear abaut Utc tonds araund Mis Smiti'a bame, bu il won't ho ony festive mood an they ponder o con- siderabie ions in terms of Halons 1 aspirations of itaving te land con- E sidered under te regulalians of5 te Euvironmenlal Protection Act (EPA).1 Hsdtce Miniter decided on te i EPA, Halaon Region coud have gone sraigitl ioaon Envtron- mental Assesment Bard hear- ing with ils l-incil Utck book of documentation on witytce land, alan knawn a Site F, qualifies la become Halons next garbage dump. But naw te regian viii have ta go hock la wbere il van mare thon a year aga and reconsider al Po- sible sites in ballon wiich migitl serve an garbage dumpa. This rewriting of te repart wiil have la ho camptled in sucit a way taI il shows Site F wauld ho best for a landf iiifacilily. Thal is ging la ho a tougit oct for Ciief Administrative Officer Dennis Perlin ta perfarm. Sucit a nludy viii prabably take anoîber yesr ta prepare. Iu thal imnetce expansion tatce current Burlinglan dump site, the only tino legally lefI, wiil prohably ho campleted or nearing capacity. Halon han given ils word il viii ual expand tce Oakville site. In one yesr il il ho necessary ta have te applicatiou au Site F itesrd and even then, il cao ho ap- pealed severail imes utol and in- MO vecidis tre Il s distreasing viten govern- ment elecled by tce peope citoanes la ignore te people. Milon councillars vere flob- hrgated lot Mauday evening ta leamn titeir cotinîiug courern aver a wayside gravel pil aI Second Line and Reid Siderond itas been waived aside in a cavalier fasiin by te Ontario Minislry tf Ntural Resources sud te Ontario Miunry tf Transportation and Communica- lion. Altaougit caunciliars vere faithfuliy tld by au MNR representalive te vayalde pit in question vas anly anc of many hing considered, a group cof Hallon Hill residenta warned Milton ual ta hlieve what tey vere hing tld . Haw truc that warning vas, as Milton haa no legai recourue la stop te aperalian tf the pit owned by Longar Holdings. Deapie tce fact te tawn'hlda a an-faal recrve aromd te pIt area and deepite lhe fact Red Sldeoad lu nway cou accoamaodate beavy lnuçk in ia s ent mtel, an a&llcatlanfer te plI ibeau *rovad by bth mlnotleeand h amracting M andIuinlu v amo*, te Outro ýhe merits cluding lte Cabinet. That couldE At the saame time, pressutre will te placed an thono preparing tbe study ta take 200 acres of land be- *ween two dumpa in Burioglon in- .o contideration and look at ils totentiai an a dump. Thte land (s being wilingly offerad la the re- lion and a year-iong hydro- geological ttudy aiready dlaims bhat the 200 acres, aiso knoov as Sile A, is switable an a dump, pro-( vided adequale groundwator run- off cantroin are in place. Burlinglan cotmcillors are ai-O rcady letting il be known titey will sot look kindly on another dump in their city, even thougit i would go in on a apot between two extot- ing dwnpo. Burlington, while not umausetuaItu officially statcd yet, con bo cx- pected la wield ils pavera ta din- suoade rogional catmcil from any such move. There are ather sites which con be studied, but il vilI bail down o a citoice between Site F and Site A. I~ Eacb bas adivantages and din- advantages, but il in theo position oif Tbo Canadian Champion that _____ any disadvantages ta Site A are Monday, Feit minimal and any objections con Cad. oniy be expectod Ibrougit partisan Ho, it vasn'l.a eyes in Btrlinglon. bavent gottes ai Neediessly destroyiog 240 acres une Just yet -à oif produictive farmiland for a lairge s ndorfi dump, wben 200 acres of ex- =ody bolidayi tracted land (a shale pit) bs being greal (dca. offored freely does not makle Trtbtoly, l'm live (n lte pont i tenses ta anytine. ail 1 cas rememti Wbon councîiors at Halton are multitude 0f 'goc tlId today oif thte implications, it is Autfor lte future, expected Site F viii stiil be uppor- faute. ie mont in lte minda of the 5sf f and My reseco lte nine voting Burlinglon coton- ni a worrnppi cillors. wt oI s d Luckily these nine votes are 0131 stickt around loi o majority no vo hope the otiter prmseuu orcuponl coticillors from Milton, Hallon HiUs, and Oakville viii realiy ho able la givo Miss Beasie Smith a gresl birtttday present. Tbat wotild ho ta bave lte Hal- ton regionsi report connider bath Site A and Site F nimtiltaneoualy and wititout prejudice sud make a final decision baned nol on tce parocitial baundaiies, but ntrîctly on the morts Fur starter,1 You sue twu Georgetaonvuo ssing lest veeb o Mil anolter lutary. goverument doesf nol allow any ltuntb(s wet form of appeal or decinion making itcîped sponor on authorizing gravel pita. Even maiting mosîl thougit an entire communily can Drapeauts Dreo ho oomn agrael pI t a an, I'vo alwaya be aains a gavelpit o a an, vontege ofthiepl tce government does not have ta iscume cornors' linten and there is nothing lte people con do abaut il. Titis it abundanlly clear by vhal han hoppened un Milton. Witte provincial electian now in fuil swing, te ciectarate nhould seriattsly cansider gelling a commilment in wriling fram lte candidates tey will oppose and amend te Pits and Qtiorries Act an tce type of action jusl vil- nesaed in Milton is ual allowed ta accur again wilbout tce people itaving some contrai of lte out- conme. Multon's firsl bload donor clinic of 1981 in tomorrav (Titursday) aI Haly Rosary Hall. Aflernaon and evening clinicn are pravided la en- sure everyone cati attend. Inleresttug ta seJico Strain back as prooenut of Milon Boy nta À Sce fhia wook. Rard-worltlag Wbum: Joi Jien wu.an oedy pWMiblwbo WlUlig iila douls it*» so ltar in a ntflbh *»O tIutapjib. tiptoHiIEl SPlanting a maple leaf i RYDVN 16 vas Heritege Day ta sn officiaI bolidoy. tteY around ta prsclalmtag (t tespite gond efforts by a 3fservice ctus, beritage folts lte me vitu fel a ( n Febraary vuld b. a o hittge sol. I'd ralier bhan lie present, itecatsse bar about lie paut ta lie nId" titingu liaI bappened. e, veIt il ocares lie H-ul the option, lte pootlta my ut Iocal i itry ban given precintion out my ovo and s. vito bailît t la lnd tato y, bu ot tuntely dido't 50n enougi tolu atcb lie ta ramuini. Aiion coro labogu teteay, Thn ere sq io eve0foulispeers unI tonereonr thd lu o teorot erilage Day. nveveY pand a onodiofn raitaf aylie fro paçeeselate. ren mplacgl idothefroti pI tapa Coe. paigtedto h Yin badotaotcdTHIte lay et a., vtotv icy lterodd oelt ml est en et ag. e nouedu lte mapebeafa ddueel l, vnturonpafp- memi.sdd' $o l itotPO inoletn eeg uTi.Cepo' narntepini ch(ange0y.in oTherc a lita commnoily.inVls, 12ooniglnloasrie (n 1001 bore liternYe noeporgalmouonld6 Englisb type, tlb. mme os liey du taday. Except v. added lie maple leot. Weil,.veve doffei our cap and dune somelhimg atout Heritege Day Wbal d YOU du lu celebrate tas veit? Helena, Wauhingtan, for bot good ami ted tings happening around bre tia inter. First, ilsa been a coter tan usuita vinter, tuankst thie volcusic eraption avaaitultire on thb.et yUl dcelUtt'a Tihe gnod noms la, wvve bees a tvin mometfantastic tunnels tanrment veeka, ai ocroou Ontario. Geotaglate explala lie ton otflie vol- canic dust tertataintue strateepliere by Ml. Dl. Huioens bave cul dowo on lie amount of te sons rayn rmacbingste torface ufthlb eart. Hence lie mtail (e- age veve htilu iutcr. Tbe same vuceslc doal bas givon us lima bonrd. coorful red sunuelu tel pinlern and pitotograpitera love. sec, licres evantsmme good in a voicano soettag off. Thte aunsels competnte for te rottes veater. You take oflmom your chances wth MICHAELBOL I ltit lil movetan Actan. lic fittanoini cale. Ami lie uddo aren't veets ago. a couple in really inta lie avor. Fort ta. ot courue. n 025,000in a lollery and cresm.d otfflite top fu ormc vsr- lIton couple won25 oin tyhil" pirpo t muni b. tuaI bamlet's ast vlitrge prizea, il's inevitable a for a $25,000 vimier. vaat malorily of lima ebo enter voolt enlcred a lottery. Neyer even approaci breating oves. Witen one )r lic 1976 Olympico by conoldors tive dollars a veet for lotiory tly $10 taveslmonte ta ticketseamounte te$Mo0a pear la mlnnm Bam. estimait). (l'a apparent loIteries are a linngbt lulleris tot ad- shtorltnrp dovo a tosing peli. or andt lover middie cliat Howver, novspap.rs ite Ibis e-, ' desire for a qulcit Jsmp sp corge loties by soing pictures of wioners, wili.us above, ani tihe question mii always arie-what would 1 (or anynne elue) do wit Snob sma&cker auddenly tirsut upon temn? Wall, (titeouldot b. bard ttotl 1on the. money becotue witen il came tam te, write a weeky cotumo, my spic. would te vacant Yo ouldd'be rading MY Proie. Twenty-five touaad dollar Won't boy mucb ttos. daya viten yost conidor the price of bhoues, caro, and tripa around the vorld. Itteont pay ot a mortgage unies. its amali. il von't allow you ta retire te luxury for any time outido yosr normal three-week vacation. And if you're est careful, it migiti Jut brn outatome of thte muet obscre goodie- giodie clubeprimed wit pictarea of un- dor-nooriaiedcildren in orne tar-away country tnibh Just changad ils nom.etut weeb ta the. nome nf indopendonce. Being in a dobt-free situation (for the. preaeot anyway(, the sfaiet tiùtintdo vitit any ammmnt of mouey la t tavat ont of it. Take mome of it and travel somewvite for a whiii, but taveat the. rent at ta per cent. 1 Say yoo lovet $23000. Tbat wii bring in $,20sa year ($62 a week) ta tternet at ite prenaent raies. Tact that onta your regolar tacome and you'll save yourself te aggravation of gting cap ta band tu, ymtr bous asiing for a raise. Nov yo ca go tedora in band. pend te $62 and bu o me steak At a restaorant. Tie.bblt for two ongitt toe eaaly surpaia ubat amoont, but yen were going aoyway rigitt? tavet te viole $3.230 ln a nov cor (atong vii it htlyen w = gtC gta bore(and you'Il find yself vin a udeknew car tram a cumpany guran.ed ta saytantbutaness tresithelb . s Actually, the. onty ue lbe mouey wil fu inli ais entirety lethti. ent for a tva- iisdruom apartmnent tanhliton. And you've ahi got $U,.000n.aiy tucked avay. = a yar teno hat 2 gand wMi jrârat, and yen o't bave te <up in asy etyour ten monoy. One year ago letm the l.ebh. 0 90 lssue Titero wao tomne cotte for celebration for a second lime ta ere n iar 'ga F»dsra Momniir of ParàLaet t aespite lte win, joy wusolt rampenttan e= d=crsslte onnlr MLy oiMltont a elcme to cure autSalorday te osai. DSmith'&a9 blrtbday ar t a T.prty viii b. bold Saturday at (t. aut clnitdCiurcitHliton Main SD. Tihe tuten ta conoiderlng vlibboldcing ccUPanoy prmta for bornes ta lb. Brente Meaossubdivision, onti a p=btof blowlng garbage bas banen tardup. Ray Weido, tewn boling espoctor, salidhiis pctora bave vinited t. sit of lte developmnenl, lb. muet recent vinit b.lng lut Tborsday, ami bave aild lb. develupers, ftotdfan Holding Ltd. to dlean op lb. tittor. Thie tom bau received comrplainte tramt citisen ta lb. area of litter aud - contruction dobrin tlowing enta Ibuir poery Tii. Hitlos ýn Conservation Foondatiun wil lonch a $000000 fond raining campaiga in tihe oer future towarda devetoprni of an interpretive centre a =CrwfrdLakte. Thte an- sauricement von mado Wedoesay svoning aithbeinaugural meeting of Halton Region Conservation Autbority. 50. years ago Frues the.Pet. 19. 1031 Issue At lb. inaugural meeting 0f tlb.MMllion publieccitoal Board, lte fnllwng offier were eiectod for 1931; Ciiairrnan, R. W. Fox; Finance Committoe, A. L. Cbam- bort, R. W. Fox ami J. Johnuon; Fruperty Committo., F. W. Ceste, W. E. McCready and J1. Hardy. A jonior Parmers Club basn b.en Zranzedat Ehbrido. It wan declded ta, bod meetings on tbe f iret Wedoesdy of eaci mentit. Tite pupils of lte public sebool piano classes are preparig for a unique recitel tunbogiven in tbeilgb acoltn Friday. Marcb 27. Dalmon te ut spectal aitwo. tino for 23 cents ai Dominion Stores. Nassagaweyu Townsip Ceorcl bau unanmouuly docided tt cul vagno on a banin of to per cent, thone effecting a savlng Of 11,00. Mimico juniors advanced to lte ltird round of lte OHA junior play-dovm n et olgitwben lbey defeated Milton by a ucue of 4 ta, o. 75 years ago Fros, liseFeb. 22. telletssue Fred Loundo, wbo pauued lb. examina- lions a i te Connty Hodel Sce"u.,Milaon, no credilably, itasbeaunengaged as uebr ai Mimosa ai a salary 0f $«0. Public scitool inopectar Deacon l0f t on Hondoy evenlng for San Antonio, Tenas, wbere lira. Deacon bausiteen spending lt- witer. on Monday evening lb. Toronto Star coninined avery godportait oftietlate Johtn B. Clemenlu, wbo was drowned in lte tereck thlb.Valencia in Janesry. Thte Streetuville buainesa of lte Metrorltan Bankt bas iteen itandled by the Mi tan ageney, but lte Bank wi open a brancit ut Streeloville on JtI Marcit, wlit Mr. DoutI, lte popular toiter ofthlie hitan agency in cbarge. Mis Hatel Walker ut Hamiltoanllpent Danday viitt bar sarit, Mrs. Adam McKay . Dr. Fergusan, laie of Heesai, bau removed lu Georgetown, viiere lbe vit practiue. Jobs Readbead, Mir. ami litra. Charles Readituad and ira. G. J. Cudmor., of Lowvlile, wenltat Toronto yeeterday ta, attend lte banquet given ta Sir W frld Laurier. Kate Wilson, wife ut Olivor MeFrerran. died last Datorday ai b.r itnob.nd's borne, Fera, ut cunsomtption tollowing a Ienglby iIIne@- Philosobits Ho hborn rigit ta so inalienable au lhe eigitt ta b. ones self; and noue in en teunIy denied by on. pereon te as- oli.r.W.judfe, condemn, and nog eacit other. W. dont want uthera ta, bave their own individuality, because 0f Our own lu- s.corlty. Wben we are happy wilb our- aïves ami aceept ourselves austee are, thotnwe are ai peace, andihave no deuire or compulaion tlu teeplthera tramt living titeir own liven ausltey visit. "Lite" ta lte leaut of our problems, living'"s ital atcauaes our troubles. Of courae ve are bappier nom.s days than others, and w. litesomme people more ltes uters. We lite sorne jobs belter ltait ohiiera toa, but eacit doy brin¶ it own re- wardo if w. try t1, do ta u=t n eacbores 0f our lves. fitonly taitea a peroon wbo ta wld avate ta maite is drcoms corne trac. Evere lukes lu b. appreci: ted for dm ir e2ort Wben yen "tiW" tinte, Juet reremiiner it caunot b. resorr.cted. Yen mas. bave 20ý20 vision, bot suti ol; b. able tlu se. Titilas'eta.hing about au ugntiot, b. von't b. talbing about oltoeru'