Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 1981, p. 23

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--mm mosm WILliAM MERCER COMPANY 0 INteSra. MILTOS GOROON, LOMAX HYDE AND CALLURA Ciesed Aaeunonst nomo baidE su a E arr as mnum 27 wKe s. 8774747 Abmiinlasng 5t5.uib f ascisMaue d te Pasakél 86MInta KAiSER ALUMINUM- .SIDING SOMli.Fmieti.Wbendae Dansa.AnmWetaa.Capendic Parch iEsiniai FaderaIlda8tn OAItVILLE 8450)18 WINDOWS Eà DOORS GLASS$anS CSPAINS STORE FRONTS W J. KOSKl LiITES Mi MatannitanE. VS-Ste MASTKR GLOSS ALUMINUM hmli i *I"leiAbun nDaOia' 0 Dmts0oAwtsngs PIOONE ERROL MacPHEE 8785337 ,dl <LýÈàm L l Cooling a " WASCEC sDRYERS sRANICSIFREEZERS a MICOWAVE OVENS " REFCiGEHATORS aDISCWAiHERS AI AUCONDiTIONERS UM in:StL Anchor Auto Colsini 151 NiIPSSING RR. 878-8424- 5 Ceenta Faitandc Bdyn Rpiatt FREn EnTIMATES DANS AUTO BODY InttcliCn5lalanWC* id4CNt fTewnni SnoecnbSs Cessais 11 tmuelnaiof Sodu sAm REPAIRS enala. aaein ALLHMM IMPOWMUNTS Gaaitn waktehasnitth a ro, ovablemie, talla VINCESTILE b CAAPENTRY O cweanlasubneti5 aCarpinW Fttu lpstvdcae i CRR.MILTOFI FLOORING a rCatenSii Cal 87>411879 2F«HeoAppentteit CARPIET AND VINYL INSTALLATION ConvmcW w 1%,M IWdt FaaiEsultais 878-1306 -cAT - -N Fu- a -M5 aiesm -w euie t CIPT C.EA4IN FLOODWALS CLEAN UP' OWW4t-8n0li0 nna MCM. Comtet Contractors md. CaS Johnt MoMuffll ' I-72 ead Stock Rmounl Fia e onil anbna., Lc No. 2OC1 Bk"D ROSS Star bloc mueMim au esmo BlEVUOOsOS BRUCE PURCELL Cu" ou-N Dry W.l dm.s Funan Sapa*NPIU Pbs4US seeIV&Mwsla aflag ni1SsaaLSi HALON CiHIntY s u@ O aqswuat G" 24 ONCent k caeeiSal P,7Sseinal ,u1g ît lo» aeeem ioS TnNa" Siaude Uaiead ta fl uaic~ ud-- , - * Omo , unts Fim@ liaisa Calneci nTRAIGiT NEr itiENCE CO an L ntet- aàk n t"ailileiiai bnati npasientiaiiabGei niasti-8 ita, ionite. FLOWER - $Hop MILO MLL Flaseers- A GVt 228 Main t Milon 874»1i Bailey Fuel Odil eav. i b sainea Ownead &Oetsid bv Bruca Bail 878421 MASONR CUSTOM DSIGNER OF *Fiebeai n- Feaaton patios a Bnbaei Sanatve Bic ' StC CALL JOR FES 87-8636 Bntiatarp.c Odef eeai qnlliy naiaen en 0v t1 s# Coataberenai ace litntina e tba a ados Coi sm.Cattii Appliance RoldIgOrtion Coolig & Honing *Elocra Fcitsca Cota BAirolAndinatin a HctiliCam« M5 Main St E. Furmoco&SAirduct Closnng Cali VaCu-man 845-3541 DAVS IMPEVMETS in mil-laiNt- MILTON CENTRAL LIBRARY Tou5.i.at.9.etta naa.-.iS a.m -900itp. Fi. -.iDe.a. -n0.i. si. -.3a.c.... l iii MASONRV LTD. alita. Cniîti, Stusa c4audo-87841M0 doi G.M. MASONRY SasoclslWang a ire-i mw oimeno 8783MopOlON oerm Mado auiServicCep-n Wau etenn t6 a84a-97i1 EaCO-OP CO-OP m ECECTAIC 0 COluSlt. 8789513 -875 Nadaïn Elactric a C CWSaSla Jka ROSS AIL PURPOSE IiIASS &MIRROR " Stormai in Imea uend GSciantee 1 CaI Lntsberry 8785842 dii SabaidaineofOabellin Siat& MWte. Lid aSim sti tn nPatinSent Str Dooan fuas itttdec n" Toeps aNe-tiCîGia 1368MAIN ST.E 878750 GLASS 878-9452 dcii HEATING Gu &a09 tulona GUS MOWBRAY LTD. uiley Huîîing bi Colng Sale b Sernice R R, 3, Milten mdi2482 T4uCwndsi@n nponWet.Fsb.l,IM10t'lâ gight more ,RjtMtnding agricultùralists -POE Cooe-F x Aadiator MILTON POOLS are honored 878-4111 or 8261223 Ato Tuck & Tacni Sales fi Amcnnaris E1856t naie nt u) etNewcastle: NADALIN 5 1ZsIrlo n ound -C ericéa at eDanel Musey tnded Eectric Co. Ltd. o8I7F8 M-621 * lton One Dtario Atrlcalaral HO aucittay Companyi 313 S ino LtRend MSoa i ý8.0 1 t . 878-87 et fraine on lnday, Jane Camne a ittaciamit %mont 80i ti 001U 7. The ali Icandidates,. &hop la Newcaatle linte 52 ai, unit 6 aul deceaaaed, have easci midist. Freintat VelOrsettaninat ud leinteir oan a ya nmade humblebt e elnn faCYCUsieO0F exceptlenal conrbutions develttlted te Masay- 1 hompo W PAteERinte deveistisaent of arris (Fargaien)CSnu- Huls Cti tar iaes ppna. nnam-a annar ite an dit 'aiandlt At nieiive tttid5iipt DVAtghtt Colptitte ainesaf et in e r e- werld. fenineg iaeitu.e. bautn- J.C. WatM aaauoegnad ite Paildent tIent william (padrne) manti. giis. We aikk cFPlant en MMils et E. forair rit moretoisofb ofethe Onario Agrlcal- Yoang (1se-1960> fot actlots. mutin TV. Storm, taraibu alletofraine Feritla: Padre Yeaegs a78-Mt.87-5e12 Photan a 4 33 lui(mm 9741M Asocaton r.R ..pestet infltaence casoni alte renikedi s iOatMcfletad DVM., etfte yeng peepe ha le- You oeil - WB fleurWeedtecipaid trisite ta npred dring hint20y-ar Vine>«-ale.t ielr le ncreatntga ce Cleplain etfte IMM a owawm halier lndutry. Onarie Agricltural 'Lent yecc ne epened Colelee. Active lente BP anda tinOr Galery at lie Ont- Janier Farinr iev- BPgCnd tdarte Agrcltural nient, ha aise led mecty Aaae UhILLMaete in Mltoe by ater intecesta, haîng c GEORGE S. . â inductng onse oandd- nkiled hrticiltuist THORNBORROW br SON CA UIDatan. Tisi year wa nul ced nidely seugit ater Hom and Fanamnvei lihnae 5 et ofplty jiidge. FuelOn Dai t G"a 11 IL SIRE.MILTON nr rno eiglt addltloal people iThe Ontarie Agrlcul- 24eesnactaintevice O8426 U io daerve itave tielr tarai Hall etfraine Gai- Fuie, Cisacinea18aTticasn Aed. ineniarlenperpelented. lerYetai te Ontario unm ietEc9 et liniEchoftese can- Agricutural Museuma, 8786538 or 878-804We ciaiouailoce didates set hitgitgcals for Mitotn tetures lui IJUCT FOC 7008 SERVICE- ithaseft, and ln bIs or her ienesses oethlie can- Omit oina nay, lnflaescad lie dldeaten reiidered by lie Mlimmýldirection and atanli et wel-knewe Torento art- Ontario Apriclture." lit, Bruce Lepper. Tha Or Athur A. Johnson HLO HL lTe elgitl indintaeas torGallery la epe tate i Mitn, On.t161are: paublic uevee dysa c eek Mia.St MILTON VETERINARY Dehner Bennett (laits- tronitied-May ati 8783673 RENTALS SERVICES t97a) et Forreataci Fails: Tltanlaglving.tgth CALI. 5MBMd 0.8 mRENTON A neli-bene nOttawa Neinatioent ls D0 R. SiflOilfihi 376 STEEE. oiî rACTON Valley dalry tanner, Galery are made ity 75 TEÈES VE.Deinser Bennett aerved netersofethle Hali et GPTIIIIMIIETIUUIIT 8531450 cal? b7 is tellen tarineen oteei lenie Ausocatien wnici 143 Main St. E. waiaavERa le oeractiun ced ta cnie-potit erganina- Miton 1 s*»" pollcy are" ufntheline 0etabtishad aleY for (kta Blu Sp Ontario Farinera Unîtolte parpeeoetrecegnle- 88MEntorprbsa s Fediernof etAgriid- lient nite have boat tha Roidonceltre Hin gent cas c indutry. 578-8108tets. anan ttreng deinocratie taras Wen.,Ti 9a -i 24-No ei«l o rganisation. Fiea24 PFAFF atelmisa Foonle James newman (<tan- gandayOs FRE inam diva Wou. CWnr1a9tes>oeGueph: Mr. amtin4anaFreu n nhava 8784N6U newmce ores eniet DFCOATIG Shit reedeca, eniittra 175-iONimporter and expnrter et paitng needs Sawîng Machines .DSAY se fld nAbren Calii GIL VANSOELEN SALES-SERVICE SM~ WATER Anaian cattie, Sffolkt nitesp aad Clydnadale FINE ARTS Pâ T RNALleaw«V hrnes.Mr. eed bira.tKen laci CONTRATOR PH NO Ëý' "ýt S " &-W-ýJW' 1sa5 etRH 3 Milto nuaire FrFe sOtmATO iloR bcCnte Copsciteeno f tei aI fSt- Ceacunultegraduationeofether Foc reaCatîate Mitît sbcc cetre Cnnelni Lv ci Feander et liteamy daugiterKamesMncie, 12 MatneSutre R atai Cuedtiinu ChinE Htcliecy, Fr t ranUniversity et NOUSTRIAL-RESIDENTIAL sevieandReportsan Piodacin Bray cas a teellEnewneTernnis. Site wn lie INTERIOR CaTERIIOR .9eiakesaofsCan ctaehieat FREEWtI*,Tint peutrty ireederanid oe i r e fibeo tuatau eipient et aBanchaloro 878-R.6137 of ue tCaedlan der o teArtinFine Art, and te 88x6143itnJ7 R eigPoe Caain Ptlr Sylvia C. Meton Anard aeîti Mlic S". a rvia 8 7-M cema. fr acadeiiaacieve- ANTRIM îSStosaAvs. Frnr n(Jac) e nt. Site wnca cgcad- INTERIORS C I D Milton Bramnpten: Jack iFraer et1gitee iatrlc ptpmilsfgini Tne Up Spente> cen ene et Ontacls ea ba & PaintinOfrente $19.95 , neiHlsten breedera , Fnes siaites Ail Mai sRapoiead WIRR eIFS eilittanad jadaes. Hae U~ W PhoceMl8-784 FiFre ick-up t&Deain afiSJFFER ervan remaldant oethle D at dnii NwMschienes cenami nov Hetatale-Frlesiae As- ____________ machinenme9.00ecatione etCanda, cedcr h to $129.00 lia Canadian Ntienalcr s 87&MR Mra. Adlalde Rond A I-yesr-eldCap 844il- les (18-910) et St. halide mnnhan died ci (lL Aera:Mtlatdbyeresuit et injuries aux- PITNEtTH-E WAY r laanlIlydTi Ibrtainedin c twa-cc ac- WALLPAPERING ~Sn wPlivngan SHOULO aai ld M ne-cident JIce 17. Fie Es mtes ~ , enanitle eabarbed en n lita- Walter alitterd Nichai- FreEtmts p 2-.sricen long crenede for let- aie et R.R. , Ccinphaii- * Ccii Aianti me rado diipeiibad foovd teed ldng, lia vile wcn e panneeler in a * 875789 8,a, ICmmeral, A oesvtidne et Hoine crrdriven ity Rebert 87-58 Indusel, sCndntan'tmEcenrionandfHause- Gervin, lan etfCcamp- ennihil iteold Science courses le belillie C firP Lasilsong enad Normael Scoet, te the accident mcrrai n.nnaIesRemonnae i.cnlDLed ASn ofi etblinhment et Mac- on GuelpFh Liee, nrtbof K o l WaontnnnFuena donald tntate et 15 Sidecead ieveivieg a 20ve Sri caae Guelpht. Shaoras ce- econdicrrdrivne it Plusabm - i eaten Caînti Itenider oethle Womn'a Joha Reilpati. aise af aîI Bouaflold Rate l enia IDavid Jones (1836- Toeedcy, Fait 3 at Mitar Ar Cediace 8784M FR EE Sali ein laser10) etf Rlngceed: Ditrict Hosital. NewInsntalions *fi*,7 Feundar and iret A 15-yeanr rnideet CI RiaedaellnPliet =r!sd th le Ontarie Cmenille, Mr aapatetb NOWLOWNG aebapaa'Asocaton. Nicholsn i taurvived b3 Rq»r or SNWPOWNGUndar tan leaical i e. Veinas F.aintsGie.eo Siei. ttBsu OiMcDOStsd leadersip, l theaa= ddaugiter, Mci. AnisaIx FisEanie or nr. Maee fthîe iieaey indutcy eassiend Perroni et Wititty, tre CALL.TODAY Fut, efficseriie. nttai canlina nu a erecand respecteS grandoilidrnandcnd 8781212 Cl:Maaieltionin aagriculture. iter, -Mci. Enl 878-7634 ,Daniel Mansy (17116-Robertsonoe etrbe d-ss rt p- -d of ed on of Ir. by e; riio ,ea est rie. m 1 L=LL.:=

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