Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jan 1981, p. 4

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Pon e O2341,. iN ~~fremoiaaift Toronto Lino 021 3837 ROYODOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL Ei Pubisher AdvnOng Mnni 'o A niS«ý. ' - $12 -,- C.." MW.0 --.. ., Drop-in needs money. Tise only Uing naw standing mthUi way of Milton having ita own drap-in centre on Main St. is maney. It Milton residenta will tink back ta lat npring and summer Uiey will rernember Uic Urangs ot young people Ilanguishing on Main St. wiUi nt mucb ta do and now- here dame but Uic sidewalks ta ga. Naw Uat Uierm wiil ha adrap-ta centre on Main St. ta Uic base- ment ot the Lido Restaurant building, there fo tlnaly a chance ta draw the young people away tram Main St. during Uic days and evenings and atter thom a place wherc they can cangcnially con- gregate wiUi Ueir peers. At Uis juncture, Uic basement bas been obtaincd and it has Uic support of Uic Halton Children's Aid Society and Uirefore e"ad-, ministrative prablema cao ha eaily nolved. The anc probleni wich remains is bringing Uic hasement up ta an acceptable standard. Frankly, though tise space ia there, Ue roani itamlf in a collection of crumbling plater, hales in Uic wall, a medusa-like sprawl af old oires and wter pipes, and peel- ing paint. A graup o young people headod by Mike Winney and Randy frcetz have Corne torward ta do the extensive work o renovating tise basement saobtat it meets al building codes incltsdng tise ire code. TIbe workers are in place, but the rnoney needed to buy mater- il is fnot. Gus Goutausisi, chairinan af Uic md bac committee in charge af the drap-mn centre estimates that about $3,00 t needed and he is hoping Uic maney will corne tram residente, paîtcularly Main St. merchants wba have mucis ta gain by having Uic yautha move away fram the semi-mail. Naturally Uic maney cant al corne ram Uic Main St. mer- chante, smat fo hoped Milton resid- ents wifl ind a way ta help wiUi cash ors cheque. AUl money caming in wil go ta Uic Haltan Children's Aid Society and evcry cent wiil hauaed ta spruce up Uie bassinent so Uic drap-ta centre can ha ta place when sprtag arrives. Ail donations r being ac- cepted by Diane Funkn at Haltan Reani Estate in Uic Lido building an Main St. There is truly s warUiwhile couac which requirca a litle bit of money ohich illui-, )>along way. Traffic hazard exists A Mlton resident bas tald coun- about pedeatAriaiAa and shoot cil a oriaus trafit C hasard on Ont- acroosthUi ntersection jut as the aria St. ai Laurier Ave, exista and walker reaches Uim centre island. should ha dealt wiUihatafre there By Uic Unie waiker bas ta hold up s a tragedy. for Uic mptuous driver, Uic The resident, living on Laurier crosswalk sign bon changod, lcav- Ave., steles the illuminated pmd- ing tisat persan stranded. estrian croonwslk sign athUi Perbapa Uic signal shoud ha an intersection ia not on long enough langer, and passibly ha mucis fo a persan ta cross at a normal brigter or largr. pace. WiUi Uic Laurier Centre Shopp- But added ta Uis, and more ser- ing Plaza expcod ta open ta ions stili, ia Uic compîsint drivers May, it means many mare people are eier ignoring or don't care wil ha croesing Uic intersection, Twyo golden chances.. Milton residenta will bave Uic bali-pun intended-helping ta opporttinity next monUi ta part- raise tundo ta keep the organ- cipate n twa tund rising eventa ization going wiUi attempts ta br- which can bring mucb personal ing a maIe raIe modelit thUi satistaction. home o a faUierlmoa boy. On Feis. 7 Uic Milton Chapter aI February fo Heart Fund MonUi Uic Big Brothers will bold ita an- and members othUi Miltan Hcart nual BowlaUion at Uic Milton Association wAll hagaing doar-ta- Bawlaway an Prince St. Tise ob- doar toaask for your donation ta jet An ta raine money by the hcip fund reoearch which ia lookS- plcdge syntmm. ing tor nicUioda of bringlng bart Residenta can Iorm Uiir own dioase under contrai and ind Uic Iemn or bowl singly and have a causs and cures. Upstanding egg, is it a record? Human err&rs and deficits Holone Reglon an an eficlency experts AhusgoAb bh11uasn rrors" and saidsiwAaiegs~political nlrtresce n Abs admnitratio, u wmsdornAfthAb masqsgemt tuiyconsultants, 0f-ter roidig Abs rapamoFtay hbave pripers, sismulol hoclled ou olînsem AtIfever Aers lAns nqury on wobole wrong oAAb reglonsi gmvomrnenL. IlseAbseIssuann rror' porion of chaI buam hbappenlngat Hllon Reglon ohinisLan prhap thesmost dtsrtang probinm, or alitost houd b inrate- payerai. Il.tisinvovon a *10,000 'clsrcl errer' in chicsH allas Regonal Polira ot- ficrs wre gAuen 27 poy choques n a 52- cois, "-py (s pay choquse evsry ton ossbn) priai. Baaicaily bre cao a mis- underntandinga&boutAbheextra csob beore Abs sum year mnd poy chsequsa ent ouI Aat souldol bhavs. Il holng Chrismsa ime, tAbs Mfices, ie everyons sA", bave bilila py ami premnin Anboy, no Aboy Nos ae nderand HlomoReglon wanlas ePolcAAc atioin o nmehio asnssne Abs respmnsafbLly an got Abs Mf- fces n give bock the money nme way or anothor. Regardi of h ow At wuo dons,i the money rreaOntos a Il' tat a lime when lise Region con fi afford more. ise classal'bamnan errwau lie0 070,000 deficll An Anoet of leutYar but Aâmoe bave boam ntisers, obtch di netà Sscelve a lot 013U An iWof th1e Major defictt. Itreces sosamgo, coumectllors immmd ouI lboy had Aw-balled Ainspction fouesof devefopment proWota. t3sargingAropr cent Aotoad of tmsr.por cent, =os llot lihe Regmn hslng short $103,000. fi AnsIiLl a "def iAit." Thse garbage dtsposaifrm esmssdta exist An Jly Mofonut Yser bul Abs RegAn din t fond out Mficially (Abat An, bnAng At in thse attentin ofM comcllers) untAt fou weesa go. Wben Abe garbago fAcon toro- inated, t ddso owing limitant Regfs$15,M34 An uncollectssb feu tfor dumlng4wonte An landfil stes. HEaA onMuldfe teAsen- lire amoun bfo n mg ot get s Cent. Thereoes t tee oob ent nA he dbsollar 0w- A. AAboUgb a psitry *2,734, AtAnatM a 'dict" amdi Abons fAtle rroro nd oAA cohen At comes lAme tAnstetbsmIU a cte. Ws bave hom fold Hltion Reglon sol- eclsdin befi CourtsofM Rovtow ou focal Amprovemont; Branla ovor a Arss-yoac alis JAm Robnsn pariai. lIons coDai a saoty liAfis job Abat no on wasted indo, noit wao'dons. Tist An an inexcuahAe "humas ersor" wblcb shoulint aue m lorate. Othor incdns cnd boonmonsedsuris as a Publie Wrhe seoasnt obiciswan't oatciseanblllote*e,0,but Aejdsstbefog mais borein tAbta er= tmng and Johnsnm baussrêemeed, and Abs lAt of changon An extensive and bard' istting. To Aber credai, Itains regosal mm- cllrnbhav aicpted mtftAisangsn systom wiAbparticufos regardtas Abs =mnst ofthAb resry obiis sua te tofoeconapete buoki by Abs cnudting 11cm. WiAe most a stond to lake Abe '.human errr' and "iits" wta grain oM sait, Aey fly An arm ohmAbs regionaslevylmabrught downai&W grmbl abotltAbs ncremoe Hpefnfly, Abhelisg and Johnso e C wil b h ads minibs problem Ain ,nRgobut tAbsI uSSbdgt, hinis wAll bave In abiM100 'isusasercre"' We wil ho watcbAeg Abt boiget'esttlg procedure witAbmach ntreat. Simple kits' transformed in sleek racing KubKars By Ofacisel aeyle action Sktorday. oslojt stasiarda Mof Ae decrolsi and cMinmd aIte As sdIv Abota mnA= mo, Ils apparent m mn oscnmaximum and wAA. .-lO.y' t aeSon mnt cube n Abs Milton bhwrs oece santnhe As hooiloi ntouse = TIbe raiAsdAvid Aod ii , dM0AbS A Ml "y0 mt ab ot sgnng an ideralngsame bto b s moi toparts, ipMeMAandin.- pack.,oooidwiAb th $1.3 thi e uco e Askar. Tismy muet t paoneu caiu standrd and conanud assembly instruactions oly. On Satorisy Abme plain, t nep oremor colorful, iscorslAve vais- Adne for Abtheseth asnel MaAoun Ibbsa Raly at S. Pal&Uited ise cub-ti n la rorn tho eAgitMd Pacis-racai AbAc rs do-n a acogas by a m=jrUZbi SetA iumnbaer- roos.i tour sosenda rally bann toon n 1*35 wth Nbars. Unier tho d*,,,-insof Aerete Lasanmd coto numbor nof ra M Laframbu. nebmac suiseso!= &agii Paris"a have tbossons Sm I 4m mieh tIuUc tih W o aM kar tt istoret~ w ss u$ ro th 1It One year aggo From thbeJan. 30, 1LM0issue A Ares-day c9ntcoUoed oomn on deerta San itNovembor.lRmtis Canvmu bt ama fota osais opmobs 44 usps0 n et 'rdpnAoOet MagorUorO Ab Md00 ln Ams t Wb a n m Bitat mi A Ab fo ite Tilimorg a bit n d imteratJéhobam e. grg et m mMain S.sei. ,Jas. 13. A seof sec oy wu nt"ta rodAbmauseai- ter AbséDisons tsi Abat eykbo teb rurgarage by manci e o ro ber. hée4e àk 11 UMM doitOw isat dloa up after bO1c petsawuturtamos iioyn o t by Mlo -9 20 years ago Frnonthejsa. 8, Alsusn Plan t Nya OSoArma on AAWy. 3 ceonsi e *OAf fomonas foa"s hems arma, ani busases oore daoeMettsrday. Mnololt *buai Mt prise ASoAteAs catIS, ail soïd A ani Wos fer ahApasoottuAnMexAco umiDiCba, vsAued Miltos Rotacy Club bon coUMeotI*,5ý fer the newSoiforrmetaraicblAaia Horsby. Omoorel 0altierMilieu, group bave K. M. Legs, ho osuà ln ay mrcorsaaAnMaltonuen"Abostter facltis anarePmotd Cam e nisn osai. 1Ne moud Abe M Mio urt arina pu~plefwAbeAconteon Bsonim LusNaagaoya Oeturiay ohm fice iaelroyai a two-atory fuame. Tise SalsoabA famly su Imneont. KAg Calcium oM Campissftelode ffi A departmont a10 a if lion rn ais nransi- Tise a mmsle Si. PanAs United Chueh approveia AM,OOAhcfo in.d cation Centre on a site mont w« otheAb cbe, replcAno Abs prnamnt cAsorsi Tiser a na mm teom fer amba- fommnovAnsAnlDosaftatwO boyqlssrt white fobagganlngetI fattnnei nt00, foy fon tahe -e onmesomh*ç M" là= Das mtais taillait il toe Aise tAlD, aately imo An Ialton. a0 yeaers ago0 Froantebe. le, Olusei moteritedrfvAns wAAbout dAbst0 kmaWa.Botter *aset fle Thselteliant on Mariane pond berslAn An Nf uswing, ad As gvissg oMPlmYMeato evera.ls ien ofMgoo qualltyanld Anla sihsebdi" Ties broace hmtoCoi. onlaite's anmerm cottAngon Abs Actas dioromi, ou Abs mootnfls onny. Armiesa"su Assiie, anmog Mier AbWg, to ffdln mealios, broonftry, nbros-foot çroy,à tomer bief c , ai ai o&d Gourisor cCdhonmiMdTernbey Moyeof MtAbacousty liii boire bave boon - 3 mr ooieg aierm. Tiequnr mssvy tansandi Aie Thrisetét a An l hehpsyy f h >9Abute thaït lp vernor &MiAbetSwnisY hoavs wormaiais. Tise officiais0M eury iAl An Ontario, escept Milion, bave boss wuin uni- forum fer mn myer, eon Abs M o tise counly joli borare amswunp.tm-dste. Timoy "isfAinn oo O, A Fancy Drson CarsAval and aang n., party wi beWd inAbhe armsonT'Isedy sen evonlng Foh. 3. For particsAarâme pos- î)W. hop thot afOor snt Moniay'n mMss- 75 years ago FreonAbheFois. A. 5005km OnseMlofllo'aneeds ta an ovoino reed- *=aAnconnsctlen wAAb Abs public is- rary bas hem opes An Abs dyosy ieody. tedrcors msu ma-kAn oomb nrraeffmtefoand hop An bave AbsheaiS- Ang romopm éuery enredg -@LXSuit- day, tAbs su ocier te comenmce Mondsy A lyx buluisnte heoolelnar tw wiAb Kpo c ry, Win As seonothioo Dise Aat Mso Allà IL su tremmi ome do y sur 88t. Georgos Churchb&M a coup)fLe unmmwaro ryfog An brin lagAtdows hb MonaitgAt, whoos a yasng mas, sai!labefont ta bn came ainst M*ba abatgn. o ltflytait, but bat!a bai case oM lunchague ani mnsilAt Tise lynx Abon homame fhfonsi into, Abs fon tte mmd made fer Abs Johan ifidonTIbreday et hie homte An Toronto, &Wo 44 ye.ao Tise case orMe As ibwu bourt dissonatam wbfob ho boi beam fOrfg for morseAbmna Yeur. AF H wisuAthe sonomof n Wm. Sino, Or. "msMaleton Cr.am nButnler C. As Abs M 09a MW lamINI WtosUoomos la sý u iàsf oC m 40dalb. unse DsCossmor'CO f -% i.

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