reasnss oi offtowa in ie taluwS nure, fl a 1 'Ifve Yi s 0 raina are isoroulm more expunsive tbanti i sce st la - Uhn amiIl lu8~ cao in tosy te uitbos fcomm! rise in pace wstls vrstmret for peor.le with Since mortgage in- Ra nd rîiig houe coaSs and5 inflation, and if Itbrrot __ exceos cash, but. tinsurne i rst rates are gesteraill 5ih OIV higu mortgage rates, yet rates go up, se do their homne investmeot au $100.000 home. Ie lis firsî oning o home ca se faoing ori pcute to iost theu lste a ou & t gooi cas cas stit b. meomes. heu. Pruima is e Y100~ eu, Ie ay s about ouusUy miSe grow at anaccelerated family in this position ion. and Omai o on. ssr a sase pl ai cabouo= cseuo Wn e mrg~ ooiscagsen rate and in soi a may finil il chesaper tnor etI% hap. w eritM n O0n smna~a ia faner- siI5l i tatio. Mohi, se tise euh fer oher <'haie. -I fluaworl aiFor sansieIf ern and fficient. lises le the fermtr 9Zinetae l 0 s ouerceaCEaucis Inr b=yr. mentisorleas. ifyoare maien. lars1 a sebtis naw $2,00, paymensia ehsi A ias precauttou for l<n~ t stater. Van u bnmore tiasnnU ail luesusers l1010 fini si -Latty,Yoer mort- out W Ulisr tise lia menicipa znin 1h.d bonbn. f yu e spr- olser inis bnliUt&Mare 0campatibe ni1h psriye'cr Ilullo u-total moesdtsanW par tbsbIdni aof lgibwolu coma cetne borsut t a of r motcy you vuant te10 U n.10.101 cmuii luiepste ps om. possible that tise lsoty finagli us aii =m= e ttatyounve sunew sremieg 1010 omotonal frutration. iéiied uht yoentao"faitecu wninasu<mii T1 i Sudd- tnOytiaffori, dm out topinla a b ciaiy a-sre shul ais jiesrs& m relse de mis uhar oueli biglrsin 0Itare yuye pilclisi 1a op lik e,10 Ue Tiatsbesii th. sonJng allewei for it. are"sa: 'Wiat can t1ecenpea narlty <of CRUe I" munIcpa affori 10 psy?" coiirtie.o fficým des1 te, 111 lor- or thé Yase, mart- TIbe muontevniedlautaien gage ledas u hav ser*bmameonstht it in aseagosilInt ientopdairer u roa-cf- 10 clse 10 publie tbast thumb te blp yen dao$isspottien, «Délisse, dàsng thé isy ai l h how msari yen caai - chercisandiao1 9e. ngit tone. if yo fes fo ie mae tar ies. it Io aise belpisa t 10 cemfortaile t both -Tise salles; Ph" ecle ouriotis, nksa imest eli lu nore tias ye en3oy ially coco- fis la thse firet of a truend oie-haOtimes mtlng .fine-pat suriexe- yrer asmual ut taffer l lasequafl important cerptsi frean the Ontaro tailesl n t.Ifyxar 0 M iuehéar Islletry of Cmser boying h hus ni1h municipalasenlce-like ouaniCommercial Rae- anfaarer an *lm garbagle plispadi lie boiliet, "ie yen m"ie a aMabeincoe, police patrels -va re rro ant 10 boy a hoisoss aiiisoth salanles to milate___________________ th. calmltiono -lhes experts aine -Y yosr mentily moegage poyesentsandi ns- tueifttisof yow anial municipal tax aoli lu à n moro dan 30 par cmt of yeer montyglosa ilufors tazul alary. The Ys[mi Way to- health ton VICA lms»Muian popE ab mferbc INDUSTRIAL CONDOMINIIUM scmortn l lugin COMPFLEX NOW SINDER Unm Cobure repris CONS&TRUCTrION ptdesor cetht bcut Os* Cerlaoleeof: oafrtteatlrhuis- 8 - Miot atite rn total. coanhiati t essl o - 1500s. ft. pe nit. oresioeatessaofmi tew - pdokltr yermIn pant ares. likm ts n en -rchsretablo onstruction. sion. ~- 10OxIVi5r - grad lt5tl. Msesy peope lo haveo dsi - taisen th. exrcise va-- - re-be re0700 psai psam 10 tier YMCAa rcdfo 47900 e nt arosasi the contry lune TODONTrO LIRE 4&0-14&3 repotoIit really worbo. cetiy certifiai as an 10i-111tez sinsctr te liste soupro- gram. Reetus sisose caS tise"Y" for more lufrialien, 57$I7i. Coursw u.nues~j- iaysmari ThunIiays Foi. totoo Marois i9, rom 0.30 o .3o parm. et tlu "Y" mN 1980 OVERJ eilm qeù4ma andI Ç>uOeloa/ Malukilot. 2nd. LIUNDSAY J VICTOR ?r~s ~ MOCLAREN SARIO sala sts ase ei0c55 A.E. LoPop A.E LuPagu naun~sassseau.unau <008<1>Li. (ontatto> Ld. anb. «Me Mnereifas N agda Ladanys .............. usete ,e.ocuiseJohnsenI....oh ........ Rob Hsater.................. #à u à oc 0Rg il Aeli rancisla ............... Lo**t Mnthv Te OakviIIO R& nnestine ttllasao -& yeur tle*04,000 But wlth tise riacn urne prime, fas homoW taise may rite op bys ititOW. If lu choases ta »Il ai thua peint, lu mnms eut of lise demi titis a chear profit ai 86,00, wrehiamoumis tu a 17.5 pr centsi ltufit an hieinventcnt along nith a ysar'a fm erent. Peuple ulco lin. in apartmunts ani campan le mat et rentlig an spartentit talsIat ai llvnl.i a l ofttn camparln a tus- nids a iasement sni lucisyardi If tissy want to mais. a true campatos, tbsy aboul lu comparlng the eut of rsoting vertusc hylag & fosabsirom hure,or th mt ai llsl5sng a coiseanoun alanlar 10 tise essies apariment. mooaepaym.ota uW ncsuary Isrcham utf cOc Thse Cwmnad Champilon, Wsd.. Jan. 28 1981 '911 te a cSr or fer. histeai ai da Aiamkoski le ehe CBer Cruoche Co.. Iharlereri lans, Dowss- nd mites on brisai li isattte of ei Accscciactc Mie. of buykig or sdln about rai state? ALL p.opety in Hakon 878-188 Y.. f1 i.. c1 - rOrsilii , g ho gossîso o litie tuuht. The kd, se bedrsouirs. mterseoeres e o coudorstt onr c scey is. Thisatseugh seme tes LIVING. Nou's the surs e thikabout osso os- coendosnîe c bggrhme. withsuuoftc, --diu. And Oh the enits stos sous it se Vurit in00abosses Otourse,timi ssosioky. eou essIlionehoes su h hiesbsu bus the other, and itse ot to ho sssanesothaetyou wonot beithoiutsa rwfooo you heed -othe strpeduoofoTWO horms. l's a uOOing cO es hos oels fosantexrert To getan accuate s of the esuisssuuii ha"tct houehuosowith -sad toomalesse u ge the opiutprice for yus our pouru- sou otOd the soir u of psulosnuosl romlsisie ent. Asuithe plus: te entors uknu srh ou wl aesr Voussutssososeotes ou if ou hsuOst er ound a Tosl ho xrtos 5si5 ou sood, ler isS MUOIRAY esoure. Lsusoh MURRAhY OOD, Rasfy Wosti Ceom fluaiEsttsLaI. 24 Martin 8000.0878400 kl cwr it all ... for yo. (W«'») ITING SERVICE ILL AWARDS &pen". ~/aesf sre<i 3rd. 4th. H4ARVEY VAUGHAN GOODIRANO THIOMAS A.! LE ae Century 21 F. Fossey and .A L Page (Ontario) Lsd, .. Aterjolasaee Ld. ....... raer aLean Real Ecuele Lid. .......Ryal T401t Corporatios Hetu 1formula How much -c'en you afford for home? --------------------------- - CHIWDmS fl 3 BedIoom tow000t5emser eimsn mu2 PC enrttwl-r oafli oIs Ooosyard. ClosI * asele.nisachol ndesifttue 'GO' traiinr M. *Touve ati eJoySott ean 91&01526 OFF. 877- TAKE VOUs PICK T. Tus m stasihomes aO it Ilmodcons, 3 bd » hasm .. o cmls «-st., ecnd priced ti on is "07,9w0 To mhonerelmle CoilJoyceeStefs.* I878-15286OFF. S77-536. ICAri VOU NELPO 1 a Inmreasofaà % bsirsom home inthe Doreet* *Parks arae eftoms. Prite Os id $70s. Ifl vare cootempiaftlrg aciOng sent home, pisaseCoi JOYRe Sct SmOS. S. 781OFF. 877-52M. 1 OWNEfiTflANSPEEe. I I sosdi brick isargslw - 3 hsircotttsapeaies clun- * n ne ceeu wasiSmOrm kictoiso s isisdcini- gteuei aitotlg pool. Country »ttlts -o"tslutI I ls501' e 182'. Ta siew Coli JoYe Scees 05.07SM 1tO00.877-5M5. PE*C eaetSETuINQ 0ACmE *Gsey 00ilRES.877-31t6 OFF.577-5266 VICTOSIAPi IPLENDOUR or 11 %hastesof iegadn ssl. This atateis home bcho.e e oh more thrmugsoet. A positivse meot to sen. Coli Ge"yloai SOS. 8filt9OFF. abcout r frai ts oiste moesIn. Four iscroos, *o aatdigritsotr,.lbotrin ro wis Oreplse soi seku t ok dn asisteame. plus mueis I more. Paris like se«. fEelîett inaecie. Acsk M, mc Ccli Gsrry Rotasi ES. 877-3190 OFF. 5296.. 11 MSJACRES AND SPOINIS reD POND 105 sas oldicktluk oaln, 3 isedsro s om si -g atn fiee lale, utalits sed5' o 15'.Fer mo.. a *informatioe ai JesseSt, Cees 0m878-15",0Office g5-2 00