TM Cme.cio- ctNmspisn Wed.. Jan.28, 193 Coaches should be Ieft Dear Sir: l wosder ha maân mserhockey p=On4hOOO oc, manager, me., for MW pminr sports, aocatio.TIer. are gomany osacllke jotSa, d m8 Im delcte=d pe -lehav 0plut s oI heoeov.tcklgParents" ai th game Parents in ment commlfl.1tesare the saine. TIer. are alway o mre on every mbor sports team oh.o dont like h40 or dont WSk that, and atart trylng t4 change thtsgs. fasnit aveit, on o- clotamoela acoach dosa or a dons as wrong. But sithoogh offrtng my opniont, other pareta, 1 have alays fet Its stfilI the cochsdecislon. lie ta thoone tryl.g to ge ac. asa 05ey 40h40boys. My feeling about rep minor hockey in Milton 40 hat on h. obole lî is agond orgaxsization. 1Ido féel h. exective abould creen th. prepective volontoor more rlgdly and once aolgisg them 1le hern do ther oork. Parents should boisld hy management they are runnisg a alone 110141 a certain aay and t114111 thaL. The exeutve ater sreenig Ibe dedicated peopl,sg th.rba up 10parce ngvin tae t Rex. spors arsal lhe marnà bmuse league. l'lie boys bnoo Iis and mot njoy their roseaveu i f Iey're not allequal. When,Itagh, ol the parents reaize Iis' Not enongh parents mi; tisir children ohat Ibey oaot. Th.y 34011 decido for Iber. If acoachowanted tu ait1 a boy ot or lecture hlm on mne malter lohlrh has happ.ned on occasoanoIbh my oon mo) Ita bis docision. Th parent shouldn't Itâtki of taktin bis chld off a tear bt sait boye fuis about th.decision. Mot boys womldd my there ou s reaonn and that woold h. the end of i. I womldd 1k. 6oy one thing in the parents in MltonOM boys playteg on ail rep team. If you feel o strongty on pero is dog such a had job and you coudd do o btter one, Iben go and apply to Ue executive, give yor resonn ohy you co41d h. o great and quit boondisg the onst, dedicted prion h.hisd or son'. bonch. Sicerely ltolly Its.kett "Thanks Bonnie for ail your support" Dear Sr:n mn On bohaf of the eneouive, Trnbail of this, Mci. Ward bon drectors andrneoner of the Milton remaised steadfont in er bellofthIat youIb socmclub, f oisb 64 publicly oeoo, smeohere, Uee woond exru orUanb o 4 Mr. Bonnie h. foond gymnno.ium t ime for Ward, M Ib Townof MMlton Parka M.Y.S.C. and llecreatioo Deparlnent, for ber We are aoare she hon at timen, supot,0=u quea to implernent o gone beyond the boundo of ber itrcoing rogamme. normnal dutim 64 uachieve Our We have enouneredi many di- requirerents, on for Iis os ooe ficultiesa inobtaislng gymnaaium ber rgaitd. faciles fro Ushe ltslton Board of Trevor Preddy, Education, wooe reasons for the Presidont, l&akftgyinnaziuo timeowere varled Milton Yoth Soccer Club. wihRLPH BOND olas 4ci1the mm poedSI 0442141,5rn0141542l064.00415 So à.1&nne o tn 6.201Km114e4.PWl3 040111Kim454401si, 'Nm4I4I. d 4-8 M 401214 h,50. T61 . 2 or 0y46-, DO0742.2 1411242 for01.041ne040. No 711. 011.'by1auj. me W5 . U . ki00010l 0. 2f 1-t04 Umiio 161,y Kim2.24 .240o, a, 45e444 r5 o01 fS1231 1 11. Hm 46 am1 . Mr10o0y 21 44aJ00401. oit Jo01. 1%, lsWW405 ta .- 1, rs4cg he Junor 4-Sep W0. 0'..1w '0 nd13 -M. aud oiswtoa rmd 4 8011x0.omn atby 01.2012.141 .1 .o0140104.0155644Ail. m VmU-1,.0. .. 4o401111,Bon M -.110144104 . efl o'le. 441C.oplolland W Bola and To1y. Bd132.u Boys: 1444 G1,11î1115.Ken1 M B.o10015.4.0Nulcame 01044 m-J.Itobo40ndS4111C2lu1 Ji, 20t1011 . 04dobe D- ony oagon bow4ng4440.gnd40 0060 113 Md la W la. 8011414-51S. l1s and 22, 10440 440.004Peler 64010 101. 02135W=.a268 and191i. 1Ca1hy mm.ff*.011ts0 2501. ad .1W M . Sowb4.1. 44. 447 413&4eofry 0 8h. .21 444cane30104 E.ol127. 504"0comntr in, B~ on c4% 1. 0mre496 o obn 41.14014.1 1 42 1 y' 1.211144104 4 Steelers find a sweet victory Ov e Ienstire seasonione paosfrornLoUra Miltons Frankel SteelerS Kohrba and bistod o auirgil okey 1101440shot no the open corner ho.genfrotrtd in ils Burlingtostormed bock atternpts 64 dfeat Brt- oant quckty ied th1e ington Conais, the lbague score, beader. The action monted i11 in Ue tearno final Ue Ibrd prlod ithUsan match of Ue seRson Sun- end-to-end btti. Van day, Steelero turnad il on Wart upplied Uhe differ- and found Uat elusivO 4040 ponncitsg o o loose 1,104or hon Itale Von pc 0 s loI and f irng Wrt scred Ue oinning borne ol goal itb 10 seconda Thetension rouned in renating in h.porno h. ast le Seconds obsa for a 2-1 vcery. Brhagton puiloil thor bilt.on oeed Usescor- gonlesa for o sisUs .ai- ing early in Ue secosd tscker bt Stolors beId period ohen Kim ot andIbhetsam ound its 1an=ln pikeil Sp a vcory very sweet. 1311.o1Bu.d110424 and4141KM an id 111144 17111 44'4 Nis 5141. Nul, Cam Sc.1 o.tar 1411. so -4 1411 1 fr7. 112140 6 for 7, Did or21601. Brosse 2 f Se. Shscon 5 f0or542s .ilIr1,0114 Il. pris trigh i.1444 0.1. 064. H1140111,14 4191 l'lieboys' h11 mille -4 Le OoblOîd 269 Nex came1Coin and213 11. is11, , n2, vi 1. botr121logo1tple -ol.121 Bard. 4040 Came40Lm2,121 046 M-.00011458T 441140 T- e stanins rreafait-s Revn'.t«...T2pfor. r. git1. I c. «ahine5 4. *11e Super Buys Un Costume Jewelleryl Special purchose of costume jewollery et a fantantic low price' Corne choose from o glesmlng assortmont of pierced sarrings and pendants in the lateit foshion looks, includlng gold-tone snd sîivr-tone. Hurry in for the boit selection' Vour Choie 1.47. 330/o Otffi mWhIsr Panty Ho.. 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M Mm o145» 8&47m4 IlInk ateer A g 1.4, 'q .07-. oas ..111111011 01244 1.47- mm mm ff- 449 847- Tîrm aes0 26.on beautllullyt 060000 trom a varlety Oa&ilnr elo 1c441110Wall 114046 lncIudhr4g qoldcolosir "Er" ton/beige -Storbrte". white "Kyalon'". r44or4green Other "Rtibbermald' Iterns Also Avaltable At SavingsO0f 1/3 And Moral 'Blg CAppl. big"rOetoa "Ee uaiOaned for00one full yprosIalm un aom 2s aeoelorawn- "Pluntex" 3-PIy Yerm Zlb ristant Coffbo Zellers Grlnd Coffe. Mirror Graphice 2. 47s2kSon .7«. 4@97m. 3i97... 4m97«. ZOeRMn 140091M crfty1444 in mwd2.ý , 14O00010444 in ZeMMo' beo.d lsnt cOUSe ZellrIowon .4ai = e rnd colfla.In4 0110444404440en.5044n4 01 miro4 2.0012 mUdoclsis A. Nsobl, 0a04000900 l104h. poelese e f ls l etdg W the 01411b.r tin r. b s round coflle. 01101411. 12 liIoly au obright 0.544pu 0 oFm foroosa 1du. s veoy morni115 osulolu p yor hoieAp'5 ~1Useww5h