Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jan 1981, Sports, B3

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Fui# speed ahead 0orincloor JOHN 2 MORGAN extra gmnasnum sace llsey were seklng. In addition 10 ties pace IInSy 8IFS.y bad, tisey boas saw be tise ese 0f Martin Street SciaiaStirday marninga Mnd theKuagm et Uion District Sise" foar lbibmsdy evenlaga. iad reglstured fac tise wlnter pegrans. Tiers are silI mome places vacant ln smmef lise sessions, partîcolarly in tise ldr age group. Anu)- nterested ta rgaelg ssldconat im J ast nasaorTrever Preddy et eV&7560i. Anyone plaasteg a bollday intes nint mantisor six wieisa isednote MYSC&amimer regstrationadates amre Fbruary 7/N leand Marais 1/ 14. Rgistration aller Ume dates wlil lavolve a isfty ale reisltration te, if inded ise space la avallable. LaIe regitrations cause tise organlisra cansiderable palm mmntaite an d scisedmdsbv s set np, humetce tais aeregitration tas..fThis year nosaxcep)tiensawll bi made no 10 tre-warasd and get albog t ones f tise registration sesions. Plneiew Saurer Club ban nnt set tier railtrattea dattes t lsase wil bi declded at an enurutive meeting tite wk. Ilowver, tisey do bave a tevel Oas caacing cinlae set up far eltiser Feb. 21 or N8. Anyone lterasted la attendlng tise csorse sisoudd contact Martin Boettciser ati5v&7013. ise Ontarioa Saccer Asoitimn recasly irculatsd a paper on long- trs ni ng tor dscuoalan thte district level. One prableai tise OSA experlsncas La lacis 0f feed-bsacks tram tise gran-rants level f tins pro gram gase. The paper 094419.9.0the goals of th9e OSA in both 49chooical 'and nn 2000200.0.00progra.0f In 02order 2o determnine if thase goals are realistic and relative tloey are aaing nome questions of1the saccer cansnunlty. ln consseetian witb tise clubs lise OSA wanta to knowl the praseuît age isreaisdawna are satlafacWoy, wisere future growt is l going ta tus. place and if any awing ia ocèurrong freon comspetitive ta recreetllal ganses. Tise question 0f commounication la recsurring at ail leesaof tisegante > ad tise OSA aaba if Il should cons- emueicate dowa In tise Isallv49lal player. ltnawlng tise prolslera a club bas lanransmunlcallng w.ltis10 imeaibers, I ilnktisa would 49e an timpassible taak. t Tse OSA freqently bsn prablens .casnmunlcating wististe district iassocians aawblcs are lise tiret step )dowa tise ladder and I149mnk btisa la rwisere tisey sisauld slart. Ater aIl, mont people Ieamain crawl biture tbey walk. Ta try 10 camminicate rfotthserovincial level right 4mai à t th iniviua wold e lketrylng i1t rua ast 0f tise wnmb. jAnaliser area lvalvestheeaervices seblis tise OSA sisaald gel invalved wit.ltie affllatas. Five aras guiancco-perative fnd-rain& production af Ilterature, reaaurcas sand educatianal emninars. Tiseseda aint mmeenr aeaaanable altlsaugis 1 ewonder if ca-operative tmnd-raialng la practical. Fand-raislag needa local casa- mitment and I question wbetiser tis ewlll be tartlscaanng wisere tise spragrans la camlang from outaide and aIal tise praceeds are nat bieng nrelalaed by tise club. eSliould tise OSA 49e more active ilpolllicaily? Cas lsey iselp la nneglotiations tac more fields and otiser facilities? Thsis la going 1049be a very important area in tise next te.. years as thse gazoe continues In 4fro0.. "TIse grestest area 0f grawts in "golag taisbe aitie adult level au ail youag playere no.. lavalved graduete 10 tise senior rans. Adult *players needa fui-sized tielda fer *fult-leaglis gansas mablng a great !tdemaad n exiutng tacilitien. ibse are ordy a tew ofthtie questians belng considered in tise nan-tecisaical ara.Nent oasis1I oll nsotllae smme techisncal areaa g-covered in th9e paper. If you have oany streagfteeliaga on any of tise A sisiects raised, please cati me andl1 kwiil ses tisey are pansed along tise inpipe line. A erosl -baltleback 08151, 4 s Ans isel 0fa 74WnZ d frsj ela ti ultis bat5sOti wlis3asf MIle àan iddle ra e in Dssnnville. ton reanid as top at tory. Ding Sclsainfeld, Tise de left biais teamo tise leaguewilb a 22-3 re- Rob Baker, Paul McCaouo in thésanesO9 .9 0Mud-cord, love points otood o and rovîzewski fîreif cats yOad Aoros ly a Paris OSers wha îîcod- Mîlons f3209 single point0 in the 099a c etly witt lie la 0009 Fr2 Thse teans belif a suc- for tisrd pince. Airas day tor a ganse against omotfut fand-ralaing ahe imave a a AM n la Mt i tMilton Sportos ice- Saturday nigist boand. Centre. wilis a turnout off2N0. It was a atraag sffor by Auraswim wenl wlth Ski clu b on tsar ut nine s aatarnsin parewln th Du ffli' 17 unt uWnnvin ywntreeofou Auras Pot Devlln, aspea- LllDy la overtinse, cou- Ski teais troin Milton Helgis Ski Club came up lributed grintly in0th witis a big weeisind witis tiree victorias oganst a draw. sngle losuinoaction. lisesi teame are divided 4910 four tean and si A-rosdida't lead inatheagalnsîcoipetition irons clubinaSestisere Ontario. ganse and relled frons a Over tise weekead, Moilton HelgisuRaiders came lisese-goal dlnadvantage dirauglo wilstiste biggent ola, biatiag Goorgian at one point. Tbi sbo n Peata 151-74. Milton lielgis Streaisn dowaed goal worm 0 i n vllle' Hamilton Heigis Tuigeru 13-es wiile Milton Alpne tavur by B 42-0 Mnagla. Blacks edged Loretto 144-443. Milton Alpine Orange Aras iattled bock wau themuole club to go down 10 defeat, losoag 118-77 to fran dsdvantagin 0r83- Hamilton Cisnstke. e 2, 5-s and 6-5 touegiout Top simra for Multons teais wera Kerry-Le tise ganse. Milons gesale Sinise and Rase Ltrietie tac Raiders; Kelly Patter- were zcored byDonsg Fry monamd Scott Rubis tor Streaks; Pains Forsytis and and Steve Broalaewdi Mike Ilooke for Alpine Blackso and Lori Klick and wltis a pair aplure whisle Paal Hert for Alping range. sngles went 10 Silly In additon, tise Milton Heigits adalt teans coins- McGlloway and Dossg peted la a fan meet at Caledon coailag tiird inaa flasllp tiree-teans ment wltis hCbo-Peeoand Catedoa. Parker confident ... (Continue faim Page BI) by IM1 tisneOlympiuB. of tise Canadiens, wicsistrt tensur- rew maieng t eigisl wlti figuras, Par- kernsayn. "Iltiink lIl dowell.' He wnda exanperated witisthejud- gin tiongis. "Tiera's m mucis plitien invalved. Ive skated weHlamd gotten balf-aussd marks.. Thts spoase 10 bi cbanging tisogis. I bave tise potential 10 bi tiirdor bitter i 1 skate aiy best. But 1Ijuet want 10 gelt se marks I dasrve. " Otiser tisen tiat Panker adda ihie miajor competitian la Brlan Purbar f Calgary, Canadien champion tre ye rnunnlng and Brlan Orer aI Pane- tangulabias. Parker lnt sure if Pur- bar la coaipeting tisnyer-rumor la imus steppiag dawn-but Oner wisa llpped peut iim 10 captiure tisejuniar cbaaipionsip two years aga lalThun- dur Bay, te a brillant freastyle okater and a gond junsper. Orner intised ahead f Panser lait year. Bat tbin smys Parkser, "Ive reauly worised iard. l've bien pussing figures (in training) bot free skating la MY strongint event. '"lt'n bien a long weeb, tisengis, 10 tween tise boa (divinloasi and naioanal) competitians. 'm very tlred. "lSkating lant ay .tutt. 10 con- tinues. "A lt 0f yoong figure skatern, at public noisacl age, drop est because 0 f pe pressure. People 149k ts tac girsIotacfaga, r it'sniiy because its ontihocky" But put l in i boutsf skating a day, says Panser and yesueschage yesr aiind. "Its a laI f bard wark." Purker started skating wisas le was eigit yearn aId, first 10nihockey tisas la figure skating. Later 10 jained tise Aconaclub. Ia hie second neainn 10picked Up tise first troplny for muet impraved obaler. Frens liera Parker moved 10 Guelphs 10 gain aiare lce tise and 10 Hamilton tiree yeasnter. Oneaioreaiove was la tise aaking, te, Loodon and coachs Canghiel. He aiaved witis Caugisel 10 Kitchsener. Hle flaised taurth and fiftis la bla irst two sowingn attise Canadian juniar chaipionstapa biforeluloig 10 Orner la 1979. He fiinised neventis lait yeasr la 49 seniar levei debut. "Lait year in aiy interviews witis 110 press, I ild every- one I dida't expact 10 do oeil," saya Parker, lion his uonaons op blo newty acquired sef-confidence and adda, "Tisayear,everyone la going t10 bave 10 JIlookest." Panker la on him Oay. T-Birds target for Silver Stick Moiltn Trafagar Fard T-ird major psswes wusd up thseregaan Tri- Csesty aclssdule ina wloosoalut isurs- day ivenlng, deétlng lie valey leaai 3-t. T-Birds apensd ties .orlng wltio an dan rsplled wltin a goal treesem sca frtra Ie ni 0ftise sandtie tise game. Wis jWoin vec tas minutas& lt ise gansatise I-Slrtd aI4aiteetina wltié two ainat 1Pew tiseganse un. lise tint caie frani Davidman, asia- led isy Darren Shaw and DavidI MaGuire, and tise second tram Tadd Hurne, amasaed by Ed Morgan and Davidman. T-Birdi atertalid Minalaauga Narths Stars la an exibtion gamne ai Memorial Area Sabrday andI feugist tiseir way 10 a -t win over tise top MTHL club. Darran Shaw led tise way wltis bri l oals an Davldnon, Chis rToner and lev Scanneti ncred tise otiser tiree. Aaatetu were apnesd arosnsd au David- mon. Hone, Scanneil, Mrgan, Tiu-ner. P.ewee selects raise Iead Mltowne Steamers Cisadlegi. Streelaville ucorelees in '~s elecu uped o In10tise liird, Milton out- tise iret bal maklag = race.rdtaglwlts scred Stretaville 3-2 nWOseros ey saven. &2a-ZvIctory avec witis goala going to Durand was replaced by Sreelaville Sun- Rayner, CInoslelgIn and Tom 1Hil1 wis alao played day et Milton Sports Cen- Waisely. ws o e e ap Mlton trem tre. Goatasdlng wa thse Don Onrand beld gettiag upiet. siay tasrbols teama wilis :trebv a:e Aggies start OMHA j :,*euphe ecnd Milon Dutterin wile, Georgetown, lise pen-lad wisen Brad Law- Aaartus minor otbir memiser oflise T-C rence pcised op a nleo r al.o0 egse0sesl- pucis and flaatiy betm= ar on in Lgu of dblA Gle a ley theiStreet- bave tiseir woris cult ut 1alibe, lest mure gamin vlse galtes .er. lise goalîtor tisem in tisefitiet lan tisey won but gave was aslted by Chisrundeomd thlie CMHA Miltonalai nds o troubles Waissiy. playdawns. f lbrang mgisaut tise year an d MIlles made it 30 be- Daspite fna sla hiould give Aggin a tore tise secaondi perio second la tise tinal Tri- battiseInatlise anas. wamvereon oalnb Alan Cessty standings, lise teas split tiree Dartu and ErisCud- tsundu 4tPped tise games during tiese naaon, leglh asîteoiis3oSteven esgne and asrned tise wlaning ane &alure and gietrun te ean- tylng one, DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR FAMIIYS FUTURE Insurance la your Best Set! Home 0 Auto 0 Ufe e Business caLui 4M&44ýOInsurance 208 Min St., Mon 878-M0 iIe Del Papa, Bruce Caaieron and Lae Johnson eaci fat one. lise bisaimsauga leaiaiaved est f thier owa aend oeilbut wera mnable 10 finis49 otf agaimst a rebast T-Bird de- fence. Steve Heale and Greg Haugen sisared tise goaltending dtes. T-Birds were aIisaome again on Smn- day aflereesa tor an exhibition ganse againat a gond skating Landon teaai wiicb also 1bailecellent goaltendlag. Altispuoh tiey isad muet of tise play, outsbootlng their appoes by a large margin, T-Birds h10410 icramble fIaa 2-t wina tiey seemed tobhave lest liseir isooting touais. Evea Sean Davidons, wbo can ueueily tind tise set lanlIse dais, mlassd an empty net in tise lait minute. Davldson, wsasnitled, gaItishe T-Birds bacis an uterterai 89.35 af 1he oesnad period te- Lndon opened tise scoring asrty CoacisDawmn Elison pot out 4949 power- play line 0f DavidsnaS1w and Scanneil, witis Morgn-gmnd Johnsan on the pointu, 10 start tise tiird pan-lad and lis woon poisI off as Scanneti delluted Joisons sisot frai tise point to gaI tise wianer ater oaly 24 seconds. Heagle and slaugen again siared duty ietween tise pipas. Wile waitlag for Oundau and Georgetown te, seIlle tieir pretiailaary playotf serias, T-Birds isesd in Part Hures, Michigan, tit weeisind tacrtise International Silver Stick Taureament wisera lisey witi aiming 10 enelate tise Laglan atome' perfornsance twa weaiss aga. The Canadian Champion, Wed., Jan. 28,1981 83 Ewhr w 3- BIKj NovIce 1.n g.y f.na io t 9. O b0 - OiNli 090 ?doi M. LSia . 0 CIa oai 10"t99. 0.24 oo n.ia itah iln 0e Mf.. .neoa 19 .9 9.arse.olMI,910rai eooid vo d y-nee . Ae.- Ch..g. o,9 th asitaBian Oia , Scot. Hm ouif, 5NeflCi99etn 1 a Mihoit- .9909.pn3 Bc0. th 0-. 009010 0909. 900 KilO Muk E0y th«an Piceftaeeeý 09îi-h. W BI 02.Odoi M4ILTON RUuTPROcriso 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 1 PROTECT TOUR CAR 5 YEAR - 50,000 MILE GAATEE SOoOotoo9o900oigW«o . Mikeii dO99y iho2. Bantamn R 0 0 . 1 9 . .90 ...I a- wasehhe M90e 49 Nevel ooi and _Coith fa- 9«1. and t«4 ... = = «. aG d on f- Il. 9Js.909 Goal - W Bm Goa 0.C- 9il-'à 0.n Raa"... 49e 0,yo,. 0992 .90e 090 0.044 02. D.n4, Ioo 9.99 9-os9044.09.09 90999944 NRPRISES.] f Jy Go.]TROPHBIbES jl-i(,Ld il *3aimlnWA R DS, ie Gr"ait.q« * R-t, IB-p.OnS.W. j'y er *MELS- ENGERRIOO ALPRCAE CTALOGUEAVILAL N ES TEWAM GSNTAALAE 878-4950 PEDETAI.092 099BASN TOLETebate $10 The Van5000pe0eCO.0339S Pma, CSA ap'eo5 isomWh " Sqi .9oo Reg S 59E9 01000 N 2043N. oîIi Reg 199Reg 00999 Now Now Now $159,8 Si9988 $5488 Rabate S40 Rebate S40 Rebate $5 TUB KIT Eaay soli do ve20r00 309 a ls9 o 90 ,%(ing e 2000 0ii0aches-0White000020 #2700 29eg7 9 Now $5988 Rlebate $20 M I 5 ~ SPEGUAL! ~ PIN STRIPPING WITH EVERY COMPLETE PAINT SERVICE, F R * ON ALL PASSENGER CARS FREESIATE WRpi, HVlks n corne in and Ses Our many other Specials during Our REBATE SALE! AND REMEMBER Pluoebing Mail Otters Gui odAdvice with the Right Price! 4 0 7 8 M M R S R D ., ,U G OAKVUL~ ~L A Thun- Fn-.. gt . NOURS: Mons., , 9-6 1~ i jKERRîKý COLLISION SERVICE Nu Ir

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