Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 1981, Perspective, C6

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C6 TIt, Cnaden Champion, Wed., Jan. 21, 1961 Prepa,-res to Iaunch Hea lsaya'HenFond nf Felrsr19apag 8Ttlltg flor Mille campali,.n win nmlcit ra FisF a addistrctI.$10000 ris tirougitoot temontit tone a ncdttsme Las year ,600 ml u One winning week By Jane Rereish in midgel itoys'anietalaction at week, Miton Mutangn trampled E.C. Drury ity a ncore oi 42-20. Titere ant mucit effort in te in, anste Drry ofene an very weak. Tieir delence mon only snigitly biteler. Higiesl corer tocte game mis Mite Belvedere. coming ap itit Il pons. Joe Orando had 6 ps. and Marco tDurane came ap mit 5 ps W5ESTLING Last Thurnday, Milon hotned a wesllîg meecl Il is the icol yeac in a loog ime taI MDHS han had a eam; aod lhey shomeil excellent ptetal. Theoin and ones ere plil aI 10 apiece. Thete it performances came ram Tm Burgesn aod Dave Nolel mit Inawions and noa Imne. Jon Crsci, Dave Einey, Jeit each, Brian Mauro, Mark Saundern and Marc Walis eacit had ose in and one lm. Just a emînder taI praclicen mili enome aller exam. MUSTANG HOCKEY Inalat Mondayns home game againnl ttakille Trafalgar, Milton held an tlaa 5-5 lie. Il as ao acion-packed game witil same excellent playn. Brian Seraini came ap ailh Imo gal. Alnanscoriag fr Mlonax r Jery Maamorala. Jahn Crînci and Ed Lmopnîch mît axe apiece The hocktey leam ravelled la QE. park on Wedomsday and ere deealed on in a senior girls' volleyball game against Georgetaown on Thursday. ( Photo by Janet Rerecich . 6-. ibis pt Milles inssit spot oserait. Ed Leapricit scored Miloa's oaiy gol. JRS. LOOKIN O Oo Millansa Jr. Girls' voleylal l eam le lonking saper agais tia ye. le Tnsdoy igitîn gamon againss T. A. Blakeloci, Milles wos ait llrse, 15, 154, 15-12. ibes miete ly raveltle opayte GergetoonRoiteln an ibsrsday, tey ent aadelnsled. Scores o te gamnes wee15-3, 1014, 15-7. A good gsme as played iy al memers. The Sr. Girln are sol din aso el Ihoagit. Playing againni lite Blaitelocit Tabiis, Milles on only tla second game 15-11. Tiey wero deeated le ait gamea agaisslGeorgeomn- The eam deinilely ia an es lalance aI sapent players. 'l'imonly probittst nlagel everyon orkitig lagellar al lte ime. Gter tas Ilal, me iave te maiisnfor a ciampion- siplteam. We have alrnsdypi'oves taI me cas ieal te est leams ile Or ceagne ibey ravelled 15 a leissamnslos Salarday bal reulIs are nonI koms ai presn ime. 5-OALL CHAMPS On Salarday, Jan. 10, Millns Sr. Boys' Sasketall tean traveited le a tournament in Beleville. Titey onI teir irst game tla]Kigslen aSatte iy a score aI 41-34. This Ions aalomaticafly paltIernein te cosolation divisios. Perry Macotn ap scorer mit 19 poinsn. In te second game againsa Gaanaqne, Milles mon 5-4. Agais Pery Marin ai lepsorer, pumpisg 22 poiles. Jeff DeFreitas camesUpmitit 6 pi. Gord Haines and evis Hosldroal each itad 6 poiltswmitde George Lma pilcited in mtit 5 pi. Millon1miaI game ms againsa Beleville Cetennial. Milles wos a clone game ity a score ai 55-51. This viclary madoetemiteconsolation chtampions in telornamneol. RacI, meneter aofte team recelved i- dividml trophiis Uýýu[l Viet visitor Sy Ras Feiter A oery special guisit l daTrOnM Scitool on Wedesday, Jan. 14. fHM nme as Sos Ngayen. He tld te nladensalaou t in esperience living in Vilenam aod tom ie came tla Canada. Beloce Mr. Sas Nguyen came bo Canada 10 years ago, ie as aile le gel enangit mosey rom hiinpaemis ite camseite came ram a mnlty lamily. Bautite ie as in Vienam, te Cnmmnnistn came and ltoiteir moey forcnoaopprent reasn. In Vienam te edacaionsynem in dîtterent tao here i Caoada. Tiece yan must pans an exam, le order le con- tinue yoar edacatian. il 001 you mot loin te Arcîy. Mc. Son Ngayeo liced in St. Catar- nesmiile hlatalindod arocit Uniner- iy. He nom lices in LngIac insr- t ero Onario. He ban iees living lare tor 10 year. ANCIIOR AUTO c COLLISION e Custom Painting 0Frame Stralghtenlng e Collision Repair FREE Estimates 15 1 Nipissing Rd.. Milton Units 4 & 5 New la Mrump.mi NATIONAL WATERBED "Ontarlo's Waterbed Store" nomek o O-n 0se lan Get he OordOur 30ay home com t est nd nake advanlago of Ou eowd scdoadacoy Que r Byabed and bSOur irt Fund rsa". Dsal. as II aest MeL.Iton s0l P= e locl - is laites ov7er l ct-i HMait Weeit and maoahip af tehealSonday, Feit. 5BVWI h Fuînd.Prvoxo chair Heat naday. [lin Oab Rchadson ioO 1)cpalOs niii and Pilyllin Gorman, supervise nondred of ot miile .2scllctie in cam- cancassero ala wifl cati pignisu, aeisoted n eveisy dois di it ap te rve 1ibis . mostt 9isoe ~ 11 " tean ailot ha b approaciig tisêis credil for orginIg tla peers for dnstions. Hear Fonid campali is Agis tiis ydr tha eS," Mrs. Frsmpiss Raya Banksitl ha as- s&ld.. "tam juitfl ldtwisg ceptlsg donations lisrte Ilair canspaigs, and tlay Fusd. itave gicen me a lot of Ms. Frampton said hlp." aitoughibiis le har fluint Aconsnsîtee ai ice paas clasai, ilan riendo i. ietpisg itar - iehan i fa.sor Anse Ptoensy, tons elaFod lrsera & Raierl, Gady Mcer-years. ala oncewoie Il adin saiteartl lsioratory ai nie. Gisny Ga pona t l Heart Fond soon. New clsstrman Fran Frampton of Hilton Ave. ta Misbe hea.Fs Toot nsa sere- ettmng ready to Iauneh Miton's onnual Hoart Fumd campaign an Th er udflag taLery cariolgis lo * . SheII havesa hoal of w"" ngworkers h"" gher, in the wilO ly ai Milon Toms aleyasaiekaia brryw.ng *npg Hall tirougiot te miatie dselest groupa search for $10000 in donations. A door to door canvasa wilî motit ol Feiruary. aitout. reach every home. -No new cirector inl post GO ULR Hallon Regilas may Bdi Marsitall lelI Halles bmr loa aconsallisg tics Regias is Ocîsiter asd la lry and llsd a replace- lte regios peitlisitidlte ment Busoines s evelop- vacaisy in lise GIlbesid ment Direcler. Mail and 1-ado jairsals. Former Bumins Titere mere 40 appi- Devrlopmest Dicecler cales,miticit irosgit a Town backs charter bld Milesn Consc t msu ppert a Hallon Mis charter nervice in seeisg as appticcolon le laite cmlemuern soleido lise itmmdacins ai Ontario and lele lino United Staten. Tyler Transport Limited lad decided 10, maite an application le lte Ontario igitmsy Transport Board aller lte cosîpesy lad iteen lorced la tiars dams a numiter ofcitarters. But lte lirns soleilno alter csmpeny le Miltonsand Malles MiSla is licencid le do titejobt, soisn application mas mado. Tisnapplication mas tollomid ity a sumiter ofait- jections lrsmn large les andl trasport csmpenion. The soer said asy assistance Milon cmdshnitl te may af support wmmd carry misit melgitaI ite transporo tord iteaciosg ibis mas gives and a Millensaffl memiter mas le golotet sering lesupport the positionsofMlton. oV& sitortltint of live. Titese lice mere islerviemed ity lte tou' mayors, bal no cosconans on a clear min- ning casdidate cmtld te arriced spos lor ose ras- mon or althec. Regissal Peronnel Direcler Dessin Camn las ssggesled Halles spend $12,00 o aingin a npecially placemennt llrm, ta recruil a replacement. Honde's Voikasoagana AJIlMaka, ensd Modal 8776M BAZ MOTRSLTo RUSS MILLAR' Dr. David K. Randeli is extremely pleased to announice the Relocation of bis Practice for Gieneral Dentistry to 351-353 MAIN ST. MILTON as of Jan. 1, 1981 Office Hours by Appontment 878-2872 and 878-2873 Insurance is your igSt Set! Homne *Auto *Life *Business Cal Ual Insurance % 208 Main St, Mon 878-284e HOWTO GET YOUR TICK ETS. Tickcts arr $450 cach for a csrvcd day and houn. Thcy ane on sle at thc Anc Gallery of Ontario and aIl BASS ticket ouîlets in Metro Toronto, Bramalea, Oshawa, Bulington and Hamilton. If you are outside the area -ecviced ly BASS, you tiiay write te, the Art Gallery for an order form. Pcase note: Thene ic a 50c pectîcket service charge on maiîl orders înd t BASS clutlelo. Vtewing i, frora 11:00 ar.. cI 8:00 p.rn., Monday thnough Fcîday aînd frorn 9.00 ,.. to 8:00 pm., Saîuicdy and Scinday. Tickets are sellîng napidly for Satucday and Sunday aftrnooýs. For hi'st viewing, wenrecommctsd moctiîgs and evenings on week -eîîd- and al weko'day hours. BASS ticket ouffice 977-2925 Exhibition Information Q77-2804, 977-0414 Dinnt miss this outstanding, once-in-a-Iiftme exhibition- the onlv North Asocrican showing of mitre than 14 5 works by van GJogh, Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Anqucrims, Bernard, Denis, Meyer de Haan, Lavai and Sérusier. January 24 «)Mach 22,1981 lo many adollts aiiiforlhiflistos n ogrntenaa)ina Chidowlh Oilnititi o 0,,n'ùo.-È *n boqe lort ual eocilog. ransto,,coq heaveislo S ilitngalni,,t o - - SoMethingIonhapOec inthîe ifutureWr Ync doniol om oittihOp siilgel hel hve criecceed atBinha s anldihaloÈs ediicaiion Fcaion isa ocessDIvngn, ,o o ,i~ Lovng hos oiGantomThai 15ihe nly aing ploce aioiiî schoo ntdeaindinul. way we 60001 topenate o ngPeplne oode the ciassroom Frant nOmPuiisOtV o-w't.n-, Ad.M050e0 the0iotes siots socan soccelIfotbal.hockey OIca- Clia BSi ' isan independeni boatdinq luinq lac andtfietd andtruibitIonain Soh-11an - ,ue,,l schoîouoros ad gisttoinigrade 7lIn ieslik chortdamaadvntetining t00 Ocein.MlZO __ t12Oit tlannes are snmairirinithe fll )and codaitcoursen Our studenis are i1nlq-5t? 16031 Paiciplation ami attention of each sndeni îhalleiiged laonSh ilîmso'inîs laider, tdwffe1 o Our siatis i oall inoin eveehy lacet) han iheo nom thouglit possible $C 000.-s ai siiidot liîlo e ae dtermotod tonnesais hteach 044 have an olgleointncodot1semor stadoni leases mntacloot caonnd lIai ciass nidenta accefad bito the îitoeisity e ointe es neecial persan nit munit oflthit otoice ami a oompulsory Peoh to ier îhe mnld The SuitsiaoaPanin oarddof theCrpration o the Town of ai 0010 Bimii la id n PUBLIC MEETING 10 dsciisOand examne a poaosed soecienti la the Town, ot OsOan H ls iZoi O-Lan No. 7451. The ainndmel toiam lsth reoniofc a paceiot ot a loasmdin oPrt Lot 17 Concminon 2, Townef aIlton filin lîsqamsita fi a Commuinication Tower utuily. AlL tmTERESiEO CITIENS ARE WELCOUE TIME: 730p. DATE Janiatv27, 1sot PLACE: MncialpAdmiitationnBuiidng Itaiisisy squsissMuniilOffice) Town of.HlLtniTlstfîad MP. Vmndti. .A,M.A. Pannng DOetla 1

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