04 raasincnulo.Wd.Js i u Sourcespaton 1 . 1 - .. . - - - -. » Conied teeus age Cl Fin P npr cent,3.448lbus;filinpheeie, 1a pr cZntdntan admwoul, 1tSpar cee tome. mle 22,2u6tam ai recyciablu eruens17.9 pue cent ef lia regionl ate large of124,531 tom. E.s'h 1lper ceul ncrease atertealieud resullîin 42W tonIs 2e.mfltl'ughUflinl Agaîn the prliary raso, as po nîrd ouin thIe RIS report, for Hilton golegteM sorce separotion ns statedlintetotialaig Pc,=ali "11 isabecaine clelarou isdicussion ita municipl ofiiain and aereadlnofddocunments pub- Iiised ile ItlIn Ithadiversionnaitmate aay tfrent landtill le neen by maey in bu lia prime objective hich sisoud bumaiby reeery eptemdeign. " White privîle epereinca migit bave a raisinlehe nem aptem, public cotaol la ten an eaauntial n liaI theeate management pint ot vies, pr- dictabilty l cainidred aprimeby eneac. Tiera is nouerecoveriig a maternai ittiere lano miarkset tor il. Yen cao racover al tise "nonblepeg gears" but if non one anitUm, pour renource recovery plant inda op tertilg teeni le tee land MiI ares. Tiereore il ie esentil in begin wite a macgel survey and identifp tee needa ai prabasecsanmd niake a colection cente cendy 10 canvet recover ablsn o theuapecificationa ite plcbuars. To ted eend RIS ban litai] tee Mloimng tree objectives. A short... m Cnntioaed front Pige Cl fIlas nt untilte0 i 5yearn c aitmiat wenom conmder reeoarce recovery programa nstaried. Stop Pollution la Naangaeyi (SPIN) ia local exemiple othtis Sacisgroupa orked ram a conbined enironenial ami ecoigicil bine. Tbey Salectedl glan, nelal, ad emprlt in cntal depote. Il mie, an effort e cari sate. plt ouItaeeviaaif laid- filing cod a alcere desire Mo encourage iidsitcy aid commerce Min oe recyclable materlain. Tise period ai the early and mid-'7h "mere sannie' nuit political le ntre," acoringo RIS. Binless stilI opeted on tie sapply and deniand teeoclen et lise t%50s. Wisni tee 1874.1875potp aid paper amribe canie on strean theeasia ufratic drap in id noms- prnt. Tiera just an' n iy lng arcn an d miny progremsaitaoisiniply dsbund. "Tiespirit bora in theelate '6a nd early '7h beglon le diappear, ad tee public gnerelty btleiterent, le large part duoi Mtee on-again, off-egain nature of niesI progrum," RISalalten. Tie 1973 eoergy criais reslled samemiat loer inM a reabozation il ould bu more expensive in import vrgin mterials and il ould bu more expanive ln purciase er-gy in reape tee virgin mateial. Fr instance, il laiesaonetenteltheamsanteof poer tere- smelt ilumiiin ftamscrap tean le tai-aui e, alum- inium ram bauxite. Wite more manamorea aguatim for resource rcca- ry mnai group, incl ilgHlton Rgin, began discussionsin tee laIe '71. met reeat isoren lethee 1979 decisionan d tee cofirmation nipecînli Mdiy, tiai HiIMon Region anto Mo gel lto rniource races' ery and saurce seprition. New tecisnology mhincis Iailan Region le nom study' îng. maken tee separatiot ofnnie materials by tee mnincipalily fon sale Me conuming industriesnifn ancialppearabie. In Augnal t o, Onaio Ennromnil Mniter Dr. Harry Parcett anaimced provncial faodlng sap- port fon manielpalilles ifttaey meld gel mM erenurce recovesy and bu naaied Natn an le itleetfa pilot projerl. On Nov. 14, 180, Dr. Parrott attendedt a Halon Regien-npooiored semnir on renurce recavry and sated fity bu suai reaeurce recoveny aid source separation asa an Onaro and a peronal top priacty tom thee*'a. Nom lialtee political scer la conimitted, t least intOntario, il seenstleis 1hjot may praduce hteerto sapreeedeted idvancicnu aing our b' prodorle aidniaking theenimrk foriusagain. Il is nt an Ormelia s ciety miera "theea leon ate" btl tus s, ee Hlton Region, and adniîc able beginning. I. lue renaneay apaeendunelape fer lise lais p nmon theimpotanc arimut allaensund genearlcensnyupa',aIlu benefila lit can bu aaized lir=tlm =xmz impact on carrseol nasie gneralîon and diaposai. 2 iy maea2l rlcove'osm ust b 1mb edwitll realmis arkets, and lihe sysînni nmst be capable et deliveriog a higis quality product, inle a it ini' detYntanacti. The racoverp apteni eshold work closely mii theevariole actios le tise nianktpluce, and soudd tollase a pregressine market dvetai. ment stance, kldally ervlng an a catalyst M epur neemmaretlduman. 3. Developnent l inteuPagn asuld olinm lia eewasyatem design putb, but mIte trueecendeation tor ced conultation ithenilatlng operaleca. Wlille tise achievement of maximum impact oth wntegni eralion and dipeaallid lia e acy gonl, l relation tM protection i lieusatuenqun, lia main de sige canlderaten sisald bu lhei uionof axeia- ieg ee=tors in any nem synlen liaI M prapaaed. 'Thedaign processeisould bu adjoted, as necai- ary, Meniaxiniuie theelovolvenient and sopprt Of ail posible indisiduain and organizallon ltin thee commenity. Il lea aaumed Hallen Ruglen wml wntjiacbiaey miiciteucancnvert ram ate loie n ldualy ae- cepted standard. Il in theurefore necaiarm o ve etticient macinecy and avoid ail ainecnsacy Osi'- bond. For niample, a iigis volume oewprlnt ardder and balesmhincis operatai aI tour tmnpr bourcacn do tee job for $5 Me $10 pr to. A Mmw volume mach- inemiicis opeaten et one tMn pruraicde. tat mrk ton about $20lM $40. Wte old nemeprint ered- ded bena pao'isud aI about $5% per ton, thee iigis epeedmnacin cus tee cnt prton in hait and in- creases teiseny rate by hree timmn. In Mit the estiniated maximum nemoprint pro- cesalog cpcity in tee enly yeare ould bu about tum o nd perisotr basaed on an anaal nemnpinl reeovery off800 ton ami a 40'iseur eek. A aytemn on tisescalemenld locuc caost flPOti$60pr ton t &lred and baie. As tee prcise pice inentout$50 t Us amditI migit tabe $55tM $10 in gaaolne Me get thee pupes ta peicciser, tee ayneio nilionian thee pteniel telose money. 'lleoeose il ban been saggeted tiere bu aàltaltoe Regionel Renource Recovecy Centre, perbape on tee gcnia>p ottheeRegional ieadqontersasanItlal central. Ibin centre mould love iig-snpeed mach- lneey and ould bave a minimum ai statf lever- bond. I13saine adility ould aine providu con- tralloed marketing services, asistance wite pub licity aid mlcational progran develepment aid techincaî expertise. Il ould ao mean tee cl- lction isnction would bu renoved ramn local dir action aid centrl and tele banssomn M o ve or- lied in oteecaras. Ttieretore thee aggeted division ai reapon- sibtitini ould lbu ite tee anas monlcipaitp lite. Mlton biog le charge of direct aapply develap- ment, cletian, dict pcomiotion, and tee transiter tatheeregianal centre. Hallan Reglon ould bu le cbrge ai indirect sap- pîy, iandiag aid procnsing, backiap anidrect promotion, marketing, tecloical asistance, adre- source and developmnent. tn ehort, tee Region old bu in charge ai tense arean mhisch are niat ettet- ivel centralived. Reahizog coletion of separated materiais t thee bey ced bll theegroupe le Hilton sateey"l nt Chairman to speak Mlton Cisunber ot Kanto wsce gou Commerce mli welcomne speaker nt thee lu Italton Regonal Ciair- Cisumbr loncisuon mai Jack N. Rallieasa gazeit speaker ui le Feis- nlary meeting -day, ee Feis. .> Tise lenciseon meetit mii bu etd utai bmb= lIn, Campiallvtle, cI nmon. lieketsamar avail aine ronitise Ciambr office, cai 878"179. Mlto Mayor Ilrdon Reniaissare ollection ~n' ~ Oasby GýesoStosere hs en 020mcIuan M at W5* .2 . 55,t C701 - OTelS ent2m o leokeli bt enncaottdtlomio a r atO I entt i 'i I» iOuteotra eltr eso m.. n0- NoweAt U CLEMENT8*"t4weau F.W.B. FITZGflALD INSURANCE ISUAAN L'lD. 216 Main Si., Mlton, ont. u-go AUMvoue INDEPENDENT AGENT 47e7117 SINCE 1934 '28MarnstretE.,M tton UT I§878 M4 - WESELLALL C AUOFINWAURI"8782326 ~~ ~~~ ~KNIHTINSUP-ANCEledac 74? AICUESMILTG LTD.AGENCY LIMITI mmWsoD LM.-uI Don Kosght, A.I.I .C. Sie e 178 u ln'e YEIEEe- SU» 7 Fngieqame puni uwy IR TIOiteeE.C *ue ua nasonc L M747 a@NM uLeU.U&7W lSNlueI 18u'-OaIIa- l? Ii Rogîoe et Halton NOIET ATER ÂNDSEWER RATEPAYERS IN MILTON THE FOLLOWIW NEW WATIR AND SEIWR SURCHARGE RATES WILL l CHARCED ON COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL MW S SUED 0ON AND AfTER FEIRUARY 1, 19U1, AND ON RISIDENTIAL *LLS MSUID ON AND AmiE MARCH 1,1U81. <Ail rates are marthly) RSISINIAL hMIMUM MLL (SevieCisev) WATIR SUWER 3/", M'$ 1.90 $ 3.01 330 5.25 114"5.03 8.00 11"589 936 2' 13.71 21.82 2V2" 20.66 32.87 3" 25.02 39.70 4" 43.29 68.85 6" 111.08 176.68 8' 178.87 284.53 10, 223.64 355.74 RATES FER CUUIC MMR WHICH WIiL DE CHARGID ON ALL COeSUMPIa 15.29C/M' 24.32C/M' (EFFECTIVE ON ALL BILLS RENO1R[D ON AND APTER MARCH 1,1981) 1. There wili b so semer charge ont consumptian pur rsidential unit n excess of 45.45 W pr manth or 90.90 M' bi-manthly. 2. The sevrer surcharge rtes autamaticly refiect o 15% discount. INUSTRIALCOMMEICIAL MINMUM M.L (a iluuCheaue)e WATER SEWER V2"," 9"3.51 $6.16 1"5.41 9.51 11"7.75 1 3.59 1<V2" 8.90 15.63 2" 19 .47 34.19 2Y2" 28.85 50.66 3": 34.71 60.97 e" 59 38 104.27 6: 150.90 26498 Ir 242.43 425.70 10"l 30286 53180 MAIS MPR8M WM 1 1,U RUSON AUL Frt99.09W 131~ ' 24OICIM3 Balance 9.1 <M 16.OOCIM5à EFRECTI' ON ALL MSSRN ON AND APTER h ao am i ento momnoletisainicet resldentialbfNmf*arayl"lweO!lwa>IM ---à - .- ---- - --- Bou8ewu.a uo t on vemtleonu e 2. Siould participation bu voustary or ebould lieu msnicipalitieseniat bylaron forcing madatory involvment by local rnnn.ents: i. Wlere should the2eltgîtllal lcllly blIcated and misaI local transer operations miliiburequired? According iM RIS il appeuira Private opectinsl tsmctionlng indea euffiieaet degrue af Muncipal cantaLi Secoadl, RIS Seni o enltant, Jacks Mefileal inn la alo tIe BMitan s ainina volutmc beule aad dmon me eit enandatory Once thieYt-e gin acceptable pb demari ttn eainTis in"nta volomr pamemii =t on cdorto4aor gans conte encouragement alang mus exteftfive loca nemupepe' support miicisTie Chaiaona ilel bu glati togise. luly, aaalready etated. lise betsitetfor tie ra source recovey centre WMlipcebaby bu bealthtie Reglonl leadquartes building but thisln nt an RIS suggeston. RIS said! only it seould bu cone l tise Queen Elizabeths Wayanid belmeen Oabvlleansd Borlinuton. As for tranaer tationeis, yisould bu incted cimee le populationnceanaesmitis itgisay acssa le tise reglonal centre. Ulizlog lendill tes le One meatien. It le nia recomonended tise reglenat cCentre Catm- recelved reglanal s alea e mw.aer siseuld bu set ntie margin cnr i pctn contaaoftisecentre and prpucspmaken a amaÜ pro fit. mte centraesenuld allauoanager -ci credl Once local feeders are set ep mitis lia fur c materlabin lwmat aas a ioudttiey concotrale le geeoupplyt Nenaprint: ment recovery woaid bu ramms but taniser sources could bu nemapapeca MIeu Ciampion, officebulldloan ilntitutionsen ll- MI Farmers âa ., U foreign ~7 buying < %. Tise tallen Agr- cuteraI AdvleoryCom- 2i mitteu anle mre strict e"l~ femro landa 1n oralgn Tise RAAC bae tated it 5 ie concerned liaI people ' e" are buyleg terniland for -I otiser parties.T Anotiser probleni le ""' tint nmelnds le for- 50 elgo ownec.bp bave 'amn"n' niambeced cansau lised et omore. maklng '0 It ard to get permione '" to hase a fence floud Tise HAAC tld tise Ont- erio Fedueratten of Agri- culture le aaklog for un invento of aI tlgn armïdlanInd t,.e~ inga bbandn anore' -17-7-M eHea.le train mnyurce auciseadeoactmenE -,r.and f roceliOo bln nnPapes Tht eproary source'soulit bu rmy ofice ouidingn, prnig and publising operations andoliettUtaeecso*l. Tn got tlsmnlnuplm af ipsandid tth aiselibu tise pldbelnauý qelfis~ add ind IvL b en e Mulebut Il alliaa ce&àatecst ivu if lin ppam the ee idbdbgtl lieuboutto te pte dplace met Oes d leu coectminmaleatt iebdedeud eu mthet lie boten Dn l leu ecllomle ute. ee-sl Thecilelo e w made U m rW c meeyla9aielieu statruture d aepeeatbtptemleuetRsnt bu de' bein e iaetau misnateIdetilnait. lismot bu fBellma by à fianca planmoat- gulp the liadeuletaae etiaB al8dllmn tganmmapan cmI end mRISisunataed seerallime «'isantluafli ert inelihi denopben d Ballon PRgln lpet- enialty play an Ipeteatral e nferhleeela migiîbe bottermetaabd of ewebuldeullenn in lia proeiu buanu Il e.mm dm teeaelag and metisadu wmiicibus ave e m rabbla la atia b*4 t$au eeWam uatnipa neoarat al mWine eeuey lte pekt otl*Ae goinelti otise ledlctcundn nt rupeatmtappear ia tiaubareminga In many maya, sorce sfparatîon marts a break- a'eay. t is.a bbrakawa1e552 Iandfilling. Ilis. a breakoway inle tros of scspt and approacis. Il is a breakaway in ternis of potentiel te develop new "tleaOftis unritecbiqe. âw oftailailte a euChmtaobceaiyu the i meâle. dap olua eoisnmatuaii slibcan mdidbuelilleeandegain. May head Police-O EyCaikatan Mc, but tlia» eg I mîli ib ui h.U=utea peaItion on lieuat ai et tbee board ai coni' miseer fleldyen liet" m>ealnmraof lia"toltn Pve mem ieton Red" onlaice l'orce, a lieu "tlmliettenanni renoama anrce aya minlen-Alfred Olives "1 cent enficator and Gle aill mSe sXaidianintervom ponted), Jin ietae, ille &yea-old r.SBrrett aid Judgu Stbmlten-Wentmortis Scme. enoty cm Ijudgu vma r. bic cve, e iurliog- hma bae on liaeISalinentMn reglenal councileor police camminlen asincu and local reltor. le lia tM m muei vice' oly new face on tise aisair m man in tis ie' cemamin t tsin eur. ameir btdeme Oak-' Reglonal eeuncil voted vie Mayr HmRe r Sur bu Mreplace foner ret te cantine liin iclilton Mayor Don Gar- meul a'yeen terniasdon. mia mas dtutd cbiimn durlog lia Nov. 18 mai- A source saad lieu thelia cpal eeelo. police cemminalmenre de Judge Selme aatd tis clded intarmate del e rganinational structure Judp Se8e thueuchir- ai tise comminlon ihm mmidip frtbel m 5 been cbueged tisn ear.