Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 1981, Perspective, C2

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Cà3M YleassCmummolnon, Wod,Jans 21, 1081 1» M ~UGm About big bands By lins Byers Tniu radio prugramu 1 bave rocently bard cllideit deep in soy h bohae. Ose stismpted taouplis tao uaider peasuta mat current Rck lu atemp- ting ta accamplis-ita message sud aIl Ua. The oUer, or mhimh you dit ouI ert ao interpeter, ai a compilation ut Cusadian Big Bande ut daslng go. 1 massengulîrd selUs a arso ave ot notalgie. Ibs recordingu ere scratabed wiUs age unit repsaîrd ploylng. bal Ue mesorien ere ou youg ou yotrday. By cusrasl. thebock 'neirollsuff ms abrasive, ussosica and crude. Tbe cmmentatr, lu an allrsopt ta, jmlity wbu aue su lcking in talent, aid il waacot important wtebr you coulil brar or cumpreboui thUe mrdsofuthIe sougs or nouI Il as te ury outhUe sousi thtat really mallereit Heu gutinluhave bero kiddlng! 'or spet all a century lltening lu and peu-ormng muic. AmI1 nom ta bc- leva Ibt ail Ubsn ime. 1 ave been deluded in Iinking il as a plas- omable, ftultiing experience' Tere was aury io Berîbovens mrta. Tbere ws ase immortal brauly. By tdays standardo, soyon cas sake Ue "charlu' ilb a garbage cao ilteit wihbbricks. Tbyd ju lcb il o tu a gisol painl-soîxng smachine, bring on a dmren or ou micrupbonou, sud bang-Useyove gt a bt. Bang-diddy- bang. ui eougbufthIal ...uni thteo-ars Iat ouldolt know a god metuty il tbry hord oe. I iovile yeuu lureluro iib me ta Ue Big Baod Eca. Wthout Ue all-lorgiviog eleclronic support Systems, muiinasa bad ta bo JuI Ilsul, Uer pertormlug discipline sqsallng UaI requiret etf Use menbesutfa sysspbosy orchestra. Il as desoundodthIat singees shoult b.e able te slssg un bey. Coposers, Slu-usgely enoigb. mre rxpected ta compoou. tAntdithUey ever'> If yas blets itoa 5 orn, notes ere upposetot came ot Ue oUer end. No ioulant replays util Il's riglul, Uauk you. You atot get il rlgbl Ue icol ime wseesyou tsrs ou s job. WiUs Ue muluc came Ue places fuos wicb il rigisateit on Ue ledglbwg adio negorba. In Tronta, Ue Palais Royale, Ue Palace Pieu, Ue Silven Slip- par; Ue Braut la, "os Ue shres of beauUcul Lake Ontaro, Burlinglan; thse Cbateau Laurier, Otawsa; sud Ue Panorama RooI, Hotel Vancouver, bast ta namne a tet. Statoide, durlng Uis spectal ime,1 Bg Bando dosinated Ue balroomSo1 aod airmays. Wbho il ever bugel Glenn Miller, Woady Barman, Au-ie Shaw,. CousI Basey, Tommy Dsey, Cab Calloway, Brouy Goodman? Space1 dam ual allots me ts mention Ueso ail. The ballade of Usoor doys spake of love, otbope duringUshedrk doys outhUe mr, ut optisissomenil mou over. Toays lyu-lcn wien you cas uster- stand Uesol cruaofIviolence, dis- cord sud dtsa-opect. "Puntk Rack" illu callet. Or "NetsWve. The cososoatlr I mentionsit eaulier. baeriud Ua, Uis set Soud bonestiy refleta Ue Socety tanoetcb e lîve. . 1sicrly hope hbru rong. Bull1 really dosI ksots anymare. Halton 4-H leaders an By Douglas B. Mler culture and Food was ce- Field Crop, Hors.' or- O Ken McNabb, R.R. 2, turd as Secrtary- culture, Maple Bsp, t Georgetown as re- Tresurer as was Doug puulry, Sharp ad P elctet puesidet of Uhe Mewhmsney as FarmSo wise. The clubs are Halo 4-H Club Leaders Satety Coascil Repres- open ta iterstet yUssg tN Counil at theis- arsual entive. people aged Il lu l9as ot P meetng Jan. 7. Several cbangsaunotbe Ja. , 181 l Twelve leaders were clubs ottered f or 1981 Al clubs will be O' prescri were approved. orgaiet in March ex- Bob Luby, RR 2, it heSe- ad Mulie cl Rockwood il be tbe ltI Tbe clubs offered will ce Cub whr Pi vce-presidet and Doug node Autoc CuI, Beef S,, p Cusmlh (lartbouue, RR. 5. Mi- CuIt. Conservation. Jun-s- utiJanuary. ton. ili be lsd icr-pres- ior Dairy Caf, Senior A meeting mdll b. beld dent. Doug Miller, Ont- Diry CuI, Farm Mcb- Soom witb tbe l9eu club aria Minitry ut Agri- inry, Farso Sstety, presidenla ta gel Ileir Region attends meetings HIlas Regons Il ad been saggesteit ances * Planning Departant tbe obiecions ufthUe Plnnng Comsitteês * ili avesa reprosset region soedbesoude ai asis s staff oive ut Land Diviion Ue Land Division Cos- reprealenttlve ou Ue Committee meetings tor mitter. Letorg frum Ue sceo tu flsdouiflthe let- tbse ntUree motb, ou planning departmnent are tees bave any bearlng a trial basi. normally sent but tlsey sud il Use repressentîve dont necesrily have ta cas souks comment si Tbe experiment wwl bc scluded n Ue dis- th lime ofthe iseverunce laul for Ureesons s ou cus on ut lusd sever discuiuln tbal il co be concluded by Ue ime te 11 o per- O SL ating bdget lu discuaed. ABuiwc swti orbde Il il pruven tbt a person s needed indefintely, il -. could be made part ufthUe ma. 1wu- Planning Department U4/OVf budget requentn. SIliTALE Tbe planning co- A TBa a mltee bas bsd several ASL0W AS ... discusins om u n1ud severancea given b y Ue $780 U Lan Division Co- o o M(L_ 1IAM SALES mittre, wicb Planning ebeOWR u unFORe383BANTST taft bave ppoe r ORCteeEST AMLTO-OTmsT su - n ose reison or unoUer. ss-s us1 THE NMW 1981 WEIGYHT WATCHERS F000 PLANSI WITH WINE, PEANUT BUTTER, HMW CAN NDU 1.0E? NOnu su'c nWé,i m l 1-O1500 - 1 11 t-ion lc casu0,u"hl lnnuree01 u n i c 5 s, s.-s h- h u 0. dsOu -uI l e. Y. - . "o I-Jmog,-, _d Wp~ h . espuouhsi m rk j'OSO l , !AC.ý, i v -tO# f&4 -y- u T eoun~uuesc ~suaa 5& -,Pil sassassi 00 os Oc iIel Brownies made simply When Ue urge ta bake comea, bave os baud recipa mtacb equire tem eaodei lgredienta. fIse mre butae1 btter ouiUsous tagrediensanarelikely ta brosilingaon yor sbclvou any day oI lb. year. This simple brstsslr recîpe mode misgu I ob otcoa isgreut mw k ' BreUeo o lsa mug aI bol cocue on Ue side. A perfect inter armer. tagrrdlcnsu ll 3 cupe 325 soLI al prposflor Il1 teaupoon (5 soLI buklsg pamdr Nà teapoa(msLI salI 1 cap (2W msL> boter i cap (20 soLI Fryn cncsa 2 cape 100NO LI sugar 4 agg Il/ teaspoons(7 soLIvanille t cup 230 soL) cbopped nuta 1 bOB ic (.lào gepu baml. Mlt buller tna s uscqia. Reove trom hoaI. SUir tanry's conn. Blentlssn ngor,oggsund vanilue. Bluit ta dry ingredienta sdMcbofld unst. Pour bagu tp oa sgreuuepan. Salue a 3w0 degreou F. 180 dsgrouC) ai-Sa minutes. Cal sud tessl. F5JDGY COCOA FROBTING tagredlenta: 3 tablospoosa(45 oLI mlet bsutter V4cupl(WMmL) F 's Cama Y4s cap (W0sL) il % teapoun I(2soLlanilla 2 cupo 1300 soLI sltlod iclng sagar Cmbine melted bsuter mlUs rys cSooa. lsd lunsou, vanilla, sud cing ungar munl smasUs. Spread tu-uilng or bronin. inuai meeting Incorne rrgarttag Ib te A lues plaslisg specinl Averaging C..r drcisfUs 4-H prjerl for 4-H mesombers u4~ prgraso. mwua =eby Ue la n ut Hatnwilb snigders. ml lntalioely ' tw 4H eaer t te -H brua jotleffort wth tUs Lontracts rovincial Leuders' Con- Kingnmay Kiais Club. ee-ceandst Ive 4-H A rainn ocla Boff 9%olstnle tmbrastaWisconsisas setaagnspiak= or poaluni srt of a caninuisg ou- Usa leaders lau imng plan- bauge. set ter tbe seul mouUs. Loa itanst deductilt No aoposureio iaieeoi Dentureaiteluatons Malmeou eumuaon MILTON MCiLTNiGOSPEL HIGWAY GSPEL OAPTISTHURCH HLL CHUCH2 Puo Ol .Msio 3ela F us oofuol"Is cuota 78-0 -1100 82022UlCSaT 14Patn:Kin.FuctWoub 306sedOntari . Peaio"aa M lans tsasn.JunoruChuioSin Sunduy. Jan. 25/i1 i7M204 lhes audioio on 10:00 luoan. - smigBssd Suntay, Jas. 25/81 Coaetaidl Minos. 11:diua.m. - Sneta SchousI :46a.,a. - SuduvScoo Crne admorshipnih us. 700Op.m. - Gousel eics 11:00 uni. - Moutau Wsn- ANGICN HUCH Wednentuy uip ANGLCANCHUCH 100 pm. - Pecnd oleis Aisa: Chidio'suCburch 0F CANADA oteu 4-6:Wp.i. -FesiiOPnayer GRACECHURCIl Attar eoe n 7:00 p.. - EvmsluoWorshdp 317 Min SI* ,Mitio Tunbheem Se'oimu Joanaum sens Sunay, Jus.25/il Jsuus sait. My Siosa beus in Gospel Concert Ma Vuol, n 1îod ten Oet osieoplo i-:00unim. o Cmuand sot uey o ltmeoAndns:bi eWudosous uin ie uno ina, sional 110v 9:00 s8-.- lad I sevu ,91 .-lOi ni. uceasi aidt iny eha e petin. Metin 0:3 ulO. Paii S CsiOmu-Juin 10:2 Pitay n000 - 7:30 p.et. - Pundy Nghi 9:30 a-l. e, niormbChuc THE Cuatides forbounsig Pope Schoot PRESBYTERIAN 7 - 14 yter. 10:30 uni. Junior Cbunsh CHURCH IN CANADA ST. PAULS Scoo KNOX, MILTON 0F THE UNITED Lucl et 00Meting Ta Fllo10:30 Sece 170llMoai. E.,878-4t0 CHURCH OF CANADA Os. TeoosJ. Lents MainSt. et Jans St. Thuraduy Miostet - The.Fletr. lT. Jakbi es 10:00 s -ni- Mut Co.inu- Ouaisi Choir Olscoso Christan Unlly Week ninMr. Binrd it Ssldiy, Jan. 25/81 Suntay, Jan. 25/il 9:40.m. undyasaWusblp ST. JOHNS 1i:00 @.m. _Siostonifna Nassecysaculab LUve,945 a. Sni ossCbuiurcBpai N. o401) ShoisiSeron: "An PuesoWit 10:00 sa..-Aitui Bile Onscusohor" Susituy, Jan. 25/il OStuito 11:0m.- ChurchSool 9:30 ini. -HO VCsninu- 11:00 .ni Juoioî& btie-7:30 p.m. - EoumuniSul a- an n eiite iobouts voce tOS. Pts Chaîh Scooust 11:01 ani. -MomniauWo0- AU Weloos STGOG S ship Nurery FasiIiIO STAGORES bts Suaeiseit Nursery BOSTON ast OMAGH Low,îlleiGueph ULeansit All Wom PRESBYTERIAN De" Rdi.) CHURCIIUS 11:00s.ni. -Mominoslloan, EMMANUEL iso. Le" .voIui - egnnniut121h BAPTIST CHURCH Si. Sennnngof ces 265CommilSnit . Sunday, Jans. 25/81 -Annivesiry Sri« puas 1of.J.R. Amstrong OSO Nuseyad Chonh hol, ob M 5039 SOuNUieMl Ou.Chemana Sunituy, Jan. 25/81 :10 u. Chunia Scooul TRINITY 1:na-sa uniSuolevSa ool OMAGH BAPTIST CHURCH îia...i 515_di Bssante Oi. Wa d7AlbvUs 11:w0un.Auuseblo Et 11:00 u.m. - Chrh SBosai set. W.t.PaonOPît uundiaDiGuinewoeb Gno Sundet. Jan. 2/i1lnl Go's Waa HRC FtRS iu -ni m.- - ageSciaitlasor 7:ai..- Miusoovau u- 142 isule d.,us Mi nuim: "Mieis o iau,PIo 87-nai nias @.M. - Moisn Wo- Surcdapi, Jan. 25/81 7:0-m -ni Oalg Worciup 945@.n. - Csoffeé oend 0fr-0 etg-las Sbi B5nu455Pili Bile Snuiyelu 11.00B-et- - RiogWor- Taoubty o n h -neSpe 7:Wp.Ws- reaty fflEt7:30 pet. - "Pmassofu 7-0petub ssh 7.00 pani PatiO Plnigo Ioasp Wo&ddy Nwsnouvldi'AAtOWtl- Iictimid 7:5 pet. - Pnaysr tb rir eySaeres edt Tsedie'lseOshucoalWmU BIle Sudy bloulsg Pu imensl*1 tournaments S The Usu s= Foc uebu tam for - John pn Ja t 31,1 men Aud jobn bon frbn tA] he eueculivc uiuh ta be olepelîig lu mk ail membrs wbu Provincial playotto ut stdet bout gesuerul Londlon. Iul' nt urec twus a trsitt t Ue doe, but me wlub a ur auxt, thora Use bout ut lsu*. ehat1 elt wSlu + + . + moui moee-. Or Preatount Cnm- ForUthonofytIC sbo rade MuaBlaakou01 'I soukeItla ilt Ust Mr sick = J=lsam m, Use sent geseesi Bse.. oobeess woahb Ming la scbedsei te o u sin tssch mtth, b. 91 Mossday etSilp.. sml "Bôsao, ltuck arp. Hope itamesou nsIeIsus, sad Bill Moms- e. lscltuiy, Use uan. teauutl metingis ie latout ounBobBal Montay Feb.2. jabotahnoiesoulnvory . . + senI, Wbit uelooklng pont officer P'red torward taoue"ogyou fMm wmo ntapeou back ai Use club u y,1l Uste tollotshîg in- Bob. We. av rmalIen. arsngements ta knock Sarday atteesuon down tbe beck mal, ta m.24 sturtlag et 12.30 accommodaio Use TV s. Usure lein tab. aucameras,' whe=nKu re- )endsrt tsrnament in turnAs tor ,I eclub rouo, %meuntaal havesa pets ssmeforyoss, -I playro. tUe iscresible ltulk". 1 en el., BaJan. uevertidb.er how rsnch sturtlng et 1.30, ail damage wu otusetes sssbes ut Brusch 130 muce.- uilnie t ta abops-in 1 baven't hourd auy ssucbu-o tarsament. nems ou Bil, bot hope hW is n ta Ladlou and prsybelealuprvng. 1115,Iody otj . + .+ . âcbre pluperosuad rose ea sebo care o ta Cng oveols-Our ,n a. asnuel Bhah ndutchp Awurtus ae ta b. poe- nlgbl, mare titillaOu stet by tGeorgeTlims- Uis in Use sext etien. orw asdSoas, our l'm a lle late on tala outl&y bortet ailman bul congraulatiosta en tasen. 'il Cas on hs succe- sab sac Leglon spo.-fui cake. MaILTON I POVN 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 PRCTECT TOURi CAR 5 YEAR - 50,000 MILE 1 GUARANTEE1 eJn raiOllçFIAC, IINOM.o,.,l,,-£AVINE AU B«.!AwoP 1- f b h 'I il Erva dit Askus 19about you busiesas. Ao rorctalin Ussbolp peuse, me helpapes lta lisailPie, setaiqualus end hurricanes; bolpmwlUhseaecb end renome operatiloson lasd and fr orî he 0 ces »rond us; hbnp pespis aIl ocerthe oorld ta heip, therselves. Iftyou'Il elp u, ou casdo a lta b elp, you. If you re terested lncomubatsarme orlI loaesnnqa rade skll, we entsppslyouaso sh ppsolnessoon oys ae achol. Ilpoulve dsolded tisetyour degre. eecnearrange te puy you wseloe puy your bâalUas een-cilser aestse o PriltCllages or utstse O Univerusity oar cboia. Fororoe ltatoouiuolsthle m@"d Esoploymess oneter3l10Main la., Mltoonsthe testTnissdaeuo oofuil oinset&.. te 4i00 p.ml r reiurn oupon. rirdisut hase me ne UT help yas mOlle you Oelp INVoLVIO aR mabaUicthewaeld a seuTlTHlE Plouse d mu more inoarmuaion, altassi obalanabot tfllsaowinq appaosolîleae [] Caupbaies 0 OTraden CI arlous OtSoer Trainingflas Avllabie, IAdilesa_____________ IPr-ovine_______outlCao"_____ s choul Prescrit Grade CaM&iasoForces e lcrusitiBg celistrel t 150 Main Street West j, iianlton, Ontario L8P 1118

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