4 1%# CeeinChumpbs ei. in. a2 1,1m EstohWUd Is it fnabîaii Oëaflioîi 19 M.nSt .nie, P0 ý2.uM o LOT 4N Phone 8782341 ~csaoieimit Toronto Lno 821-3837 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL EkrPubisher Adnasng Magar gDermaisarneseraelaaiv n. R .ce S Esn,. M mN . WV ý 5DVMM A RIeUIVcIT:R.M.cPMne Vv4, fls.u Ncs»M Aiohl«UESlýmeve5nnnCu M 1061 i..,,MMAA: . n .550.0O .,O o ... s 5 0 * ff P En " -,,snns Mum Ha, . .on .,,5 N k 0, . th a - , 'n n - s O n ,O . Vests on/y when needed Hallon Police Chief Jamea Har- ding wouldn't wear a bullet-proof vet, given the choice. He feela the garment ia a step in the wrong direction, an indication Ihat law enforcement meane a gun and bullet-proof vet. He ia right. But common aenae alan dictalen aome menna of pro- tection mut be provided for our police officera. Chiet Harding ja quick lu agree certain siuationa demand an of- ficer be prepared with the vet. Several montha ago, he conducted a aurvcy among officera on the Halton force to aee how many would be in favor of having the ad- ded protection. He received a ý'limited reaponse", but a more recent survey bas ahown 75 per cent of the officera in favor tof bavlng the vet. Perhapa flot al police wiah'to wear them, that should be their deciajon. But the vernI ahould be available to ail. Why flot carry two in the trunk of every cruiaer, maklng them readlly acceasible when there ixa need. Dometr calas are probably one of the most dangeroua situationa for a police officer. It would be simple enough to pull out a vest when a call merita the need. Foreign owned farm Iand The Haf ton Agiculural Ad- viaory Commilîe <HAAC) bas flote cd ome f its membera are conccrned vil h the growing number of foreign buyern coming int the region f0 purchaae farme and agricuflural property. whcn a fence needa te be mend- ed, e Hlton fermer might find out bas to contact ~comnpany S ewherie in' OnItano or even ovlzerland, before he cen gel perminsion f0 gel the fence fixed. Wbal the frmera are nolsaey- ing la the surge in foreign ovner- ahip meane land 18 being purcha- cd and then rentcd out, while the owner ile on il-hnping one day 10 gel a zoning change and buifd housea or apartmenla. The HAAC han made il very cleer il doea not lite the eroalon of good fend away from tfarming and mbt development. Although the current Haton Officiai plan pro- tecta farm land, no one knova what a future councile tonterprete- ion of the officiai plan might mean. The fermera have noted con- tinually their protes againet land aeverances of egricultural lande are nol belng heard. They feel lhey do not count when il comas ime ta decide between keeping lande in agriculture or letting themn go 108a developar. The HAAC ia asking for a liaI of owner (Lie. anyone ovning but not farmfing> on lands in Ballon, not only so they can contact the owners if work like fence repair muet lu made, but so they know who they are up againet. Il la a modet requeat which ahould be proceeded upon. Wc nced thc frmera and they need 10 know they are st1lwvanted and a neceeaary part of the makcup of Ballon Begion. Hamiet tow away zone Campbeliville residenta have been bold not 10 expecl a traffic ignal 10 go up t the inersection of Campbell Ave. and Camp- belîville Rd., but another augges- tion has been offered which holds promise for the people who live in the hamlet. The cail for the traffir ignalisi predicled on the disregsrd for no parking igna and areaa. lThia la particularly true et and around the Opra Emporum. On Uic wcekend and durmng the Mohawk Raceway saeon, traffir ia heavy and parking rulea are flot observcd. Numbera of cern il- legally parked coupled with a flow oif lraffic from Uic raceway do cauee problema. Se Uic solution ix to enforce the parking regulationa. But ia it wine and fially possible to have a Haton Begional Police Contable always on the acene, handing out parking ticketa? In addition, the recent Supreme Court of Ontario ruling may make parking ticketa worthleaa if the ruiing la upheld. Therefore, Councillor Bll Johnson haa suggeted the area around the Campbellvilie in- tersection be made a tow away zone. Il is a novel auggestion in that tou away zones have neyer been tried in Ballon before. Ballon Bagonai Solicitor Den- nis Perlin ia now looking into the poasibility of cnacting legilation which vould create auch a legai eatity. Il in an interesting possiblity which holdsa esolution to the traf- ic congestion în Cempbellville. And il coul d set the trend for the rest of Baiton and areasa where a better parking control eytem le needed. Emergerîcy plan needed We nota wth intaresl a move on the part of Uic Ballon District Heath Council ta axpani tsas and objectivesaine1lU1 by lncludlng a caîl for an emsergency plan. Wth the Miaiccuge train deralimant tilI frecla i oui minds, Il la a bleeclng the accident dld no happan s inton Who$e Ballon Reglon an bfla mlie Reglonal Police are rsady for any emergsncy, eanma.'or leelm baier q l S , u v0 hiW écrim rqwiîmisU1;hIt bappened anywhsra lui Mon due ta Uic vsry close proxdmlty of realdemba ta the train trae. We do have thc services, but Uic Ballon Dstrict Roulla Cm"ndi l pe .p cretl llniail conlprsheainwp onn W. noa an eoaergescy plan fer alla eat R as Renand ws would urgsteedm InvOlysi tarafing the tetvtate éery aveu. mi ha=bve an appopliate edy wib LINDA KIRBY sealng Day sales, Jcnacry ades, end et flic seaaee aefes-tliey mmmd se con- vhaeieng. 'y' oý fhc "lierrde' "boy or nice he O sae4- -flfetmee levesrment cf "anreef' price ve linancd chaise deusevery ssafg. We pufsce le t trialstfiaaoe gady, brigblfy cled tales Oui promise ai a ueifli if mvinga ifve hnld bey Ure pro- duel. GIobeancd Mcil refamnial Rchard Needliarn encesaideldficlet vey le aava meey la netlempend If. Wliancail lasd and dene,bhe'c rlglt. Mreetiten than resttOu farlan item le an eale le flic aiy excrue ve nced le bey if. Cf tev are e pime enemple. Yas bey anmetisng pes esser drcemed et pur- At Delacot' Saving a bundie rhseng, bacasse If la nov Imcea On ils ore rigargeons prce d leOuretre, >sà Oengeroutragensl Dyen mlen" are ; net lyfnarting, "~yare esallleg leOue i=g orio nsa. Àgrltrend ced mymtseml mest aeng Day tu anearifi seme "bsrgaln.' Tbere vw u erecord alre Ouhaid e flene-ap haIt vay recd ic lenterler. fluy vere effrin $1Sffett$7 ced $W re- crd albuame. Theas Orer ausathOudmstocle laI pre mlaed 'clcerenre" prie« vite 10 par cent of antd cedcs abee. We hardly gel in. To aney people ced too mssy scIe beeeselg. ali hoe at isc l l lpri- ced lnenfery lapcally breagltIn fortathO cae) ih eappoe aedele iema. The finer things Despile rlalea nflation fliey are lneve' but sandni ed le espace and the dbvaed dllar, aie sas e O metlc Outelntinterler. liedis- Upileare stf01 l ilsg te imprevemants o le Oupay shlvenrmcde of pOu hay lf fOr linga in bfidngsealerlrrmade y har haebandfUneOuh fitie. by fandlerd Srad CIe- alisle vile ettingiss-F Wlf b price tags freni menle resi Tyndei Ilecft tesibly dis pf yed ce paf- Sue a place seltirng in ler nbop. renaneed nat esr acting if aneuer le $175 a et- lifs farge crser vie- Oue part oethe onln er ting fanrIRoyafl 3elton. down are dred le vir- crina shop. Vers Defcert, evuer et gin white celles crlehe Thbraee&mail round Milons finaltine dineer- vlfh fary rint svept talen allenfr frbur uer speilty shep, cd- mita her gooeareqre a fange inveslment. Seienaqiiklteadd thal iS chine la an invealment, naitng if veil vactii lic l ereop, lfaaedsaf the crnmer et Mainand Mer- fin Cf. a anc ahehalis ai- ucys deained of. "Il's aametlilsg I ai- veys visnted le do. If sierted a leng f mmcaga in f relin," sha acys, eveafîng s frace etf rsh accet. Ausayaaeg vamen she lfilb hehmilad fr Englaad uhere se ira- lsed le Lndon t'e hae china bayer. Iftltoo nefif luI Jase tan bu dreem n ebereme realy. Wll lier buabaisd John'sshep and encoun- agement, tOu frmer parka ad recatio dcpanlmen'a bailibe- epencand egiran vucon br vay leevsli doIe- gent sbep vhlrh ste taule ealy ven euce inily apc cernrlcto wueideland vwu mder- cnaiseutscliflt "lWe tait l ue O rigprplace àà eggladt à nati.litsa gng lffl dlaplay ase s ste te praduel lit seltingsa metchedv lalvear as accrentedb mrne wh41 court hbu esperilfI as Wterlo chine byM casg il Defacoarti surprigi bridesnac do noal if theMaI 'A lt have lie yccrs hav as inte« Mnl. ila When a cîdea enn uer palb uhirli M enoragea careffly, naime ls ciesg wv Imposaible se il rney arnsd, few po*Io'l rhekthOueoriginal ries. 5goeslem Y a ktowwllt youeanleehhUgfor Md lis aproacbeleyoa are etOuthe ie c ofasasmngr$jsdgeeenlt i-@M.' NelaIfaloea aesuli irtter acleckOe!Pi ethirs. We foand oee&hopOtlrt fened aci a their Marchandise 60 panr euI redice. Thomre ere nseceptios, everylbir uriye hait prire. A patient ehepper vl leslfRY rnesees Oue rosi visser. if youe a vit ut heOu ed et JcaeRUY on iernetimm Otre vinia et ofFeheaany, yeu can flook trvard lea àihtY redue-v ien ln tOu pricen e Mt 90à. r patience and ae 1110 alf-dlaciplrns and T yu cneevecabundle l euend. D in life I ce, fIle hors diaher, Mlerevcve ced 8. aalshowvoffthe aven acte la galniag in 0 aty efthI e ppuarlly ced ca e ha le sella. Place aced fer bath everY daY anc crrcngcd, anced aelloccaions. I vill ialiver oan -Young couples "Yd F and fesd crysal are mare senible,'seys c by tale rius, Mra. Delacoanl, a motesr cl Mn, Dele- fetwlu.c t mede by hand Ile M-yeer milice for tlie alip. mrent lsaya, Pel rbrand namen veri gsleg et oetolav t ce qesllly scdibetoes us Peee. W've rd crymtl a nd fi g etlasteine"cca a Wedgevesd are lnMilon.0 se séeIctien cf "lmnsmre pas Id epre- , ,t'. fer le sbep in 1huI &w nov flicy can. we edmare y, ardtb paclty abep," aell mIke op fthe belli cla ips clentef. tcesymala plensed eto people uWho vîithflic resle i ou h Inncrred c feu Main St. revitalisation lemu e al proecf ander Ilie dir- les Ou alee, ection o e uDeuteus cue dS.l unaienaImprevernent R uue ad. Ares. a chinor fiel- 'lie chineam$hop ne*gl- Ite, edeclehe boas Mesgray.CWta drm, Defereurt and Mi le ai.Tise Ils ealee lreemstores sart n a i miu etersalenar cesîmelf viti sceau le abridai reglslry emcli vhre OupeseOU le i Oue paterne tOu rentreoettOu cerner ce mm eriann. hartkbatidica. m veddlea er Cllacr Platee anc c :; bayhs, aU l iplr fItem, cccerdlsg astiesslaepM an eMra. Deiâcrert.lleh Unou ads ed a crnes Moegllbtmare me le penchesed, tour-plae eris oa od fromees Ou il aGrd Neucbar l aelevrno r'it ccled1cmD The aties. cr118 vOt SecI i-D cr enil0seattiapa ceurt' a terday, Foi 7 gy at elacemestm leogrsph Owplaes anc amotenet ulebà apcidrmetc enr as a it nmee à plasin fe 4c - -b« 'o 1 20 years ago I'remi Ce Jeu. lli la sse Plans fer a IS-inn valacleer lire brigade ai Kibride. siag Uthe forgner iel ase lire hall, are teins ied by 8aurlnlal ire cern- miîtee. Thi l peen tfy pas.Milton Ire Depertmneet Z$aeaer frný pro- tection. A aarth Trafalgar fermer reparled 24 hed eflte imssleg fnb hi iesbarn laaday nlghl, aad fersà vblle the sacite- ment vas camethiag tlam.ses.latllng us feared. Hovever thnereaille lied only frayed oul an open dear. thep wrefound ano miles cwey on We& y and reterned hbe. Pcl ansfrla loa currling clualear te have dled, Caunil dlareverdd Il reneol milth Oub the trienguar parlite etiftic eorfh end oetowfe s fil etremancta arli. Thse Kinette Club lu spoanorng Orne Jan- uary Marrh of Dlmescamplgn andkReeve Mirs. Mary l'attil la Urne CGiet Merncling Metiier. Trafalgar Reeve F. AIes Phillipa ueo named Warden of Hellon for 1061. letlring Werdes le Dcug Sargent in fiJ3erge- A group dcdlreled lae uisneervatlen and meaturatiofantlque ceissieans terni equlirnent elis econd mcl tc lowodlest veel, viti 70=aft.drng Thu aime "OnterioStemni ndAnique 'reservers"vaschrornarn. Thic Halfen Mener addiftles la remplefcd rnnd repcfy lanevo 241 resideala. 50 years ago Feseihe Jan. U, fui buse Ovlng le aseerna ooinelnlbuia elnetnSgged in mirlifor pleesre lis if la repsaled Ouiàedur vas alie éccSlly mOn terllrnerly parIi BqsrNceng Towrnslip. fTic Gâe.ad, Fiherice D=c.nnhieVeal5IiL U.d,.cld, A.P.l Leau, fancer, base lis, Trafalgar evsshlied ltsright am broles. i=aà mot% mmof M.ced Mes. AMOi Lawsoa5tarrllice5, EAuqadcinwu v e ofe thelieuantéenuayracomtecoducted iy Oue Ontario Daincmet tAgricuilture. Ms ecicerd liovii ricelVe rtri ras- sportieenq, -head iledglag fer lus veesb WlUleettendng saonetOu theaoi coeetatai Ont"eieAgeritual Col- =lGuel ilphi. Teele ebeat six incita if ar n theO leve le flie disricl t ai peant.Ibe Frac Pros says Mca liamaboat elghten l- chus Thc inagaral meeting iofteuntY reannil illbe held ost Tassday, Jan. 27, et z p.m., ulie Ouefinl business i9 Ou auievlonw b heOuelerlies et Warden fer Oua Yser fUI. fTic dorIens are besy villipesple stricu te iliinter aliments, netwilli- sandingOulieaorlyle"tlilof eturadio anenarar and tOuir remede. Wm. J. aevnebls hm cppelnled v.ed lespecler foreruTownsip e Esqamieg ced N.R. Thumps and Maas aCnobcl, ascori. 75 years ago Frocs e Jeu. làh UIsuce On Frlday, lest John Chapese, etf1Hcm- oe, eranrly et Miltes, lethbere te niii hie danotefrs, Mesdames Weltcer and - dok.hm. Ms Ouetrain sesred MâOesa lireiteran sauled "MgOl" Mr. Cliapece gel up, w&Uf en le uroirend ei Oe urar an cd sfegpediof, tOughlthetrcinveuagslai t raie i eaot là mue sehieun. Ho feUir ear rrisen'e rseing, aboat 400 ycrhm hene sutatio.es. lic rmn vent beck fer hlm ced liraaght hlm tletOu clion, chence havai tltes leO bernoe if MMs.Welkar. Hiaecolnrbonadseed arl ribs vere lirolien, a ilisaldir uedlaleceied ced ha u bail inlennciy. Theuglite Ouwviilsevu muid an aSe- urdcy Ouri ue aisg ncd Uri vai eciget Ouerlekite vealng. faring Oulilou vhecavote umotiu u de ou levi. Uaay vwulMe a eprhng 'heDi" eatiWeela wu letave n - - alm*a*. t V