The Canadien Champion, W.d., Jan. 21, 1981 'l wth ARN COULSON Fishermen busy over the holidays 1 rscevodJlm Smth's fisisg rporluto we.b and t »erra a lot of thm boys were mt idie over thm Citamas and Nm0f Yer's boidys. Jlm saya tier worm ornsne mw faces aroomil Ibm srnoismstocksaof themce-hulo. w rum ordon g.otmrne f11 ish.Te larges waR -b mn o en Marshlsml gt a 544lb ralmbow bll o ro. Laverno Blacilocis got a 54- l. laown trost and as5-lb. rainbow. Larme Lyos glot Iis evry dy lie sent olt. Don Kearmey gt ma -lb. liemin trot. Mise Mesit, ins Sale asdDlcKempheragoli. kmismd DssePeogt o mm ire 11m. Dronte bas guitellctmel anmmultra-igbt roil amd reel ad loves il. Jim, Smith gt is quota. Jire Srai and tmve Keare ond a ewspot andlare brnlg hgommomemnice fisb. AI Owe Saomnd, Ibm barbor isaesse frctem ovr. Sonne ftbermmm armostill gettimg fiait usla a Wi- noams Wbbler. At Maford, somme good fias are bo lraime Irosigh thlise is Ibm brbôr simg a mmmliWlliams Wmbbilr. If youdoamI wat ta go toc fer awmy, Aco o t! - ngmmeice piie. Dur ub i theIbm re place it was lest yer &u re e Itiomý. Job'Smithb gt is buouaimed thSfellowshwo wet wttbbm got labo ou-leom s2V4 ta 4 Ibo. of iroestimg fah 1lTer. 1a a bam e. commercial flablmg for «Mianmd 10km 5-eut in Owe Sound, Wiartom ad mie rosi of Geerglam Bay i Ibm montba of Octaer and Nvmber. Speciebitrug lImita wll chsamge in 18tat aragt Brimt of fice imI be fer norlis md four le Labe Nipg and the Nipigon Rver. Tlie alcisery ai Ciatsortls bas 20,000 brmwis trot egm. This wd b. lise brmed stocks for tIe future. lihse.20,00 ggs worm importmil rons Colorado. Twe.ty club members and friensowore ai Lakem Nipssiog lut we.isemd. More iews mm tisaI lter. Duoest frget ur willfe ismor md awarda mgisl Selurday, Jan. 31. Asisel, Ibm clubimuse wlll becrowddmmnd foail. Maisy Ibamba tu Jim Smitis for mis excellent fwùbig report Assorted absentoos hurt juvos' chances Mlaalmg sx ployer. Mille. travlo to 'Ipeebbelp i99leaGergetowssTbsrsday in * j«a IedýleIthefinal, lt-CuMy ped a 8-2 ocis smlamC lis e flr*t reum lbmliglam Il Suday of Ibm OMHA playdmwn afeno t Memoral at a data mmt yt an- Arena ismueed. An aessartentslof Inisr- le, suspensions, m- shsos and tjureil pl- yer. fldlg ut liey couidmIt playr left Milon with just i.t playeru at thm mndoalthemganase. AnsanfIer suspensin ta regular gele Slove Marsal eant Ibm javenflls hb a g iBh delmormmDa.fmPlIsmt in goal. Is addiion, JolI Fmeutrsuffereil 5-ses dzsn!spei1, Neil Eoyd wusem Ir, Pal Maais bad a tbise. am anmd Waye MDugal was servlag a oe.gmsu spemnsin ler fve vimcerias me. In addton, Roeris omwuem sompe*diby lisetlame. Jlm Newmmm sd thme Milton aftameithII a pair of goals. lm IJ fm. - i-OiS teth ommi by a U OS isar 0 0ci Miltois Aere' charge guisev for tiird placm improvei lâlae ile lst we. Aeres 'ies bombei l aImt-place Ibm gof ilmivltle 721s isy a 15-5 go wt S Hocki ney trmediateaaolst B okyLoagme actiois Tissrsà Sumday iightin10Wetl emslly Limcoln. mm Tise victory ispt Ars lers a '~oe poieid Dumis- butaa villa Mailcals irlise race utisut f, or tid place in Ibm five- Smihib tesso lespue. Tise ail- vantagm of flatatong Ibird gi 10 Ibat Ibm lwm botam- Pmmd" placeil toams muet mmmlcune 10 a oe-gome playoff in roumt delormine wbo will meel auimeB Ibm mcod-placmd tIm enwasis im Ibm playoffis. wI Tb squad rmcmvmd a wt misorsetbacis senhe beapiere Passing off io ma ng sqonil lesremi Imthe sr Milton midgt Joie Orlando looks ovr h. situation bisore p - baadm vcdtampbof îDa5 Rusinth to som mae in thse clear in a ganteImst wook a pamm cr ss- ng IvictAery tof Dumisvill lisI rival E.C. Drury. go in a penalty-fille ei I Medics flooded on two sides in Tris-Countv with Georgetov Mltom Docs & Dmts firsl floodl of Ibmeiigit for Stroolavllle go aie for a of is ie iefore Ibm bi miror atoms were bt by Meurcs. Wis eo by slasbiisg ffemre. ta Ibm player bail crosmoi tise misst foodsof twm sorts Imol returismil 10tIbmdre.simg divisimosblmw pewe. bso lire andl disalowmil lfore Tsesday ir Goorgetownso roome.,ly dlcovred amy offence iy Ibm gesle ise sisot wiicis gave ils wbmm lise bome leam Ibeir eqaipsoomî flallmg miichi volves Ibm sikîlanSmchardl aismIer necond poarmdin lsta goata bm is watar. Playeris resulîs un a pealty boi. cbamce. He made ns te Ib Iird perloil ta taise a 9-2 cismogmdinel o bmtbby, Ibm Tbis sisisl as ose with mistaise Iis ime, ta up viclor wt. Wie. Ibm Iam refere. 'room amnd lie a differeisce. lise sre t14-1. As retremd ta Ibm dresing amrooma. WiseisMiltaiso Jaor Sai elyfrin wt ro.m, Ibey discovermil a Is mIer Trl-Cmumdy Blancard broise mp teIbm maly ied witel burst water pipe bail action durirg Ibm weois, ce on Ibe ibot, tise hem goals 10 pare the Robbi floodmil Ibm dre.aing Mdics sa a Ine- Streetovillo ' ale iha- attaci wiile irglon wet Froni room ta Ibm tume of about mmmbers Strmtavillm medialely came omtmof is to Todil MeLeod amnd anusi lwm i t rem iscis.of idae0411mand doubîldIbme net, dropped hlmstick andslanchmard. Amita wemî Imo as watmr. scorm of Woolwicis glove.s Ibm t e eandl ta Kyle Hasmlfeldl, Scott singis 'lisE ot Gergeowen tEluiat se-.5 1in rraeiover In Ibm boards. MeLood md Jeff Maber. recrd thE 10Trl-Couty - s ablmul5mss 51 octalstardl2rh>kilbi4s' féaiey sparisiledëd1 mmd' yer (to Milton) boltlmil Armna. ebol strocis Ibm flle. iIb is goals ta pace is Mod Medicm for a 3-2 lad Ibm Sreetaville gome sticks andl mimamil Ibe net. squad 10 Ibm 10-5 plmYÏ after 200 perioda. fesaturmil a rare peamly Hosever. Ibm rfre. romebocis win over the wmmts Tbat was t10 bo1maI Ibm siot calleil agairol Ibm mod tise goalie brmise mmt Elmira team. Eroirea os nb tesecomnd perioil. emsupeniomm from mm foreil lsins1 mils elgist playero ut Rocston tmmt sday. Rocistos won y10-4. Amros also wiIb just ightsl sa- mgaimst Smltbvillm àrompmte offenmive mut bammermil hville. pim1 SmiIbville, Ib"te Rifle" McCamm BiIy McGilloway mred four goalo cewbilm hareLe- mois Baiser mmd Mise ardes cisippedin 1 a pair of goals ce. Bill Bryant aildeil le. filton f irmil two goals he firut perloil mmd b it for fine more is mile brame ta tasm buiît a 5-2 leail 13 utas inbtiste gome wr Milton rmgromped i omr goals in tise til and four more in tisird 10 takm tise ry. ndie ne rllriippeil ish a pair of goals le singles ment to le Tocrmer mndi Maris ris. Robisy Mifomil 11km Bascons added sssisto apiere white le assista mmcm rdeil isy Scot L", TdilMgt4od fdics starl OMHA yoff action in Iwo ak lime againsî getown. Fencers stumbling 7 01 Fer tieseconssd au.- Pmcers Ssdnsdyighi Il Iacers Edg bottlmd viclmrY. Sralgbt Linem ce.atvm esui, tise grmsp Mlton SportsaCComre. bacis fer a bard-lisugist e.rrowed lh ise O ne sm Stralgisl Llnm Fe.ce bâte ltarally and f igur- goal wbmis Fred Harirga am Çss-t place lanlise Mil- Coupled with Ibm wiiss atively) 6-5 virtary over scoreil witlt just legs Iban ton Iodustriel League bas of Rococos Edge and Nadatîn Flyer shte s minutes lrît bot Chry- brn ltsoned orewlitat Ft-cgtrr. the t p t. tt-tgtetm-otilud IF. lr 14: 'g baticd tF thrre tam are noo rcrot ccourgrtoce lague lraders FW a sa Straigist Lne eotthIin two pOois i 52 vmctory over Halbis mate aod dded acln dos oi ta is10seconsd fIvmgame. reisiainiog is Hs. rhiisg goal ih 15 sc gtralgislle..wie. op- the regidar -ami. NemI oisds tIt sart Miltois Cbryer- wmmk, the top tennis plaY Crysler-Dodge broise Jins Erly pareil Dadgm, la a batîllo bmm- Ibm bottom tams and a 2-2 lbe wiIb a pair of Cirystmr-Dodgm ih two salve., scocod Iree brrirg ais upaml, coulil goals 1:42 apart e.rly in goals mbilm singles wmmî tblrd-pmrlod goals e reak away from Ibm Ibm Iird priod and beld 10 Peter Rola, Slave Wil- roulte nam5-2sela over Ibm pack. io ta preserve tbm apsmi sois andsitcis Radscism Aeros continue run for third tise victry. Baiser scorei tice tor Milton wbile sirotes ocol 10 Deis Lmgpre mand Doug Hmslip. lieros rceived gome belp frons Ibe two top1 toammin thIe league l ruemi. Paris isat Domis ville twice by Ibm margin of a sinote goal beforo Recitos isat Demmvillm 5-31insmmp Muilcats close1 10 Amrmm 1in tbm standimgs. Miltons md DunmviIle me.t in an ml-importanti maItc is hais hlie-us intact Tbrsdmy is Dunnville. Hilton be. tisrme ganses remainimg SmitbviIIm andl Imo more ils Rociton md Dumis- ville. Arroon: The taam siged Brucr Ellîsme rermmly mmd be pîmymil ast nigt gis Ronis- ton aI Memorial Armna. licron arc silîl negot. iating wmttb Ieir Todil. Dsnnvtllehis a ne coachb He is nonm otiser thon Vin Porter wiso roarcil Paris 29r for many years before mov- inf tolise Continental Sanion Lcagse thismymr. He mas tîrmil mmd joimeil Dunnvillc is thier lasI emmm against Rociton. SUPER SKIuDOO SALE $AVE,$AVE, $AVE 25% OFF ON ALL SUITS, PANTS, JACKETS, BOOTS, & MITTS. PLUS SUAIT SAVINIS0SI k*OS G. Regulse SALE SAVE CITATION SS $249900 $1,79900 $70000 EVEREST 500 2949.00 1,999.00 950.00 EVEREST 500E 3,099.00 2,139.00 960.00 BLIZZARD 7500 3,299.00 2,399.00 900.00 SIMIIA AVINONI AL M0055.S uMrn> 0uA"-vmTi5AuLO 1029 SPEERS RD., OAKYILLE MON .WED. 94. TH4UR. & FRL. 9-9. SAT. 9-5. 8449348 -NRTH END DtL!1121I11JI dh 583 I n top Straigist Lie rermivmd single bais IkromJohn VopMrsKomdrlcbm andl Harioga. Mrattobote, Racer's tve consecutivr goalsto bond NadloIbmthe5-50$e1 bacs. Nadallo jampeilsf11the mars qmicisly mslb Ire. goals before Ibm gome mas f ive minutes old bol smcsmbed tu a rally frse. Racer's Edgm. Lester Wimois picisei sp Ibrmm goals aod six stobces for a rot 10 bis lhp for Rarer's Eilgm. 1Richard Murray sorrmi twicr mmd Peter MrCumig adilei a single. Eric Elît- son bail four mssosto John Dmn1 firmd 100 goals t10 pacetise Nadalio mIlans white siogleswet tu Citante Corneolis, Lou D'Armzoo anid Henry Nadatin. Firmfighters sored tmirm in earb oI thm final tmo perils on thisete ay to tbm min ovmr Halton Hogs. Paul Mouotain. DomS lBmnnett, Don Hais- iri, Dmvm Mar andl Buddy Tbomas led Firm- ligisters obile ommly ar- tquireil Ray Delegarde srormd Imice for Hogs.