Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1870, p. 3

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4 As a Family Me dicine it ta w1:i lt u. nd ·-· . Street i stable and_ o.n~q.Y.atlll.JlC_re of land, thou~ru1cts frnm l&lll :11 the PERSO~ s HA VIXG n~OI~~J Jfngaziues, wilb fruit trees. Term s li'L1cra1 . Or :would · · , ., Pamphlets, oi: a ny thing in the book e.xdia.nge for a. house on north-east SJdG uf 7 Side, Ra('ltan.d I[ead, Co_ ug/i,P., Colus, J~O I e h n e, which t bcy wish t? have boundl ca. n I Bowmaoville. Apply t or. OUDITT . '.Phro at. Sprains 1 Bruises, Crwntpsin. have t heir or ders filled 1u th e n eates t a.nd J3owrnanville 1 Aug. 9, 1870. 1-tf. the /Stomach (}holera Mor bus mvst durnble styl e, antl oq th e shorteat D11sentei·y Bow~l ComplGL:nts,lJu;ns, no t ice, by Jc nv ing them atbth~. S TA'" S:.rAN L ,, T .FS'l' FASHIONS fo.v ornbh· kn t> WJI: re lleYrng ~=·i::=;:;~o;c1~;;;;;;-~~·;~;;;I~;~1F;~;,~~ft~~~.~::::;:;;;f~ " ' "' B' & Scalds, 1·rosl ites, ·c., Office .Hnng along vour u1uu1~. ...J... ..1k - ·-----------~ 1fOR SA r.E.-0THE TWO STO RY BRICK Street, Dw!jlli c.g-h ouse on South side o f King §<'.lcond w eolt of Ontario St!.'1,:f·t.-,.... Quar t e r {i.cre oLlP..nd .E.t to..bheC, vrit.h fntit trees, wo §d-shed, 1ve1li ci dl c:rn , &c. Apply to J. B. FAIUD AI RN , Poat mfl.stcr. _ JL NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS NOW RECEIVED AT BAT Bowm a nville, Septt":mbe r 'lO, 1870. · · w. n. CLrnm. ~ - · 'l1IIE CA N.A.DIAN P AIN DESTHOYETI Bowmnnvilk, Oct. 1st., 1810 .. - - --------------,-- of t ime, nnd wtiereve'-" used is well li~ed ' ' VoEt[im.t eeirg, J-l.ttc:!3tio1rt !'" ' n ever failing i n R. si ngle instance to give pRrmanent relief when timely used, ~nd :ve ~rou CAN GET GOOD AND CHEAP lu1.ve never k now n a sin g1e cu. SC of d1ssat1s - Jl PhoL,graphs fit Il.aH aY TAr·r's Gallery, fa.ction whore the directions ha\·(J been sign of J3rit is h ~~ns i ga . p rope rl'y follu w ed 1 bttt on tl.ie contrary all are dcli «hte d with its opern. tious, and speak ~ -----iu t ho high es t terms of its virtues and magiCJ\8 ~ c al effects. ' Ve speak fro m experience in tl11s n1atler FFERED, VERY C HE AP, a Show· I1a s now he en before th e public f or)'], lcnglb - -- At Small Profits, On Pron'! pt Payrr1ent, - A LL and At One Price. H AS RECEIVED A FULL -.ASSORTmentor GOODS., :n.LI:ILLINER Y for t11e Fall trade, consisting of B onnets, p<i rsons arc hereby ca.utio n cd ngrdnst n cgotin ti r. g a no te or h:otnd, pu rµo r ted to lln\'e been drnwn by me i in l"a vcn of J a ru ~ s 1Io rey 1r..nd d a ted f', bou t the 101.. h of Mn.y last , for th e sn1n of $ 1.30, ~:r..d pa.j u, bl~ one year nfter date ; said uo te be1·1g a fo::.' g cry . Thfa caution is given , that h i no cen t pa r ti es mn.y no t. be induce d to buy :i rtid fo 1ged not.c; as Ilats 1 g (bhoas, FeatLeL·s, F lowers , L-3ces , &"c., which she offors to the Jr.dies of Bowman· su rroundi ng co u ntry, a t le.tweet SHOW f OR SALE. I_vill e !l.n d pi ices . AR ---:o:- - - S! I T l::i,; ~ AT it- will never be pr.i d . WlLL! Al\l JJilOWf' , Jn . Ca.rtwrighti SElpt. 15 , 1370 . · ~~lso in stock,_ Lndi~s' C~Jla re an d Cuff.:3 j ha.ving te.:;ted jt thorouglily; an. fl therefore case for counter . Apply to ) ~raid u.ndEmlJro1dcry m ati:lnrth; and Gents W. r.. CLIMTE. I Collnrs and Cu ll's . those wbo are su ffering from any of th e complaints for ·w hich it is re~ o m me u ded, may ~l a ch ine sewing done to order: abo, depend upou i t being a Sovereign Remf!rly. S!amping for Bui.id \-Vork:. .All orders '£he l\stonishiug Pft1ca cy of t he Ciinadia.n promptl y filt.d. Pain D es troy er in curing the disNL scs for Store one door cast of Henderson's Ho te.1. R . DAVIDSON ll AS REM OFED HTS whi ch it ia recommended, and its wonderful Office p. ud Residence to King St1eet, ~Bow:::aanville Sept. tilh 1 18 70 . effects in sub~niug the tortur ous pr.ine of Rheun19.tism , and in relie\·ing Ner't"OUS Affcc- next door to M1·. Bu ck le1Js jewelr y store. , Bo wma nville, S ept. 20th. lwd·tfw. 'tious , e nt illc it to a h igh rank i n tbe list of Ren1edies . Orders &re con1ing in fro1n ltledic ine Dea1r r s, in a ll pa.rts o f the con u t ry , for ti !~ ll! -<'6. .. tnrtller sup p 1 ; ~s, nnd e ach tes ti fying as Lo the univ~rstd satisfact io n it gives. LAR GJIJ qua nti ty of' 11 ilcs on h and and N QUEEN" STRll}~'f 1 )fon~ 1t! m orni~g, a rrhe Can11.d iP. n Pn.i n Des tioyer n ever fa ils for an.la at the Oshawa Tile Work s. Paste-board Box 1 conta1n1cg e~1·n ngs 1 A lso TWO S'J'[n\P MA CHINES and a to give immed iate relief. All :\1edicine D ei1 le t·s keep i t ; Physicians order an ti use it; anrl etc. .Any one leaYing tho same a t this office WOOD-SAW!KG l!ACllI Nlc for "le cheap. no family w ill bs witbout it a fter Ol'l.Ce try- will be r ewarded . Hemloc k , Hardw oo d or Lumber taken in exri g it. Bovrmn.u vi110 1 19th Sept., 18 10. change. JOH N W!LS{JN: ~--- ---P ri«" i only Twen ty-fi ve Centi!pcrhottie. OsiHtwn, Sept. 2 ·~ , 1870. 8-31n. Soldiri Bow mnnY il le by J . H igginbothaf:! il.Ud D. Sto tt i a.u d all m edic ine dea lers . -- -- - - ~ - - -- - -FRO:Jf the n 1 omises c f the suhscribcr1 aboot J.'HE GRE,11' ENGL ISH RE.il!EDY two we~ko ago , a BOAR PIG, bl>c ck 0 1 O CHURCH FOR PRE SJJYTR R IAN RE:ThifOV AL . E .:8:. C E N" T ~ fll1 Tl Ii: RUNNI NG Il!Gll D HAT, CAP · FUR STORE 1 and A cboicc se lection of TBl!J BO WMANVILLE CIIUROH, with qnn.1 L f'r acre of I.. fl. n d. Also, Two an13 buildings, not tl1 of1 he new church in course of erec t ion . Apply to Jl CAN AD A P, MURDOCH, Chninuan Building Com. Bowmanvi11e, Se p t, 7t h: i870. DRAIN TILES. O A raii C... Ile.- just opening out, which will bo found ju1t what is wonted, bot h f~r Q uality nod Price. Make a n cary call and you oro SURE to be SUITED --:o:-lFU.!l~§, ~ev.re §t a~n lPJtn~raa coons l Insolvent Act of Cn.E.ada, Prodnce of Outa1io, United C o t<uie~ of j I 1 In the Co un ty Court of t hr.> U n ited Counti e ~ ILADIES' and GERi"l"§ §iyfie!ii. 'BOAR STRAYED. FAil\'CY '\W~AP.PE~~ Nm~ed J PaUewm;, HAT§ alllld c;~ a·§, f,:i keit JF:u;hfon. Ri!JFJPA~.o JlUHUE§, etc., etc., etc. ~orthD~;1;~~~d nnd ( Nol tlsui:~~,~~~~d ) of and T o Wit: !111 tli e matter of Corn er:: A n Y per~on givi n g i n fo tma.tion · ' tl 111 t will lead~ to biB i·ecovery 1 will greatly · P r ep a r edfro m a.presCript ionof--8-i-r.J , niarke ·, · fi.1. :n ., Pbysiciau E xtrao rdi nar y to t\:.o -Queen slJllge t!le O\Yner. J. LAvrRIE . §II!il CELEBRAT D FEMA LEPILL ~f AN-RES {JJL.4.RIE..~·s me<licin~ l~~g 1~~ .a~,a~~n~e~~d t;'t h~~~asw:;\~~tc~ti e~~:~ ~ ~ ::s L C I-3: Ji: P l i' 0 T~ C ; I . A L L KINDS OF FURS ALTERED ASD R E PA!i?ED. l~A W I · ' Ul\!S. "'SD Itf.ARKUS I\:1AY:ER, ROBERT MOl<IEXT a nd WILLiA!J: T . LOOKHAR'f, trad ing ur:d e r the nam e n.nd style of ?.foment and Loc!thrr rt, as co-partners au tl as jndh·iduit~s, F ~ .~ ~ the en.re of ull t bose po.inful a n d dt_~ n gerou 3 diseases to wUieh the femule constitutiou i.-; subjec t. lt moderates n.11 excess and L 'emoves all obstr uctions, n.nd a. speedy cure m Hy be reiied 0n . T rns inv !l.l nable is u nfi1ilin g h.1 Sept. 20, 18 70 . Uo1v:ma nvil!e 1 P. 0. 8-,... wDRY GOODS! . . ~ IUGl!iEWE i·RICJE 'PAID F@R: Bowman ville, Sept. 22 1 1870. 1Gv-n8-1f lnsulJJents. 'rbe 'Undcrsi g ncl have TI.led 'i n the office of this Co urt a. a~ed of r orn position and d ischarge, executed by their Crcai tors, and on Thursd a y , the twenty-~econd day of Sop temb e1· nexti tb,;o,y will app1y to tbfl J udge of thi s C o nrL for a. coofirm::i ti on cl' the discba,rge the reby a fft!c t edi · es wetl as individu9,Js as co - p:irtner.:;. Da.ted nt the Township of Cl nr kc , in tho Coun:y of Durhr~m, t his ci g h t ee u tli dr.y of 1 f AflM FOR SAlE. 1~ E L L I O T T :1·S F'ASrION ABI,E chard , and w eil wat:'red. A1so 1 f OO tH:~·es, E .a c h botUe, price One D oll ar, bears t11C' beiu g Lot No . 8 1 3rd Con. a bove townsl11p 1 ; abon t 'Z5 uc1es cleated, ·the balr,n ce w -a. I G o~· e r ument Sh11np df Groat .Brite.ill. to pre w ood ecL A .good st one dwelling hons e,good vent coun terfeit s. CAUTION.-These Pills >ihon1d not b e barn and stable 1 a line yonri3 h ef',t111 ~ orFvr pnrticul~us, tn k en by fe1uales during 1IJ e J1'fl{ 81' 'l' H HEB ch i~ r d, and wcll~watc·red. :M ONT HS of Prei;rnancy 1 as tbey a rt" snre to apply to RIC!IA RD SKTK NER; b ring on llH.sca.rri:lge, !Jut u. t any oth e r ti m e on 1he prt:.J11ses. they are s afe. '"Bownu1nville, S ept . 27, 1870 9-tt. I n all cases cf Nervous nn d S pinal _,\ffee ti ons 1_Pt"'-tn8 i n tUe B < Ltk and L a mb s, Fn.ti gu" o n slight ex ertion~ PttlpitRtion of tlH· }lea.rt, )f ys t erics and 'Vh1 tes 1 Lll e;:rn Pil13 w ill effect a cure w hen ull other means have fa.il et1: ari d alth o11 g~1 a powerful t·emedy, do no t con. _ta.in iron, c :i. l om el, n n t iniony, or anythin;r hurtful to tiie coustit.ution. 34 KING STllErnT EASrr 1 F u'l d irecLions in t l'l.e pa m phl et a roun d ca. eh package, wbicb s houl<l be c nrefn 11y prese rved . · Sir Jame:i; C l&rl;:e's Femnlc ~ills ore f'XEs TABL IS~ ED IN _ 18-G-S-;tC'ns:ivcly C'JUnterf'ei tcd The genu in e ha:ve For the purpose o!O cr 1a l i(d ~g O pe.ratCr3 t he n~ m e ·of JO B lf Q (':) ~ S o n eLtc h packn ge . for th e All others ar e wo i· LhlP-i;;s. S old .in Bowman ville b.v J. Higgi nb otham Tcle~{'3.fV]1l and R.a~J.1·oad L:~1cs T he u nud now so r apid ly b ui ld ing in the ,nd D . Stott, nnd 1111 m edicine d eal ers. Doruini on a.nd u ... iLcd Stati:s. It l.:n.s bec ome ont~ of th e u[fl.rity, TO l'HA!!l!U.E:D IL".D ! E§ No. ~ 1 1th Con . D11.rl1 n gton, 3 n111es it is pcculin.rly suited . It wi ll, in u. short f 1 om the Town of Bowm11.nv ille; 50 acres all I t im e,, btiag on the monthly ·p l:lrio<l witb. i· () g- clearC'di good barn, good young beflri ng or- t T HE subscriber offer!-! ~or sn.1e part of ~ot j ~ 0 AND cO ~ TO TAILORING ESTABLISHM T 9 - -- :--- ! Auguot 1 A. IJ. 1810. RO BE R T ·'f11IEKT. WILLIAM 'f. LOC irnA RT. T. '\I'll Kl~SO ~, 3-5t. Attornoy aa !item. )ID]Q~i!Ii!lJfil!ll~N I CENTlEMEN'S BUY THEM I ~ ~LOTH&r~c"' ~ ~ ~'11 . ' In TE l t G RA PIf i N S TITU 1E, (JJ Made to order i11 the latest Nev; York st.yles. An l111mense lot of beautiful BUSINESS EDUCATHlN 'i)IU'f!SH AMEIUCAN RU81NESS COL L EG"1 and rrELEGRAPHTC ... TO R .ONTO, ONT. ~rt. ~l;i'\~W~~~ ~lS"J\W >!,,, l'.9},~ tl_ 'l{,'"~?fo/~ ~ 51}~ ..,10.i ~ l'~ ~~ kJ, [ of TUTE . Tbe only repree·nla li<e in On.Lufo T it~ Brya nt & Stratton Interna.t1onal Chain cf Colleges. I \~SI I .NOW N 1 S T O CI-<:. The TIIEOilY DEPARTMENT is thorough ly adapted to those who w i r; h t o IA.y the fo undat inn of n. so nnd busin C'"3Edu c8 t io u. 'l'he PRA01.'1C/<.L DZ P ,·\ !~T."·1EN1' is r~ mjuature businee::! wo!'ld 1 whe.eE>ach stuJe n t performs a!l the r outine d u ty of offi ce work, b uying, se!ling, sh i vpin g , c oru m ts.s inu , 1 r d di awing note: 1 drafts and cbcck~. A r er;n l flr BEtnk of i.\lsne is in conne ctio n wit h tb:3 department, with henu1ifnlly en g i.'tt \01} hank notes 1 which is a 3 perfect iu ib detfl. i:.s as t !,e best 01·giu1ized i ns t itutio ns i a the Qonnty. Now is the time to buy Cheap ·suits of ·stylish Clothing. J:!l!.AitD~WA.RJ!o:, ".. New Pe!nianent Instit1 1t1ons of tha Country, EOO'l'§ ami.d §aOE§, G.ILA.§§'\VARll'l, &c,. : JLJI§'[' li3 IF IL.IE'il.'F Elt~ 1ff'flE li.ci, eoo ~u1 d hr:s turneU ont ®PFJ!!.~r!l.'lNllR§ , CltOCii;:ERY an v· l: o now fill 1mpo1 t:i.ot _position s w it h l t..: rnainiri; in the Post Office, Bnniskil!en , S>'p t. 30th, 1870, not rrc, iouoly ff':ll ""~ If~ 'i"\ 1""1 i'\. 'fl'/ <)., '>!fr'\ 'jfr \\It ~1 W.f ~} @ d~ .;-1'].&-~ ~~ ~t~ ~~ ndvert,iscd . ®;lWJ i\fon~gomery Wm 4 LADIJ!:/· :J .A. . ."{D GE.Z'l 'rLJ,'.:."rf EJ..~r J\l cN 1cko ll Alexand er j . . d · - 11 Osbur!lG Mr~ \Vin Dc~irt n g to ! 1~ n ~n t hi s l1g 1 l~ nn ;1,onora) P r:. 1: 1 .\\ Son Chas 1Jl'o fcs ~ 1o n sltou 1J tloso a t 0 11 c e I be a ve 11 Campbell A J Ht:rnl1e C:.i.pt Edge c'e ~i. g"' 1en g ;1 ot rrme tf:gt~h t!d is i-1i1;~ rn or,t b \:l, Goul ~\ft Jolin Ro~s ~fi.:ll'.l Mart i.a Lflcli"'S lehrn r.tl)rf-1 r1 ptdly than Cc n ~ l crn e n . Gn:i.y f\{r~ Ern.ma S midl Isaa'3 Doth S l~ XC5 ad mi cte d from 14 ye a rs oT age G ilbert Juh 11 ·i e;; b u ry D ·a. ·1 d 11 · nv. arC. s . For fu ll particulars f'~ t1t~ [' S · at H cnJ.e rs a u J1 ts Trendtdl ' Vin term.i! h <l l~, ess . Lundy .Ml" Woods Samuel 'It'. ll.n<; { 'fill lJ~IC!lllliLI!,,. I.a.w fl e r ~ a F MonlG01ue1y Hugh 4 Vl'ltitr: Or (Jn g... 3 r:l. TORO~TO~ O i\"l.1 . 1 A ik i:.ns James Borc litn John Carn er ,) li \\"m 0 bd ·-~ rl- IIA-1"E -, HECEIVE D, "'- '.):}-All goods marked io plain !lgure", and at reasonable HAMPTON, January 26, 1870. price~. ' -.__ L ~ fdi E::e. S .S. Bibcn1 i~,,and otller ali1Jnn~nts, ........ l' HOROV GH INSTRUCTIO NS IN TELR· G H.APHY. Life :' cholnrnliip good in for ty Colleges. For terms, a ddress · ODELL & TROU r!', Toron.h1, .4m i . e ' ,,.,. EDlLARGElVIEN T OF "'" i;.~:..i ·,, · -- -· FU~ T ITt. FOLT. 0\VING THE G-AZETT.E. 'I"' HE umler~igue <l , formc!ry pu hli i:!b eT of the H a m1 11011 !-rn;v ,n Pmovect lO enrl S P 1°cr,.,:c.~R, i: 1\1 0 1 .t r ~al ::; ~-- --- -- - - - D. :.:cT.EOJ) , P. ~L - - - - - --- -- - _ _____ _ :N.. Jl~/~· in~ tf~F I..i.iE'trr1.'fE U~§ rcn1ainin ~he PosL Ofiice, NtjWC.!Sile, 30 t h S cpten.:b(! r, 1370, nor i; r~ i·ivu..:Jy adrert.i,ed. -~1 1 . beco!n& l'ropnetors of T tt..: GA.Z RTT E, h u ve g rl!1ttl ;r and othe r\v,st'l rm pro\·ed it - n l1eing ll' >W mmted 0 11 new ll' r J:l-i rom tho.....Fon n flr v "" "' ' T' en ' ~Hg ~ d - - ----1 \tt.1::,;' "' ' '"' "' ~v. f:e o.l Mis'! Mat ilda. Nickelso n :Mi:;;s E B111dl r y Mrs M.A. l~ e~l f,li ss Ju l ia. C lruk 0f.l tli'1inc T'::o11 St1tlker P Cha m hcdin & Gills Vi cke 1s Thomas Hamillon Joh n P1 rfE q F'OR SALE ·~ 'V. Which they arc TRE EllITORIAL DEPAR.TliIE1TT N"" . -E, ITU" ::R., . ~ ~ o f JOUt lld1s m. Is t:nJ er \h(' cli,rr ge of a.Lile um l exp~cnc e d w d ll:r&, wlJO have ulre any eamt::<l a h.lg-h n:putatiou i..J. the ilc ld t;: r1110rrals ah' f1.r r1 u:t'lu U l,p1 ri all th<:> 1 vci.\Jp1c~ ofthe cltt.,,hJ' ..e xpen3 :ind .ffcl e JJtdepar1>mems of l~lcmt ur.ti on<l E11rope >n, A m e n~ :.H l nnrl Do rnmwll Pu li u ,,;1 . l'nll li c qu e tfo n .:i nro (l!Rctiss,·<I. so le I} 111 t he p uhli c rn1 e n· <=t 1 aud.in a 1011e of fearle.~1· ..._ r 11 Hnvi ng lately added oo nsidernbly thereto, that t hey may thae!iy be enabl·d to 1i..11Ll indepem!c11t crit1ctsm. su pply all parties who may please l o favor tl1ern with a call, Grcnt induoemonts held out to those purchasing at their establishment. Pii~tt.u·c§, Lookiinllg~~l:H1'e!>J, '.l.'RE. COMMERCIAL RE:l?OR!£S., The Publi"'hcr::. f11lly iec.og'1i£~Lt!l~..§.ill.'r t' me imp ri 1tanc e ot accrua.c nu<l 11.:ll Comme rcia i ~ons .......,rr-tt n e w!;p,1pe ra ~p1rnig tu hai.dtr:sb1p lll t h(' g1 ~n t HrRAlf H OOGES ,P l!. wid.1 'lurrrlrr a~re of la nd ri aaebed , own ed a n l1 la.i ely o c cupied by Mr. L. 1_~. 0n. Std e, bfnchinc-~Iade Press ed '1' hite Bennett. 1'~xcellent fru iL tre es in tlrn ga idt!n. ...[: _ Pnc~s, at tbc Os ha.w n Til e ¥."orks. Apply to Bricks T J3rick:s I JOUN WILSON. T HE COT 'l' AG-E ON J,, ID E RTY ST RE E T, .. &c., fi·:nuecl to Ol'det·, nnd 1n C01 1.- every style. Sumple· of the different kiuds of mouldings oun be seen at th<> wnro· 1hrnshlng me ·n:11u ~~ac~. ·,,.,,., rnr r Howmnnvi!1c, ~ept . McCLUl'G BROS. 1 T tb, 18 70. tzj . V~ I '-~l ~ ET ER M IN~ DTO re oms. mercio.l i'lletropohs of the Dom int0n, nnd l.iu ve compktc<l urrn.n geme lllS which wil t ma ke tl. e Com m i:11· 1 .l( columns of T ltE ,Gt.7.E:T11!: Hnme1:1 suru lily su 1 .e nur 111 /[1!1h' !'"' und uccuracr of information, to \hose (!f n.;,1\. citb e1 r><1re r publ is h ed m 1h 11< NI\-. By tlie cmplo5·m e1ll uf first-rRtc t11h·,·1t 111 th,s ln'i]Or:ant clt>pcirtment, Tns GAZ J.:: TTV. wi ll he made a ne: c e.! ~·i t y to m~rc hn nt R ir: ult pm':> of the JJo-muuu-n inl cr e&ictl m t b.ti Con~mc1crj o SELL They would also bog to announco thot having purobased a ·plendid 0 l'uo111rcn.1. THE LEADHTG DIACIIIJ:."'E. H ALL'S ~Ll.KE - --8-HOR ~ B P OW Eit. Apply to G . >I. BICE , 10-6w. Solina. 0 .l They will be· ready at nll times to nttcnd to Funerals, on sbor! notice and rensanable terms. COFFINS KEPT ON HAND AND MADE TO OB.DER A'r THE LOCAt DEPARTMENT Of 'l'H:n: G.1.zRT Tl! \VIII event of :mp.~ r1 a. ncA occur r wg rn Lh e C~} ) J .egll l Iu td li gence, sror1ln,{ N ewl'l, Rf'p'o!'ta.of :'U . er.1 mgi;. e·c , prepar ed by g entlemen well 1;k1\led m th ~ \ unout1 de111utments. eomprls.e a foll ! ecunl of e\'er~ IP D . Al l par ties -ind ebted to the , lstate of Wmi HllUtAi ~t at hi\> \! \II an1c Prioos~ tj The New Domilnion KING STRE ET .E · ..\.ST, Angns:L 24i 1870. RetaH Furn1iturc Opposite J . W. Fowka'a Store. 4 0 S 1-£ ....:\..- \.V A THE TELEGRAPH NEWS Oi'fn:E GAZl!:Tr E u ve1r fuh, auil mc!udes SpecJ:ii 011 ===""'=,,;;,==============-":"!."--"-"-=-"'-""---=-"" -"'-"'-"""=="-"'====="' I l Dc::i patcli <:s T HE fro:.11a.il pun~e Dummio11, mu st pay their Acr.ou u t s to the u ndersi gned, offi<.: ~ iN- Bo\\-nrn.uvi\Je. Jf not settled ON OR BEFORE TEE 25th HlST., they w ill be placed in su it for collect ion. Neiw D1·es'l! Good~, .A)l-WDol Sateens nnd S in g~e. L F~ BI--tOOI-CE, -G-O 0 0 1 plete s:;: 1wpsis uf Icom CONTEl\IPORARY mos t I \he Literuture rehablc C o,u11 n! n ·1ul Re 11 ~1 r :1, th: r"uUest 'l'e 'egTop hic DM pa1ch1::s, ' tJ1 e lie:;i t l~c~l Ne\~i'. re l 1ab h~ Gt1.ZETT::O: u1 1 -;;d ito rrn. ls. 1lie mo~t U1~l J11gmshed for th o 1 ubJe,:t chniut'~t LPgn.I lntcll 1ge uce, th e 11Jford1ng 1-0 1he refl.der .ea ch m ornmg s. EVF.NT~ '.l.' HROUGHOU't T HE \VURLD. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, 'l'Jlli G !\.ZETT1i11.s immea&urn.bly ~uper10r to e..n)' other CHARLES R. D. BOOT H, As::ig noe to said Est 11. te. nowmanville 1 Oct. 3 1 1870. 10 - td. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. ~OLD AT AUCTION, at the Sherill" a ollic e 1 in the T ow n ot Cobo:n g, on SATU R DAY, 8th of OOTO. HEH , 18 7Cl 1 nt 12 o·c lock , n oo n , F ifty Acie s of Ll\nd, mere or less, b eing a pur ti o u oflols lB RuJ 14, 2d C on. rrown of Duwwanville, '"e s t of the Sc"c:gog road . Only six h undred dollars will be require d f rom i he pn rcLaser a t th o tiru " · oJ c:ale j nbou t $4J O in tLre~ :rcnrs from date j a?:ld b nlnnce neutl not be ncit~ dur ing my lifetime, ), ~ ~ Sl' EPIT ENS. Bot;:mn.nvillc 1 S~p t . 28 lh 1 18 70. Ly n, lJ"y 11 lb, 1870. 81ni - I h avi:} h a ve u se d your 'r E ur e.k n " for Si ck He adache caused by r. disorderd Rtom ach, and imperfect d iges tion, with sue-" ces s, when o th er ren1 ed1cs fai!cd to do me an y go od , and I a m SF1t1sfied 11!1 tl rn.t is nece8 sa ry to convince any pe1snn of i·t s m erits wou l d be to g ive i l a. triid, nnd I ch eerfully r ccommc n fl it to n ll whose condition demand anything of this nrr\.111'~. lln. H . E . Rowr., New DJack J,ustrc!J. J'icw IU:.uck Glace 1u11.tl :\\'ifflrn, i'li cw Clan 'I'artnn§. l\"c w RG11g'l1. Brown ,will sell, fo r twenty days, his st ock of Tt.111.e . po. perm Mo ntrea.!, having a larg·n c1 rc nlat10n than ri.\l 1he other Engli;;h morawg papen pubhl!l!ed m thi.I ci1y corubmed, · TERMS OF SC'BSCil!PT!ONS, Bple~d.id fTllIERE \YILL BE ~ 'rHE I. OCKMA N S T c. SE\VING MACHINE J S NOW' THE :HoHan~b, Very Ch ~ ap. l j GAZETTE, th e c ity, nru:l l.iv g.xpre~B , Notw1 tlu1te. rillrn g the verr g1eat importe.nce o ( Tns prn~e will sttll remuin 1he !mtno· It will be sent b\' J\hul al $6 00 a yci\r, or $5.00 when ptrnl N ew~ strwtly in ad »ance, aiHl will a lw b fur msiletl m tlrn _.t,.geuts , 10 whom it M .sent by nt 'l'BN CENT S i'hR \\'1':EK. 'l';HE WEEKLY GAZETTE 't! LEAD ING l\'.IACHINE IN TIU~ (1.n~·, E . COOK, -pdoprietor of Lyn Woo:Ien Factory. Lyn, March lst 1 1870. .M n. H . E. Rottrn, D EAR S1R ,- f b a ve u~ed tro bottl es of your ~ledi cinc fo r d is ea.:i e of the Ston1 a ch nn d L iver , and fonnfl tbe mo st benefit from thf' nse of it t h aL I eve r received f ,om an y for Dys1l ep sia and I n d iges t ion DOl.'t'.I I NIOI'J OF CAN ADA: 'l' bis prund posi tion it has atta ined throngh H;; inh erent good qualitil:!:i. T laise qua.h tics nrc simpl icity, dur~ibililyj el egan ce, adaptnbili ty , besides ti. score rrH..t t'e of equ a i "import ai~cc. For fu ll pa tticulars add;:esa to t he Man u ra. ctnre rsl f.ie11· Drab and lb-own Widceys. l'l!c\IY Frei.u:h me:1.·ino!!l, _a CAL,..... _ _ ~ 0 a.t !,mgenHmt of th e mu: te1 1 sr. o.s to gn·e nn mter' stiHg a nd c o mplete 1 :p1tl11nc of Uic week'$ ne ws.. '"l,'il i · 1:J~o appe n r in grcEttl)· en'arge d a nd__ impro Yecl form, au ,t 1; pec 1<1l pai ns. will~be rnk en in the seltclwu - iulloc nlie1il o. l ~l n ) efU') p.lptble s l~ J!' tl i_ rn ad vance. 'f.lr.ti: \"i':;itLY G.t z:1·r: will c011ti11 1o he maileU tu T. & It. WHITE, l'll BowmanvilleJ l!r.rch 91 1e7o. f?t. J um cs S~reet. l I GREAT SA.LE Qf CAT1 rLE . , 47-HEAD of CATTLE by AUCTIO]J, has been rj-,ETI: unde r~ ignerl I.Ir. GEORGE IJ!IAW, to sell by Publio A nc tio[I, at hi~ residoncto, lol 4, l st co nccila io nofDarlin g ton,onMONDAY,OC 'l'O B IGR iO , 18~0, t hr: follow ing vo.luable Stoc!r, vi?. : 4 four y oa;i1 · o ld Stec-rs, 11 three year old ~S tee1s, 6 two yen,r old St ~eril, 4 two year old )1e1fers, 4 three year o ld H eif1rs1 6 fat CowJ, 11 :! tore U ows, I yea1 l . tng j) ur b nm '·' l.)u 11 · 1 , p iti r V{ o rki"?1g Oxen, fire years old. The n.hovc cotlle a r e just. \Tla1. t are rc;qu ircd by . fa l'roers at this season for fee·Jiug,·n d affords t he be3 t drn.n ce lo purchnse cattle yet nffe rcd iu tlii s s e.ction , bei ng o.n ex tra. lot. Sn l e to .l in~tructed hy ! I PJl!w 'i'weeds. New C~ mJ.adian Kn1iUetl G001 h1. l\lontrcol, 9th. 8epte11'!ber 1 lb"'!~!,:. J - - - --- mediciLS tak{·n for lbe Hbove di SC' USf'. r can ~cou fi dently recommen d yOur.: Euleka " Your truJy,i CHROiiIG DISEASES. \YILSON, IlO\,TI,IAN & CO., p.· R A NE'7 .ER·1"' /! ILP i'TG R'l<'MEDY " .... -_._... · This js to cer tify t hat f b a'fe us ed the Chin ese Blood a nd l.iV"er Sy ru p , pre pnred 1 ria, · by H . E, Rowr:, u.-nd cELn recom m eud it to be - - j a Ve l'y vHluab!c .Med ici n e for constipation , DA R,I.,, E Y ' § iudige3t.ion a.ucl general debi li ty. IO"'l> ..a. "'~ m I'! I HIUA~f BOOTH. .f'~~ !\"'!, &1 ·· ' " 111 -.:. ~ ·.,. · ~ I I lrn.ve used the ci Eureka. 11 and see n it FO R HORSES & CATTLE. used by different par ties wi th the rno8t s~t:s-·factory resul t s, and I lbe re fore c onsc 1eu' A R & H O'HARA H nmil t , r ,l 1 i G . L. LITTLETON . ACENTS ACE~TS! DR. J-AM ES, RESJ'E.C TJV JC ,LY STATE cdts f or D U[·h n,m' nnrlV· t 0 g § . Now I haveit1 S OMETHI~ G "" 0 I I .,;t;.1...,l 1 B !i v TETI: ·· Ci)lUUH"ll C0 !tt one o' cl ock.\) . tn. rrf'rmB Gush. rr·n·IIS \"ii.lnn.Llc pr(· para tio n co mbloes n.11 .. . · .a ~ · _l the n1edicinr..l virtue of those articlPs I ha ye usi_ed th~ cc Enrc.ka ., t0r Dyspersia D. BISHOP, Auctioneer. which loug ex perience lrn.s proveJ. .to possess or [n d 1gest 1on w1th per-f:ct su<"ces s , n n~ I t Darli ngto n, Oct. 4, 1870. the n1ost safe a nd .:ffic ie n~ properties fort.he c.h_c cr~,i lly recommend i t to all suff?nng ~·u r c of Flesh Virounds, Spr!1 in s, Bnd ~ es likewise, GE O. P. :McNISH. Sfl.lls of'nll kinds, Cracked flecl R, Rin g Bone' I have been u1;mg the "Eureka" for. D} ~ pcpsia or 1 S 1)a ~· iu, Cal Ions , Fi>ltula, S\VC! cncy, E xtei·11 .'"' h t!1.'J"e8ttoll: :ind woul,1 Hty t o u.ll <l p pt pl 1u:1 lh:..t 1 I ·~ fou nd ii 10 ttl 1e ve me wlwn all o t h ~·r m ed H' llH' S fail ed . ,SJ-.MtTEL S MA L L, of Bow~-nanvillc, h1 1 Poi"Sons, Ccra.tc.h~ s Ol' G:case, St_1 airis, L ame - rn do1,1g me r.u y g0oi!, ai:il ('a111.ot regard ' t oth erwise tbo Co.unti· oJ D ur ham, ProYince of ! ncssi U a n g e,1 Wh1 tl o ws,C . orns, Sa n d V ra_cks th-an a. truly vnl11aLlt: mr..:<l1ci11e. ' . d I d \! ' Fl orn D IS Le rnp e rl S Wtllings HANNAH CltE.EN . b I II sn\\'JN G .F ·oun ( Jntnrio. 0 1et e 'V e 1a rngo any ... .u.: d Cl'~l ·ee., I l. h I h \·e used th e ·' Eureka " for J)r<:pepsia alld 1i ACIIr'NE of tl1a"'sam~ p iic"', now nit111ufa c - nnLL lnla n y otb\er t iseac: es w nc borscs a nd Gen e:-al lJeb1l11r for my,,..tf, 1 1.11d dau~hte1 s us well, tnred anywhere in lh ti w c1 lc1 , to com1) te ca e~ are.su J CC to . w ith th e m r.,.q happy re)'u l1g, and I cua sa ~· to nil · mi · I b t d ' · · t h b tr oub' ed ·with e.tb er th at m the " Eur e ka ,, they w1 lJ turains.t the 1' LOOK~f. AN ," fur $100 1 in :i..·rll::i CP. e n 1 c ...,inimcn a.s een used find a ccrta.H1 etire, l linvc rec o mu: ernl eU n 10 a numr;nge of \Vork und qnt·lit.r~ yjz: frcrn , t OO 1:~or m:u1y ye,ir5, a nd it~ Cura.tin· p roper ti es ber, ttlld .t gh cs .silt1.sfoctwn rn every ~ase. fine::.t. cott on spo ol, o n mushn s, t o the ve ry :.hor o ugb ly tes ted, nn d it is conced ed to be MRs. S . SH fP3·T AN. r.onra es t LiN1<.K threads , on fulled cloths. t he cheapest and m ost. r eli a ble ren1edy for PRICE o:r;E DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. T11e l osin g 1-l arLy to gi~c lJis hu n dre d dollars .a.ll cxtt.:,-nn.l com pla igts ev er offct(ld to the P.E:·e1,n.red 1°);:;"' I-=[,. E . Ro'\V'e. . :to the poor of Bowman ville . unbl i c-it ne ... er fa ils w h.eu timely us ed a nd FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. S. S!1 f A L L, fai.lhfu1ly ap p lied. T ravcHing a gent fur Messrs . R . nnd H· 'fo Le hJ..d o f all Dr11ggi:~t~ and Countrv lVholeliale by J.\T()R'I'HROP& f.JYJJ..4-N, .. Q'Hat·a, Sew in g i\Iach i110 Ageu,ts , I3 uw - ·Merchants throu ghout tUe Dominio n . Pric"'e Neu;(;2stlc. tn?. uyi\\e, 25 c ts pe r bo~tle. 'I t iously re.commend H to the public Hlood P urifier and Live r [nv ~gorat or. X 05 " j tJ ..,.::._ ;:. NEW! ATTRAOTIVE VALUABJ. E Just ·what Agents want I What everybody 1 cants I Dropq of the Chest, A bdomi nal Dropsy, that he ' b nuw tre::1. ti. ng succe ssfully the fo llowip.g diseas es : ~E pilep sy, o r falling Fits, in th e.ir w orst form; ConsUruption 1 i n i tg v11dong stagrs~ (with Dr. J .'s r em ed iei:I cousumpt.ion is no longer an i n curab le di:i ... I ea~e) ,; Br o uchitl s, < Cn.. t al'rh, As;,1.n u a., Gravel W OULD 100 · Gcnci-al Dropsy, &c ., patien ts T'llio hav:e been M 0 RE AG R' N TS tapped sevcrai titncs ar e cu rable uz der Dr . wanted at on c e. ,J aUlt' i 1 treatrnen t ; diseases of t h e A CHALLENGE FOR $100 L I a· - - -- - -- - - -- ~-~ - P ro prietors for Co. oada . tt:::..~ ff yo n wn.nt rt Good 8u1t of Clothc:3 Rohl b)' J. IIIGGIN'BU 'fH A~ r .ru. ma de to pr.Jeri give \V . }!o)! t:'RTit Y a. ca: J, STOTT 1 l!ow~nn vil b; Ont a.r.i o. Sep'2mher l 3t.h, 1870. Nort hrop & Lym nn , Newcaslle, Ontario "- Ud D. I l G,t your SALE DILLS printed at the S ·1'A'fl!:S1I AN office . G· e" ' \·a ·~-"-, . ,, ,---------~· ..,. . ~ "' - iu dnmagcd go (; dS : at . , En·ors of y-0ut11, Nervous Debil ity, P TeinaAgents making over $20 per day tni:'e Decay and all t h e effects of in di screO t hers c a n Uo it. S e ud -for one tio.ns of youth- a cure is gun.rnnteed; D.y s·· of REtr.v's PA'l'E~'l' SP.HING Bi:: os pepsiu., Lh er d iseases, :.tnd diseaaes ot' Price onl y $6.00. ·vwro!nc11 UJJ.t! (,']1il.d.1:e11, Oa,n<;.ers cured 1·1ithout cut t ing , and lilt1e pa-in; Sor() The above engraving shows oue o f KELLY'S P ATE~T SPilING BE DS i'1 lli Bedstead Le ga) Salt Rheum , and Scrofula -i n al l its with t he side rai l taken out to sbow the s1dc and to p ot Bed. forms . Dr. J . i:; happy to -say, di:seases S end for o ur private circu l 11.r. Address J ..A.· KELL"'Y & Co. whi c h have hitherto been thau,glt~ in curab1 6 B , .11 0 t Are now ra pidly yi{~lding to hi:; t rea tment, D e comber 15, l 8G9 O\\tnan vi e, n as his graleful p:i.. tie n t s a re willing t o te stify . _=:_;._.:.;:.:. ~ .:.:.:.;;_;_ ;_ :::_,.,_,._~_,,,_,,~ ====~~," -:" . ="==--===="' --., -~...:'5 No Ca.lorn el, n & mercu ry, no Mineral Poisons, ARE CHAN~E . -Ho?sc, ~ot, an.d Office l w_.ill be adnunistered in any fo rm, 1n any for sa.le , ..., llh 11r ~ct1cc (if d esired) of d1 se as o. ueady 20 years sta:nding. O no or the bes t The n. ffii c ted, i-Wbo c nnnot obt·li n r elief priva ~ e d wellirrgs-- ~ n-Bowma n vlll c . Situated I fr ou1 othel' ,ao ut-ccs, ::i.re pa l' ti cularly in vited IX SHEEP, mas k ed with red p a.~ ni on the on Church S t reet. C he ap fo1~ efl.sh ·· ~,Pply _to call aud ~ee hirn. Office in Ncil.:on's r amp .strnyed from Bo.wman v1lle abo1 1 tL "'n the µremisee,- or by 16tter 1 to B. P .A r 111,,R.. ! Hall, Bellevill e . lrJ- Offi ce hours, 11 o.. m fhe fi.rl'.!t Bdptembor. -Any µer;;; on g iviug tu -, S OX, :!'If . D, I to 3 p . m . fo rmatio n of their whereabout s, wil l be suit - · . . . ' Yours most re-spectfull_y 1 1 ah ly rewarded li y a_ppl..Jip.~ 0-.,t ,tl,~ Jt::::..i~-! ' ~~ 'FL--"The dwelhn g ~111 be sold wnb -·:Jr fJ. J .AJ.!E8i M. :!) 1 QU!CK:SALES! L A!l(];J P R O F!l'S EYE AND EAR, -- 1 I SHEEP LOST R S !L3:' I . . F, F . Mo Aiti nu ue. '~LL'f Ofti1:P . ~.'.17..., :t::f::" \ U!;i, o-ffi co:: , as.dea-ire-L . A pril -f '1f. 9,. j ~ ~----~- I !

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