Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1868, p. 4

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....,...,_,...""'~·--....,.. _ .....,,....".;>"l"""'....,,~~~-~~~'!"!'~""""~· ~·~~~~,_,,...._."!"!'"~~ ,,,.,~,~~~m--.....,"""'·~&__ .... -.-~:~ -!!..~~~-~ -~~~~~~"°"~k~~~~~'!!!'!""~~~~~~:t\l"~~-~()~ --~'J.~ - ,~ -~ I~u~'=I:l~~~.'='~~S~T ~E ~A ~ ,M ~.GAS&WATE R~!P E S HOH.~~~~ Jl' LU~, S, T EA! TEA! T EA ! (fiffiill/J!~ffi~j] !J1j]jlffifil~IJU®fil SlGN OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL. 1 G-IBSON"7 & l 'j HARLE8 3IRD, lrnvlng d1spn°co o f hi· A ud all _J Drug ~nsiuess,1· cques ts t ha t a ll t lj( .: e1u .. k 1 u~l .5 of B1.1ss and lio n Fitl11J$' co_, '.lebted to hiin citllcrb v Notl:OI Il ook :iccou n t itoca.ll a.ndsettlc the~s:tme on or bc fo r et. b e OI LE ii l'll)ll ' Si CO IL B l~ :\Tl (:r;s n1s t of J[u.1 ch uc x t . 0 !lice at .T, lhgginbotL· :Saft tJ Vn h1·s, Stcqru :111:J \\"att'l' ~1u'sDrngSto1e. Mr. II1ggi11bo th ..nn19 an th or .. (Lu1 gcs 1 nl.ld e\ e1y de scnp uou of t-itL~ flu1 anU z.eJ. tO rccche a n d se ttl e a ll a.c:c ount s Gl-ls J'1ttcrs' Uoo d s in u~e 1 "\V ho l e s.~Je fi nd. Bowu:a.L . :t_c . J ttn. lfl. 1 ~ IJ'i , ltct.t1 l, lit grea tl y red need }HH'C9 '1 i.e Latges l Stock 111 t he ci ty . Sc ud ior O a t:\ ~ Iogue n :.i d l>1 ~ce :!:.ii s t. 'lool s 1 &c. n Sign of tho Golden ,. ...- ' JZing Street, Bo-wma;n ville. J . P. FUI..1LE1: 1 OF THE IS DAY ! 17 DEY ST f:l ' I r l .New loHk C i ty . Beg to announce the arrival of fall 0 supp lies as follows: Cl. have now on hand a COUGH TdEDI CIN E !I\' 'fi'HE AT 'I'll],: Ql,D ES'l'AilLISHED ])RUG S'fOJtl~ (LATE J)R , BIR D'S.) "\WO!~ JT,D. Dr. J odin's French Cough Levers should be r c ~o rl cd torn nil etlS· :> of Bfl<)NCf1l'r 1s, 110:\R SENF.SS C A TAH H H , COU lofl S, cc .. o~. AS'rIIJ'l-JA. SUO R'l 'N E:"itl 0 1 .i' HH.l~A'fll, AND ALL DfSORDi:; K-8 '1'11.E 'l HROA'l' 1 \ ND J. U.:'liG S MURDOCH J . HIGGINBOTHAM, or c Young Hyson, Guupowder, Old Hyson, Souchong,Cong·ou,Pekoe. Cocoa. E S .. :S::.A..LL ! X TOULD mostr e!!pec tfullj tender h is sin ~ HE Y ARB llEOOMllllKDED "l'.'ITII ~1 l c ere th a nk s to hia nu meron !l friends con lid en ce t o J'Ih1 iste1s, ScLool 'f et1chljJ 8, a nd c u sLom~rs, and to tli e pnblic genel'nlly P1ihl 1c Sptnkors 01ngers Auct1oncc1s , L e, 1 1 fo r t be v ery liberal support he l1 as r ec(l i'fcii 1'lie Cough Lo11.enges eont1 n n n o Op111m or ' since his commencing iu hu1u ness i and hopes a ny o t lu·1 i n gred ien t tho.t wi l1 ' ' d1y u p io a· by c ontinued stri c t pcrs ona. lattention to b nsi- cou gh an d t l\us i1uperil the p a tient i tliey n e.:;s , an d otlcring u o tl nng bu tt he pure s t a.rt: y~ :ll be fo u nd 'ccllcnt 1usooth1Dg irntatton: T Porto Hico, Cuba, Yellow Relined, Crnshed A, Broken Loaf, Granul ated, Groun d. STOCK - - - 0- :-0- - - clf."s 1 n t th e mo~ t re asonable pr ices, to cnsc. _ 1~ contiuun11ce of public patr onage. TESTll\llON!AL S. ll1l11111x. Nov n S cn tJH .No. 16th 1867 CEN TLlil.lll:N 1- J . H . ·woulfl CH.11 .soecial u. tteuLiou to 111 \'e1y su pcl'ior ::i~u ck of ~n~t.i.s fact io D I>Y-:E: ST"CJ"FFS, \.,.· bich arc sure to g ive t h e besL SY-R.,uFS. Stamlan! and Golden Sy mp and Portland. Plug A \Vcll-sclcctcd .stock of D!lU G~ , l·'1 en c h Co u gh littl e hc s 1t n tio u ho t\rSL IH'SS an d them Lo eithe r hn.Yc f1cquently l·iuded . hD,.'lo'(.l glven Dr . · Tod111,D J.cvt.rs fu ll trml and ha; c in stiyiug th.a t fol' rc l1cJ'f1oru so re tluo1tt 1 m'1c h p 1c ter Bry.1n '.:1 or Brown 's , 1-l'lnt: h f used and whicl1 a re so mncl1 'I', ' Y. C ~4.SE . Y 1 -;-.. I EX TE ND E :o th1;·t DEP.r'i._RT1.J:EN'l' ()F SI IET~F AND HEAV-Y CHlOtlCALS, Li.:d un:·t 10 tli(' lt \COMB~ , U L oJ I. lJ u f OvoJ .. :Nu;m1~ e( PA1'l 1:N'f ~rCDIC1NE8 , T 10 O BA'°Cae 5 4 2 and Fine Cut. THE Y CAN NOW SllOW llY FAR THE MuRcatell Figs, P rnnes, Lemon Peel, Orange do., Citron do., Soft-shell A l muml~ . Hard-shel l do., Out-shell Almonds, 5vValnuts, Filbert~. FRUITS. Raisins, Layer do., Va le ncias, Sultanna:;, C urrants, BEST AND A T TllE S.BJE TlllE THE :a: A R., D VT .A ,R., E &c., &c., 'l' lns is to c e1 l1fy tl.Hit I lrn. \' e u~cd D r Jod~ lus F Le n ch Cough Levers with g1t«Lt satb h.i. c~tt<:t1o n !Hl.<l can couGJ.ently s11y 1 aflcr te s trng SUPPORTKR~, &c, &c . t hc11.1forwecks,in special Be1viceJ 1tLat l th11,k. kept conslnutl _y on l1:ind. tla'm 1Jetter th:-t u any o t heL 'f1oc hes I h:.iva OILS I e n~ r u~ i.:d. J, 8. CLARKE, \\'esll! ~" ' u M1 n1st '1 . PAl.\i'l~i COLOR S B RU S Hl~ S, S U OUl,DI~ I - ........ "' Jurs, _ N o v 2Ull1 18G '7 H- B HA CllS, I I V AR N!SllE S n. nd WHJ'l'E LEA D ~ t t h e ery Io~~· esf i> l'icc~ : T-Iorso & Cattl e J'\'lcdici.-.. os I I T l1 is is t o e r rt .fy that I hi:ne l1scd D~. Jodi11':;1 F 1en ch Co uill I~e 'itln; ·w i t h g oo c l effec L. A. CAMP BE LL , \\res h~) an !l l iui~ l c1 . l\Iu;;;cow, Camden , Dec . 1367. - - N B - Country f.l to rekccpers supplil!<l on adv an tfl geo ns teuns . . Cassia, Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Pepper, Nutmegs, Mace. R I 0 E .- Carolina, Arracan, Parna, Gronnd. , and Glasswar6 ! ever sold in town either by Anction or Pri vate sale. Don't f<llil to cnll, und yon will fintl. wha t is usoful a n d ornaruo n la lf at Joo.i ea s1 of t h r, On ta1io lla.n t . lCI" Re member t h e oldo1 ig i1ialsL1t1lll 1sec1 ni ve taten Dr. Jodin' s F1 e1ich Cougll Le\ c1 ~. aud m uc h p1efer lliom to an y othoi lli.it I ltnve ev~r used G. H. S Q U1l\~ , "\Vcs1ey."t u l\11ui s ter. 111 I Blairnley·s V e1·mt1i"1i;e Cau<l ie s . On'. Ho.-"" s lndhon Root S"g::u Coate<! JPtlls. SOAPS.-T oronto, Liverpo~\ Casti le , Toilet, Honey, Scent.;!~ We wonld beg to ca ll particular attention to our stock ol Candles - ST AR 0 H.-Silv er G loss, Oswego, Corn. ------ Be l mo~~~mont_Hp~rm,_ ~~~x, __Tallo\~:_!rench. J'IS II - - Round Herrin go, sp lit do., Salmon Tro11t, " Whi te Fish, · ' Codfish, Mackerel, Hcd Herrings, Sardines. STOVES, MACHINE OIL, CHRISTMAS PR ES f:.NTS LEATHER .I!ELTING, TURPENTINE, CGAL OIL, rn grea t vmitl ty, RUBBER Ba king Po wder, Carb, Soda,vVashiug rlo., Bag Sa_lt, Box Black in~- , T in do., Arrow Root, Alum, Copperas, White Sulphur, Borax, Cayenne, Saltpetre, Shoe, Blacklead and Scrulibinn- IlmslH'o, China Pipes, Corks, Pail~, Tubs, Brooms, Rope, Cordage, Twine, Can· d!e wick, \Vashboanl 0 , · Cloth es Pins, Epsom Sal t ~, Cas tor Oil, .Crackers, BiscLiits, Sago, Matches, c)"Ul'S, 0 From Two Cents to Tweuty Dollars do. LACE LEATHER, 1 SKATES, , &c., &c., &c. The Grocery Dep artmnt is A, 1 CA~'T .IN fIIJ~ RAW AND BOILED OIL, BE BEAT ~~t?git~g;~I) , ~,.--.ii. }) B-. Ti! , .:'...\.J.. ...[J... l. J . ..A L I HO"\V~:lANVILLE. ll:itish nud Prince of 'Vales Su.uee, Preserved E.., ruits, Piokles, ~ ssencc of Lemo n, dn. ]'cnpc-rm in t 1 Do111e Black J_,ea d, B ulls JC yes. ~l i .s:e d Can?1es, 0 lriaways, Creau1 Turta~·, ·Uath ll1ieki, I nd1~0, Butt3n Blue, Musta1d 111 ooc tuid faur paund jurar O:.:.nary Seed" Hemp Beed, Dried A pp!es, Cornn1eal, Oat1nea1, l>ot Barloy, I~ ggs:, Butter, Cheese.. WHOLE DOMINION. UA.l~IN S an d .:a;RRA!\"'.l'S A1'1Al.~ffN"G T, Y CHEAP. iWtDY~~ ~~@~M£ BLACKSMTHS COAL K~PT . co::STANT! y All of which we "ill seH as low as a ny ho use rn the trade. NY pg ROX 111t end1ng to ~re et (·itho1 ~J ounuH!ntor G111.v0 Sto n c toth':ltncrr.orJ ofJep1i . tc<lf11e nd s \~illfind itgre a tl ; totb .. l! id ';"fu1tl'f(( to c di a.tHl eo mp a1e A J 1Work, Price & Quality ofl!IIarbk, W1 thfl.nJ o rre 1 ~· ll 111 Gunn.dlt \Vest . \ Ye sptiR>l~ positJ ve l J 1 11 atthm i n g t"t. SU.\1 n g of atfeas HO UNSALL & SON, l \°l'"Ii:"l'I '). 1' !;; 1\ CJJ;Nl' The above goods will be sold at low rntes and ind ucements offered to cash-paying custom ers. ~ Bowmanville, 7th Oct. 1868. Ooa 10 Gw. Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Teas for quality <tnd price can't be equalled. A CHOICE LO T OF SUGAH-CURED S.MOKED HA:\'.TS Jte1nc1uber the old Stand--Vi ctori:t .RuHdian;ps . CALL 18 MURDOCH '\:mttr:.\·ille, Dec. 17th, 1861 BROS. MRS. BClUlllSAL!. t o a.ttentl to !l li lllllf' l y tL n d SLra.w Wol'f,, a.s us ual. J,n.d ies' Ji, el t II11ts cleaned 11.n{l a lLL' red to the Newe s t St.) lc s. 1 k:J"' 'l'\1 o ~\pp 1 en tices" nr tcd 1mm e<liately ] Do1\ 1i.·· 1.n·rille, ~l atch 24t ~ 8uZ . 34. . r ttp l" OJlrll\' (l -c_ P1op11--Cto11s-. I I INDIA CIIINA it Ji: J'\1 () ""\' A _ L ! ~i;;~~ 1 ln of the ~.:oM.· u J l i@ll' t:u-. r -.YASl dnect Oompnn1cs JJl a n l:tt io n s ARSAtil ; nnd LA " Lle udcd with hn cst prQ_dncts of CH INA . f 1 om tl11· HOME DEPOT. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, Hospital St., Montreal -o u.rrn AXD GENUINJo: TB AS, OF FLAVOR, IMPORTED SPL l~!\D W NA~' tJHAL l ll OU HENRY ELLI OTT, Jun'r, :S:A~PTO ~, I T >. S 'J...' 0 'J' T f ~ \ , n 11m·~1·o·i:i I) Et>l'T:1;·1 {' 1"!.L Y .\.NNI H'/'CESTO ms c ti 8t om c rs, l'lJHt tlie lll tb llc j gen e l :, l , ~ b .tt h e li:-ir 1cmovetl tu ~Le t l1 c slopl'S of the }J l~L-\ tlH1 DA JR G ,AJ:N Great, Bargai ns will Le g1 \"Cn at the ~ j fo :rni('t l ,Y (1ccupied by ~ks.s111 , ft. ,t JT. ICorner Store in the Town Hall Build'gs 0 1Ho.rn, Two Q0 Ar.1 T11 s, ,1J1, 70cts o : $l pC'1 lb: c:1tl1e1 BLACK, GR EE K: or MIXED. l~HlC\t:t l' 1n e H ousclio' d 'Jl'rt, comb1n11 g S ll cngth and !1la.Yor 1 70 cents p er lb. p · ocut cble . ... · .· . . . . . .· ...·.. .. . . ... . · .· , l dollar per lL. racl'l.C'tS Has received a la.rg·e supply of Dry Goods, I Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes Paints, Oils, 'School Books, Stationery, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs &c., &c., the p nrl iculars of which am too numerous to me ntion, ' jWIH· i..: li e 1 n t(;1, dstoc~11yontlic D111 g-l:ius 1 · nl.' ~8 ,u a ll .ts L n11 c lt es 1L11d l; .-.J evo L.11 g lil t> ll:j--Sol d in n Oan.tdn.. nud c f1,,J 11 ! 5 lCl., by tho Comrnn ie':; Agents in C" CJY City ~U'ld Town l:r:,- a.ttl: U!l011 sti.:.ie th I Li) I L .\ U d B :\' VIR~ ,t.~bl'l'G QliJl> STOIC!!{ OD' J;~on no V Vl\f Ar-, VILLE, Mr. T. DARLINGTON, 15 , Gtn. An inspection of his goods and prices wi11 certainly satisfy even "hard cases" that E LLIOTT is now selling hi s goods at CHEAP COR ER STORE! WllL L ill G'l'Oii ll U!LDlNGS. VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Dress g oods? Elliott's is the pla ce to buy them. Dr ngs 1 1fc<lic:nes , C li om 1cub, !>,ttl' n t Ji e d 1 t"HH~~, Dye \\ o oas , Dye 8 111ff1> r l'.ln1t i! , Ulls, J;1uslic:s, L .i1ip s, Field .tr d G.u 1\c 11 SeeJ s 1 Pe1J"u me1.1- , Com L s, · ..;:r- 1 h e shnll be able to offe1 ) ou ::.l1l1 gr e.Ll e 1 t n. a ,\Ct' ILlt" n ts to t I VOl h1 rn ,, Hh yo1111 01 dc1 ii , I 'l' lllLll k 111 g 111 s c !Vi L O.~ l t'J B for pm'! t t n YO r s, ho.. hopc:i 1 by tLtt c 11l11~n tt. t ll e 11·rrq 1ii1xwe nt a ,to e n s u1c a eont i.a u a n c c of t h en !l~L t ro11age. SHOE TOOLS AHD FI NDINGS. RY A N ,~rn~o;-.cvEn · :o "Vl7 A. JR. Do the ladies want cheap and durable during the remainder of t he winter season! 0- l:E~ll<:llllER 'l'HE S'l' .11\'D r 4ll I GN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR n3'"" 'l'owN ILH.I Ci;1L 1 JINGS -~ E , Bow1un1 l\1 i1lc , A p1il 20, l S Gf" Do gentlemen want first-class Clothin g made to order? Elhott':s is the place to suit them. , His Cloths and Twced1< arc his own selection, and are h ard to beat. 1His T ailors are knowwto be up on the latest "Ne w York" Fa shions--good fits always g uaranteed, Old custom ers of the lat e firm, and the public generally, arc Home Insurance Co respectruuy invited to call and see for themse lves before purOF p U B LI C JOHN E , FULLER , OPIN ION S UIT R D CONSULTING ENGINEER 4'l' J[)JEY ST., Nn:1v POeTA 111.1: ~\ i\ D '-l'Ol!~U, 1'1 r.rn1 fol'lnrc r ll.m! Dt'ulur Jll has folly ju stified the original i<l eri , that at the " Corner Store " yon coul d get SL'A'l'!O:>T..1\ l"t'f STEAM ENGINES &BOILERS Tj1SP EC JAL A T'l'EN T J ON IS CALLED l~ to his U1Hu lH .u1 d U 1111 gl1 t Sft\Y 1.11 Is, the !J est a nd rnos-.t pu,1c1ful GangMllbcYel built. .t-\J nd C"\ c 1y d cs c..:1 ip tiun of NEW HA VEN. THE i1 om~ I KSlfil). ancc 801n ptttl'" -ot New llilYC0 1 Ju u ua. ry 1'~t, 1sr.A.. U .q n t11 \ 8 t ock . ··. . . · ···· · · · . f , CC:'OliOOO 0 0 Su1plus. . .... . . . ... . .. .. .. . . Cil0!10to 3 41 S TA 'J'E~rnNT M ,chasing elsewhere. SU IT ETY, AND -VV EL IA (JG= A large lot of Co al Oil,tcsted by the Governme nt In spec= ~ or. Also, 200 No. 1 hand- matle Hick ory axe h anules for sale :ff.A~lP'l'ON~S e iit. ~4i 18 68. J=-IENRY ELT.,I()T'T, Jr. c EI ED F. ~- ' CO~LE .. Mi ll M: achinery & Machinery Supplies I OH'l' AllJ .h: ,'if S'J'.A TION.AltY (HtlS l' Mt Lr.s. Bowmanville, Dec., 1867. ' r ofli 1 T11111n 111 1~~ liJ"l oh-t< 1 0 1~,, Nt>:( fl 11 1; 11 11t' l t'c. ~l E~to;l c ow uetl. liy l ho Co · ·· 205, ~iOO 0 1:1,:ul,Ll\1 1 ~ t. dd 1~ c ,,r,~·r'" l rn ·l l", l " '?tlF IOll J.1p Loans on Mo1t g '1g('S · .. . · . · · ~· 371 37:.t uo J\ llf!t:· J!JI"' l\ld o h~·rn Jlmd\\,1 1C ~-C I n r !"nl ! ub l _ .i ,o \>'C" l 1'11'.:e". Un i le d Sh_t'te s JJ o n ds, !i 20 . · , · , . 3:Z5,87 ,, 09 :-- , 1 t"'\\" l il 1 Pt~ 1 .D~ ~ "' -J . ,~!!Jril 1n, f-!L A 'J 1 N G1 ~ c t: 'di!-: 1> H J\ J ~' TO\\ , ' J \\ l i ' ) 'J'n(],1< r (] 1 1l f~\ ~ b 1~1!\( ll l' t:ilTC\ \ '8; lilt l' q1 c r (.[11c J' i;rn o Swo l :-.or~ h 1 A § ~ E '_I' S .. 71'.Jf 'J: -rr 1 .i.IJ·'(l }l\;~t rCl ue I < "-=-=,.,_.=~---===-" -"""" -'" - ,.._.,_.._=_,,_,._,,_,,_ =~ ==-= -""' =-"'-"-=-===="'"'..._,,_,,,_.,_ ,,_ =..,...=-"'-"'-"'-"· ny 'KEEp YO R FEET · D.1\ .J l"J s '.l' Jlt E u 'l'J e ch i nes Lc~t Shin gle, L:itli d ntl 5tr~v c )In.- i n U."oe, AND SP ...VE DOCTOR , s DILLS. T R.. E A '.l' MA( u 1 ~ 1srs 1 'lool s of eve1y descript io n, a n d u.ll ki11t1s of U1c rn0 s t ap1n ov ed " rood wolld ug !ll ,\c h1 nc1y 1n use cou sta.ntly ou h and n ud b u ilt to orde r. ~ l :"S so u1i S ta te 13-on<l s .. . . ... . . l:J,950 OU Te n tH~SK1::e R tn te Bon els · ·· · , , · , , 1tl 1900 00 111 \,)·1g~:S 1rtl rl1)' 1' v r<"ln to. I \\'1 ::;con-= i11 ~ l ntc Bon ds .·.····· 12,000 0 0 - l':K -~( N 1--i.OD~- - ' \ l t g i111 a 8 t ite Bo nd:i. . . .. . .... 17, ,1 68 Gft' '"' JI t Ji" . Jl~ . · , ] \fat1onal Bank &tol'1<~ .... , . . . 360 ,1 80 f> O Jila O'lW ..,os , ~<}l'J 1:1. c~.o:n. et · eAN.A IJ _A BAN!( S'foc "' . . . . . . . .. . 31,3 13 7o JJonns on O oll at~1nl nn d o n ()a ll 23 18 14 50 Just Published. Cash on La ud and in Ban ks . . . . GG,01 4 53' :1 1 1 <w ed 1 11~1 nof C11shi n hand,:;of Ageuts .·... · · 2!fO, l OR 31J [} g· . t!.:'1Ji,..l' ~§~ 1l'D~l.i_..' S Interest n.cc n 1cd .. . .... . .... .. . :17,403 25 r;[)]~ ?l.-U~~ ! , 1 ~'!' ~~;) E~SAY Bills 1e0 ci vttlJl e . ..· . . . ... . ... , 41 13 70 711 i 1d1cn l <.url' (\· 11b vu t tul!c1 1ct ut:) o1 l'1 emi11ins u n pi:ud at Homa and AYIN C BOUGJl1' OUT Tlll~ m:SJSpe 1 mut or i}u· t, 0 1 Sc i i itinl \1 cak1ie.,s 1 Ju ~ B1 n. ncl1 Ofl1cc s .. · . · . .·· .·. 100 1041 80 - ncss latel;y ca1·1 iG d o n bJ S . ll. Br.ad' 'OlUJl au~ S e- min.d Lu .. Sl'b 1 lmp o fl'llC\ 1 ?lleu- 1 l<eri t s fi( ( 1ucd. . . . . . . . · . . . . · . · 2 1302 00' sha w1 JS p1ep nred to sell every dcscri1)tio11 of t ll 1 111tl l1l 1 .; s i call nc :i pnci l .),lll 1 pC'd 11~eo t stol Saha g e::t on Fite a u ~ I nland J,fn 11ia g c clc . i nls o 1 Con su m p tion , l·~1 1 i lep SJ 1 LOS.3-CS u n<letcrnuncd . · . . 51 1 451 44 LADIES'. untl fit;:;i iDc1 u ecd by scll-JLl(l 11 lgc1l{C' 01 Be::i::ua.l l Other prop1 ·11 y owned by t hi..: Co. 25 19 71 88 ICENTLEMEN'S, e-x l1av tlgiL n cei - - - - -IVI ISSES AND JlTP11cc iu a sca,led envelope, onl.} G <.:cu ts $ li Gl 71070 34. CHILDREN'S '1'11e c el clirate d i LU.tl101, 111 tl11 i,j nd mirable LB. 1l_ §1 J ) , I rJr I I~~ · l~i:ISu,r, 0l1a1ly d crno n :-":t1nt es Lorn n tl11rtJ Je rn i> isucee ssful pract 1c-oi th~L tl1 e nlrum i ng Losse8 in1n o ce.s:t ofmljuebnc u b. $"135r~;:5-0 44 of the la test s ty l es, ndn.p t ed tf) th e sensoni lons e qu c nce ~ of scH-:i h usc lllilJ be 1a<l1en ll .) STA T E~tI·;N T 1Vb ich he is se ll ing c ured w j thou t t he 1L111 gcro ns 11sc of rnternal luOdHinc <n tlte np p l ication of the l,,_nif't, Of P1cmiu1 ns l l'C e ived and Losses paid CHEAP - FOR CASH. - 1: 1c , dur rn g each } cai suu.:ti tlrn 01 gnl:l ii; n tk1n of He also 1nanufr..ctu1 es to ordc l· o n the i1uiu lrn g out .t .11c d co f c u1 c at 0 ·1ce f'.11n ce rlu u1: ftl li.l 1 J1c:tLuftl , Ly iu.cn us (If w 1 1cL th(?. C oiu p.i rJJ , s li ort~st r1ot1ce, r.od fu.JUJ the best of stock. u-1 CI J ~ 1 dle1e1, n o ina. ttc1 wliut his co nd iii on J t-u'1ninmlS- ~ cceived. Lossef; pa id'. I T1'l1UNli:S, ni lJ Le, inaJ c u te l11111JC' li chcn.ply, pin a. V.:!). 1800 . . . r.. . . . . $3 7,887 40 $ 1o,788 20 .LEATIIEI~, aud !' cl J 1ca l1J. 18 0 I. . . . .. . .. . 8 0, 230 VO 46 ,1 90 GJ 'INDI NGS fir 'flii s lcctu 1c sho uld i n t he 11ands uJ l 8G2 . .. .. . . . . lG8 1 289 4£1 02,130 89 i\cND J < <: 11' 1.) ) Ut1i11 nnJ e t' Cl) rn,tn 111 the l o. n d. 1863 . .. . . . . . . ~ 56 , tl73 5 5 160,431 :JO Jf all k i n ds 0 11 hnnd 10 1 SiLle . Call an ll c.J: SeuL i ud. c l' scu1, n 1 t~ pl tHu Cn\c lor r. , to 18 0 ~ ... . · . . . 410 , 173 78 1ninc stock tt. ud i11ices. ~18 1 188 Oi a· 1 ri.dd1e:: s , po ,.. 1 ~ pu i d ou t lC ('J p t of «i x 1i-' G5 · . · ·· · ··. 770)8 11) 1.s { 5) 129 2 ~I i) 1 ce~ L : . 1 c 1 t"· o poH .slli. 11 1is , · Abu Dt. Cul- 18GG · . , . ··· · . l ,4 7 71 25"1 :d8 1,122,008 8() \~111dl's 11 Jl a.ri ta.:r e (J 1.1t'e ,"p1 1ce2 5 vcut8. 18G I . ··· · . ··.· l , 8LJ0 1 0 2 -, 01 J,131,935 44 TWO IJOORS BAST OF 'l'lrn J\d i 1~~ s lh c I-'uh!J::Jhr 1. R . YOUNG, OF~..., fCE CIJ AS J C. ELlN 1~ k Co., Age nt , Bofr"rua.n vi1Je. 127. B(nrc1 y , New Y o1h P ost 0ffi'2c box 4. j86. Jl'eb, £, 18 68 .. Howmo.n\ ,Jle, l\v-v t. 1., l EG-7. 15 . 1· .,., n_1r ,t'N & OlLB "l~E ll.~ l· ~1H· 1 ~ 1 1J.11 <1" ·o rn tl lf' 1ch'11 1u.:. ...!\.large ~'3SOr tiucut, 0- i11 every \'arioty, of I..iudic.s', Ge11tl1~n1en ' ::;, ~li sse,' uuu L;l11ldrc11 '!'lie l· <s t TU RllrNJo: WAT tm 1\"llEE1S, I ~1111 Gcad ng, &c ., &C' . S11 1>m·ior O"!< an<l 'l'""'""" JLcathe1· U11hbe.· l lcl Ung a nd P1·.iec ~. I W. H H~ BA~JJlURY· B()OTS AND SHOES of the latest styles, adapted to the scnson which he is selli ng .at his usual LOW PllICES. U o se.,nt Hedn.r;cd S ha fl iug , l'ullies nnd Unnge rs 1 P a tc w 1I nug c1s nnd Re lf-o iling Jl oxcai u nJ. C\ Cl; dcsc 1iritio u uf · H o also 1muufac turcs to order, fromthe best of stock , and th e most approved styles. GOO[) FITS 0 UARA~TJ<J ~JD . All orders promptly exec uted. Trunks and 1..-cathcr of' all kind> co nsL,10Lly on hand for sale. R emember the sL1nd-S ign of the llig Boot draw u by two horses, K in;; Street. Bo1vn>ovi l!o , May 3 rd , 1866. 111achincry & R ailway Sup1;lies, in stot e .tt th e Io" e s t 1utcs, Dr n,\ ing of Md ls 1 :ti lnchi nery nnd Pln.ns nnd Specihcat ions 11uu.l e and iI:for mull on g iv c u, t\t sl101lt'St n ot ice A Jnrgc stock of Ci1c11 lst r and ) Jil l Sn"' s of Best Make 011 lt1 1n<l, much bi:lo ,\' cosL p1iccs. 1 0 Fl'H'l&. 20 5 l'u1to11 S lt ct!l, Ne,.,· Yo1l, 1 I 205 lligli H ol bo 1n , L ondon 1 Engla.ud 1 441 1 St Puu l St 1eet 1 1\l ontic.111 C.1.nndn. lJ O\\lDtlll \J lk , S e11t. 5, 1867, Aye:i'°s Cllel'ry l?ectm:a!, l<OR 'lUJ.: ltAl' ! V ccrnt: OU' vol.11,17-1G5d. I BOOTS AND SHOES, I J \. entLit~g st.1 n d 111 g 0 1 l)111g tirnL~·1, O.! othc 1 \\ i ~ c abst1a c l1 n g ·" 00 11 f1om t he bu s h .,. XY n : nSON OR PBH30Nti FOl:ND I ~~l t .h ~n1~ ~~d~eu~~n~~ ~'. t1;)~~\l: :1~i(:~1t: ~f1~li~n~! [h .J&ecut c <l n cco1di n g ti; l n. t\ . 1 REMEMBER THE POST STAND r: .1 Y i'i r:o,1mn1,,11 k l::;t li No\. l HJG , r r;s . Notthrop & I ·.1mnn 1 Ncnc.\ s th' , On f:ui o , f. d<l by .J . Gcnc1 .:d }.gent!> fo1 ChJJadit . I-Ill!l!11J b ntlui111 a ud ll . B LuUi , Ho\\ u11, ~ \ill,:~· ,' nn d Ly Medicine De1l!c 1~ e°"c.1yw . .t t . l t1 ' '.' & .:: 1J:...1 t. n:. :- 0rr OFl~A M ENTA!.. t I1 l·t"\ ~IA1,\lLLl!.. f'R!N T El1 1 I ~ Ji Dv· Er R11sE J . ~ 1 I ,I

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