Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1868, p. 3

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- - - - -- · · - ------- FOR SALE, ROUSE1~LA.ND I'OR SA.tE. CtlJJTTAlfi<H~. l .AND B E l!Ot!sll AN.b LOT ON Rb UGOG St, 'l'H!E Bnnci{withio .frve min u tes walk of the Ftu'ni~ YI"TlTH 2~ ACH.I~S OF LAND. AT PRE~ 1nrc Factory. ApplJ' 1o l'f sent occupied by the Subs~ribc;r , iad(j l~O . MA~N. ,Jnining tbo Oorpor nt.ion, just East of th~ l1owmRn'vi1le 1 Ot t. 5t11, 18ti8 . 10-~'.Y· i CC'.111ettry. Ou the Land is a A · , - --~ ~ :Jti-:B ~ - --- -- -·- IT:tIRIVII\TG Young ORCHARD, For particul!trS a;pp1)' t.o '1'}. rl.l.iSV · .11 i'l'I S· c·AnTUTR"J"l"'1l::'i'lfl !'1 · Yt! · l\.I'll.i. Good Stable nnrl Driving Shed, Hard nnd ~oft \\rr.ttJr \Vells, lil,ud otlJl'!l' JmprOY\~mcr.t~. JUSIDPH JEFFERY, 1 BE ~·_ ~ u will [..!diver che ffr.;;t ofa ser ! c.~ of hi;; HIGHLY POPUL..:'!..R EF~ rerED BY IT! HISTORICAL LECTURES!in tlie 1 Rowmv..nvi1le., Sept.. 8 1 1868. 5-1.f ~~~~W~~1·:1!,S§>·""""' ti\! . !ll:~ ..!ll . S!!M~Lii~~L!!!O<~h~f!!Jli~~ I' 0 "\V N s lIJ"\LL, c T _ · - HOUSE AND GROUI~D For Sale in Ilowmanville. · brn-"torey brick bu'lding on O~tario StL·eeL: r1ca1· King StL·cet, with ground, liG '~ . 1fr~·~tfrontonOntarioStrcet., rnnni11gbnckG0 1 feet. B ui: cting 22 x 33~ containing four bed~ · . ,, roo1ur:: 1111 r::rairs, two large rooms on first ADllff:-iSrON 20 Cents. Ir3"" 'I1ckets n1ny , floor. wiL b an excellcr.:t cellar the whole size. b~ obt.11.ined at all the Store:;. [ f r;uildir~g- gooll wl'll tind ,rcol1sht'J.: ~e-cture to Com1nence at S o'c~~ck. ~~~7~~~~ can be seen a.t any time by appli- BOIY.llANVILLE:, ON 'CJ" :Ba~ "ll7'" ~ TJr'lrn SUBSCRIBER OFPERSFOR ~ALE TUESDAY Evening, Oct. 20th, ! Plf()rroGRAPHI f~;ll)' ~lffi~'ij·~gi~ ,~~~ lijU~~~Jlhi!~E~~~ :Q?@ ~@ QUE EN ELIZABETH," Important to Fanners 1 1 49-tf. , JOUN JEFFETtY 1 ]\in.~ Street,, R<>Wlnonville· --- - - ----·· - -----· ~··-- t n1tcd· Conn lies") In the County Con rt ·rhe nndorsigned has received instruc-t1ons iofN01·thurnberli11ul ~of th~ United Con_ nt.ics fron1, and Durh:'\rn. \ of Nor!.11111nbr.rland and FAR l\f _ s rr 0 _ to Sell by nnd breeders of c I(. I~solvent Act of 1864. To wit: :J'.1.IEJ{I£A. VE NOW ONE O.fi' THE BES'!.' SKYLIGHTS LN TILE PROVINCB ! I. ,.:; - --- ~ BG ·· ·' -' . ' . .; a ' -- -· ' . 1 () 11' T ET F~ - -_ --,=----.. . .-.. ~---·----· ---·~------ ---··--·- - -· ·-·-·~-·- -· _ _ _, 1t &. ROBERT BEITH', ESQUIRE, J Durham. J:in~oh'en>t. Ku. !lie 1.~:uitte .s: Gt~ .Ja.n:r1c~ Kei·r , au. ·· PUBLIC AUCTION ! at "Fairfield FarnL 1' Lot 25·, Hroken l·'ron1 1 D11r1ington 1 (four m1k::i. we.;L or BOWlllfLDVille. St.1Ltinn, by 13ase Line Ro:-trli on lii~ I: On 'l'nr:8da.y, the 'l'weritie1h day of October . 11 e xt, t.h0 111H~eniigned will apply ~o th~ .'.luid crn1rt fo t fl. tlts1Jbargo u11d~r t!;r. s111d Act. OR IIELODEON ! of the n1ost celebrated makers in America, go to O'HAHA'S . Thev are Agents for the best Makers in the United States HJtd Carmrla. tAtt. coons I The subscriber has much pleasure 1n at the Sign of the DD.ted ihi::; lOlh dny of Augusti A.D. 1 18G8. J".A~JES Tuesday, Octobo1· 20th, 1868. entire Flock of KD:nnl by R. 'l'. WILKINSOD", hia attorney iitl lit.rm j info1:ming hi~ nl,1n1erou~ . cu sto nicrs a:1 d th n public that his ~tock oj Dry (ioods rn now cornpletn in ever.r dcpart11icnt. A EE.ltU'I'I:FTJL .fJ-.SSO.H'I'J\ifENIJ1 OI' runE J,1.~u.·f:s·1·1;nt llUEEP ! A nnmber of High Graue DUBJclA:iVJ CA'I"rLE! and Insolvent Act of UlfI4-5. In tthe 1~1atte 1· ~in of .t~. :Eaa·g.as 3.3ec1;·., "tVEr,L-.IHIE<> Young nosrnJEs ! C O!\S I STING 0}' Inr~ r::·l"tt' -t~nt. IF' YCJU- ·vvAN'T A J j'IRB'I'-CLASS GO EN SHEEP. ou1i ST()CK is now complete in every department, and will he Rnld nt the Lowest. Pric(",; fo.t· Cnsh . D:.R.ESS ~ and~ Fancy Dress Goods, G·~OODS, Wool Plaids, rl'\Hll 1ue i:oiified th n.t he hn~ rnn/:e n11 tts::::ign- 0111\IJ[TOHS OF '!'HE INSOJ,V r::\T IN Popline1tes, i\ferinos, Cobonrgs, '.'Vinceys, &c., &c. 2·1 ngcd E>\08 1 l'.! Ewe Lnmbs, 6 J,ilmb~, 14- t:hearling l4\YCS 1 3 Hnrn .'5. l thorough-bred Dnrhrun Bull, l lligh the undi.::rsigtH:d Assignee ; ar.:i.t 1l1P.)' ri.rc re- R1un n1eut of liis f'SL'd.e and C' ft't:cl~. 1 under tll<t l:3l1e- n.rling abovc ...'\ct, t1ud D.1.nenclments thereto, to mc·i Dur:~<t.m . CHi~AP, get it at O'lTAilA 'S l IF {)Id, 2 High (~1·nde Durhrim Cnlvf'~: quired to futTlish mc 1 within t·,·:o 111c.u1t.hs frou1 Cows, 2 High Grr.de Durhnrn .Il(:ifel's 2 j·cttrs tLi::; dnt.e. wilh t.}Je;r cla'.rns, s;Jecify inp; the u\d 1 3 High Grade Durhitru 11 e i."t!rs l ycin ;:ecurily Ibey hold: if a n,1', n1Hl the ya':ue of Gnt<le D11rban1 ·g11;1, 3 Uigb Grade Dated ict Bowrnanvil~e, tllis ::l"inth dHy of ported" NcllH:rby, ' ·ll;d out cf his c<.: l e b~·:dud ~' ,Jt~ss., 1na~'f' 1 wl.iicb has tnken ~B fil'St prizes S e11tcmbcri _,\.. D., 18-38. Tl!();!AS OIJHI.3Tlll, -pruvineiul f:lnd local : gr;u1d-\:nrn "(i!r1 (1illci·d A">s gnec. 'i'-Dt. K'l.tc," y;hi;::h 1oc1k 2~ r·rize8, pro,·i;H~ial l:lt:U loc:1l, and never W115 bcoLkn. l ti n ~ t,,\·o )'L'ins ol<l li illy by" \\~onderful Lad," l y earling Gel11itig, liy" '.\"onilerf'1d J,cJ 1 l/' l ~m cking Golt by~· Roma.no Morg:u1l" rn1L !":f "Oltl . ,,.--;-: /]i', / i:i~ ,,.-:;:-"l!J ,.,..- 0 ~~ ~ 1 ]hdl," 2 " 11..ennet. ' Colts, I y t: ar old pnst, <;i,,,~ !.C'1~,/'(1i! ~~-·i Ir!)~~~ ! 1 l~lt'J\i.\(J'i·\~ {.\':;' ;h:!l},-:-:1ift'~ 1 from first.·clru; . ..; mnrf's, 1 ;-~nod h:i y Marr: 1 1,_1\1~· 1 · ~i Hit?_._·~ 1y#~V~t1~L)~ t~'ffl 1 rn:~!{rli!l>. ~ bt·own Hor1:t', 5y~ar~cld,1 aged Fann llors c , ~· · ..~~J/·t"]i1~/~_.....,. ·~!:/~/filr-i. 1 pure Freuch JL:.1t·e, 1\i yc1ns oJ,J, a111.l Colt §0.11.:-e.J·.i on: J.,~a rnJn}· ~.lon1· -~the 1nrrre now in foill by 'importP·:1 '( Si1 fr1 r .~rd ~ n. t 1 one 3 and the other 1 year old, sin·ll Uy im- ~ u r11; n rt. of TWO SUI' E lll1 ENT! llE: COLTS ! it; ~nd if 11n1F·, stnting lhe fi.tet) tLe whole 111.t~ s lr.!l undr:r o:~lh, w:Lh the YO l H.:her~ i11 Rll<'ll YOU \VANT Empress Cloth, Thibet Cloth, Marle Cloth, Crape Clo lh, clr. inl3. of !he very latest styles, an cl at abunt 20 per cent. less than . tl:c s·:_!llc_ p:i.tter11~ can be bougl.it in 1l1oronto-·()'fl.i\.TI. :\'S ls tho place. 'Ve nnport direct fron1 the ln1·grBt 1tlanuf11ctory in J:;uglaud , and sc-Jl at very small profits. FLO tJR ! ' !J u'l rH ~' . 500 Bags Liverpool Salt for Sale. Black Silk Velvets, Colored do., .\.... E Jf_. V E Terry :Silk Vdvcls-alI colors, M oss T :FJ E <lu., N S .. d o., l 1 ------~. . . ·- . .,. . , . ,., , , ,. . . .,. ,., , ., , ,=-·.,.,·=-=··= · ,..,.,====="""'===,,..,. --- - ······---~ -- · I 1" Mc{;LlJNG & BROS. YOU 'NANT ~1:,':~:·'1'," al"" " ,fin'c JOUllfJ li"rksliit-e h ued 'l'h; Sheep ar·c nll frnm E1rcs selectcrl an-' 1111nlly for t.hc pa ~ t twch'e or L:.urleen yenrs 01>1 of tho. b"t liod;s in t \JC Pre>vinec, fo·· \'iliit.:lt cx.trcnH'.y high prices were p:dd j nnd the proprietor bas no he3itftti~H1 in a1'::-;\~t·ling· tlint !tis sheep arc excelled by HO flock i!1 tl1t· l'ro...-incc of Ont,\do t,\kt>11 ns a 1\liolf' . !~ L r r i l1J ~- ;;1 ri j '\1 l) lJ ·. . ; ·1. . .!J 'D T.I ,t'J", Pl J.~..t>. i.,~ o~ DA Kl Fl fly B 0 0 . .· A .Li -'- T{" rlt the ](,\.,-est p1·ice. ' ,t·.; . . , 0 '" ·-L :7JJl C! ·,-11.1 i3.,."7 lit '!,_ ±:,j.!, ~111 E D N" . I) Ji.~ k , ' R It., 9_ k"".l Jc"'.. J... r _ r, ns us1ud, dr;-li·:en: d to pu,rls the town. ·t ~ 0 ) S Cheaper than you can Luy them anywhere else J. _ Jr A N t"...J ll Il.. ""<T A rr I 0 < ' 0 NT l. - E R '"\T l .l. ' r j L\, NOTICE. .Ar.I. PF.HTS rrn. r.: either by Note, Hook accounts or ollterwisc, rntu!t be paid a.t oner.. AU-wool long shawls, Paisley, ~. Vi oolen Shawls-shepherd &. fa n cies, Black Woolen bhawls. ··-····'-····-... ' -· -...... ' .... ' .... --· ... :·"····.. ··--~---....- O'HA.ItA'S ;, tire phoc t,o go. ' A FINE ASSORTM E NT OF Salo to Commence at 12 o'olcck, shnrp. J,LJ:RCll tlt 11 o'clock, i.\.~1. V I R"· A: F L ETCEE:H ( is still prepared to do all kinds of ·r AND 1£XA!&INE j}lJ_ ..i T .J ouri 11cc1,U:\'G & nnos. STOCK! 1,500 yds. Coloured Silk for Snle o.t ll 1 TArl . . .lfS'r En ~IA_NT 1 ES····TIIE .U Great ll11rg11i11. l\le!ton Cloakings, Whitne y Cloal,ings, Petersham do., ·waterprnof do., and Fancy and Colored. OlJ= We will continne neceiving Novelties ia F an cy Cloakings as the mason advances. IA Fine Stock of 'Txin1r~fng;-~f~li"DescriptX~~s. Broadcloth, \.Vhitney~, UTU 1-ll'. N! Cassin1eres, lWeltous, E ea·vers, B edford Cords, D ocsk i11 s, A Fine Sdedion of S cot c h, English & Cnuadian Twee ds. -- -- -- --··--- - -·----- -- - - ----- - --·· ·-· ·- -· ~----- -· -- ·---- - --- --- -·-·--·- -- -· HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. -~. A 11.cn~ ~-\fTE DESLRE Tt"l C,\LL .Al"l'i1:~,rTION V~ 1 ~/ lo oi:a i; U1.ick~ l'Y ~ U:·.; i n Drill.:; " \ Ye CAr\lADIA N A i'J D SCOTC H 1vntTnn t it tlJ 5ow \\.1\1~·~ \ J.:'·('. lhrkr, f)11.f,si P t·as itttd (}L·~-i.ss Scc<l t e:.:·er"11;an ~1:;y l,·,J:c::· Bo,.vn;.anville. FRA\TE D"il" ELLlNG, of .J1\n~ story n,::1d a half !Jig fllr !l.ith~ f'J1eap fo;- c;1sll. A good g1u:dcn ·w ith s c ~" ernl fruit 11·ce.i, A p p~y to IL\. It Vf: Y D-RA PER. Bowmnnvillr, Sept. 16, 18GB. TMtt:. 1\1' 30 FJ!:Hl\ Dr ;\1 mti.(1e. It. Ls now t1 rn ll'ndi r!g Dcil\ h: \1·it:1 qnttrtt-r t !1e UniteU S1a,tes; (·tOOO) fo ur thn u,;:and of' attnclietl 1 o·n Clrn; ch street cast, tllcm haY!11g lH~1; t1 hu'ilL i :1 C ·:ic (:s 1.:tl1lishmnnt in Ohio fot· tl1i~ ,;e:~·wn ' ~ ~4 arr ival of fall ~ ~r~ i)J ~ A) .AT THE EL E SICLECTIO N OF s - - - -- -· ..-·-- ·-· T t ;·;uli". Q11i\.~,tity sown r t' gulate>d Ly :t s.cn~w it; :" te.n.d of fl:('n:· y;-J;,~r:J R . Can bf": chflt! !.!: C'd in u. mom ent., nnd ju,~ L ns mnch or littlu ~c!iffct'Pl"C"~ m;~d:.: i;1 the sowin~ ns ma,y b~ rlcsi : '.'·. l . \V:·: ca:.i ship ~lL once; upon ;:en\ipt CJf (H'd·~i"S. Addr~sti, F. \'i'". GLE '..'-t 1 Executor, :(Ut:Tt )lli, lcS D..\CJ-: OF r;o Wl! AliY!LLE Ollrnr.-il. -the fronl. 111 1 1.,..1~~ of L (,ts :!"~o~.' & 1U 1 u~;hnwu. 1 .Ang. 20 ) 18G3, 3. in ' llie 5111 Cu11ce1':.~iou of Da.L·]i~1gton 1 -l50 - ~-··· --- -----··---------- - - -· FARM Y oirng Hyson, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Sonchong,Congou,Pekoe. /' ~ ~11.3 .. ~@ ·. @.' _ ·· ~~': l J\c rcs, ch~1trt:<l . bn1lcling3. ~;I Jaya, Rio Green and Roasted, c~ocoa. lifj i,v· 0 t 0ria Buildin gs." FANCY · A l::t:JEA UTIJF'UL } WOOL .- - - · - -- -··,.--·- ·-·· .. COOD S Ol· lhc front pnrt withoul ~L i i ~ Ttl~t\.IYI !P'fJJllITf'.~~, J?11111p s i ... 1 OF ALL D EtsCJUPTIONS. - -- --·- -·-- -- --- .JONESS. 4.-ir Rotary~ Po,ver & 1-Iar1d · - · ---- - - - - -- ------·- - - FIRE. P U :TV.LPS 1 _) vf Lhe Towu11l"iip ofDcirliugton, contni uing 158 Acres. For Price il.nd Tcrmi;, npply ] _)1,;r ,~u \,(IT Yo. JO Ii\ T!IE 7th coo-. PLUMBERS) A:-.'lJ c:Ai'. FI'l"J'l: Us: 'U OOIJ~. I Porto Hico, \rlio 1 ::~~tlc nn <i ne:t. ;til, by . A, Broken Loaf· f. F. hus just received and opened a (JG= - - ---- Gloves and Iiosiery in Great Variety.=00 to the Proprietor, GEOHGE "'IV .ASTJTXGTON, JUllN JJ. F CLLlm, ·.l.7 Dl~Y RTTIF.F.1', Ne1v York 0 1 yf~ s-sz~ i:~.,cr ·i:=":)s_ Standrnd and Golrle n Syrnp and Portland. ~·.\.: r;-."t~ .,. ~~i:;.-. yi. .. . ~w1· ! ~!@~![ _D1~~:_t,_l~ama-sl-{,_S~t1~ Linen. j 'l'apestry-2 ply all-wool, Union, Hemp, Stair Carpets, ---- - - - · - Cut. I'4 ~)~,T TI'f"' (;::J -'L. ii._ __) - _!l_ ~ 0 OF FANCY Al'lil"D S'l'APLE 'vfosca~ell Raisins, Layer do., Valencias, Saltanna::i, Currants, Frgs, ,Prnnes, Lernon Peel, Orange do., Citron do., !:'oft-shell Almonds, Hard-shell do., Out-slwll Almonds, i'Valnuts, Filberts. _ . A.f,5, '.l'll!!E l,ATE§'ll' NO'V.lilll~'~'I1lf:~ !:~ ~~~~-~~N~~ \ ". ! ~ j::J? Good 1 Milliner and Mantle Ma kers always in atitrndance. ...., ,,.._. ,,.............._, ................................ ,.... ,..,, .. ,,. RY suifaJ1!e f'ol' OODS: the Autt1n1n Trade. J. FOR YOUit STOVE S, WHERE Y OU W JLJ, FIND A J,Al{(JJD AND very Chc::i p \'r.rict.y of ~_.y ~~ l)'.'.: '1ll T -~ -~ ~ ,....,1 J[-.iE}; ~ ' ·' 1·- 9 l:tl Cassia, Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, R. T 0 -F: . - - -------- - CJ ]\face. Caroli~a,--1\;;~~11-;t;:;a, Gronnd:~· Pepper, Nutirn~v, CJ_jOT HING- JYIAl)E on the Slwrte~t r:ro ()llDER I i I Notice br 1\ND For W oocl or Coal. BOX lo ~t~Al.ll"S.-Toronto, Liverpool, Castile, Toilet, lloney, Scented~ u:J- Spcci·.d nttculiuu invited a Now and Impl'ovcd _ ., _ ._ - ----- -- ---· · - -- - - -. FIS EL-Round Herringr<, split do., Snlmou Tront, White-Flsh, Codfish, lVlackerel, Heel Herrings, Sardines. - -- ··· ··---- - ... . --·- -Baking Pow<ler, Carh, So da,"\>Vashing- do., Ba« Salt Box Black· ing, Tin do., Arrnv,r Ruot, "1lnm, Copperas,\\ihit~ Sulphur Horax, Cayenne, S altpetre, Shoe, Blacklc11d and ' Scrubbing Brushes, China Pipes, Corks, Pails, Tubs, Brooms, R ope, Cordage, Twine, Caudlev.,-frk, iVashhoard~ , Clothes Pins, Epsom Salti,, Castor Oil, Crackers, Biscui ts, Sauo Matches c;gurs, British and P rince of °':vnlcs Sauce, Preserved :B'ruft~.'Pioklcs ' l<Jsseoce of J,emon, do. Peppermint, Dome Black J,oad ]julls 1 J~ycB, ~YLixed Candies, Citrraw;;1ys, Cream Tnrtar Ilat h Brich, Indigo, Button Blno, Mustard i~ one nnd four p~und jars, Oanary Seed, Hemp Seed, Dried A pples, Cornn1eal, Oat1neal, .Pot B arloy, J~ggs, ButtC1·J Cheese. Glos,s, Oswego, Corn. Candles~-- Belmot, .B;;:-lmont Sp~ l:~, w;x, Tallow, l-,,-re-,n -c _ l_1. o 1 rn A .R ("' IT -'- .c.'· :" _; :-::...-. - s· l ver HIS ·s TO CIZ OF FITS GU ~A....R...:\_NTRED. I DRESS 'GOODS AND CLOTHS will he found the Suitable for Stores. Offices, Halls nnd Parlorn. CJ hoicest and Best Selected that he has ever shown, :and very Cheap. RE n 1\1 -~ l!! ~I"' '~II E that at the BER ' '"' ~J. r,rcLEOD hn.s rtdded n ~I.1in Shop in conuecti0n wi th the Stove Tiep:irtn10nt, and l1avi11g ~ecure<l. the services uf ~Irt. :J A3T.CS NOR\'VOR.THY, slrict attention will be given to :.ill ordcr1-l, and to the 111auufacturc of eYeryihing .in tho \iii~. -- ··-·------·--- - - ALSO, A LOT OF 'I' H Goods are Sold at the Stove Furniture, Stove Pip~s, Oil Cans, Eave Troughs & Tinware ' LOWEST POS S IBLE Ii' 0 R Of all kinds supplied Wholesale or llctml. OG=' PR~CES ~ LOWER THAN EVER! ·UH:l!. N ivgce;H<JoD. Newest Styles & Patterns in Carpets. f c .L'\. s I-I . ll:.J.rdw:11·c, Iron, Coal.~ 1 Pai.nts 1 Oilc;, (+lass, IIubs, Spokes, Cutter and Bob Sleigh stuff, :ind the Finch Cornish Shovel nhrnys on hund. The abov e g'oods w·ill be sold at low[ rates anJ imluce!llents oifored 1o cash-paying customers. I VICTORIA BlJILIHNGS, Bowp.1anYille 1 Sept . 9J 1368, t:*I~SSON"' Bowman vill!-~ 1 7th Oct. 1868. dt? Co· I O Gw. We1Hngton Buildin;;s, Bowm;wvillc, Sept. 30, 1868, I IN. n... ,The Chea.pest Cotton Bags in the Market' l f f. F. Mc,ARTHUR. Bowrnam·il!e Oc t, 1st, HWS.

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