Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1868, p. 4

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AND CIIINA TEA .UECEIVED LE VE .A. large :.ts~o1tu1ent, 111 cvc1y variety, of lJadic~'. G0ntk:n1cn's, \J isse~· and Lhildrcn BOOTS AND SHOES of the laV csl styles, adopted to the season which he io scl!iug aL his usu.d J,O\\' l'IUCn s. 1 A ·i NY Q UANTI1 Y 01' DRAIN TILES hom h'o t-o 111ne- rnd1('8 ttt tbe Oab.\\\a ASSt:'.l'S. .lfml,,,t liiluc. ~2115 1lc \\ 01 k111 ·J 1\ J!,SON. 51-Jm-1 d, ·,oo He'~], o 1h1nufoct111c" to 01<lcr,fromthe best uf stock anJ the most apprn,cd st·, Ir'. , G.) iJ i> F [ r ::l Crtf \~t I.NT I<: t·:D All 01·Jc1s pro111ptly ~xecuted. T· unks and J, ,,_;tlm of all kLnJs con.tatil>y on h.rnd for sale, IL}" Sold 01 :J'l,J74 ltOi225 ,8~1 w. t'.>!r il'l Caoud.t , Hl)950 00 161900 00 12,000 00 in l'acld:ts WHsl C'a.1n1str.rs by the Coni11auie'a ,,\:g1n:its 1 1u e>ery Cit) nnU Town tlow·nanvillc, ;1Iuy 'lrJ. ISG O. Rcmc1nber the sbnd ~S1g11 of th" lJi;; Boi>t draw1' by t"o horses, King Sheet. vol 111~ 1 ,, , , I- Li.Ju. 11,468 Ge MARK embrac1::ig 1liorut·gh .Dnt"S n1nJ Hrr11nohy 1 BO vVl\1A~ VILLE, -Mr. T. Dl\.RLWGT~, t:i. t he elen1c:'.'uts of C( mposition He 1s also prepo1c<l to tune ntul rcpnn P1ttU0:9, ncs1dcncc-Oh1nch Sticct, 'Enst 4'5"'-t f. r.m. J,IA BILI'l'IE!i. ~Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments r,0<scs rli'l'rdcc"1l &fadJnstmeot. $8~,B;o ·H 1 'l'.r\_IT. Ol~. ~f\IHIN1HN I JUDlCJOUS ·1s ONE'OF 'IRE SUREST AIDS TO NE"' i,;:-;;'J' S'-1'YLT<:S!. }'l_ '-- sr_,pprJY 01·' I~uch lidc - ~n d sold Tnr~: cc .:1TIH\TJ!j D Li111e kll t i.:Ol1f;lallllJ on ~itlr:, C HF \PBf{ ti an any other pli1c~ 'BM!~< paid. lil0 1 788 JO ::.:Jo,973 470,!1'3 78 77111815 t:i8 1,~ '. i,?"S1 28 l 11::!80J0 :: 5 01 11G,190 n,130 I cO 43 l 278,489 451.292 1 122,DOS 8UCt!S8 tN iusrn1ss ri · FRESH CROCIERIES !I ~ -·I 63 av Lnne-houao 1 Scubog 8tie'ct1 Bo\' mnnv1ile . - -4.. - - 1R(\6 VETEtilNARY SURGEON. \ rsGi · · · J, J ,SNELL, ORONO, ON:J.', Jlcb . G, -""-~--.-- - --- - -- -~ D,\.SSEl"i' & DRO,\':Y. 1s 1 i""··· .. 30 0I 90 811 1,lJ'l,&05 11 R ' YOtrKn, Agent, ISGll' HoYlmiun~iltc. ---- BO.i'.iE. .SP A VINS, &c., &c. -W-YLLIE Ifyou '\vi:Cnt the public to cull and inyour t1oods, give the'fi'l an 'invihlfio n to tlo so. By ~pect I CROW FOR ALONE! Orono) ~ frirct1 10 1 1Rt R. advertising.} ou will reac'h :i'l! cli'lS'sf's ']nthe'!host economic mnnner, and with little trouble to 'rtinrneff. Send ont your invi tations weekly, and the recipie nts will call on you when they re quire anything in your line. H T I P .. T O P Boots ~ J:1oes ! SCIICJOL BOOKS, l\fA RBLl~ ('lWCKl~HY, PATJ;N 1" }JEDIC'INE ::l, ~{(;~&?,~[~~ """" N D ADVE'RTI'S'E 11\I '['ILE I ~r:t·Ar{'E>SnlIAN !" p AINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, 8ic., as Cheap a> any othe r IIollse ia the County. TEA PARTIES got up 1u supcucr ~·~ l{\ , ana oilier CAKES THE POET an invitation. All kinds of Job Printing exeeuted in the neatest manner and at lowest rates. 01 de1 s by Jfcul promptly altended lo. Support your Horne Paper, and keq'> poste<l m home Suliscribe for thf'" Statesman," $1.60 a ) ear. "l'BE 'B'.ES'J'? THE BES'J. ! §..}"""The Hc st B1cncl 1l1 111crcd lo nn partn SIGN OJr TI-IE GOidDEN ANVIL. Iola orgoud The nevv Series of I'eading Books, il utl,orizerl by ·th e Council of Tnstrnction for Ont,11 io. er's anCl others sup]Jlicd <1t Toronlo Pnce s. ~of .1 i to"' n ("C"Y rl<l .}, ~unc~):; cxccptt-tl . T. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ca. I fB.A.R STAPLE D1~L t,lts 1 GRODFRilS, find Oakes, " :..Lk::):.i'c .tud P.eh1.i1 1 Cben1 er than ~·'Cl' Cn~ h JH'lld CouJ't~ ctio11'~1 ,. SELECTED OF SI-IE LE' 1\...KD STOCK TIE~,\_ VY 1ern1s ~!n-.tly c~~h N"o St'cond Pru:t· 4 l - 3rn o ·Small Profits & Quick Returns,' 12 our motto 1~:,?"~f;' 'l:l for Butt~r, nn 1l Po,d lrJ . JU:A~:HOOD : t".::T No1e t l pl.1ce- Uow J.o!!'f; Jmoi'! Ucistorcd. J MES WYLLIE, Cotni:r Kiug & Sth u Stn;cts 1 CHEA COR Just Published. KEFl> YOUR FEET DRY AND SA'VE DOCTOR'S llILLS. L:.:r ~ A t:::> _r:v D -.;:-,;;-r V V ~ A_ L::l ...C:V E , ER STORE! OPINION 8 U IT ED ~l:trav11gn0(.:C, 1!:1"" P11ce 1u a. scaled e11. ol ope 1 only P~ssn f1 c ~ 1 n'f:s The ...:e!cbritted r.uti:or, iu tl115 ~)dm11D.blc clc111h dEmonsllfLtP~ fron1 a tllnt,· iea1°;:s11ccc55ful p1Kr t1cr , ll>at the nlarn1111g I (Onsequcncc~ of eelf-nbnsc rna 1 be rad1cn1J~ cured without lhc dange1 ou s use of Pitc · n.tl med1c1nc or the appltcatior. of th;, l\.n1f1;" , po1uting out n. ru(dc of cine at rJnce s1mplc 1 certu1u nud ('f11 ctual, by means of \'i 1 1cb wH BANBURY ~- &c., 1 , &c., &c. during the remainder of the winter season! PUBI.1IC We wouM beg Ito call ;partreu)ar 1vNep.tion to om ~rock ol I H !I 11 ~\ VI!'\G BOUGHT OUT ·r)I'E ness lntely i.;:i.ri 1 nr:sr- has fully .iusllfi(·d tlw ori~inal irle<1. that at the " Corner Sto1 e" yoll con Id get ~very s~ffeii::r, nc mntter whRt his 1G""' 1'hi.:i lectt.ro &bould in the 1~11ndt:i of MISS~S A Nb C!verJ JOnthaud e ·p.:1J rn11n 111 the land CHILDREN'S Sont uuder senli 1u a plo.Ln e11\·elope 1 to any ud<lre.ss, po~1 - pa1d, ot1 receip t of six certf!, 01 t w o pof.lt flUV«ps, Also, D1 CulTerwell's "~i11,l1t11ge Ou1Cc 1" puce .lb 1.;cnts of the latest st) loai ad:Jpt-cd to the season, Adl resa the P llb lishcr \\ h1 ch he 13 selhug CHAS .r. C . KL!tiB & Co, 1'2'i Dowery, New Yolk P oot Ofh~e box 458 6, CHEAP FOR CASH. Ho also nH1.nufo.c lures to ordPr o n tho ·r.1x1<.: DES'.!.' ~bo1ttst notice, e.n,l f1om the !Joatofstock. ann rAl1 1cally sh aw, 1s prepnred to sell CH r y dcsclipt1on of~ may bE', may cnreh1m1Sclfche'1l'lJiPrl\ntt::lj, LADIES",, c ond1t1on rn tl ou hy S ll Brad- SUI'l' J~D, 1'\...N J.) \V li: LL C.£1'(f(.£ME:N'S, Jf.u""'m .. '""Yn COVV L~. STOVES. LEATHE.R BELTING1 RUBBER bowrnanville, D ec. , 18G7. BOOTS AND SHOES, TURPENTINE, {)OA:L OIL, SKATES, do. COUGH MEDICINE ' I'.'¥ ~·ll:E '\l'"O.RLD._ Dr. J odin's French Cough Levers 'hlO 1lcl he rn501 tcd to 111 rill ca1; .. ~ nf TRUNii:S, l:_.EATI·IER, ~ND FINDINGIS if .lll kinds en 11and Joi ~a,e. Cnll nn<l es mine stock und pnce:i. LACE I.EATHER, RAW AND BO!t'.f<:D Ot'.r.. ,-- &o.. &e., &e. ( OUGHS BRON! Ill r r.:: 1 ( ( · BltL \ 111 ~\ND ~\L,I. DISORDb~:S 01 ' · ff B 1'11ROAk'A:'.\:DLUNLi~ 110\HSl~Nl.SE.' C,\TAHHH, .Dt-i (\ f3 ] H 1\I \ i;:11on1 NLhS or REMEMBER THE P,owmnn\ .d ie, Nov 5, 1807. STAND G-C>L:O 15 . ly T\10 DOO!lf: JJAST 01' 1llll TIEGO\JMENDIJD \\!TH ~onfitlcnc(' to Mnuste1si School l'cn.chets, Public Spenke1s 1 .:J1nger,;, Auctioneers, kc, The Cough Lozeng~x ~o nta1n no Opium 01 any otbrr tngtc-1.eut llrn.t ~ 111 1' dr.} up n f\ cough and thus ttnpeul tho ppt11..1nt 1 they rl'lillY \Im BLACKSMTHS COAL KEPT CO: STANTLY O~l HAND All of which 'vc J' ~ To be had for tl!'c d~gging, and will be fuund "\t;Cllcnt 1n aoot!...1ng untat1oti.. RE J\'IOV AL! Sign ot the (~olden 'r!!STllVIONIALS. JUortar. "ill sell as low as any house rn the trade. But that is NO'I' THE SOLJ_OITED. !8 will furn1;-;f1 the l'l< K~. E3T OF I 1) \i D.STO'T"T' A CALI~ EoiPf, <)H'TI L L¥ .i~.'iOUN('Ei'.iTOIJlS num~ru·1:B cu!ltome1s, aud tLo public 1u gcnC'rn1 1 that he ba11 removed to \he G-OLD if you wi ll ouly wo1k H U V Er: fo.0 N l il 0 o Y :::\.C[ w1-~-: , it; and lw re i:; HOW TO DO IT! 1" M Bowl'n;tn~1lie,So~. i:!-S lh 1 !SGT. CAS'I' S'i'l:lEI- P § O"\V._., IIill'· l'atent, ( the beet in Oanad.1), or Dr:orrsi Mc di: clnes., L_,_~NOASI-IIRE EitlPI RE '10 :i ~)It 13, CitAl\G PZ.O,V, CUil, ~ . !l'A'!'OR, Jfl>OJl,l,!EH, J Ii l L "' 1s to certify thrrt I hn"o nscd Dr Jod~ J:'i:cnch Co ugh Levers'\\ 1th good effect, _A . UA}.JP .EELl. 1 "'eslioyn.n . ,hn1ster, . :i l:'Ohcmicals, Patout ::\[edit l 1e1J 1 D) c \\"oods> DJ e Shifts, Paints, Oils, Drqs,hes, Lamp s, F1el<l and Garden Scedg 1 INSURANCE COMP'Y, , Now go fo v;o1k and . 1 1 N.i!O\~DE llg & RflliiPIER 'l' !!H~&<;~H I Nf· llli<:SU\il!~, b·'Al\'l'tHNC,t !lUl,J,, !11'i'l'm~A \'W d.'U'l"I'ER. b a n1ty, an(1 ft \ ( 1 r f"U JH11d 1:-id cred1t,1ble person, uncl I nm confident th tt I u rn Shfe!y I von"h ro 1 the t1 11lh r.ttbet.OO'"c,01 au .) uLlier ~t~ttement n1ricle l,y hiln U"c tLcn1, ,ind "(1.hc:n th:>-y 1\ant fixing bnng- thcrn to nie and 1 h a ~ c taken Dr 1od1u't, Ftench Cough Combs,ar., J,c\crs, (\lld mucll p ete.t· thein to a.ny otbei be shall be n'Lle to ofter you still grea.te1 ·11 tlt~t l have ever used 1 l clncomcnts to favor hun with yon1 ordeu1, G H. SQUlRN. 'Y'csleJa.n ~hnister, j 'l'b11nk1ng iiii::;cv'3tomersfor psstfavors, h\. bopt:::s, by o.tt en111111 tG then rcqnircmcat9, to 01:.1.li..eliey's li 4·1·1 nifu ge (JaJ!ldlcs. ensure a conl;.1llua.ucc ot theJr patronage. l'lo':l'Cuw c rn1dt:11 Dec 1867, Perfumery, $10, 000, 000. R. k H. (l'ffARA. lla1ket Duildings, Bowmnu-.,; ille . Bowmn.bvil1e, Nov~ 21. I'll1cpai1 them; an8 if yon dont ra ise Big ;\uggcts then doh't call me l>!eads any longer. l ain't done yel, for I IJcl\C µ:ot ; J\.f 0 R T J S l. N G JY[ A C I-1 J N E S t 0 pa.hies 1n e.:u...:.tence. One of the be$\ Eaglish lusurancc Com I · 17. H. & II. 0 !IARA, Agents Fite Do·. !Uol'se's lmltan Uoot Sugai' .-;oated JP!Hs. Ill- REMEMBllR 1'111!1 S l'A ND I ..DJ Brnncb. !MILL CA&TI~- G'~ PND JO ~ I Any thiug se 'an( ]] I ""l "[ J d 0 .rour SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAll. lr-,_'t" 'fowN R.&.1,L Bt11LDlNGS "'1V. :El., C Li X: 1\11: X E, d~c w l'1K, TIP TOP I in my line. i\ ow "Go in and win." - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -DI B r:i ymnnvtll ~ 1 A}H'1 l '.:! : 18G!'" PL.tiff lit. ORNAMENTAL PRINTER "STATESl!A:!\., OffH;i=: 1 Bo¥. l.f..\~\1t.tlii . VT. It. OLlllIE, Agent Life Branch. Bowmnnvl1!e 1 lfay 29 1 ll:!G7 . j J . '\V. NEAD1"5. ~ B1ing on your OLD JRON, JJlfASS and COJ'.Pl!JH. "'!i:>!1 tlownia"n!lc, Marc!. 1 1, J8G7.

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