Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1868, p. 4

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1f Lot No . 12 in the tliird cunces:sion of Dni.'lingtun i {5 HCt'eS urc cle:ued, tand !> acres ;n bush. 1'lle1e is a nict creek runs t hto111.gh tl c a·-in:e. 'fwo go od Barus 1~nd a Log D·,yp1Jing li ou :i;e uu tLe p 11?1~sra i a.lio a good Otcl1iq·d in full hc:uing. l·'or te1rB.s a!pply to \YILLIA.\1 HUCKBN, on the fa rm; Ol' to R. YOUSG, llow manville. June 27, l~G7. 4Stf A GOOD PARU in the vic inity or Bowmanvi ll e, b':'ing the son th- ,H:st qu sr ter ·~ BARG ..\.INS · ' I .-LIME! -LIME T T ' A ..c..'-l. SUPPLY OF Tirn CELEBRATED Rocbdille Lime kept constantly ons1t.le 1 and sold CHEAPER t!:an any other pluce. Liwe-house 1 Scugog Street, B'>wmo.nville. fil! t;f .J ti s 'J' REt.:EIVED A '.I' '--==-- ------~ =---- LARGE BRICK TAVER AND z E ~lisseH' E ·V .A. large :;i;sortmcnt, in every variety, o! Ladiea', Gontlomeo'~. and \JluliitcJI TWO S.TORES Foi... sale in. Oi·ono .. BAS~E'l"l' & BllO,\TN. PLASTER. And A.U erupti<np~ of the skin . Rend r.he fol· lowing: P ioTo N, C . W ., Nov.18SG.-Th1' is to certi fy that my wifo si;:al<lcd her foot bad ly i she used Do!Hlelly's Pla.ater, a nd i t herd ed it ap very quickly My son, G B, Do nga.11 1 nlso use<l it for a bnd cut on the knee, s.nd it saved him from h!\viog a. btiffleg , , ,.:, AARON D. DOUGA L[, , Lt. C:ol. lGLh BMt, P. E . Milltia. Ptc10·, C. W., 18GG.-l Lc1·c1'ycertifythat my ion bl!.d a fetl.rful sore leg, 'o much so that tbe flesh foil off ant! l.:t.id the bone quite bare. 1 co mmenccU usin g Douncl1y 1s Pl!\3· ter1 and in ll abort tme it cured n1 e co mpletely. I st:-ongly eiioe,itueud it to all su tfcring fl om a.ay eruption of th" skin, ae I hnve seen lt pto\o·ed in all eases, llRA~CIS OWENS, ex-1\Jayor. to coritraet fur tbe e:-ect1on of any des· eriptio n ofbnilding, in to"D or country, on ~he very lowetit terms, and ist!.lisfaetioa rcun.rl\ nt ee d , HOUSE BUILDERS I - -' f'HE UNDERSIGNED .ARE FREP.ARED I -, BOOTS AND of the rates! styles, 1 ~SRO ES ,,,0 HE SOLD CHEA<' ANDONRE.~OONab lc te 1ms 1 a three .:;dory Brick Tav~rn, nd two B1H:k Sto 1es 'I'hcy an"' all iuoiul hk1cl., a11d 1uc s 1t1wtcd iu th~ tbri\'i a g YilLlge ofUron(l, :u the County o f Dur4a.w aud kno\\ n r.s tile :. Cnm~rou Bloek.ll 'fh.· 'r 1 iv.. r n i.5 we11 known as tl.e "Nor th Amerir.an Holl·L,11 1~01 fu ~·Lhl"l' ad~pl·d t~ the season which he is selling at hi~ usual LOW PltIUES, BASSETT k ,BRO,VN. BowmanYillc, Oet. 16i 1867 . . He also 1u 1nufactures to ordP.r, fro111the best of stock, ;ind the 111ost npproved :style~ . All orders pro tu ptly exeeuted. Trunk, .111d Lcutl> er ol all kinds constantly on hand for salo. 0,00 D_' F [ '['$ GU :\ ft .\NT El~ D. pa.1 ticula1s aprly:( if by lot1.e tJ... A CERTAIN CURE FOR F~V ER S.'.1res, Ctt.ocers, Burns, Scu.ld!, Felo ns , 12-ly. . Remember the ·t·nd-Sign of tho Bi~ Boot draw:o by two nor!1es. King Street. -r ' VALUABLE PROPERTY - ··-- - - - -- lh" >l·nville, :11ay 3rd, 1866 . vol.11,17-165d. Great Bargains will be given at the 1 FOR SALE! I sr. !~~~--~---------j e.Jst-paid,) to JOH N, H. 1nYTC.ITESoN, I CHEAP - Co RN ER STORE! - during the remainder of the winter season! rrHE undersigned offer& for sala the follow · ing \'Rluable Freehold Prnperty. viz: ' The house 1tn d lot ttt pre1u·11t occupied by him. in the Yillnge of Hamp to n, an d four quart~r .1ere lots in other p11rts of the same village . A l~o, 50 acres of land in the tuwnship of Son1erville; being the ij! outhgel\S t quart er of lot 6 tn the Oth oo nuesillon. For pnr<ioul·ro up. ·ly (if b; letter po$1·poid,) to the undersigne:!, E, S. FOWKE, Hampton P . 0 , 43-tf, June 2T, 1867. AT I r11 : OL D };· ~TABLl>.IBED , DRL'G ~TORE ( I.ATS!! ' 01<. B1 RV·S.) May bo hod at D. Stott'· aud J . Higgiubotb.un's,' BOwmucnllo . 89 -!J PUBLI:c OPINION R REMOVAL! It E lU 0 't' A L! J . HIGGINBOTHAM, OU LD moBt respcc t fnlly t en der h is sh'1·~ cer~ t h1\nks to his uum.c ro1 n f'ti eodr · an J .::us t ome1s , R!ld to tb.e p11bl1c f{Cller.afiy ~ for the ve1y libernl suppo rt be Ras receh-e'd. '7 \' has fully justified the original icleii, that at the AUCTION BUSINESS. AVTO B!ST!OP, Ac CTIONEER, . BEGS Jeuv'"· to return hi;i sin cere th.tnka fof , vel',V libe.rnl pa.trOt:rn.gc har eto for~ exte nd· ~ ie-d to bim 1 s.nd would 1}.lso ii1limate that be ta 1ti1l prcpcued to attend an.lcs whenever requhed, o u 1e11soua.ble le nn s. .All orders left ~·t h· S1·u&g>riN Offic· will '1" promptly ~ attended t o. Bowwantille, S'Cptembor JS, ucGT . 8. " Corner Store " you could get JSAAC WESTCOTT sin ce his Comme ncin g 1a bus iness : and bopea SUITED, AND WELL SUITED EGS TO INFORM THE lliHAlllTANTS of Bowm!\nvillc and i urrounding r.011nt.r1 th:t t he hns ~ , ~ . ' .. INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY. --~··· - ----- RE~fC) VAL I Sign of tbe Gohlen 1'111.oa·t:w. by continued strict persona.lri.ttention to Lusi· tHH!s , an<l offeri ng nothi ng but the pureRLBrtJ_ .. cit>~, at tlrf YJlOS t reAsonable prices , to e n ~.., re n conti nu1un.·c ofpublicpn.t1onRge. ~, ~ F;, "Y'. CO-VVLE. Bowmanville, Dec., 1807. KEFPYOURFEET DRY AlfD SAV~ _ DOCTOR'S BILLS. ENC LAND! j FRANCE AND AMERICA I AVING BOUGHT OUT THE sr;s10ti6S lately cArriftd on by B B, Bra.d .. t'b.1uv 1 111 pre pa.red to eoll c' ery descdp\tou of ~ive the boe t satisfaction ~em ovcJ URE AND GEN,lJJNE TEAS, OF S PL END ID N A'rUfiAL FL.A VO R lllPORTED . ~"' well-sel ec ted: stock Or TAPSON~ <!i r.c;otfra<n t~.·.Companies Plan1a1 ions in .ASSAll, aud un too s lo pes ~f the HWA- Corner Store in the Town Hall Build'gs DRUGS, !Ile/ ara \rep f\.red to do all kinds of work in LAY.<\.S, 'blendf? d with t· he th esi p-ri0duc la ot CfJIN A. ' 1.oe1rlinr: 0 tbnsinesa, such as forme1ly occllpied by ~Ie ~sr~ R . & H. O'Hnrn, CH EMl C _ \LS, ONLY Tw_o QUALITIES, vi ),\ ,: 70ct s. o: $ 1 pe1· l b., ei th er BLACI{' 1 GHEEN, or MIX E D. \'i here he 111Le nds to ca. 1ry on ~he Drug llllSi· PATENT i\IR DICINE S, Unggies , Wagons, Sleighs, tut· Fine Household Tea, comhiuing Streng t h and Fltn'or, 70 ce n ts pet lb. ~ ne~s in all its brauc hes jf'.nd b:i·devoting hi~ BRUSHES, COMB~, ters, Drags, Finest procurable., . ........ , , .. , .. . ....... , . . , . l d ol a.r pel' lb. at tenti on stri clly to it ii..nd SI!OULDf:R-BR A CES, RArrows, a.nd Ir:on O ulti'\"1.1.~o.rs tJf All ki;n.f]_a, ' SUPPOt\ 'tERS, &c. 1 &-i:. 1 Horse Shoeing pa.rti culnrly attended tO. t:J-Soild in Pn-0ke ts .and Csu.n1stets by the Corupanie's A gc n!li .in c\-ety Cit1 anel T@wn JO" IN<CREA!LNG HI§ §'J"OCili. OF kept co,istnnt!r on hand . & All work ' wa.rrn.nted. Noni;, but t ho in C&u.1d.,_, o the premises form e rl y occ0pied by tlie late T. Brawa, Bro\\'ll Street, when.1 in conjun~ tioa wi , b B.EMOVE.D W LLIAM D.ST O TT HOME DEPOTS. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. .... Y 23 I l) E~Pll OTFT)LLY .~ NNO CTNCESTO HIS Cana d a Depot, .i.10. ' I- Ospital St ,, Montreal I \. n um ero·u CllS torn crs, nmlthopui,)lioin geur1n1. thnt he bar to li be J. II. ·vu111U cnll so ccin.l attention te hi1 ve1y superior st ock of D~E STUFFS, - P \\ hich a.re su re to I ' :fcry bei!!t wo1kmcn employed. Mr. Houston Stott ,..ill do tbo pai11trng for tile esta.blisll meitl!t. AGEN'.L' FOil W. B. BANBURY H ES AND CHILDREN'S 1oll1ug Thanking the pu blic for past f nv or1 1 and hoping lo merit. a sb ltre of their future pntrotu.ge, he would beg to solicit a. call before eXl\miniog a l s e~ ll ere. Bowmanvillc, No .... P, lSGG . MARKI BO ~Y.IVI.\ ~' "VILL E, :Mr. T. DARLINGTON, 16 6m. Drug:$71fcdic'ne3 , . . C hom ic al ;i. ~ P~\tent 11cd1c1n cs, DJe \\ oods , Dn~ S tuth:, Paints. Oli s, Br,13hes, Ln.-mp'l. f'u~lll nnd Ga1 de n Seeds. P:\T~-1'S, Y.A.llKISIIES :c..s - ciJtO R8, nnd \~'HITE LEAD at tlle <H'J' lowest p .. ! ccsl IIor§le & Cattl e l\:Cedicines 1 I 1 \YBL LI;i GI'ON ~UILD}Xg.--. Ptit f u m01\' 1 CotTlLs, ,"{; (' I l ' LAD IES'. QENTl.EMEN'S, ~==-: ===::::>:==================-"'-"-'"' · """"'° -"'-== -~==-="""·"-""'-...,-'""" . .~ . 1 he shall b~ a bli:: t.}O,ift'r j"O ll ::.lill g 1en te 1 'll j i1~vanl~ [.;t' Ollt' te1rns. rl.uceni1:nts tot q: o, 11 1!'1 with YOlll order:.;; , Th ankiu.g ~ s-c. o<;tome is foi~ fJ~ stfaYors 1 Ii . _ lr:J'"" ftememUe1 theol.rlorigin1\lstand 1seo,1:14 l111nes, 'by ~tte1111on t c tl <:!1 r ti.H1 u 1rcn1~n,.1, to ' doo r eH·:i u f th . Out1u10 , Bu.nk. ('.~~-.;.i..t te a c<' nlit 1 l'.1nce oftheit p11Lr-011_ag~ . BntT 1 n 1 n ,·i Jl e, l~n ~t1~t. l, l R,"Jri. I I N n -Cnnut ry S lorekceper! 1npplieQ ea ir.T A 'I' rr IT E ~.2~!~.1~~~t.~1~,~~~!.· !8!!{@~ 0 1· wb1ph he ~ 1~11W¥lf'IJl,~'" :M(· I SIGX OF - P.).~ \tE)f.DJ~H TH ,b; R l'A ~ D 1 41 'l'HE GOLDEN MORTAB :-; H,u.r. r:e1r.01~as. ~ ~- Tn~' I ------- - - -- Arri : 20, l it14. ·-- - - - Sa1$sapa1. -illa AYEJ:.~:s CH EA P F 0 R CASH. ITe also manufact ures to order on tb" 1ho1 tt"3t uoticc, and fl OW tho be3t of stoc.k. has jv .... ,.eceh-ed another lot of those TRU.:'i n:s, LEA'rH:E&, 4;.:;:>iD ;":E"INDIN GS ,( e. 11 kinds on i1and for Ba:e. mine st6ck and pric~s . Celebrated 1ndia and China Teas! which are in such high favnr in England, France and America. , Those magnificent Teas posPess ~;lli,iJ,., F1·iiie!d Fi tle, Pl' a b'1d\' .1. ill r ', S pe nr ·n T?i!lt' , Bal arJ Hitlr, R!MEMBER - THE STAND 1 5 11 _ REAL BRISKNESS AND FLAVOR: ! combined wiih Color and Strength. ... TWO DOORS BAST OF THH OFFICE ~---'--~~-'------_ · -.----------- I I ! I . " ~ r,;j;'j>;, (~\ '{ ' i'\' eompns<1t1 (I mak4 ·. ' \~'it!~ <.t ~J i'l DARLINGTON can supply Darlington with ehoic!l Crean and Insolvent Act of 1864. fa the Couoty Oonrt or the Unit·d Coun L i· · or Nor thuwberlnnd Rnd Durhlim. of OntAri1 1 / Jn the ma.tter of United Counties of · CB.A S. A LLIN, Nor thnmberlond & Dur- j An lcso!,-ent. 1Jt1m : TO WIT. On Moud:t ~· 1 the 11th d.-.:r of FcburarJ , next 1 th~ undersigne1l wWI apply to the J n.1 g e (lf the sa id CJu.rt for a. discba12'~ "nder the 11bove Act. D:.ltod a t Newciutle) tllis 11th day or Deeembor, A. D . 1~67. OR A RL F.S A LL!lf, ~o . Black Teas at tlie very lowest Montreal prices. A T RIAL SOLICI*l'ED } fla ir ' Pr~ vince F'low~r 1 I i ~t \ ' I '· H B LE \:V HUI\:~~. " \1 ~1:" B O 'l>Y J'JJl.ANVrLL.iL·:. NY l'K ROX i n tendi n g to ..":·ect F::Lhtt Monu!'. e 11 tn 1 O r-i··f' S ·one ~o t;h~ mPl.111JrJ of d('; u rtc1l f1h·~,n.1'1 wt1 l find t t gre 1itly to t h ·i1 - "J 11 adui11t.1 g f> Lo c d~ tPd compate Work, Pricn&\1,ualityofMarbk I 1 " itli n.1 1v 11fl'et"'tl 111 Cr.n uhi \\'C'st. " e gpen.l.. I W HOl!E S.4:\l E 1\n.1: iliY .. I) n a. ."ihnnng a, s.i. .. :n g of at liJi,F / RETA ll. 1 -lf·W.Jh"i'. ·i':t £\EJ! w:,x J' £Oc:"SALL & so~. I , j !Ow. po r R . 1'. WILK!N~ON, his Attorney nd Litem. I :N"OTICE. 1 OT !f'JE lil Im REil\' GTVllN, THA 'I' .l. the Uilec tors of the Onta.1i o .Bank will ~n ak~ application at tho present f-ession of t he Pa1 liament of Oana.d,,, for a.n Extension at itt Ch a rter, 11.nd for ~.!m.en<lfll1:1Uls t.h,retp. .-ONT,A RlO BA!f&', N THOS. BASSETT I &e n llJ. LIFE IN A PILL BOX. ::Extraordinary Effects FlWM at !ow l L - "l'('<' ~ ,I ·" " 1"· -~MRS'. !fS pr.-·p1:t l'(' f] Pinrde to,s:. c_ aouN SALJ.. JOHN ,l\:leLEOD. Wellingt on f1niJJin!;"·· Bowmanvill e, Uc:t. 17, 1SG1J· MAGGI EL'S to ntt<?nr! to \1illin ~ ry tuid Straw "t\6-rk, fi.S u::>11a1. Ln.<lie s' Fc<lt hl n ts c!ea.neCI 1 tnd 11.ltcrcd to t he N\'!wcst Styles. Ir]'- Two Ap'lrCtJt iccs ws1 ted irnmedi u.t ely.) 14. I I Anti-Billious Pills! Eown1il.nville 1 Dec. 4 1 1B6'f. SHINGLES FOR SALE. " rf1 ll'& su bscriber bas L- on Lot ~o. 25. l Olh co n Qn.J::ia~d .l\ t l1is Da.rlington, a r ~~;Us, JargoqnantityofSAIVN PUE S!IINGLES, 1tt·hicb be will St ~l Chel\p for Clli h , ~ s EL£ c TED ~ ~. 1 ' A ll. 04),fPBELL. · Darl i0 gton 1 Dec. 4 1 l SQ 7. .·.Oshawa Vi 1Elicator CG JJJ' tf. · I 9-tf. T Oc K I I ' · ' 1 . I , I . 1 I One Pill in a nose r . j One' !'ill in a Dose! ~VfAfi J'T N & ,J UHNB TON, '1' A '.L :t, 0 R 't ()ne Pill-in a. Dose! 11 T JU r · ONF; HUN DRE D LETTERS A ':.\f.,\ ,day &ll,J' f1om p:uien ts all ov·r Ui e tmb .. , i\l<>b lo G tobi : ':D r. Mr1,g giel, ,JO UJ" H>H j;~i; ri~ !Jl6 of al I d oo1 n o1 th of H on A VF. co1or1-: K.c1m ·ON thrh Oiln ::..c count 1 .in t:he .abc p _,O..'l'" COVVLE "S T1B!.P~Il.ANf! E 13U~IN!1'&3 S , I F. STORE. ~.. .. OF AND HEAVY UST PUBT,[SHED, · IN A SE.~L lj:D EN' v~lope, P rtce sii cenli!, a Le cture on the tatura, tr!laLment and t;.ldicnJ cure of Sperria.tonbcrHt, or Semin::i.l \Veaknoss, Jnvolun .. tar'y Emissio11si Si>xnal Debility, and Impedimen ts to ~1n.ni~ge ge ner ally, Nervousne11!, Oonsumption , Epilepsy; and fits; Mentfd an d Physical Incapacity, res111ti11i;r trorn selfw ·buse, &c, uy Ru BERT J. CULVER WELL , .lJ. ,D., n.ut hor of the" Green Book, 11 &c. The worl<J~renow nr. d an tbo r, in this t\d roira.ble lectnre proves from hls own experiimco that th e nwfnl conseqn en ce11 of sell 11h uso may be eff~c t n1t ly' remQved withont mcd~cine, !lnd wi t hont dangero'U !! smgici1l · operations, hougiei;:, ins trun1en u , ring11 1 c r cordials, pointing- ont n nH de of cure at on e· eertn in <"\Dd f'ffcc~ na l, by w :.ich e- very sufferer no matter what his co1Hli~1on may bC", n1H.y ct1re l11mselfcl rnap ly, pri ni.te 1y, and rfldically. ·This lectu re will p ro ve n. boon~ t o thou$and1 &!ld thou1ands. Sent under scnl, to any ad. dres!, iu a pla !u seR-led t>nvelope, 011 the reuei pr of six certs, or two postitge s:tarr·p!. Also, Dr Crilve1we ll's "Marri1tge Guic1e, 11 price?!> cents. _.\.d·lress th e P ublisher, CHAS. J.C. K G!NE & Co., 111 Bowery, ~ewYurk, Pd;t Ot!loe box ·586, 9 J b1houaae-ss. 11 :i No more noxiotts ~ osu ·t'or-.-rde in ·fiy 1· cu ten pills taken n.t ono tiwe . .O,pi!!: of yor:r pills eurl'l-d rne, 11 ~ , "Thanks , D9ctor. M.y he"tiR-Cbe has left me . Send Aaot\Jer bo~ to keep in the house." 6~. "After suffe1ing tortu rofr91m bilious oholic, "~ two of your pil1',..cu red ,l?)e, i;nd ! ba,ye ,nor<· tu:-n 9 r tbe~alaJ.r :" ' " , ti QUr DoctorsJ r~.:llie.._d n1e <1f.o r, Cbron~e Con· s.t ipn.lion, AS they on.lied i t) nnd a t la.St said I w:ia i n. cur,~,~je . tY our~,,~Jl!:ig iel's , PiJJs cur~.G! ~ Q L T C> r.;r JB[ A. :Z:.. I.. ' \Vhe1 e they rue p 1P.pu1 crl to ('X~c u tc prom l) tly J r.:~ orde1 s ,qt !J whic..:h ~tb ~~ ~1ay be f lvore- d, j · de t o o.dij1, 111 llie LA T RST c:I I . 1 ·-.--v SrrrnE1\ di1·ectl y opposi te th· e :1t11.1 ncc '" Jl:) . f f' of 11ng Ji., S T YJ,rrn, r.nd I I 3 h d <e th j ' ' d a:,O'ye , a ior ~e c1gg1n g, an J... ·· ooD wn·!!I au ;l!H.:1> i·.::mrn·. ,bus.uu~·ss Their l ong connection wi t h tl iG Tailoring in Bowmrtnv1l1 e, they tru st is 11 suf- :a: A -r=> ..J:;V D 'T'T VV A E, E ' · · me." II! 0 I ~ )/:,them. ~~ ~ !C.7"' Yo o tlis' t1nd .c h\1d:,IJ.l.)'S P'ltterns, of tbe A ·-- -- ·~ ~ . -=---- . q;."~~e nt gt.i;.1,~ri.tea of the q·.:i:tll ~~ of \'iu1!~ done !Qt 1' · a Ji~a rJ.y QJ)O." "Your pills are marvellous." '~ i' hlfd J>,O f LPP!'~t~- i ~Maggiel 1 1 P~ll1 ~ T wi\Lfornit ah the BICIHi1. , ~ ~ , a' .:£-I l.:C R ,E : I veiy lntGSt iltyle$ 1 for s.l\e . J~8J11C'mhe l' tl.e &c. - I ci [ send fr.ir anotl1e1· box, and keep them iD N,Q T TI-IE BEST OF IT. A. -"Jl.~ r>'nc'< -d11 ect ly opposite t l1c )own Iltlll 1 Uown>.i1 ville, ~laJ l , l8Gl, the house." 1 u Dr. :Maggiel ba.3 cnrcJ my heada£ he \ha,t , WA!! chronic." gRV'C "1 hiilf (or cbole rt\ m o1 bus. got well in a We woqld beg to goat! ~ particull!'r ia.ttention to our stock ot , MACHINE OIL, 'L'EA'l'HE.R BELTING, TURPENTINE, COAL OIL, S_J; l\,'.J;'J!:§~ ~P:· doll11.r ." "Send me f.ve boxes Ofj; OUt rdlls." 11 Let me h a ve tln·f>e boxes of yonr Sal re and Pilla ~Y - te iurn mail." -.o:- '1 .Yo ur hox of Maggiel's SA.I Ye enred mi uf Jtois e'! in mv head. l J uh bed spme salve behind. rpy es~s 1 11..nd the 11oise left. ' ' ' "S·nd rnc two boxes i I 'vant one for R poor fam ily ." · 11 I enclo1 e- a dollnr ; ) our pfi ce is twenty~ frre Cl nts 1 but tlle med iciu e_lo ,_ mt;, i~ 1 wp L·tf;, _ n. The dc!l.r, youqg :tl'linr d~y " 41 My naus ea of a morning is now rurod." one ~Yo ur pitls t o ·;,,,l:l"b.e ., if.,you 'YlH Qmly workJor,it; and lw1 c is HOW TO DO IT ' TO PRODUCE I J.'1"0 '.tM _.\TinN GU\RANT8ED of n. of a lnxurrant growth hai r upon hold ht'iulf nr hear<lle fs (aCl!I. t.lito 3 rec1pt> for lh e rt>mov11l P irnul!! lf. Bk\\ehe~ g 11p11on;; , r1c, ~in 'ht- 1<k'It. ]t\:n 111g th.i:LMIW!., · RUBBER do. , 011. nlN· ... and hf'a u111ul1 can Oe oLtnm &J M-lthuut eha-rg11; by Mlrlrl"-~~!l · g "!HO.::), l". ClIA P:.\IA N. Ca~ \lta1'. 8'23 BroaihTtty Ntiw York. LACE LEATHER, RAW AND BOILJ;J) _ OI.t;:, T·~oi:.· Fen1.ale: Diseases, Prrw;trat inn 1 n'enknce:s, Oener:..l ... " :_· I 7 L C,,, ~ '.I'7 ~~- G , ~ ,., { )1 0.,, ~ '- - J· " "°" '\J or N-e r rou iS Any thiug else m my line. ~ow LaH s :tu 11· tu rd \\'a.nL of A p pel1t1· 1 i\Jngiritl's &e., &e. P ills ·\\ i~j, b(· fou11d a u P.tfcctu1d re medy, J. vt'. N..ii;ADi;;>. Rdi R.n Pain De:Hl'O-) t!r if: a med 1c; ~ e ~ ror tbfl immerl 1 atP. and_per1n tt.nent rr.moTal ~ of .-JJ l·a.in from thP. ~~\ste,n i . T be C1n1 .tdiaii Pa.in De~troy er en re~ ri1enmat ism, · pleuri$y a1"d pn.i!l in the hack a nd . . 1iiae. Tho Jan.ld1:tn Pitin 0.!'.i:troy-e;r cures b 1!JiQJJ ! cholic Hnd cra,mps j·n t he stomac h. The Canadian P a in ,p1;1;i:trl)._.var cures ch'Jier,1, chulet',l 1nnrh11&; 1 dy""Ut9r), and bowel con1pl'li n ts. The (J lnR rli1H! Fa in .Bcstrol'er c ure ; srndrlan ~olds ~nd si ~ar t,lH'OJUii 'J; hC\ Cn_ n a d iun P:ii n D ~s .. t,.nyPr euro s hurn!, sca l ds:, f1 ost , b itr:s, and rhi\bll\ JOS:. 'i'hc ,.1e~ ~n extt-l knt ....f-\.... A GOOD Til!liG !~TRY IT-TllE CAN- IU.aggi el',, PHfo and !><ah"e Ar e almos t universid in the ir (·ffect s,· and a ,. c u.ie cau be almost g uaran teed . .oa> _ Brin~ "" , Y i'"r Of.:D JEWN,, BR.ASS .111d COPFER. "1i>11 Bowmn11vilfo, M.nrh ·ll. J @~7 . · '~ Ayeii Che:rry Pectoral, YO rt Till!: Ril Pl D CURI!: O il' .Each Bo,x Contains Twelve ~j!ls. ST~;\M,Jt~:S..J~· ONEt'IliLJ:'i A DO::iE, BLACKSMITHS COAL KSPT GD . STANTLY j All of <Which we w iH sell as low as any house in the trade. ll:]-- A ll orders for lht Uu,1h:d l'itah.:;i Hlll·l ht· nd ~d 10J. lla 1dock ""·llt'im·81r11c1,N e\.\'Y 1k. Pa ututi tiau "ril~ fr,,< I)' Jhrnl their oomplniu 1.- .tnd reply wrll he rt1t u n1et! b1 fo I ·\1111g nuid \Vrit e rar Mui; ;r1t!!·,. 1'rqa1·nt111tofD1 .. e11u". r~OloLER .,.,q~§. ~1tools, &:c . PU'!l'S, >' WATER PiPES I .LA~C--~J::iJ~:·I,l,Bl~ irNsIJRAN .iJi: I = ====·---..:=-=·-c;.'MP'Y, (;stwi_zt h "I, ~nliil1, !uBn m!. >!il.11, R o._. . .. . _, Vro2~1 , ll1)·o ncl1;1i1 1. lacipient (Jtt.. · a11D1pH ~ ~1 , nail fol" rh :n Belie( _ <tf l[Joll!i ~U"-"l]lti~·-c Pnticmi. .4ed a.lLkh1.ds of B1a&s and , Iron Fittings 1 j Oan ndi>1n Pnin 01.'slroj f' r is I) i! " I CA.PiT·\L Fire R-1'1P , Lite . § 10.000,000. OJI.ER ~ CO ff., R [~ ,,, TE RS, tlnng fol- s~nains , ;;trai{1c1 wr111Pds, :;i.nd br11iiles, ir t 1tkr-1 nw:\y 11.ll p11. in I thA rucrtH~11t i t is nppH,.-.d. No fl\m·ly E::hould be without n bot tl e of the Carradi an P&in o~st1oy9f'. . Nori hron !& l1 ymnn, Nelvtastl~, C. W., pr1n11'if'-tore f(lr th ~ ' c,~n ~dt1s~ l'lnld ·by J , JJIGGl ' BOTR.AM and ?>. ?H'OTT, Bo~·man-r1He , and JiJedieinfl De1Jt:rs J ·H < J"i'~"· "1 i A CALL S 0 J:.,, I y_I T E D 1 11nnou11dmg Valves, ~tealU H111J \Vat~r Oue of tbt' hl's t. EngP,:>11 lu& 11 1 i:n . ct:' G aU JrCS . n r d. ev,.1y deec1 i p l1n n of St ... t!ll :ind Jiillllt'i i n eJ..i .. tc11-:l'. (;ios }"ittcrs' Gl"ods 111 u .;e, \Vb .Jt>:;.fle ·nHl , R . & H . O'H ARA, COUN TERFEITS I COU1\-TERFE t1'S ! ! All n·tuf- Rt~tii.l], n t g t~·' tJy r~rl'.ac . ·rl pricei'. Tba j · r11 o( th11 t)Q t)flr "re wn r ..1) uot ~~ p 11r t ln ~~ M11gg1cl '·· l I arg~st S tock 111 the < .H t.). Sen d fllr OataAge nts Fire Branch . PiJl11 or f-!11lv<i u11l"·s 1h"' na1ue of J lh.J 'kwk. PH·pue .. Jocue and Price Lbst. 10-r HI 1111d11111J1 In Dr J. \11lgg1t·l,1:s on Hu: c11gr11.Y'etl ·hp · W, R. CL IM!E, S:tf+.. ·t y l / P l t If.I & O Rl\iAMENi' A ear.h pot (lr fKl:t. · J 1~ r,.,; ._ ,LYM.4N, ELLIOTT & S::~e .;l:u31t:1 ~ t'!aJ::~'°"- TDronlo.. On!1to n"'. c.?. - J, B. FCT LLER 1 4.., DEY sruer, AgeJJI Life !r.in4h. Nev' York O!ty. '

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