· THE l\fERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER L 1876, POETRY. Three Angels. 'rhay say this life is barren, drear, a.nU cold, Ever the same sad song was sung of old, J!J\·cr the sa.me long woary to.le is told, And to our li pa is held the cup of strife ; And yet- -a. little LOVE can brighten life. ~l'hey What Makes Men. l)a.ily :C.ine to :Etochester. Commencing on or about 'l'HURSDAY, l'!a.y our hands ma.y grm1p but joys des- troyeJ., Youth ha.s but dreams and age an aching void, \Vb.ich Dead Sea fruit long, long ago hMcloyed, \Vhosc night with \\ ild, tEl~pestuous stonns is 1 rife, And yet-·a little HOPE can brighten li(e. 'rhey sa.y \Ve fling ourselves in wild <letlpair Amid the broken treasures eca.ttered there ~"here all is wrecked, wherlJ all onco promised fair, .Au<l sLt~b our1:1(;llvcs with sorrow's two·edged knifu; And y1:t - 11 little l'ATIENCEJ strengthens life. J a it theJ1 irnc, this ta.le of bitter gdef, Of 11101-tal a:hguieh fin cling no rt.ilief? Lo ! rnirlat the winter shines the 1aurel leaf ; 'l'hree angels share the lot of hu~nan strife, Three angels glorify the path of life. Love, Hope, and Patience cheer us on our way; Love, Hope, and Patience form our spirit's stay; Live, IIope,and Pn.ticnce \Vatch us day by day, And bid tbt'l desert bloom with beauty vernal; Until the ea1t.hly fades in ~he eternal. -F l'aze1·'3 Magazine. 1 Crumbs for Chickens. The woman of work sweeps everything before her; the woman of fashion · sweeps everything behind her. " I 'vish I was a pudding, marnma." " Why?" "'Cause I should have lots of sugar put into 111e. 11 Sioux squaws do not wear striped stockings. ,Three streaks of green paint arc cooler and cheaper.- New York Herald. 20ra Al'RIL. ' It is not the things that we call best that make men : it is not the pleasantest THE STEAMER. things ; it iB not the calm experience of life; it is life's rugged experience, its tempests,its trials. The discipline of life is here good a:od there evil ; here trouble and there ioy ; here radiance and there smoothneaa, one working with the other; and the alternations of one and the othr.r, which neces~1 · (R. CRAWFORD, MASTER,) fate adaptations, constitute a part of that "\<Vill make her regul11.r trips on tbiaroute,lea.veducation which makes a man, in distinc· ing Cobourg every morning a.t 7 :30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester. connecting tion from an animal, which has no educa- then with the N cw York Central, Northern tion. The succeB!ful man invariably bears Central and F~rio Railways, nnd Lake Onta.rio Shor.a J)ivision of the Rorne, Watcrt.own and on bis brow the marks of the struggle which Ogdensburgh Railway for a.ll points Ea.at, 'Vest and Sonth, ' he baa undergone.' RE'.l'URKING. will le·ve Charlott· [port The best sailors come ~rom the roughest of Rochestt.lr,} daily n.t 9 P. M . , except Sa.tursea::i, and the bravest soldiers fron1 the hard- daya, when she ·will leave at 3 l!. l\.f. for Port Hope direct . est fights. They whu seek to avoid care and Dealers in stock, &c .·will find this the cheap~ _ n ost expeditious route to Boston, Al· labor, and who chooso for 'lhemaclve~ au eat and 1 N~w York, &c. easy path, are Bimply defra.uding thcms·elvcS ba.ny, Fo1· furthe1· information apply to of the noblest qualities of manhood, and R.CRAWFORJ;l, PORT .ti.OPE, 01aking themeelvee like mushrooms grow11 Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE (29-tf,) K[NGSTON. in the shelter, instead of oaks which have wrestled with 11 thousand storms, and· v.·hich still lift their giant arms and sun-crowned heads toward the skies. It ia not wise for us to seek tria.l or hard· ship, lest l\'e miscalculate our strength and suffer defeat : but it is right for us to. accept without a murmur what the Lord appoints, and calmly, bravely, and manfully meet the varied trials ot our earthly life, knowing that God's grace is sufficient for our every need, and assured that those things which · try us moet severely are wisely orderecl for our benefit,and are working fpr our stl'engtb, our profit, and our salvation in the kingdom of our God.-Selected. 1 ABIG is now raging at RURH THE MERCHANT and with the exception of a. few, these pa.as into the hn.nda of the people of West Durham. The public will at once see the utility of the pap~r aa an Oicula.tion of 1000. has now o. bO"na fi.de Don't Read this, the N ewest thing of the season, unless you wish to purchase TIELEVENS . ,, ADVERTISING MEDIUM. · NORAEMAN,' I't Has No Equal in this constituency, and this fa.ct IB being con sta.ntly demonstra.ied. If you ·want to sel1 a.nytning, advertise in this paper. If yotl want to buy anything.advertise in the MERCHAN'l'. MERCHANT. If you have lust anything, advertise in this pape:r. If_you have found auything, a.dvertiae in the ==fJheap Dry Goods~ --o-' MA . S ON having opened his If you want to reach the public, use the · columns of the f\.IERCHAN1'. OUR RATES ARE LOW. and he is a. weekly newspaper, the MERCHAN'l' is c~ntii{u'e to sell at these rninously low prices As scarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of carecheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do jt-fully selected l'ea.cling matter appear in each issue, comprising Literoture, First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Agricultu'l'al, Family Reading, Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures General and Local Newsall fresh and readable. Third, he is ·satisfied with small profits ! Subscriptions ta.ken a.ny time during the Fourth, he sells for cash ; yen.r. Fi{tl), he sells at bottom prices . . NEVV STORE deten~ined to with a full assortment of STAPLE BARGAINS DRY is prepared to offer Royal 42'a.in Triumphs. GOODS CASH, CA.Jt,~ .A.,N ;D Examine -o- SE. E FOR Y011BSBLVES, DD ' TERMS 75 OT8., IN ADVANOE. - - :o:-- FOR we ha.ve evf'ry facility. \Ve dQ not work for e stock, which com:prises evPrything in the trade, of the verY lat;st and most el~gan nothing, or fun, but our prices will bo found low, as our presses a.re rµn by steam power,' styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, a.nd American manufa<:ture. - · -oHe 15till continues to manufacture to order. from tlic best of material, a.nd none but first-cl~s · workmen kept. · 'f i 1 · 1 BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. FOR JOB PRINTING- that wi~ compare with any Store in the County. By Tdeg1·aph to Gardener St111ring achi11e, Oo'v FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Cornwall, Oct. 2, 18750 Royal got Jirst pr ize at Glengarry, County Fair. over the "\<Vebs ter, Osborne,and New Yor~ Singer JAMES MILROY. Hc:.miiUon. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Orders .Promptly Executed, and ' f:~P~ 1Fi~s1 1\p-~aranteed Programmes He ha.a in stock an endless va,riet~ of L~es' f!Jld Gents' Sa.r~togao TruU:ks, Valises, etc., all of Ch' cul a.rs which he lB aclhng cheap for; ioash ~ \ · ~ , -o-4111 I Bill Heads Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT· " IM1{1b:( T~o ~orse~, , :Kil!l! ~t· Cards Pamphlets ()- Plea.so Ca.ll a.nd eza.mine Stock. Highest Price paid for :Butter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEs:r EXPRESS OFFICE· Bowmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-ol5-m29. Bowmanvil!e, May 13, 1874. . . \/~~}W~~\'1!:" TO THE PUBI_AIO. · IN WALTER WIGG & SON, SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, v.·u shall be re~y n.t a. II tiruea to attend funerals, on short notice and rea1:1onable terms N. B.-Coffins kept on 11and and made to order, at the Charcoal a Good Fann Medicine. Said Mr. Taply, of Danbury, feeling N eai-Jy all sick horses aod cows are so in the softly of his nose, "I don't want to be too hopeful or sanguine, but I believe 6I'l:lt p}ace by ea.ting improper food,or too much I'm going to have a boil."-Da11bu1:y of it. Ae soon as the owner finds any of bis animals sick, it ia the common. custom tQ begin News. The judge the other morning asked a prisoner charged with drunkenness what he intended to do. He replied frankly, that he wasn't his own boss this morn- Belleville, Sept. 30th.1875. ing. A New Haven scientist shows that bees have memories. They have a way of sitting down suddenly and leavmg their memories behind them.-1Vew Yvrk Hm·ld. A clergyman said the other day that modern young ladies were not daughters of Shenumd Ham ; but <laughters of Hem and Sham-compounds of plain sewing and make-believe: - Wasn't it rough on Ella, just as she was telling Frederick, at lunch, how ethereal her appetite was, to have the cook bawl out, "Say, will ye have yer pork and greens now or wait till yer fellers's gone?" Grounds of Argument.-Edith : "I say, Regy' how 1s it tbat one of our cows is brown and the other white?" Reginald: "Why you silly, .any one · knows that. Its the white cow that gives the milk and the brown cow the coffee." · A fast youth asked at a San Francisco restaurant, " YVhat have you got?" "Almost everything," was the reply. "Almost everyth ing? Well, give me a plate of that." "Certainly. . One plate of hash !" yelled the waiter. Where's the bar?" asked a dirtylooking str<rnger of the bell-boy of the hotel the other day. "What kind of a bar?" asked the latter. "Why, a saloon bar of course; what do you suppOsc I n1ean ?""\~Tell," drawled the boy, " I didn't know but you might mean a bar of .soap. 11 H Got -firat prize on the Royal, a.t Fair here, hea.ting \Vheeler & Wilaon and every other ma.chine. Great contest. JAMJt:R BARRET!'. B rockville, Sept. 25, 1875. Royal took firat prize at Unionvil~e, competing with the Wheeler & \Vilson, Singer. and others. EvElt'l"l'S HAG.ARMAN. TILSOND1JUG, Oct.11, l876. dosing with medicine. "We mustn't lenvetho }"'irst prize for Royal, at Union Exhibition animal to die ; we must do something P1 and so here,over allcotnpetitors. MATTHEW STEWART. Woodstock, Oc>\. 6th. 1875. all manner of hurtful drugs and poisons are Royal took first prize n.t Exhibition here,o\'er thrust do"\\-n its throat- saltpetre, coppcra.e 1 all oompetiton. MATTHEW ST.HWART. turpentine, etc. ,-quite sufficient to 1nake any Pa.ris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. well anima.1 sick, or to kill w sick one. " You Have taken first prizt1 with RoyBl at }"'air didn't give the poor thing ci'iough ; you shon1d, here, beating the Baymond and Singer. Vl JI.LIAM SNIDER. . have given it oftener ; you can't expect your Napanee, Oct. 15th, 1875. bea.!it to get well, iI yon don't do more for it !' Royal has taken first prize a.t Fair here.over Our rule ha.s been to give n'Jthing unless we Singer, Hov.·e, Wanzer F, Osborne and others. ,JAMES BARRET, know exactly whn.t to do ; and in the tncnnHarley, Oct. 13tb, 1875. time attend to every exterior comfo1·t practicaRoya.I takes first priz0 at this Fair, for family ble. If the weather is cold, place it in wa1·m work a.nd light m:wufa.cturing. . quarters, avoid all exp.oaure 1 and attend to pure WILLI~\.M SNlDBB. air and strict cleaulinesa . But there is one These victories conclusively prove that the medicine thu.t can nover do harm, ::trd is coin· li~ht running Royal, is the poople's favorite, wd monly bene Llcial. '!'his is pulverized charcoal, the As \Ve have just remarked. nearly n.11 sick BEST FAMILY SEWING MAOHINE. t , the animals become so by improper eating in the rl'he Manufacturera ha,·e lately added to i_ firat place. Nine <"ases out of ten the rliqestion greatest novelty of the age, tho Boy_al La:in,p Holde1' /01· St:WiTifl achines, The La.mp can is wrong, Charcoa.l is the moat dlicient and never upset, nor the Oil soil the ~"·or.k ; and it anJ. rapid corrective. It will cure in a major- is arranged to throw the light on ti.ny part of tho work, enabling the operator to ity of caaes if promptly administered, An ex· work as well by night as.by day. ample of its use : 'l'he hired man cu.we in with Sold by 1 +.he intelligence that one of the fineet cows was . J_ S. DONEX, TnlONE. sick, ·and a kind neighbor proposed the usual N.B.-Agent for First.-dai:,s Muaicnl Instrudrugs and ,poi!lOn.f· T~e :0'\'ner. being ill and ments-W. Bell & Co's, Organ, ,Hallett & Du.\lis ' 1 unable to examine the co,v, oon.Juded that tbe and Ha1'<lma.h Pianos . Also t e Celebrated \Valtham and E l~in .trouble pa.me from eome over·e:i1.ting. and or· Watcbee, · df\red a tf:acupful of pulverized charcoal in wa· The Subscriber, thanking his very numerou1:1 ter, It was mhrnd nnd placed in a junk bot. customel'8 for past patrona,ge, thaving iroid tlu, the head held up,vard, and the water with TU1clvc Thousand Dolfrt'l'3 lV0·1·t.h in 12 wonth Lbeixcontinued p1:1,tronage,by reason.ab ita charcoa.l poured downward. In five min· .,solicits prices, fa.ir dealings, and guaranteed sa.t~fa utes improvement was visible, n.nd in a few ti on. J. D. hour3 the animal was in the pasture quietly November 18th. 1875 eating" graa3. Another instance of equal suc· cess occurred .with a youJlg heifer which had become badly bloated by ea.ting g~·eeu apples afte1· a hai:d wind . 'l'he bloa.t wa.a ao seve1·t.1 GE1V.ERAL CONTRACTOR that tliJ sideS'were almost as lia.rd aB a barrel. The oldretnedy, saler:.i.tua, was tried for the AND BUILDER. purpose of correcting the acidity. Bnt the atten1pts to put it down ld\\'ays caused coughing, and it did little good. llalf a t~acupful of freah, pulverized chnrcoaf w:ui next given~ In a.ix: hours all a.ppearanco of bloat had gone, and the heifer v.·as well. With or without Casing. With or without and everything from the size of a Poster large returning thanks ~o ~heir n~1n1 erous.customers and the public genorally, for pa.st favors, e;nougb to cover a. ba:rn to a half-inch strip, would respectfully 1nv1te their attention to our present 11tock of ful'nitui·e, as we hav e lately printed in good style, and at city prices. a.~ded _thcrtito, that we ffi!l-Y thereby be enabled to supply all parties wbo roay plen.se to favor Specimen.a of work ca.n be seen at our office. hun with a ~,alL Great tnducemente: held out to those purchasing at our esta. blishinent. I>ic· Work handed out, and tbe cru;;h taken for it tireds, Look1n.g Glaase1:1. etc. framed to order, and in every style_ Snm11les of the difforent n, of o uld1n gs can be fieen at the wa1-e-room. "re \vould also beg to inform yon that C. BAR.KER. having purchased a. ' ' Manaqer -- in MOTION by 01fer1ng1T~/~~r , , G.@u Cls ' at A substitute for 1 Ir,resistible Prices ! Stijp . · :~·111, 1;;~nd Y<?tl La.th & Plaster! 'v1ll find almost every slj~~fi r to contain a Bargain, and eve1·y c9rller aJl Jltt1·ac~ T~~~~~~'it~~i~~:~~~~~tion. · PAPER OIL-OLOTH and CARPETING --o-SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Do You want a WEB of COTTON at a cheaper rate than ever you bought a Web of Cotton before 1 GO '1'0 McOLUNG BROS. ~cClung Bros. are ~ettiM 1.,4.~~·fri ~T()C~ 1 NOTICE 0 ~_J\~ifiL}~ON : Elephant House So:METHING NEW 'l'HE NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa· Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. J. ELLI or_rT'S Proorastination is the thief of time, but buying Gooda at EXCITEMENT! EVERY~ DAY! ! . '80'l:lfl fJNfl 'JDON OJ; 0{) UheapStore Uheap Store TYRONE, HM now a. 'full assorted Stock of 1.1 S. VANSTONE'S the best means of gottin9 the \Vorth of your money, in 1 A Large Stock JWJt Received,- Plain ana Ornamental, both/or Walls and "loors. The Paper Oil Cloth and Carpet~g is a Cheap and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. . TYRONE, Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new i~ Style, from the largest stock ever b'rought into Bowmanville 1 LEVI :M:OltltIS, .t.V~l>::!C'I::!C . puu GOODS? :!1:0%0lt0 Do You want MILL~N~RY, MANTLES, or FANC.Yi GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Groceries GO TO MoOLUNG- B'ROS. ' Dry Good.s, Varnish Polish! -e t D. Sh &SCIOOI> SS:U:'EQ:j .. ~oo s ~ oes 'U:V::!CltO 1uuA\ uoA o(I The Chemicals with 'vhich the Paper ia sa.tnr· ated, render it proof n~ainat Rats, Moths, and M1...ie. Another thing much wanted. insto.ntaneously. ~'hie Polish gives a. most elegant lustro,and <lrica FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come along men, women and children, and ~ou \vill fu1d a. con)plete Stock of 1'4anufacturer of Sash, Blinds Do Yoi1 want CARPETS or CURTAINS or other FOR . . Doors, Mouldings, and Win- HOUSE FURNISHIN<?S ? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Piano ForteB, dow Frames, ---oo--- Nothing ever discovered before to ~qual this Polish, FOR Biiggie8, CutterB, Sleighs, and all kinds of Varnished Quality and Cheap wbicltwillb··old·t fricee which defy Compeness, tition. CANNOT BE SURPASSED s. VANSTONE. 'l'yrone, March 3<lth, 1874, J. ELLIOlT {~ ;>4 ~ t t ~hi:·10r e o, Hats & Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries ' Hardware, Crockery, &c., ' Band Moulds, \Vo disapprove of quackery, where, without 1 a precise know1edge of the disease, puwerful Don't purchi!Se your Summer Cloths before inspecting McClunO' Bros.. rtt tj1e Centennial, the Philadelphia la- remedies are given at random. and indis· 0 most extensive stock of dies er} out, "Isn't it cunning ?11 Ne\V _r.riminately. We can only coinpa.re such & York ladies, " . .<\h, ho\V exqua\\·site ?11 a practice to tha.t of the teamster who, M soon Louisville ladies, " Beautiful, fo' shauh !11 as he finds his \vaggon is broken, immediately McClung Bros. Tailoring Depal'tment will take the lead, as. usual. ' Chicago ladies, "Oh, my-I '\\o·ish .I procures a quaµtlty of n~ils, spikes, S(ll'ews., O\vned that!" y...·hile the genuine Yankee etc., and imn11:<lia.tely begins to drive them into If girls fron1 the rural districts exclai1n, a.11 parts of the \·ehicle at random, ln the hope Ornamental Pickets, in every vari· " Gcc,vi1nminy, but ain't that 'ere a of hitting the right place. The scientific prac· · If ety, and Scroll Sawing, stunner, neo\V J11 titioner first ascertain!!. what the trouble is. ·and 1 then goes at once to apply the remedy to tho will of .e \'ery description An English gentleman \Vas strolling particular point. The object of quackery can· If out \vith a Cockney-a genuine Cock- not extend to the use of charcoal, for it can do DONE TO ORDER., ney-\vhen they finally approached a no ha.un, never n1akes a. well animal sick, nor on the me?.dO\Y, in '\Yhich was spread out a kills a sick one, and goes directly to the seat of SHOR.TEST NOTIOE." · heavy crop of hay. The cockney gazed trouble in mo$t eick ani1na.ls, o.nd if timely ap· . . ~ at it \Vonderingly. It \vasn't grass, iti plied, effects a cure: 'Vho.t are -commollly \Vasn't \vheat, it wasn't turnip-tops. "Vy, t6rmed" colds" in aomestic animals nearly ' va.tever does you call this stuff?" said &!ways originate in the first place - from -de· Shops on Liberty Street. North of the · Eastern House, Bowmanville. , he to his con1panion. "That ! \Vh}, graded chgestions,and in connection with cleanHIG~EST PRIOES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McOlung Bros. Bowmanville, July 9th, 1874. 41-tf 1 th l " H P' lineas, µure air and war.lll quarLers, charcoal . . . T!j.JJ; it will accomplish what is dei;;ireJ., if u.sed in time. It may be prcp:.~red 9n the spi)t by polwding · throughout theSeason at tle toO'thick. If thafs hay, just show up fresh-burned embers from a ,~rood tire, in an BOWMA~\'.ILLE .. 11 n1e the hay-corns. Come now. ~on kettle ; this will 1nake a better and fresh- CAUTION! 0---- Olooks, Pkture Frwnws or any kind of VarniBhed CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE !I !CHEAP FURNITURE! At Manning's Old. Stand.. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory, having commenced business again and the New Company ha·;ing appointed_the subscriber, Retail Agen for, the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the Planin_g, Planing Matching, T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D C 0 AT I N GS; sawing and Turning, ' &c, Furniture. Oa1·ria,ges you w:int a SUIT, McClungBros, will" SUIT" you. you want a HAT McClung Bros. will "HAT" you SOLE AGENT ' FOR THIS. P~Ll\CE. fyou want GLOVES McClung Bros. "O:C..OVI:l" you: you want a TIE, McClung Bros. will "TIE" you. . · HARDWAREJ As usua. , a. L rge Stock on hand of SEE. DS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES . P 'EBPETUAL at McClung Bros., at 1\foCiung Bros. Bros. TEAS I ' TEAS ! CltE.AP T'E:.AS ardware, Paints and Oils, SALT and PLASTER at Mcclung 8toues and Tinware. AH of which will be sold a.t low figures. l~;~i~~11~~ s~:~," ,~~~al'se ~~t~tf~g aaht- DOMINION BANK. lVI 0 TI 0 N ..., . ~ John Mc:C.eod & Co.· We!llngton Buildings, Bowmanville August 10th, 1875. Vei-y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at 'which it can b'e procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. ~ In the Agricultural Hall of the Centen, ni?l Exhibition there are t\VO innnense hogs stuffed, each bearing a placard telling their age, &c., followed by the wo!d " taxidern1ist." A and h1s vnfe were looking at these with great int~rest. Nier reading the placards, the wom"n said : · "V'Vhy, these are taxidermists, I thought they were bogs." Her has- - band looked at the creatures with puzzled expression, and then went carefully over the placards, as if to satisfy himself fully on the point. Finally he replied : "They are hogs. Taxidermists is the name of the place they come from:" - ,!,pni1g.field Retmblicmt. er article than old . chorcoal,-C'ount"y Gentl<· Capital, Paid. Up, ;, 'nan. HEAD OFFICE, $l ,(JOO,OOO TORONTO, MCCLUNG B.ROS~ . 'l BRA'NOH OFFIOES ; n1an How Niagara Almost Ran Dry. ~onJenon occUrrei. On l\f"rcb 29th, 1847, a remarkable pbe- The prccediog ?:inter hai.l been intensely cold, and the ice for1ncd 011 Lake Erie was unu~ally thick. In the wa.rn1 dnys of early spring, this maea of ide · wus loosened around the shores of the lake und detached from them' During the lore' noon of the <lay named, a eti!f easterly win.d moved it up the laku. A little before sunset, the wind chopped suddenly runnd and hle\v a gale fron1 tbe west. This brought th1:; vast lield of ico back again with su~h t'l'emcndous force that it filled in the neck of tbe lake and its outlet EO aa to form a very tffective dam, that caused a remarkable diminution in the o:\tllow of water. Of eourse it needed but little time for the 'I'be consequence w~, tLat o~ the morning cf the fallowing day, the river \Vas llPRl'l-y Falls to ,drain off the water below thla dam. The American channel . bad J{ave you repaired· your ba.rn, and exulll· 0RILLIA, 03IIAWA, WHITB _.l,r COBOtlRG, ined your barnyard, to see if there is n. shelter· UnntOGlf BO"WMANVILLE, :i the cattle can get n. lited and dry place ,.,.·hen tle sun now ana then, out of doors ? Ifave yonr This Bank, "ih adrlition to trru11mcting the Ufll· Awine a suitable bed and e:helter? IIQ\V about ual b!lonking )Jusine.ssJ.. offers to the public ' nu the ad vantages of a O!ia.ving lnKtitution with tbe..voulti:y · ? the security of a large paid-up capital, by tlie mea.ns ot ~ S:i.v~Gs -DEl'All'l'ME!'i'.L'. Interest nliowed op all depoi:iits ..of One DolSelected Recipes. 11).r and upwards, at the ra.te of FIVE per cent. per annum. B:HALTH VAJ,UJ: Of' L1n.10N1:1. - All do not Depositors can withdraw either the whole or know that lemons sprinkled with loa.f-sugnr n.J.. any part 0£ their deposits a.t any time, without notice. i most comr.iletely q.llay fevorish t hirst '!'hey previous Special rates of interest allowed upon deposits are invaluable in the sick-room: Invalids af· with notiee of withdrawal. · fectetl with feverishness cau· safc~ly [consume A1nerican Currency ~nd Silver taken on de· ' tw·o or three lemons a day. A lemon o:r two posit. DraftK grantell payable in Great Britn.ip, thuB taken at "'teatime," ia i:ecom1nenrled a.a an United Sta.tea and all 11arts of Canada. entire substitute for fbe 01·dina.ry. supper of GW"Deposits can bt remitted by ma..il,addreBI!· Summer, a.nd will often induce a. comfortable ed to the Dominion oa.nk fregiatered]. when in sleep throughout the night, an<l give a goud all cases a Pass-Book reccfpt will bti sent by return post. appetite for breakfast. J. A. CODD · .A.g·nt, 13owmanville, a. n. 6th, 1874, 15·tf. 1 To MAKB HONEY·\VINE OR l\fE..i\.D.-'1 0 a gal· IQ.n of water. put 2 lbs. of honey nnJ. 1 lb. of sugar ; boil for an hour, pu~ in the whites of four eggs to clarify, and skjm it quite clear while boiling; then put it into a clean tub 1 a.11d let it sta:ud for a weck 1 putting in a toast 1vith honey to nH\ke it work ; then put in a cask, J\lkli.pg the peels of three or four lemons, let it Havingremovedtomo;;commodiou.premise:, stand for a nwntb, alld then if. ·it is not sufFOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, £cieutly fine put in inor.c honey, and let it beg tp inform the public generally, that the:y .stand longer. . are now enabled to offer them A .BISCUI'J.' CAKI!l.-One pound of flour, five eggs well beaten and stro.ined, eight ounces of l sugar, a little rose, 01· orange·flo,ver water; beat _ in the line of th~ whole thoroughly, and bake ~ne hour. Funerals furnished in every re~pect, in the Very Best Sty ler_ l PRICES LOWER TEAK BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRY S ..,. F. HILL has a IEWlJD~ The above reward \vill be paid to any peeoo. who will furnish ample proof tht1it the Bciots & Shoes eold by the undel"Bigned, are not whatre represents them. W One pf the FlN>EST HEARSES in the Province, SEN'i' FREE to any Fiineral furnished by the Subec1'ibe1', within Ten miles of Bou;manville. R~ports having been circulated. th~t the undersigned has 5eeD: overcharging in the Undertaking Department, he begs to submit the follov.ri:ng figures, which be challenges n.ny one to contraRepOrted amount charged. Actual aunount chargc,l. dict. ~ · ]fifty Dollarso 'l'welve Dolin.rs. 'l'hirty do. Njne do. Forty-l!'ive do. Twenty-five do. Sixty rlo. Forty do. Fifty do. Thirty do. Se.venty-five do, Fifty do. ' F1JLL STOCK OF Dry, Goods, Clothing" ~or G-e11ts, Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Oof/ins, of New York. Bowmanville. :March 30th, 1876. W. p. PROWER, ~ I. L. Strowger, Groceries, &c., and is Selling Vei·y Clteav. · ,For Ladies,_ For Children. Lo.test Styles and, Good Stock: ... Just .Arrived at the The Common Sense NEWCAS'l':t.E.i · ',:auy once and. you willbuy again,. ' Rowmanville, April 28th, 1876. lF.A.SH:IONBO'USB eplendid assortment of w T As H E NEW MILLINERY . Also a lot of Better Inducements, SO, HO half goue. tlwi11dled to u deep and na.rrow creek. T_bc British channel seemed to have been snutteo with a quick consumption, and . acemed to he fast passing away. Far up from the bead of Goat Island out into the Canadian rapids, and J'rou1 the foot of Goat Island out beyond the old 'l'owcr to the deep of the Horecshoe fall, the water cbann~l \Vas gone. The rocks were bar., black and forbidding. The roar of Niagara. bad subsided to a moan. 1 'his extraordinary syncope of the !.vater the Rtrnnge scene. But duriDft the pj~ht the. dam gsve \Vay, and th e n~xt morning ihe river was restored in nll its strength, lasted all the day, and night closed over lleauoy, and majesty.-ScribnC1', · PJ\l:Nr.-'l'.he follow· ing recip11 for whitev.rash, Bent out ,of. the 'J'rea.sury Departu1ent to all J!ghthouPe.keepers, makes an article that.a.nawers ou wood, brick, or stoul.l nearly a~ well as oil paint, alld is much cheaper: Slake half a ~ui~hel Qflime with boil., ) ' I ing wa.ter, keeping it covered <luting the pro- (,AS REGARDS PRICE & QU4L1TY) cess. Strain it and add a peck or salt ; disthan any other house w' ihe COunty. Eolve in WarnJ water l.bree pounds Of ground rice, put into boilii1g wn~.r and boil to a. tbin paste ; half a pound uf powdered Svanish TVeight and JY[eu,siwe Giiaranteed whiting, and a pound o~ clear glue dissolved in. in evf!ll'Y instam:e. warm water ; 1nix these well togi:.tber, and let the mixture stand for $eVcral daj"s. ~ Keep the · wMb thus prepared,. in a kettle or portable furnllCe, UJJd when used put it on h6t, w~th tiither I. L. STROWGER.. Newc,.tle,Au2'UJll, 14th, 1874 paintera' 01· wbitewMh bJ"ush. EQUli.L TO WJ-J11r~WJ\SH Gro.c~ry --Gen tlem._en of Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. SPEOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REAL HAIR. FANOY OR.DER.ED WORK. GOODS, & HIS \Va~bing Machine has been received with universal fa.var, in many of the States of the Union, and to-dayt stands higher in the estimation of house'Yi vts, than auy ot her. rl'ltey a.re now introduced into this vicinity, by tho undersigned, who has already sold a large num. ber. 'l'hc pointrs of excellence couai!:!t in jts aim· phcity,and the saving of eoaµ, la!Jor and tim.e, An ordinary \\'ashing, for a large fa..inily, can be done by children from 8 to 12 yeMs old. B11siness, New Goods! MUST BE .SOLD, S'l'ORE.-One door east of Cornish'a Jewelry Store, King Strf;;let, Bowman ville. J, SMALE BoW n t-tniJJto, Mr.y ttb, J.875. Also a.large stock of The Cwthes wre perfectly cleaned, and not-in the least worn by it. A Ma.chine can be seen at the Grocery Store· of .John 1'.fc:l\iurtry,Bowmanville,t or at the residence of the aubscrihor, Ontario i';;t.,and parties desiring to see it iu practic~l uae, can do so, by leaving their na.mefi with 1\lr. i\lc!\ifurtry, aud the subscriber will do a. \v<iah for them, fr~c of charge. J Stamps for Baiding and Em- broidery. NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT, GOOD Teas a, Speoiaility~ I have.written these fo,v linea And all I h&.ve to !lay, That you can find me still at home I arn nut gone a.way ; CONSISTING O~'l S~ all my kind old frienda may come WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, And all the young ones too PLATED WARE, ETC. And ~et their garments nicf'Jy mad~ -oIn fa:shions tba.t are new·J Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold \Vb ere old and young del:1.r fdendm:!!, ·meet J Wedc:lin!! Rings. A welcome greeting by R. P~ATE AARON BUCKLER. Doli'man\·ille, Oct. Sth, 1875, Bowmanville1 June 19th 1813. THE 801.fOOL NOVELTY I "rI-IE NOISELESS AND FASHIONS for Spring lust to hand. The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the beat in the nu\rket, also kept on hand. }1'actory price, $8, will be sold for $7. C11mmon Senso Washer, $7. Washer and Wringer, $14. They cannot fail to f'llatirtty, a.a all "\\"ho have tried them, speo.k hi~bly ofthl:lm, Unbreakable Slate .A,T OUR BOOK ROOM Ask for it ! Send :or it! 0. BAR.KER.. DDE138:UAK.ING usuaL MRS· A. :FLETOHER Bowman ville, April 7th, 1874. r. THOMAS. Bowmanville, Mar, 24th, 1876. 26·tt ·--