Ontario Community Newspapers

Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Aug 1876, p. 3

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,r' THE 11ERCHANT FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1876 · Advm·tise ! The merchant, manufaetm·er, or dealer, who keeps his iuwres before the public, seldom complains of diill times. Where is tli iitility of having f vr sale the ~ fabrics in the world, if the wov} <)(J vurehasers li'!now not where to obtain them. Any of our readers, answering advertise men ta which appear in our columns,or send .. ing for books, magazines, etc., etc., noticed by us, will confer n favor l,y stating where they saw the Advertisement or Notice. 'l'o Make :Business, Cheap Fruit Trees. I p to the 1,st of October, T will take orders for firat class apple trees, to be delivered at Ilowma.nville, next spring, a.t $17 per bun· llre<l. All other Nursery stock :lot correii!pond· ing low ra.tcs: Special rates for large orders. All stock gua.rn.ntcccl true to name, Address U EVENTS EXTRAORDINARY! s &F . ,, ason s, AMT ' You can i?Ot everything usually kept in n. Box U5, Bowman ville r. 0. ,TOlfN CHAPLIN, 4m. Cff (}0 L BOOKS t a t i o n e r y, P e ns chool l~ooks, Inks Jates,,vriting papers chool Bass Pencils at.chels, Machine Need I es :MRS. ANDERSON'S Fashion and Killinery Kzi1g Street, D~llot, Mr. Buckler's opposite ' First Prize and Diploma . a.t P i·ovincia.J Exhil iition at oitawa, 1875. · American Prints, Chea,pest, :Best, :Eia,ndsomest, First-class Harness Estab!ish- JFANNING KILL, ment. and Grain Screen and Harness,. J.Vhips, 7~runlcs, Valises, Bags, Col· l<ws, Lashes, Brushe&1 Netts. Sheets, Rugs1 Curry Combs, Bit·, Snaps, Interfering Boots and Rollers, Zinc Collar Pads, Harnel)S Oils, The Xing of the West atin Room Papers plendid f'ancy goods plendid Jewelry, Toys BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. Very Latest Styles n· Bonnets, Hats, Mantles, and General Millinery, coneiating of every thing in the line that can be purcha.s?d in t he Pads and Ne.v 'York esta.b. hshment.a, a.re now ou exhibit ion. . Straw Hata cleaned, and altered into latest styles. Mrs. A. is not asking large profits but will a~l! at a small advance on coat, for CASH. A VISit to her establishment, will sati.sfy any of our readers, uf that fact. Bow1na.nville, April 7th, 1876. (m22 ly.) SEED SEPARATOR. P I C T U R E F RA M I N G, M U S I C ,-AT THflEE MACHINES . IN ONE. R. }~aston's Block, Lindsay.. Town Hall Buildings. Town Hall Buildings · Bowmanville ling~on, BULL LOST. YED, FROM THE PREMISES OF S'l'RA the aubscriber, Lot No. 4, 6th Con. of Da.ron the 21st of July, a one-year old pa.st R. COLLACOTT. (44-3w. etc., etc. If you don't aee w·hat you \vant,ple'ae:e a!!k for it. EVER KNOW-N. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. bull. red, with a whtte mark on hi1:1 side and another on his forehead. Information thu.t will 1 ea,d to his recovery, will be suitably rewarded, AT F. Y. OOWLE'S. ---:o:--- KNITTING. ON YOUR YARN! All .;,.,. FETCH Socks and Stockings knit to order, HomeStocking~ of CLOTH 7~ FRO~I GRANGER WOOL spun, WMl, or Cotton, or any kind of yarn. ·· knit for 20cts. Socks knit for 15.;t&. YAR'D S FOR s2.oo. Come and see the 11 ra.nz and Pope Knitting Ma.chine, hall-way between Bowmanville and N ewcaatle 1 at the old Hotel st&nd, 40 roda weet of the Town Line. - :O:·- K NirnNG MACffiNES FOB SALE. CHARLES KENNEDY. A<ldress : Chas Kennedy, Bowma.nville P . 0, Bo,vmanville, August 4, 1876. 11144-ly. $ 5 To $ 20 worth $1 free. ST1MsoN &. Co Portland· }iaine. bp.o-10m25·1y, per day ·t homo, Sample· Bargains for- Cash,· AT I have now grtJR-t p]easure .in offerinj.! to the Doh~ny farming com1nunity, tbf' moat perfect l!~nnning ~fill and Seed Sepal'atol' ever invented. Its ad\·antages over other Mills . i n use. are asfollov.ra:lat. It ia a perfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It will t~ke out \Vi1d O:i.ts perfectly. It will ta'k~ oot all Cockle, Chess. and other foul seeds, with once going through, making a perfect satnphi of Market Wheat, \Vhich will add several cents per bftshel to the va.lud of grain, over and above that 'vheu cleaned by the ordinary Mill. 2nd, It is a moat perfect Separator. .. It \vill separate nll the large kernels of 'Vhe·a.t from the sm1~U and shrunken grains. It does not throw the srul.ll gra.ins in the chess box, like other '.rr[ilJs, but brings them through by tbt::maelves, ulean nncl iit for market, and ie warfant· erl. to Junke a perfect Ean1ple of Seed '\\'heat. 3rd, It is very rapid in its.action, and will easily inake for market,. Sixty Bushels ; n.nd , for S.eod, Twenty.five Bushels per hour. ~, 4th , lt separateH all kinds of Grn.ii1, as well as aeedi4 ; and if Wheat and Oats, Peas and Oats, Clover aud Timothy, arc mixed together, ·Bnd put through thi,s Th!ill, it 'vill come out per· fectly ao pa.ra.ted. . 5th. lt fa equally as good for sma.ll as large c:-rnins. lt \Yill separate Timothy Seed fro1n W]1('at, nnd will bring the Timothy out clean at th e s1~1ne timi.: M ycu arc cleaning the \Vheat for }Ia.rltet. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, Wthanks to his nun1erous .friljnds and J. HIGGINBOTHAM OULD most. respeotfu1ly tender his incere ·· rl1 very lxlx>ral support he has received ince bis C?ru.roenci;tlg in busin!;l&i; and hopea by con· tinu~d str.LCt personal attention to business, and ?ffenng nothing bnt the pureet articles. a.t the most re.asona.ble pricf:e, to en1:ml"e a continuance of Pl~bhG patronage, . J. J;l. "'ottld ca.ll s~eci~ a.ttvution to his very super1or stock of - orne~, and to the pub1k genera.lly 1 for the .:i.a- Price of Mill, 'l'HO~fAS $35. SITUATION WANTED. All f ,e tters from the Counties of Nortl1umberlan rl1 Durha1n, Victoria, and reterboro, tnnat ho ndJrcsscd to the. proprietor, SMITH, 32-tf. A YOUNG LADY, holding · Third ct... Certificate is desirous of obta.inin~ a. situa- tion as TeaChe;. Good rd'erences given. }"or partic.;ulare, apply to Box 180, BowmanviHe. .Bo\vn1anville, July 27th, 1876. [44-2w.J BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S P. C. }!\' ~1 .1<..s , Genl!ral Agent ·. ~fay 6Lh, 187G. Hampt.-in, Ont. FOR SALE. .1:l. for general purpose. Will be al)ld on rcasonoblc terme:,as the subscriber has no furthtir utc for it. J. GALE. Church SLretlt, East. 13owmn.nvillo 1 July 12th, 1876. A YOUNG HORSE, Four years old. Good BOW.ltl!NVILLE. - - - : o:--- J\1 AT H us E K p I AN0 S. Family Excursions ! -TO- Look at this, then buy them. 'l_lEAS. No. I Bltwk No. l Green, A good tea, 5 lb lot of 50 c. EXCEJ. n voluroq ot t(ine . · J; J:!:XCEJJ in finnness and purity of tcmo. ~· EXCE. L in voice-like quahty cif-tvue, EXCEL ·in du1·abillty and keeping in tune. EXCEJ.J foir the concert room. EXCEL for t l:lachiug sc.;hools and se1ninariea. EXCEL for the drawing rooru, -+t- = ·· · . .. = = .UJ T>YE · S'l'UFF~ which are sure to gi.ve the bc.:at satisfLt.Ction, A well selected stock oI I DRUGS, OHEJ YIIOALS, PA'f'ENJ.' MEDICINES. BRUSHES, COJfJJS, SHOULDER-BRACES, . SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. .J z ·~ OILS, P AiNT _ . COLORS, VARNISHES, an<l WHI1' E LEAD at the very lo\vest prices. cts. 85. 80. 40. R 0 CHESTER, N.Y. l'ER STEAMER ' $2.25 .. ~ ~....,__ ~,NOI?iSEMAN." ~ ... . DOMINION WIRE MATTRAllS. The ':r..1n.tt1'ai.!S wns a.warded tLe lBt p1·e1niun1 at the Provinci!l;l Fair, Ottawa., 1879. Is .chll'· ab1e, elastic;, noiscte!:s. ~Ia~ufactured by Geo. Gale, S1niths Mills·, ~uebcc. For sale by Anthony Davy, }""'u111iture DcalDowmnnville, SUGARS. Good cooking Good White, White Scotch Refined, Broken, Loaf; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. \varro summer montha.1 ticke~, goo~ for two days (including dme of issue) will be wmed by Steaffier .. Norseman," until the 15th of Sep· terober next, at th~ ~dermentioned ucprecedented ra-tes, from P -t Hopc 1 (berths and ineals extra.):Jfor 2 members of ftt.m V to Charl..Jtte and return.. . . . . . . . · · · . . . \. , ,' ···.···.... $3 00 1!:<1.cb adclitional ro,cxnber. · · ·.· ···· , .. ·. ··· I 00 Ohild.~'tWrtO yeara, eact., .· , . , , , · . · 00 rr~.::Kets lllUBt be procured fruu theundermen· tioned agents of the stenmer, 01 ull fo.re will be charged. t? vunt .1::l. the beautilul City of Rochester, aunog the - . i\ S a special inducement to fa.mihea, .. " ftJ, 9. 13 lb. for $1. 12. " II. These a.rt:i broad assertiona, but ca1Ja.ble of pcoof. '!'hey are unJike a.i1y other, in construction ; aJI tht:iir peculial'ities are points of cxcclhmce. 'l 'hcir .ilhu:1tratcd nnd der.;cript.ivf. c.;a.taloguc, which we send frt:e ·to any address, explains conclusively. in ha.rn)0ny with acoustics and mechanica al1 that is claimed for the Mathuahek. l'here are thousands of happy owners. of A-fathuelwks willing to certify to their superior exct:lleucc. \Ve have room J1cre for but n. few' brief extn1eti: :We t.Lti uudt;it·signed, J u<lges of Piauos at the }~air of the A1nerican Institµte, after a cn.rcful examination of the 0unccrt C·rands,do a·l\rard to - "' z I.LI .~ ,.. 0 0 ..p 0 Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. - Country store-ker.pcrs supplied o the most n<lvautagoous te1·m.s. A choice a~lectiou of LA. !i.:t:PS for i,ale cheap ~1nanvi1le, Dec. 1868. thn. -~ ~ New ·Furniture AND UNDERTAKING p il'5' ~1i~~~' 'l'he undersig111.: U has opened a store in opp.)s1te lreleven s Shoe Storo 'vhere ho will keep ou' band a full' and \'arlt.·d Stock of - : o :- - NEw YonK, Oct. 28, 1867. i:. New 'I'a,ilor shop, Crock- The Stock of General Groceries is large, and wan;anted fresh. ery, Glassware, etc., etc., ¥ery low. - l3 I Pl{OVISIONS AND FEED FOR SALE, TO INFORi\f THE PUBLIC, generally, thut lie has removed his business to tlie Shop next door east of Rice's llutcht-\' . JOHN .EGS HEAL ' of maki11g the BEST ofthia class ofinst1·un1ente then and there exhibitt:d, or known to us elsewhere. FlmDERICK MA'l'HUSEK the HONOl~ (Signed) EWD. MOLLJ,NHAUEI,, A. JJ. W. BESEMANN. M. ,J. GIANNE'l"l'I. CHARLES FRADEL. l\fUSIC.\.L CONSERV.ATUR.Y, } = ;iiiiii d ...f.;'I ~ F~~ler's .Elook, · FtmNI'l"tTltE, wl1 icb will !!!!!!!! C'IS Shop. _., bi111 with ... o... ' Ha\·ing had several years experienee in the who Ji!ny fa-v;or, m49.tf. ' D. lWSE, TROS. YELLO'l\t.EES, Agent, Newcastle. Agent, llbt>.o~a.nvi1le, N .B.- In connection vTith the abov~'\teturn '11ickets !Jer G. rr ~ Roilwo.y to Port Ho1., will be issued at One }~are. T. 7, Remember, Cash gets a Benefit -at ~ GOOD FITS GUARANTEED :Bowmanville, Sep, 4th, 1872. in;'t:?11·m~c~J5~n~~nd't'lt-e~~·kp~·~1~I~:;rt>nc6~;li:'"ti"'o~n..j..--< renclc.>.rs t hem by fnr the most durable, ant.I the <least liable to get out of tune. . . 802Broadway, N. Y. ~.- ----=-----T-- - - H k -NliJ:W U~~~·~;;~";~G. BEA..FU3lt ~ II.I (I) Ji itrnit-ure ?nade to ordet on short 'iotioe, und 1 l\f;ARK~T I->l\ ICES. J>erso11 s in tending to c~im m c nee honaekeeping, will find it largely to their a tlvantage to consult .bim tlie purchai;iug elsewhc~e. b~ disposed of at the LOWES'J' EUGE>;F.J. MERRIAM. Since.the <late of this conctlrt the Jriathusb.ok has been my favorit~. '\Tat.son's Cons;\rvat.ory of ]..fusin,Ncw York. No wou oy \Voul<l tempt me to bauish it fron.i 1ny honu;. ' BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. Pt ,, Oentennial Excursion Tickets f Ueutennia.l ExL'llmion 'l'ickttta at greatly .re· 1l!1ced ratee-from $15,40 to $16.46, according to choice of route~-nlso for sale by underslgnl:ld. --:o:- J.JAYWA'l'SON. -:o:- D. SCHUYLEl!, Bnffulo. 1\'Iathu~ hek haa iu l'IJality tak«?n a. !:!top in advance of aU n1akers of Pianos in the world. D. ROSE, 'l'HOS. YELLOWLEES, Agent, Newcaetle. Agent, Bo1t\'mauville. nowmanville1 July 27, '76. m44-7w THE ALLTH~ LATES'.f STYLES IN l\f1n ~cal Critic, Saratoga. J. G. SHAW. ~ ·r-1 ~I~1s been procnl-ed of latest de$i{.\'n. Furnish !ngs for funora1s a.I wnys vn bu.nd. All Funeral1:1 town and country! attte11d1;id at a reason~ O:bl e charge, 0 111 '" Shortltorns for Sale. ouu 'l'HOlWUGH-BRED DURHAM F Bulls, yearli.nga, red n.nd roan, be ch a.acd of the undersigned; at rea.eona.ble ra.tee. call }'l1\'- THOROUGH-BRED People's Book Store AND 'J1he 1.1.nthushek Orchei,tr1-1i 8quare G1·anrl Piano is brilli:iut, of \Vonderft1l powor 1 and 1n~h:>di1 1 ulj in tone. W : The celebrated Wire Mattrass /01· sale. See i.t bcjwe yoii v1irchase cvny other. ResidenCe, Corn~r of Queen and Brown Sta. next doo:r to Mr. J, P.Rice's. ' ;Dowmanville, !\-far 1.6tb, 1876. AL:FHED H. PEASE,Rocl1csle,, HATS.CAPS, & G;ENTS FURISHINGS a.l'e to be had a.t SA:S:S.A.Ti; SCHOOL I \VM fully convinced th :~t tho ~fatbushek w·as the crown of all · . H.BELLACK. ~iy old tuner, who ha.a taken care of iny prnaiu for tho pnst ten year:;, aaya that th e No. 10 U1\;l.J.eetr~l just received front you i:,, the bcbti 1uad1:1 :i..~1d finest illHtrument in this city. Yours, &c : · A. DAVY, ?,fi.tf. ROB'l'. COLLACO'l'T, 24-tf. Tyroce, P.O. .,,.- . ' ::'"'.,::" -· Strawberries I OT c. · Witli the p.iJVA.1 or the Holiday1:1, cowes a . demand for M. MAYER'S. ' . · · , · ~ FOR SALE OR ·ro -RENT. 1 . D ·.~~l\U:HVILLE, Cleveland,O, \V, ~f. . Mr. M . 01Je11ed the 11eaaon 1 w1th a splendid stock of _ goods, co1npdaing ever ything ln the bn.t and Cap line; which will be disposed of a.t low ratl:'B. Call early, and 1nake your selection. Strawberries 1'oronto . We have g reat pleasure in stating that as an instrumtint to lead the singing in a. S. School nothing can excel it. The tone is soft and full. '!'h e bass is grand and 'vhen 300 voice1:1 a.re. singins tog!:ther the Pin.no can be distinct· ly heard. Every note rings out: as <.:lt!a.r as a F.LM ST. s. I SOllCOL, I I of 1'Iampton, three doorE! 'vest of Elliott'1:1 ston·, a; large. two stoyy l~uugh Cast Dwelling, poe~esi:i1011 will bo given at once. .Apply to the proprietor. ON ' MILL STllEE'l' lN 'l'IIB VILLAGE JOHN COLE, l\fercha.Bt 'l'ailor. Hampton, i\fnrch 7th. 1876. · NEW GOODS! A 'l' ,, Strawberries ·- ohea~ind good Literature, Gift ooks. and Present . . GOODS. I hav WILLIE l e this sea.sou, handling- Bowrnrun·ille Nun1ery Strawberriea, and will I Stock that cannot Cail to pleaae-cum plete and varied. i lI.A,'l'S for hot weather. lIA'l'S for cool weather. II.A.'l'S for wet weather. lIA'l'S for --fur~A lIAT FOR YO'O'. M. MAYER'S. belt S. J, HUNTl~U. Pa..,tor . WARING KENNEDY, Superinten<leut. SAMUEL FRISBY, Musical Conductor. BATTING'S! consfating in pn.rt, of I t bas given 1ny family the ver_y highest satisfaction. H.EV. JOHN BREDIN, Bardt1. H.l.UP'l'ON, }"'eh. 1st. 1876, J. R'/J,SC, DE.'\U Sui :- rl'hc M athusek Piano I purchased fron1 you ha.a given entire satisfac tion and pro ... ed itself a SUPt'rior instruinent in every reapect. I wonld r ce-0ru1n end all to see the Ma.thusek 1 before purchasing elsewhere. 1lf1·. ,.F.LMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. H . 'l'. PHILLIPS. Prof.·!. liuse, DEAH Sin :-I have pleasure in adding my testimony to the ma.ny you have al rtiady received in favor of the weH merited l\fathusek Piano, purchased fron1 you recently. I n.m \Vell satis!i1;d with it in every respect, and consider . for beauty and ton e, it is u nsurpa-sscd by any instnunent I h ave yet seen. ENNISKILLEN,J an. TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. .AJl to bo sold a.t the very lowest prices, for POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. .B. That deservedly popular Teach era Bible, in various bindrnge 25tlt. 1876. DELIVElZ THEM DAILY, BOOKS, i·n <keat Varuty. · A£1JUMS, Cheap and Pretty WRI1'ING DESKS, and WORK BOXES Fre: h, at Loweiit Market Rates. ORDERS SOLICITED. -o-011 hand, a splendid atOCk Ol MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOP ES ..,..,, FRESH ORANGES, Lwrgest Collection of Stereoscopic Views in Town. D E Ait Sin :- 'l'he Medium ~I n.thuse k \ve got The u :1ders ignecl has the\ from you gives entire sa.tiafaction in every l'espect. I can unhesitatin8ly recommend it to pleasure of you that One oft.bu Largest Stocks ol Boots and Shoes all desiring a.good piano. in the country. is to be found at D . S'l'EWAR'L'. he has r e-op ened m },1s old Pastor of Presbyterian Church. Boots Shoes! AND -:- N B. - Old StorP 1 near Thon1p15on & Bul'D.'s · l\'Iill, no,vma.nville. CASH! TIIE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times. S. C . HILLIER, M. D. P rof. R 1tJJe. EN~lSKI LLEN , Jan. 15th. 187(;. informi1~g ST:RA W' · W rrHIS ?..EMONS, aud th er 1:1easonable Fruita . v A.J\.IES~Yl·J,Jlr.,_ J. BORLAND'S Gomprising I-IATS AND BONNETS, !'E1'ii:o LEG-t.CO:RN coLOUJN(}. Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. Lie, Boot & Shoe Store, Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents upwards. Misses' and Children's, in proportion. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's, of every description. Afr. J. R 1Mt, 0 SHA\VA, .Jan 24.th. 187U. stand, (two doors 1Vest of the Post Office) with an entire CLEANED and made over in the very latest atyles. Bpecial attention given to Silver street, t·.il'o doors north of Ohurch, Bowtnanville, A-pdl 141 1876. (29-ly. The Pills Pnl'ify the nloc fl, c.01·l·ect all disorders of the Liver, Stoinnoh, ICidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable ii1 all complaints iucidentn.l to F einales. , , The Ointment is the only rdiable re1nedy fot Rarl Lt.!gs , Old '\ Vounds, Sores and Ulce~ . of bowever long st'nncling, }'.or Bronchiti r, , D iph· thet·ia., Coughs, Cold s, <11Htt, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has uo Cfjua.1. Poet's Corner1 Bow~nvi The Comm1>n Sense · ~ June 30tb, 1876 · 84-tl D.EAH Sut:- 'l'he N o. ll. Ma.thueek is all tha t you said comrnendatory of it, musicians nd pn~ounced it excellent. have tried it R i.m.':l . n. !III1'CHEL. Call and Examine. ~&KEB! . W· . g M.@ne has been received Findings kept for the Trade. HAUl'TON, Jan, 31st. 187U. Mr.J. llU8<. DEAR StH : · It ~fforlls me rrrea.t plea.auTe io a.oknowletlgip,; the entire satli3action and my high appreci:ltion of th e ~I~thusek piano purchased frmn you a. few di.ys since. OF Fresh Fa.mily Groceries His aim shall be to keep sell at the the NEW STOCK and MRS. MAYBEE, l)a.ily Line to :Rochester. Commencing on or about rrHURSDAY, 20TB Al'lUL . Best Lowest with univer ,1 favd. in ma.ny of the StatefJ fl( th~ Union,~ -i--toJay, stands higher in tbe cstiu1::i.tion oi ho :wi,tes. tha.na.ny other. They an~ now introduc Lnto this vicinity, by the undersiJ:rned, who h ready sQld.__@o,Ja,rge num· ber. The points cl~x enca conmst. in it11~imphcity ,anti the . s~\'lng oap, labor. aad tllllt1. -------<"»'<' ~:t>i:;;:.i;dinary wMhmg, f.o,.! rge fnmtly, l!jll be ~dor.e by ch ildre!!.-froni 2 years old. Great Inducements. S. J . - o·o - S~H'J'H. possible ·price. He has dete rmined to adopt the THE STEAMER Ar.so Gulf, Kip Upper awl, Sole Leather, TRUNKS, &o. W. JENNINGS ia still in chargti of the FULL AG RAFJ<'E, 7-0CTAVO l"ROM P RICES: $ 3 0 0. CASH SYSTEM, believirw it to be advantageSe 11 er. Th' Cloth" "'" pr;rfectly aiul not i11 tht least worn by it. clea7 , f J oh.u .3lcl\fnrtry,Bowmanv1lle..t or at th i<leace of. thesu?s~riber, t?ctario tst.,and par Jcsiri.ttg to gee it 111 practical use, (>all do so, leaving their na.mt>I'.! with l\Ir. Mc~Iurtrv, an th<:i 1t1.lb~<.:riber will do & W'lsh for them, free of charge. Manufa.ctory :Department and is prepared to guarantee A Pert'ectFJt, ln the Late8t u.1ul Be·t Style. P[ANOS from other makern at bottum prices. A l\i;i,G bfue ca.n be seen a.t t~e Groct1.r tore lIO'O'SE AND LOT FOR SALE. ~ure or sh. 'lbere js ft; new frame house, w~t~ \Vall water, alao a stable, on the pre· mtses. The den is cnlti va.ted. ,Apply to A lIO:t=~SE. Sewed Work a Speciality. First . a/ass Stock used. A Call is Solicited. Remep:iber tl1e St11J1d, Post Officu Block, oppo. aite Ruebottom House. tory price, $8, will be so1d for $7. . Common Sense \Vasher, $7. \Vasher tuid Wnn~er, 114. 'li~_y cannot fa.ii to s~i.8£3·, as a.11 wllo ha-ve ,,., ...,_ -t;riell em, speak hi~hly of thtm, " and would like to trac'IEt a. 'ViJ;ggou, or ~ an)· The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer A 'RY DESIRABLE piece of town pro- thin~ in his liDc, in ti:\,.change for a sn1table &lli· the best in the m~rket , a.lso kept on hand. }'a,c;.. 11. P ~ situate on the corccr of Hunt and ma.I. . , tnn-a~ a, can be 1.'urchased at a reasonable THE SUBSCRIBER is in w11J1t of a borso JfOHN JOHNS. Hampton, July 6th, lil76. (m·tf.) 1 day J. DORLAND . Bowmanvill e, May 12th, 1876. 33. END 25o. to G. P. ROWELL & CO. ,New York, for ,j, Pamphlet of 100 pn.ges, contaio:i()(}() . (R CRAWFORD, MAs'l'E1t,) 'Vill make her regidar trips on thisrout e~leav . LYMAN, {]J;AR~; & Co., also to the ing Cobourg every morning at 7:oO, and l'ort NoR'l'l:I RUP & LYM.ANt aud . d t 11 ·t Hope at 9 o'clock, for Uoobester, oonnecling NORRIS & SOPER IJYll,\N BRoTBEns & Co, 1 Paree1 s cl e 1 !Vere 0 a par s then with the New York Central, Northem NO· 8, Adelaide St, East, Toronto, ·l . t Central a.nd Er10 Railway!!, and Lake Ontario who obtain them at very lo'v prices, fr.;sm J. F . of the town Wlt l promp neSS. Sboro Division of the Rome, Watertown ~nd Henry, Curran & Co. 1 of 1'1ew YoJ·k, aud SOLE AGENTS. thia _ trash is supplied to Unprincipled :Retail h · · a·cl I' I' all Ogdensburgh R"ilway for all point.a East, West Vendors. -:o : who_ sell the same as 1ny genuine Pills . 1g est price P< 1 10 and South. · f d RETURNING, will leave Charlotte (port and Ointment, which are m n.n11factnred only kmcls 0 pro UCe. of lloche·ter,) daily at 9 P. M., except Satur- at 5~{3, Oxford Street 1 London, and inn.y be obAGENT IN , days, \vhen she will leave a t 3 l'. M. for Port tain ed fr0111 the following Firms, "i:t. :-:.Evans, Mercer ~ud Co., IviontreAil. Hoping rece .ve share Huv·direct. DARLIN GTON, CLARK E, \\.'HIT EY, REACH Dealers in stock, &c., will find this the cheap- J'.vlessrs . Avery. lJ.ro,vn and Co. , Halifax, .N.S. AND CAR'l"'\VRIGHT. est and most expeditious route to Eostou, Al- I\ilesars. 1'. B. :Bark('l" and Sori3, St. John, N. B. of your patronage. _,,,,,_ reliable ous not "' only to the buyer but 'NORHEMAN,' ![ I deem it my duty t o state that my Pills and Ointment are neither m~nufactul'c<l nor sold in any IJart of the U11ited Sta tes. · Each Pot and Box bears the Br iti.~h Government Stam~. 'dth the \Vords, ·· Hollo,vay 1H Pills nnd Ointn1en,London," cngl'n.vccl th ereon. On the lah~l is tlie a.dc:h·ess 1 5::la 1 Oxford Strc1::t, Jiond on. · Vile and e~uriouR iruitatioµs of "Holloway's 1 Pilla ani Ointment, ' a.re wanufactu1·ed and aold under the na.mcof "Holloway & Oo.· " by J. l!". llenry,Curran & Co. ,of Drugf;ists of Ne\\' York, v.·ith nn as~nTn(ld trade wark, t.hus - In Canad:i.., t he pri nci pal _ li olcaale D alera in thbtie Counterfeits a.re I JOSEPH RUSE, H. to a "- l3owmanv.i e liar, ?.4th., 8.Z.?· P. THOMAS, 26-tf. At ~R. HAMBLY's, Brickmaker. Bowmanville, A · 5, 187G. (m.·28·tflll) ORN H. IIAMDL Y, ..... 2 a a.t h~me . Ag_ents wanted S $1 newapaptJrs,Md estimates ahowJ. Outfit and terms frve, TRUE & CO. iag liats of in gcoot of advertising. bp-ol0-m25-ly. Augusta, Maine. bp-ol0·m25-ly, Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanv ille. Hampton,'.F·b, 8Ui, 1876. 20-U. He is, yours truly, bany, New York, &c, I·'or fnrther information ~pply to · I\ilcaa1·a. l~lliot and Co. , irotoo.t o. John McMwtry, llowma.nville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. R. ORA WFORD, !Hf. ' (29.tf.} OrC.F,GILDERSLEEVE Poll'r HOPE, KtNO.STON. · WhO impo1·t tb ou1 direct from here. 'l'JfOMAS HOLLOWAY, · 533 (hjonl lftreet, W, C. London, Jam""'Y 1st, 1876. m'l3-o20 · . )

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