·~· -- --- --·--===================~=o=?=======-= ~=~:;===:::====--====--========================-==== POETRY. The Bereaved Widow. BY PHl£LIM o'uowD. TllE MEH.OJ:IANT, J.ANU~RY 30, 1874 ' - LITERATURE. [In the Literary World.] Footman s Lent Lectures. 1873. -o- 1873. - - -o--of tl11;1 $25. REW ABD. ... Iu a pit durr deep in the da1np, cold grmm11, l hi:tve Jaicl the remMns of n1yhusba.nd,Joh11; 'IRE Dl<:VIL'S WOUK I!i 1IA~. · A.lHl I sli~d not a t(;ar In the first pla.ce, then, can \Ve <loubt that O'er hIB lonely bier, _-..w henever th~ fleRh contradicts the spil'it1 when· For in truth I wa;; glad that U1c 1uru1 ',Ya8;;one; ever the world tries to draw us into its "ortex, . . \\·henever we arc tcrnpted to make our inherited J h1·ca.tbed forth a :::1gh when _I heard ~he day or b::i.bitua.l ternperaments excuses for sin in.stead 1-:all d<)\\.rn Virith a thud on his coffin hd; uf goads to prayflr, it is the devil "'ho adds But .tuy eyes 'vere dry, mnlign.ity to these ti:niptations? . . . But And I stood close hy, . . while this is so, let me say, in the oeeoud place, \Yi th my fa,oe in my lninclkcrc!nef closely hid. that I think thfre h a special Wl\Y in which Sa·- I FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress Goods Newest Style., Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? baviug come to O\U' knowledge, that certain I rrPerUai'f.I are i.1elling Spectacles u.nd Eye GJMsl!s vurporting to be of our mo.kc, and to bear 0111· names eLa.mped thereon, we hel'eby m\11t.ion tbe public :tg-n.inst nll such in1posters,n.s 1\-Icssrs Yellowlees & Quick are our Agents in \-Ye.st llnrharr1 ; and a R.ewa.rd of $25,.is hereby offer~d for the a.pprehension ttnd convktion of all sneh imposters a,;i try to defraud the public by offering their trash as 01~r n1ake. J,AZAR.TJS, ~fORRIS. & CO. ~Iontrcn.1, Nov. Sth, 1871. n7·tf Oct. CHIT [Tim :Bra.dy and -Mike Ply~:n) lS72. I T!e wasn't the first I had laid in the pit, .F or my three other husbands- were th ere lieI · 'l r -,.~ . .,. f r9r~£1 ~ So-F$fi<i;;.ved not (ur ·!ol!l1· nut~I 'q~'hfil.~t]'Ookell on, \Vhile ~he_ grnvccliggern al1ovdled tliu 'vet earth 0 'er him. Not w t>vh did I t,riv~, as they covered hltn nv-:Xot a pra,y~· did I say for the poor man'tl suul But I tnrned_fru1u thO' to1uh, WJ1ile I wonrlcted whom, l ~honld next have to lay in thnt ditrk, ,fa mp hole. Four hm;hand::i a.lrea.cly l'v·:i seen laid low , An·.l 1>til1 T :l'"" bP.:ilthy and yow1:.;- auU. strong J u that Enme old plot :N"un 1bcr five i:1hall bo lnid with the n::::it ere long-. T~11t, ~oobye, Jnhu l You n.ra dea<l and g~1nc-. 'l'ht~ last and worst of 1ny hu~Lands fou··; You can n ever- come La.ck To la,)1'welt1; on my back: Nor can I gut 1ny d!l.Wt! l~t your gdn1 fac.:~ mor<:. Chickens. Signs, Tokens and Warnings. T believe iu signs, warull1g~ and tokens. T r: ;·~v this, knowin.g that rua11y will criticise, but l i'iavc ' hrtd too mtlll)' dc1nonstrations to allow rue to doubt thv,t certain cnmi.ng eve nt:-i cast their ~hadOws before. lf yuu drop your dllih ·cloth it iH n. E:ig-n that oome one in the f[l,rnily i6 g:oin6 to diu. I ha Ye i;~eu :it tried. ~[y mother dropved her tlli:\h· c;]oth oni.i JHtJ+'iling, and just seventeen ycu,rs ttfter, to an hour, i.11y grandtnothe1· fdl dead. If you break ~ l ooking·glass, ·it is a. sign that you are going to move. J knew a family once wht!re the won1nn broke a lookiu t;·gfo, ;:::., n.nd c·nhl she defined the sign, and that o.11y one who lJel.ic.wed in sign~ was la.eking something lll the head . 'Ylrnrt followed? '\\Thy, at midnight t,ha.t verv night, her ]1011se took fu·e; the fire1nun c~~1e, and tb(l nnbfllievi ng woman \Yics floated right out into the allt.-;:~.r. lf the tco.·ketth:. 1 sings it is n sigu uf some n.ct·irlen~. Tbere wa::i Jones; he didn't beLl.e'lrc it; saic.l he'fl lick t.lie bide right off a11y of his children who entl!rtaincd any such belief. Now, 1n~wk the r.t!;;;;u)t. Just t!levcn years, five a nfa, Jones 1nonth;; a.ud twenty-e:i:..:" days afterw· fell do-wn sto.irs, drove his thu mbs up, broke Li$ knee, put his 11.rm out of jl)int, and injured bis eopine for life. If )'Oil happen to act three Hgbts in a ru\'r', it's a sign tlrnl.;-1wesent 11lans will turn out n~ you hope for. I had an"uncle '\Yho put three lights i 11 a row, anJ. hi.s planfj turned out nll right. Ile got the horse just os he had planned foi·, v.nd wa!:! well ont of the neighbod1ood ; but the sigu cuuldn't do any n1ore, and he \Ytt>c! (111(!1'· bmiltHl by u vigilance connnittee and left haug· iug to iJ.. ti·ec to incditat~. }[e wai;t1't worth much, except as n. corpf:c, n.fter be got throvg-11 ineditating. ~ I f vou see 3' white l10rse ancl don't spit over vot1;, sh ouldl:r and nm l(e a wish, it is another: l~;d sign ; you are going to meet with ~t great J.isrbppointm ent. A relative o~ mi n e used t.o poohi pnoh snc~ things, und lw·J. bi..: bui::;lod. if. he'd spit oYer l1is shoulder if he 1net forty wlHtf! horses. But he cniught it. lle t.lidn't ge·t down Circu it Conrt jury jufit as be pln.mied, and waa oblicred to cro to work it·ud earn hi~ bread or &ta1~'f:', Since that he has uhV!t:\'S f.!pit OYer bis tli(lul<lcr fl..t llrn ::dgbt of a white l1nrse· 1 11ncl he ir> <i!wnys en t.Lc jury or get!' big wag~·!:! for be :ing a wib1ef-'-,;. -~--- tan is the father of the dark ru1U the foul, and thnt wi!y is revealed to us by a careful study of 1 that lie by ,vhich he first deceived us 1 and of which my f5.ri!t text fol'mB a. part; not forget· of tho b.;E!t make, including the celtibr:itet.1 ting, as we l'!tudy, that other lie, by which he ' tri~rl to d~ive our Deliverer (St. J.\.1att.hewiv.) r.l urn to that third t,;hilipter of Genesis, and then you will ser> tba.t his special atta.ck waH made, !Oct Cottons at Cowle's···S:plendid and his murderous efforts tlircctt!d, agaimit the value. very es8ence of life-against th1tt by ·which alone men live or can live. You re1nen1ber, }.,aith, Love, Obedicncctu.-ke thest\ u.WNy and . yon produce n. .famine ; n(l food fa ]eft for the spirit, whatever t.herc may be. . for the animul. F(u:, without these, as '\Ve proved last Sunday, there can be 110 of nncquu.llcd knowledge of God ; and without knowledge of 1 God no lifo. Thus much is clear. Very well, then; slander God tb man, and get n1n.n to be· licve th<' slancler, o.nd the denth·blow is struck. ..ind this is what wa.3 done, The deaclly OJ>Cr· atien began, you may rememl)er, with & ques· tion of deluding ambiguity-" Yea.1 h:J.tb God said 1 " He infuses a suspicion, you see, cX· cites a doubt as to God's love nnd truth ; and, n.."l you know, when suspicion and doubt conic 1 1' TI]~ in, faith and love begin to totter in the soul. Thmt Lhf.! foe goes on-this having had time to \Vork-to darken the chatacter of God yet n10re co1npletely; to assail llhu as n <leuci 1,· . c1·, M having given u. lyinJ reason for Hfa prohibition, and irnp~ed upon man by a cruel tlu·eat, which nevertheless Ile bad no po\ver, and · Spccinl Line of COTTONS at COWLE"8. know He bad no power, to carry out_ "For GuJ doth know I.hat i.n the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opi;ine<l." And s6, t / <l1.u·k thoughts of the Eterri.u.l .Lovet' crune in, GREY COT1 0N STORM ONT. OPENING A-utum 11 Fashions ---oo--- PRINTS STORMONT ,. }iagnificent display of Ne w and !-?Jch 1 {~oods. STYLE and Q'O' ALITY MURDOCH BROS. h11ve upeuell ou LaJJ irrnJJeDBC "tock uf l\r·w } \ ) j Goods. Great cnre has been tnken in buying the Stock, and a.s -int 1' '.11g but ·First Clas& Goods luwc been purchased, customers can rely on ·ntting good viilue for their money. TIM.- " Good morning, ~like, shure and it is early out ye ·are. Migh I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." '. _ MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jifly. Ye soo, I was tould, yisterdn,y, thn,t 1Iisthe,. Gray, ov Tyrone, had got homo - - - - ----·--···--- ------an illigant new stock av Goods, ehape as durt, man, a,nd itl! meself could h:udly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles and piles av the natest patte>ns; and he'd give ye the makin's tw au illigtrnt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; T1ty SHOP [ 'I'I". - for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." CARRIAGE ui - "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke ; wouldn't the man be I afther breaking down." · . _ · . (west of t1rn Onturio B:~nk . ) MIKE.-" BrCllking.~lown, is it. Sur~ ~e ~~ow~ a thrick" wurth two av I that. I'll Jist tell you wlrnt it-1s, T1m, 1f ye want to get &grate name when youre <led, and be called a filantrofized, filosifer, and King Street, Bo wnmnviFe. I a public binifacthor, jist tell ttll youre nabours, and the rist a:v mankind, about Gray's chape store, and yi:m'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ire. hind, when he bttnishecl >tll the toads aud snakes out av it, that rrHE, subsc1':ibel· is p:repal'(H.l to build anJ re· niver 'vas in it." pau· TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av abvi_ ce, and 'fon't . de- . l.'1in ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd mi85 . some bmgains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to of evl1ry description, at t::hort notice, R.uJo ' Grays. _ .· - , ~· 1·eai:-or-able tei-mfJ, 1 I ' Carriage~ Painted and Trimmed. J@ GRAY' Tyrone~ 1 CO'rTO N BAGS, . Ill 1:3EST -----o -- ~--·· A Blacksmith's Shop I <111 tl1c p1·1imieefl, we1·e r.pecia,l 11.tWntion is g,iven Noted for cheap Goods. -the World. to .u GO Ol)S C11.niage work, and General and were yielded to. How ca.n you trust ono whom you sn.spoct ~ _ How can you love and willingly obey one wbosl..l orders ·you bclicvo to be but cruel checks upon your happiness, die· t a.tecl by unloving wilfulness, backed.up by lying threats? Faith gave way then to distrust, love to 1nu1piciotu.i dJ:ead, obedience to rebelliou, 111e to death. In accordance with these views of Satan. as a.n evil ag_ent, the fiesh-i. e., the fleshly inind, and the woddi :;i,n(l all that are kith nnd kin with them-- a1·e reg11:nle_ d Ly our preachel' as foes to the :ifo of the 8pirit, when Sntan works tln·ough them ; as, on the othc11 hand, the tI:u e instincts of the spirit, an<l all Divine influences \Vorki11i:; in ma.n, aro regarded M his fnends. Tl10 u1a11ner in which these matters are treated wil1 he further indicated by the following ex· tr1.1.ct on TH.Ir. CHURCH A:N"D 'l'.HE WORLD. J~ct me git'e yol:l an illufltrn.tion. Consider tlw case of a i·eligious profesei,onal ma.u or tradesman READY-JVIADE Job bing. Pia.in and 1igmed Lu"tro,, l'l11in >rnd Tartan Wool 1'opli:1s, Metz Cord, Figured Repps, Empress CLoth.s, tmd lt!l enrlloss variety of oth<w mw All ivork done at this Establishment Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas , Double TVn·rp Black Lustres, Black Cowarranted. bourg, Black Pammattas, 131.rwk Cmpe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. .. 1 ] CLOr:rI-IING Good and Cheap. Clothbi.g Ma.de to Ord.er it is a well-known Fact that Cowte ltas the best Tweeds in the count1·;i;. 'f.lolht'.ng cheaper thu.n the IOct Cotto11s o. Oo'U!fo'8. A call is respectfully solicited. J\'.I J l_j I~ I N E R Y .T. MORlUS. Bowrnnnvillc, Oct. Jst, 1860. -:!: ' __ . .· RICE & BARKER Importers ' of . tlie G. D. Lockhart, The assortment of Mi!Jinery and Millinery Goods is ·Ycry extensive and in trimmed 01: untrimmAd Hats and Bonnets every taste· can be conn lted as the variety is so great. 'l'ho Fiuwers and Feathers, Lr1.ces, &c we clnim to luwe the ln.rgest assortment to be founr'. DENTIST :BEST ORGANS· manufactured on t11is Continenj;,~r!l prepared to treat vi th reliable travelling agents on liberal terms. 'rhey are making arrangements to introduce some first class piano.11: \Vare Rooms at the West Durham Stettm Printing House, King Street, Bowmanville. I ----------· - -----J~L . :.\..NICETS . T~ In Blauk and White real L"~es and Lace Collars, we l1avt " large assortment, at prices to suit nil. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office F. ~IcArtlnu·'s Store, J(ing St., Ilowmanville. Bownianville, Oct. 23rJ, 1873. OYlll' E~. Large Variety - -- ------Ile ma.y have determined that the Yrtiin pomps of the world shall have no hold upon hi1n. N othiug on earth could induc.e him to fJO to u. ball or tt- tl.le i~tte, 01· to play cards . He bas n1atle up his mind (you, who have not mnde up your;;, do J.10t la.ngh at bim)- -he has made up his min<l. I say, that when God tella IJlrn t.o rr.· .l\I·. B.···Special inducement nouncc the "·orld, these are the kind of thiJJgs CASH Purchasers. which are meant. Good ! then he must re· nounce them- sins against God if he docs not. So ntuch is plain. But is it nJso pln.in that by t1 1ei::e f1.,1·rn11gen~ents he l1as got out of the reach j 1 of the ¥.rorld·spirit? Let. tHI see. Our Stuck of Tweeds, E:ancy Coatings, PiloLs, l,;loovcrs, Petca,hams Meltons, etc,, will be found unusuaJ.ly large. --------~~-- ----- Bowmanville, May 7th. 1872 given ti:> MURDOCH B·ROS. · ,· BOW MANVILLE F Y. Cowle. Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co '1'110 " slaYe of.the rh1g H- a bride. .A grant for the \Ve ~t ~:Emi ·gr1:n1t. A chin that's nuvel:· sb:n'ell ~~..,\.u nr·chin. A book for the table-01 11~ fu.11 of plates. The joy of tl1c dumb i~ ~.lways unspeakable. , \Vhat ir.i the lH!.>.:t time to "kilJing no murder?" Sleiµ:hing time. 1\-'Iiss c cn:.-;t.rnction- \\'l1olt!bn;e anr) pu.int, powder aud waddi11g. A bad book to n·1:<1 - .li.. naughi y biograpl1y {an autobiography) . lf you ,,·ant to 1.-nu\v wl1 eLl ,(·1· a iree j::; hol· low or uuti, r1x.c it. A U1irf n;nuing aw.iy j,, a r;cu1np, but tho l>Olicl'wa:n's clrn;.;e uJi-< ~1· li\m, i;;; a scam tit.:r. The he:st baud !,o acc0m p<i11y a 1<11.ly vocalist -·.A hm;-l·anrl. I\nw!1 i1e1lrn : ' i \Vhy is the tnan v.·ho does 1 110 t bet ntJ bad <I.~ the in1u1 who doc8? ' Beca.uge hfl ir; no better, ..:-\.u intuxicatctl individual was detect~d the oLIH:r uiglit in an :i,ttem11t to pick the pockets of <J, liilliar<l table. ' · J_f pom· Geo!'ge had uot hl owe d into the 'fH.E CJUJRCHMAK'S 'l'llE,\'l'l'.H~N'.L' 01:' 1tKK. 1 ~ 1 uzz!eof his gun,'; sighed a rurnl widuw, nt the fuuernl of her l.<i.te husbaud, 11.st Saturday, Once a.gl\in. He wants to realise the c1aims "'he ln ight have got a plenty of Equirrcls. It upon hiru of }ti~ c11sto1ner or clieut whom th~ w;.u-i "'uch a goof!. d:iy for theiu. P custoJn is driving him to defraud. How eall ~"- !,!"OOd naturccl traveller fell a6lecp in a train he so \vell realise this as tiy following ·t lle lead a.nd wa;, c~'\rried a few niilca beyond his desti· of St. Panl i by recalling the fact that thiti nation. ~·Pretty good joke this, ,ii:! n~t it?" man or wnman wlwm his world holds so Cheap 1;1.tid he to a fellow rin::senger. "Yes, but a. is dear to Christ; a member of the one body as little too far fotchf:ltl,:' was the replv, well ai;i he ; one towards whom his duties - are TJ1e other aft"'rnoon a- rural gcntlemru1 who sa.c1·c'..l, 6iuee th ey ai·e grounded upon that com ..,vHS fltan<liug in a Ri ver street store over n. reg- 1no11 relu.tion..sl1ip to the One Head, of which ister, attraeti-Jd general attention to him~clf by the Church exists to bear witne~ to the ·w orld? It ·is not that a. man is to ~ observing to his wife, "Na.da1·, I ~ness Pm You see the point. agoin' to havf:' a. fever, I feel such hot i;treaks overcome the world by remembering that he ls a member of au exclusi\'e association calliug it· a-runnin' up my legs . " self holy1 and despising others ; but th~tt he ii! _,_'\. drnnkcn ftillow was walking up the skt'et to realise the existence of a corporation called quite lat~ the other night, l:!in;:;,iug at the top of to Ue buly, and commi:isioned' to tell all men his ln1sk~y·-- voice, "]Jock me to sleep, n1uther, that this caU Ls for tlian, sinee the Head of t.J11;1 rock nm to sleep. 1· I-Ic stuggered against a. }JO· Church is the LorJ (If every man ; bringing 1:1i li~man, who replied : "I tvon't rock y0u to Goi:!pel to all, \\>-i.thout i·espect of persons. It tjfo~l'l, hnt I will el?l.b you so you will be glad to i:s not tha.t, as a, Churchman, .I have a license lay dowu n ..pd be ql.fiet, if :rou don't !!hut up." t0 1nakc those outside thti victimci of n1y scllle lol5t li is voice right ::twl-t.y pretty quick. fi;_,hness, tJr to treat thun1 as if they were not 'l'he rmn neYer s}ionc bl'ighter than it did On hun1an ; but i t is that, by the pledges of f'rud's 8at.1ird:'i.y morning. Yet whf:'n Mr. reter lo\·etoo ma.n which I as a Churchman have ac· ,f ohnston, of EmJt Broi:i.dwny, landed on the r~ epte d, I tt.ru bonnd to treat e1Jcry nufn. .i;i.s oue i:;itlewalk from the top step of the 1-Jtuori, he S'.11w to whom the' same pledge:-:i ::tre uffenid, an<l for whom the ciam~ Infinite Love has come forth S'.l 1nuny st.a.rs that h~ couldn't count thctn. in thu person of'. tho Inc,\rna.tt YY01·d· .Just fsO AN U l"E..'U' EG1':E D R1~rJ.Y. - Some sehohi.rs, iu far as I allow n1yself to be ttu·ncd away from t1ie ab.-:;e11ce of bettei· knowledge, sometimes such ~ course, under the pressure of tl1c clique, give rathel' < 1uee:r n:plit~~ to !l_uestions which are ur· sect, or·: little wol'ld "to v..Jiich I beloug, I asked the111. OJ1e of our Hehoo'l tn1~tecl:l wa~ am introducing- th,e 'vorld·spirit int? the taken c®siderably abaek the other J:-i.y Ly au Church, an<l iuto 1ny own hcatt, aud 11m at the unexpected ~nswer fro ·.n a pupil he was cate, world's feet, not Christ's. ehising. 'J'hc trustee wal:l vi.~iting- the school of F or this practical common sense, as well as liia ward, and 15}wwing- it l~ff ·vith ~ a great .deal thoughtful and cultured dealing with thiug!i, of pride to a number of In.dies and gentletnen and fo1· t11e all·pervi1.ding spiritual cnrncstncss ~10 awmnpanied hin1, During his v1s~t he put of these pulpit a.ddresses, 'vo can honestly co. In· u. numbe1· of que~Li.011s to the pupils, anll tur11ed rt1end the lJouk. \V(l llf)ve not for a long time towarrl8 his friends with a. triurr1pbant air .1t met \vith anything of the kind ""liicp· inore eaoh corl'ect an~nver. ..:\.t k;ogth a cfo;::;if-1 in hi.s· co1nn1ends itself to our owu judgment and bettory w1ui caned up, and the trustee, perhaps ter ft1diugs than this volwne of Lenten leenot unwilling to dil:lplay bis own knowledgo a>1 : w ell as that of the puplls, a..,ked the class tt turcf! · uu1nber of questio11s, which were promptly nu· ~ werr;.d till he <:tune tO the following : " 'Vhy do we celebrate the 2ind of February·~" "Be. 1 1 I · " a.'iChiJ1gton'sbirthda.y." " \Yhy'?" Ae we dispel 11auseous Ol ors, )J' eUJug cause it 16 "' asked the .trustee, do we celt brate WaSl1in1;1· sweet p1?rfun1cs Hy everywhe1·e an1ong thcnl i ton'.:i birthaay? \Vhy should \Ve oelebi·ate hfa aH 'vc . drive a'ivay darkness b" upborne birthday inorc than mine? 't rrhere Wa:ti . no .! a.nswer. '!'he tru8t~o looked fr.on1 one t o the tor~hes of light; as "". e make barren land other with a ,aort of ht~lf·.surpri8e, bali.~tO· !1.Ieeu witb fresh life by turning' upon it the Vl'Q<LCh, till finally a. little. dirty-fapod, .tangle: " haired un:hin a.t the very foot held up lna hfmn strearr1s of ovcr1lowing lountains :-so we ·Lo aitl·n.ct attenti':m. ' · I knotv, a~t-," f:jntd. the qneuch evi l tho11ahts in the depths of those boy. "_,_'\..h ! 1' r;md the trustee, w1th a rt fL1 r of . .r. l~t~le i ~hic.h a~c full of goodness, and turn. away 1·~llc~ ~~nd,~~t~sfaction, ", n~b~ is it~. rna.n t ·· Ua11se 711!11e-;ei told a uc_. !he· oui· tliougbts efler,tuallv froni sensations of titter which followed was one of the uifect1ous · . ~ · kind whicL itT~J~j stibly A"wells into a lotid ~ut· physical pain by occupying the1n thoroughfo..·v, and the dh1comfit1:<l trustee retired p~,~- 1); with the deJi1rhts of faiLb hope aratitude cipitatel_:r;, j ust before the la.ngh had re::whcd its . . °[ . . ' '" 1 1 clima:{, iuul hoy _,,oye,,- ntert·W-1 S·uppo:=:.e J1e findR .a custom establi~ht:d - in the trade or professiQn to whit.:h he has been brought up, and by which be ls to get hi.a living-out of the profits of which, :n::a.ybe.i he honeBiJy htt~ud1> to subs01·ibe liberally to the cauf!e of God in big town. Suppose that he becomes convinced tha_ t thiircuston1 is a bad one, tha.t ·it involves act~ of injustice ; perhaps even, iI1direetly, of c1·nelty towards others. i\.ud yot, i;;uppose further, t1mt he fr.el$ that in brea.king it be should be setting himself agui11ot tl1e pnblic opinion Qf his tra<le ur profe8~ion, iucntring loss of cash Mid credit among those wbose good opinion and fall· speeches are of much greater vahrn to him than the cold palIBing praiso of so1ne cu;sto1ner who might come to know that :b tJ·itdc cnston1 had been broken in hie fav or, a trade maxim Yioh~ted. There :you bAve tho mrm face to faco with hfa world. No"\\'", "\\'"ill his rigid rcgnla.tions about bttlls and theatres help hinl. ? or rather, will they ensure hhn victory Y 'l'o enable hin1 to outface the \vorld in thif) new pha.fJe of its seductiveness, .rou'!t he- not be con ;:;cious afresh of the dear 1;bining into his heart of the light of God's countenance? 1\-lust he not y ield him.self af1·esh to His tran~for.ming po iVer, tlmt tl1e spirit of his 1 u inL1 1:ony one inore put forth the energy of its trl,J.e life--once more receive a.new the presaure of the llna.ge of God? He \Y:tnts to resist the bribe::i or the threats of his own coterie, to get ubove what 'lhr.ywill say,' whose f:layings he must the of· tenest listen to, tu escavc the t}'1·anuy of thefr e"il will How is he 00 do it but by takinK refuge in the porfect will, the gracious will, uf his Father 1 0 Simmens & Clough Organ Co;s :Manufa,oturers of r_['h o ::iubscrib.cr would beg tu c<-111 iitkntion to hir:: i:.tock of IUJ,pro ved \VOOD A~D IHON Cabinet Org&ns AND '·· "' WORKING MACHINERY 1 Groceries, Dry Goods, 'l'HE LEFFBL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Ga,lvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. ...i\.ttachQd to thei::e patented Spectacles are two scientifically conr=tructe~l G-a1vanic Dn.tteriesuneeen when worn·-delivering th1·ough tho nerve s of the head, a soft and continuous strea1n of 9lectricity, vitalizing and giving healthy a~ tion t.o the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely <tud cei'i;aiuly curing Boots & Shoes eto, etc whieli for Ca.stings of a.11 Xi:nds. llEP~:.\..II{S done on th~ Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve · Weak or Diseased Vision; Neuralgia of the Read or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles o fth face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, .A.nd a liost of ~ervous ::Jise[tses, a.risiug frurr· rl ep1·nsfli0n of th e ric r vons enel'gy of the system Contributing in a most astoni,$hing degree, to life, vigor atid health. Hy the mea;ns of the soft and flowing streant of Electl'icity, Giving Hrightnt!ss to the Eye, Quicknes!:I to tlie Ew·, and energy to the Brain. They arc set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suitall fjight::.;, and with glasses for tho~e not 111~ ei.ug SpcctaclcR t o \Cad with .but desiring the bcne· fits to be tlerivcd fron1 wearing the Batterie.~; and M'C only to bo had in this vich1it y of SHORTEST NOTICE, \Ve ha\·c no'v on hand a. large quantity of Quality and Cheap ness, OANNO'r BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. Common and Gang Plows, that win be sold at LOW PRICES tf ================::=::;=:~~=-=== --" ~--= -======== AT THE SHOP. Bow1n::i,nille, biareh 6. 1873. ' YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf ®rautr QCumnmaimn dDflltitrn I FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED -----·--DRUGS AND MEDICINES .'\T 'l'H}; TO THE vVIGG SOK, SPLENDID NEvY HEARSE, The satisfaction given by Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most importa.nt bea\·ing on the future reputatiou of Heed InstrumenLs, by men,ns of whieh the quantity or Volume of tone is very hirgely increased, itncl the quality of tone rendered . . . returning tnan.ks. to .thdr i:-unh::ro n~ Custon1crs and the Public g.m}crnlJy, for pa~t fo,vurs I ~w011ld respectfully mv1te theu· u.tteut.lon to our pre1:1entsto~k of Furn1tu1·e, W:J we hu.ve lately ad<led thereto, that we inay ther<:by be enabled to supply all parties who may please to favor hi is eclipsed by tbe Hati.-ifaction gh-e11 by s:rvIALE a ce.U. Cheat inducements held out to those i1urcashi.ng at otu· Establishmel].t. Pictul'es, to his nurn~rous patrons. H Q- is nci'\Y pleased OULl) most respectfully tender hio sin· "'ith Looking Gla.'38es, .&c., fra1ned to order, ruid in everv style. ·Samples of the different kind of to announce that he has on hand· a large and u~re tll11nks to hil'! numeruu;;; friends and varied a~sortment of ~Io1lldings can be seen n,t the \\rare-roo1n. \Ve w,01\Id also beg to inform you, that, having pur· · custo1ne:ra, and to the public generally, fm· tho chased a very lib~~'ul ~np;pot·~ he has re<..:eived since h~a c01nmencu1g in IJusJuer;f'.; n111: l 1 ,;.o ni;i::i Ly c;out1· nued strick perHonr1.l ntt cntior .o bn.'lincss, nnd offering nothing lJut Un~ i)unij, < a rt-ide ~, :.i.t the we ,,;hall be ready at all t.inws, to v,ttern.l :Funerals, 011 short notif..e, and reasouabk t crtn8, nlost I'>;.!aisonable 1niccs, to. ensure a continuanct-J :N. B. Coffins kept on 1Ll11Hl, 11,nJ 1nade to unlt>r, at the of the ~~t quality, anJ is auxions that they of public patronn.ge. shall A et to \vork aM ~oon n.f:l possible. J. i{. would eall spedti.l. attl:'utiou to bii) very 1VEW DOM11VION B ETA.IL FUBlU:ITJRE WABE-lWO.l.. superior stock of Bowmanville Drug Store, BARNUM BOOTS .AND SI-IOES ,- . J. · I:IIGGIN:BOTHAIVC, W Equal to that of tlle<Best Pipe Ort.ranrJ of the Sam~ .. Capacity. ..,_;.. ~ Our celebrnLed " Vox Celeclte," " Louis Patent," " Vox Humana." " '\Vil cox Patent" ., Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clal'ionet' Stops, and DYE 8'1,TJF:B'S, which are sure to give tlw .A. well-sekcted stock of b~st OWawa, Aug . 2Gth 1 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. .All l'rioes, A LL I THE LATE IM p R 0 v EM ENT s tmtfofaction All Sizes, . Cn,n be obt"inecl only in Lhese Organs. __ All Xind.s, 'l'hi1'ty-five Diijerent Styles, DRUGS, OF{Elifl GA LS, PA1'E1YT 111ED1CINBS BRUSHES, CO JIBS, SH 0 Uf, D FJR-BJLU:l~'S, 1\ND SEE Lacl!es Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " Balmorals, extra; high " cut - . - - - $1,25 J?or the P@·lor and the Church, :J.'he Best Jlfciterial and Wo· tkmansh·ip, ·' N ething to Bea~ iit. Qticility and Volume of Tone Unequalled 8UPl'OllTEBS, Etc.,Ete. kept constac\;tt.ly on hnn1..l. BATTI ~l~ W _ GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, ----u---- - - - - o---"-- . -- Trunks, &c. Speci,1.l attention given to TO $500. Factory aud Warerooms, Cor· 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan 1 ni* OILS,_ P ;JINT; COLORS, Y ARl'IIHSES, and WHT'l'E LEAD, 1.bt tho vek'Y lowt~Kt. price~. FALL AND "rlN1'ERJ)RYGOODS Man.chaste~ B9wmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. CUTTING .t'\.ND FITTING 1 :mcl n<>ne but iirnt-cla" workmen employed, thu'! insuring good value in e\'ery case, {EstabliRh1xi .in 1850.) i\""',. ·B ,-Connl,ry .St.01·!,)hf: r "r,:i supplied on the most advan:i.;H;;'('0us t err!:,'l. A choice H1;.)lecti o11 <>f T,A.1\i l'8 1 for sale cheap) J3uwn:u111viile, D~c. 0, 1868. ·'i:m · Horses 2,nd Cattle lYiedicines: Bouse, Iry Store, King St. , lJow'">mnville. J. SM~l\.LE . 23rd, JS73. Bowmonvil!o, Sc,pt. I STORE. ':..One do: r ea.st of Corni;, h's 1 ,Ttn-n~l· ,/!', !OT 13 owroamn'JI . e, A ug 2 1st, 12 8~ 'I RICE & ..D miA. RKER, Agent.S, _ o · w0$t an d NOfth 0 f. B0 1eVl'}Ile . Il t ar10, m7-o34 "