Ontario Community Newspapers

Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 13 Jun 1873, p. 1

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· WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing O:ffl.ce Krna STRJ<;FI BOWMAN\ 11 rr Seventy fhe cellts per annu m m au. vance Ver " T h e Mei chant and ~ Obser $2 00 o l \ l:.l '.I S I:S G AND GENERAL \ OLVM.E I ADVE~RTIS.ER. JU~E n. PE.A.TE, ~AILOR ,_ ltELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABITSHED 1811 BOWMll.NVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY 13 1873 eye ' 1 c th l ( cs plaj ed Wlyd lllea emyJeananU a NUMBER xxxvr POSTERS l'AMPIILLTS BII L HE \D .. CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOrJS HANDBILLS L \.BJ [ S CARDS TIOKEIS &c Sic ~ EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. POETRY At the Last· rxentlemen s & Boys Garments ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS fiie17Jool London and Glas1ou w sl (A~ <I. 0 I I lee 1 ttle orli; it.1 n J 1J 111 B at back a lfrfortfl 1.1 c r on<3 i frr>, J ht ee little WQJ. d" V1 osc dull distress l\f au ever) th ng a.n<l noth ngnt-~ U b l l n move my 1 ps nstea<l Of otl er t ttC"r°' cc SI e l foad IEF OFFICE S JAMl SSIREEI lvION1 RE \L rw F ~u~inc~~ ~nttl~. nf rmat1on arpl to \\T ol.. NJ ADS .A c t Ho v nm v lie T ne 9th 1871 ti 3U ta u on 11 l RR LOSCOMBE 1 ARRIGJER AT L I W !>OLlCLWR JN CIIA NCJ'.],y <fc e Ne~I'ailor Shop. JOHN n t ' - -- HEAL, Bo ru u v ll Se1 ltlJ 1812 _ _ , _ 4_ ~_ tf _ most hberuJ. eon ~c AUCTIONEERS I vi tho 'l. ow J1 p ol Da linglo 1 Uffic JAME~ or ' Pl I ei tt.1 y of - 11 1\. :-\'lU l o PHILLIPS II U\11 lON 01 ]1 nu2 J tf G]{ANI Res. Scc1 ta y en tu fl.:'t le t rof:l :'l ~o o eas n M (JSIO' J Al....E ha.'! gn.:at plcnsuie lll in g tic inl ab1t;rnts of JJaihngton that 1 p1epm.e l to iect1 ve pup ls OJ tl e Pa.no a r U Orgau Part c la.i s by :tppl cat 01 to Mrs l3 ro rs Ifompton Sept 6tl 1872 m4tf AGENl l 01 BOWMAN HITE C llAlU,E11 Obsc er Offic Kn g ~t s lead W lll· JAMES BIGHAM, ltiS l\I M form she 231 -- -------- -Imperial Fire Insurance Co 01 IONDON (!<:stab! she ! 1803 HEAD ]J. tr: n ill T 111c "1L1 lti 0 3U LITERATURE. FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENTS 'I IE Parnter Glazier Paper Hange1 &c &c CARRIAGE SHOP, TYRONE g i 01 ict:s Pall Mall Londnn. GKNEll:\L 1 Old H1oa 1 St l 0 ~ El'i n :rr t "r (Hr<: UL lN ) L1G i :r INIAN R~ ) <\C:l!:NC) cra.m.ent Mo tre.hl c lli.Al - 24 St (Co t l) MARRIAGE lS«lU LICENSES TI ROBERT co ncct o 1tl Fund £1 96o 000 Steiling I unds n c;Jte n Oaua<la.- lOv 000 Insurances against loss by F1 c fl; e c/fccte l on the roost fa or:lbltJ ten s :JJu l losses pn..1d ltl out e reucr. to the Don. l 1u I onrlor a~n.. Subscnbod and n' ested Cn1 t l a.lid Hoser tho ~are whe e H W( OD m17 3 n .T DODSWORTH Inspector RUTOUL BB0S Ag-euts Montre::i.l do1 e n 11 t1;1 brl\ncbes R ly Ju 21st 1870 Straw-Cutters ! McFeeters Grain Grinders 1 Jam es AGENT J tl : F EED l\1ILLS. 'IheQUl!ENFiro andLf Inau a.nce Co u o e fol o ng Ins u an otl e Instit tons \I vrlolof tl Wo e 1 R LOSOOM:BE Barrister gen for Bowmanvine and V1c1mty Bo mru ;,Ile J 1 c l4tb 18f0 J6 l1l 0 43 3g 4 v ol a.it1 lei:; y ti ] el.-; y :dl tn e 1 ·n; Car ta! L'2 000 000 $1DO 000 dcpo8 t d Wlth the Dom1n10n Go e1n neut for tbe ptotec t1on of Policy holders in Canad1,1. T -DARLI NGTON lot of Ra1s111s, Cm anm, Figs, I 1, o ~Vi' JYI A N R W v I I L E Agenc~ Y l a1 m Implemont Forwardmg JA:ILES ]{m 0 St Ho ninvill e Tl e ISOLAlED RISK F e Ins ,nee Con ])a.ny of Cn..nada. Uap tal $500 000 -One of the best and chea1 eat Con pan cs lo ng business m tl e Ilom ru.uni.,for l ar1ncrs :;i,nd Isol.ated R sJ R ll e CAN AlJ \ LA~ D]!;D CRllDil CO Y ith a Sa 1ngs l3a tl department NEW F R~ITS, FASHIDO~s~ou~1~. :N ur~ lhetNION ' md Saving s S lbese l atte1 R nl Estate o Lorro" er Bo n ' ville IERMIMEC'!l.13 ll g c1"tY nst t to s U :u ce Io s o tc ms n :;uo.11; for / Dates, Lenton, Orange 1 and. ~itron :Peels, 1N (,REA [ '.\.\ u J t ti.:l u l l tl rt.55 F e! 6tl )873 To Masters of :t. \ <\1UE l ) of eut of :Beni::ttii n1l C a u dies, t CHOICE BISCUITS ) ] gto hl.o .g t lt 0 ixleb1a.W l '- ce l autl ltof PURE LEAF Tm.As, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks C BOUNSALL, an ti. HF.SJ;; MARKS ARE '.J:HE UHE!l.PES'I T 1nost mot nplct.c invented ll:iey are uaed "mer1can Marble of the laSt1ngJ tl e lea.st troublef!ome a.nil vo tf\Cl' :i.u l recommended by many of the beat :Breeders n tl e Un1te!J. Stateti and Canada such n.s G B Lor ug~ Sa.le n Mass Pre"-ide1 t 1"11:1 England AND UNDEl'tTAltINGat A l 'l.J."0 U Stones, Wool Growers Socioty ~ i! ohn s Ro5S Henne pin Ill Professor ?ti. iv.ules of the State Ag ncult ral Collego Lansing. 1vl1ch J:Io1 Geo Biown £..eronto Ont. John,Snell Edtnonton 01 t. On each Matk lS stamped tbe O:\ 1,1.er s ua.me and the Sheep s number lhey will lifl aentfree by mail 01 express for onlv fourC'1 tt8 ach and will last f01 T 'i.EN YEAKS efW' CJtSh must aocompM y all or<lo G HAMPTON. " Extensive Assortment "' I h s l set bei las uu 1 J ::; '\.g 1 ') 0 ut ARCJIIBALD YOUNG Ji San a. Ont 0 erfl ft 11 csscd to tl ~ ~lERCHN and OH ti .1ia Otti e fu an:y I atJ.t t) \ 11 b1:i fillef,l at tbc bo e n tio1 e<l I nee as q i;kly as th 1vlfl ks cm be in t.(le u. d aet t Fnrmturn Tops Mantsi 1'1eccs A &c 11 s C Bil.REEH Bo :i.r a.nv1llc D ec 28tl 1871 ly ml3o f3l1' el JJuwn a ville 1 ti F'tJ'RNI'rtTRE, Purcbru ~ l for casl an 1 hie} ] c now offer!'! at lowbst r ~tes Ptlrsons 1n w·ant of a.nyth ng in tl l~ ]me v.ill lo ell to call a d look tJ 1ough the stock bcfm:o pu chRising cls9wbc1c In the underta11 ng deµa.rtrn 1t ~ J,E. \.U I IJ UL fEEl II J M BRIMACOMBE L D S ] ee l Ex. rn.c ed Eil.t T-we :lt~ f ve Ce ~ 'l. Boots & Shoes. ill SUBSCRIBER TH \Xl,FUL FOR T the 'erylibe1al p to age le llilB sha.red tl c st espectf Hy tho publ c to n i11 p n-Y1tcs ~1 ect l 1s s LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OP BOOTS AND SHOES l{oo s o er l\:I<.: Cl g J) os Sto Bo v oa lY lle 0 t 1st 1870 J 1ERrnARY RO BERT YOUNG, 11rueltofll n~~beve ~tbng1e1ure<lfo1 f ne als Ready tlladc coffi1 S of n.11 q u1.ht cs nna sizes u all the '\iauous t nm1ngs constantly on hru- d A lso a fu 1 15' r l y of neatly made p ablouds He l ai;i [!.J g t ... ~t cost l Hea 'S O (IS e y ode: style J vb l n at 11 t m s be i t read ncs~ for th ant:i of tl c p b and 1 c at a re::wo blo ch\ -ge He 1es1 cctf tlly sol cits n. shMc at ten II JS p o !>URGEUN 1 o lo w st of ri.f r JAMES CRYDl l\M 1218~ 'l)r u"° J SM \LE ouw~ Notice. stock. of n1ach 1 e v a SUI F 1CJ MATCHE i h e tS no v 'P cpared t Just Arrived TYRONE BOOT & SHOE STORE S bet ul l lly 1 THE uume o s custoruer:5 an the ubh ge e1a.l Jy that co n ct o tl b bi:; Su BSClUBER tako· 1 l·"" c THE fo n u g tl e puhl c that } o has added to ]us in PL \NEB A'J: MASON 'S tl G L 4..RGJ SI :Ul l BESl w3so 'tr c t of v-011 :lo all custo n ou sho1test notice md nt usual rates alld r S~HIH D J ly 2 d 72 lyl9 1ei:;[ ct£ 1 i for1n ~ H HOME-MADE WORK~ he hMis opened u1 a. la.r.,.e an l .Ladies and Gents English arul Sa1 atogti 11 un!. s 1 1 iweluvng BagB S/ia;u l Sh a1Js Vcblises etc de t o b fo u1 d Save Your BONES and get 100 lbs. 60 cents for per hein at YOUNG & Well assorted Stock uf] ealy n ade k ~clected An early call will ensure a good choice ~ - - -o- -- i lo B 0~!!,Tl~r~et' J f om th - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - @-11 y must ue J, y a d clecu I 1 Mai 1810 s < compa1 1e' of tic Sev entj l rst en b rked n t \ 6 fugatel) from Deal to ret rn to the war On Octo\Jer tbc 14Lh of tbat le r tbe reg nent had a turn at ll beuch Colonel C"'logan callee\ to lhe inau no they narcbed out Mi lad· tins s th filst t nc [ I ave e\ er been 11 w,i_Lb \!a L .·Jio \ n c l at 'on can do-no\\ or r c' e1 l 101 cl II~ Se1 e> ly fh t 1cplic I Ht] Dnven iiack chee and pwl e 1 lo v <l attu 1 ed, he to (Jallowa II 11 ti C) nsAt mornt g D r1 g ti e 1gLt says oue of tlte Seventy fr t vl o was I rel:'lcut e zcce1 e l ordc1 t o cover tl e buglt..:s or l ta t1 s oJ o 1 \Jon iets th black c1a1 e 1 cb l o. l l;>cen ficr ed to s lt 11ng Ll e lay au l to put o our great coats :Ne t inor111ug the French seeing lS th s U o 10 \ t "c b <l 1 cl n.n 1 left only the Po lu 0 esc to 0 1 n1d t l e he ght:;; 'V1th dreadJulsl 01 ts they le l el 01er t l at vall befo1e 1 hrnh they l a I paused "hen rt w is Wc 0 rnr lcl 1 y B ti.h to w1tbs!a)1g the r !u ry nnpos·1ple all Lelund bern 0 plo11ghed land tendered ilcev by tbe ram There '"as not a on1ertt to } cSitale I a t lt c.. t.lll pill mcJI French and British mixed t~gelher IL as a \1 al of stren,,tlU,n ·Ill al e COi l :i.t u e1y Ill lll} au b c PI ponen~ rrtanr hal t\vo I got one 1 p to the ""'ll on tbe J,?omt 91 my hoyouct H c ' n un h lit I >otl 1 \m c spaicd hu J b 1t he "o ld not spare lu ,elf l:ie c \l",,u and cle.fic l r c r or ceased to attauk 1 iv life nt1l he Jell i eJCcl by illy 1 a1 ouet hJS \Jreath d eu a 'rt) 111 a curse au l u. i enace I Ins wa:J t1 e '(Olk oi a t 1omcnt I was corn pell ed to t1 s cxilen 1tv I was agaID attacked but f.v nta~on st foll pierced by a ran dom sh 0t W c soon forced them to retire over the. vall, curnng their o >n rmslali:e At tln! 110ment I stobd g..prng for )Jreath not a s1 oe on my feet my bonnet had fallen to the grou ii · Unmindful of my s lual10n I followed the enemy pver the ' all IV e pt rnued th~rii about a mile ar d then loll back to the scene of o ir struggle It \\as covered 1 1th dead and \ o mded bonnets and shoes\ ere trampled an 1 stuck ~n tLe 1 uul I i:ecqvered a po.1r 0£ shoes whether tbrJ hid bclen)l11ne or J;lOt I can not tell l hey vere> good Here I Inst got y l I\ 1 de1 A 1 rench soldier lay i pou the gi;o mu dead be bo.d Jallcn hue! "ards l s liat I id fallen oU lu, hcai,1 1 h1ch was kept p by his k iapsack I st1uck h» hat' th my loot a d felt it r tt tle \ seized it in a room.cnt a1 d Cound io the In ng n golJ' atch and dl\el crucifix I kept them as 1 bnd us good a r ght to th rn s any other yet the) 11 ere not' nlu able in n1y eshn1ation 4t tl ts t n1e o ir liie was held I) ,o i nce1ta i a tenuie aid m) comfo1t, so scanti that I 1onld have g 'en the watel 11Ilhngly for a good me 1 an 1 a dry ohirt In th s batt1e one of the Seventy fi"t nan1ecl Rae a i l\h ve of Pa lev a1 d the olde::;t t an in the reg ment ~ ot Ue1ng so actn e n a.scend1ng il e wall as tl e Test chose courug«ottsly tp ;;t nd bis groun l Ione the first enemy ti:uit app10acbed he shot <lead the next be bayoneteu a thud share 1 tl c sun1e f1te and the allc1c1 t hero tben Jcooly cJtccted hiq retreat Anothe,r -nH1n \\b lo comrng over the \\all J:ece1ved no few er tl an a dozen b llets through bis g1 at co t an l ca1 t~en ' ithout sUtferu g a smgle won i111 any part o! 1 1 s body But ti tb l l J 001 fellow d d not £Scape SO \Yell he l ad for secur ty s sake cunmnJlY pull e<l. as 1 any !itone;:1 ont of the \\all as \\.O Ll<l admit tie muzzle of l JS musket Wlule he was iu :i, cro 1cl111 n atL tude pre1 ar1ng to keep t l tn 1nceasu.nt fire on the euemy fror 1 Im loophble a ball came from them and by a ren Uikab)e a<;c1dent ente1ed the upe1 tnre and h s e) e at tLe s:-i.1ue inst.ar t lay ng him dead on the spot At It e1 Le d Onoro the men had Ml no 0 light c.nn1pa ncs retreating s la.st us t1 cy could "c co1 l n ml to al nncc 1t do ble iu1ck ti 1 e 01 r fi 1elod ::; at t1 e trail our bonnets J 0 11 l a a l h ) callc l to 'Se1 cnt) llt,t ) o t" ll co nc bocl p1cl 01 tl an j ou a1 0.1 ve ~ e soo1 cn.1 e full 111 r O t of he CI CH y 'J he coloJ el e11CS Hue , food mi lad c ta " Tiu ce e \av <l out bonnets and thrice \\ e cheer ed lJr)ugl tour firclocks to the char0 e and forced ti French b tck ti ror gh the town Jn t l s acL on the Fiencl shouted and cat 1e iag ng to the 'er) pon ts of the bay onets bt t the Se,cnt) first afte1 OUI first h iz a we e silent as rlentl and all that co 11 l be he01 l "as tie officer, sappg m an rn lei tone :Steady lad' steady The ;jcvcnt) f r~t p u ell the French a nule o 1t ol the to vn tnmpl ng over the dead a u \\o mded weie then forccl back b) the ca> alri ) et snll kept the to1 n m sp tc of the ulinost eflor~;:) o[ th~ ene1ny The Sc\ ~lllj fir;:,t lost o. breat number o~ 1n n a1 d tl c sol<l.1er who<:e Journal 've have q tote l SI s OILc 1 s I o\Jhged dur ng the cav aliy charges to stand with a foot on each s J.e of a · wu nLlc 1 -.:or radc "h.o wr lDg n1y soul \ th prayers I co Id not inswcr and p erccd mi heart w t i I s cues to be lilted o to[ tl c way of the caialrv While mJ hemt blc<l for them I lave olpken ti em rnuely on Muni o! the men th s lay fire 1 01 c l.:tu i<l1cd u1 d ~c'\OCI rouuds of ball car t11 l 0 e till Lbeu shoulder, ·ere b]acl "' coab When ll o "oundcd had been brn gl t rn ma J of vi om hau !aJU bleed mg a dav and tr 11>ht the }rench brou0 l t do n tl e bands on a level p e. e of grvund near the Sc\ enty first an<l tl e r:nen danced > d play cl foot ball ( ll oUn et ll e Il xt day the F enchp1cke<l ot t five re 0 lltnts of g1enad1ers to <:torn1 the to" n About hall paot mne o clocl; 0 avs the autl 01 of a Tournal of a Soldier of the Se\cnty ( ist a great gun fro1n the l Jench l e 'v luch \\>us ans ere l L.) one fron1 our"l wa.s tl es gnal to engflge Do'i\ n the French cam sbo 1tu g as t 8l al \\ c kept ti cm at Lay 111 sp te ot their cries and form 1 a\Jle lool s Ho hffern their p pearunce 1ton1 0 tr rhe r hn.ts set roun l \\ Lh ft!atl c1e Ue r beruds long nd blnr.k ga e them a fie1 ce look tl er isfat 1e was s 1pcr1or io o n·s Most of us 'ere ) o ing We loo] cd llke boi st} ci 1 ke sa1 ages Bit ' c 1a1 tl c t'1e spu1t 1 J<: VVe foiled the.Jn 1n creTv it te11pt to tal:c tbe town unttl ahont se' eu o clock Vt 1 eu ' e "ere ove1 po\ ere<l anJ f(lrcc 1 tbro gl the streets contest ng everj inc1 A Fre 1ch Jragoon 'vi o \\as dealu g de th aro\ nd forced L s :1.) up to 1 ear \\he c I stood E\ cry n101uent I expected to be cut do' )h pece \\as empty tl e e was not a. n1oment to lose I got n stab at b \Jcneath the llbs upwards He g~¥e n back st1oke before he Jell andc~t thestoc of Ill) musker m two Thus I stood un ~ urme] I \Cry soo howe\'et got another f!relocl and foll to "ork agarn Jn these o.lfants the 8Pvc1 t\ flrst lost four officers (two taken prisoners) an 1 four hundred n1en klllecl ancl \\ 01u dcd Fuentes \\as mdeed a day of glory ancl l day of sorrow for the ScHnty lhst In i\ slurn 1sh at Albll lorn1cs "he ll e Scvc1 ty f1ist ere hn111g a ' all an 1 the Frei cl were 111 0 red.t strength in f1ont n. brn\c la lcttrng h slot ! 111 of cmtt dges fall O\cr laid 11· mlSkct oga nst the 1 11, 'aultcd O\ e1 to the enemv s Ende reco\ ercd hio hat and tin o gh il tremendo1 s fire leap Thou 0 h not cd Imel I Le a deer 11 hurt a 1 1t lc h pb·ed to plunder the Sevcnfi nr;t "l en I ar l pushed were no weat re dpectcra of persons and at Alba Torinas t}1e ten1ptat1on was too stron 0 to res st Sa) s the sold er lil lua JOUrUa1 rbere was a m1ll on the r1 ver side near the bridge wherein a n1 n1bcr ot put n1en were he1p1ng then selves to flour during the t1n1c tne others were! lorchng Our colon el ibde down and forced thetn out ti 'ro\\ u 0 a handfil of flour on each man as he pai;sed out o[ the null \Vhcn \Ve \Vere dra\\ l up on tbe he.:ight he rode along the cohnun Iookrng for the 1mllers as we called them At tlns moment a hen l!Ut ber head o tt o( his coat pocket ahd looked lirot to one side and then to another \Ve began to lnu~h · we cquld not restra n our8elvel'> Ile 10 k ed anul ~J ;;i.nU fur o 1~ then aroun] At length the nlDJOI rodi.:. up to ht i;i and re qu·sted him to k 11 the fo111 o 1tr gl t an<l put it rnt9 lrn pocket rte colonel 11 his tun laughe I and the m llera ere no loug er loo]<cd llfter At \ 1ttoria the Seventy firot fought Jur o 1sly ~ud suflercd hca11ly The firing '\\.US now very heavy sni;s a soldier "ho \VO..S prti~ent Onr reqr hnd not en gugeo before" ord came for the ddctor to n.s::i st Colonel Cadogan who "as \vonnded Im nerllately e charged up the h JI the p per playmg Hey Johnny Cope The } r ' ch had possesSion of the top b t we soon forced the1n back and dTew1 l p n column on the height sending o lt Jottr eon1pnn1es t-0 our left to sk1rm1sh rhe r~ m:-t1n le1 moved on to the opposite he1nbt ~s we advanc~d dr1v1ug then1 l cfore \l n French o:ilice1 a pretty fellow \Vu.s pucking a id fotc ng his men to stanu The) hee<l ed h m not he was very harsh Down "Jth h1m cne 1 one nea.1 me a.nd do' n he fell t 1erced by n1ore than one ball ScarcP\\ere wc upon tl1e he1ght wken a le.'.t\.) col 11un dressed 1n great coa.ts \vrth wh1te co\e1s on the r hats:1 exactlJ resc1nbl11 g the SpaM1'h gave 'lts a volley which put us to the i ght about at double quick t111le do\\ 1 the hill tl c :E iench close behmd ti rough the wl in es The fo r con1pan 01 s got the word the French \Vere on thcru Tl CJ "ere 1 kew oe thou"ht upm ti em Spaniard 'nt1l they got a vollcv that killed or wounde l nlrnost every one of them \i\i e retired covered by the l'dtietl \\ bo ga1 e ti e p n.., nng column a volley \\ l 1ch check eu Ll e1rspee l Alone on the Ice my Ja ld.) t:I c t A~ All.BlllCA::.-l SAILOH TELLS !H,E S10R1' OF 'IHI Iu ander frmn 1 J ca t, ~ s e ~ Ca.le l A.\ INTER H BTA\ 0 SOU1 If SHF::T T AND ISL \NDS 1 l 1"' S culy fist "as killed !\_ con ra.dc of h s "1 o '"rote ' ic ssrtl de1:i 111 tic Lile of a Scottish Soldier <:L)S o! tins 'i\lld fit>l ter !\-I Rae O\.U: he1oio 1nt1s1c1an fell tor sc uomore This strange \Jern~ \las far fron poQse s1 1g the orilinnrv coolnE#'s of Scotel ncn AJ hough lqs profession ab sol cd hin1 irom 1ntermix1ng , th tl c con 1 batants ) ct on 1 caring the uo1sc ot an en gagcn1P-nt t c ::;ceme l to be se zed " 1th an mes table fn] catcl mg 1~ a pole or fire lock and 1 sh ng nto the thickest of Lhe figt t dealing: blo" s " rtb the gieatcst force and cffi.C1enc; Ilut fate cut short lus ca reer at A re he I ad there e\ en cxcecoled hrn former valorous exploits ha\1ng le,~lled mani a foe VIth !he aid of J 1, trusty I olc but l st as he was po1s1ng it on l 1gh to 1n s1rea\e1 0 htyblowuponaFrencl sollu~rs.sln 11 tho man ant1mpl1ted I, n bv fir ng the ohot winch 'tretcbed h m 1 f les, on tl e g1ou1 d Cert.a1nly 1t n av le sar l. of the dought M Pae that <words ho sm1!, I at 'eapons la !"lhed to scorn 1t v; ate1!00 tl c Se\cnLi tir,t pl wl cd theu Ja.<:t and large<: t bough of laurel No r g1uent fouo\ t' Ll morn arlo1 and cool ness CLar:ed tine niter time l y c 1uas s c1s and lanccre tl c Sevcnt.) fir~t Lhren,. thetu off lS a bt 11 to :.;etl dog 11 ct trning mon ni. of tl c bnttle 1s th s ltsci1Ucl b) one of tie Sc¥entv Jirst thcu1sel\ es A sol her of the Se\ cnt) first snj 8 The ar tilh~rJ lad been tea111b away succ daJ' break 1 different pa l of H e I ne About twel" o o clock ve rete ved orclcrl!'i to i lll JD fo1 n.ttacl ·\Ve then n1arched up toot rpo s1t1011 where \ clay 011 tic face of a l rac cove11ng a br gnde of g ns " e vere so overcome by the fatigue of tie t\\ 0 da~ 9 march that scaicc haJ we la n down until mnnj oft s fell aslcc,r I slept 80 cl for some time wh le lpe caunor balls plu g n g 11 among t , , k lied , 0 eat 1 iany I va.s suddenly wakct ed a. ball i::::truck the n tune 1 nie I eels grou d a. l itle belo 1 over head Uro.Ke J lY n l:il ct 11 piece~ and killed a !ail at my, le I""' st nne<l and cont 1scd an l ] ne. v 10t "'h~tl et I \Yrts \vounded or 1 ot I felt a 1 nibnc 8 In 11 J aun lpi so1ne t nie Welty thu::s abo tt an I ot rand a h>lf ndet a Jicalful fire , heh cost ns about 81 xtv men \bile ,c had 1 ever fired 1 shot Ihe bills ierc follrng th ck amongst U"- [he young DlU 1 I latch: spol c of }oat hs leg· Li a shot at ti is t mo Tl ey ere cut ve1i close I c ,oon ! led to death I on ::;11.ld he do not tell lUV n1other how I died if she", me t wo l l Lreak he1 I eart g ad bye God bl ;..s..~.Jny parents his 1 ps qm erecl anl he dwl !I.bout t\\o p' u the I rei ch lancels carrie dO\\ll I uz au g to chaigc thr. la 0 a le ol g n~ be I ml wluch stood the Seventy fit~t In a moment LI e men blocked rnto a ·q iarc Ihe general cried Seventy first I haYc olten heard of your brnveri I hope ,t ill not !Je less to day than nsnal The lancers were 8001 1 ut to the ngbt ubout After thro\ ing off ~ever 11 nlore charges the Bevel ty first nJ ovcd on 11 colunin th!:t.n formed.line charged and ui ve back Uw ·Mm) Just tl en a lash ng sq ta Iron bore do, n fur ously tbrou0 h the roar an li!hlo~ npo 1 the Seict t) fiM , n e hail sc:iice tinu~ to form "-aJ 8 a soliher piesent The sc1ua.re y .s. only conlplet 10 frQut,.iWl en ..hey \\ere pan the po1J1t<l of our ba~onets Many of ou1 1 en were ct t of place Tbeic ·wasagooldcalof J O~th gforn 11 nute or t\\ o ar J a good d 11 of 1:i.uglun 0 0 lr q larter 1 uaster lost l is bonnet 11 tiding into the sq t arc 8 atul eel it t p 1 i.t t on baek forn ost and wore it thus all day Not n 1 omeot had ' e to regard our dress A "French general lav dead m the square he had a numbtr of orna ncnls on his hreast Our men fell to pluckmg them off pushmg each other as they posse l and snalchrng at We stood in square for some time them "h1bt the fh1rteenth Dragoons and a s1ua!on of .French dragoons \vere engaged rhc I h1rtccnth Drrtgoons ret1r1ng to the rear of O:nt column "'c ;:.-a\ e tl e F1 nch a \ olle) which put them to tl C r gbl a bot t then the llurtecnth at them a 0 arn They d1d th ' fo1 sometime we cbeenag the Thirtenlh and foelrng c.e1y Ulo" they re cened Wben a Frenchman tell we shouted and when one of the I h1rteenth we groaned " c WIShca to JOm them b 1t weIB foreed to stand m square The whole arn J retired to the_ he ghts 1n the rear the French close ly purst ng to ot r tormation "here we stood lour deep for a considerable hme As we foll back a slot cut the strap o( the knapsack of one i ear me lt foll and "as roll ng away he matched 1t tp sanng I am not i;orng to lose ) ou rn that way you are all I have rn the woil I tied < on m the Oest 1nanner he co 1ld and i arcl ed on At that moment Lorl Wellrngton rode ujj"'a~a entcrea the SeveRty firsts square "h1ch was expeetrng eav-alr) TLc wl ole army iecerved the thrilling order to ad \ nnce It was attack no not defence, and after a brief and bloody struggle the ]rencl ga"e way nnd. tYaterloo \vil.s \vou The Se· enty fir·t has smce d1strngurnhed itself in tl e Cr me1n \\&I alld in the In lrnn m 1trny where many a Pandy te-11 before their bayonets A tie bntllc of Orthe o M Ru o lel oftl l romtleNewY 11 Uc nll It s probable t1 at the ' hoh:: ia ge of I lnstory fails to afforcl a p"rallel to the na1 ratl\(' of the 1nodern Sell irk Jan cs A Kmg who ,va, left on the So tth SJ1etland l,;:Ja1 l~ atuong the sno\v auu Jee b.) a 'es .::el wL1cl v1s1t~il tbnt lmost 1nl no \n re g on in S'enrch of fur s For nearly sixteen 1nonths part of tbc tln1e with helple s coin pan1011s and J t t of the tin1c alone he bat tied agamst death Without nuy tangible hope of resc 1e1 lH!h the mosc horrible of deaths st.ar1ng h1n1 1n the face he ln ed an<l retu1ncd to tie c1v1lized "orld The story of those m nths of bopel""s life of hunger pr11ahon cold nnd d1spau \vonld be \\Or ti Ythe pen of De Foe S1mph "' shou n g how inuch a m9.n can ~nJ.ure ln<l ) et h\e thenarra1ve is deeply interesting but wl en we tr.rlo realize tile ternblc snh tude of this lone man m n 1egwn vi ere the 'ery sun hlmself seems f1or.en to tl e Polar Chfls the mmd "andcr ~nd the senses re fLJse the bidchng of the '\Ill The narra t1ve of Alexander Seiki I mariner s \\ell as the 1deah<:11tlon of ti1e ~;ame under the the fo1m of Robmson Crusoe falls la1 t:ihort of thi::; o[ a N e\v York boy \vl10 went to the South Seu.a in a Ne,v 1 ondon ~choon er It is increly a ne\\ ren<le11ng ot Lhe tnottoe ti it- 'lrt th 1 ~ sfraa ger than fiction The Bl 1 v 'or of 1 c six n fortunate ea1l ors\vho\\ere through \v1lf l neglect o1 carelessneS8 teft to star1 e or !ree;,e tu death on an al mo t unkno 'n tsla~l rcturne<l. to this ctti; \vl ere he "as horn and raised a few da~s since 1{1n 0 is a etrong niuscular man of more than uiedJum height Dnd 'vith a great brea<lth of chest lits hands arc al most 1luc with frcqu<::nt lroshn 0 nn l h s face 1nd catcs long u.nd cont1n 10 s expGs ne He dres,es neatly in c1trz n s clothes aid has ve1y 1 ttlc oJ the rn agger or 1m porhtnc( of a sa1lor ab.01 t bun He has vis ted \Vaslnngton and ]us case has been la.1 l before the general governn1ent It is statcl ti at su t \\Ill immediately be brought against the capta n of the vessel to 'vh1ch he \\a~ attacl etl for r eglect 111 ul 0"1ng the n1en to perish 'lhe narrative g 1en belo\\ etnpped"' It' of any 1erb1 age is suU~tant al a£11tcan1e front tho hps I man sa1e d f rou the 'nfo t 1 of t l eon> ate boats cre\v "lo " nt a hore on the South S hetl and Islands from the li'ra> Ui. lvlai 18'! 1IIE SUR'\I 1011.S N IlltA IV Isl 1ppetl m tlns city on July 2G l870 as boat stec1e1 and \\as ent on to New I ondon to complete crc\t of the schooner Franl lin which \\as then hthng out in that port as a tender Lo the bark Per 1 then in the South Sea' The Franklin Capt J 1mes M Holme8 sa1le<l a few l\ays after and aft.er bc1n 0 nll'l.e days ot t she was forced to put back for repnm havrng spr mg a lcik She was put on the 11 nys and repaired The Frankhu sailed ago.in 01 A 1gust :26 of the 8 trne yea1 and fl.1ghted the Falkland !elands after- a hundred daj s 'oyage "" e met the bark Peru Capt Ceorge D Gtldet dale about one h rndred miles off tho TI ilk land I~land~ and 1 er comn1nnde1 ti u king it w1Be for us to go to Cape Horn fo1 woo(\., and provisions \Ve did so Our stay the[e \\rLS characterized b) the t t111ost dispatch n1 getting o 1r stores on board after" h1ch \\e sailed for the Shetland Islands re.chm 0 thereafterato\ageot e1Kht do.JS Run nin,.., n o Potter s Cove n c iound the t;; ;oon ers lirani..:is All en and Go1den \Vest Af ter co1oi\]g to anchor the stores \\et~ rut asl ore TLc Franklm then R!\.N 11'.\TO !ANKEE srR.&.l'IS and tindmg a humpbacked whale we lost t>ienty ~wo days m gettmg hnn cnt up and on l oard Upon.our return to Sonth Beach Third I.late Townsend came on board ar.d reported tliat he had founa a ~eal rookeiy on the other siac of Livmgstone Island known to whalers as 1\orth Bench Th s \\as ti e firt5t 1nstance of the finding oi seal at that pla'Cc since the tin1e of "\Vhxdell s \!Sit aoottt 1848 Six men Were ordered to go a.here a whale boat was launched and theoe men left the ship to get sea1 Five of them ' us 1t aften1ards trnnsuired left the 1 vessel forever Mortimer H CasS1dy second mate of the si:<hooner Fraukhn and Jan es Iii :Suddmgton got 600 skins "Inch had been left bJ Townsend and took them on board The vessel sent out boats crews apout teo days after\\ ards and the ml!u \\ho had been on ahore -1 was one of the num her-turned over l "67 skms J:JES1:'RT.El) B ~HE are carr ed trntlet t velve fl nts la l 10 l oxc, v1tl sle I an l aE I.E tRIHJ r: \ lNTER Tlie s 0 soon tell to sueh a <lei th as to bi ry tl e l tt cut tc1y and so as to cce::i:3 t.LI d1 0 g ng u >aJ o 1t Jrom tie doot fl 1s we did 1n a z g flg U11cct10 ~o as to ex cl Uc. tbeVt1n<l Th r entool lt 1s11go 001 t utter tl c 110v1, ons We I ad a I tity ot blubber n the hut whrnl f rr ,J etl s w1Ll a tolexalile fi e clur n 0 the g1 eutcr I ~nt of the time The ea'o of 1 nl t la 11 o tr uved and the ut101a au 15 trah!:l as J 1 grander than fl e Artie a roras I l R\e seen 1t as fa1 north LS c ghty 1.:btt:f-'S I"' I g male the 11 p w th Buld ngton' I u is no\v on tl c I olar s Ins xt' fo t lc,.,.reer; south lattt Je 1 u' e\. er the s1 lcJ do1 of ti e aurora f r excels tl at seen , tie 1 rtl 1he h 0 l t as It co1 1eR iefil!ct d ho11 the glaciers at '1 mo lnta1ns of s.no a1 l ice is l ke a slI p o[ Uurn shed s 1 er A. b st 1 n1 :l\\Inter flnlnttln.tt11nethea lo ~tsnt its lie1ght We " ere fi e dai s 1 ti c l ut at one t uie after a J ea vy o llefo1 c r could role onr5clves s1 fi1c e1 tly to 1 0 \va:v 0 t SCALI ~G 1 UE UJ \ <J IBRS IN 'I H"E 'I 1 r I Hr \Vas not as 1n11.y be 111 n ne l e ti e1 1 l a:; ant or safe\ ork 'ct "I c \\le corupellcll to take long trips ti ro gh the s1 o p to oi wa1stt1 tn sea1ch of pcngt n It \\ ao lcn.tl to get lot yet e hcquenLlj c1 t 1ron c ght to ten n1 \es Jron1 the l ut "h1ch "us harder orl ti a t entv m Jes ol 01 l 1a1y "- alk n0 \ o l l J a' c Lee '"' e con t1 ucte l a s it of pike Ly lttucl g a :sp1l c to ti e W th tl e e a 1<l e 1 ol l p ece of l oar 1 el arp po1nte l stakes c scale l ti g1eat n ou t ns of c Tl eic e e hills a l val le s-al l ntiodden " o I as ttouule 1 b1 ti e recollect1on of hi begun in Ueep l'arnl! t [0 i;;A !; OUR Ll ES We 0 ot on the ice Jlo!! t 1d onlj s t ccee I l in re lclu b tic ::;bore bj JUtllI ng hu1u cake to cake We lost evcryth ng n ti e boat-co111pas<: t1nd~1 Lox: ar d. p10:\ JS 01 (: We were in 1. te1r1ble pas tio:i Nearlj ll got their feet fro en Wo slept tbat rngl t \ in the snow· under a he i,:y no1theast gal aud 1u tbe morn111h started. lack on foot to 1eaoh if po Sible the Ju lodge at Potters Co\ e l he sno\\ "oi"' up to our 'va1~ts fl.nd 1t required n.Jniost snpeihn1na i lo\e ol 1 h~ to prevent us from lying do v11 Churleo Gai'C!ner of North Stonrngtun Co1 l ' ilk ed 11 out ti rec hun lre:l Jards and b.eca1ue sleep' It '\\atl i1npoi:sible to rouse h 1n and unable t0 carry hun we v. ere force 1 JU 1ch agau1st our inchuat10 lS to le ive l m to die Pedro Monta10 ti e I 01t guese walk cd ahno"'t to Pengu n Po nt ith u abol t e ght 111 le~ of the l ut "hen he ga\ c up fro1n f,t1 0ne and lay lown Lcco1111 gq nte stiff almost mstar tly THUS l rwo OF OUR I \RTY DIED SHIP Pro\ is1ons for six days were then p t on sbor; after wl ich Capta n Gtlderdale pro m1sed tne to return 111 ten days at the fur thest We were then at a place known as "i'mdow Is and ~nd rcmamed twenty two da) · '" a1t1Qg the return of the hark Peru At the end of that tune, neithei: of the ves eels ha.v1n~ -retn1ned we started to go to Potters Cove \Vhtch we ls new to be a gen eral rendezV(lO.s for the fur gatbcnng '\cs sels Ilefore leavmg "e stuck up a keg on Wmdow Island saJrng that we had gone tu Potter s Cove As it was daylight all the time we had lost our reckonlnn of time, so I cannot oe exactly certain as to the num ber of days that we w111ted Amvrng at Pot Bad men are never completely ba1 py ter s Cove St George sisland we found that both the Peru and :E ranklm had gone \\ c al tho gh possessed of everythu g tl at this >Vere then utterly alone wo1ld can Leste v and good men nre never 'l he rcma1n1ng four oft"- To\VI een 1 I-less P erce and 111ysclf by encou1ag1ng cac! other succeeded n reac} 1 1g tl e hut thnost dead w1tli iatigue cold and hungC'1 liess and Pierces feet \\ere ir1gl tf lly ho:t.ien so badly inoeed that mortl Ac..'lL1on E.et 111To,vnsend s were E!\vollen ver' l r 0 e Be rng the only one "ho was able to valk any distance the labor of prov1d1 g fo1 the en tne party devolved upon n1e I went o t every <l.ay in search of penguJ-n eggs Towns end \\RS able to hobble a\Jo 1t tl e hut and did e' erythmg he co tld, poor follo\ u t Hess and Pierce were 111 terrible agony urHl the ~mell fro n the r feet was s cker ng I \\as taken sick one day from val] ing ncur ly ten nules through tl e sno v ltur e'-igi:: and the horro1 of that mght whe1 tl e p1os pects of starvation stare l ts in the face is be1 ond my powe1 of descr phon M) 111 ness was ho :vev~r only temp ~r ny ar l [ was on ID) feet tbe next <hy I \\AS GETTI:SQ SO '\ E AK A~D BESTMANUFACTORIES, h cl l cor plete f!tocl of W. S. BOYLE, M. D. o e doo1 offers to s 1 o n l JU] e Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc on hai Eas ufolual Bo ""n ille Sop 31872 ve;;t f Bown ttnv Ile Very Low for Cash. G vc 1 tm r1. rHE HORROR O:E OUR SI'IUATIO:N coif f letely miserable although depn ved of veryth1ng the \V01 l l uan take a \VaJ wa· then fully realized \\ e were beyond fhe tear, ol beai tv aie hKe hght clontls all hope of rehef from stray vessels for we float1ng O\er a hea\en ot stu.rs bcdin1ming were out ol the usual track and there \\as the1n for a rnon1ent that tl cv may s}u:g:a no hkehhood of any veS>Jels only those to winch we were attahced vmtrng the place with greatei lustre thon before fbe terrors of the AntartIC "rnter were Tl:tete is this d !!eience between hatred aleo before us We found a self reg1ster1ug anl I ty pit) JS t thn g often avowed thermometer at l'otter s Cove and tl e ar seldom felt hatie l s a tli ng often felt no ncement that it had been left by George a o el D Gilder and lames M Holme' fhe date \\asgnenasMay 18 1 We ladlanled l!l \Cl \I D c::ill e an u c: tl e for y o rselv~s JO TIN !!ELLY A.H l yr9n· Apr l 8th 1873 n 'Zl tf lL nl ol8 m3l ft that I could not chase a pen 0 u n Oi e d 'Y .) 1u 0 ou the ice We took two p cces ol board t l ttl fighlmg the ammal lor an hour succeeue l Ill killrng hull rJ 8 flesh o[ tl IS au Dal e cuperoted us a g1eat Uea1 as "e l a<l. bee lmng soleh on peng 1 n fies! 1 I 1cl con ta ned ven little 1 tr hon 'l'h eathcr was uo getting I leas Hl.S ielt1ng "OIDe \] t g un got October P 11 c terr l lo despon on l;foy 13 as 1carly as I oo 11 calc ilatc so to lose the1 n 1 l< more ti at the 1essels had been gone eight dais dcncy 111 d bud fille l ou l We found two casks of biead left by Cart To\\ nsend saw a sea leo1 aid

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