THE MEI{CHANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1371. ==---~ - --------~---===~---===-== - ============== ~======-== --======== -:=:=_:------~============~===============::;:============================== POETRY. MR· NOBODY· I kno " n fllnny Little rn a11, .\s l]Ull..:t as u. lllOllllC, Who doe:s t h e m1sch cf that h done In e\e1y iody's house, t ! l~ <l's 10 o ne 1:n er 81 es Ju f1·cc, A 1 1J y .... t ..,.,,, .vill l.:. 1 CC, l' ut ... v. . ., pl ... t., w ., bt~,\l-. wa:s cracked i:\ y i\'[ 1 l~ UIHJ \y 1 1:1ouw !:!ult :-i.11d IJ01l ed buskly until tlu y n,1e dourJ J3roccoh always should Le bOJled in t\\O w.~t e1 i:;. Black Cv.11·ant V11wr1co - "\\ ell bru1:;c the e1ui n.nt::i, pou1 tl1c \ 1ncga1 uvc1 thmn, puttn1g JU a httle sugat t o draw the 3uwe. L et i t stauil t hree or fou1 l1ays, i:;tui ini; it well ea ch day Ot1a.1n the J UICe froni t h e fl tuL, ,\nd puttn1,; one p ound of sugar t o one pint 11£ JUtce, ho1l 1t gent ly thtee·qua. t e1s of an h unr , i,;kun, and, v.h en cold, bottle it. IJlr.ccd upon Jt to k eep the w111d fa om d1~tu t b1ng 1t un til i t m rooted The pla nt:s should not H;· 1n.n11 i;o long 1u the po t s .LS to beco1nc n.t u\1 1ootwbon11d, bnt :i.<1. soon as t he y n.1c w ell iooted they sho uld b t t n 1ncd ont aud planted Jn the n ew Lu.J Thi.: p lant slH:nil<l be set in f1 e;:.hly stirred ~011, ,u1d if t h e opei tt 1 u11 1:; p1 ope1 ly inn.nag-eel, it will "hO\I no :;:J,;n .. of hav1ug bee n A I 1 THING, CARRIAGE (we!Ot of the Onta:JJ O SHOP. B,~nk chstu1L~d. ) SUBSCRIBE l\~ be\> h 1 ,1l1\,1yn t e n.1~ your lx1(1l.._K , I \\' hv I ~' ,v1;rs the doo1 U.J u, t-1 ~ vu ti:; r.lL b 1ttons f1 '0u1 out 1,!111t~ , , \11 I ell: ttc °!;, pin s a f u, I ht ,.,cj l e b1 lllJ ~10 CJl ::i t h em tigh tly aronud the nt:cl-. 1 :;o as tu ex clude t he ru1, n.nd fill th t<u Uo~l 1 es \\ 1t.h l_.its of cha11;0,tl. Tr;J{r.:ep I'oeilt1y ~'1'1e The Idle Man All dlg r1~el5 vf ind olcuec n1 cl 11H..' ,1 111 a 11 to iely upon 0Lh~1eii ,u1d IJOt upon h1rn s-;lt, t.O e,it thta b1 1;ao 1 .utd not b1::1 ii'V ll HHi i\Jll t\l ,\.1y s tq ne.11.:, p, 1t'.:..\:le, don't vou ~ cc, \Ve l c,~'i'u t nc oibng t u be do ne By ].J N ol-od) l ,Jr THE FARM. ----- - - ---- -------Colormg Cheese \Ve ,u o glad tu hHJ t ha.t the a:;ncu.ltu1a.l c 1li~ t o1 of the Ut1...,<{ Hcnif,l is beg1un111g to dcnonncc 1 oi 1 1thc1 <hscouri:.gc, the pr:\ct1cr: of col o1111g ch eer>e, a p1n.ct1ec to \\ l11c h,.is ou1 1eaders kn o", we h ave always Leen st1on,:;ly opp ~eel In .L tcecnt ait1cle on the snbJect b~ sr.ys Tn no nrn,11'~t in t he 1-,01 hl but the Eng h sh i::; a1t1fie1al colo1 of checst- demanded, and e'\icH iu th .it the d e111antl IB pl ecept 1bly \\ eoi.k · ein og 1'l1e tune ha~ theref01e c::i1n e fo1 ou1 da nym en to begin to h a11l down th e colo1s Tf n ot a pound of colo1cd checi:;c wen: 1u u.tlc tlus yeai, we ~lo not b elieve 1t " ould mnteu a.lly ,tf· frt:t the demand or puce for .Aine u c 1n cl1cel:!e, nnd i1cxt year would se e .ill thought of color ban1 ::ihed fonnei Coloit:t.l b utte t dves uo t bu ug .ts good a puce t lna ::ipring- .t.& , , hite buttt!1 of th 1;:1 qunJ1ty Colo11ng butt;el and chccRc 'Cl fri ~t beconn11g not only a usd ~ !-iS ex pense ,'l.ncl t1onblc1 but,\ pm11 tnc UlJUlY "\Ves.-i.y, the1c fo1 e, keeJ) 4tll art1fical color o ut of yolil butter, and l educe it 111 y on1 che ef-1e 1 if you c1Ln l hJt 1na,kc up yont nu n cl to tlrop 1t altogeth er A fev ln1yers Iu1 the I .. on<lon 1u,uket will nrniat 1Ju col01, b u t it is not el:lsent1al in any othet 1na1 kt:t, .u1d rn ob1cct10nable at 1 101nc ]na fo1n 1 c1 a1t1ck~ega\e tb e opnu ou of.~ lai gtJ clH ( se buye1 that in t h1ee ye:n s fron1 Jlow no colo1ed cheese "Would be in.tdt= u1 thi s coH1 1 t 1y H e 1nfor1ued us th ,it col m l;)d chec"e t 1id not\\ iute1 as well.~ ... th,\t without col01 Te"'tnnony H! .icc1nnul11t1ng agai nst artificu\.l colo1 , and th e Judgment of 1n tcllig ent 1 nen a.nd the taste of the pnbhc LS against 1t l ll tht;; co11n· t1 y '1 he Natwn('l Lne Stock .Toi1111<tl, publish· cd a.t Ch1eago, copt"'S f1om Prof "\Yelch 's ad d1css b efo1 e the Nor t hw estf!1n D Airy1ncn's As~ sociatton, an ll says I n a, fonnt;a 1n1u1be1 uf thtl Jo111 naf the hope w.i~ cxp1e...,sed that w e:it e1 n da1 ryme11, n.t l eaet, would t o pand er to a v1t1ated 01 pe 1 ve1 ted taste by the use of rleletc11011s d1 ugs1n th~ n1 l..11 nfJ.ct1n e1of t 1u s wHlt"!ly consnn1f'd food . \\re can not f:nitf e1 tlus opp01 t n u1ty t n pa.a~ w 1tl1out still 1uo1e i,;t1on,..,ly cuudem1 11n g the pc1 n1c1 o us p1ac ti cc, and every re,tde1 o f the Journa l,uld 0 1 young, 111:.d e 01 fe, to po11d m wl 11 th1;: f ri.ct 11 so .,,u,trdcdl.} p1c2ented, and to ICS!)l ve nevc1 a.;an1 to p l a.ce on the11 taLles for farn 1Jy con sl1n1pt1on, a1 t1tinall} coloted c.:ln eoP. L l't its be b an rnhcd to the d111i; store, and its ul:lc ie st11ctcrl to po1so1n ug 1 n.ts, m1cc, and otl1e1 \ icr1n1n- fo1 wl11cl1 .~ htHe a.cld1tioda.l "colou ng" \\ 0 1ild f1t it .1.dm1r.\Lly It 18 p101J i..:t, incl g11eli us n1uch p le.lSlu e to add that t h o .tsso ct 1· t1011 ,1 fter dt:;QHSs10n,at tlie i.:lry·e of the .uld1e"'>< p~ f'8 Cd t h e f c1llow1n~ 1esolut1 on a h nos t 11un.n1 lll0118 ly - r ,ueleiii:;Jlf~s 1r:: so rue hod y's lu~s-; 1111! neg lect 1s so111cbrn lyQ dowulull, In s p1 n n11s;;.er:; <ill~ a p erl'e ina l stu1nhh11g -bloc k to all '\ho INDIA TE A, T ARRIVALS FRO~l ---~ . l{ing Sttect, Bowmanvill~ l-I}.; 1:1uh~c11bCl l~ i11e1Ja1ed to btuld and ie· p a ir t111 st t! H 1n It lie bo11ows, the ,u t1d e lCroaUJi; b o1 1o'r\Cfl, lf h e b eg s und get;:: , 1t is as lett111 g out of \\ ;1 t e 1s - no olJC kuow!'.: cb s c1p po 1nt~ Wagons, Buggies, ancl Cutters, of eve1y tle,,c11pt1ou, at shorl n otice, a.ndon 1casonable t e1rn.s F OR THE Ile pnts ti.HJ d,nnp \\ o<~l o n tl' e h i c, l h 1t 1, ottlur.. c1n11ot JJrn, li 1 >1 u t ho..: ffi· t t.h~t bun,; u11n1H l J]c spo1 \s yon1 \\01k, 'on1 expect ation ~ , 1.:x.h,~n sts 'ou1 p ttt1u1 cc , l'fl ls np '0111 <::u1.stance , abnS(;'8 J our con fid ence , un<..l Ji tn g~1 a dead 1vbc1 e 1t \\Ill sto p we1riht upon nll ) 0111 pl \lh; , t h e \ Cr\ be s ~ tlnng an h onest rnan ca n dv \Y1lh :l t tzy 111 tn 1 ~ to t:";Ct ri..l oJ hnn Soc1etJ p1t:c1p1tntes l ts lrtzy n 1e 1nbe 1s an w a te1 lloes lts hlt b , ,,tnd t hey Joi rn at the botto111, a pc::itih ut :st th11 1e11t, sturetl u p by e v e r y bi ee-zc ol c\ 1l n1to 11ot, 1obherws tru l 1nuule1t1 Carriages Pamted and Tnnuned. ~ ~l1tCIIJNJ1~ J!t..nd a1l lbt: ca.q ,ets ::;011, ' I lie p ;1pe1s ,ih-.i:i;s are m1"1 ud, 1V l10 hail thetn l;.'lst but he~ 'I h t u's no one t osses the1n 1ilioat J~ 11 L A New ,11tirlc of'fe,t, g toWJl m lndm, fi e8'1, d1td th e fa st m t in s pa1t of C, b Ve1y Jrn c ill i1avoi, and cxtJ,i str ength A Blacksmith's Shop on t h e p te1n1ses, ' \ er e ... pr:crn.l att en tion 1 ;; g1vell to n.11 :i\tfi Nobody ' ~IERCHr\NT ' I l WORKS ' OSHAWA, ONT. E f:'>'l'ABL ISB ED 1851 'J l c r nzi 1 \Ve n e\ ul n' l~' 11 Tl0ll the 1to01 s j _, y i tone oi us u e J1 i;.1de, Into i t drain s all the h lthi and lva·e thu bhuds l nclo,,t!tl , T o k c t h o cu rtmn::. fade 11 e ne1 e1 ::-ip1ll , Lhc h ootti lying <llOlll1 d } uu see ~4.1 e n ot m y booti:; 1 They all bulo11 g lo 111 .)J obo' { l h,~t l hu i nl~ THE 1-IO USEHOL D. Ci(/! i}-' (l. 1c - out of 1t, d.i; fl on1 a 111on1ss, st1 eat us oi pu11ution Brutal wretrl1eR, <..h"·pe1 ate1j lnu1 n1C tl b_, llie l aw ci.twhn g 111 hurnan hltb,hrood 11 c1e tli en \ 1\l a 1n ::-:.che111es,a11d plot n11scl11ef to inen H1tl1 c1 1c;.; 01ts t!iP truc:ulcllt dc tn .1 gogn e, to 1-i tlr up tbt· fetid fil th agai nst }11 ;:; a t.1' e1 sa r1 e"l, 01 to b11n g up n10Ls put of t ins ::....:.t, " lu eh can· u o t i c.:it, lJnt c..;d Bt. up nnre dl l(l d n t 11 Also ,, line ,u;soi tment of Cln na Te.,., consist111g of Young Hy son, Gunfl o\v all the powde1 , »ml Black, uf a ll pllce' C,11 Tiage "01 k, and Gene1al l?lenty of that favorite SO Cent Tea, J obbing All 1m1·k do ,ie at this E stablishmcn 1m1·1·antecl. A cal11s Hisp e<.:tful ly 1'0licrtcd, .T, MORlUS THE ,JOSEPH HAL L AT ...r. E. S IMSON'S. T E 8D1" 0N . Bu\\111 .nnille,} blrilbO N IlBOS, Osh t\\ t Oc11e 1.1 l Uiot.:ers Manufactnring Conipa.ny aud General Advertiser. PROPRIETORS. rv JJH1h , 1 u1 01e l ) f gt Ct.: 11 tom'1tOe~ QHC }l;i,lf .J\lcn:J ll\re::; sho uld Uc like tli u d<ty, P"Ck , t.i1X l~11;e 01110'1 ~ , one cabb<l,JC , six p ep pc1 s (of tbe liull uusc -...u 1ety) , t " o tahlc ·p ·on llih of a , tlie SclnH: of doves nnd of salt, 1 f,,., \ 11lad '1 of JU 1Ctl , h.-Wf a. pound of white rni ·~ t ud bftd, und f1 nn t,-i.l) e spoonfuls of b1cH\U ~ 1;;a1 I h e s p1ccs must all be g 1011 nd, 1nix t,bc~n t0,_,ctl,e1 w1tl 1 t h u ¥heed to1n lt·ie::o L1 don 11 n s, <.:01 u1 w1L1 > l ' H J ftl 111 :1 p1 c;:;~, \ill!:{ k ottlc, o lnd boil th,u~ ]1uu1s b eantiJul 111 tLc cvcn1n~, 01 hk 1;: tlic s nn1 111 c 1, aghn" \\.-ll11 p1utr11"'c, and the antuinn, 1 1ch with tLe gold en slie,t\ t"·, ,,] 1 e1e good BuWIYuLll\ille, J nne ] s t, 1871 'V" desll e to (cLll attenLwn to B o'" 11 1 1ln \il le, O<:t l 8t 1809 0111 wo rk s .i.n ll d efds ha\'.e npencd cin tl1 u tielll ====================--=== -=::--~-~--_-__ _-_::;: ~ --- l y nl Ii~ t SlrnD FOEl THE of tl1c" Srr..·v eR rroNUlTE ' A ND to ORGAXS 1\lLEODlWNS Gi cen 1'omalo ewrct P1r.lde h .t;; b eeu much t\}J ptovc,L It deJn:tnds 'l o n1ato es, 1 p eck , on wns 1 dozen , b1uwn ,,uga1, 2 pouud ,, , niustard s"'e 1, La li a pounll , a nd 1 ounce each of a.Usp 1ce1 clov es , ::,1oi.11Hl pq1pel. and g 1ou11d gn1gc1. S u e~ the tu1n;.i,1,oe:. a n d onions, h:ilf .t pint (>f s ~lt, kt ~ t " 11d t \\ enty fo u 1 h ou 1s ch a ll\ \' ell, pL t 10 :J, p1..?i..;e.\111g k8tth Di layers alte1nn.te w1tl1 t h e ·nn.'.1 tl SJHCc><, .u1d b()1l H l owly until cl c tr U1i1 ~e11Sal The Promised News J ONLY ARRIVAL ARRIVAL! Oue and l'wo Buckey<! Com b in ec~B eaper and 1 lfower, wit/1, J oltnson's SeifRake improved f or 1871 E . P. Needham & Son, ~Late C.ulln.rt & N eed h a 1n,) I A NJt'v ShJ.J F.C' l'. ,i,utl CHE.-1\P 75 CENTS GOOD S lcSTABLISHED IN 1840, 1'rcldco, Gh,(Jw c/i(gll, oi P1 col1U.:;~ n.'e ··VP._,l1ze1s i11 whwh the nux:tu10 of \ 1neg011 and >ip tc.,::; i:s 111u1c 1mrio1til nt th,tn t he gtt' E\ll IJ uf · c.;etablu~. \\hicb, u1dced , 1n,\y en1bu1L'C .~lmu:-:;t .tuy kJ11<l of smnJ.l .iud s uccnl cnt vcge tabk tl.ll ~l e\<: tl fnnt 'll1c1e a lu 1un n y r ec1pc::o fu1 tl:c t.:, li ut t h e o n e« I gn c \'ill l u f o11nd ,\11 1Jf lht m rnndeintl) in C<JSt ca.-sy of p1eparat1or. , .lnd adc<j_Ur.te t o tht w,1n~ of ,tny ;;mall f >m1ly. 011gmat01 s ,m<l Sole Ma nu fa.c tu1c1s I Mr. J . Milne, YEAI~S EXPElUE~CE Vv~c bcli1.JVC tlus inc, ru ".H.~ HO\\ b1n,d to b e the most ]1erfcct ltE \ PER am.I }!o" EJt ev& yet offe1cd to t lc p11bho of Oana.fla. Among Iti,; n1an y a.dva.ntagc ;:: , \\ c c:ill -1.ltt.l ~t ti on t o the follov, n1~ II B.lS NO GJ< ,\ R~ ON I !Iii DHJ" I Nt; \ \ ;lE EL:'5, ST OCK OF SPIUNG ar1 1ved of the per AKNU J\1, in ADVANCE. I I\ THE THADE, StyUsh Goocle for the Ladies . GENTS' COATS, PANTS, VESTS, and I O}~LEl3ltATED SILVER TO NGUE with ample foc1lities fo1 the Jfot 1 ot - 1301 1 \\ 1Lh Hl x qua.rts of vn1 e,;a.1 oric 1t, one fou1th of }L }1ou1 d 1 f do\l!' , l uund uf s L th ti sann.: of g1 nJt' l , un e ounct· e tt h of mice, t:ntu u ~ p eppo..:· , \\h 1te pevpe1, and long 11ep· 1 of 1 n 1ntm d seed, antl half.~ p m1nd nf c8t h llnt~ To t his J) 11xturc in JOlU J ::1 1 11(] l1 a,ny I.i nd of f1 lJt or v c get . ~blcs tha t n11 1 ~11 1 t i,o tn ftI!.t:\', f.oru c:iuh fl01' u to1 llA..11sh \J(>i1~ Thu pJoport lQ'l of 1ng 1eJ1eu ts h· 1c rn ux. cd k ut 1 ,\nJ 1U"Jpa1ts ~1e,y fi111.J ft 1101 to th o.: Organs E. p and Melodeons, S ON Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, h e f!<1tte1s hunself th,lt he c.m offer SHIRTS, made to order, and made to fit! I pt~ 1 , t\1 (· (i1 1 n co.: NE E DHAM & lJ d,l!:i w I'"J. fo - I a.1't0 1 put id f,l lb d l1orse 1 ~d 1::1l 1 , }, puunc18 ·~ lut~ untstarll seed, 2 l ll t co..;~ Ye i cu,; ~l i J1nt11u·,. s clo, er: , ,\l.l"!J lce , an ci P"' l } h,1 , I 01 nc ~s of tu:nuQ 1lC t,~. 0 t .. l <.: u1 .i1 I )f bl nn n d must ll c l , 4 t<~ Llc :-: JV i fnl'l 1 £ cdo::1 · ::ie..,d 8 d ov es of gat li e , l1~l f · put1111\ 1°' 1 01,n<l 0 1nger, a.nd 4 pounds blu\.\:ll v \,_ 'lt J h t:~1.: 1n~ 1t: o ie1 1 t s .tH:l t o be put 111to a ix ~ .> lluu J 11, ~1th 1 ;;, ::i.lh ms of '1n (:ga1 .A.ny 1 1n, vf 0 1cell ve"'et a bh::::i n111 y bt.: a dd ed, aftet th\;y ln\\ e bet.m fit st sc i.lrlcd , then Ji 1ed 111 ti.l e or 111 W<..: 1 (11 t.., wt " H csol rod 'I'llat Uie w:1c of 1 11 col o:r'in,; 11tJ.t tc1 111 the 1nrtnu~::i.<t ire of cheese au d butte r is . . :-.yicn,;1ve, 111<dc~ s, and lJC1hnps lU]Ul!Ol1" and isl.onld t b c1 efo1e be " Jioll y d1 sennt1u u\:d 11 Letthu 1esolut1on lie v1"'01011sly ln d COlbetenh on~ly tollo'\ ..,<{ 11p h} ,ict10u du1 tug- the ccnnm g u1;;011 ttnd .1s su ~:;rt!st crt, th e n~w:;pa.pe1 s \Hll 1.1 h c1 t 1se t he i efmm 1.1s ful1y .tud as cho e1fully t.i:c tl1ey wou l<l n, refo1 -i1 1 iu th e is\' 1 ll 111ilk d<\ ll lo..:S " Inch no\\ t;utJp l.J t h o cities of the countty \\ ith .L 1H\oi s eou ~ imbr:;t1tnte to1 cow\; nulk - Canadn J1'a1 mm l'llBL T SH GltEATER INDlJCEJYlE}TTS Good Gioeene~ 11.lwnya on h[Lnd En.ibhng 1t t o pass o' c1 lna1R]n or ~ :'.IXldy g1 unnd ·w 1tliout clogg111,; up tho geallug, thc1eb} J e nUcru1,; it l ess li~L le t o brcu.k a g e It rn fu1n 1 sh ed with fo u1 ],Jll\ ~s, t\\ o fot mowing n.11cl two for re(l,p1ng , on<i of \ \ h ich Las I:\. sickle c1 lge fo1 cnttJng 11p1J, cl <:tL rriau1, t he oth~t a 81oooth edg e for cutting g1a.. n 111 which there 1i:; 01 seed clover. It has e g11a1<ls both on th <.: Mowe1· B.u and ll~u.~1ur Tabl e, w1 th t he best c l..'.lt .st c el L1:1d.;er Plattis l t is .~lw fu1n1!'-:]1c d with our new PATE~ T 'l ' ILTI NC 'l ' ill LE fo1 t>Jc1ung up lodg ed g 1il.u1 Tins lSthe onh tcall:,. v it lutbleT1lt lng T11,blc offcrefl on l!. ny cou1L1ned R eaper a nd and .:i.fowc1 Th e 'J1n..IJ)e can be vcr} e:l;'31ly 1,n~ ed or lo\\ ered by the ])r1' er in his f'ea.t w1tllut1t ] h1s 1~ OlHJ of the mo <;. t nn stopping his Tea.i n po1 t ,\ nt 1mv10\e1 rien ts dfect~d i .1,~uy l\f,~chPH: d uu ng th e pftst two yca1;: Any· one or all of tli e A11ns of tbe Reel t:.~n be made to a.ct as;; a.t the opt101) of th e D11ver, by ,~ Le\ er rea thl y c·pcrate d b y ln" fuo"t; The <.:utting appar.itt1s 18 n1f1 ont of the 1\IIaclnne, and tl1erefo rc \\l.tethe1 Re ,~pmg o r l\Iov.1ng, t h e eo t ne wo1k of the 1-To,clnue ir-i, undeJ the e\e of t h e ])rum "h1lc g111 du1g h is ti an1 'l' he 'J ~Lle is so eonHt1 uctecl \S to l"Oathcr the Gra n1 into ~ ll<111tlle b efo1e it l et1.ves t h e 'l'.tbl c, a 1 Hl flcpo:-11 t lt 111 a more wnq):\<.:t foun tha n o th e1 Jtc. cl " THE SILV E H TO NG UE" Llrnn any otk·r Il ouse ,n t he t1 .tde, ,,c,t of th e c;ty of i\fontie'1l, :mcl Ii e hopes th'1t b:; I"t ~ke J{lJ1 'J'jf,J~ A.LY D EGG;::) lV""1..aY1 .H D Attention, Pro in pti tnde and Cou rtesy, Ui101l 1\Tl."-'T'") .A l\l ll!\ THI fll7/)l': lt1'Ul~l -, S F Il l LL. 13ov. n 1anvitie, ..:'\.pul 20th 18GO li'101n the .\.n1e11ca.11 .t\ gucultuti"t l\ilAGJZ[l" l 1 I ho m'1v llleut ,, 1.ti1 sh.ue of p u bhc l' »tJOn"ge Bowm,rnv1lle, i\fatch 17, 1871 n 24-ly THE OBSERVER, ( the 0 1gan of the Bible Ch1istian Denomination, one of t he best Fam ily PapCl s p1in ted m the Donnuiou ) clubbed witb the MERCHA NT, for Two D olla1 s per annu111 1 111 H..dvance , Collectmg Flower See ds It 1s <lesu able t o sa\ e ou t:'s o\ n flowlo!lS ~1 ( il iJ: Oldl fo 1 1 l' c Ill t\\O d .. ~ s 'lh1Q rn1xt1uu cn,n u ot !J,,, H 1pa"'~td L\ J i.U of lt is vei y ;,;oave1 .1~n t 111 0·1~ ! JLJ.ll il ~, a~ 1 lunn,; the\' h ole ' e~1Jt,1lile . u 1d Fo1 f)ig,in pJ t y ers ll nd t he rr111 g· c lo, 1ug Ht01) li.:::t.d111g puhlte g euc1 1lly I =-- -__::: - - - - f1111t se.'son, St'DH tlnng m o,y be co'lltinu.tll y co n tt ,butcd to its cu nt~uts, until t he) a~ :1" vo.11 t·llS f.H t h ( con! ents of :i. ' ' ,;rub b ·f;" :i.t a fair C'.ow choi~ -U ut .fine one l::uge he a<l of c,1b b11g ..,, un e dozen Lull p epp c1-s, :l}ld nne dozen w}nlc Ull l OJlS rut these, \\ ·th tblt:tl lOOt;$ Of h oi ~c 1,lJ.di ,h, gutted, into .-i. ]v..:ttlc, co1 el \ H th ~ t1 ong silt w.tter, Loi l t 1!1 th o .,; u 1f:I t entlet, t hen ch ...111 th1ou 0 h ~ h au 8l CVCJ Ilo1l 111 th iuJ prn t s of v·1i... .;C\.1 , Jwlf a.11 onu (;e of t u1 m e11c, nnd · ..m e f~ uttl 1 p onn<lof v.lntc rnl :;t·1d 8etd l 'o> n th '=' hct o\ er th.:: \ eget t l1l~ \V h~ ll culd :\.drl i, te.i C u l f ul of 8:1.L"\-tl 01 \, rud the s a\Ht! qu.~ ntit) <if lI tmt \1d rrnx cd n fo1 the t u.blc C.iul.aHoW<;! l m ay be .tlh ,u t ig1.;m1~ly snbsf 1tutcd for the cab b<~~c m tliu; ' ec J1t: tal,H 0 o..:r ~'"' to b b ll. np th(· c '.L1 1 '1 fJ i tr ni~t .. td of c 1t t1ng 1t L " 1 Pu I. tu - 'l'h c1u ..1c 11.iUlJ 1cc1pes fot 1u;"t l l l.,; a Ewcct p.c 1 1c of f11 JJt , c ll of \\ hwh a· c u w , .1clltecl :'.I.lid te 110 l" c j lH.J follo\HHJ, \d nch I\ 1 l "1 1s et i;)<j t :i.l y fl!1 d ni.ro1i,, 1 ilu u1 ~, chel i c , D.. 1 1. icr ti!, anil }Jc .ehcs , s~ 1 vcs c ve1y ]Hll 10' t 1f ' finl -£l ,i1o.tuf!, h ~ nds mne viokle, of ,bOOd 1 J.; c~l~' .,; · lll c' ll~ c,.,, ;,w1 l J1 , i,8 tlH~ f,thnutn.i;e of 1'> 11 111::. i ,t L 1 t~ 1 v trouble - P1cp::ue yo 111 fruit a r J t 1 ~ · ( · ~1 11.; f'to n1ng it, and to seven pounds of f 1 ,1; t.~kl:l tl rl!e a n d one hn.lf pou uds cluu1 l.n< n ..,l!.;' ti, one p111 t of' 1ncgtl.1 , a nd one ounce (,,d i 0 1 t:1JJ11 :trrw 11 U t bt1ck!<, Hpng u1,tee, .Hid l lc \ cs rut the fn ut 1n Lu a Ju, liml the '\ I lle .;n. a.n tl P-p to..: 68 toJether, .ind pou1 it O\ er the f. v1t, lettin g it stand for t\1 o dn.ys , t 11 0..:n pou1 t111~ vnicg,u off 11g.t111, put1t on to l;o1l , 01nd " h en hvt 111)111 in th1· fiu1t fl.n d bo1lall to::;cther l1nt1l t J.ey 1-re eledt :Hill t1m 1 spn.1en t llusd(1 es JUSt a:; "ell as t he r ept<it~ d scaldlll gs usually 1 t.:cou1 1n.,inlc·l P""j e.~ - 'lo p ickle p u:i.<.:111,:s, the ~uuplest n; th e h e~t w ty 'l' tke t hP ]a1gc Gem~H~ p e.u:hes, wi pi:! tbe1n v. 1th .~ c1lar.s0 cloth, fill a Jil.r "i t h t he m, drop in a s1na.ll Jrn.nJiul of black p( ppt rs, co\c1 1 11 '1tli \in cg,'l.r, cokl, ,1nJ "ou1 pu:kl . . . l" ma le (,> J F]!f' e ~ u1i i; J ·l.l - Fill ~" J !U \'1th 1,r- e f. UtlA:!~' (,o .Hon o[ fruit addouc ponnd of wlut~ su Co\ e1 ~ 1t b <:olJ. \ 1111;:ga 1 1wt rn1ly ns a. 1nntto..:r of 1 conolll\., but[!,,"-,~ u1al1'-' of1lnp1 0-,1n g the vilnety Jn n collectwn of anuual plants, vll fiom the sa1ne stock of seed, On l y 50 Cents pe1 Year t he1e \\ill bu eon sahn ~Lie \ at 1~ ty r nescnted Only 50 Cents per Year! So1ucnw.ny \':J.IY fL01u tho gQncc 1al ~to<.:k 1n the si ze 01 col(ll of the flo\\ <:1, .~nu othe1 s 111 the Jrn.b O nl y 5 0 Cents per Y ear tt of the p rn. nt These pecul.i.11t1es a re n ot ccr S.\.M l'Ll!: OOP\: .M AT T bD ]Rgg 'fO .A1 ):' t111 t1 to Lo 1 eprodu ocd , b11t t h e pi oba.b1ltt1es 11re, A.DD ffE SS tbi'\.t 1wmc of t h e sccJr; f1 0n1 snch plllJ11:.'l \\ill sl1ovi- thein, ~nd b} follow1no up i co·n se of se · lect1r)JJ, one ean 1u n, fe n yf:a1s so <:Htn bl rnh a vauet.,,, t hat it "111 cu 1w const an tly true firnn I Send to the oflice of J P ll IOE st>etl I t n1 1y be h e1e ren1a,tl,,ed, t11'1t fl<H 1st:-:; BlO\.\ 11 St J ]3o\VlllilnVille, Sole hn.'-'<~ fou n (l 1u P' u.:t1oe that, tbo11gh ,\ p ccnlw.r ...\..o-cnt, 01 to tl1e 0 1ty ina.y n ot show itself v e1 y btrongly the fir~; t yern, yet 1t wtll 1 na1ufcst it,,elf the n ext ycru., 1f t h i. : gro\V~l p e1sevei es It is we ll to nuHk t11o::ie TO~!GUE" 1il:tuts, the i:Jeed::- of 'd11c11 it is d cs11crl t o sin e In thetntel~t!:::, '"lnle Ill full b loo1n, n.ntl not OF tiust t o mcmo1y Iu a bell of pl 'l.nts, f 101n win ch seetls ..u e t o be s.ncd 1nc rrH,,cu01 u1ly 1 an 1 when it is flcc i;u r..blc t o lu1.\'e all of on e colo1, th e " 1ogucs" n1ur.t he pulled out fl.!> soon as they sllo\v thc1 uselves For tn star ice i f\~e w ish to use Drununond's Phlox fo1 bedd ing p11 po:->es, it 143, 145 & 147 EAST 23d St is 11T1po1tant th11.t lot of the seetl p 1od11 t;c fl< we1::- all uf a snn1lt111 color I f we h:.nt a J patch of d.nk rosc:-i, fton1 "h1e h sec tIB .n e a1 e t o Le SLI.\ ed, pull up e\ ~1 y hf, ht color c:d Ol l u before it go es ta 1:1eed T o be s<, ccot>s!ul in seed gatlie1 111g, 011~· 1 nust s t11dy t}1e h abits of the pla nt,, Kature p10\ 1de~ 101 the scattenng, n ot the su,\ 111.; of the seeds . tnd w e m ust stud} her 1net ht1ds an d nuttc1p.tte hex t httle S01ne seed pod~ open \v1th a 1eil1. 0 f t h e ve1 y best l~1 nd 1 a; soon u1 11pe, u 1d acl1.ttc1 t11e cont e n t s to a d is· t~.uw, soine ope1l. by a. hole 01 C'! :l<:k, and as the pla.nt l l:l S\\ a ved b~ the \\llltl, the seclls aH'l grad ually sift ed out , agau1 ea.r.h tH.~ ed bas a. do .vny t u ft, t ha.t will n.llo\V 1t t o sa.11 .~w.iy upou t he .tu<l che [}p ru; ~t .,.uy stoic> 111 C o.nn,d1\ , oi:. Q u t of b1 eeze )11 othe1 cii.,.es th e1c i,, no p10Hs1011 1t 1 at fur " cattenug t he 1>eechi, b u t the fcu1t 01 seed ·essel unist d~ca.y, Lefore thi::y c..,n be hhc1n.tcd ] Tt rn n ot neces~at J to wait until thi.: seeds a t e \ d f'ml t ipc Lcfo1e collectln:; them , a little ex1J e1l 01< UIE (,UL /1/,N LWc\ 8lrJ ence \v1ll one to know t4e po1nti at ' hwh it 1:-s r;afc to ga.t'hc1 them Th ose 11e~d vel31:1el 8, I<1u.; Sh e~t, Bo.,, IDfl.11\ ille wlut..:h in b1e.n.k1ng scattc1 the s c1:d, Bhould b e i Napoleon is Defeated, N()te tliese L 1 ' . A.C1 :3 o I 1 AS u SlJAL - - 0- 'l'he ' rable 1s ::i.tk1clwd to Lhe l\f K:b111t.1 both ir1 frout a1H..l 1e:11 of the D11v 1ng \-Vhi.:ul 'l\h1ch en ables 1t to pas~ o' el ro11gh 6'1onn d \I 1th nnH h g r ca.tE l en.~e and lcr>.'J lll.J liry to t l1u [ ~hlc 'l Jte G n nn \Vh e('l ..,\.x1e is on a h llc \\ 1t h the 1xlc of the Dri ve \Vheel, 11L 1ch en u.blei:; 1t to t urn t h e winers re.tthl}' The R lk~ :.u e tl11 veu Ly Gc:i.Ullg iustt.1.vl of Chains, a n(l, t h c 1efur e, L·~"' e .l ;:;te ttly, urni on u motion , n1ak1n g thc tn m u ch kss littb1e to l ne al .. age on u neven gro u1Hl, and lll OJ c rcgula.r 111 ic 1nov1ng the G·ra.111 T he Ge U"lng 1s ' ei y z;nn1pl e, strong n.nd dtua.ble lbe Boxes ,-i.1 c .~11 hn( d \\ ith BABBIT Th e p~nts .H(' MET AL. all numlJcreil, so th lt th (; can be 01<lei ed by t elcg1aph or othel\\'l::;:e, by SllUj)ly g11111 g tlie nurnbt:r of the p ,1.1. t \\ante < I The1e i::i n o side Dr.tnJht 111 c 1the1 11..::ip111g 0 1 .ind t ht: J\'L \chn1e JH so ve1fect ly b<tl an<.:ed tnat t here IS no J?l i.:s su1e ou t bi.: l l n11'!0:.:~· n ecks c1t11e1 \vhcn 1eap,ng 01 rr1ow1ng All uni mo.llea.ble <.:n.stt n;s, \" b ei e they , lih1 , ct h i n1u ch s t1,t1n , h u. ve bl::lcu tw ice UJuteult1d, the1t:by reudei inJ tLe u1 both ton,;h and ,t;l!"'Jllg' Ou1 J ohn~iJ n Jt 11l1.e 11;1 so c nnst11icted ,i,s t u 1u.1i,;e tht: Can1 ao fa.i abo\'C tl 1e G11\ u 1 l'ahle t hut t h e. G1run does not u1te1fe1c \\1th the n1nclnn~ry of the R'11~es 01 ll ecls \Ve the .thovc l\{n.. ch1ne 111 t\\ o size:-;- :\'" o 011 e, tu gt> ,,1ze fvt l .Lnn ers \Vho ha\ ea l u-gc iuuo nn t to1u 1.p-~o Two, 111 ecl1UOl SlZe f Ol l"'ann Cl s h a Vlll J lr10ru ll Se f oi .l, Jr[o \~er than fo111. l{eapet With t he cx cf'pt1111\ of <l1ffe1ence 111 i:;11.e, these Mncln nes aie s m1liu m every lcl:!pe ct 01 1 No 2 1YI.lc1une "1tpul1u; .L want he1etofo1e l.U1f1llud , viz A tn~chu m be t \\ cen the J n1 ~l(l\\ et :.utd l aJ.f i:- col u b11 11:t{ lYJ w ( htne, both 111 s1zc and puce '\V c i-lh:i,JI dist:ulJ.ute o tn f'i\mpl e n u\Chines in i\(a1ch emong 011r Agen ts, tbn.t in tcndn1g Jlnrcho.sea; r11n.y h nvc an ca.1 ly oppo1tu1uty of ex.imuuni; tlien n1or1W,and we guar,u1tee t hat "'11 l\.lclCh1neB i'ih p]Je tl t111:-:; season i:;haJl b e equal in qu,W1ty .rnd fin1r1h to t he samp les exh1b1tcd hJ ou1 ..<"I. Jent ~ \\ l Jn \ 1t e th e publH 1o \\1thholi.1 givi ng tli vu OHle1s unt1J the y h n.d a.n opp<n tun1t y of ln!-ipCct ing ou r l"Iaclnni; s, 1.1.s we b elieve they fti tO nus 11 pllit:ised by any o the r mnch1ne1-;; e\ CI yet off CI cd on this <:on t men t \\ J -1.lw oife1 <tin on..; oiu· other ~{~chin es n1ow 1 11~, F~1cts, 111 J AS. ELLIOTT, SeleGt" his own goods. FA.C'l' No 2 J' AS. ELLIOTT., Buys and sells them FAU'1 1 Nn :J. hi,, ow n ncrn1e. Commi:,sion, a,nd ADVERTISE J AS. ELLIOTT, Don't I du busmess 011 " SILVER FACTOl!V 1s not to be undersold. THE CORNER JN r rT II~ E. P. Needham and Son, J- A::l. ELLIOTT begs to 1 eturn his sinceie thanks, to the inhabitants of TYHONE and surroundmg country, for th o Ji bc1 a l pat1 on;i,ge he has iecmved srnce commen ci ng business '1nd now begs to sa,y th '1t he h,i" on hm1d :i S PLENDID ASSORT MEN T of AHEAD, NE\V YORK. ERY, GROC El{IES, CI{OCI\_ BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., &c. I m fact, the bi gcst fLnd best ilSSOl trnent of goods evci offm eel m 'l'yione, .111 of which he offo1 s '1t Johnson's Self-raking Reaper, A SUI T O'F J\iERCHJ-\ Nrr imp1 ovcd for 1871, with two lcn1ves~ srnuoth ,1111.1 s1c1 . . lc edge, ,ind malleable gumcls Wood's Patent Selt-Rakmg Reaper. and Tg.A JUST as GOOD, BUCKEYE REAPER NO I, (with J ohnsou'c Seli-Klke ) .AS'l'Ol'flSHJNG LOJV P RICES FOB GAdH, O>' Fao vnw1·s Procluce, BUCKEYE REAPE R NO 2 (wi th J ohnso11's Self-Rake) JO HN MC fVlURTRY 'S IVufn1·{.:; - '1 u.J.c lt } lt:cl~ of \\Uh1u t :) 01 Lutti..:1 ut.t., t,e nuu en01 1ge to be easi ly p11neb11 eti b}' <· vii., pit u,~w in L 121 < -i.n d pc,ur over tbe111 a \tl} bt 1o n~ ln1Jl<:, bu1 li11g hot Tn n. fo1t11110 ht t h ey \1111 h a \e l.Jt'g nn tu 11owu c1 Jwm le 1abl), \1 uen l·ey sh ould. t:tk~u out, di uncJ, fl!Hl 1 ~1d 1n lbet>ll ui.ti l t h c y tuin bl,\ uk l:estore tl> t 111 i:o the cle,Lu J< n, · nd, lia un.; lxnlc d t1·, o gu.liun<i of v111e0 a r \I 1th two unncc£.i each of :tll 1'lJ ce, clo\1 "· ~ud wl10le gi r.1ns of bl,tck peppei , <l ll u L1it t l< 1n. cc, vo,u thrn spiced \ uie1;:,M hot O\ e, tlw n \.fto..;1 six months a n excellent ctt-t ~l p t l'.I."-) l~e 1·1 of th rn pickle, by iua.:;;h1 n,;- th1;, 11 u.1in1tiJ ( d11d 1 have bci.:utnt.: soft), ho1hn0 tL eu1 i u t.lhl 111eg<· , ,u1j ,,t1 a 1n1 11 0 till tlnoug h t~ 1>1c \ e J hi:; \\11 [ l,,1 up Jrhlll) 'rt.~Ii!, ,\nd is' c1 y fi ne for e< t111 0 I\ ith t,;J1 ,;u theied J USt btifore they open, and Le uJlo\1 cJ to pup uuder a SlO\e 01 COll'Vel l HOllt cover P.iu ::11es an<.l oth e1 ' T 1uleh1, Ph1ox es, 111onuse .. ,.tu d others ne ed catc 111 thrn re15pect A s soon ar; St Cl],_ ,tr~ gathc1ed, IJllt n label \H th t h o..:li1 1 tLlld as soon as t hey 'Ii) e thorongb1y dry, clell ll then1, ,u1d iotot c them ;"l..\\ity 'L'he 1nan11e1 of cle.uung t he see<lB i;i viu icd .awo1du1g t o c11cu1n:sta uces, s1ft,111g, gentle \\ UUHJ '1111g-, 1n b :.n ng b etween t lrn baud6, .tnd b .tn (l p1ck1ng Le111,; 1eso1 L ed to, a c couli· J g t o the 11.Hld of s eed s 1\.. i;cnef:I of s1nn.ll ~le\ cs, of d1Hei cn t size of 1nesh, \1 ill ,weo1u p h ><b 1nost of t h e woik which w ill he t:ikeu m excb,uige al th e highest Mai ket valt. e J E nlso begs to s"y t h .ct ho h as now p1epaietl to finuish Getttleillan's clotlung rn fast-class style, by a fii s t-cl,lss t'1iloi, "t asconishrn g low flomes, and wm1,lntcd '1 good fit or no s11le 0 N B-Don't fmget the place, J ,unes Elliott's Che11p btorc, Ty1one Ty1 011 e, Oct, 6th, 1870 itl ly }-,or $10.50. ~o -- Ohio combined Hand. Ital~ing ltea.;per and Mower. G1"T YOUR \\ oulrl l espcctfti lly .;1vi.: r.i. hin t to tLose ttl pe1 plex1ty, th,~t he keeps con,,t~1ntly on h .ind a.tir· t c1 t ~s t:' to cl~ of ' ~ T HJ;1u; DO YOU RUY Y O UP. '¥ Gl~ O C}~Hl.ES '> Jx;u1 0 t he qnest1on, J :.\1 _______ _____ , , --- I Stubborn :FACT NO 1. ~.,acts. CORNWALL BLANKETS n.ntl those' l1n buy h mn hi1n \ tll IH \l::'t ie;pet tha t t h ey nr._, n,ble to .~u i'jwei, 11 Cayuga Chief Jr, l\lower· Buckeye Mower No l· Buckeye Mower No. 2· Ball'" Ohio llfowci· No. L Ohio, Jr , I1fower· Taylor's Suiky Horse Ral-ce l 'all11ers' Favorit e Giam Drill. Champion Ifay Tedde1 . I buy from John i\Icf/I11rtry." 0.A12l:II~AL, GRAY J:fas by fm the lai gcst Stock @! Good,s m 'fy1011e, AND OUR UNLEHHATEJJ Hall Thresher and , C1c,itly imp1 oved 10 1· l 871, with eithct P1Lt s, Pel Lun, :PJ.mct,W uudbu1y, m Halls t> 01 LO liornepo'Y~t FLOUll, (li'1om the A.lnot c;,~11 ~i\.bucu l tnu t) FACT NO 2 COUJ{J.JEA t.., .A N D CRA C lfE'l J J V1lf}AT Str.,wberr10s for Next Year ']he una.teu1 01 tlie r etu1.;d I\ ho,£01 th u 1iJ,,t tin1e fin<ls h im -'clf in the po~::;eg;,; 1011 of a. g.irdeu , pter;cutCJ an n1nus1·1g- ernbodnnent of i m1Jat1ence 'l'hese i..:uthus n.:;U! c.m uot R ec w ] iy a plant should not :fl o .~e1 all su1nm e1, they J. GRAY J" GRAY H.ts by fa1 the g1e.1to<it \'11ricty :tnd the best TRg GREAT FAVORITES Selected guucl, in 'l') 1 oue FA C'l' N O 3 H,18 b_y fa1 the Clte,1pe,t Goods iJ, Ty1one, qn:ility borng tlic test of cheapness r al~ p ~ Fo. on hna.ry pu1p0f:lc:>, lli f" n1ost U" 4 f11 l catsu11 w tl1.~tn1w le f 10 1n tma ,\toes. '1 l1 e1e ,u c m a 11 y 1ec.:elpts, lmt iuost of the1 11 do not te,\ch ]tu\\ to 111J~c<1c:1ti;np that \\111 i1 ~ 1Ht t l1e n::i.t u .11 tu1llen c.} -..:f .~ w.\tcr y ,e, e tib1c hkc th o<: t01111~to t0 fe 1ue11t , 1501Jl, l lld 0 1ow 1nould y 1 he fullow1n:£ 1ec11e1s for a T o11udo /3u1J tLn.t 1s fi n ..: fl uqnecl tncl 'I ill k ei:p T ak e one pedc up e tcm..111toc " frf.:c f1on tlu 1::1 t, etc, eight t.~bl e spooufnl s rn1sca l inustard, f otu t:tLle spooclful« of s.ilt 1 t\\ o t,-i.blc c.. poonfuls vf grou1Hl ))t..:ppei, on.; n<.1.Ji .~ t of o.1lsp1ct , 10u1nod:>110"d lJerpcr, snnn11.:r t11e n1g1edieuts th1i..:u h otn-s, st1:11n tl11 1Jugh a e , ad<l one <Lur..rt of \IUCJ <t '· s1 M1nc1 Wu u11J1utcs longc1, thC'n pou it 111 F>n,aJl ho ttl e~, co il~ t 1Jl,tly, and k, cp 111 ·,cool p liice F1 csh a1uvals of C10c ke1y Gh~swai e. (fo,,J , "'(' llL to a1l prut'3 of t he 'J' o\~H Jul ) Glh .~O ~------3 AT THE The Choicest Variety, i;v c r,hall ali:;o ollel fu\ the I nll ti :t.tlc, ~ u e w ()lovc1 'lln et1he1 ~ntl l:Tnll f 1 ve1y n1uch r-m1J1~ 1 · 01 to all) oth m h ril'etoft ;-c 1nt1 udn cctl ex:11ect t b c pen t1ee th e.) 11ut out tlu ~ ap1111 g t o 1 be londed nex.t f.Wl , a nd th ti i: tr.l \\be11 1es they \ s ~ t in t\pu l to v1cld n. c1op111 J une TLe 1t1n j er~tut a n d 1n egula 1 cn,,to1ne11:1 ;,i,,n1vng- tlnr; cl < ti:!s, clealcra find tlie1t 1eai.:lio8t v; h(J 11u:· H:,Lch to beli<.:'e an) pot1s1Lle s t o1'V' about plants, if it . i .,; co1 d with t h eu w1fil1es " A r:> ft1 :i.s stn~wbenies I RSIYlv'.J::£: AND LIME A Jett ie P.l1J UH' caine JU St Ill tnn e, l .1. n d .~ll il.bnut the b('S"t; of I ... une 7 L11ne f101u t he " cst of tlt( very he£L, N ot beat 111 an y quR 1tc1 , J;1n1e th,tt will ~h1.f1Ylil stn.nd th1- t1;st , 'Vhen mW.~1ng 111to n~ ort.t1 - QTJEl'tY. How '"w iliese thrngs be 1 ANSWl£R the cheapest A NEW A ND CllMPlHE IUUSTRAUD CJ\TAL O CllE OF ALLmrn MACHI NES ~1EROH ANrl1 .u-c co n cerued, \\ e i,,\0uld s:.i.y t o t h ese nHJhl tien t peovlc, that the only -way t h ey can :;ct .~ rmt1s · f,~c to1~ ci0p of stl :n\ OO,rtes ne~ tspnng- assutn ing, of course, tbt:1.t they have yet to pl:in t their bed-is to b eg111 n ow La.:i; e1s, l&oled in p:its, m ay be 11lanted e'en 111 the hot days < 1 Jul~ 1 and . A..u,;11st , the "µ1",,nt e \:\1 ll grov: 11,;ht 011, ,t ud becnmc euffie1cr1tly la rge Lu g ive nzood et op ne~ t 1 CiuT.111 1 1 V" 1 ctaUll5 - I fh~d t bn.t c~bb.tge,c:tuh P la1)ts root ed 111 pots ale not genc1:.i.lly I i~o ,,H , r i~d all Lines u sl!d iu; ll~ec ns , if lxn led :;;pnng 1. 11 l fo1 s ~le by n u1,..e1 t 'IUel)., b ut 1 uo, .a '~ ~ )e 110 1 nl1a1d 11 .1 tc1 , p1 f:s c1\c thea colo1 better t h a.n 1t t li c " ate1 i~ so ft U nlcs.s th <'y me ~ e1 y Joun ,; d11hculi} lll g'("tt1~g thcn1 done to 01tle1 s .u u.ll I .. ud t-1 c!i.:r, t!Jei~ O iivo~ will be 1nueh iu1 p1oved pot~ ' thoRek~ui ,\ u t o th etr tt.loM vt1 Llwna pots u.1c ll, \>hc 11 ' rn'f u1,.1L,,,t1, t11ey nr; t inton. fill ccl ""1th ,;ootl <.:ompust 1 a.Jul sunk 111 the soil The r unrier IB placed 11pon ihe ,.,oil co~ :;i,r1tlc1 , colU. wute1 poui cd over thon1 1 ::in<l of tl1<:! hed then plac,, d in ~ fre,.h }Jllt of bo1 lnig ".~te1 \\1th of t110 pot, l\llrl !~clod of ::.:11th or a Sll)tl.11 81..0fl~ 1 1 I GOODS IN TOWN. OFFICE, I s b eing p n blit!hetl , a nd " 111 be i erv1y lo · ('!J J ly chs tnbntion , h ec t1J a ll n.pphc ..T1t::i 'l'h ;:i.t when vou ~all <.:01ne 111 to b n y, Yo1 J'J I n I ·"lll h v ~d k eep a. good st Pt1lj 1 l'nr 1t 11> i~h· want;ed, ii be durnppo1nte-d ! Y ou will a.lwn.}o fl utl i t (l ,-y und fic "'h, .A.1 1ll t hat us r.io1n etln 11g bonnic, c:o co1ne a.long- a na li'V' th u; Lllne, :B 1 't . t tl ut LOU Jorge l J tno n eJ l'.Jo~ll ~o f d chve f f u nn N111c a ln to J1 nu 1 p 1n , C'1J1 ne1 of 1t n i..:en a\Jd Ont.L· 10 S t e~t Selects lib own Stock, Im) sin the best nM1kets. 1 buy' 1"1ge ly for C.i.,h, conducts his own bnsines.' '"1th less expense, has h,1d neM·ly 20 ye:irn expeiicr,ce i ,1 'l'yrone, knows exactly what the people ,, ant, anc l lin.s just t he Goods to supply thei1 w.rnts, lH·s VCI y few u ns,ilc.1ble Goqds I ~ ijJ Ho"1u~1 nv1llo, ' I'll OS BO'NJ)'EN r.f;ncb. 11th 1~7 1 IJ.Q 24 , t f J\.u . .1uei=ds:. {t.ll PdJ ]y i11<:1pcctJun to eo11vi 11ce the rn rneclulons tlrn t the above ,1e " STUBB01{,N J<'ACTS" wh wh c.urnot be denied J GRAY, Be, 1 ·et' th,lt a few pla111 Facts sl10 uld h,we proved so nm , 8 cous t,o m1 e~tlem ely seno1hve ne1ghbo1 (Some fol k s h a te fact ·,) 1' 10'1 F. Y. COvVIj:E. I Bowmam·iJ le, Sept 1870 I ly conduclc Lhc puicha,e I Fo1· fn1 lhe1 info1·mat10n, ndrh css All om M,.chmes a1 c WMlUutL'd to give sat1sfact1on and pm chasern will have an opportumty of tc,tn 1 g thcru both m Mowrng 11nd Reaprng, befote they Wlll lJ<' 1 C <]H>I e<l to fim 1- tf-.32 I All 11 OJ k executed 111 the L.cte"t Bt.i !es, with Neatness .ind D esp>1tch, and at Lowest Rate, F. W. GLEN, PRE81DHN1', OSHAWA, ONTARIO, om 17-JU I