<~tUfiIL TMEÇANADIAN CRAUPON. MITNONTABtIO. ::DESDAY, DECEMBER 31,1980 e r SECOND SECTION Steeersgrab stistie w.ith overtime win ionu 1501 airls' beodbY uo ethe ubo. Il batid bock wlds a ltoi tbiril- redlroctodl the puck lete1o on et lait laedey md Tm.iay w thén tm p ses divimatsont cbmlan chtaneinath lay.t1epeo oe ~b «A "- asboluiay le '"5 bem- omlle, W MfInL Be15 taom e t otn the allerS utth Aroma, tb l 10w t thse late mlWsc f fam dvebn ean eonontop Ialè~s1mBotuOU Mll. Irs teethte lcttialelouam t Brantford holding aelh dol ly ~aonafl cotet by a 54 maUel o lt Newmsan Sept ber ead le15 gns LI lIthel besi ul15sote O1-0l mi-ns oms1 l erctlmo 001 uen oie nao e5fle e uMo alipelltle osbay bieceodd uleale t5 a e aa let sl pool and boused o lm u mItepCrl altmlcelWa1eOl ton à u Ts te sri porleboeed lein olr bapa cI o >01 alard &m1-mdtbmcbmmha:bl t wb.tol=o b al0100 c»pp0tUly itn~ eo Ia atl u Memoral Arena. Coch Carol Morion looks on &0s plat~ ce Who~ Im ces-goei crlterla mas und le detoere a o w«mvr bymn Ss e Ieb Hamilton ais tears of happiesi after tent won durmg the prosentation after her club liad defeated «W"P ad er.wn unll Inpal Kims Hamilton, mier th consolation aÎ' pîoeuInp at the MatSon In- Brantford. "1«1 are I s r e M Otw s ue o- fotwhtch atend= st e or e pi dup alu u~g~ ngIl heé saiitle Bnu sieOa the~ lemIoow s offter t Soorpck a e w o ln.Sed dm 10 vitotional Girls' Hockey tomaent lamt week at 1Ss~dbIme taSaii lnd dI leaedtop missi 1-0 vey oely lne Igamneo aa gal 0'nathfe lce pot aoporlct dole on IIOUeWbaOgSsOIOOaillt ba ubeh reoltmil from a geamouth I = enor glleldn 5poSot With an eight-esinlte overtlese Isoming, andl elil a pans te Jennior Domenico uho The gaine ment 28 minutes beoon elther pto1pIs1 ~ ~ qw " ecabILo thepc oaei ea e- 1e vacateil sot ultI six minutes It le the tanins ramoit the onil-to-enil play mode o estab and tlreil il home le glve teses mas able te pI on the erorebard. CaqIO sapc~'d ol a egII awrsflmnlcdîtadibcsity egaletIe uhîch.choracterzel the esstire mateS. Miltone the min. Tracy Home nolceei tle tient goal m115 ta" prw be fle fldu imi rN ati une.Beantford nearly etele the vlctery with 20 Agoin, Milton goalie Newman mon ThorahilI rumina barSemomes later mith seconde lot uSes o gond poos put a 1cr- otrong steppieg 22 obole for the shutost. the oqualter. mord loto the cloe. Hsovec, atomdy Mlesineaugu cluimel the peewee Then Joanne Auger chose a mnat op- Myrna Newman mode the play of the division over Orangeville. In the tentam partune lime to score Sec fient gouleofth1e gaieeulth aecellet NHL-styleatop and division, Miesinnangu Park Royal ilmpei yosr lu pot Plumbars loto a bail they ulloeoi er toues 10 ailvance loto, over- Muoimonugu United Lands 5-1tol tale the didolt relinqish. Horne tinishod off the dîn5e. ehuepinatop white Borbongton mon the scoriog mith an insoronce goal mith imo With abelu-on-goala eonetlsgaus the co=oonlochampiooship m115 a 5-0 white- minutes loft le the gaime. determining farter io goalsen ereilre, mus of saifleet. Aguinsi Park Royal, Mfiltens inox- bathteacnncetradonoemotieg ai the Tise leursuesent han amurdeil trophies, porience proveilto bo their major douelmll net. Encollent delenaîvo merS bY bath for playeen milS the esosi seoring pointu in as Mistoaugu's 12-year gicle hockey teams ullomoi only ose abat n goanmd oeS division, the top tormard, goallender programn seemnei le have un edge n the - - tenately for Milton, Hamilton tlroil the andl deteneeman. mest ofth1e toas. This mus Sent abown le sat le, glvo Milten 15e vlcteey. In the peuee division, Oruogeville's that bath Miasisaugo eqoado met in the Aller the uesossnceent uhleli give Tommy Oborne scored the moat points, choesploosip fimai. iMilton the taise, players jumsespd over the Millen's Kies Hamilton mas nameil the top "We're colching op on leat lime, b ourdu andu abappy, tearfnl Morelson ment formurd, Nancy SuretteofOrangeville mas remarloil Hasselfeldt, 'ulîhonaS Misasi- arouosi the le boggisa ber ployons le on the top goalteoder andl .Ioisisunps sango bai gel 10 years nua. They (ParS emotînnal osîburot. CIndy Wilson mus the top doeseceesan. Royal) Sud live gond hockey players andl I "Tisy reutiy mode me peoil nI thees,' For banlaes, Mtstsuugu Park Royal couldo't boat thees We played as meSi as sie slil. "They gave il eorything Boey players toS three ofth1e four bonses. Den- me coulil.' bad. Tbey've bon revvedeunp aSl day. Tboy lie Cisemings scoreil the mont pointe, Giz- ltumeleldt aingleout sth1e uneS nf camaehoghti meenina tb lg do- oe Gluant uns tse ao oleond Denion. obe AIlso Kathy Hre oleBr - O 11 d - vi l!' ~ BIl La e as th 1e la Z o goal opinaI ParS Royal us boing par- leee droppeil Boe opener le Bramp- breaktrosh 5 Park Royal doiaion tienlariy effective, adingat ol 5e t let ton, Monday aI15sogh the score muen't andl mas noned the top foruard. entire toesm portore ele. estn l indicàtive ofth1e play. Tise gaiee eutofispa nth oraet bou1. rot caamete e grsalarelo 5 bminlpi Milton inleredinles lave boon invîlein t mo thrloofr1e linol Sal o eo ltonv or he meo n ipt sarsi ttepyi 5 oe ot HoevrStolrsreropol e o iet booaidn fe nn 5 t ien s participale, in a tourney le ThoromIl. Tise the Royal squad ais miil play le a tornamont le gansev Se e e saionrouned ignl An e x terlescei Maesseonuga Park RylOrangeviile piuone oa eithec Mieutosaugo cofhei onation sode aga15s them duhedi MIltonsa hoes mith 0 5-1 min in the or Brantford. sold tm ffot aowd Mlto ts cptue isetou ~pioedseerelena hoekçy for aSl of Plmers outiastoil Tsorodill 3-1 le Boe Nemmarbel mas staled in play bn Boe diiio old;ea Milors allofl Mate p.. capur theaOI tegn i=atndn almoat ail of the eigbt- opleor te advunce te 15e semi-tinol. peemee aroop but a misnderstandng ~losnue Ith .oldt oer ov .But overtlme. Flfteen tea= nia two divisios patcipt milnute overtiese. Il mus a total-tom effort, noeils, uns coorerning tbe toems acceptance le Boe talk mpn fro yn emn liteMlo oretefrto ht is nestnc te WiIS lime rsnning ouI, Hamsilton ne butin," said Milton coach Gord tournuesent led la the sqoad sot par- hua olec M yrailo Nwan a n tea anln u e e n th itOwa - gathenuil the pork bolinil the Oubvlie nef Hasselteldt. îicipaîing. W» ofene y immi ltnadab nsauiee hendi=co"dt esto Nodi. m pocire mat = Dieo beOy lu Imin In Osy nighet Mil toiý,4@dtt Connd- Ibo IMI bero ahan ai 0 'Ir*l b 4waaoe am Mali hua "Y ansdont thoesn tbole uap te lI uLâm.e4- bl Pl11 Dpl ore d Loule M sll led lie eqeoc ullI e ls o anale e uWlhoÉI tent le 1e oosa ~lr~NIaond Plchlegmnuh Pol~~~* J Mal é oe witbin ane meond oolat U11t01 mnwuuinve 1ig bosna1oPaeron woe- Ise tme ela i sulw 1 l preeSo!Wd Milton dlaims two consolation ttes in seventh annual Beaver tournament Ose a of hemail auccomaful ad competltive Milton mintel11aecons aopart,loeen the score. mith a comtortalie Ie over P'reston. Medics nom- Boaver Hockepyonamensacencludoi letn egt Healey recaonul Milton& tue-goal lm itb a pair o inaleil theenontreso the onleet out-shoting Preston ex (Tuomay i M l toan Meesos-al Aneua uth mlnees inl goals orly lne Bomddle rame. One minute loe, by a 30-2eurain.M oa aofecbamplenalup and consoltion roundildd- Frenc pckmd ephis penalty and il seemeil intube the Hosley led the otteoce mith three goals mlile singles ti ellared.in out oftheolelc'usl. mest le Jason Blanchard, Jeff MuSer, Andrew Snell, Taos came 15cm mamp parte oI Onario uni Boe Milton goabos Mark Hrrsoandl Chris Nemel cees- Mfsu nd Fdrench. t UmliW*atote comfatenoeBote utoenans ubind tistop 37schatswhileluedectol30Odrivesnthe InteBofinal gpe, Frnch seoreil ive minutes isoeH, avulaWsetateuer tansinteoprovince. Elebco et. Boe final porloil, ptting home a reteod off a Healey a Mairale &M gotasm elboaent formelecnSmpeor Houever, Mitons baunceil bacS in the second gaine slot formbat provedli eothemwinner. nqlsed abot temumonsnt mabeg il oesofelar- t An of Mcuday alg (Its t eisdays gamomlfi uero Iltoels-t ays paper) BolIsto emddle dv- lelenu uanu cempleoul u115 Mlon toame lek elIoe theacosolation cbampleslps. inpelilaypo te eminr mdo md - manlc diveloao M iMltun lut mabl impo- sibleor 1er isetms from is uarom le leS. an overal dhampnaip. l Heer, Blanvil iser bontamsanmd Doca à Dents minciratornbeek fopeg elgils ltule Bols- nsI Ime gamma 1r tBo consoelain les n etaerespective t ? a divisious. OplhsIiamlor poesna mre tae solo Mi- - ton tomsta Ie lils-fist gamrnil ddvanco nstBo cIsasinpaiade lut ere del.ated in the semi-tinals andoatadîs-o inhe ureument In the mlnoratom, division, TorotoMarbiesprasp tep teaofbany division, pomred put ail luiaeppns-t Monc tule btheoverall cbamploauip. Mos-Bu clahood- the ttle withOàO"brosblg oîThonull oter machinsg the Smala It vIctis-Iof nb4-1 ever Markhaes oeil5-I ovr Nrt Bap. MIteaDeca & Dents lut tBo opner 7-4 te Etebîco Reapsln àgsmaulucccnlaeeia qnestionssble pealtyt mgi btuwon the cnsolation aide ly boulinaPrestne - and tilS eigINorthl Boy-iletheîfinal gamo. In l&en em aa, MilIon bla o4-I ad midmoy threugb taeosend ro.Msdlce'Mas-kFrendh as bameuià ique.llosabd lgI-st9innapenalaoelnd loatatatombrtha-aslltaame asuoll as aions - aisosesaloilte-aileuamlner *00811*» a ord asautiar team orMciltaon. Modlk ol d =, IY c0=htsel B 4 -d iut FIp shot: A Banvil shooter anovea ialose and filip h tc iehenet pot the Laô tare Mxlealluf omiOs Itaeamuuâaaum Minora goolle d" ,na cond-round.action cfte consolation aide i hebmBeavertoarâmeltt M& 0 14M 1010d M he9" beorsover theweekend.Miltoclalmedthe can.t, on did Dace IDets niltoatonia Eléblo bak w«lue qa"a0"g in te fala North Boy closed tInwithin one four minutes later but excellent defensive work led by Kevin Moffatt, Scott slCLeod, Todd McLeod and Blunchurd prevented North Bay from, evening the score the rest of the way. Excellent goalkeepi by Hurrison und Newel co- tributed to the casse as Milton mas out-shot 17-15. lealey tonS Il 0f Multon's abois and wnsthe MVP sinard. lominor buotus, Bunvit Soumcedbackwiitha2-4ias to Stoney Creek in the opesing roand to"tue 5e ot two gumes und1the consolation titie. Stoney Creek outskated and out-played Milton je the [lest two per" do ud 1eo Seld on by goina loto a de- tenaive shelli n the final trame 10 ean e ein. Banvil out-shot Stoney Cfeek 12-1 iothe third perloil but couldoîtfind a wuy to score. On the consolation aide, Banvit put lis uet togothor and thraehed London Minors 7-0 5efore beatlng Pres- les a-4 for the titte in agame which mas dloser thon the score indlcates. Against London, Banvil dominated the game scorie& a sinsgle goalin the flrst peiod and added theemore i ouch of the final twoaparlodte InclineS the win. Pollen led the eccelea with a paie nf goals wblle Terry Boudeu, Mike Mangotich, Gien Houston, Paul Rawan and Marnhalt Crues udded singlen. Sean Carn- egie earned the shutoot between the pipas. Tracy Harding shone in the final game pickieg up tino goals and tino assiste to spearhead the Milton ut- tacS. Milton led t-0 aller the first period before Preston bounceil bacS le tie the score 2-2 le the middle fra-ne. Banvil jumpad ahead 5-2 le the third, alloweri Pyrou le close withine one ut 5-A bafore saltlng i awày with three ntrulght goals neae the end of theperiod. Perni Hood rsipped je with a pairet0 goals while sie- gIes ment 10 Chrin Asin, Houeton, Bn Lameoie MW Pollen. Ia the minor panien diviein, Milton OpiOmiteo the fient game le overtime andl thon bac!theoinfoetimi et playina the eventual campieonSimeC and lut34 Optimiste tonS the oponor ubmo àsoroaeim v«W alter a t-t lie with Pesoto&iledto prodIiOàal4M ulonor and soffc-gool wer Bl e oOrJ wlens. Miltoe aut-ehot Prosten 54 inomdvanaagbàwo Simnewblebevoetuaflydoiomad G HuronEast44 fer A Of th n 1e roosolnlng gpos nd divisions .1 ndividual auard minneenmllap.ose l not wook'sChampion.