A fun4iilled on ý st rsfW m o n christ. Wai mm 34 awk wo atst. c6ss & , drew oa f losolsIo trougba coeed Ceristrmu wr. Christmas day g inonde lW core er for huving; a baby. 1He aIrl lo o d lnh Aller hunch my du onOuuuu nOue weffulfle mothur ueWo In If zebln qoery 110 for hume nculdite te iris Uhgue m ot uobe aul et MY gFm trne. loto =ou ...lTh.n ltdldn'tlukev long fedmys lre e botuemod oew~uJ mothor cume uiw sloer o i wold Ihe hbut Chistimas huegurBy AoellueNoronh A le hin ne wnt lu c Pelure,G und= . ht We hu lob 1% Christmas of fnnolflbl Mud ulwuyu uauu Il wu flo o'clock he colucrefra tlmehuid oo efut. W. mon md elrw onu allmwattteoure fo r April sad là". 1 due Qoluunn mep-. un n, buot eeemdn Ny molberb" hu onnu a*dua Eu due cidl s lgleino, combs mmd I Weiss q on dube bse I lâ.Wuatnl*t.Woer loched ut issheo who urind. bicorne mode me thnkhdulodth ui sueaOunfor bee olobetas 1 bave ,frst data everbaâdo »Ibnwmhy. ly Murtel Imbol lIn' bicorn 1 mou wlth st. Pilor, a Choge , Lodl yeu mou due piebotos o nt Cistmasu l'il ulw y nW ode. nohe It sulre rld mhen My, moter wu D*y a Éd curl One Christmas we'II remember uullbeculue me bâti awi nd cue bult we iduemiolluveli tea sd Wb" MY Mm oit op. * oa m cuau dua tohite obuýws angi duels uniVolcen ohmMI noui ild NOT A EAL SKAJI One Christoas moe- ningl go upuandî1 t doe» duuleat. And wbat dIt 1 eus? 1 uuw n griot Nybâtr bot il woon't a = comoreb 7 mi but uMM Sas. Iluide mc grose AMd on c6lmmo doy, dm graus wu cenvured o. due groenid mou Fen milte, on" lt g%-lud in due nIb wu u due firet cbrisolm wer duat wun Obi flugimer And dte wu du ehritmes l'Il id wiu minumber ByThucyNocOosld,l uCaweTrail, St.Pete&rsn CRIAMMM ffOtEIL ,270 Main Street 878-9952 LOOk iNTO - VOUA ANNUITY OPTIONS Annulty qwoationa on arrange any type of annuity wlth any Imaur - hlghest rate or hatst teris obtalned foir n ncarnoAvuoging'Annuities eLle and Terni Cocihi Arinuiôoo oTas Shieried Doforco Annuitien WEUL se- HAPPY TO PRqOVIDE FRllE ON REOUEST -BROCHURE EXPLAININO ALL ANNUITIES -OLO AND NEW O.S.P. INCOME OPTIONS COMPARISON -MONTHLY SURVEV SHOWING COMPETITIVE ANNUITY INCOMES CALL 00B (PIE> LEE O le. OR WAITELIFEINS, AGENCY 225 Milit E. PHONE Suite No. 5, Milton L-Ont UOT rn *è58 L RAUNBOW N G A Chrnimas Wish Wws ou0r riends and parcons tle «in Ch,,utllfleff anur ao hojiday uneo Alotd oth poil cho, Our gcueclel thoohs u a l. 8783M ;r e*e 180 MOIlt. Mifton 87M8M Wilth momnopocu BosOur c Ppdo MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE -I