C2 Muiv ChriemaiTua.ay, Dec. 23. lU cbldreof the world. Seasons GreetIn *Pmofauonal Chmney Sweeping *Modem Equipment & Methodi Used Vourhesailbefo hr D-t Y BrslaAlabefa h O- CATALOGUE SALES 0F *GtaDoors Mai.eiry Chlmnev Cape I nsulatad Chlmney Fireilce Et StovaAcceeeanaas Air Tight Wood Stoves & Insers The children, our. Christme Lait year' Wu laineq cubu»wê% Chriatra atw erMW kwm u with articlMW mnplcteru, sv, wblch am publibui today. Tbutb Wba. we &uba the cildr te nu*dit Y'~ur~aui itrlpfor fUSa kmi wà kft l.Cttbai "&owyi E Childem wrm lad w. dltwanýt a àit wea twWse.ti Tii. fuIIoiu kW tflCâ* 's a, j-