The Canadien Chamnpion, Wad., bac. 31, 190W B3 wh ARN COULSON Dpn'Itjus t beef Do -some thing Muilsas ieUswrkig pose are iviwtet coarUslkAau anlgd "nnd lbr 309 919 Cm"" O Tarl aessaiA- tbela image ciimsa i b hlaa &a.lO L=1s r. w badbaab.Wanaera«w"i fleantBl aa"& d*covin TOape R A [aln fB4 jsy emStusor cemaus itrm arnasghlhaoks vlyab Ifu onsqwateti te PH ostd 11w i im .vraybe pa or ahil t sleWgisBibtiUigflounum olh sad" atiadlapr nlal e at- armeNovonterai ccd abe 935 vblc slpi I faite am Topasbe c. i sadc ria, wknt IMever-growlsg iroup af bouta, isho- ~1tdaiagdconservaloolcsa by b.- Boss Rad ik q4 upsatabout visat la bap- pass$goa 05-cs lactoiandosasasdpla Re= heW on.- U1ut.dttbalr ofssatheMinistry ofNaftura RmuOIIC, vbo vson kta parocular cas dsmalaled mod th and oa cbalnsasw. ihis pperticul i land, callesi Bakur koin tthelb.dgre. ils raulatton aomu 55n k vorld-wtde. Sin ktlb scrtet thUs.Carolinan bardwooda-sa msaaoflélc and oab Osulp tsu. samafras. cucummber ad black Suo w"blc icuda udu : udtrce typicai ai u os at a" te be N18 omsoto t=bew :7b.Z ba iaaw. Bn, b.y dngsg ka kgbock rlgt ï daoau-ra -4s Legion runner-up in Hespeler Roumd-robbn okuena- mails amI t siually decdesi ontil the final te gaves of the eveni bat thaf vasnf the case for Miltonajor alora. àIllo n ad arcy-rtval BrlInglon b.ttindhelb iraI gaIs. ai the oupler 9Mw orHockey olympice tourornst lut moumdy ik tb. notas tc h evatully dacldadl.vse f il. lsuresy. Buriglmà scored tvice in tihe fial priod ta offset a 2-1 Milton lea 1 and won 3-2 which allaveil Biscingon 10 runiara-sp rôle fer Usa sOnaer madal. *Boh teani had 1111e Iroubla wllb Usa oheri four tearns in lb. tour-1 saint. L¶s doféaaod Paris 30, H peer 3-2, S. Thomnas 3-0 aid Stmsey Craek 7-2. Lgis agarna vll Bsrllgon vas aasav hotie vilh MIlon opesîsc the scorisg wth 39 seconds eransg in the opening peri. Chris Harrsonlosidhiserange wtl amstt to MatI McCadleu aidPaul AUM. AI thes. 51 rmark ai lb. ssoid perti, Burltng- ton scorod Ue equaSer bol Legton jurnped bock in front whos Harrison scmrod isaecoid ai lb. sMt frorn Shawn Overtime goal ousts Banvil from tourne y litisa" a lakmalrnost lhe entiro UnI Rovas aid C Wcrd s lmdggol ped ithoul any goas540 api wlU jlIv lId"s =afreeach iqoad set- ap e Ml ronlln iidais- cbed oie bolore Usa end IifWaid Ges daborliete hasd aifUse frarna. a oea Mito Bnv mse bi- MamlmUCraie ipened BanvU ar tesu a 3- lue" blctUe scoisg Us21 mer- Usa ton llrinalad Ue Mton omis laft on a goal fraie louwiaineai sidaibonsa Graie Paul oai aid Gary weekaid l(m tourat ver Usa Bissiette ia. sec- for more dtail vgalud tain gsvil. nids later, bilan iedplay i ai Mtonwon Ushep iet tone each. lasse=In lb 4-1 agalot = =dlid b- lia l' Roi vekid.b f oeUr sus p wlUs Lamslmse lok anar sci- mail in at Mi in ~he secu- iag ha at-trtck rosmd-robis af ="?gonish mid- divisois ilh ho Usa Miaulesaiga co- daetr cnd idsacmore -ian-tniNl test, Broca y sont Usae k Usafinai fraie.. Paul charnpindp. =a blad aW.ria 1-0m lad wllbUtheloiasecond- sed scoe for ton W perod witUa power-play taly frsm Min Pollen. Usath garne bfore Syer Who= = sent Ue game loto extra Aganct bMidlaid, -u ani goaUa USai Carn- gaie. =icprsiepted te dectere "Who ioule Carnagle, wvvagelt ,sei~usa Thse terie played pq 4a ugh XMito i ala Fod perodon agaalby Me agp to 40knlhethird on T Bd meise pawm Debl papa BoaSmUsa asasised goal hy mt uidasik a Tr- Davidio n ad Ed Mor- Sha t15.38 and a goal Cuty ,garnata gai. by bosiy Van des MmorlalArons lkWIHauwaï, front DEvidion was asi payig,"jul arren Shaw, assltd and Del Papa, aIS.11. wal mspg', 1004 sAby Steve Sasoeanad Usar. ro.brttrnm bva ?McGre, addad orna I8 ydfansiva wfls4- is nouwho galet 13.40 te play sflov biuida te T-lie .made lUnir give lb. borne ltornà620 seewtlbjust S2sacoidg usai sélow tart bt lai l.aid ai CEIwo laithe b.garna spoikng opaosW lb.emcorng at lb. priod. Og% Hagns shutout 134 park ai lb. saoind T-Bird. vldessd lb. ted. Haefeldl aid John Snov 36 seconam 18er. legios rainainedlils on-goal iead antil Bail on nd the eolzr witb 4.21 rornaiing hi Usa garna and Usas von lb. gate- aid anenually Use tournarnent-vith lb. gsa-vlnir viUs Ivo mintese at Tflroughonl lb. rust ai Ue tourney, Legon plajad lis positois velI an ee exceliait daieninaly ssrenering juil iaven goals ifine garnes. Steve Wiwzaryk and Min Murray ibarad the goaltending aid boUs vare outstandng throsgbout Ue tesrmey.1 They vere aidai hy a sharp Milton defesce whch chaietged the1 oppanetiessshootera ai1 tse bloc line and forced lhern Wtshot early. MeCaidlemalad Usa afaice wlUhsenan polints galbared by fo- goala aid Iree assiste. MAn rhippad in withtUseea goals aid Irea asss vhile bainy Brown added four goals aid as ocelot. Adamie Mad aid Harrison had a pair ai gio aiad Ivo asita opiace vhUle Bryai Hroea corad Ivice viUs ose assisl aid Jaf Clou b.d a goal aid Ai the conclasion of the torsarna, Bulingona piayed agaiast an ait-star testaiselecteil fraie the othor five tesasn. Each team placed Ilree players on Use baie whirh vas coachai hy Milton coachs bannis Buttray bocause hlm tesie vas runmer-up. Midlton players os lbe teaie vere goalle Wivczsryk, rentre Braonaid MeCaides on Ieft ig. 1The lournarnent vas plsyid fron lant Monday ta yeterday imosily) in Hespeler. bhris Aui irof assista TracyIl-ard- én Hoston CentrallOnt. Jr. B INTERMEDIATE n LEAGVE subitaach. GPWýL T F A PIOP W LT Pts rICIlItIdIi BurlingtonS32 24 7 1 248 142 49 Rocimlon 18 16 2 0 32 n Bavr Rides3123 8 1 230 140 47 Paris 19 14 4 1 28 MW the Oa0kve 20 20 71812 li 14215i16 19 6112 14 Pa Brampton32220 12 017 141 49 i1vlfIe 20 5 15 010 anditlaar Acton 30 17 10 3 1891437Milonl 16 3121 7 ewttm Orillia 30 12 13 5 144 159 29 Aeros Futre Games bornill thi S'viUle 20 12 14 4 155 184 28 Felday-SnilviUe at Milton et Mil- [bc toure- Thoroli 30 13 17 0 174 189 26 ton Sport$ Centre. afa" " Dxi. 29 9 18 4 115 184 22 Monday-MiIIltoaiParis. fiint G'town 30 9 19 2109 173 20 Tmsady-bnnvilleet Milton ai th ther 111 Barrie 30 6 20 4 156 M 16 Memrno'alA-emm. mgfrteMilton 31 4 26 2 132 251 10 Tbaroay-lliltonaai snnvile. joý»&4VINSURANCE -M WnBt U78-2U4j ..hialoldG@dgsls V..Chi "UpeaM Babavara ssroam ZolUesoPeant ZolesrMied N Mavo BookiErsBooks Stop-On ConKscL Chais Sssl T.V. Stok iOls8 Dlspomble Lighars Cooper, Hockay Stick "Muppali" 1 Ris Sinda eors53%2~ 9 oanm ik We know there's a bright, prosperous year ln store for W ~ a youi Let's look nhead with anticipation of the good ZERO RISI< heppiness tô ail 1 kkhk We look forward ta serving SaspltkO - ~~t e ma )Iou Ili in 198 Mm'@s DrSock Blansa oysPosla Y-vo. Childen'a Kit Topa Boys Cardigans rsaoCvers Subject Covara Rlchardson Chev.OUds ýfIq Ch&LERS 6701fiIwy. 2658. (et Dermy 878.23 ~78 si"omnamasLatasaus L 'I Denur T 5rp Cii G arel Sc 87-1100 15 a. n tret:0l