* v Remembrance forgotten Tbeaflllovt gataiiter tait te Milln LAgici Brauth paildait Mai Btack, a caw ciofhh bi b aBledhWcita ibm Uneysg pomin emlastidblgbt lier ta th Oe on100g Omam l eawu iiaiuiy rS*t ta lbiceeMmra Wrvrmach,JE au,- tahcg, nid abaâtaivitiiaitas- flere rnay vtrnh a.la th Mentual nem hma wffl oWr L Bt hlhsd *9 Mmtat tnmmi ad aiai _ dha a aIeli ceoMcy d bdi&ss taouimi estait osa avare or @Mycm Dmum aalaed tb Reader agle A lolice.p taeMis. Cealli' tilai ta iM aUahm ce(suiieticuia, wual hat ereiduiga rival oes- craillasear taititnsaOtfwuaIn-d My Mémv e tum a EO hiiiNM That ivSlive h Tdy aBuiubr»aiaDy aid adi taeideyytrir vi, aict ave= te uâmsaaWhocellgvé icn positios-Of liuly lmva est elived Dominion ci ceaidahm ua tly h anwu idWamm y-ra agiby ai-cke-iwu Iie: fa blabiyt tesaimrraoo lbéistrsgh tae1 C= , wcie«theaiiitr CItahilal th ofwicia ia oedd teilldhacnie y t'citupolimW aB" tIt e- UD e b&ori h alOer alrim« a mo Oetm rrda a tata Caupende: t TWashya li*tbeciparada. Yeu dld aE goid job. B taiuthave hbc- à lit of mirk Wî hopl e an bave autiur aie mou ymar.o giiSd, Jasn, Nile, Crrie, Dir- rom, Tracy, Jubia, Tees, Mitaic, Milebil amndLuthi. 1tva minuate allaite penid whlch ln aaiaally set aide lit tata parpma. 1Im rneietacg a a i~gfrici tae Icaildeamhic blh ta cieceoapi foA'a**"llo=-Rsyfl lihard ta W MiXta., aid ho hem cii- amcnthbtttat ho, a voieraicifthe Cunidiai Frsu, cm aBied tala tasalsamoperlitaham adremm- bit hl aie omradas. t amn an etaorsara maiy mers, ait- tasin tUn"saeneoitiai. t pwutsaica i la ttap gtat any partciutmdeticisnysui oail la is daway about out Binmauic 4UllOntario St. N. thcgotaima= iasur tavi. U a cige viwa aiat, wosld lair play have hod eblig on tgsaUnitcm? DitbigUn nont beiye:ari ah wfitamaiy tsaMlIUd"ascellbave ta biepaaeieymotasnly c teil but Une direstioni Uni yaur piper tia i Oan eiltva aid, youtrtil demontr tUneridp ir hei. BobFarrnul 114 AohbroochO't., in peace iia." It l ii haut rispoMaibhity ta, praY forUnhe iligcif ut l&ad a os tat taiy dilhaveUnthedimuf dint tmi ddilbertieuaad ditatasatat ai may Bve rel1gluu aid riverat tivea ta pue anad quit. On tai ta mabraiti Day ula, ta i Caitasim ofebatener daicita- aticual ar rigiatus pwiali hi have lalta tan(lad, tUnCrata, may 1 ta-lag ta rimuibraici otir ipayir- fui ceslâi-irtinaid appltti, tva v« Jr:raepauug forthen liueor Suty, out givitmeata and aurimives? -11if I my people ahi butraiy iimi achmbe tsmdv, ad ry. aid simry paonoice aid hurnfo tairichd ays, t myall ii ut &ia biavman d iirglve taili ibm aid --(U Cui.7:14 TJB.l "MY adWSai ta t, BisaIf eior, ihoidd bha yits fféred lit iviry- cia-peilas, tatersatis anad Ibsnhuglag-aidspedaiiy frlit bag aid litaein tauthoilty, s noI vs wemay ha able ta iereilgions aid riverait livesint pesanad quie.". -ITM.2:,STJO.) Otatirély, forUnherastoitg aid peso Of out laid. htargaret G.Allaip, (Ms.Jaeslu p)Z The Camaien Champion, Wed., Nov. 19, 10005 $adyCoo>pertak« es ti ihroad to ste of Scottish dance succoes tieianmd medata te proveit. A member aitate Wstern Otare ioji-h laid Daicits àMuai District, aha caveréd taé daim circut tanciahd Osa aumccr daragun dogt-Wmsk tit cwu hbW mtbit. He Ziiwuaita " aliy in aidOt Ibes, te daim," amei UtoaI ofaigladylad a " dI tl1fantd Rh. teurnéd ta tai 27 acardsanad a 5ev haawleof Ci ompait- tiaca. The world ctamion- Shipa were tiriag, to liay In a led of72 campeti- tors, "ha adodam aibit daicm mide tai Biasbit cii bitais psr- fitmlng lait aparate lfi uaire b.ld thesme iand e ch of rrear bif tain paid off. ai eaiu awarded a seconi, Icirta aid cithl prise, but mils- sed taiel&itplace clarit ai tantimti ibm vai atai vweil prared lit waeid clan campitiota as "bihait thought Dy Jae uller Il looc yeara of pruttica, hundrada of compettom and a destre ta bhelb.haitheb bOsma tia" cfiS ptp-u daim stps, 14-y-orold ady chiper pwtis un lim. .wudai a i Sm id. Smavwu an active cbld NuB of exm M aig, accmrdhng ta ber matait sIo t 5 hW m ho sliucfve use, ltlgband mit Yo i ptaved ta hea a - dicaiMe hi bait 20% OFF Ail Ladies' White Duty Shoes Cliedtour SBwg*ai'Unk 184 Main St. - Lots of Mary St. Parking Sandy nov has a year te gel inIa chipa lor whal she hapea vill bha areturn tripyta ciaid liait Endraceint a majar fictrin twviig. Wta dncealltirdanceanad bafttsahie intarbitsto- mach, bit perormaics vir teangoadmih taaugbt tamy caald mavi Wbat dmaisidaicit de teinaultaina Sh Saidy puta a dise ai tam recitdpayit aiddceta bagpipe muc iinttg out a but,aha haps abouit bit tabuis. Sa paier hopptag ta sidpplag ri becueait ldosait t mucb ipaci. Yau wvaut se Oiidy1 gttng itta shape an Ibiasaidofaithiti do byi dasalsg track nuita aid sieaber fr lita ligthtai ceactryside. Jogging ita tai viraittag a lîtigh-i laid Duncrtetudo. 1Danitg aces une oai dilurit maniai thaa 1 ar evelmdiltarsagh TI esame hol rei cita dacing sgn ita aoi misad fera reusacaice. aIbeicuaamaros Ilialailon aas diaplayed et Sandy Coup ome rna e e arnmd through her daci- icaE oto gb-nd Dancing. An igt wetour of Sotland this Kelso adds rink Ohitiig eauitta ela Taidea an bniag t lbota Miii Pond aid eaiutlorvfard taia nwlarward by Bi1ll Waric, Braite Criah Proincital outdw iur rlh atawtater. dirictir aofaicceernatiui Park aid tat Kilae lutaI ppyaI ai seiestinaMme mta -wold aller a gond alter- bei ivi y n le vide a armter aliter ative. iga Ca itaii prigranu ai K eah. Ftaal appral oai tUn Aataarity tar ohaticcg o deaiexet o usabla ren ofIcatairi. Mr. Warickl Dow , Idai ta aietta servo amidiai litfaratftaleaaprablsanof memetin aiftheg aIa supervill "099-ahegaih. avertig fligt aha onservationautaîriîî. mîiy thiags, praclise mnakes perlectl heaides a hall hoar private lessai aid a oe hiar dance cliii Widaiiday cdghte ta Toronta, site devotisaa couple af bain ta practisi achiOht citer diaiit. A mlirard vai inthta bouement recreatiai rusa ta ddicatid t aa dtaplay ci har maliy trop- (lIber remuants il ber daningtag chevemes tatalltag mire thait 0e me"danad plai have beau cariitdly savad, but Ibmy iam toiniliaerousInt display. By tthlmeBandy a la the hopesin tachibgb. laid Daice, bul bel ara tais aha vill mokeaai hiiit onemreattmpl il tai varld champi- practise aid watteut tam icbaal yar uai1 il x Siidy lu a Grade Io stadait at Letr B. Peaisain 11gbStboin t Bulinigtci. At rraiet timpetilli at Miltas Ditrict 1gh Orbial, ohm oured live tist prisis aid tep place ta ber agi griaap lai tam hîghesl accamulaled go bok tb Snland oea? paois ina afield oi 176 veri daicers. Wîih delermiaation Sutb compeittiaci goanad cimmitment behiid ai abeat oct a maîta ber, Saidy la sure ta lbrcighcit tam year aid lain a br mark ai tai alliw Saidy a cbaiceintainternathinl Hghland tait bersmll agait Daic c ltta. otaitsof i iliir calibre. (lied luth mail year A mare cailldait aid Biidy, yci va git what il caidlitioimd douter wlll tabs ta ha a wluair. IFACTORY PRICESI IO THE PUBLICI COMETELY INSTALLEO Frisa59900 * FIRELACE I- PIONEER POOLSI rMi1eEiEGY- WAREHOU5E I