Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Nov 1980, p. 4

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'-A ~AA~-'~-A-A ~'-AA~~A ~ -A-A--~A- r . ~csluu. âO0~lan~Wad,,0*sv. W, 1~y 1 - Let's hep Santa WeAve said it before and we'fl aay it again: Milton ia one heck of a town. On Saturday the 1900 Santa Claus Parade waa held and the number of people who ahowad Up was jut staggering. fTic support this town gives to every one of ita Publie functlotis should be a lesaon to the reat 0f Ontario. But while the turnout for tic parade probably set records for attendance, tic support in tera of donations lslaiking ecdiycar. In fact, it la now probable there wii fot be a 1961 Santa Claus Friday waa perbaps Uic fîrat day at whlcb thosa people who govern Halton Ragion hagan to beieva a meiod of sortlng and recydling garbage can lic a real- ity. Source separation ta baaically aaking residanta la sort thair gar- bage into saparata bundlca of glissa, mtai cana, and papar. By rccycling thase producla, a val- uahia resource can ha rouaid, and it means mucli lasa la going ito Uic dump. For instance, one ton of Hallan garbage contains cnoug reuepapr to qual a stand of 17 tracs. In Uic community of Mont- clair New Jersey, rasidenta bave a reccdlng prograce whlch la sav- ing that town of 40,000 Uic equlval- cnt 0f two-hilrda 0f a barrai of oUl for ecd ton of recyclable mat- criala savcd. In addition, Uic Ontario Min- lter of Energy, Dr. Harry Par- rott, told Uic seininar ha la mak- ing money availabla to sny Ont- ario municipaity which la pro- psred la start a source saparation prograce. Ail Dr. Parrott saka, in Ragionai councillors arc today cxpcctcd la vota on a mova whlic la lagally and politcally nec- essay, but la golag la cost ns ail a lot more as of Uic firat day of Uic naw year. Fraught for Uic past 10 montha wi controvcrsey and daficila, thc Halton Regional watcr rata- scwer surcharge systae bas bean, as evcryonc at Uic region wiii admii, a tremendons faflure. It was cxpectcd la bring cvcry- oneAs watcr and senser biH down Urough Uic adoptioni of UiceA"user payAA principla, but in many cases, Uic bufis cvcry tco montha bave gone up, in saveral instances thc risc lias bean more than 100 par cent. Why dld it happen? Probably Uic systaenwas too strict, too new and di not coma wihanough-tcclnicai-man hour back-up. ladutrial ucers lot a bak" in laorder la keep Uiem haro and la attract nec lad.stry. Hallan, bonsavar, als0 bas a vcry poor record la attracting in- dnstry. flic net result l ic eacwar sur- charge systae wlll haabout $500,000 in Uic red by Uic end 0f Decambar, and if continuci, it could readi a staggcrlng $33mnl- lion by 190. But Raegional Solicitor Demais Perlin wlll ha adising councllors today Uic Mlnliry of lntergovcrn- aicaielAffaira basdeciedit I l Mielgalfr a councfil laoperata in any faim et defilit flnancing, sud/ai b take deficita 1010 Usa a" eoUMB tekg alaUemaaMtIt out. Parade, as evan now thc 1M0 version la sil in trouble from flot having enough fiscal support. Miat spirit whlcli Milton shows for public activities mut now lic turned towards showing sme support for thc work of ail thosa people icho poolad their efforts to brng off Uic 1900 Milton Santa Claus Parade. Monay la atil ncded, and la that end, Thic Canadian Champion wvil ha accaptlng donatios and wa wlllpas thece on la Uic committea so Uic Town of Miltn can ha sure Uiat in 1901, yes, tlici* wll bea Santa Claus. return for the funding, la ecd pro- gram hbava Uic potantial la ha elf- supporting wiUin Uirea years. But Uire arc oUiar savings ha- aides moncy la ha made hy sellng recyclable wastc producta. In Boca Raton, Pia., wharc a program la strongly entrenchai. Uic citys public aorka depart- ment direclar says Uiat if Uic progrsm waa tarminatad, it would mean spanding thousanda 0f dol- lars on naw garbaga truckes ami salaries for garbaga men. There cam ha 11111edoabt, basai on Friday'a conférasnes, dia source saparation a an ides whosc tima bas comae. Haiton Ragional Cooccillors wii hea sakai aic hencw yaar la considar attlag up such a pro- grame and gatting it into full swing during 1981. It la golng la takeaa massive aducatlon-public re- lations effort la get Uic message acrosa ani kaep Uic program going, monUi aftar monUiA But it can ha donc and mut ha donc if wc are going la lessan our dapandence on nslng Uic land la store our waste. To hils end, Mr. Parlin ah hae adilalg councllors la taka al Ameasonabla stapa" possible la Uic current term, of councl, ahlch ands laday, la rectify Uic deficit and bring la mthois la balance Uic books in 1901. fia can only coma, as Mr. Par- lin sacsit, wihcouncil laiay andorsiag a hefty lacrease in Uic catcr-scwar ratas, 0f sufficlent magnitude tUisthUicarnount of revenue genratad i wl ha nough la offset Uic deflcit by Uic end of What ta isncreasa ailha la anymce's gu at til moment, but it mut ha ansUiema la al Uiasa councilors aba managai la get rc-lected la Reglonal Coi.- cil, only la now turn arouni and asy Uisnks for Uic volas" and hr's a nmce big billlng increass for your faiUhinlame. " Regardlasa 0f Uic outcomc, it au b heicratepayers abo loua out. If Uic councilors accapt Mr. Parlins advice, Uh ilb at Uic start 0f January ahIlha golng up. If Uiay rject abat Mr. Pariin bas la say, Uic daficli ah jut cou- tInue la mount andit wah hava la ha made up one aay or Uic odbho. 0f coursa, onewsy or the othar translates Atoo bomucil sd ahen tUic mliirate ahIggo wp ai budget dUrn tApril, 190. luat M oiahecureat terMa regbw alcoiehlai wm ra turned la office, l IM &kmtwo- ?" c # zaahYodn om eawmâwe twk elt of Tey boy cleis h is heurt, beatila=gl-lauder bis rath. He awusiaYbe sMx Yesrs aid, lat like se m y lihieIN aile, etcdntly recopgnt! dMiss Canada a bsa uic er. And ha cas ~elue s~asebi i b noonereteiecas hOWby lthemtén Il le diffieult tu bnsw abat lauaspect fi-sm s bocuty quise The mstake eeaty made le la assume tbat in ail yae cin get fi-sm a besuty quesn-jeat a goreosa creature. But this 22-year-old ly madefit obvins tbat Icesu mre Iban ber appacrance Ibat wn ert& Sbe arrived Ssierday aflernase fr the !lensMClns parada, 3e minuies sliead ef sceedule Mbe doint lke La keep people waitlag, mplalit b er chaperons bMargaea Niselon. There cas ns feching ber a celfle. ltavlagsnome lime to&ae, ibe alkd ep wih BILL SMILEY t senstlmes ceeder if mi- clegeci-n tempoaes are as happy aset, S hsppier, or lmiasbppy- ced Pest clthe OU ad tresadenil t Oiorer*aheOUesd of tOU rend ace O "dtola du isus. My wooer wue tiaseed bi c rai-et letter ram ns lmisa buedm Oicncdy Camers, tOU Ambassdor la Palaed. Ha eechappy, but t ainy ons papsr. We uned t l hthacfethailaruad absa we aira ton ur twulvae nlil ns wera ssmn- nmsd beailatOUgsOisrtng duit. H's siensrerned la Ottawa, ater Oiss-ers lateVug-lavie ced tao n. Wcrsaw, cnd basmli-ted use ladrap cmcend. 1Ibsudirat Oeimo tat U, il my ald ldythcagt obe wue gong lisambas- eadwal rqsis. Cas i-ns rent a miekenat fer an risingi- hachai- gui- I ba coi-nage bee 0sargedafclrlybngsJah, maci-h O pabbe mys. Ha taaJan (mecJoh)abel 55, a fmi-=Qm* pofe-r habu bac ai sppelatsd bad aoU h CRTC cnd le dater- esisdlao mvsOtai-oilmdbody. Jan l, a5isC5iAB, aCa5i-'A Untle, Wlant, fairty lac ai t ai-eg lin siit. ltas nsmedrop smamare. Jante Rossuai- leslYwrlgt, Pet, 55v" an cd PeaisaeofaiEnglsh cI Wotara. Tan oevarwonr-el's Awards fr lituature, lautho'& luthOUsaname«, ksnky gui-ha cua a nls a rea, s e i-ar, cbeorbed la cibOtisganis, i-st a rtIrtce leaner cd =r.e Mosn 5rnsebas hase c dilatssi alit OUé CBC, podulng onuial raiso pro. 0-ana firsw ausplamced baS- eargas a tsealceof Fi-ai -doavl. fa carme fisnm Milbrue, a h@au rai Ptabru,. PMc as mua-tuas beys casaite Cilt .Mkkmowe coe Mtdemsa i sbl GSf o ý w rNn Ohe et-set la a ceffees 5op. Sha seemed genely appy la hbe rs ed mure tOaa clles lna enile fer sey number ai pitsi-es. Sha rememberad names. And Oie faces OUI cunt it tiben. Iteepladosit buAcA lUib oi~cve 1er ceai adlvOi-aOre, sha was calght to .bebeld. Soasb5w, she dldeAt gat swept sccy hi- ber eUe grandeuir. Wbee it came ime lastop lis OUh convertibleubhe ccc ridlag, ubeilaisied on carryteg a paper font mat. 5be didn't wcii tolav vmarkbe on tOUcars vil-t l. fitcas c typîcal Nevember dai--brltte i-nId. Sbe laugbed cedsid! ube ase ce ncd deilgbted la ride la an open air c-ar. Fer pi-enthue walest ase ebery ai tOU end ai OUe parade. Sbe bed practlaad ber Englisb, it cas i-1i-, but abe wui tbrfiled chas yesngsiera and oldar faceslepped tni-wrd la greet tOU French Canadicn la ber nalive langui. "t cent la ha Mise Canada.,1laet la ha Juat like Yi-n"s,» eaad ca -i-ar-ad admirai-. Miss Canada eaderetaed avary wurd. Aven W cIlh, ye cert ~ ainyl emi- A reqeest la viil Haiqe Cesteenla Manar wcs Oet altb estbucleen. Sha sB=tOUeut befhallhumeeting atderly radei, lehing insaetatp ced i-bet aid cîccys botdng thali haI while sbe spehe. A qui-b visit laOUheDi-kensa(mnt plan- nid>)ad aIe wau celcomsd citb a roued of applcas. She dtda't quis saxpai-t tOUIand sanad tahea abeck wcttbail tbe admiration. Her pressnai thOe parade wcu an baser. Buet it cas sien tan, ced a t-est la warb wct ber. Hirjobia nt al glaner ced il tahe as speciet kiadaof perean tladoit aitb OU style ced patieasepausau. Ilbe vr. Iaughing fer a dummy aha bappussd la liva si-sead OUe cerner tram me wabs. Ia ckbd. Haeaettnofflao, i-ctlordaseaaciet ncd diraitr ced uiddeny dlsappsarsd la Holyaood, cter mcirylng aid hing d- voresd framFrcnces clld. Ha lana ns bie ti-d er fonrth walo, basanucer, ced direi-te Grade B movlos. 1 basa Dan lIai-i-n ccecly ielOnfirat ails cas ac ciasmaba ai mines, abalaler marild OUI Ilengaian gey absarate la Pi-aise ai Older Wons, made Itlan maoula..Itrran, alihlaisoaitacenet, eeS ced anhillanbasparlayed hie Chai-t-y Farqeci-sce islaA a misl, and le Mi pradecing a ltloaicreash-e tuff. Assfber o e Udrilttng mo a ccRcpls lIt-bIl, a darfisb bld alihratten tosib, and ca it ali OUhebilaofa asep. Haeall nasa me $0.00, bei-se ha had ns acrpis abset brrealea moey. Ha bu- canesa mnvls end hallal ciitti-, ad a gond mne, lait dlod te ie laie fertea. TIseraaura alli ersin lecedout ai U guastiedlng my bld rOier, abe au malyOitber o hise. And bey, 'd b~utteeaIn oU hegirls, er t'm la 1 thOe edly oas abs wa hat haIt lock h OUIseacty and ansmsima Dname OthaleI pinnesd on Pbya. Ed teochars tedai-. t plcyod football, ced my intellecteel filnde had aOtiig lad si-ara fer Oi. t lai-id Il. And t made semne t-lande amneg-OU jocha, oertOUhangars-an, tOu sports- aitiers. Ntabie amang tOua casDans MiNiohb, ahn sOli-l isesa mis etter tla OUe aduit roa s, ancd upant emuit nI is aditlits oi-bing ferrTii. Cnadlce Prmseacd neaqmnir. I aise bed Oir flumi e g oU ies necepapur.1 vuca sesepoftpeas béle OUl humpllns Wayne and Ugageri, but bsec Hall Sienne ssd o1ehr asewnmis sppecred as byltees t-aciltni-ar Oie coi-Id. Wbat t asader le abellser 1 aneld lande places alih hese brlgbt guys t taed ila banc nraund aii. 1t Oilnh at. 1 deebt if Orae oftuscrsenllilmarild la OUe ame caman, ohset Ot OUI la cey big deal. t dont hava Oie ego la buile myslf ase soneeai Oiem hava dnne, aOU helligsece OUI mcey of thsm bad. Whbm 1 go ep ced about ai mnoisi- Gracde tOns, er hi-y lacas my fau-yeau slavensalis seme sert onIitellectuel mmenal,1t nmpli- havant Oms la alibi1 wauOUe Anbaeecdar la Polced,sà dirai-lai nI Bsaie Hlolywood, s tracelalr o a iher Obscure Fi-sncb soele, orrtOU band ai Oie CRTC. t havs'tlme. Toinsracalgbtt 1bae il drive 140 mitas ced gIns a speech about "baser' laOUheHaner aladensofa et mOr si-bool. Tanoiraa t1hans la, geltas DeparI. ment Hoad' meetng chir ns aIl, tai- Oie fearth lime Iis year, dinte"lnak- ieg" l inte ni-beel. Tanglt, t hans la cal my old lady le Mnose, tel ber 'ns beasa a mndal bi-blrcend havesonli- bui-nd ste bles Ilte U g. Tbersdey elabt. I bae-e Parents' Night i I hleb OUeparente ai brighI leda att coma la have me pras em anad the oOUi- parents AltO elay acai-. t hceght tOU palet forer Ubai-sop, but itls basa toc ast la pet. Yessei-day, t bed Ico youg lady viellai-s, Who cangbt me le yi-pyjamas, barseansd dlrtyd&abat au ovsi-thOU bt-han. No. liai-as nsocci-. 1 jes a eit lime la bu an ltileeuasl, àcsecasa cgond tather, er a gond humband. But igigsbse ys one cl IbUme ai ited I a ndtI he7 ilatter or atsmmer or tcguirendir te O cd,'il bu laeghng Uslui 0 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MK HL FdlvPubtisher vnigM anagHAL CraCUUAION uMug MAAAagAA rh A. Sg.e r.eA AW A., .A.A. UASW A-4,. W w" nAACFAd AS.UA.i,, AAU.UA MAA>.AAiAý --gS,. AA r ". MUe M . AW. M AAAA.. aSie b Source separation No one wins One year ago From t= 21v.l, Une isns Mcplebaret gerehad basa carned sm em aoi- fa dmt =talo=il5trioh te Abu Roets, cataeoffer eOar in "la- aident." Mr.-Roerts lOu rengage castOU recslt ofas AAiW ofiyaitu &dmieletre erlalga él.gat a group oai lmais. Remerbabli- caim casathr bnlad mahe tisleyearAn c«monts idthea Snta Claes Paradeoote Ubbuis «d mnt eoc-esfMIn lits bisry. fli-adehid tas and thi-asdep cieg Main B. toas"theO tan-mileloneg parade aiof de marebn bande, tbraea mjoreti ite pef, -fi nd Anaplcman bba u addedistuh ra@h17= b:OUMille. dicte a fMatai angl O ic e In. Haisle- U aar-dd Denald Pocehans recatred aU blat tOriesai Mesedy' lNov. 12. FournIofte dastasahn teck parith O e ott OI alailhd nvar $1s0ona. damnage hava baiseintnced te asiaotha fer prison hi-soi-. 20 years ago Fi-ce ONV. 7, lMiba P'red Mille reporlnd p sln t-a- barries Seedsi-, W aftrOU e ei urns Hait:Mndai-, peneenger eervlca an tOU ce "esp Il m Tha Ie bu basa i-ii-sout y rth- e past 7iy2 Thei-mOa et- b ilIgcy 41fese Mit la liaai-lt aisa, cil affi-- Coenly Cunle ill Wetedylng tOU propose! la betld a-a Sti-Mseum. A i-omnsttteeftesail l -et e$10 tot $3a,00 o lan-Ia saltabie building. The men nf MitonPi-e Bigade esc bave ibeironec selleries, ced càfeMlpage adlin teday's peerexpresse appraialion tute U1t2ocal biasis firme abt-h connlilhted latu te nd. bMambesaIoU h briade - VJCOUia , Ha ld Cates Deputy Gaeorge lundi-, Dm o Ttah, I-a Clarirdga, ibn Munstale, George Vaughan, Jîns Cadn, Dani-Pattarsen, Marrai- Carie, Isen Patta-en, Wlna"e, Max Dy-r, Glennslt-igar. , Batln Chai- b di-cedacsaddition lendai- . There cere moes O ies le sid-' Itensmbrasce Day parade. 50 years ago Fi-Oite N&v. la, lu m H. G. Psccocb represeeed NMiseonai Oie 41s1 soneai mseting ai Oie onlarmn lInchj Assoiation, bald ilatOU RoafyIYrhHaU Tarante, one eterdai-. thOUe gi-Idlaiclgraunds horsons FrIi-Iylis e on I"olahta bafare n arge evrnd of facn Tnti--tive msien etd aerb on a $1aM secer ile Unoren- d aifG*&ville one Mnday sas creliai maseras.laioU h i-net le bseg pld by tOi Frainitland FaderaI Gevanreale J. F. MiCllm, of Miten, rai-mOi- cp- painseduni-armrf NIaisnntil tul auccsd Ai-ibIs Meibbone,.au ecra lis aftice an latterdy lest hi- Irv Attonai- W. I. Dl-b Former Govero-MGlbbn ced Mss. MiGibbeon dl i-midsa ih tsIr daesjsler, Mm. R. S.Hrhin eTarante. ise pi-sent nild sesll la nest mnidarsd gond 'dock wceor.'lTse legshans bas partiidarly badftheOUsport end i-cri- ta ht-de bave bues bcgged hi- arigton, Beai-beparitanedilg tOU lent fac daye. Givesa mean jb. Yeuwn he Oliet et Mfillns uemplayad ile Ocieomal i-bamber i- t lnacebi 75 yearsd9ago Fi-amibhe Nov. 14. 11008 i4as On Tusdai- eveng atarn*rIs e ans nttscbsdlta lumbai- cagn alt4it a bas, teokfrtgbteon MatS. aser toosagi-ici- aed ian aci-. lise fci-eer feqlalOsat he could non toip OUhei-osesasnd opped la OUe gronnd, barin Of Ib~ehnd llly. lTsse = - tai of a msa a pontoft.aI r lrUa<s ver n t he~ i hane tne rseadi- Minledthe dear la Mishoka, canplg w ibrdm aibar apnrtsmn.e si isnb lsanut wathier bat gmnd sport and h omsIthne tbair cesiplemont ni- dear. MMary--Lochfe, aceocraif ARaimes ai OUe Klege mnd Qisea Pisof E , " bu brnigb aottsnthar coi-, h.isltoricai Shathdssof li-ntlasd Ila ocead Verse." It lacsaniceuni ai tOUblngs ald quesof lcatlcnd fransthessiegeetof PIOhe FInIt la vieisi-l Mre. Arcibbld Galbraith dtsd 5aibar hoeaietZimmnn ce ladai- venleg, Nov. Rb, cter n llngordne mass Decacnsd bcd bann i a t e fmn bosrt troubls fer i-s amdd ! ho les tan monOUinspitanai ail eO ilddha deom fer ber, bar et-mqg i-dscly coohaad enthéOUnaseus e ngsr revdm ber et er e mah.ngtced«Wliseng paetl ba1sfoa uce Uft a a

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