A Milton frm, J.C. R- prsdure reusablo noms- cyalg,e toe Ivslved prit equslinioquallty tW in on ut the laigesitashe 'virgin" nmsprnt sovspaper recycling made tram reas rt projorta ever attompted down Win rtaern Ont- i Canada. ais. be flrm il S ac hoin Jsba Davis, apaaking a cntractuel arrange - forduhe ic, aid tdu Ont- mont ita hetaDaos aria Paper Cmpny Paper Cmpany and is plant in horold Wa plan- nomprit recycliog dlvi- nùigoa maasive expansion sion wbach promises teWhvtch b lhopracosisg Monarch out Leferink is in Henarcb Diapasto wva Lefermnk mou sperat- ho totd il buWtvacte mg ie compatrrson due Georgoetw a oto "idgal" sie and wau transfer station We make louking fr a logal on. qsap for anter catacti- 4JL duePublic Wrka tor. CammIcfte, Mr. Perlin Lefrinh Disposais bau mode tae recin- bus given o Hltoo Pub- mendtion tduth lsse tir Wrlo Ccmaitiee ogreement sitahaMnarch rersmmation tW ho rmioatod and t Cousil tas Leerisk ho .Leicnink take over. Thic allowed We mave is gar- lese witaH ousreb ces bagle *campctar ond bWdetermineal legalty. collotion bns iv ibe tranuer site sad hgia aperatians. Btb firmu badpotil- ioned tac Raglan 1t es duesie ond Honrrb bod boon given appraval be- ramse il bsd crreccly tiha, Honaccb bau aisea put msney inia tbe site. Y Four vecto cgo, Hl ton Hiln Comncillor Rua Miler oked tbe rom- pc. miee 'whoiber Lferink void ho ging loto dueaiddGergeo landfll ie by Nav. 1? Re wsau ldoai te tinte theanmeer ws n, bt to reprt wauld lc prepared by Regienl Solicitor Dennis Perlin flac probiem ai taat time, Mr. Perlin aid. quliymd form vmted bhdubuyer," Mlb Hiller sald. Once duisla dusse re- cyrllng heromes a part cf o townnO operation tW du pot h sould ho toc, expansive to go hock in landi. ta Bora Raton, Fia., due public vorto director has alatoddttif surce sopartio a s ended ncv il wmaid meon spsadias u hndrodsof tamuoanda of dollars in boy garbage truchsanmd cempartors, and hire 1tomme tous f aid nMs$- paprs hy 1M.. The vlume f t muchaold is equa tosa buildin n cempasing o football field amd i5 toreys igh. J.C. Racycllng in Hil- tonnselllho supplylngsold nevapaper tW duheplont in Thrld amd ws e odolng mosn f Nrth Italien, mnd s far vasi au CGuel ph. Mr. Davis sid is f rm, viech rata icees in Nrthern Onario, in awiebing tW rorycling ramn a conservatian pot of vioemdnduhefWu cal viesein regarde Wn du amounteof nergyihtakes Wo cul trecsanmd transprt t= to Tlffoldj $1001mll nmd Il con- lainasduhahlity tW ýdo- inis" seweprlot wseoh bu been tac major problem aida nesengont reryrllng in duepot. Ite salal Onario sdy can g lakeahourri d e t cf prtirdar = ler gram holog rus in Ment- clair, N.J., andtdu tosen of 40,ti'a rcycligr o- ardntor Jean Ctrh apoke W duthalMon seminar on shat duey bad don.,Il carriod 5W- viens massages fr Ha- ton Reglen whlrb Wà currendly conslderlog aoucreparation.' M Clark hon bien 'ojeot. recyclas ahout 20 per cent cf nes"alt whle du lgaae a about 40 per coi td.Ud Sdtatas. Rlgt ncv hie 11cmlW pro- pared toltakoovery ton af aId sewespelt Onario con gnerala. 'Ilaloumld lasd, by 1984, tW a pou- ihie 50 par cent recycllog r about 100,000 tons, due rsmpany bjetive. Mr. Davissaad tdu colla cf novsprist conlas about 75 par roui vùlgin voud fibre and 25 per cent rorycled fibre Cot mnd qualty are @quai, ha said. bualsoa" and t ar - comt ote r itletrs- due moilpslty. Currmntiy tduy are reiciviog smo per cent cf paper or ahoitali tonsa butg: thatdutà $4i10. That hon reuloed in a avisg W due tosen f more taon inlOpr or opaper They are aiso close W a glasa mancfacturiog piaaat whioh lb. Mier usi ey to tdu auceoa cf a-y recyrltog p-!jort. They have a nmall glaoo cruther in Mont cair, and herause cf tdu constant pilrity taroaagh a co-opertive prosa, commmaiy i- torot hon rematoed hlgh te due poti shere thOl, are prareaaiog tarer te foat tous of gi aoapr Thelocbai novopaper pubhithas a recyrlilg re- port on tae amounsaof gaa, paper, asd mata taken in seeeisy, amdilil roadii'hedh aabaflhon Mina Clark sald tdu Hentelair projori con- alderaduht for earh ton cf reryctoble malorlain, tdu towa haas avod tdu eqolvaient cf Ivo-hirds ofahbarraiofsoùino energ or about$W into90 pe ton. Denur a data service An information Sm- mthmedu five commlitise vhiob selb. monlrlpalltios Wit alien ddaited tW servlng ses- mai reomnily l iltn lors hou hld lis durt ITh meanhersf tdu moeetng. ccmmitas are: lb. and ta 1Wlied y un long lie. Alhert Dedoe term rarmWintalien, tdu Georgeown; lb, Mar- Ditric Healib roumil guerite Taylor, Action; noted ns co-rdisated lir&. duse Fason, and cimprebusve In- Brlinglon Egamr formation propram for Poster, Hiton, Jbo soalor aiasith d e -PFraser ad Sud Pater- gleas aon, abvile; ad M A amalcmmlutioe Joyre Amur, due made up cf sontr rîti commttas chaIrmnan, AMEUS T'M CANADIAN AUOUTVUUS Aain " Pravdes ysc exh ca ubsdzed casslge ducat ont St. Lawrence Cllae oin Crnwall, Ona. " Poides yuc cha celaated traning tuCent ficate 1« lIlin 40 ,tttths vs thcsual 84 rvsvtha. " FPovideac beafoe onsx 55oh.inankad ay frnto ev 1$600 par ont , xstax xv $1400 par xxxxxlin 22 mnaxtls. "Reqc.,es ha voucomxplete 3 years ofcbliglory servR colowing coxllegx graduation. sasetCoste,.310 Mal,,55.Milon on tb. airt Taaaedaof mah moth ( M.&.m.4-00p.m.) Kiddes*Corner Nobody -undo t Me Muooesdd'sucm Buy A W0 Colouring Calendur and We'II Donat* 25 To RONALD MDONALD HOUMu' A home ewey from home for children and their famflles vho are belng trested for leukemnie or othar concerremted dWeeut the Hospital for Sick Chlidren In Toronto. ____ ___ WI N MIALD'S GIFT ERTIRICATE AND WATCHUE G« yau orayoam i fait macaagolng, ta wln.MeOo.Wsd fi uct-fOats.. EBiisawM b. Jadpsaion oclgloally. AN i» rea r .llglle for t" emontlslpsatait dras. SEND VOUAINTRY TO- TH CANADIAN CHAMPION lui mmAIN SRmm, W.ILTON, ONTMO ENTER AS OPTEN AS YOU UKE. NAME................. ADORESO............... TELEPHONE ............. AGE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allan Camron David Anderson David Marshall Debra Couture Lyndsay Anne Flelden Itlin Itoglons'-Iler seminar bld F=lda .o alartlng c surce epa- tien praon acregasn- vide baula. The iet speaker afte doy von Chon Miler f due United States Ravirsnmnental Prote- ton Agoncy of Waatong- ton. D.C., mnd an acbncsledged expert in due fiel d. tn aItlin Reglsn, for mample, eacb ton of gar- bagle is equal tW taecocn- sumptisn of 17 trees Wn teransof puper caontinW A ttaliof 45 Per Cent f ohl grhage lW reryciabie but tae crrent piegrama have oui reached tdu iovei. Cirroni bluha in lerma cf paper are 28par cent ai tac newprlnt holsg re- cycted and 33 per cent f tac crrugated cerd- board. Butat ouioum rona are blghly e- cycable and furma re paylng $M0 a ton fr ld can. This la asblgh ase per cent. Nov taat recyrllog han been in aperaiin for Milton firm is part ol massive recycling pr PUBLIC NOTICE HALTON RESIDENTS YOU ARE INVITED TO ATT'END) A PUBLIC MEETING ON PROPOSEO REGIONAL PLAN AMENDMENT DRAFT SANITARY SEWERAGE AND WATER PLAN FOR THE HALTON PLANNING AREA AT CENTRAL PARK SENIORS RECREATION CENTRE 2285 New Street, Buringtan,. THUIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1980 AT 7:30 P.M. AND S OAKVILLE 4 W itRY, S 120 N4vw Irop orth, 0~il TIJESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1980-AT :30 P.M. AND MILTON CENTRAL LIBRARY 45 Bruce Sreet, Milton THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1980 AT 7:30 PM. A copy of the plan muy be obiained by oefling 821-2151, exi. 368 from Burilîgton, Cakville end Mikon, and 818-813 ext. 368 from Hahts Hilis. ......... C» lseCamlnChmion. Wsd.. Nov. 19, lSD- Cotinued fandfililng iè ust plinub' aaliotatla5d Evl OnmiMstar'i ther W ailu.,1 1ainr mnt ditta .* ta. aisatsef* sure mainrtien .cetdhag W Oua.ae 22« H P clO 0 =InIrearrcltig=10 -for gt.« Pm.,g mucha pio. dimusm.doe in asas"oed la jut plain dUmb" sc. Dr Harry Parrtit. semainar on soure paredl b i e in au a metthod of hae dlp 1 W miae cf belsgiable W o ,ldIfte Rhgon fku« e a ubmomm. Source aepRatlon de eifsufficient n three bringu forward a work- gone o W andatory-y- Ho% thon staiodthe Ont- means reidenis dlviding pourg. chie progrsm, "you br- tai prograims. crio Goverment bas United States experience arbalooglus aoi~>oto Reina ng imgîme" and il wil e D.Protsi owsaotdasxpitpl Re ycling: ushows it can happen hors .- é - n - sprai...adaory :ÏClieceliýrdtW ffri tebabi a cf t glie»W at cald lOIS Haltooginan sae ti e tn ylsaseiog tde about a dorade, sovori staff teman thoa. aamod National Re- imasatac datation f SldWao aaootthse past," ho aid. due Msura i ampdusbp sn U s.Ccl milicn f dollars in ouscont ofjrbge t lessooco have hein Mr.IfMM«er ald lmanycy ryiof h Mondatodu landflll sitoscan lho Commitise. Dr. Pacroni aqt sine moniol.ity @0 hmt o b m MWiho waa uuergly usage iW on- mensinWe t.0 l eacsod,not dtost f groasahave ncw fond Uated sateafor Oihrexteuded aand money ras DrParrof ea il ts he appointaient asa lia a npiapoE .' couraging pople iW aved per ton. That la due wh la or yaouil i taW iesW llapaand&i m m o bhanj uie homade from souae tas operation cf a sourre Eawconeast Mioiotr h mli nd R ------olelo t toner t -o S ertnne g =i.e. onrc wt byr sfindb aor tasofstth eprton a m ena rpisn o lon.. mM, iamw.e mm potions conuhie ecyciod. hWuyrefuseWindfWagoncy muet realtoo re- abeag=ah a is reryig r=l.as11-ocf muoipai wseust emib. noamcla suceosaeparatinaoas oaeamlde ta Ml( amry m sd taILP A"us.5sd illaeing provod noueiW altos. fuseola tutons hts . or ChO% sadW i epoWa toiot l i doe d rlrty, and litlaW vsry envomnleas. Uaspala m any tow ns am d cules in H . i nr n t ait du t "Y ou c en t sali a , cf ~ta eU n itedBlate . D r. Parrct i ld d the . ion ola currn y Wi du hlgh on M y liai f p ar' itide s s ~ o m n e a r . a r due United Slates. not tidshaeb onuse vanta i. shol mdd hsw dut d ~ p titrygradumnvirn- "Inofoni" cftaheI." vase; malsg s ebus 10, forrsouhce Two enperts induh field made in tae Unitd "You have W usder- mechanirlfrma of ~n~nt iS u'-pslaip~ e of source Roarteaos, shileadmttediy atan dut a. reycldiniagnd t S norrangin h eovrbt;adoaig almUala biixibttiotio-cus tai hvease ho ~ sit r ecy cl o u or racai : W-d iloitho tari S U caiz f scureasepiration W sesl uoaesrh1f1111a, h ml.