US 7h. C.inidtaisChuiiiatai. Wid~, Nov, 19, 1180 vry word la crucial court reporter xplaln# In desc4bhU work ~ i-aima flan ulfi 12 ailier memaui aimietirtil mut, bib I "~ pompai aiMa bas. pUeetiluitei g ta iii' ~;~<;;;ei~~ haartom. se lise Proatini aRia R mi fiai dl typiig - ssrsmm z- - igitali ta liluli achiai. agitait ta court. W. stan-uAl if tasilsu ipeabtal if id I fltab Un joli fa coarmu ta meitcil id ellmlaitlil mai us. mmi oeuf riepieteri. speeda if liii mpm min a "'l'isi qaitino ai 'lic net ie yau are eseryie dame--aUail i maa mbruma s yO- n a wini eateif tic iame ime. tu tcreise ler pesd an cormt la gil debate amaong friendi, "It terrifiei me that I I figal icui oT"sem imagine trymg 10ueord miss smetiiil." admnit DOing the mrning lame cases, naae-ad for Connue, 'iecaufe if the reca ahe as informeif are more inter£ wad-mlit fley're case la appee t h.e U $mii »ashitrigio Ura s w18 hle p ledr a bandrprau tdyad f lut are " rts jýmis mbid f mi w a presfly the &çmivfiB iefW tr4aior Mi aocmidbig ta Crtaie nild in court.'* lier fie sppmtitfy of in the media Mia i f M11 itncomt A gpiaf del f1lgai ifficialy rpii l a at fibeciai rqumifeci fhe civil , had«utmi cmt" mi ot iii "t mabofi dvision of the CoutY mfo md" leauaCeMitriiehalhl.à hid lnirlai Cort fr fie Judic ldue ait a Uniejob ricILla"About lba& ai am rt' ac Dirt fifyork ilany ai er. Si Cihue, hami liter, fith e canons. Eau Tirita ii br obaRa a un ior rir, aMWdme fi read bckmrdes don'l Riffl ifi about 3l0almi.yo lia aback-upi part cif t fhe ull.Ifatmc. ither court rertir tape recordeiriaSdy oialy dlii" iU a cas empfiyed liy tUn Dtari o huo mimifhil Pve maifhla fifi, ltiflcourt Attiroey.tleiiralm ltechnicifla g10101 fi h. Cre Coai tiad l mri 1 anVIf office, fi record everil dtcuie. onmai ClandiTCat ad miera f ipiben mmdintacourt- Court l crtria insulaielocdilTeuiaifaid r"fing niams " Ers tfe hae fie riglifta stp Hcrmtal ad civl te. otetifl as proainc. "eu tustimonil if iiy time, m a ieoorfe eietra simene umbholhia If repst id. itenograpi acie ia Uihans uonrlitulieainhfie A fitil ugi ae tce saubetall standard, bacbiofUtherom, you cao SYMPatlietie ta fie frai about lia taUM PmrY Ma nsem h.fat iiioughi" ita-eainoutaed by mrda a mi-tUfl irly dii ah. ayi aiot even i f reportira, aid mii otesi Court isully ciee Then ta taa ber Steiogralds shirt- teatise oni feir a in thfe mrita unfil fie laid macline, whmhbliliaf-flif e la almiYi lich mua inta Cartaie rensa, agin allies ler tfi mrtete fie mlu"peidita" mlhimustirrve efaru9.30ta mtin".Att if apeeda if miii at show dae, ih. check tiehe t a m u day' Cortn 25o mpm aid leYoid. admiti. mhch c' a s ase u bound, date Itfigltai attai' A reiirte's accuricy aaalged. "I h.ckmffland unisua h iraldmht datin & iosten teited w- - u«i ml*.a my sp-Vicatam thfe riqueif id, 0 debafe aming fresd. fI aeaos tstimny hmfl emin and tlit'a about for ieei Y' a csurt of laie lsmiar,lCriad bocbthfe court. itl'in Fpr eft lm imy Ifshita ai e maywrd 'mnti. 'Ibisa lappeiid ta Crtaie ime lim,"mli upl=m.tramscrptc ciortrporters are m ber airy firt day if A curt caue iolat pocednl important becaime if marjk. fise minutais mi Un about $2.50 teeftmny tisnt recrda, If as erly test Maty, maiUis. Eier ay, page, for wi how cii a jugmnt h. jai str Criaie Cartaie met h. puaieft one-lamyei mae," Cori as. grdiatid frmm flari i i t uintaecfienhts. Anc But mUnI about trying EoeCouls UW. t scitai. Woring geaba ta acciatelY record a ya oute iirtleaiai tit un- pckit. " Croien Attorneyl sboofing ltenogrphicf prtgram cima, ltemeeend about $1,5« damaisof queili at a in Toronto. limiehif or ta rare bt ait faeu aif l mitteia, a dfeci hitant ta tetfbr unlieard if. predicts famymi escitedly ap- nely-acqirid ab in ta "oua caf Platn masai pealtng fi the juige , aid fie ceai orfd, Crtosnie aiy scal esenti yer as aia a judge fryng to alci m ad aagid ta oit ta during theimeeb, hicaumi But ti vat m nm« hn oploys more Uhn 2US Ai îee-lance reportera pi maiing tise profesalou a oc viabli caree for thls lai lUt fame. Il ecia eaa ait itriaveling, Pb sun liali ae univulabli. ci eGafO % mUte n ramIf aa Cri. myat irettgf oas, workiotg mi fi fgal tecminology, Latta, elt-knawn jodgeo andf court pcacednreo andf *Mer, lh. 'y". Une maibnof trainng cnrn.e m intaa ritgithfe courtnom" fe ln o A h e murct seaita copna i Sane rpii hecbed cal ofler GeorgeBrown aima copiais bef m'a ffiri a oa&,e-y rComm enrehiing if fie Cillegi. Iepictial f Itiatnuab mank atflched ta n tspe recorder. Iteantiali cepittal t a rewfiau? iem - aid fa" UfRi aitillma euta fieý mdlmaai - ~ wbr u arfliid suber beenundiifor idi. lime omati, bamaefè, automation in aone îlot lih ein asbedflor yearo, but me sfM1cuiUi fi tari Coufrt epoti," ways Tom iera. ripoai milema," iddsl CneaIM. At teait ait it fie Moment. ils. eaf cause.e restiuig flan aMy uluone -,St- wminived: lie in bei I m affctme te a falnly tang Cartie sa chaste ighâmchas, as lanalfi ai ine aime m mou mcb ta court eaftmistai anfr about 2 s'as natues 'r td aid fila a traasrlt magt be ?Up of the matir p fieeu fi 10 ai ortltni hSe airmt jodlai i 1,1 Uite mad S0i taniseri glit maiUis Cocinne, mi ltber 113,5W ,tarttn alami typtag tri charges tfi fie jary:fua jagit. lamyers' em =asm a tOandfteir re sddriases ta tise jury-fiua smitimia tedios, via fcutitg mrk. If set cort Ilhraria ta erait c ai exact quota front a nu bétiliMM i teri tmorai. onidi combi asout finluaipaec 1fori pamumanad pi- l tuaf i mitabses, mioi iiardbtal fer th. apell i9 if0 mme obicure ord mi IN t place itaoau if aumeros Pl j rifeceice boba ahi h-ia i beau frcid ta ac- e 1. nmulite. 1"t apend aboutB 1 0 liere a eilidolng a traiicritfaOn tapîtO myU 0 datfy epmritng dutia,"h 'a sh sayi.' ,a Aflir ftie Y.aro ,d ixperimici aid s-t' ,, cmufi cainptetfin ift t exm acindstted by tUn Chuatmei llirthid ia Reporters' Aiation' re Coritm iii qualtfy -a s la Carted Slothadid ai Reporter (111), ,là mabiagler toaapply ftac ad a jobmtitle Sliie- er amaingly-woeie de reorer eremit ynoe uila vea > a mmninta efiefeld r. tay," neaY Canne, mi« mowocs Ot fan of- 4 wu pariat Seiate Un c lier a could1 fi qui] SU?- aUone' aupan stria.l fiera partiu adds Maie Repi the clii Hlton handing back $90,000 le adcompmieis pf i,10 u icaice t i ie imionstir Me uouair r iser n§~mii. Liui onrt imama' mi bs ssico base Th"danattiiii tai .bu baeu uneiaragi. msItaien BYintnd t in . ne lvngt Mt le iaiiEtUn amamoe te companietaWpayo $»,M b-1 t cdnnw ta itheif mm etutalpau e~aldat<r m" ihfomeagli t oh.y ae saitbae - mabr 0 un priteuffr awM àaeaiir irsa t1bd p f mnltpl ai tunbae rcbbjeaiteW HeU o ube h.b primofud fi a sewers. patd," Mr. Farmer said. Ti qualifil for a ribite flUigh regMiaipelle? Uni reporter. Prom ReglulCouidI mada Hieatlaiited t1 hUe eldaiti met ait!d thiy hal ta put a hi, needahWtir 11E fç dctiaiWieâdayel cemimd b $Iing-ta fie ceglai tSeaM ito tih.aptiai' lfy for a job Inte Un ai ce from HRaltiai a sm .mai if MMth ed fie pyar. iecaldi1 so court ytim. semr cte ciailtei $0,M aW aidiiain M ~r. Fumaer aMdtUndo"' hiiai" Im mre fise mlic lcli la --niai-uSdrebatai ta people mhi atson my staff fie Pony if fsidid the Lttaimes sur-do e"naya Cortnn'a trtsai" sho.ahd charge system, i mLaut t ngs de atai, Bilbitolta. =mItidit;1iai"piudt iae«beoftdflfrofiIL .A Mai dita a aW" iod bed aid ai ihind' you'ci a priai Whi ceinaiiffi fai- peopt m h hi"tampeaciy" s ieifted adcar. ms for icelleace, ctgi feamr m era asellabte ftahm i f a MliticeglOm i liste Unletter, uns eare aiayop hc.iytm" but dtd ait maif ta ra mkb» one mi uduldiGoiiaa ird ities inftitaflil, "Omliifiiut .coniectsi, mi chinai dupuaisal.celonl rima=b Tom arin h.tag lieale fif tn" fi.iipay IM.lfrlyu ommu"nt ot aid clses!idup iagir of Ca imttflcourar btt~aurer olatti f TwnUn bile te me».'flue wmaigo ortiag Servicus fsr ; i&tyTeium i tgitirnBýw de par te tBMltai Pubic ach If faib lsdayi. Attrney'General. Dia Farmer. are 124 homeimUri ait Wrb Cimamitte min Coumohiar BlU Jomiai hy dii Crtne He adiid, himesir, bobed up ta22i pa etha Ut Tremailie liaireamteuy oue fer ose court moprdlai fathsUnheceginta ait yet Mwei i idUneigm d ac the former Mii- ceidaidaimperacaiglif aier' ,I atid amexeaitly hlui iitfado ta aaurlls tofi Bickcbyard wm i ud ta h. cliargud aid ifti gmri fiai ialtan rcufienti mbe slnd ouf bom maiy I i ihdehritiincluitg ai brouajat ta cmii.